#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "xastropack.h" // TEMPS: modified Julian date (mjd) (number of days elapsed since 1900 jan 0.5) // jour [1,31] (dy) // mois [1,12] (mn) // annee (yr) // universal time [0,23[ (utc) // Greenwich mean siderial [0,23[ (gst) // Greenwich mean siderial at 0h UT [0,23[ (gst0) // EQUATORIALE: ascension droite en heures [0,24[ (ra) // declinaison en degres [-90,90] (dec) // angle horaire en heures [-12,12] (-12=12) (ha) tsid=ha+ra // GALACTIQUE: longitude en degres [0,360[ (glng) // latitude en degres [-90,90] (glat) // HORIZONTAL: altitude en degres [-90,90] (alt) // azimuth en degres [0,360[ (az) // (angle round to the east from north+) // ECLIPTIQUE: latitude ecliptique en degres [-90,90] (eclat) // lontitude ecliptique en degres [0,360[ (eclng) // (angle round counter clockwise from the vernal equinoxe) // GEOGRAPHIE: latitude en degres [-90,90] (north>0) (geolat) // longitude en degres ]-180,180] (geolng) // (angle + vers l'ouest, - vers l'est) double TrueJDfrMJD(double mjd) { return mjd + MJD0; } double MJDfrTrueJD(double jd) { return jd - MJD0; } double MJDfrDate(double dy,int mn,int yr) { double mjd; cal_mjd(mn,dy,yr,&mjd); return mjd; } void DatefrMJD(double mjd,double *dy,int *mn,int *yr) { mjd_cal(mjd,mn,dy,yr); } /* given a mjd, return the year as a double. */ double YearfrMJD(double mjd) { double yr; mjd_year(mjd,&yr); return yr; } /* given a decimal year, return mjd */ double MJDfrYear(double yr) { double mjd; year_mjd(yr,&mjd); return mjd; } /* given a mjd, return the year and number of days since 00:00 Jan 1 */ /* Attention: si mjd = 2 Janvier -> number of days = 1 */ void YDfrMJD(double mjd,double *dy,int *yr) { mjd_dayno(mjd,yr,dy); } /* given a modified julian date, mjd, and a universally coordinated time, utc, * return greenwich mean siderial time, *gst. * N.B. mjd must be at the beginning of the day. */ double GSTfrUTC(double mjd0,double utc) { double gst; utc_gst(mjd0,utc,&gst) ; return gst; } /* given a modified julian date, mjd, and a greenwich mean siderial time, gst, * return universally coordinated time, *utc. * N.B. mjd must be at the beginning of the day. */ double UTCfrGST(double mjd0,double gst) { double utc; gst_utc(mjd0,gst,&utc); return utc; } /* gmst0() - return Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time at 0h UT */ /* mjd = date at 0h UT in julian days since MJD0 */ double GST0(double mjd0) /* Copie depuis le code de Xephem car pas prototype */ { double T, x; T = ((int)(mjd0 - 0.5) + 0.5 - J2000)/36525.0; x = 24110.54841 + (8640184.812866 + (0.093104 - 6.2e-6 * T) * T) * T; x /= 3600.0; range(&x, 24.0); return (x); } void Precess(double mjd1,double mjd2,double ra1,double dec1,double *ra2,double *dec2) { ra1 *= PI/12.; // radians dec1 *= PI/180.; // radians precess(mjd1,mjd2,&ra1,&dec1); *ra2 = ra1*12./PI; if(*ra2>24.) *ra2 -= 24.; if(*ra2==24.) *ra2 = 0.; *dec2 = dec1*180./PI; } /* given apparent altitude find airmass. */ double AirmassfrAlt(double alt) { double x; alt *= PI/180.; // radians airmass(alt,&x); return x; } /* donne l'angle horaire a partir du temps sideral et de l'ascension droite */ double HafrRaTS(double gst,double ra) { double ha = gst - ra; // Attention au probleme de la discontinuite 0h <==> 24h // ts=1 ra=23 ; (ts-ra)=-22 <-12 --> ha = +2 = +24 + (ts-ra) // ts=23 ra=1 ; (ts-ra)=+22 >+12 --> ha = -2 = -24 + (ts-ra) if(ha==-12.) ha = 12.; if(ha<-12.) ha += 24.; if(ha>12.) ha -= 24.; return ha; } void HMSfrHdec(double hd,int *h,int *mn,double *s) // INPUT: hd // OUTPUT: h mn s (h,mn,s >=< 0) // REMARQUE: si hd<0 alors h<0 ET mn<0 ET s<0 // EX: 12.51 -> h=12 mn=30 s=10 ; // -12.51 -> h=-12 mn=-30 s=-10 ; { int sgn=1; if(hd<0.) {sgn=-1; hd*=-1.;} *h = int(hd); *mn = int((hd-(double)(*h))*60.); *s = (hd - (double)(*h) - (double)(*mn)/60.)*3600.; // pb precision if(*s<0.) *s = 0.; if(*s>60. || *s==60.) {*s-=60.; *mn+=1;} // s=double attention comparaison if(*mn<0) *mn = 0; if(*mn>=60) {*mn-=60; *h+=1;} *h *= sgn; *mn *= sgn; *s *= (double)sgn; } double HdecfrHMS(int h,int mn,double s) // INPUT: h , mn , s (h,mn,s >=< 0) // RETURN: en heures decimales // REMARQUE: pour avoir hd=-12.51 <- h=-12 mn=-30 s=-10 { return ((double)h + (double)mn/60. + s/3600.); } string ToStringHMS(int h,int mn,double s) // INPUT: h , mn , s (h,mn,s >=< 0) // RETURN: string h:mn:s { double hd = HdecfrHMS(h,mn,s); // put in range HMSfrHdec(hd,&h,&mn,&s); char str[128]; if(hd<0.) sprintf(str,"-%d:%d:%.3f",-h,-mn,-s); else sprintf(str,"%d:%d:%.3f",h,mn,s); string dum = str; return dum; } string ToStringHdec(double hd) { int h,mn; double s; HMSfrHdec(hd,&h,&mn,&s); return ToStringHMS(h,mn,s); } void EqtoGal(double mjd,double ra,double dec, double *glng,double *glat) // Coordonnees equatoriales -> Coordonnees galactiques { ra *= PI/12.; // radians dec *= PI/180.; // radians eq_gal(mjd,ra,dec,glat,glng); // Vraiment bizarre, sur Linux-g++ glng>=360 ne comprend pas glng==360 ! (CMV) *glng *= 180./PI; if(*glng>360.) *glng -= 360.; if(*glng==360.) *glng = 0.; *glat *= 180./PI; } void GaltoEq(double mjd,double glng,double glat,double *ra,double *dec) // Coordonnees galactiques -> Coordonnees equatoriales { glng *= PI/180.; // radians glat *= PI/180.; // radians gal_eq (mjd,glat,glng,ra,dec); *ra *= 12./PI; if(*ra>24.) *ra -= 24.; if(*ra==24.) *ra = 0.; *dec *= 180./PI; } void EqtoHor(double geolat,double ha,double dec,double *az,double *alt) // Coordonnees equatoriales -> Coordonnees horizontales { geolat *= PI/180.; ha *= PI/12.; // radians dec *= PI/180.; // radians hadec_aa (geolat,ha,dec,alt,az); *alt *= 180./PI; *az *= 180./PI; if(*az>360.) *az -= 360.; if(*az==360.) *az = 0.; } void HortoEq(double geolat,double az,double alt,double *ha,double *dec) // Coordonnees horizontales -> Coordonnees equatoriales { geolat *= PI/180.; alt *= PI/180.; // radians az *= PI/180.; // radians aa_hadec (geolat,alt,az,ha,dec); *ha *= 12./PI; if(*ha==-12.) *ha = 12.; if(*ha<-12.) *ha += 24.; if(*ha>12.) *ha -= 24.; *dec *= 180./PI; } // Attention, j'ai modifie eq_ecl.c pour proteger NaN // dans ecleq_aux : // *q = (sy*ceps)-(cy*seps*sx*sw); // if(*q<-1.) *q = -PI/2.; else if(*q>1.) *q = PI/2.; else *q = asin(*q); void EqtoEcl(double mjd,double ra,double dec,double *eclng,double *eclat) // Coordonnees equatoriales -> Coordonnees ecliptiques { ra *= PI/12.; // radians dec *= PI/180.; // radians eq_ecl(mjd,ra,dec,eclat,eclng); *eclng *= 180./PI; if(*eclng>360.) *eclng -= 360.; if(*eclng==360.) *eclng = 0.; *eclat *= 180./PI; } void EcltoEq(double mjd,double eclng,double eclat,double *ra,double *dec) // Coordonnees ecliptiques -> Coordonnees equatoriales { eclat *= PI/180.; // radians eclng *= PI/180.; // radians ecl_eq(mjd,eclat,eclng,ra,dec); *ra *= 12./PI; if(*ra>24.) *ra -= 24.; if(*ra==24.) *ra = 0.; *dec *= 180./PI; } /* given the modified JD, mjd, return the true geocentric ecliptic longitude * of the sun for the mean equinox of the date, *lsn, in radians, the * sun-earth distance, *rsn, in AU, and the latitude *bsn, in radians * (since this is always <= 1.2 arcseconds, in can be neglected by * calling with bsn = NULL). */ void SunPos(double mjd,double *eclsn,double *ecbsn) { double rsn; sunpos(mjd,eclsn,&rsn,ecbsn); *eclsn *= 180./PI; if(*eclsn>360.) *eclsn -= 360.; if(*eclsn==360.) *eclsn = 0.; *ecbsn *= 180./PI; } /* given the mjd, find the geocentric ecliptic longitude, lam, and latitude, * bet, and geocentric distance, rho in a.u. for the moon. also return * the sun's mean anomaly, *msp, and the moon's mean anomaly, *mdp. * (for the mean equinox) */ void MoonPos(double mjd,double *eclmn,double *ecbmn) { double rho,msp,mdp; moon(mjd,eclmn,ecbmn,&rho,&msp,&mdp); *eclmn *= 180./PI; if(*eclmn>360.) *eclmn -= 360.; if(*eclmn==360.) *eclmn = 0.; *ecbmn *= 180./PI; } void PlanetPos(double mjd,int numplan,double *ecl,double *ecb,double *diamang) /* given a modified Julian date, mjd, and a planet, p, find: * lpd0: heliocentric longitude, * psi0: heliocentric latitude, * rp0: distance from the sun to the planet, * rho0: distance from the Earth to the planet, * none corrected for light time, ie, they are the true values for the * given instant. * lam: geocentric ecliptic longitude, * bet: geocentric ecliptic latitude, * each corrected for light time, ie, they are the apparent values as * seen from the center of the Earth for the given instant. * dia: angular diameter in arcsec at 1 AU, * mag: visual magnitude when 1 AU from sun and earth at 0 phase angle. * (for the mean equinox) */ { double lpd0,psi0,rp0,rho0,mag; plans(mjd,numplan,&lpd0,&psi0,&rp0,&rho0,ecl,ecb,diamang,&mag); *ecl *= 180./PI; if(*ecl>360.) *ecl -= 360.; if(*ecl==360.) *ecl = 0.; *ecb *= 180./PI; } void JupiterPos(double mjd,double *ecl,double *ecb,double *diamang) { PlanetPos(mjd,JUPITER,ecl,ecb,diamang); } void SaturnPos(double mjd,double *ecl,double *ecb,double *diamang) { PlanetPos(mjd,SATURN,ecl,ecb,diamang); }