diff --git a/source/include/StringLine.hxx b/source/include/StringLine.hxx
deleted file mode 100755
index aaac1fb539e95c6346ff63a1535bfe2248f6bedf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/include/StringLine.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _STRINGLINE_
-#define _STRINGLINE_
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype>
-using namespace std;
- \file
- \brief Header file for StingLine class. 
-//! Class extracting fields from a string / line.
- The aim of this class is to provide tools to extract fields ("word") from
- a string and convert a string in Upper/Lower case. 
- All methods are static so that it is not necessary to create object to use them
- example:
- \code
- string line = "The temperature is : 300.6 K";
- int start;
- 1st method: creation of StringLine
- start = 0;
- StringLine SL;
- string the = SL.NextWord(line,start);
- string temperature_is = SL.NextWord(line,start,':');
- string colon = SL.NextWord(line,start);
- double T = atof(SL.NextWord(line,start).c_str());
- cout << the << endl << temperature_is << endl << T << endl;
- 2nd method: "using" the static methods
- start = 0;
- the = StringLine::NextWord(line,start);
- temperature_is = StringLine::NextWord(line,start,':');
- colon = StringLine::NextWord(line,start);
- T = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line,start).c_str());
- cout << the << endl << temperature_is << endl << T << endl;
- \endcode
- @author PTO
- @version 0.1
-class StringLine
- public:
-	//! Find the next word in a line.
-	/*!
-	 Find Next word in a line starting from position "start" in the line. If an alternative
-	 separator is given, the word length is defined by the first position of sep or alt_sep found.
-	 The first value of start is in general 0 (i.e. the beginning of the Line)
-	 \param Line : a line containing words
-	 \param start : from where to start to find the begining of a word
-	 \param sep : the separator between 2 words (default = space)
-	 \param alt_sep : the alternative separator between 2 words (default = '')
-	*/
-	static string NextWord(string Line,int &start,char sep = ' ', char alt_sep = '\0');
-	//! Find the previous word in a line.
-	/*!
-	 Find Previous word in a line starting from position "start" in the line. If an alternative
-	 separator is given, the word length is defined by the first position of sep or alt_sep found.
-	 The first value of start is in general the end of the Line.
-	 \param Line : a line containing words
-	 \param start : from where to start to find the begining of a word
-	 \param sep : the separator between 2 words (default = space)
-	 \param alt_sep : the alternative separator between 2 words (default = '')
-	*/
-	static string PreviousWord(string Line,int &start,char sep = ' ', char alt_sep = '\0');
- 	static void ToLower(string &Line); //!< convert a string to Lower case
- 	static void ToUpper(string &Line); //!< convert a string to Upper case
-	//! Find \p search in \p Line from the begining.
-	/*!
-	 returns the position, starting from the begenning of the first occurence 
-	 of \p search in \p Line if it is found, else returns -1 
-	 \param search : a string to find
-	 \param Line : where to search
-	*/
-	static int Find(const char *search,string Line);
-	//! Find \p search in \p Line from the end.
-	/*!
-	 returns the position, starting from the end of the first occurence 
-	 of \p search in \p Line if it is found, else returns -1 
-	 \param search : a string to find
-	 \param Line : where to search
-	*/
-	static int rFind(const char *search,string Line);
-	 //! convert a input type (\p in_T) to another (\p out_T).
-	/*!
-	 Example: 	
-	 \code
-	 string s = "32.12";
-	 double t = StringLine::convert<double>(s);
-	 string temperature = StringLine::convert<string>(300.);
-	 \endcode
-	 \param t : the input value
-	*/
-	template <class out_T, class in_T> static  out_T convert(const in_T & t);
-	 //! try to convert a string to a number.
-	/*!
-	 Example: 	
-	 \code
-	 string s = "32.12";
-	 double d;
-	 if(StringLine::ToNumber(d,s,std::dec))
-	 	cout << "double = " << d << endl;
-	 string hexanum = "ff";
-	 int i;
-	 if(StringLine::ToNumber(i,hexanum,std::hex))
-	 	cout << "int = " << i << endl;
-	 \endcode
-	 \param s : the input string
-	 \param t : the output value
-	 \param f : string format (ie hex, dec, oct)
-	*/
-	template <class T> static bool ToNumber(T& t, const std::string& s, std::ios_base& (*f)(std::ios_base&))
-	{
- 	 if(s.size() == 0) return true;
-	 std::istringstream iss(s);
- 	 return !(iss >> f >> t).fail();
-	}
-	//! Find the start of a word in a line.
-	/*!
-	 \param Line : a line containing words
-	 \param CurrentPosition : from where to start to find the begining of a word
-	 \param sep : the separator between 2 words (default = space)
-	 \param alt_sep : the alternative separator between 2 words (default = '')
-	*/
- 	static int GetStartWord(string Line,int CurrentPosition,char sep = ' ', char alt_sep = '\0');
-	//! Find the end of a word in a line.
-	/*!
-	 \param Line : a line containing words
-	 \param CurrentPosition : from where to start to find the end of a word
-	 \param sep : the separator between 2 words (default = space)
-	 \param alt_sep : the alternative separator between 2 words (default = '')
-	*/
-	static int GetEndWord(string Line,int CurrentPosition,char sep = ' ', char alt_sep = '\0');
-	//! Replace a sub-string by an other in a string.
-	/*!
-	 \param InLine : the string  which contains the sub-string to replace
-	 \param ToReplace : the sub-string to replace
-	 \param By : the sub-string  ToReplace is replaced by the sub-string By in Inline
-	*/
-	static string ReplaceAll(string InLine, string ToReplace, string By);
-	static bool IsDouble(const std::string& s);
-inline string StringLine::NextWord(string Line,int &start,char sep, char alt_sep)
-	string Word = "";
-	if(start>= int(Line.size())) 
-	{
-		return Word;
-	}
-	start = GetStartWord(Line,start,sep,alt_sep);
-	int wordlength = GetEndWord(Line,start,sep,alt_sep)-start;
-	Word = Line.substr(start,wordlength);
-	start+= wordlength;
-	return Word;
-inline string StringLine::PreviousWord(string Line,int &start,char sep, char alt_sep)
-	string Word = "";
-	if(start<= 0) 
-	{
-		return Word;
-	}
-	int pos = Line.rfind(sep,start);
-	int alt_pos = -1;
-	int real_pos = pos;
-	char real_sep = sep;
-	if(alt_sep != '\0')
-	{
-		alt_pos = Line.rfind(alt_sep,start);
-		real_pos = max(pos,alt_pos);
-		if(real_pos != pos)
-			real_sep = alt_sep;
-	}
-	int wordlength = start-Line.rfind(real_sep,real_pos);
-	if(real_pos<= 0)
-	{
-		Word = Line.substr(0,start+1);
-		start = 0;
-		return Word;
-	}
-	Word = Line.substr(real_pos+1,wordlength);
-	start-= wordlength+1;
-	return Word;
-inline void StringLine::ToLower(string &Line)
-	transform (Line.begin(), Line.end(),	// source
-				Line.begin(),				// destination
-				(int(*)(int))tolower);		// operation
-inline void StringLine::ToUpper(string &Line)
-	transform (Line.begin(), Line.end(),	// source
-				Line.begin(),				// destination
-				(int(*)(int))toupper);		// operation
-inline int StringLine::GetStartWord(string Line,int CurrentPosition,char sep, char alt_sep)
-	int pos = Line.find(sep,CurrentPosition);
-	int alt_pos = -1;
-	if(alt_sep != '\0')
-		alt_pos = Line.find(alt_sep,CurrentPosition);
-	int real_pos = pos;
-	char real_sep = sep;
-	if(alt_pos>= 0)
-	{
-		real_pos = min(pos,alt_pos);
-		if(pos == int(string::npos))real_pos = alt_pos;
-		if(real_pos != pos)
-			real_sep = alt_sep;
-	}
-	if(real_pos == int(string::npos)) return CurrentPosition;
-	while(CurrentPosition<int(Line.size()) && Line[CurrentPosition] == real_sep)
-		CurrentPosition++;
-	return CurrentPosition;
-inline int StringLine::GetEndWord(string Line,int CurrentPosition,char sep, char alt_sep)
-	int pos = Line.find(sep,CurrentPosition);
-	int alt_pos = -1;
-	if(alt_sep != '\0')
-		alt_pos = Line.find(alt_sep,CurrentPosition);
-	int real_pos = pos;
-	if(alt_pos>= 0)
-	{
-		real_pos = min(pos,alt_pos);
-		if(pos == int(string::npos))real_pos = alt_pos;
-	}
-	if(real_pos == int(string::npos))
-		return Line.size();
-	return real_pos;
-inline int StringLine::Find(const char *search,string Line)
-	size_t Pos = Line.find(search);
-	if(Pos != string::npos ) return Pos;
-	return -1;
-inline int StringLine::rFind(const char *search,string Line)
-	size_t Pos = Line.rfind(search);
-	if(Pos != string::npos) return Pos;
-	return -1;
-template <class out_T, class in_T>
-inline out_T StringLine::convert(const in_T & t)
-	stringstream stream;
-	stream << t; 		// insert value to stream
-	out_T result; 		// store conversion's result here
- 	stream >> result; 	// write value to result
-	return result;
-inline string StringLine::ReplaceAll(string InLine, string ToReplace, string By)
-	int start = 0;
-	int pos = InLine.find(ToReplace,start);
-	while(pos != int(string::npos))
-	{
-		InLine.replace(pos,ToReplace.size(),By);
-		start = 0;
-		pos = InLine.find(ToReplace,start);
-	}
-	return InLine;
-inline bool StringLine::IsDouble(const std::string& s)
-	std::istringstream i(s);
-	double temp;
-	return ( (i >> temp) ? true : false );