diff --git a/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_set_max_speed.f90 b/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_set_max_speed.f90
index 52912cc8b3056e952526d59ef9fe1cccdccd8a1e..7873ab0c80b9cc9e9fcf651547a75e47bb8bbdd8 100644
--- a/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_set_max_speed.f90
+++ b/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_set_max_speed.f90
@@ -36,13 +36,9 @@ program test_set_max_speed
   character(len = :), allocatable:: path
   ! Window around the extremum:
   integer llc(2) ! indices in global grid of lower left corner
   integer urc(2) ! indices in global grid of upper right corner
-  real corner_window(2) ! longitude and latitude of the window around
-  ! the extremum, in rad
   integer, parameter:: n_max_cont = 31
   type(polyline) cont_list(n_max_cont)
@@ -132,14 +128,11 @@ program test_set_max_speed
      urc(2) = min(urc(2), nlat)
      if (.not. periodic) urc(1) = min(urc(1), nlon)
-     corner_window = corner + (llc - 1) * step
      call create_cont_list
      call set_max_speed(e%speed_cont, e%max_speed, cont_list, cont_list_proj, &
           n_cont, e%extr%coord, real(e%extr%coord_proj), &
           ssh(llc(1):urc(1), llc(2):urc(2)), u(llc(1):urc(1), llc(2):urc(2)), &
-          v(llc(1):urc(1), llc(2):urc(2)), &
-          (corner_window - corner) / step + 1., step)
+          v(llc(1):urc(1), llc(2):urc(2)), real(llc), step)
      call close_cont_list
      call shpc_create(hshpc, shpc_dir = "SHPC", cyclone = cyclone, slice = 0, &
           grid_lon_lat = .true.)