From 2ead84a9d29629007c284deaa64d59061215d808 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cmv <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 16:47:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] modifs   cmv 9/8/02

 FitsIOServer/ | 12 ++++++++----
 FitsIOServer/  | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 FitsIOServer/fabtwriter.h   |  2 ++
 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/FitsIOServer/ b/FitsIOServer/
index 3c0bac3..34f1eeb 100644
--- a/FitsIOServer/
+++ b/FitsIOServer/
@@ -215,11 +215,14 @@ void FitsABTColRead::Init(const char* fname,const char* collabel,int colnum
  // Get column name back, tunit, tform
  char tunit[64], tform[64];
+ long repeat=0; double tscale=1., tzero=0.;
  int rc=0;
  if(HduType==BINARY_TBL) {
-   fits_get_bcolparms(FitsPtr,ColNum+1,labelcol,tunit,tform,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&sta);
+   fits_get_bcolparms(FitsPtr,ColNum+1,labelcol,tunit,tform
+                     ,&repeat,&tscale,&tzero,NULL,NULL,&sta);
  } else {
-   fits_get_acolparms(FitsPtr,ColNum+1,labelcol,NULL,tunit,tform,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&sta);
+   fits_get_acolparms(FitsPtr,ColNum+1,labelcol,&repeat,tunit,tform
+                     ,&tscale,&tzero,NULL,NULL,&sta);
  if(rc) {
    printerror(sta); Delete();
@@ -231,8 +234,9 @@ void FitsABTColRead::Init(const char* fname,const char* collabel,int colnum
    cout<<"FitsABTColRead::Init Num="<<ColNum<<" Label="<<ColLabel
-       <<" TypeCode="<<ColTypeCode
-       <<" TUnit="<<ColTUnit<<" TForm="<<ColTForm<<endl;
+       <<" TypeCode="<<ColTypeCode<<" TUnit="<<ColTUnit<<" TForm="<<ColTForm<<endl;
+ if(DbgLevel>1)
+   cout<<"      (repeat="<<repeat<<",tscale="<<tscale<<",tzero="<<tzero<<")"<<endl;
diff --git a/FitsIOServer/ b/FitsIOServer/
index 697c1be..be6c93c 100644
--- a/FitsIOServer/
+++ b/FitsIOServer/
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ void FitsABTWriter::createtbl(void)
-  Write a short data to FITS file.
+  Write a data to FITS file.
   \param col : column number [0,ncol[
   \param row : row number    [0,nrow[
   \param val : value to be written
@@ -305,6 +305,17 @@ void FitsABTWriter::createtbl(void)
        the cast is performed by the cfistio package.
+/*! Write signed char (1 Byte) data to FITS file (see below) */
+void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,int_1 val)
+  if(FirstTime) createtbl();
+  int sta=0;
+  if(fits_write_col(FitsPtr,TBYTE,col+1,row+1,1,1,&val,&sta))
+    printerrorwrite("char",col,row,sta);
+/*! Write short (2 Bytes) data to FITS file (see below) */
 void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,int_2 val)
   if(FirstTime) createtbl();
@@ -333,6 +344,17 @@ void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,int_4 val)
+/*! Write unsigned long (4 Bytes) data to FITS file (see below) */
+void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,uint_4 val)
+  if(FirstTime) createtbl();
+  int sta=0;
+  // Bug ou inconsistence cfitsio sur machine ou long=8Bytes ?
+  int T = (sizeof(unsigned long)==4) ? TULONG: TUINT;
+  if(fits_write_col(FitsPtr,T,col+1,row+1,1,1,&val,&sta))
+    printerrorwrite("long",col,row,sta);
 /*! Write long long (8 Bytes) data to FITS file (see below) */
 void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,int_8 val)
@@ -366,13 +388,14 @@ void FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,double val)
-  Write a vector of long data to FITS file.
+  Write a vector of data to FITS file.
   \param col : column number [0,ncol[
   \param row : starting row number    [0,nrow[
   \param val : vector to be written
   \return "N" = number of the next row to be written,
       that is "N-1" is the number of the last row written.
 /*! Write a vector of unsigned short (2 Bytes) data to FITS file (see below) */
 long FitsABTWriter::Write(int col,long row,TVector<uint_2>& val)
diff --git a/FitsIOServer/fabtwriter.h b/FitsIOServer/fabtwriter.h
index b955eda..5949358 100644
--- a/FitsIOServer/fabtwriter.h
+++ b/FitsIOServer/fabtwriter.h
@@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ public:
   //! Set debug level
   inline void SetDebug(int lp=0) {DbgLevel = (unsigned short) lp;}
+  void Write(int col,long row,int_1 val);
   void Write(int col,long row,int_2 val);
   void Write(int col,long row,uint_2 val);
   void Write(int col,long row,int_4 val);
+  void Write(int col,long row,uint_4 val);
   void Write(int col,long row,int_8 val);
   void Write(int col,long row,float val);
   void Write(int col,long row,double val);