diff --git a/Common/derived_types.f90 b/Common/derived_types.f90
index 0a065491c9a46f8bf2457b44b6d4dcd6b603c352..8867ebef7681255b6c00da43504e7e780ccf6184 100644
--- a/Common/derived_types.f90
+++ b/Common/derived_types.f90
@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ module derived_types
      character(len = :), allocatable:: dir ! directory
+     integer, allocatable:: ishape_last(:) ! (d0:)
+     ! shape index (0-based) in the collection of shapefiles of the last
+     ! shape at a given date index
+     integer d0 ! first date
   end type Shpc
   private shpfileobject
diff --git a/Common/read_snapshot.f90 b/Common/read_snapshot.f90
index 1ee8d43437c294d309f99dc5b73643b3a1e2b2ea..06a1a2a1f1de52999104952bcf485aaf0824e606 100644
--- a/Common/read_snapshot.f90
+++ b/Common/read_snapshot.f90
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ module read_snapshot_m
-  subroutine read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k, corner, step, copy, &
-       ishape_last)
+  subroutine read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, k, corner, step, copy)
     ! Libraries:
     use contour_531, only: convert_to_ind 
@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ contains
     ! size of ssh array in input NetCDF, assuming no repeated point if
     ! the grid is global
-    integer, intent(in):: d_init
     integer, intent(in):: k ! date index
     real, intent(in):: corner(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude of the
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ contains
     real, intent(in):: step(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude steps, in rad
-    integer, intent(in):: copy, ishape_last(d_init:)
+    integer, intent(in):: copy
     ! Local:
     integer ishape, ishape_first
@@ -39,17 +37,17 @@ contains
-    if (k == d_init) then
+    if (k == hshp%d0) then
        ishape_first = 0
-       ! {k > d_init}
-       ishape_first = ishape_last(k - 1) + 1
+       ! {k > hshp%d0}
+       ishape_first = hshp%ishape_last(k - 1) + 1
     end if
-    s%number_extr = ishape_last(k) - ishape_first + 1
+    s%number_extr = hshp%ishape_last(k) - ishape_first + 1
-    do ishape = ishape_first, ishape_last(k)
+    do ishape = ishape_first, hshp%ishape_last(k)
        call read_eddy(e, date_read, eddy_i, hshp, ishape)
        ! Check that all the eddies have the same date index:
diff --git a/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_nearby_extr.f90 b/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_nearby_extr.f90
index 6fedeb86eeffd07a8e09939835ebd092d2d8d1f9..183e7405fd107bea9ad14f740a000db30498a8c3 100644
--- a/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_nearby_extr.f90
+++ b/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_nearby_extr.f90
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ program test_nearby_extr
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   type(snapshot) s
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
-  integer d_init, unit, ishape_last, l
+  integer unit, l
   real corner_deg(2)
   ! longitude and latitude of the corner of the whole grid in input
@@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ program test_nearby_extr
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), pszaccess = "rb")
-  call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
+  call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
   open(unit, file = shpc_dir // "/ishape_last.txt", status = "old", &
        action = "read", position = "rewind")
-  read(unit, fmt = *) ishape_last ! first date
+  allocate(hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0:hshp%d0))
+  read(unit, fmt = *) hshp%ishape_last ! first date
-  call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k = d_init, &
+  call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, k = hshp%d0, &
        corner = corner_deg * deg_to_rad, step = step_deg * deg_to_rad, &
-       copy = 0, ishape_last = [ishape_last])
+       copy = 0)
   CALL shpc_close(hshp)
   nearby = nearby_extr(s%extr_map, s%list, i = 4)
diff --git a/Overlap/Tests/test_get_dispatch_snap.f90 b/Overlap/Tests/test_get_dispatch_snap.f90
index 3e4d98182c76069f7dbc0d871f24c5581e554383..15da05bbf88c800cec4a8a525d719d93fe1397d2 100644
--- a/Overlap/Tests/test_get_dispatch_snap.f90
+++ b/Overlap/Tests/test_get_dispatch_snap.f90
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ program test_get_dispatch_snap
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   type(snapshot) s
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
-  integer k_begin, d_init, copy, rank, n_proc, k_end, n_dates
+  integer k_begin, copy, rank, n_proc, k_end, n_dates
   integer unit_isolated
   real:: corner(2) = [0.125, - 59.875]
@@ -42,11 +42,6 @@ program test_get_dispatch_snap
   ! the first extremum.
   integer:: k = 0
-  integer, allocatable:: ishape_last(:) ! (d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1)
-  ! shape index (0-based) in the collection of shapefiles of the last
-  ! shape at a given date index
   namelist /main_nml/ corner, step, nlon, nlat, dist_lim, k
@@ -80,11 +75,11 @@ program test_get_dispatch_snap
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), pszaccess = "rb")
   if (rank == 0) then
-     call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
+     call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
           ishape = 0)
-     call read_column(ishape_last, &
-          file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", my_lbound = d_init)
-     n_dates = size(ishape_last)
+     call read_column(hshp%ishape_last, &
+          file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", my_lbound = hshp%d0)
+     n_dates = size(hshp%ishape_last)
      call new_unit(unit_isolated)
      open(unit_isolated, file = "isolated_nodes.txt", status = "replace", &
           action = "write")
@@ -97,19 +92,19 @@ program test_get_dispatch_snap
   call ezmpi_bcast(k, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(copy, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(n_dates, root = 0)
-  if (rank /= 0) allocate(ishape_last(d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1))
-  call ezmpi_bcast(ishape_last, root = 0)
-  call ezmpi_bcast(d_init, root = 0)
-  k_begin = d_init + (rank * n_dates) / n_proc
+  if (rank /= 0) allocate(hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0:hshp%d0 + n_dates - 1))
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%ishape_last, root = 0)
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%d0, root = 0)
+  k_begin = hshp%d0 + (rank * n_dates) / n_proc
   if (rank < n_proc - 1) then
-     k_end = d_init + ((rank + 1) * n_dates) / n_proc
+     k_end = hshp%d0 + ((rank + 1) * n_dates) / n_proc
-     k_end = d_init + n_dates - 1
+     k_end = hshp%d0 + n_dates - 1
   end if
-  call get_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, d_init, ishape_last, corner * deg_to_rad, &
-       step * deg_to_rad, copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta = 1)
+  call get_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, corner * deg_to_rad, step * deg_to_rad, &
+       copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta = 1)
   CALL shpc_close(hshp)
   call dispatch_snapshot(s, unit_isolated, rank, k_begin, max_delta = 1, k = k)
diff --git a/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90 b/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
index f6f073f0ce0d9316de3ec93efdb6d76a198f6ba7..689b9b828ce6efb0244b9d60f413ba08629617d1 100644
--- a/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
+++ b/Overlap/Tests/test_overlap.f90
@@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ program test_overlap
   implicit none
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
-  integer d_init
   integer:: k_test_1 = 0, k_test_2 = 1
   integer unit, i, copy, n_dates
-  integer, allocatable:: ishape_last(:)
   type(snapshot), allocatable:: flow(:) ! (max_delta + 1)
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
@@ -67,21 +65,21 @@ program test_overlap
   step = step_deg * deg_to_rad
   allocate(flow(max_delta + 1))
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), pszaccess = "rb")
-  call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
-  call read_column(ishape_last, file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", &
-       my_lbound = d_init)
-  n_dates = size(ishape_last)
-  call assert(d_init <= [k_test_1, k_test_2] .and. [k_test_1, k_test_2] &
-       < d_init + n_dates, "test_overlap k_test_1, k_test_2")
-  e_overestim = maxval([ishape_last(d_init) + 1, ediff1d(ishape_last)])
+  call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
+  call read_column(hshp%ishape_last, &
+       file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", my_lbound = hshp%d0)
+  n_dates = size(hshp%ishape_last)
+  call assert(hshp%d0 <= [k_test_1, k_test_2] .and. [k_test_1, k_test_2] &
+       < hshp%d0 + n_dates, "test_overlap k_test_1, k_test_2")
+  e_overestim = maxval([hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0) + 1, &
+       ediff1d(hshp%ishape_last)])
   open(unit, file = "node_id_param.json", status = "replace", &
        action = "write")
   write(unit, fmt = *) '{"e_overestim": ', e_overestim, '}'
-  call read_snapshot(flow(1), hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k_test_1, corner, &
-       step, copy, ishape_last)
-  call read_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k_test_2, &
-       corner, step, copy, ishape_last)
+  call read_snapshot(flow(1), hshp, nlon, nlat, k_test_1, corner, step, copy)
+  call read_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), hshp, nlon, nlat, k_test_2, corner, &
+       step, copy)
   CALL shpc_close(hshp)
   print *, "Enter flow(1)%list%delta_out (array with ", &
        flow(1)%number_extr, " values):"
diff --git a/Overlap/Tests/test_read_snapshot.f90 b/Overlap/Tests/test_read_snapshot.f90
index a2b8ba54207d2189ae5320538890da78be03ed22..1eb2481cf1a7700c2898616f598f99e18753cc0e 100644
--- a/Overlap/Tests/test_read_snapshot.f90
+++ b/Overlap/Tests/test_read_snapshot.f90
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ program test_read_snapshot
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   type(snapshot) s
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
-  integer d_init, copy, unit, ishape_last
+  integer copy, unit
   real:: corner_deg(2) = [0.125, - 59.875]
   ! longitude and latitude of the corner of the whole grid in input
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ program test_read_snapshot
   copy = merge(dist_lim, 0, periodic)
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), pszaccess = "rb")
-  call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
+  call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, ishape = 0)
   open(unit, file = shpc_dir // "/ishape_last.txt", status = "old", &
        action = "read", position = "rewind")
-  read(unit, fmt = *) ishape_last ! first date
+  allocate(hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0:hshp%d0))
+  read(unit, fmt = *) hshp%ishape_last ! first date
-  call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k = d_init, &
+  call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, k = hshp%d0, &
        corner = corner_deg * deg_to_rad, step = step_deg * deg_to_rad, &
-       copy = copy, ishape_last = [ishape_last])
+       copy = copy)
   CALL shpc_close(hshp)
-  call write_snapshot(s, corner_deg, step_deg, nlon, nlat, copy, d_init)
+  call write_snapshot(s, corner_deg, step_deg, nlon, nlat, copy, hshp%d0)
 end program test_read_snapshot
diff --git a/Overlap/Tests/test_send_recv.f90 b/Overlap/Tests/test_send_recv.f90
index 99a270a9d3f8299caf5f0bb7ee4099ae9bf701f0..bb952071272c7c317486e1c4707bc46701dad6c0 100644
--- a/Overlap/Tests/test_send_recv.f90
+++ b/Overlap/Tests/test_send_recv.f90
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ program test_send_recv
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   type(snapshot) s
-  integer rank, n_proc, d_init, copy, n_dates, unit
+  integer rank, n_proc, copy, n_dates, unit
   logical flag
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ program test_send_recv
   logical periodic ! grid is periodic in longitude
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
-  integer, allocatable:: ishape_last(:) ! (d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1)
-  ! shape index (0-based) in the collection of shapefiles of the last
-  ! shape at a given date index
   call mpi_init
@@ -89,11 +85,11 @@ program test_send_recv
   call shpc_open(hshp, trim(shpc_dir), pszaccess = "rb")
   if (rank == 0) then
-     call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
+     call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
           ishape = 0)
-     call read_column(ishape_last, &
-          file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", my_lbound = d_init)
-     n_dates = size(ishape_last)
+     call read_column(hshp%ishape_last, &
+          file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", my_lbound = hshp%d0)
+     n_dates = size(hshp%ishape_last)
   end if
   call ezmpi_bcast(corner_deg, root = 0)
@@ -102,24 +98,24 @@ program test_send_recv
   call ezmpi_bcast(nlat, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(copy, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(n_dates, root = 0)
-  if (rank == 1) allocate(ishape_last(d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1))
-  call ezmpi_bcast(ishape_last, root = 0)
+  if (rank == 1) allocate(hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0:hshp%d0 + n_dates - 1))
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%ishape_last, root = 0)
-  call ezmpi_bcast(d_init, root = 0)
-  if (rank == 1) call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k = d_init, &
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%d0, root = 0)
+  if (rank == 1) call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, k = hshp%d0, &
        corner = corner_deg * deg_to_rad, step = step_deg * deg_to_rad, &
-       copy = copy, ishape_last = ishape_last)
+       copy = copy)
   CALL shpc_close(hshp)
   if (rank == 1) then
-     call send_snapshot(s, dest = 0, tag = d_init)
+     call send_snapshot(s, dest = 0, tag = hshp%d0)
      ! rank == 0
      call MPI_Comm_get_attr(MPI_Comm_world, MPI_TAG_UB, attribute_val, flag)
      call assert(flag, "test_send_recv MPI_Comm_get_attr MPI_TAG_UB")
      print *, "MPI_TAG_UB = ", attribute_val
-     call recv_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, copy, source = 1, tag = d_init)
-     call write_snapshot(s, corner_deg, step_deg, nlon, nlat, copy, d_init)
+     call recv_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, copy, source = 1, tag = hshp%d0)
+     call write_snapshot(s, corner_deg, step_deg, nlon, nlat, copy, hshp%d0)
   end if
   call mpi_finalize
diff --git a/Overlap/eddy_graph.f90 b/Overlap/eddy_graph.f90
index c129e4576dd92f58e683ace756e37cf9e24d49a9..985fb873a61c82bc17babb7f5832a3db939519e0 100644
--- a/Overlap/eddy_graph.f90
+++ b/Overlap/eddy_graph.f90
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ program eddy_graph
   integer rank, n_proc, copy, delta, j
   integer:: n_dates = huge(0) ! number of dates to read
   integer k ! date index
-  integer d_init, k_begin, k_end, k_end_main_loop
+  integer k_begin, k_end, k_end_main_loop
   character(len = :), allocatable:: shpc_dir
   integer:: max_delta = 1
@@ -49,11 +49,6 @@ program eddy_graph
   ! the first extremum.
   logical periodic ! grid is periodic in longitude
-  integer, allocatable:: ishape_last(:) ! (d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1)
-  ! shape index (0-based) in the collection of shapefiles of the last
-  ! shape at a given date index
   integer unit_isolated, unit
   integer e_overestim ! over-estimation of the number of eddies at each date
   TYPE(shpc) hshp
@@ -93,17 +88,18 @@ program eddy_graph
           "eddy_graph dist_lim")
      copy = merge(dist_lim, 0, periodic)
-     call dbf_read_attribute_03(d_init, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
+     call dbf_read_attribute_03(hshp%d0, hshp%extremum, hshp%extr_date, &
           ishape = 0)
-     call read_column(ishape_last, &
+     call read_column(hshp%ishape_last, &
           file = trim(shpc_dir) // "/ishape_last.txt", last = n_dates, &
-          my_lbound = d_init)
-     if (n_dates == huge(0)) n_dates = size(ishape_last)
+          my_lbound = hshp%d0)
+     if (n_dates == huge(0)) n_dates = size(hshp%ishape_last)
      call assert(n_dates >= max_delta + 1, &
           "eddy_graph: n_dates should be >= max_delta + 1")
      call assert(n_proc <= n_dates / (max_delta + 1), &
           "eddy_graph: n_proc should be <= n_dates / (max_delta + 1)")
-     e_overestim = maxval([ishape_last(d_init) + 1, ediff1d(ishape_last)])
+     e_overestim = maxval([hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0) + 1, &
+          ediff1d(hshp%ishape_last)])
      corner = corner_deg * deg_to_rad
      step = step_deg * deg_to_rad
   end if
@@ -117,10 +113,10 @@ program eddy_graph
   call ezmpi_bcast(periodic, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(copy, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(n_dates, root = 0)
-  if (rank /= 0) allocate(ishape_last(d_init:d_init + n_dates - 1))
-  call ezmpi_bcast(ishape_last, root = 0)
+  if (rank /= 0) allocate(hshp%ishape_last(hshp%d0:hshp%d0 + n_dates - 1))
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%ishape_last, root = 0)
   call ezmpi_bcast(e_overestim, root = 0)
-  call ezmpi_bcast(d_init, root = 0)
+  call ezmpi_bcast(hshp%d0, root = 0)
   if (rank == 0) then
      open(unit, file = "node_id_param.json", status = "replace", &
@@ -138,13 +134,13 @@ program eddy_graph
   call open_edge_file(rank)
   ! We do not write the title line. That will be handled by eddy_graph.sh.
-  k_begin = d_init + (rank * n_dates) / n_proc
+  k_begin = hshp%d0 + (rank * n_dates) / n_proc
   if (rank < n_proc - 1) then
-     k_end = d_init + ((rank + 1) * n_dates) / n_proc + max_delta - 1
+     k_end = hshp%d0 + ((rank + 1) * n_dates) / n_proc + max_delta - 1
      k_end_main_loop = k_end - max_delta + 1
-     k_end = d_init + n_dates - 1
+     k_end = hshp%d0 + n_dates - 1
      k_end_main_loop = k_end
   end if
@@ -153,8 +149,8 @@ program eddy_graph
   ! 2. Prologue:
   do k = k_begin, k_begin + max_delta
-     call get_snapshot(flow(k - k_begin + 1), nlon, nlat, d_init, ishape_last, &
-          corner, step, copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta) ! (read)
+     call get_snapshot(flow(k - k_begin + 1), nlon, nlat, corner, step, copy, &
+          hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta) ! (read)
   end do
   do delta = 1, max_delta
@@ -170,8 +166,8 @@ program eddy_graph
      call dispatch_snapshot(flow(1), unit_isolated, rank, k_begin, max_delta, &
           k = k - max_delta - 1)
      flow(:max_delta) = flow(2:)
-     call get_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), nlon, nlat, d_init, ishape_last, &
-          corner, step, copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta)
+     call get_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), nlon, nlat, corner, step, copy, &
+          hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta)
      do delta = 1, max_delta
         call overlap(flow, nlon, nlat, periodic, dist_lim, e_overestim, k, &
@@ -186,8 +182,8 @@ program eddy_graph
      call dispatch_snapshot(flow(1), unit_isolated, rank, k_begin, max_delta, &
           k = k - max_delta - 1)
      flow(:max_delta) = flow(2:)
-     call get_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), nlon, nlat, d_init, ishape_last, &
-          corner, step, copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta)
+     call get_snapshot(flow(max_delta + 1), nlon, nlat, corner, step, copy, &
+          hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta)
      ! (reception)
      ! Stitching:
diff --git a/Overlap/get_snapshot.f90 b/Overlap/get_snapshot.f90
index 28b1d351b94d2a5ff314e12aafb4557188d98ca9..ce957639820ff528bcc3ddb77c44ef2cb2991fb8 100644
--- a/Overlap/get_snapshot.f90
+++ b/Overlap/get_snapshot.f90
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ module get_snapshot_m
-  subroutine get_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, d_init, ishape_last, corner, step, &
-       copy, hshp, k, k_end, rank, n_proc, max_delta)
+  subroutine get_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, corner, step, copy, hshp, k, k_end, &
+       rank, n_proc, max_delta)
     use derived_types, only: snapshot, shpc
     use read_snapshot_m, only: read_snapshot
@@ -13,11 +13,6 @@ contains
     type(snapshot), intent(out):: s
     integer, intent(in):: nlon, nlat
-    integer, intent(in):: d_init ! first date in the collection of shapefiles
-    integer, intent(in):: ishape_last(d_init:)
-    ! shape index (0-based) in the collection of shapefiles of the last
-    ! shape at a given date index
     real, intent(in):: corner(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude of the
     ! corner of the whole grid, in rad
@@ -37,8 +32,7 @@ contains
     if (rank == n_proc - 1 .or. k <= k_end - max_delta) then
-       call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, d_init, k, corner, step, copy, &
-            ishape_last)
+       call read_snapshot(s, hshp, nlon, nlat, k, corner, step, copy)
        call recv_snapshot(s, nlon, nlat, copy, source = rank + 1, tag = k)
     end if