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R Scripts for quick and simple visual files inspection to find remaining "U" & "K" flags data before a data release.
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Linkage Disequilibrium Corrected by the Structure and the Relatedness
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LETG / MetadatoR
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCe script R basé sur le package Geoflow permet, à partir de données raster au format GeoTiff et d'un CSV les décrivant, d'automatiser l'intégration des données dans Geoserver et la création des fiches métadonnées correspondantes dans GeoNetwork.
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MOSAIC-software / morse
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MOSAIC-software / morseDR
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTools for ecotoxicologists and regulators dedicated to the mathematical and statistical modelling of toxicity test data.Bayesian inference of binomial, count and quantitative continuous measurements of chemical toxicity.
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Tools for ecotoxicologists and regulators dedicated to the mathematical and statistical modelling of toxicity test data including both time and concentration dependence. Bayesian inference of toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models, such the General Unified Threshold model of Survival (GUTS) for binary data.
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