From b4b2afdc1e0bae9b473b014040c240c9764ff012 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lionel GUEZ <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 20:23:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use procedures `config_graph` and `read_grid`

 Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90 | 41 ++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90 b/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
index 8bba9dc9..723ce336 100644
--- a/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
+++ b/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ program test_overlap
   use, intrinsic:: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV
   ! Libraries:
-  use jumble, only: get_command_arg_dyn, read_opcol, new_unit, ediff1d, &
-       deg_to_rad, assert
+  use jumble, only: get_command_arg_dyn, read_opcol, new_unit, ediff1d, assert
   use shapelib_03, only: dbf_read_attribute_03
+  use config_graph_m, only: config_graph, copy, max_delta, cyclone
   use derived_types, only: snapshot, shpc_slice_handler, shpc_slice_meta
   use overlap_m, only: overlap
+  use read_grid_m, only: read_grid
   use read_snapshot_m, only: read_snapshot
   use shpc_close_m, only: shpc_close
   use shpc_open_m, only: shpc_open
@@ -18,53 +19,25 @@ program test_overlap
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   integer:: k_test_1 = 0, k_test_2 = 1
-  integer unit, i, copy, n_dates
+  integer unit, i, n_dates
   type(snapshot), allocatable:: flow(:) ! (max_delta + 1)
   TYPE(shpc_slice_handler) hshp
   type(shpc_slice_meta) ssm
-  real:: corner_deg(2) = [huge(0.), huge(0.)], corner(2)
-  ! longitude and latitude of the corner of the whole grid, in degrees
-  ! and in rad
-  real:: step_deg(2) = [huge(0.), huge(0.)], step(2)
-  ! longitude and latitude steps, in degrees and in rad
-  logical periodic ! grid is periodic in longitude
-  integer:: nlon = - 1, nlat = - 1, max_delta = 1
   integer e_overestim ! over-estimation of the number of eddies at each date
-  logical:: cyclone = .true.
-  integer:: dist_lim = 12
-  ! We look for an overlapping eddy at dist_lim (in grid points) of
-  ! the first extremum.
-  namelist /grid_nml/ corner_deg, step_deg, nlon, nlat
-  namelist /main_nml/ dist_lim, max_delta, k_test_1, k_test_2, cyclone
+  namelist /main_nml/ k_test_1, k_test_2
   call get_command_arg_dyn(1, shpc_dir, "Required argument: SHPC-directory")
   call new_unit(unit)
-  open(unit, file = shpc_dir // "/grid_nml.txt", status = "old", &
-       action = "read", position = "rewind")
-  read(unit, nml = grid_nml)
-  close(unit)
+  call read_grid(rank = 0, shpc_dir = shpc_dir)
+  call config_graph(rank = 0)
   write(unit = error_unit, nml = main_nml)
   write(unit = error_unit, fmt = *) "Enter namelist main_nml."
   read(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
   write(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
-  ! As we are requiring the grid spacing to be uniform, the value of
-  ! "periodic" may be deduced from the values of step_deg(1) and nlon:
-  periodic = nint(360. / step_deg(1)) == nlon
-  print *, "periodic = ", periodic
-  if (periodic) call assert(2 * dist_lim * step_deg(1) < 180., &
-       "test_overlap dist_lim")
-  copy = merge(dist_lim, 0, periodic)
-  corner = corner_deg * deg_to_rad
-  step = step_deg * deg_to_rad
   allocate(flow(max_delta + 1))
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), cyclone, slice = 0, pszaccess = "rb")
   call dbf_read_attribute_03(ssm%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)