diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index 5172429f264de2441865cb4700216d4256da9242..0cb787fdbf3f6c348bf4f14ee5e65ece3976da46 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 1741f37a9d6e4231bb4a2228725037853314efa1..32c2e9bf7ed3ad8cf82ad0958793cbac33e96a06 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-add_library(NPExogam SHARED ExogamDetector.cxx ExogamData.cxx ExogamPhysics.cxx)
-target_link_libraries(NPExogam PUBLIC PUBLIC ROOT::RIO ROOT::Tree ROOT::Physics ROOT::Imt NPRoot nptool )
+add_library(NPZdd SHARED ZddDetector.cxx ZddData.cxx ZddPhysics.cxx)
+target_link_libraries(NPZdd PUBLIC PUBLIC ROOT::RIO ROOT::Tree ROOT::Physics ROOT::Imt NPRoot nptool )
-ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY(ExogamDict ExogamData.h ExogamPhysics.h LINKDEF Exogamlinkdef.hh MODULE NPExogam)
+ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY(ZddDict ZddData.h ZddPhysics.h LINKDEF Zddlinkdef.hh MODULE NPZdd)
diff --git a/src/ZddData.cxx b/src/ZddData.cxx
index b150fcae1d82c402007afa07a2a59d1bfb9aa7c5..39cf49d825f35a05e79910ae1d6933d00080ded4 100644
--- a/src/ZddData.cxx
+++ b/src/ZddData.cxx
@@ -1,13 +1,55 @@
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
-#include "ExogamData.h"
-exogam::ExogamData::ExogamData() {}
+#include "ZddData.h"
-exogam::ExogamData::~ExogamData() {}
+zdd::ZddData::ZddData() {}
-void exogam::ExogamData::Clear() {
+zdd::ZddData::~ZddData() {}
+void zdd::ZddData::Clear() {
+  fZDD_IC_E.clear();
+  fZDD_IC_N.clear();
+  fZDD_IC_TS.clear();
+  fZDD_PL_E.clear();
+  fZDD_PL_N.clear();
+  fZDD_PL_TS.clear();
+  fZDD_DC_E.clear();
+  fZDD_DC_N.clear();
+  fZDD_DC_TS.clear();
+  fZDD_EXO_E.clear();
+  fZDD_EXO_N.clear();
+  fZDD_EXO_TS.clear();
-void exogam::ExogamData::Dump() const {
+void zdd::ZddData::Dump() const {
+  // This method is very useful for debuging and worth the dev.
+  cout << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX New Event [TZDDData::Dump()] "
+       << endl;
+  cout << "ZDD_ICE Mult: " << fZDD_IC_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < fZDD_IC_E.size(); i++) {
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_IC_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_IC_E[i]
+         << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_IC_TS[i] << endl;
+  }
+  cout << "ZDD_PLE Mult: " << fZDD_PL_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < fZDD_PL_E.size(); i++) {
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_PL_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_PL_E[i]
+         << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_PL_TS[i] << endl;
+  }
+  cout << "ZDD_DCE Mult: " << fZDD_DC_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < fZDD_DC_E.size(); i++) {
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_DC_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_DC_E[i]
+         << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_DC_TS[i] << endl;
+  }
+  cout << "ZDD_EXOE Mult: " << fZDD_EXO_E.size() << endl;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < fZDD_EXO_E.size(); i++) {
+    cout << "DetNbr: " << fZDD_EXO_N[i] << " Energy: " << fZDD_EXO_E[i]
+         << " TimeStamp: " << fZDD_EXO_TS[i] << endl;
+  }
diff --git a/src/ZddData.h b/src/ZddData.h
index ca00279ca7d0ae85363a364c3d8acda9931a2929..1acce58099c7dc4559507f069ad7373deed65bd5 100644
--- a/src/ZddData.h
+++ b/src/ZddData.h
@@ -1,18 +1,118 @@
-#ifndef NPExogamData_H
-#define NPExogamData_H
+#ifndef NPZddData_H
+#define NPZddData_H
 #include <vector>
-namespace exogam {
-  class ExogamData {
-   private:
+namespace zdd {
+class ZddData {
+  ZddData();
+  virtual ~ZddData();
-   public:
-    ExogamData();
-    virtual ~ExogamData();
+  void Clear();
+  void Dump() const;
-    void Clear();
-    void Dump() const;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // data members are hold into std::vectors in order
+  // to allow multiplicity treatment
+  // IC
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_IC_E;
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_IC_N;
+  std::vector<unsigned long long> fZDD_IC_TS;
-  };
-} // namespace exogam
+  // Plastic
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_PL_E;
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_PL_N;
+  std::vector<unsigned long long> fZDD_PL_TS;
+  // DC
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_DC_E;
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_DC_N;
+  std::vector<unsigned long long> fZDD_DC_TS;
+  // EXOZDD
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_EXO_E;
+  std::vector<unsigned int>       fZDD_EXO_N;
+  std::vector<unsigned long long> fZDD_EXO_TS;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Getters and Setters
+  // Prefer inline declaration to avoid unnecessary called of
+  // frequently used methods
+  // add //! to avoid ROOT creating dictionnary for the methods
+  //////////////////////    SETTERS    ////////////////////////
+  // Energy
+  inline void SetZDDIC(const unsigned int& DetNumb, const unsigned int& Energy,
+                       const unsigned long long& TimeStamp) {
+    fZDD_IC_E.push_back(Energy);
+    fZDD_IC_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fZDD_IC_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }; //!
+  inline void SetZDDPL(const unsigned int& DetNumb, const unsigned int& Energy,
+                       const unsigned long long& TimeStamp) {
+    fZDD_PL_E.push_back(Energy);
+    fZDD_PL_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fZDD_PL_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }; //!
+  inline void SetZDDDC(const unsigned int& DetNumb, const unsigned int& Energy,
+                       const unsigned long long& TimeStamp) {
+    fZDD_DC_E.push_back(Energy);
+    fZDD_DC_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fZDD_DC_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }; //!
+  inline void SetZDDEXO(const unsigned int& DetNumb, const unsigned int& Energy,
+                        const unsigned long long& TimeStamp) {
+    fZDD_EXO_E.push_back(Energy);
+    fZDD_EXO_N.push_back(DetNumb);
+    fZDD_EXO_TS.push_back(TimeStamp);
+  }; //!
+  //////////////////////    GETTERS    ////////////////////////
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_ICMult() const { return fZDD_IC_E.size(); }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_ICE(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_IC_E[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_ICN(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_IC_N[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned long long GetZDD_ICTS(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_IC_TS[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_PLMult() const { return fZDD_PL_E.size(); }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_PLE(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_PL_E[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_PLN(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_PL_N[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned long long GetZDD_PLTS(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_PL_TS[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_DCMult() const { return fZDD_DC_E.size(); }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_DCE(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_DC_E[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_DCN(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_DC_N[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned long long GetZDD_DCTS(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_DC_TS[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_EXOMult() const { return fZDD_EXO_E.size(); }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_EXOE(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_EXO_E[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned int GetZDD_EXON(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_EXO_N[i];
+  }
+  inline unsigned long long GetZDD_EXOTS(const unsigned int& i) const {
+    return fZDD_EXO_TS[i];
+  }
+} // namespace zdd
diff --git a/src/ZddDetector.cxx b/src/ZddDetector.cxx
index a20d113a868df321f8ee2e7227f791601744e23c..daec5a5fb41c1745c1a7d06fc16171fc4542368a 100644
--- a/src/ZddDetector.cxx
+++ b/src/ZddDetector.cxx
@@ -1,56 +1,259 @@
-#include "ExogamDetector.h"
+#include "ZddDetector.h"
 #include "NPFunction.h"
 #include "NPRootPlugin.h"
 #include <iostream>
-using namespace exogam;
+using namespace zdd;
 using namespace std;
 using namespace ROOT::Math;
-ExogamDetector::ExogamDetector() {
-  m_RawData     = new exogam::ExogamData();
-  m_CalData     = new exogam::ExogamData();
-  m_PhysicsData = new exogam::ExogamPhysics();
+ZddDetector::ZddDetector() {
+  m_RawData     = new zdd::ZddData();
+  m_CalData     = new zdd::ZddData();
+  m_PhysicsData = new zdd::ZddPhysics();
-ExogamDetector::~ExogamDetector() {}
+ZddDetector::~ZddDetector() {}
-void ExogamDetector::ReadConfiguration(nptool::InputParser parser) {
+void ZddDetector::ReadConfiguration(nptool::InputParser parser) {
+  auto blocks = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("zdd");
+  vector<string> TokenZDD  = {"R", "Theta"};
+  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < blocks.size() ; i++){
+    if (blocks[i]->HasTokenList(TokenZDD)) {
+        double R     = blocks[i]->GetDouble("R", "mm");
+        double Theta = blocks[i]->GetDouble("Theta", "deg");
+        Add_ZDD(R, Theta);
+    }
+    else{
+      cout << "ERROR: check your input file formatting " << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  ReadAnalysisConfig();
-void ExogamDetector::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
+void ZddDetector::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
+//   if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsReader() == true) {
+//     m_RawData = &(**r_ReaderEventData);
+//   }
+  // apply thresholds and calibration
+  PreTreat();
+  // match energy and time together
+  Match_IC1();
+  if(m_PhysicsData->IC_Nbr.size() > 0)
+    Match_PL();
+  // Treat_DC();
-void ExogamDetector::PreTreat() {
+void ZddDetector::Treat_DC(){
+ /* // Dont have anything to modify for the moment
+  unsigned int mysizeDC = m_CalData->GetMultDrift();
+  for(int i = 0; i < mysizeDC; i++){
+    DC_DetectorNumber.push_back(m_CalData->GetDrift_DetectorNbr(i));
+    DC_DriftTime.push_back(m_CalData->Get_DriftTime(i));
+  }*/
+void ZddDetector::Match_IC(){
+//////////////////////////////// Currently Simply matching if mult = 5, could be improved to treat mult > 5
+  if(m_CalData->GetZDD_ICMult() == 5){
+    // CHecking that each IC is only encountered once and then sorting them in the right order with the map
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_CalData->GetZDD_ICMult(); i++){
+    if(SortIC.find(m_CalData->GetZDD_ICN(i)) != SortIC.end()){
+      SortIC.clear();
+      break;
+    }
+    SortIC[m_CalData->GetZDD_ICN(i)] = std::make_pair(m_CalData->GetZDD_ICE(i),m_CalData->GetZDD_ICTS(i));
+    }
+    // Adding the IC info to the std::vectors
+    m_PhysicsData->ICSum = 0;
+    for(auto it = SortIC.begin(); it != SortIC.end(); ++it){
+      m_PhysicsData->ICSum+= (it->second).first;
+      // std::cout << "Test " << it->first << " " << it->second.first << std::endl;
+      m_PhysicsData->IC_Nbr.push_back(it->first);
+      m_PhysicsData->IC_E.push_back((it->second).first);
+      m_PhysicsData->IC_TS.push_back((it->second).second);
+    }
+  }
+void ZddDetector::Match_IC1(){
+//////////////////////////////// Currently Simply matching if mult = 5, could be improved to treat mult > 5
+    // CHecking that each IC is only encountered once and then sorting them in the right order with the map
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_CalData->GetZDD_ICMult(); i++){
+    if(SortIC.find(m_CalData->GetZDD_ICN(i)) == SortIC.end()){
+        SortIC[m_CalData->GetZDD_ICN(i)] = std::make_pair(m_CalData->GetZDD_ICE(i),m_CalData->GetZDD_ICTS(i));
+      }
+    }
+    // Adding the IC info to the std::vectors
+    m_PhysicsData->ICSum = 0;
+    for(auto it = SortIC.begin(); it != SortIC.end(); ++it){
+    m_PhysicsData->ICSum+= (it->second).first;
+    m_PhysicsData->IC_Nbr.push_back(it->first);
+    m_PhysicsData->IC_E.push_back((it->second).first);
+    m_PhysicsData->IC_TS.push_back((it->second).second);
+    }
+void ZddDetector::Match_PL(){
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_CalData->GetZDD_PLMult(); i++){
+    SortPL[m_CalData->GetZDD_PLN(i)] = std::make_pair(m_CalData->GetZDD_PLE(i),m_CalData->GetZDD_PLTS(i));
+  }
+  for(auto it = SortPL.begin(); it != SortPL.end(); ++it){
+  m_PhysicsData->PL_Nbr.push_back(it->first);
+  m_PhysicsData->PL_E.push_back((it->second).first);
+  m_PhysicsData->PL_TS.push_back((it->second).second);
+  }
+void ZddDetector::PreTreat() {
+void ZddDetector::PreTreatEnergy(std::string Detector){
+  /*unsigned int mysize = m_RawData->GetMultEnergy(Detector);
+  for (UShort_t i = 0; i < mysize ; ++i) {
+    if (m_RawData->Get_Energy(Detector, i) > m_E_RAW_Threshold) {
+      Double_t Energy = Cal->ApplyCalibration("ZDD/ENERGY"+nptool::itoa(m_RawData->GetE_DetectorNbr(Detector, i)),m_RawData->Get_Energy(Detector, i));
+      if (Energy > m_E_Threshold) {
+        if(Detector == "IC")
+          m_CalData->Set_IC_Energy(m_RawData->GetE_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Energy);
+        else if(Detector == "Plastic")
+          m_CalData->Set_Plastic_Energy(m_RawData->GetE_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Energy);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void ZddDetector::PreTreatTime(std::string Detector){
+/*  unsigned int mysize = m_RawData->GetMultTime(Detector);
+  for (UShort_t i = 0; i < mysize; ++i) {
+    Double_t Time= Cal->ApplyCalibration("ZDD/TIME"+nptool::itoa(m_RawData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i)),m_RawData->Get_Time(Detector,i));
+    if(Detector == "IC")
+      m_CalData->Set_IC_Time(m_RawData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Time);
+    else if(Detector == "Plastic")
+      m_CalData->Set_Plastic_Time(m_RawData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Time);
+    else if(Detector == "DC")
+      m_CalData->Set_DC_Time(m_RawData->GetT_DetectorNbr(Detector, i), Time);
+  }
+void ZddDetector::ReadAnalysisConfig() {
+  bool ReadingStatus = false;
+  // path to file
+  string FileName = "./configs/ConfigZDD.dat";
+  // open analysis config file
+  ifstream AnalysisConfigFile;
+  AnalysisConfigFile.open(FileName.c_str());
+  if (!AnalysisConfigFile.is_open()) {
+    cout << " No ConfigZDD.dat found: Default parameter loaded for Analayis " << FileName << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << " Loading user parameter for Analysis from ConfigZDD.dat " << endl;
+  //// Save it in a TAsciiFile
+  //TAsciiFile* asciiConfig = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileAnalysisConfig();
+  //asciiConfig->AppendLine("%%% ConfigZDD.dat %%%");
+  //asciiConfig->Append(FileName.c_str());
+  //asciiConfig->AppendLine("");
+  // read analysis config file
+  string LineBuffer,DataBuffer,whatToDo;
+  while (!AnalysisConfigFile.eof()) {
+    // Pick-up next line
+    getline(AnalysisConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+    // search for "header"
+    string name = "ConfigZDD";
+    if (LineBuffer.compare(0, name.length(), name) == 0) 
+      ReadingStatus = true;
+    // loop on tokens and data
+    while (ReadingStatus ) {
+      whatToDo="";
+      AnalysisConfigFile >> whatToDo;
+      // Search for comment symbol (%)
+      if (whatToDo.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+        AnalysisConfigFile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="IC_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_IC_E_RAW_Threshold = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_IC_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="PL_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_PL_E_RAW_Threshold = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_PL_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="DC_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_DC_E_RAW_Threshold = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_DC_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="EXO_E_RAW_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="MAP_IC") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        Map_IC[atoi(DataBuffer.substr(0,1).c_str())] = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(1,1).c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << atoi(DataBuffer.substr(0,1).c_str()) << " " << atoi(DataBuffer.substr(1,1).c_str()) << endl;
+      }
+      else if (whatToDo=="E_THRESHOLD") {
+        AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+        m_E_Threshold = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+        cout << whatToDo << " " << m_E_Threshold << endl;
+      }
+      else {
+        ReadingStatus = false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
-void ExogamDetector::InitializeDataInputRaw(
+void ZddDetector::InitializeDataInputRaw(
     std::shared_ptr<nptool::VDataInput> input) {
-  input->Attach("exogam", "exogam::ExogamData", &m_RawData);
+  input->Attach("zdd", "zdd::ZddData", &m_RawData);
-void ExogamDetector::InitializeDataInputPhysics(
+void ZddDetector::InitializeDataInputPhysics(
     std::shared_ptr<nptool::VDataInput> input) {
-  input->Attach("exogam", "exogam::ExogamPhysics", &m_PhysicsData);
+  input->Attach("zdd", "zdd::ZddPhysics", &m_PhysicsData);
-void ExogamDetector::InitializeDataOutputRaw(
+void ZddDetector::InitializeDataOutputRaw(
     std::shared_ptr<nptool::VDataOutput> output) {
-  output->Attach("exogam", "exogam::ExogamData", &m_RawData);
+  output->Attach("zdd", "zdd::ZddData", &m_RawData);
-void ExogamDetector::InitializeDataOutputPhysics(
+void ZddDetector::InitializeDataOutputPhysics(
     std::shared_ptr<nptool::VDataOutput> output) {
-  output->Attach("exogam", "exogam::ExogamPhysics", &m_PhysicsData);
+  output->Attach("zdd", "zdd::ZddPhysics", &m_PhysicsData);
 extern "C" {
 shared_ptr<nptool::VDetector> ConstructDetector() {
-  return make_shared<exogam::ExogamDetector>();
+  return make_shared<zdd::ZddDetector>();
diff --git a/src/ZddDetector.h b/src/ZddDetector.h
index 24a3061728eb5206be6b191887a69130da80ab8b..a52a0837805b0c433fcd8395e8c33d0a2cf2189d 100644
--- a/src/ZddDetector.h
+++ b/src/ZddDetector.h
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-#ifndef ExogamDetector_h
-#define ExogamDetector_h
+#ifndef ZddDetector_h
+#define ZddDetector_h
 #include <map>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <vector>
 #include "Math/Vector3D.h"
-#include "ExogamData.h"
-#include "ExogamPhysics.h"
 #include "NPCalibrationManager.h"
 #include "NPVDetector.h"
+#include "ZddData.h"
+#include "ZddPhysics.h"
 // ROOT
 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
 #include "TVector2.h"
 #include "TVector3.h"
-namespace exogam {
+namespace zdd {
-class ExogamDetector : public nptool::VDetector {
+class ZddDetector : public nptool::VDetector {
 public: // Constructor and Destructor
-  ExogamDetector();
-  ~ExogamDetector();
+  ZddDetector();
+  ~ZddDetector();
 public: // Data member
-  exogam::ExogamData*          m_RawData;
-  exogam::ExogamData*          m_CalData;
-  exogam::ExogamPhysics*       m_PhysicsData;
+  zdd::ZddData*              m_RawData;
+  zdd::ZddData*              m_CalData;
+  zdd::ZddPhysics*           m_PhysicsData;
   nptool::CalibrationManager m_Cal;
 public: // inherrited from nptool::VPlugin
@@ -70,6 +70,57 @@ public: // inherrited from nptool::VDetector
   void ClearEventPhysics(){};
   void ClearEventData(){};
+  void Treat_DC();
+  // Matching IC
+  void Match_IC();
+  void Match_IC1();
+  void Match_PL();
+  // bool CheckGoodEvent();
+  // PreTreating Energy for IC and Plastic
+  void PreTreatEnergy(std::string Detector);
+  // Same for time
+  void PreTreatTime(std::string Detector);
+  // read the user configuration file. If no file is found, load standard one
+  void ReadAnalysisConfig();
+  // give and external TZDDData object to TZDDPhysics.
+  // needed for online analysis for example
+  void SetRawDataPointer(ZddData* rawDataPointer) {
+    m_RawData = rawDataPointer;
+  }
+  void Add_ZDD(double R, double Theta) {
+    m_R     = R;
+    m_Theta = Theta;
+    m_NumberOfDetectors++;
+  }
+  bool fSortIC(int i, int j);
+  // parameters used in the analysis
+  // thresholds
+  double                               m_IC_E_RAW_Threshold; //!
+  double                               m_PL_E_RAW_Threshold; //!
+  double                               m_DC_E_RAW_Threshold; //!
+  double                               m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold; //!
+  double                               m_E_Threshold; //!
+  double                               m_R; //!
+  double                               m_Theta; //!
+  unsigned int                         m_IC_Mult; //!
+  unsigned int                         m_PL_Mult; //!
+  unsigned int                         m_DC_Mult; //!
+  unsigned int                         m_EXO_Mult; //!
+  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> Map_IC; //!
+  std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned long long>>
+      SortIC; //!
+  std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned long long>>
+      SortPL; //!
+  int m_NumberOfDetectors; //!
   // Method related to the TSpectra classes, aimed at providing a framework for
   // online applications Instantiate the Spectra class and the histogramm
   // throught it
@@ -87,9 +138,8 @@ public: // inherrited from nptool::VDetector
   void SetRawDataPointer(void*){};
 private: //   Parameter used in the analysis
-} // namespace exogam
+} // namespace zdd
diff --git a/src/ZddPhysics.cxx b/src/ZddPhysics.cxx
index 9632b5bb4a9ca196f27f02be6ede9ed460917ad5..2f45eaf8bb60f268e34fa56ae4001462d54845a6 100644
--- a/src/ZddPhysics.cxx
+++ b/src/ZddPhysics.cxx
@@ -1 +1,16 @@
-#include "ExogamPhysics.h"
+#include "ZddPhysics.h"
+// void ZddDetector::Clear() {
+//   m_PhysicsData->IC_Nbr.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->IC_E.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->IC_TS.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->PL_Nbr.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->PL_E.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->PL_TS.clear();
+//   m_PhysicsData->ICSum = 0;
+//   SortIC.clear();
+//   SortPL.clear();
+//   DC_DetectorNumber.clear();
+//   DC_DriftTime.clear();
+// }
diff --git a/src/ZddPhysics.h b/src/ZddPhysics.h
index 8642928a13202c3b99379dcd3fb12908b5f3c739..cd0bb9d625c762bc4e1c3a9bf34bf24fc022abc3 100644
--- a/src/ZddPhysics.h
+++ b/src/ZddPhysics.h
@@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
-#ifndef NPExogamPhysics_H
-#define NPExogamPhysics_H
+#ifndef NPZddPhysics_H
+#define NPZddPhysics_H
 #include <vector>
-namespace exogam {
-class ExogamPhysics {
+namespace zdd {
+class ZddPhysics {
-  ExogamPhysics(){};
-  ~ExogamPhysics(){};
+  ZddPhysics(){};
+  ~ZddPhysics(){};
   void Clear();
   void Dump() const;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // data obtained after BuildPhysicalEvent() and stored in
+  // output ROOT file
+  public:
+    std::vector<int>      IC_Nbr;
+    std::vector<double>   IC_E;
+    std::vector<unsigned long long>   IC_TS;
+    double ICSum;
+    std::vector<int>      PL_Nbr;
+    std::vector<double>   PL_E;
+    std::vector<unsigned long long>   PL_TS;
+    std::vector<int>      DC_DetectorNumber;
+    std::vector<double>   DC_DriftTime;
-} // namespace exogam
+} // namespace zdd
diff --git a/src/Zddlinkdef.hh b/src/Zddlinkdef.hh
index 9be2a73e2208aa9da655fcd9540379d6e1229d26..33fc96e342fc55b4afd5c70adbadb22b2970e37a 100644
--- a/src/Zddlinkdef.hh
+++ b/src/Zddlinkdef.hh
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 #pragma link off all globals;
 #pragma link off all classes;
 #pragma link off all functions;
-#pragma link C++ class exogam::ExogamData;
-#pragma link C++ class exogam::ExogamPhysics;
+#pragma link C++ class zdd::ZddData;
+#pragma link C++ class zdd::ZddPhysics;