#include "EquivalenceModel.hxx"
#include "EQ_OneParameter.hxx"
#include "StringLine.hxx"
#include "CLASSMethod.hxx"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>

#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TMVA/Reader.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#include "TMVA/MethodCuts.h"

#include "CLASSReader.hxx"

EQ_OneParameter::EQ_OneParameter(string TMVAXMLFilePath, string TMVANFOFilePath): EquivalenceModel(new CLASSLogger("EQ_OneParameter.log"))
    fUseTMVAPredictor = true;

    fMaxIterration  = 500;
    fPCMprecision  = 10;

    fTMVAXMLFilePath = TMVAXMLFilePath;
    fTMVANFOFilePath = TMVANFOFilePath;

    fDBRType = "";
    fDBFType = "";
    fSpecificPower = 0;
    fMaximalBU = 0;
    fTargetParameter = "";
    fTargetParameterStDev = 0;
    fBuffer = "";
    fPredictorType = "";
    fOutput = "";

    LoadKeyword();  // Load Key words defineds in NFO file
    ReadNFO();      //Getting information from file NFO

    //Check if any information is missing in NFO file
    if (fZAILimits.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_zail in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBRType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_reactor in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBFType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_fuel in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fSpecificPower) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_specpower in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fMaximalBU) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_maxburnup in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.empty() || fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_massfractionmin and/or k_massfractionmax in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamList.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_list in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1); }
    if (fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_zainame in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fTargetParameter.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_targetparameter in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fTargetParameterStDev) { ERROR << "Missing information for fTargetParameterStDev in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fModelParameter.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_modelparameter in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fBuffer.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_buffer in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fPredictorType.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_predictortype in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fOutput.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_output in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}

    INFO << "__An equivalence model has been define__" << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA weights file is :" << fTMVAXMLFilePath << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA NFO file is :" << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl;

EQ_OneParameter::EQ_OneParameter(CLASSLogger* log, string TMVAXMLFilePath, string TMVANFOFilePath): EquivalenceModel(log)
    fUseTMVAPredictor = true;

    fMaxIterration  = 500;
    freaded                = false;
    fPCMprecision         = 10;

    fTMVAXMLFilePath = TMVAXMLFilePath;
    fTMVANFOFilePath = TMVANFOFilePath;

    fDBRType = "";
    fDBFType = "";
    fSpecificPower = 0;
    fMaximalBU = 0;
    fTargetParameter = "";
    fTargetParameterStDev = 0;
    fBuffer = "";
    fPredictorType = "";
    fOutput = "";

    LoadKeyword();  // Load Key words defineds in NFO file
    ReadNFO();      //Getting information from file NFO

    //Check if any information is missing in NFO file
    if (fZAILimits.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_zail in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBRType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_reactor in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBFType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_fuel in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fSpecificPower) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_specpower in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fMaximalBU) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_maxburnup in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.empty() || fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_massfractionmin and/or k_massfractionmax in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamList.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_list in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1); }
    if (fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_zainame in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fTargetParameter.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_targetparameter in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fTargetParameterStDev) { ERROR << "Missing information for fTargetParameterStDev in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fModelParameter.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_modelparameter in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fBuffer.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_buffer in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fPredictorType.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_predictortype in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fOutput.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_output in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}

    INFO << "__An equivalence model has been define__" << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA weights file is :" << fTMVAXMLFilePath << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA NFO file is :" << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl;
EQ_OneParameter::EQ_OneParameter(string TMVANFOFilePath): EquivalenceModel(new CLASSLogger("EQ_OneParameter.log"))
    fUseTMVAPredictor = false;

    fTMVANFOFilePath = TMVANFOFilePath;

    fDBRType = "";
    fDBFType = "";
    fSpecificPower = 0;
    fMaximalBU = 0;
    fTargetParameter = "";
    fTargetParameterStDev = 0;
    fBuffer = "";

    LoadKeyword();  // Load Key words defineds in NFO file
    ReadNFO();      //Getting information from file NFO

    //Check if any information is missing in NFO file
    if (fZAILimits.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_zail in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBRType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_reactor in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBFType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_fuel in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fSpecificPower) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_specpower in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fMaximalBU) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_maxburnup in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.empty() || fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_massfractionmin and/or k_massfractionmax in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamList.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_list in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1); }
    if (fBuffer.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_buffer in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}

    INFO << "__An equivalence model without TMVA data has been define__" << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe NFO file is :" << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl;
EQ_OneParameter::EQ_OneParameter(CLASSLogger* log, string TMVANFOFilePath): EquivalenceModel(log)
    fUseTMVAPredictor = false;

    fTMVANFOFilePath = TMVANFOFilePath;

    fDBRType = "";
    fDBFType = "";
    fSpecificPower = 0;
    fMaximalBU = 0;
    fBuffer = "";

    LoadKeyword();  // Load Key words defineds in NFO file
    ReadNFO();      //Getting information from file NFO

    //Check if any information is missing in NFO file
    if (fZAILimits.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_zail in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBRType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_reactor in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fDBFType.empty()) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_fuel in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fSpecificPower) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_specpower in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (!fMaximalBU) {ERROR << "Missing information for k_maxburnup in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.empty() || fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_massfractionmin and/or k_massfractionmax in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}
    if (fStreamList.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_list in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1); }
    if (fBuffer.empty()) { ERROR << "Missing information for k_buffer in : " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl; exit(1);}

    INFO << "__An equivalence model has been define__" << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA weights file is :" << fTMVAXMLFilePath << endl;
    INFO << "\tThe TMVA NFO file is :" << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl;

IsotopicVector EQ_OneParameter::BuildFuelToTest(map < string, vector<double> >& lambda, map < string , vector <IsotopicVector> > const& StreamArray, double HMMass, map <string, bool> StreamListIsBuffer)
    //Iterators declaration
    map < string , vector  <IsotopicVector> >::const_iterator it_s_vIV;
    map < string , bool >::iterator it_s_B;

    //Find the buffer and set its lambda to 0
    string BufferDenomination = "";
    for ( it_s_B = StreamListIsBuffer.begin();  it_s_B != StreamListIsBuffer.end(); it_s_B++)
        if ((*it_s_B ).second == true) { BufferDenomination = (*it_s_B).first; }

    for (int i = 0; i < lambda[BufferDenomination].size(); i++)
        lambda[BufferDenomination][i] = 0;

    //Build an IV with all materials besides buffer to get the total mass of others materials
    IsotopicVector IV;
    for ( it_s_vIV = StreamArray.begin();  it_s_vIV != StreamArray.end(); it_s_vIV++)
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)StreamArray.at( it_s_vIV->first ).size(); i++)
            IV  +=  lambda[(*it_s_vIV).first][i] * StreamArray.at( it_s_vIV->first )[i];

    //Calculate MassBuffer
    double MassBuffer = HMMass - IV.GetTotalMass() * 1e06;

    //Set buffer lambda according to MassBuffer
    ConvertMassToLambdaVector(BufferDenomination, lambda[BufferDenomination], MassBuffer, StreamArray.at(BufferDenomination));


    //Build fuel with all materials
    for ( it_s_vIV = StreamArray.begin();  it_s_vIV != StreamArray.end(); it_s_vIV++)
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)StreamArray.at( it_s_vIV->first ).size(); i++)
            IV  +=  lambda[(*it_s_vIV).first][i] * StreamArray.at( it_s_vIV->first )[i];
    return IV;


map <string , vector<double> > EQ_OneParameter::BuildFuel(double BurnUp, double HMMass, map < string , vector <IsotopicVector> > StreamArray,  map < string , double> StreamListFPMassFractionMin, map < string , double> StreamListFPMassFractionMax, map < int , string > StreamListPriority, map < string , bool> StreamListIsBuffer)

    HMMass *=  1e6; //Unit conversion : tons to gram

    map <string , vector<double> > lambda ; // map containing name of the list and associated vector of proportions taken from stocks
    //Iterators declaration
    map < string , vector  <IsotopicVector> >::iterator it_s_vIV;
    map < string , vector  <double> >::iterator it_s_vD;
    map < string , IsotopicVector >::iterator it_s_IV;
    map < string , double >::iterator it_s_D;
    map < int , string >::iterator it_i_s;

    // Initialize lambda to 0 //
    for ( it_s_vIV = StreamArray.begin();  it_s_vIV != StreamArray.end(); it_s_vIV++)
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)StreamArray[(*it_s_vIV).first].size(); i++)

    // Test if there is at least one stock available in each list, otherwise fuel is not built //
    bool BreakReturnLambda = false;
    for ( it_s_vIV = StreamArray.begin();  it_s_vIV != StreamArray.end(); it_s_vIV++)
        if (StreamArray[(*it_s_vIV).first].size() == 0)
            WARNING << " No stock available for stream : " << (*it_s_vIV).first << ".  Fuel not built." << endl;
            BreakReturnLambda = true;
    if (BreakReturnLambda) { return lambda;}

    // Check if the targeted burn-up is lower than maximum burn-up of model //
    if (BurnUp > fMaximalBU)
        ERROR << " Targeted burn-up is higher than maximum burn-up defined in NFO file..." << endl;
        ERROR << " Targeted burn-up : " << BurnUp << " GWd/t" << endl;
        ERROR << " Maximum burn-up : " << fMaximalBU << " GWd/t" << endl;

// Fissile fraction calculation is needed.
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor)
        // Check if EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVAXMLFilePath() and/or EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVANFOFilePath() have been defined
        if (fTMVAXMLFilePath.empty() || fTMVANFOFilePath.empty())
            ERROR << " TMVA XML and/or NFO File path are not defined..." << endl;
            ERROR << " You have to use EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVAXMLFilePath() and/or EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVANFOFilePath() methods." << endl;

        double TargetParameterValue = 0;

        for ( it_s_D = fModelParameter.begin();  it_s_D != fModelParameter.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (fModelParameter[(*it_s_D).first] == -1)
                ERROR << "Model parameter ( " << fModelParameter[(*it_s_D).first] << " ) value is not defined in the input." << endl;
                ERROR << "Use EqM->SetModelParameter( \" " << (*it_s_D).first << " \", value) to define it." << endl;

        if (fTargetParameter == "BurnUpMax") {TargetParameterValue  = BurnUp;}
        else if (fTargetParameter == "keffBOC") {TargetParameterValue = fModelParameter["keffBOC"];}
            ERROR << "Target parameter defined in InformationFile ( " << fTargetParameter << " ) doesn't exist." << endl;
            ERROR << "Possible target parameters for the moment are : " << endl;
            ERROR << " - BurnUpMax - Used for PWR" << endl;
            ERROR << " - keffBOC - Used for SFR" << endl;

        /// Search for the minimum and maximum fraction of each material in fuel ///
        map < string, double >   StreamListMassFractionMin ;
        map < string, double >   StreamListMassFractionMax ;
        for ( it_s_D = StreamListFPMassFractionMin.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListFPMassFractionMin.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] < fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first]) // if limits FP are lower than limits EqM
                ERROR << " User mass fraction min requirement is lower than the model mass fraction min for list  : " << (*it_s_D).first << endl;
                ERROR << " User mass fraction min requirement : " << StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                ERROR << " Model mass fraction min requirement : " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                StreamListMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] = StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first];

        for ( it_s_D = StreamListFPMassFractionMax.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListFPMassFractionMax.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (StreamListFPMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] > fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first]) // if limits FP are higher than limits EqM
                ERROR << " User mass fraction max requirement is higher than the model mass fraction max for list  : " << (*it_s_D).first << endl;
                ERROR << " User mass fraction max requirement : " << StreamListFPMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                ERROR << " Model mass fraction max requirement : " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] = StreamListFPMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first];


        //Calculate Total mass in stock for each stream and fill fTotalMassInStocks

        // Check if there is enough material in stock to satisfy mass fraction min //
        BreakReturnLambda = false;
        for ( it_s_D = StreamListMassFractionMin.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListMassFractionMin.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (fTotalMassInStocks[(*it_s_D).first] < HMMass * StreamListMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first])
                WARNING << " Not enough material  : " << (*it_s_D).first << " in stocks to reach the build fuel lower limit of " << StreamListMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] << " reactor mass.  Fuel not built." << endl;
                BreakReturnLambda = true;
        if (BreakReturnLambda) { return lambda;}

        // Check if there is enough material in stock to satisfy mass fraction max, if not mass fraction max is set to MassINStock/MassReactor//
        for ( it_s_D = StreamListMassFractionMax.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListMassFractionMax.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (fTotalMassInStocks[(*it_s_D).first] < HMMass * StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first])
                StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] = fTotalMassInStocks[(*it_s_D).first] / HMMass;
                WARNING << " Not enough material  : " << (*it_s_D).first << " in stocks to reach the build fuel higher limit of " << StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << " reactor mass. " << endl;
                WARNING << " Mass fraction max of material :  " << (*it_s_D).first << " is set to MassInStock/HMMassReactor : " << StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;

        //Check if TargetParameter is inside [TargetParameterMin, TargetParameterMax] associated to fraction Min et Max//

        map < string , double > MassMin;
        map < string , double > MassMax;

        map < string , double > TargetParameterMin;
        map < string , double > TargetParameterMax;

        IsotopicVector FuelToTest;

        bool TargetParameterIncluded = false;
        for ( it_i_s = StreamListPriority.begin();  it_i_s != StreamListPriority.end(); it_i_s++)
            //Calculate TargetParameterMin for each possibility : min1 ; max1 + min2 ;  max1 + max2 + min3 ....
            MassMin[(*it_i_s ).second]      =  HMMass * StreamListMassFractionMin[(*it_i_s).second];
            ConvertMassToLambdaVector((*it_i_s ).second, lambda[(*it_i_s ).second], MassMin[(*it_i_s ).second], StreamArray[(*it_i_s ).second]);
            FuelToTest              = BuildFuelToTest(lambda, StreamArray, HMMass, StreamListIsBuffer);
            FuelToTest              = FuelToTest / FuelToTest.GetSumOfAll();
            TargetParameterMin[(*it_i_s ).second] =  CalculateTargetParameter(FuelToTest, fTargetParameter);

            //Check is TargetParameterMin < TargetParameter
            if (TargetParameterMin[(*it_i_s ).second] > TargetParameterValue)
                if ((*it_i_s).first == 1) //Minimum of first material is too high
                    WARNING << "CRITICAL ! Minimum parameter value associated to the first priority material ( " << (*it_i_s ).second << " ) is higher than targeted parameter." << endl;
                    WARNING << "Targeted parameter : " << fTargetParameter << " = " << TargetParameterValue << endl;
                    WARNING << "Minimum parameter value : " << TargetParameterMin[(*it_i_s ).second] << endl;
                    WARNING << "Try to increase targeted parameter." << endl;
                    return lambda;
                else if ((*it_i_s).first > 1) //TargetParameter is located between max n-1 and min n
                    WARNING << "CRITICAL ! Targeted parameter value ( " << fTargetParameter << " ) is located between 2 materials. " << endl;
                    it_i_s --;
                    WARNING << fTargetParameter << " of max fraction of material : " << (*it_i_s).second << " ---> " << TargetParameterMax[(*it_i_s ).second] << endl;
                    it_i_s ++;
                    WARNING << fTargetParameter <<  " of min fraction of material : " << (*it_i_s ).second << " ---> " << TargetParameterMin[(*it_i_s ).second] << endl;
                    WARNING << "Targeted " << fTargetParameter << " : " << TargetParameterValue << endl;
                    WARNING << "Try to decrease mimimum fraction of : " << (*it_i_s ).second << endl;
                    return lambda;

            //Calculate TargetParameter max for each possibility : max1 ; max1 + max2 ;  max1 + max2 + max3 ....
            MassMax[(*it_i_s ).second]  =  HMMass * StreamListMassFractionMax[(*it_i_s).second];
            ConvertMassToLambdaVector((*it_i_s ).second, lambda[(*it_i_s ).second], MassMax[(*it_i_s ).second], StreamArray[(*it_i_s ).second]);
            FuelToTest          = BuildFuelToTest(lambda, StreamArray, HMMass, StreamListIsBuffer);
            FuelToTest          = FuelToTest / FuelToTest.GetSumOfAll();
            TargetParameterMax[(*it_i_s ).second]   =  CalculateTargetParameter(FuelToTest, fTargetParameter);

            if (TargetParameterMax[(*it_i_s ).second] >= TargetParameterValue)
                TargetParameterIncluded = true ;

        //Check if target parameter increases monotously with the material mass
        CheckTargetParameterConsistency(StreamListPriority, TargetParameterMin, TargetParameterMax);

        if (!TargetParameterIncluded)
            WARNING << "CRITICAL ! Maximum reachable " << fTargetParameter << " is lower than targeted " << fTargetParameter << ". " << endl;
            WARNING << "Targeted " << fTargetParameter << " = " << TargetParameterValue << endl;
            WARNING << "Maximum reachable " << fTargetParameter << " : " << TargetParameterMax[(*--StreamListPriority.end()).second] << endl;
            WARNING << "Try to increase maximum fraction of materials, or decrease " << fTargetParameter << " ." << endl;
            return lambda;

        //Search the TargetParameterValue location in the mass damain //
        string MaterialToSearch         = (*it_i_s ).second;
        double CalculatedTargetParameter    = TargetParameterMax[MaterialToSearch] ;   //Algo start with maximum point
        double MassToAdd            = MassMax[MaterialToSearch]; //Algo start with maximum point

        double LastMassMinus        = MassMin[MaterialToSearch]; //Used in bissection method
        double LastMassPlus         = MassMax[MaterialToSearch]; //Used in bissection method

        int count = 0;


        if (fDBFType == "MOX")
        cout<<"START ALGO -> BU, Mass   "<<BurnUp<<" "<<HMMass<<endl;
        double MassTest = MassMin[MaterialToSearch];
        cout<<MaterialToSearch<<" "<<MassMax[MaterialToSearch]<<" "<<MassMin[MaterialToSearch]<<" "<<endl;
            ConvertMassToLambdaVector(MaterialToSearch, lambda[MaterialToSearch], MassTest, StreamArray[MaterialToSearch]);
            FuelToTest          = BuildFuelToTest(lambda, StreamArray, HMMass, StreamListIsBuffer);
            FuelToTest          = FuelToTest/FuelToTest.GetSumOfAll();
            CalculatedTargetParameter   = CalculateTargetParameter(FuelToTest, fTargetParameter);

            cout<<"Lambda vector : "<<MaterialToSearch<<" - "; for(int i=0; i < (int)lambda[MaterialToSearch].size(); i++) cout<<lambda[MaterialToSearch][i]<<" ";

            MassTest += (MassMax[MaterialToSearch] - MassMin[MaterialToSearch])/100.;

            cout<<MassTest<<" "<<CalculatedTargetParameter<<endl;

        } while (MassTest <= MassMax[MaterialToSearch]);
        cout<<"STOP ALGO EXIT(1)..."<<endl; exit(1);

            if (count > fMaxIterration)
                ERROR << "CRITICAL ! Can't manage to predict fissile content\nHint : Try to decrease the precision on the target parameter using :\nYourEQ_OneParameter->SetTargetParameterStDev(Precision); " << endl;
                ERROR << "Targeted " << fTargetParameter << " : " << TargetParameterValue << endl;
                ERROR << "Last calculated " << fTargetParameter << " : " << CalculatedTargetParameter << endl;
                ERROR << "Last Fresh fuel normalized composition : " << endl;
                ERROR << FuelToTest.sPrint() << endl;

            if ( (CalculatedTargetParameter - TargetParameterValue) < 0 ) //Need to add more fissile material in fuel
                LastMassMinus = MassToAdd;
                MassToAdd   = MassToAdd + fabs(LastMassPlus - MassToAdd) / 2.;
            else if ( (CalculatedTargetParameter - TargetParameterValue) > 0) //Need to add less fissile material in fuel
                LastMassPlus    = MassToAdd;
                MassToAdd   = MassToAdd - fabs(LastMassMinus - MassToAdd) / 2.;
            ConvertMassToLambdaVector(MaterialToSearch, lambda[MaterialToSearch], MassToAdd, StreamArray[MaterialToSearch]);
            FuelToTest          = BuildFuelToTest(lambda, StreamArray, HMMass, StreamListIsBuffer);
            FuelToTest          = FuelToTest / FuelToTest.GetSumOfAll();
            CalculatedTargetParameter   = CalculateTargetParameter(FuelToTest, fTargetParameter);

            count ++;

        } while (fabs(TargetParameterValue - CalculatedTargetParameter) > GetTargetParameterStDev()*TargetParameterValue);
// Fissile fraction is imposed by the FP
// No need to use algo
// Simplified fuel building
        // Check if EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVANFOFilePath() have been defined
        if (fTMVANFOFilePath.empty())
            ERROR << " TMVA NFO File path is not defined..." << endl;
            ERROR << " You have to use EQ_OneParameter->SetTMVANFOFilePath() methods." << endl;

        /// Search for the  fraction of each material in fuel ///
        map < string, double >   StreamListMassFraction;
        for ( it_s_D = StreamListFPMassFractionMin.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListFPMassFractionMin.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] < fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first]) // if limits FP are lower than limits EqM
                ERROR << " User mass fraction requirement is lower than the model mass fraction min for list  : " << (*it_s_D).first << endl;
                ERROR << " User mass fraction requirement : " << StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                ERROR << " Model mass fraction min requirement : " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
            else if (StreamListFPMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] > fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first]) // if limits FP are higher than limits EqM
                ERROR << " User mass fraction requirement is higher than the model mass fraction max for list  : " << (*it_s_D).first << endl;
                ERROR << " User mass fraction requirement : " << StreamListFPMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                ERROR << " Model mass fraction max requirement : " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[(*it_s_D).first] << endl;
                StreamListMassFraction[(*it_s_D).first] = StreamListFPMassFractionMin[(*it_s_D).first]; // Because here, min = max

        //Calculate Total mass in stock for each stream and fill fTotalMassInStocks

        // Check if there is enough material in stock to satisfy requested mass fraction //
        BreakReturnLambda = false;
        for ( it_s_D = StreamListMassFraction.begin();  it_s_D != StreamListMassFraction.end(); it_s_D++)
            if (fTotalMassInStocks[(*it_s_D).first] < HMMass * StreamListMassFraction[(*it_s_D).first])
                WARNING << " Not enough material  : " << (*it_s_D).first << " in stocks to reach the build fuel limit of " << StreamListMassFraction[(*it_s_D).first] << " reactor mass.  Fuel not built." << endl;
                BreakReturnLambda = true;
        if (BreakReturnLambda) { return lambda;}

        IsotopicVector FuelToTest;
        // Build Fuel
        for ( it_i_s = StreamListPriority.begin();  it_i_s != StreamListPriority.end(); it_i_s++)
            ConvertMassToLambdaVector((*it_i_s).second, lambda[(*it_i_s).second], HMMass * StreamListMassFraction[(*it_i_s).second], StreamArray[(*it_i_s).second]);
            FuelToTest = BuildFuelToTest(lambda, StreamArray, HMMass, StreamListIsBuffer);

    //Final builded fuel
    IsotopicVector IVStream;
    for ( it_s_vD = lambda.begin();  it_s_vD != lambda.end(); it_s_vD++)
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)lambda[(*it_s_vD).first].size(); i++)
            IVStream += lambda[(*it_s_vD).first][i] * StreamArray[(*it_s_vD).first][i];

    //Check if BuildedFuel is in Model isotopic bounds

    for ( it_s_vD = lambda.begin();  it_s_vD != lambda.end(); it_s_vD++)
        DBGV( "Lambda vector : " << (*it_s_vD).first );

        for (int i = 0; i < (int)lambda[(*it_s_vD).first].size(); i++)

    return lambda;

TTree* EQ_OneParameter::CreateTMVAInputTree(IsotopicVector TheFreshfuel, double ThisTime)
    /******Create Input data tree to be interpreted by TMVA::Reader***/
    TTree*   InputTree = new TTree(fOutput.c_str(), fOutput.c_str());

    vector<float>   InputTMVA;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.size() ; i++)

    float Time = 0;

    IsotopicVector IVInputTMVA;
    map<ZAI , string >::iterator it_ZAI_s;
    int j = 0;

    for ( it_ZAI_s = fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.begin()  ; it_ZAI_s != fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.end() ; it_ZAI_s++)
        InputTree->Branch( ((*it_ZAI_s).second).c_str(), &InputTMVA[j], ((*it_ZAI_s).second + "/F").c_str());
        IVInputTMVA +=  ((*it_ZAI_s).first) * 1;

    if (ThisTime != -1)
        InputTree->Branch("Time" , &Time , "Time/F");

    IsotopicVector IVAccordingToUserInfoFile    = TheFreshfuel.GetThisComposition(IVInputTMVA);
    double Ntot                     = IVAccordingToUserInfoFile.GetSumOfAll();
    IVAccordingToUserInfoFile           = IVAccordingToUserInfoFile / Ntot;

    j = 0;

    for ( it_ZAI_s = fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.begin() ; it_ZAI_s != fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.end() ; it_ZAI_s++)
        InputTMVA[j] = IVAccordingToUserInfoFile.GetZAIIsotopicQuantity( (*it_ZAI_s).first ) ;

    Time = ThisTime;

    return InputTree;

void EQ_OneParameter::CheckTargetParameterConsistency(map < int , string > StreamListPriority, map < string , double >  TargetParameterMin, map < string , double > TargetParameterMax)
    map < int , string >::iterator it_i_s;

    //Loop on priority order to check if target parameter increases monotously with the material mass
    for ( it_i_s = StreamListPriority.begin();  it_i_s != StreamListPriority.end(); it_i_s++)
        double TargetParameterUp        = -1.0; //to be sure BUMin is > to BUmax even if BUmin is zero
        double TargetParameterDown      = 0.0;

        if (TargetParameterMin.find((*it_i_s).second) == TargetParameterMin.end())
            break; //if material is not in map, break the loop
        TargetParameterDown = TargetParameterMin[(*it_i_s).second];

        if (TargetParameterDown < 0.0 )
            ERROR << "Target parameter evolution should always be positive." << endl;
            ERROR << "TargetParameterDown = " << TargetParameterDown << " is negative " << endl;
            ERROR << "Check the evolution..." << endl;
        TargetParameterUp   = TargetParameterMax[(*it_i_s).second];

        if (TargetParameterDown > TargetParameterUp )
            ERROR << "Target parameter evolution as a function of material mass is not monotonous." << endl;
            ERROR << "TargetParameterDown = " << TargetParameterDown << " is greater than  TargetParameterUp = " << TargetParameterUp << endl;
            ERROR << "Check the evolution..." << endl;
double EQ_OneParameter::CalculateTargetParameter(IsotopicVector TheFuel, string TargetParameterName)
    double ParameterToCalculate = 0;
    if (TargetParameterName == "BurnUpMax") ParameterToCalculate   = CalculateBurnUpMax(TheFuel, fModelParameter);
    else if (TargetParameterName == "keffBOC") ParameterToCalculate    = CalculateKeffAtBOC(TheFuel);
        ERROR << "Target parameter defined in InformationFile ( " << TargetParameterName << " ) doesn't exist" << endl;
        ERROR << "Possible target parameters for the moment are : BurnUpMax and keffBOC." << endl;

    return ParameterToCalculate ;
double EQ_OneParameter::CalculateBurnUpMax(IsotopicVector TheFuel, map<string, double> ModelParameter)
    //With a dichotomy, the maximal irradiation time (TheFinalTime) is calculated
    //When average Kinf is very close (according "Precision") to the threshold
    //then the corresponding irradiation time is convert in burnup and returned
    //Algorithm initialization
    double KThreshold       = fModelParameter["kThreshold"];
    int NumberOfBatch       = (int)fModelParameter["NumberOfBatch"];
    double OldFinalTimeMinus    = 0;
    double MaximumBU        = fMaximalBU;
    double MinimumBU        = 0 ;
    double TheFinalTime         = BurnupToSecond((MaximumBU - MinimumBU) / 2.);
    double OldFinalTimePlus     = BurnupToSecond(MaximumBU);
    double k_av             = 0; //average kinf
    double OldPredictedk_av     = 0;

    CLASSReader * reader = new CLASSReader( fMapOfTMVAVariableNames );
    reader->AddVariable( "Time" );
    reader->BookMVA( "MLP method" , fTMVAXMLFilePath );

    for (int b = 0; b < NumberOfBatch; b++)
        float TheTime = (b + 1) * TheFinalTime / NumberOfBatch;

        TTree* InputTree = CreateTMVAInputTree(TheFuel, TheTime);
        reader->SetInputData( InputTree );

        OldPredictedk_av += reader->EvaluateRegression( "MLP method" )[0];

        delete InputTree;
    OldPredictedk_av /= NumberOfBatch;

    //Algorithm control
    int count = 0;
    int MaximumLoopCount = 500;
        if (count > MaximumLoopCount )
            ERROR << "CRITICAL ! Can't manage to predict burnup\nHint : Try to increase the precision on k effective using :\n YourEQM_MLP_Kinf->SetPCMPrecision(pcm); with pcm the precision in pcm (default 10) REDUCE IT\n If this message still appear mail to leniau@subatech.in2p3.fr\nor nicolas.thiolliere@subatech.in2p3.fr " << endl;

        if ( (OldPredictedk_av - KThreshold)  > 0) //The burnup can be increased
            OldFinalTimeMinus = TheFinalTime;
            TheFinalTime = TheFinalTime + fabs(OldFinalTimePlus - TheFinalTime) / 2.;

            if (SecondToBurnup(TheFinalTime) >= (MaximumBU - MaximumBU * GetTargetParameterStDev() ) )
            { delete reader; return MaximumBU; }

        else if ( (OldPredictedk_av - KThreshold)  < 0) //The burnup is too high
            OldFinalTimePlus = TheFinalTime;
            TheFinalTime = TheFinalTime - fabs(OldFinalTimeMinus - TheFinalTime) / 2.;
            if ( SecondToBurnup(TheFinalTime) < (MaximumBU - MinimumBU) / 2.*GetTargetParameterStDev() )
            { delete reader; return 0; }

        k_av = 0;
        for (int b = 0; b < NumberOfBatch; b++)
            float TheTime = (b + 1) * TheFinalTime / NumberOfBatch;
            TTree* InputTree = CreateTMVAInputTree(TheFuel, TheTime);
            reader->SetInputData( InputTree );

            k_av += reader->EvaluateRegression("MLP method")[0];

            delete InputTree;
        k_av /= NumberOfBatch;
        //cout<<SecondToBurnup(TheFinalTime)<<" ";
        OldPredictedk_av = k_av;
//std::clog << "-> " << k_av << "\t\t(" << count << ") \t [" << TheFinalTime << "]" << "\t" << OldPredictedk_av-KThreshold << "\t" << GetPCMPrecision() << std::endl;
    }   while ( fabs(OldPredictedk_av - KThreshold) > GetPCMPrecision() )  ;

    delete reader;
    return SecondToBurnup(TheFinalTime);

double  EQ_OneParameter::CalculateKeffAtBOC(IsotopicVector FreshFuel)
    CLASSReader * reader = new CLASSReader( fMapOfTMVAVariableNames );
    reader->BookMVA( "MLP method" , fTMVAXMLFilePath );

    TTree* InputTree = CreateTMVAInputTree(FreshFuel, -1) ;
    reader->SetInputData( InputTree );

    double keff =  reader->EvaluateRegression( "MLP method" )[0];

    delete InputTree;

    return keff;
void EQ_OneParameter::ReadNFO()
    ifstream NFO(fTMVANFOFilePath.c_str());

    if (!NFO)
        ERROR << "Can't find/open file " << fTMVANFOFilePath << endl;

        string line;
        getline(NFO, line);


    } while (!NFO.eof());

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadLine(string line)

    if (!freaded)
        int pos = 0;
        string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));

        map<string, EQOP_MthPtr>::iterator it = fKeyword.find(keyword);

        if (it != fKeyword.end())
            (this->*(it->second))( line );

        freaded = true;


    freaded = false;

void EQ_OneParameter::LoadKeyword()
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_zail",                & EQ_OneParameter::ReadZAIlimits)           );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_reactor",         & EQ_OneParameter::ReadType)            );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_fuel",                & EQ_OneParameter::ReadType)            );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_massfractionmin",     & EQ_OneParameter::ReadEqMinFraction)       );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_massfractionmax",     & EQ_OneParameter::ReadEqMaxFraction)       );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_list",                & EQ_OneParameter::ReadList)            );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_specpower",           & EQ_OneParameter::ReadSpecificPower)       );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_zainame",          & EQ_OneParameter::ReadZAIName)             );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_maxburnup",           & EQ_OneParameter::ReadMaxBurnUp)       );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_targetparameter",      & EQ_OneParameter::ReadTargetParameter)         );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_predictortype",        & EQ_OneParameter::ReadPredictorType)       );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_output",           & EQ_OneParameter::ReadOutput)              );
    fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_buffer",          & EQ_OneParameter::ReadBuffer)          );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_modelparameter",       & EQ_OneParameter::ReadModelParameter)          );
    if (fUseTMVAPredictor) fKeyword.insert( pair<string, EQOP_MthPtr>( "k_targetparameterstdev",     & EQ_OneParameter::ReadTargetParameterStDev)    );

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadType(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_fuel" && keyword != "k_reactor" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : " << keyword << " Not found !" << endl;
    if ( keyword ==  "k_fuel" )
        fDBFType = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');
    else if ( keyword ==  "k_reactor" )
        fDBRType = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadZAIlimits(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_zail" )  // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_zail\" not found !" << endl;

    int Z   = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int A   = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int I   = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());

    double downLimit    = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    double upLimit  = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());

    if (upLimit < downLimit)
        double tmp  = upLimit;
        upLimit     = downLimit;
        downLimit   = tmp;
    fZAILimits.insert(pair<ZAI, pair<double, double> >(ZAI(Z, A, I), pair<double, double>(downLimit, upLimit)));
void EQ_OneParameter::ReadList(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_list" )  // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_list\" not found !" << endl;
    string ListName = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');
    int Z       = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int A       = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int I       = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    double Q    = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    fStreamList[ListName].Add(Z, A, I, Q);

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadEqMinFraction(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_massfractionmin" )   // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_massfractionmin\" not found !" << endl;
    string ListName = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');
    double Q     = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[ListName] = Q;


void EQ_OneParameter::ReadEqMaxFraction(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_massfractionmax" )   // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_massfractionmax\" not found !" << endl;
    string ListName = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');
    double Q     = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[ListName] = Q;


void EQ_OneParameter::ReadSpecificPower(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_specpower")  // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_specpower\" Not found !" << endl;

    fSpecificPower = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadZAIName(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_zainame" )   // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_zainame\" not found !" << endl;

    int Z = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int A = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());
    int I  = atoi(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());

    string name = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

    fMapOfTMVAVariableNames.insert( pair<ZAI, string>( ZAI(Z, A, I), name ) );

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadMaxBurnUp(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_maxburnup" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_maxburnup\" not found !" << endl;

    fMaximalBU = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());


void EQ_OneParameter::ReadTargetParameter(const string &line)
    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_targetparameter" )   // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_targetparameter\" not found !" << endl;

    fTargetParameter = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');


void EQ_OneParameter::ReadPredictorType(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_predictortype" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_predictortype\" not found !" << endl;

    fPredictorType = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadOutput(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_output" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_output\" not found !" << endl;

    fOutput = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadBuffer(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_buffer" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_buffer\" not found !" << endl;

    fBuffer = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

void EQ_OneParameter::ReadModelParameter(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_modelparameter" ) // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_modelparameter\" not found !" << endl;

    keyword = StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ');

    fModelParameter[keyword] = -1;


void EQ_OneParameter::ReadTargetParameterStDev(const string &line)

    int pos = 0;
    string keyword = tlc(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' '));
    if ( keyword != "k_targetparameterstdev" )  // Check the keyword
        ERROR << " Bad keyword : \"k_targetparameterstdev\" not found !" << endl;

    fTargetParameterStDev = atof(StringLine::NextWord(line, pos, ' ').c_str());;


void EQ_OneParameter::PrintInfo()
    INFO << "Reactor Type : " << fDBRType << endl;
    INFO << "Fuel Type : " << fDBFType << endl;
    INFO << "Specific Power [W/g]: " << fSpecificPower << endl;

    map < string , IsotopicVector >::iterator it_s_IV;
    map < string , double >::iterator it_s_D;

    for (  it_s_IV = fStreamList.begin();   it_s_IV != fStreamList.end();  it_s_IV++)
        INFO << (* it_s_IV).first << "  (Z A I) :" << endl;
        map<ZAI , double >::iterator it1;
        map<ZAI , double > fMap1 = fStreamList[(* it_s_IV).first].GetIsotopicQuantity();
        for (it1 = fMap1.begin()  ; it1 != fMap1.end() ; it1++)
            INFO << (*it1).first.Z() << " " << (*it1).first.A() << " " << (*it1).first.I() << endl;
    INFO << "Minimum fraction in the fuel for each material : " << endl;
    for (  it_s_D = fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.begin();   it_s_D != fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin.end();  it_s_D++)
        INFO << (* it_s_D).first << " " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMin[(* it_s_D).first] << endl;

    INFO << "Maximum fraction in the fuel for each material : " << endl;
    for (  it_s_D = fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.begin();   it_s_D != fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax.end();  it_s_D++)
        INFO << (* it_s_D).first << " " << fStreamListEqMMassFractionMax[(* it_s_D).first] << endl;

    INFO << "ZAI limits (validity domain)[prop in fresh fuel] (Z A I min max) :" << endl;
    for (map< ZAI, pair<double, double> >::iterator Domain_it = fZAILimits.begin(); Domain_it != fZAILimits.end(); Domain_it++)
        double ThatZAIMin  = Domain_it->second.first;
        double ThatZAIMax  = Domain_it->second.second;
        int Z = Domain_it->first.Z();
        int A = Domain_it->first.A();
        int I = Domain_it->first.I();

        INFO << ThatZAIMin << " < ZAI (" << Z << " " << A << " " << I << ")" << " < " << ThatZAIMax << endl;
