<html> <head> <title>Print labels</title> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script> </head> <body> </body> <script> function request(address) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); /*xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { //if (xhr.readyState == 4) //alert("reponse = " + xhr.responseText); };*/ xhr.open("GET", ""+address, false); xhr.send(); return (xhr.responseText); }; function have_a_father(labels_tab, father_id) { /** * Search in labels_tab if there is a father of a child. * If it as father return his position else return -1. */ for (var i = 0; labels_tab[i]; i++) { if (labels_tab[i][0] == father_id) return (i); } return (-1); } function add_in_tab(tab, add, posi) { /** * Put add in tab[posi] without remove the previous value. */ var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < posi; i++) result[i] = tab[i]; result.push(add); for(var i = posi; tab[i]; i++) result.push(tab[i]); return(result); } function order_labels_list(labels_tab) { /** * Organise labels_tab in this order: * Before: [[DadA, ...], [DadB, ...], [ChildA, ...], [ChildA, ...]] * After : [[DadA, ...], [ChildA, ...], [ChildA, ...], [DadB, ...]] * Dad before his childs. It's for print labels in the order. * In the first loop we retrieve labels without father and in the * second we add their childs at their right. */ var labels_tab_final = []; var posi_father = -1; for (var i = 0; labels_tab[i]; i++) { if (!labels_tab[i][2]) labels_tab_final.push(labels_tab[i]); } for (var i = 0; labels_tab[i]; i++) { posi_father = -1; if (labels_tab[i][2]) { posi_father = have_a_father(labels_tab_final, labels_tab[i][2]); if (posi_father != -1) labels_tab_final = add_in_tab(labels_tab_final, labels_tab[i], posi_father + 1); } } return (labels_tab_final); } function create_tab_lvl_intent(labels_tab) { var result = []; var inter = 0; for (var i = 0; labels_tab[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0; labels_tab[j]; j++) { if (labels_tab[j][2] && labels_tab[i][0] == labels_tab[j][2]) inter++; } result.push(inter); inter = 0; } return (result); } function intent(labels_tab, tab_lvl_intent) { var result = labels_tab; //FAIRE LA FONCTION REVERSE ET C FINI !!! for (var i = 0; tab_lvl_intent[i]; i++) { if (lvl_intent[i] != 0) { labels_tab[i][1] = reverse(labels_tab[i][1]); for (var p = 0; p < tab_lvl_intent[p]; p++) labels_tab[i][1].push('\t'); labels_tab[i][1] = reverse(labels_tab[i][1]); } //demander si faire une copie d'une case d'un tableau geant //de modifier cette copie et de reasigner la copie a la case //du tavbleau en question est plus optie que de modifie labels_tab //case du tableau a chaques operations. } } var labels_tab = JSON.parse(request("get_datas/labels")) console.log(labels_tab); labels_tab = order_labels_list(labels_tab); console.log(labels_tab); var lvl_intent = create_tab_lvl_intent(labels_tab); console.log(lvl_intent); </script> </html>