# Use of Intel DevCloud Provided you have asked for an account ahead of time, on the [Intel Tiber Developer Cloud for oneAPI](https://devcloud.intel.com/oneapi/home/), and made the Intel recommended local ssh installation, that is how you may run the tests with `qsub`: ```sh ssh devcloud git clone https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/CodeursIntensifs/grayscott/GrayScottSyclSetup.git cd GrayScottSyclSetup/CheckOneApi # check CPU nodes qsub -l nodes=1:xeon:ppn=2 -d . intel.bash -F 1 # Check GPU nodes qsub -l nodes=1:gpu:ppn=2 -d . intel.bash -F 2 ``` One can check the status of current jobs with `qstat`, or `watch -n 1 qstat -n -1`, and remove them with `qdel <job_id>`. Additionally, if you source the script `env.bash`, you will be provided some shortcut and helper functions: ```sh # prepare the bash environment cd GrayScottSyclSetup source env.bash # check nodes cd CheckOneApi cpusub intel.bash 1 gpusub intel.bash 2 ``` The helper function `qclean` will remove all the output of the previous jobs you have submitted. Have a look at `intel.bash` to see the various compile/run steps, and optionally adapt it to your own needs.