diff --git a/docs/LuaSqlite.md b/docs/LuaSqlite.md
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-# Mongoose Lua Server Pages
-Pre-built Windows and Mac mongoose binaries support Lua Server Pages
-That means it is possible to write PHP-like scripts with mongoose
-using Lua programming language instead of PHP. Lua is known
-for it's speed and small size. Mongoose uses Lua version 5.2.3, the
-documentation for it can be found at
-[Lua 5.2 reference manual](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/).
-To create a Lua Page, make a file that is called `ANY_NAME.lp`. For example,
-`my_page.lp`. It is important to have a file
-name that ends up with `.lp`, cause this is the way mongoose recognises
-Lua Page file. The contents of the file, just like
-with PHP, is HTML with embedded Lua code. Lua code must be enclosed within
-`<?  ?>` blocks, and can appear anywhere on the page.
-Mongoose does not send HTTP headers for Lua pages. Therefore,
-every Lua Page must begin with HTTP status line and headers, like this:
-    <? mg.write('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n') ?>
-    <html><body>
-      <span>Today is:</span> <? mg.write(os.date("%A")) ?>
-    </body></html>
-Note that this example uses function `mg.write()`, which prints data to the
-web page. Using function `mg.write()` is the way to generate web content from
-inside Lua code. In addition to `mg.write()`, all standard library functions
-are accessible from the Lua code (please check reference manual for details).
-Information about the request is available via the `mg.request_info` object.
-I contains request method, all headers, etcetera. Please refer to
-`struct mg_request_info` definition in
-to see what is available via the `mg.request_info` object.
-Check out [prime_numbers.lp](https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose/blob/master/examples/lua/prime_numbers.lp) for some example.
-Mongoose exports the following to the Lua Server Page:
-    mg.write(str)     -- writes string to the client
-    mg.onerror(msg)   -- error handler, can be overridden
-    mg.request_info   -- a table with request information
-Using Lua scripting it is easy to emulate SSI functionality. For example,
-to include the content of another file, one can write:
-    <? mg.write(io.open('MY_FILE.TXT'):read('*all')) ?>
-To serve a Lua Page, mongoose creates Lua context. That context is used for
-all Lua blocks within the page. That means, all Lua blocks on the same page
-share the same context. If one block defines a variable, for example, that
-variable is visible in all following blocks.