# Work with VSCode and Apptainer Those images have been prepared by Pierre Aubert. They integrate a Visual Studio Code Server that let you edit the code with your local internet browser: - [for CPU only](docker://gitlab-registry.in2p3.fr/codeursintensifs/grayscott/grayscottsyclsetup/gray_scott_sycl_ubuntu_micromamba_code_server) (2.89 GiB). - [+ CUDA](docker://gitlab-registry.in2p3.fr/codeursintensifs/grayscott/grayscottsyclsetup/gray_scott_sycl_ubuntu_cuda_micromama_code_server) (5.29 GiB). Here are some dedicated instructions: - [work on your local computer](https://gray-scott-lecture-demo-cta-lapp-cours-ab680a08433fbc37f8ada3ea.pages.in2p3.fr/1-73.html). - [work on a remote server](https://gray-scott-lecture-demo-cta-lapp-cours-ab680a08433fbc37f8ada3ea.pages.in2p3.fr/2-178.html). BEWARE: - Due to lack of time, those configurations have been less tested than the others. - Those images includes a copy of this repository which is obsolete, and whatsoever do not include the pedagogical material which comes from other repositories. Ignore the copy in the image and make fresh new clones. ## Run on your local computer If you prefer to work on your own laptop, check this: ```sh apptainer pull docker://gitlab-registry.in2p3.fr/codeursintensifs/grayscott/grayscottsyclsetup/gray_scott_sycl_ubuntu_cuda_micromama_code_server apptainer run --writable-tmpfs gray_scott_sycl_ubuntu_cuda_micromama_code_server_latest.sif micromamba run code-server ``` This should run a Visual Studio Code server, which you can open in your browser. The output of the last command above gives you the url and where to find the password. ## Run on a remote server Just like above, but you must first connect ssh and option swhich will forward the port of the Visual Studio Code Server to your local computer. For example: ```sh ssh -L my-server-name ``` ## Check SYCL Once you have a Visual Studio Code Server running, a terminal, and a fresh clone of this repository, you can check the installation with commands similar to: ```sh # move to the top directory cd GrayScottSyclSetup/CheckOneApi # check CPU nodes sycl-ls ./intel.bash # give the list of available devices ./intel.bash 1 # check the results of device 1 # Check GPU nodes nvidia-smi ./cuda.bash # give the list of available devices ./cuda.bash 4 # give the list of available devices exit ```