diff --git a/Stations/AllStations.py b/Stations/AllStations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e878385a0f8b78dbe66cd82cd04a87eeeed45174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/AllStations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+import sys
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+from netCDF4 import stringtochar, chartostring, stringtoarr
+import Station as ST
+import ConversionCalculations as CC
+class AllStations :
+    def __init__(self, Source="") :
+        self.stations = []
+        self.nbstations = 0
+        self.hist = None
+        self.nbmonth = 0
+        self.source = Source
+        self.mergersource = None
+        return
+    #
+    def add(self, stn) :
+        #
+        # Only station if length of data larger than 0
+        #
+        if stn.Length > 0 :
+            self.stations.append(stn)
+            # Manage source of merged data by building the union
+            if self.mergersource is not None :
+                self.mergersource = list(set(self.mergersource).union(stn.mergersource))
+            else :
+                self.mergersource = stn.mergersource
+            #
+            self.nbstations += 1
+        return
+    #
+    # Get some time information from the list of stations
+    #
+    def FirstDate(self) :
+        return min([stn.Time[0] for stn in self.stations])
+    def LastDate(self) :
+        return max([stn.Time[-1] for stn in self.stations])
+    #
+    # Function to dump all stations into a NetCDF file
+    #
+    def dumpnetcdf(self, dates, filename, hist) :
+        #
+        self.hist = hist
+        #
+        FillValue = 1.0e+20
+        self.nbmonth = len(dates)
+        # Maximum options for original data
+        if self.mergersource is not None :
+            self.maxalt = len(self.mergersource)-1
+        else :
+            self.maxalt = 0
+        #
+        # Compute total number of alternatives
+        #
+        altloc=np.empty((self.maxalt,self.nbstations), int)
+        altloc[:,:] = -1
+        self.altsz=0
+        for i,stn in enumerate(self.stations) :
+            if stn.mergersource is not None :
+                for src in stn.mergersource[1:] :
+                    ia = self.mergersource.index(src)
+                    altloc[ia-1,i] = self.altsz
+                    self.altsz += 1
+        #
+        # Transfer data to matrices along the new time axis.
+        #
+        original=np.empty((self.nbmonth,self.nbstations), float)
+        original[:,:] = np.nan
+        alth=np.empty((self.nbmonth,self.altsz), float)
+        alth[:,:] = np.nan
+        for i,stn in enumerate(self.stations) :
+            if isinstance(stn.Original,np.ndarray) :
+                original[:,i] = CC.tonewtime(stn.Time, stn.Original, dates)
+            else :
+                original[:,i] = CC.tonewtime(stn.Time, stn.Original[0], dates)
+                icnt = 1
+                for ia in range(len(stn.mergersource)-1) :
+                    if altloc[ia,i] >= 0 :
+                        alth[:,altloc[ia,i]] = CC.tonewtime(stn.Time, stn.Original[icnt], dates)
+                        icnt += 1
+        #
+        flags=np.empty((self.nbmonth,self.nbstations), float)
+        flags[:,:] = np.nan
+        for i,stn in enumerate(self.stations) :
+            if stn.Flag is not None :
+                flags[:,i] = CC.tonewtime(stn.Time, stn.Flag, dates)
+        #
+        merged2d=np.empty((self.nbmonth,self.nbstations), float)
+        merged2d[:,:] = np.nan
+        for i,stn in enumerate(self.stations) :
+            if stn.Merged is not None :
+                merged2d[:,i] = CC.tonewtime(stn.Time, stn.Merged, dates)
+        #
+        #
+        # Open NetCDF file to be filled
+        #
+        out=Dataset(filename, 'w')
+        out.history = hist
+        out.metadata = "Missing metadata are replaced by XXX or -999"
+        out.Source = self.source
+        if self.mergersource is not None :
+            for i,src in enumerate(self.mergersource) :
+                att="MergeSource"+str(i+1)
+                exec('out.%s = "%s"' % (att,src))
+        out.ConversionDate = datetime.date.today().isoformat()
+        #
+        # Create dimensions
+        #
+        strlen=60
+        out.createDimension('time', self.nbmonth)
+        out.createDimension('stations', self.nbstations)
+        if self.maxalt > 0 :
+            out.createDimension('maxalt', self.maxalt)
+            out.createDimension('z', self.altsz)
+        out.createDimension('str', strlen)
+        #
+        time=out.createVariable('time', 'd', ('time',), fill_value=FillValue)
+        time.units="seconds since "+self.FirstDate().isoformat().replace("T"," ")
+        time.long_name="Time axis"
+        for i in range(self.nbmonth):
+            time[i]=((dates[i]-self.FirstDate()).days)*86400
+        #
+        # Set netCDF variables for station information
+        #
+        nb=out.createVariable('number', 'i', ('stations',))
+        nb.long_name="GRDC Station number"
+        nex=out.createVariable('next', 'i', ('stations',))
+        nex.long_name="Downstream GRDC Station"
+        wmoreg=out.createVariable('WMOreg', 'i', ('stations',))
+        wmoreg.long_name="WMO region"
+        wmosubreg=out.createVariable('WMOsubreg', 'i', ('stations',))
+        wmosubreg.long_name="WMO sub-region"
+        stname=out.createVariable('name', 'c', ('stations','str',))
+        stname.long_name="Station Name"
+        riv=out.createVariable('river', 'c', ('stations','str',))
+        riv.long_name="River Name"
+        ctry=out.createVariable('country', 'c', ('stations','str',))
+        ctry.long_name="Country of station"
+        filedate=out.createVariable('FileDate', 'c', ('stations','str',))
+        filedate.long_name="File generation date"
+        lastupdate=out.createVariable('LastUpdate', 'c', ('stations','str',))
+        lastupdate.long_name="Last update of data"
+        lon=out.createVariable('lon', 'f', ('stations',))
+        lon.units="degrees_east"
+        lon.long_name="Longitude"
+        lat=out.createVariable('lat', 'f', ('stations',))
+        lat.units="degrees_north"
+        lat.long_name="Latitude"
+        area=out.createVariable('area', 'f', ('stations',))
+        area.units="km^2"
+        area.long_name="Catchment Area"
+        altitude=out.createVariable('altitude', 'f', ('stations',))
+        altitude.units="m"
+        altitude.long_name="Altitude of Station"
+        #
+        # Add the data to the variables
+        #
+        for i,stn in enumerate(self.stations) :
+            nb[i]=stn.Number
+            wmoreg[i]=stn.WMOregion
+            wmosubreg[i]=stn.WMOsubregion
+            nex[i]=stn.NextStation
+            if isinstance(stn.Name, str) :
+                stname[i,:]=stringtochar(np.array(stn.Name.replace("ö","o"),dtype="S60"))
+            else :
+                stname[i,:]=stringtoarr(stn.Name.tolist(), strlen)
+            if isinstance(stn.River, str) :    
+                riv[i,:]=stringtochar(np.array(stn.River,dtype="S60"))
+            else :
+                riv[i,:]=stringtoarr(stn.River.tolist(), strlen)
+            if isinstance(stn.Country, str) :      
+                ctry[i,:]=stringtochar(np.array(stn.Country,dtype="S60"))
+            else :
+                ctry[i,:]=stringtoarr(stn.Country.tolist(), strlen)
+            if isinstance(stn.FileDate, str) :           
+                filedate[i,:]=stringtochar(np.array(stn.FileDate,dtype="S60"))
+            else :
+                filedate[i,:]=stringtoarr(stn.FileDate.tolist(), strlen)
+            if isinstance(stn.LastUpdate, str) :          
+                lastupdate[i,:]=stringtochar(np.array(stn.LastUpdate,dtype="S60"))
+            else :
+                lastupdate[i,:]=stringtoarr(stn.LastUpdate.tolist(), strlen)
+            lon[i]=stn.Location[0]
+            lat[i]=stn.Location[1]
+            area[i]=stn.Area
+            altitude[i]=stn.Altitude
+        #
+        #
+        # Original Data
+        #
+        original[np.isnan(original)]=FillValue
+        hydro=out.createVariable('hydrographs', 'f', ('time','stations',), fill_value=FillValue)
+        hydro.units="m^3/s"
+        hydro.long_name="Original Hydrographs"
+        hydro.coordinates="time stations"
+        hydro[:,:]=original[:,:]
+        #
+        # Hydrographs from other sources
+        #
+        if self.maxalt > 0 :
+            altindex=out.createVariable('alternative_index', 'i', ('maxalt','stations',))
+            altindex.long_name="Index of alternative hydrographs in althydro field"
+            altindex[:]=altloc
+            althydro=out.createVariable('alt_hydrograph', 'f', ('time','z',), fill_value=FillValue)
+            althydro.units="m^3/s"
+            althydro.long_name="Hydrographs from other sources used to build the merged product"
+            althydro.coordinates="time stations"
+            alth[np.isnan(alth)]=FillValue
+            althydro[:,:] = alth[:,:]
+        #
+        # Flags
+        #
+        if np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(flags)) < flags.size :
+            flag=out.createVariable('flags', 'f', ('time','stations',), fill_value=FillValue)
+            flag.units="-"
+            flag.long_name="GRDC Flag : Percentage of valid values used for calculation from daily data"
+            flag.coding1="80 < flag <= 100 : merge = corr (Average of daily values used)"
+            flag.coding1="0 < flag <= 80 : merge = hydro (Monthly values used)"
+            flag.coordinates="time stations"
+            flags[np.isnan(flags)]=FillValue
+            flag[:,:]=flags[:,:]
+        #
+        # Merged Data
+        #
+        if np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(merged2d)) < merged2d.size :
+            merge=out.createVariable('mergedhydro', 'f', ('time','stations',), fill_value=FillValue)
+            merge.units="m^3/s"
+            merge.long_name="Hydrographs - Best estimate"
+            merge.coordinates="time stations"
+            merged2d[np.isnan(merged2d)]=FillValue
+            merge[:,:]=merged2d[:,:]
+        #
+        out.close()
+        #
+        return
+    def fetchnetcdf(self, filename) :
+        ncin=Dataset(filename, 'r')
+        #
+        self.nbstations = ncin.variables["number"].shape[0]
+        self.nbmonth = ncin.variables["time"].shape[0]
+        tmpmerge = []
+        for (a,v) in ncin.__dict__.items():
+            if a == "history" :
+                self.hist = v
+            if a == "Source" :
+                self.source = v
+            if a.find("MergeSource") == 0 :
+                tmpmerge.append(v)
+        if len(tmpmerge) > 0 :
+            self.mergersource = tmpmerge
+        #
+        for i in range(self.nbstations) :
+            self.stations.append(ST.Station("netcdf", ncin, index=i))
+        #
+        ncin.close()
+        #
+        return
+# Functions to get all stations which are close to each other
+# Assume we have Location for all stations (else they make little sense !).
+def closeto(A, B, distance=5000.) :
+    AclosetoB = []
+    BclosetoA = []
+    d=[]
+    for Ai,Astn in enumerate(A.stations) :
+        d=np.array([CC.distance_haversine(Astn.Location, Bstn.Location) for Bstn in B.stations])
+        if np.count_nonzero(np.array(d) < distance) > 0 :
+            AclosetoB.append(Ai)
+            BclosetoA.append(list(np.where(np.array(d) < distance)[0]))
+    return AclosetoB, BclosetoA
+# Identify pairs in A and B which could be the same station.
+# The choice tells which source is to be used for the metadata.
+def PairAtoB (A, B, AclosetoB, BclosetoA, mindist, maxerr, interactive=False) :
+    pairs = []
+    choice = []
+    for i,Ai in enumerate(AclosetoB) :
+        Allscore = []
+        Alldist = []
+        Alluperr = []
+        for Bi in BclosetoA[i] :
+            #
+            score=[]
+            #
+            dist = np.abs(CC.distance_haversine(A.stations[Ai].Location, B.stations[Bi].Location))
+            if dist > 0 :
+                score.append(min(mindist/dist,1.0))
+            else :
+                score.append(1.0)
+            #
+            if A.stations[Ai].Area > ST.defint and B.stations[Bi].Area > ST.defint :
+                uperr = np.abs((A.stations[Ai].Area-B.stations[Bi].Area)/A.stations[Ai].Area*100.)
+                if uperr > 0 :
+                    score.append(min(maxerr/uperr,1.0))
+                else :
+                    score.append(1.0)
+            else :
+                uperr = np.nan
+            # Simplify river names. river, rio in other languages need to be added.
+            Ariver = A.stations[Ai].River.tolist().lower().replace("river","").replace("rio","")
+            Briver = B.stations[Bi].River.tolist().lower().replace("river","").replace("rio","")
+            #
+            score.append(CC.scorestring(A.stations[Ai].Name.tolist(), B.stations[Bi].Name.tolist()))
+            score.append(CC.scorestring(Ariver, Briver))
+            #
+            if np.mean(np.array(score)) >= 0.9 :
+                print("Merge +++> ", A.stations[Ai].Name, "---", B.stations[Bi].Name, " Distance [m] ", dist, \
+                      "UpStr. area [%] ", uperr, " Mean score : ",np.mean(np.array(score)))
+                pairs.append([Ai,Bi])
+                choice.append("A")
+            else :
+                Allscore.append(score)
+                Alldist.append(dist)
+                Alluperr.append(uperr)
+        #
+        # If interactive the user can choose between the options.
+        #
+        if len(Allscore) == len(BclosetoA[i]) and interactive :
+            print("========================================================================")
+            print("=                          Find a matching B                           =")
+            print("========================================================================")
+            print("Stations A : ", A.stations[Ai].Name, " on ", A.stations[Ai].River)
+            print("Stations A : Location = ", A.stations[Ai].Location)
+            print("Stations A : Upstream area [km^2] = ", A.stations[Ai].Area)
+            print("==> Options are ! ")
+            opt=""
+            for j,Bi in enumerate(BclosetoA[i]) :
+                print("Stations B"+str(j)+" : Distance to A [m] ", Alldist[j], "UpStr. area [%] ", Alluperr[j], \
+                      " Mean score : ",np.mean(np.array(Allscore[j])))
+                print("Stations B"+str(j)+" : ", B.stations[Bi].Name, " on ", B.stations[Bi].River)
+                print("Stations B"+str(j)+" : Location = ", B.stations[Bi].Location)
+                print("Stations B"+str(j)+" : Upstream area [km^2] = ", B.stations[Bi].Area)
+                print(" ")
+                opt = opt+" B"+str(j)
+            print("Select best matching station in the B")
+            Bopt = input(opt+" or No (nothing) : ")
+            if len(Bopt) > 0 and Bopt[0].capitalize() == "B" :
+                try :
+                    intsel = int(Bopt[-1])
+                except :
+                    intsel = -1
+                #
+                if intsel < len(BclosetoA[i]) :
+                    Bi = BclosetoA[i][intsel]
+                    meta = input("Which metadata should be kept [A]/B : ")
+                    if meta.capitalize() == "A" :
+                        print("==> "+Bopt+" and Metadata of A are chosen")
+                        pairs.append([Ai,Bi])
+                        choice.append("A")
+                    elif meta.capitalize() == "B" :
+                        print("==> "+Bopt+" and Metadata of B are chosen")
+                        pairs.append([Ai,Bi])
+                        choice.append("B")
+                    else :
+                        print("==> "+Bopt+" and default metadata (A) chosen")
+                        pairs.append([Ai,Bi])
+                        choice.append("A")
+                else :
+                    print("Station does not exist. Choice droped !")
+            else :
+                print("Stations do not match")
+    return pairs, choice
+# Concatenating all non paired station in two lists
+def concatenate(A, B, pairs, Sources="") :
+    C=AllStations(Source=Sources)
+    #
+    for Ai,Astn in enumerate(A.stations) :
+        if not any(np.array(pairs)[:,0] == Ai) :
+            C.add(Astn)
+    #
+    for Bi,Bstn in enumerate(B.stations) :
+        if not any(np.array(pairs)[:,1] == Bi) :
+            C.add(Bstn)
+    #
+    return C
+# Merge the data of the paired stations
+def mergedata(A, B, C, pairs, choice, verbose=False) :
+    #
+    for i,X in enumerate(pairs) :
+        Ai,Bi = X
+        if choice[i] == "A" :
+            NewStn = A.stations[Ai]
+            AltTime = B.stations[Bi].Time
+            if  isinstance(B.stations[Bi].Original,np.ndarray) :
+                AltOrig = [B.stations[Bi].Original]
+            else :
+                AltOrig = B.stations[Bi].Original
+            AltSource = B.stations[Bi].mergersource
+            AltMerged = B.stations[Bi].Merged
+        else :
+            NewStn = B.stations[Bi]
+            AltTime = A.stations[Ai].Time
+            if  isinstance(A.stations[Ai].Original,np.ndarray) :
+                AltOrig = [A.stations[Ai].Original]
+            else :
+                AltOrig = A.stations[Ai].Original
+            AltSource = A.stations[Ai].mergersource
+            AltMerged = A.stations[Ai].Merged
+        #
+        for ia,alt in enumerate(AltSource[:]) :
+            NewStn.mergersource.append(alt)
+            if isinstance(NewStn.Original,np.ndarray) :
+                NewStn.Original = [NewStn.Original, CC.tonewtime(AltTime, AltOrig[ia], NewStn.Time)]
+            else :
+                NewStn.Original.append(CC.tonewtime(AltTime, AltOrig[ia], NewStn.Time))
+        #
+        if verbose :
+            print("For station ",A.stations[Ai].Name," the following sources exist :", \
+                  NewStn.mergersource, " Number of Originals :", len(NewStn.Original))
+        #
+        # Generate a new merged product.
+        #
+        NewMerged = CC.mergedata(NewStn.Original, NewStn.Merged, verbose)
+        NewStn.Merged = NewMerged
+        C.add(NewStn)
+        #
+    return C
+# Check Station number and generate new ones if needed.
+def stnnbchecker(C) :
+    stnnb=np.array([C.stations[i].Number for i in range(C.nbstations)], int)
+    reg=np.array([C.stations[i].WMOregion for i in range(C.nbstations)], int)
+    subreg=np.array([C.stations[i].WMOsubregion for i in range(C.nbstations)], int)
+    u, c = np.unique(stnnb[stnnb > 0], return_counts=True)
+    #
+    # Solve duplicate first
+    #
+    while np.max(c) > 1 :
+        dup = u[np.argmax(c)]
+        duploc = np.argmin(np.abs(stnnb-dup))
+        dreg = int(stnnb[duploc]/100000)
+        dsubreg = int((stnnb[duploc]-dreg*100000)/1000)
+        regstnnb = stnnb[(stnnb >= dup) & (stnnb < dreg*100000+(dsubreg+1)*1000)]
+        if regstnnb.shape[0] < 1 :
+            t=dreg*100000+(subreg[i]+1)*1000-1
+        else :
+            t= np.max(regstnnb)+1
+        if not any(stnnb == t) :
+            stnnb[duploc] = t
+            C.stations[duploc].Number = t
+            print("stnnbchecker : replacing ", u[np.argmax(c)], " by ", t)
+        else :
+            print("stnnbchecker 2 : Generated a number which already exists !")
+            sys.exit()
+        u, c = np.unique(stnnb[stnnb > 0], return_counts=True)
+    #
+    # Generate new numbers if needed
+    #
+    if np.count_nonzero(stnnb < 0) > 999 :
+        subreg[:] = subreg[:]-1
+    mask = np.where(stnnb < 0)
+    for i in np.nditer(mask) :
+        regstnnb=stnnb[(stnnb >= reg[i]*100000+subreg[i]*1000) & (stnnb < (reg[i]+1)*100000)]
+        if regstnnb.shape[0] < 1 :
+            t = reg[i]*100000+subreg[i]*1000
+        else :
+            t = np.max(regstnnb)+1
+        if not any(stnnb == t) :
+            stnnb[i] = t
+            C.stations[i].Number = stnnb[i]
+            C.stations[i].WMOsubregion = subreg[i]
+        else:
+           print("stnnbchecker 2 : Generated a number which already exists !")
+           sys.exit()
+    #
+    return C
diff --git a/Stations/ConversionCalculations.py b/Stations/ConversionCalculations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc721d012ca16e0d8a047874e0a9aa67c6e7b78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/ConversionCalculations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+import math
+import sys
+from difflib import SequenceMatcher
+# For Json format get dates
+def key2date(obj, key) :
+    dates = []
+    for dd in obj[key] :
+        dates.append(datetime.datetime(int(dd[0:4]), int(dd[4:6]), int(dd[6:8])))
+    return dates
+# For Json format get data
+def key2data(obj, key) :
+    nval=len(obj[key].keys())
+    data=np.zeros((nval))
+    for i,dd in enumerate(obj[key]) :
+        data[i] = obj[key][dd]
+    return data
+# Compute montly means when original data is daily
+def monthlymean(d,x) :
+    inyrs = np.array([di.year for di in d])
+    inym = np.array([(di.year*100)+di.month for di in d])
+    # Carefull data can have gaps, We recreate a list of years
+    nbinyrs = inyrs[-1]-inyrs[0]+1
+    nd = np.arange(nbinyrs)+inyrs[0]
+    # New data
+    od = []
+    ox = []
+    #
+    for iy in range(nbinyrs) :
+        for im in range(12) :
+            ind = (inym==nd[iy]*100+(im+1))
+            mday = datetime.datetime(nd[iy], im+1, 15)
+            mlen = (mday.replace(month = mday.month % 12 +1, day = 1)-datetime.timedelta(days=1)).day
+            od.append(mday)
+            if len(x[ind]) < mlen :
+                # See if we can fix that
+                ox.append(np.nan)
+            else :
+                ox.append(np.mean(x[ind]))
+            #
+    return od, np.array(ox)
+# get time axis from a NetCDF filex
+def gettimeaxis(nf):
+    dims=nf.dimensions.keys()
+    for d in dims:
+        if ( d.find('time') >= 0 ):
+            tname=d
+    t=np.copy(nf.variables[tname][:])
+    tunits=getattr(nf.variables[tname],"units")
+    if ( tunits.find("seconds") >= 0):
+        epoch=datetime.datetime.strptime(tunits[tunits.find("since ")+6:], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        date_list = [epoch+datetime.timedelta(seconds=x.astype(np.float64)) for x in t]
+    elif( tunits.find("days") >= 0):
+        epoch=datetime.datetime.strptime(tunits[tunits.find("since ")+6:], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        date_list = [epoch+datetime.timedelta(days=x.astype(np.float64)) for x in t]
+    elif( tunits.find("month") >= 0):
+        epoch=datetime.datetime.strptime(tunits[tunits.find("since ")+6:], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        date_list=[]
+        for x in t :
+            m=((epoch.month+(x-1))%12)+1
+            y=epoch.year+int((x-m)/12)+1
+            date_list.append(datetime.date(int(y),int(m),epoch.day))
+    else :
+        print("The time axis is not in seconds and I cannot yet deal with it")
+        sys.exit()
+    return date_list
+def distance_haversine(A, B, radius=6371000.):
+    """ note that the default distance is in meters """
+    dLat = math.radians(B[1]-A[1])
+    dLon = math.radians(B[0]-A[0])
+    lat1 = math.radians(A[1])
+    lat2 = math.radians(B[1])
+    a = math.sin(dLat/2) * math.sin(dLat/2) + math.sin(dLon/2) * math.sin(dLon/2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
+    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
+    return c * radius
+# Function to score strings
+def scorestring(stra, strb) :
+    # One string is in another
+    match = SequenceMatcher(None,stra,strb).find_longest_match(0, len(stra), 0, len(strb))
+    #
+    if match.size == min(len(stra), len(strb)) :
+        # Sub-string case
+        score = 1.0
+    else :
+        # Fuzzy check
+        score = SequenceMatcher(None,stra,strb).ratio()
+    #
+    return score
+# Function to put data onto a new time axis
+def tonewtime(t,x,newt) :
+    newx = np.zeros((len(newt)))
+    newx[:] = np.nan
+    intersect=np.intersect1d(t,newt)
+    if len(intersect) == 0 :
+        print("Input time goes from ", t[0]," to ", t[-1])
+        print("Target time axis goes from ",newt[0], " to ", newt[-1])
+        print("Intersection is empty !")
+        sys.exit()
+    newx[newt.index(intersect[0]):newt.index(intersect[-1])]=x[t.index(intersect[0]):t.index(intersect[-1])]
+    return newx
+# Merge a number of data set which are already on the same time axis
+def mergedata(d, Merged, verbose=False) :
+    # Options
+    # Merger quality criteria
+    q = 0.1
+    # Method to fill gaps : First or Mean
+    opt = "Mean"
+    #
+    da=np.reshape(np.append(Merged,np.asarray(d)),(-1,Merged.shape[0]))
+    nbdata,tlen=da.shape
+    nbval=np.zeros((nbdata))
+    overlapmean=np.zeros((nbdata))
+    mask=~np.isnan(np.sum(da,axis=0))
+    grandmean=np.nanmean(da)
+    #
+    for i in range(nbdata) :
+        nbval[i] = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(da[i,:]))
+        overlapmean[i] = np.mean(da[i,mask])
+        if verbose :
+            print(" mergedata : Mean of obs. = ", np.nanmean(da[i,:]), " Nb obs = ", nbval[i], \
+                  " Mean of overlap period = ", np.mean(da[i,mask]))
+    #
+    # Default us the Merged product from the selected station
+    #
+    c=np.copy(da[0,:])
+    #
+    # If the various observations are close to each other we have two options to fill the gaps :
+    # Take the first product which is available, or use the main of all products
+    #
+    if np.std(overlapmean)/np.mean(overlapmean) < q :
+        if opt.find("Mean") != -1 :
+            # A mask without the Merged data
+            mask=~np.isnan(np.sum(da[1:,:],axis=0))
+            m = np.zeros((tlen))
+            m[:] = np.nan
+            m[mask] = np.nanmean(da[:,mask], axis=0)
+            c[np.isnan(c)]=m[np.isnan(c)]
+        # Fill with the other data when only option is available
+        for i in range(nbdata) :
+            c[np.isnan(c)]=da[i,np.isnan(c)]
+    #
+    return c
diff --git a/Stations/ConvertGRDC.py b/Stations/ConvertGRDC.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de8de41005b4bac7ad5b5699a743689b7b28d422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/ConvertGRDC.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import sys
+import glob
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+import Station as ST
+import AllStations as AS
+GRDC = AS.AllStations(Source=GRDCPath)
+for f in glob.glob(GRDCPath+'/*.txt') :
+    GRDC.add(ST.Station("GRDCascii",f))
+# Compute the over all time axis.
+nbmonth = int((GRDC.LastDate()-GRDC.FirstDate()).days/365)*12+12
+nbstations = GRDC.nbstations
+print("Number of stations :", nbstations)
+print("Data covers the period :", GRDC.FirstDate(), " to ", GRDC.LastDate(), ' or ', nbmonth, ' month.')
+# Create a global calendar in which all observations fit
+for i in range(nbmonth):
+    dm=i%12
+    dy=int((i-dm)/12)
+    AllDates.append(datetime.datetime(y+dy, m+dm, d))
+print("New time axis goes from ", AllDates[0]," to ", AllDates[-1])
+# Dump all stations into a netCDF file
+hist="GRDC Monthly River Discharge Received in January 2020"
+GRDC.dumpnetcdf(AllDates, GRDCfile, hist)
diff --git a/Stations/ConvertSpainData.py b/Stations/ConvertSpainData.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6775cf380a22043a5414d9f09818748357ad440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/ConvertSpainData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import sys
+import glob
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+import Station as ST
+import AllStations as AS
+Spain = AS.AllStations(Source=SpainPath)
+for f in glob.glob(SpainPath+'/*.json') :
+    Spain.add(ST.Station("SpainJson", f, regioncode=62, countrycode="ES"))
+# Compute the over all time axis.
+nbmonth = int((Spain.LastDate()-Spain.FirstDate()).days/365)*12+12
+nbstations = Spain.nbstations
+print("Number of stations :", nbstations)
+print("Data covers the period :", Spain.FirstDate(), " to ", Spain.LastDate(), ' or ', nbmonth, ' month.')
+# Create a global calendar in which all observations fit
+for i in range(nbmonth):
+    dm=i%12
+    dy=int((i-dm)/12)
+    AllDates.append(datetime.datetime(y+dy, m+dm, d))
+print("New time axis goes from ", AllDates[0]," to ", AllDates[-1])
+# Dump all stations into a netCDF file
+hist="Spanish data obtained from Observatorio del Ebro in May 2020. Downloaded in 2014 by Pere Quintana"
+Spain.dumpnetcdf(AllDates, Spainfile, hist)
diff --git a/Stations/MergeStations.py b/Stations/MergeStations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3fdffb9e2d1223fdc1d25ae25557d594246cccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/MergeStations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import datetime
+import Station as ST
+import AllStations as AS
+import configparser
+AclosetoB, BclosetoA = AS.closeto(A, B, distance=5*MinDistance)
+# Try to pair stations which are close to each other. The various metadate are compared.
+pairs, metachoice = AS.PairAtoB(A, B, AclosetoB, BclosetoA, MinDistance, UpAreaError, interactive=interactive)
+# Concatenate all stations which are not found to pair.
+C=AS.concatenate(A, B, pairs, Sources=FileA+"+"+FileB)
+# Merge the data if the station which where paired
+C=AS.mergedata(A, B, C, pairs, metachoice, verbose=True)
+# Check the station numbers and complete if needed
+# Create a global calendar in which all observations fit
+print("Number of stations in A = ", A.nbstations," in B = ", B.nbstations, " Merged set has : ", C.nbstations)
+print("Time range of input : A=", A.FirstDate(), "-", A.LastDate()," B=", B.FirstDate(), "-", B.LastDate())
+nbmonth = int((C.LastDate()-C.FirstDate()).days/365)*12+12
+print("Data coverd by merged dataset :", C.FirstDate(), " to ", C.LastDate(), ' or ', nbmonth, ' month.')
+for i in range(nbmonth):
+    dm=i%12
+    dy=int((i-dm)/12)+1
+    AllDates.append(datetime.datetime(y+dy, m+dm, d))
+C.dumpnetcdf(AllDates, OutFile, "Merge of "+FileA+" and "+FileB)
diff --git a/Stations/Station.py b/Stations/Station.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bce63e4639f33228cd0ebe4067bc0a87e46bddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stations/Station.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Class to store individual stations with all the metadata.
+# The observations are put on a continuous time axis from the
+# date of the first observation to the last. Missing observations
+# are noted as np.nan.
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+import re
+from netCDF4 import stringtochar, chartostring
+import ConversionCalculations as CC
+defint = -999
+defstr = "XXX"
+class Station :
+    def __init__(self, ftype, filename, index=0, regioncode=-999, countrycode="XX") :
+        #
+        # Set default values for the station
+        #
+        self.sourceproj = None
+        self.lonlatproj = None
+        #
+        # GRDC station number
+        self.Number = defint
+        self.WMOregion = defint
+        self.WMOsubregion = defint
+        self.NextStation = defint
+        self.River = defstr
+        self.Name = defstr
+        self.FileDate = defstr
+        self.LastUpdate = defstr
+        self.Country = defstr
+        self.Area = defint
+        self.Altitude = defint
+        self.Length = defint
+        self.Location = None
+        self.Time = None
+        self.Original = None
+        self.mergersource = None
+        self.Merged = None
+        self.Flag = None
+        #
+        # 
+        #
+        if ftype.find("GRDCascii") >= 0 :
+            self.GRDCasciiread(filename)
+        elif ftype.find("SpainJson") >= 0 :
+            self.Spainjsonread(filename, countrycode, regioncode)
+        elif ftype.find("netcdf") >= 0 :
+            self.getfromnetcdf(filename, index)
+        else:
+            print("Not foreseen file format :", ftype)
+            sys.exit()
+        #
+        #
+        #
+    def GRDCasciiread(self, filename) :
+        #
+        f = open(filename, 'rt', encoding='iso8859_9')
+        #
+        skip=0
+        nbdata=-1
+        for line in f:
+            #
+            # Find position of #If "#" is in first position print line
+            #
+            if ( line.find("#") == 0 ) :
+                if ( line.find("GRDC-No.:") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.Number=int(tmpread)
+                    self.WMOregion = (self.Number/100000)
+                    self.WMOsubregion = int((self.Number-self.WMOregion*100000)/1000)
+                elif ( line.find("Next downstream station:") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find("Next downstream station:")+len("Next downstream station:")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    if len(tmpread.strip()) <= 1 or tmpread.find('-') >= 0 :
+                        self.NextStation = -999
+                    else :
+                        self.NextStation=int(tmpread)
+                elif (line.find("River:") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.River=tmpread.strip().title()
+                elif (line.find("file generation") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.FileDate=tmpread.strip()
+                elif (line.find("Last update") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.LastUpdate=tmpread.strip()
+                elif (line.find("Station:") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:].lower()
+                    self.Name=tmpread.strip().title()
+                elif (line.find("Country:") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.Country=tmpread.strip()
+                elif (line.find("Latitude (") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    lat=float(tmpread)
+                elif (line.find("Longitude (") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    lon=float(tmpread)
+                elif (line.find("Catchment area (") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.Area=float(tmpread)
+                elif (line.find("Altitude (m ASL)") > 0 ) :
+                    start=line.find(":")+1
+                    tmpread=line[start:]
+                    self.Altitude=float(tmpread)
+                else :
+                    # Skip line !
+                    skip=skip+1
+            else :
+                if ( skip > 0 and nbdata < 0) :
+                    if (line.find("YYYY-MM-DD;hh:mm; Original; Calculated; Flag") != 0 ) :
+                        print("Unknown format, cannot read !")
+                        print(line)
+                        sys.exit()
+                    else :
+                        nbdata=0
+                        date=[]
+                        orig=[]
+                        calc=[]
+                        flag=[]
+                else :
+                    nbdata=nbdata+1
+                    pos=[0]
+                    for m in re.finditer(';', line):
+                        pos.append(m.start())
+                    if ( len(pos) == 5 ) :
+                        day=line[pos[0]:pos[1]]
+                        time=line[pos[1]+1:pos[2]]
+                        original=float(line[pos[2]+1:pos[3]])
+                        calculated=float(line[pos[3]+1:pos[4]])
+                        dataflag=int(line[pos[4]+1:-1])
+                    else :
+                        print("We have not found the needed 4 ';'", nbdata)
+                        print(pos)
+                        print(line)
+                        sys.exit()
+                    y=int(day[0:4])
+                    m=int(day[5:7])
+                    d=15
+                    date.append(datetime.datetime(y, m, d))
+                    orig.append(original)
+                    calc.append(calculated)
+                    flag.append(dataflag)
+                    #
+             # Closing IF on comments
+        # End of loop through lines
+        f.close
+        #
+        # Loop through all values to build a merged product between the
+        # the original month values and the montly values calculated by GRDC
+        # based on daily observations
+        #
+        orig=np.asarray(orig, float)
+        calc=np.asarray(calc, float)
+        merged=np.empty((nbdata), float)
+        for i in range(nbdata):
+            if ( flag[i] > 80 ) and ( flag[i] <= 100 ) :
+                merged[i] = calc[i]
+            elif (flag[i] <= 80) and  (flag[i] >= 0):
+                merged[i] = orig[i]
+            else :
+                print("In building the merged product a flag was not recognized")
+                print("Working on ", filename)
+                print("Flag = ", flag[i])
+                print("orig[i] = ", orig[i], "calc[i] = ", calc[i])
+                sys.exit()
+        #
+        # Clean-up !
+        #
+        self.Length=nbdata
+        self.Location=[lon,lat]
+        self.Time=date
+        #
+        orig[orig <= -999] = np.nan
+        self.Original=[np.asarray(orig)]
+        self.mergersource = ["Original monthly Hydrographs"]
+        #
+        calc[calc <= -999] = np.nan
+        if np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(calc)) > 0 :
+            self.mergersource.append("Computed at GRDC from daily values")
+            self.Original.append(calc)
+        self.Merged=merged
+        self.Merged[self.Merged <= -999]=np.nan
+        self.Flag=np.asarray(flag, float)
+        #
+        return
+        #
+        #
+        #
+    def Spainjsonread(self, filename, countrycode, regioncode):
+        #
+        import json
+        from pyproj import Proj, transform
+        #
+        if self.sourceproj is None :
+            self.sourceproj = Proj(init="EPSG:25830")
+        if self.lonlatproj is None :
+            self.lonlatproj = Proj(init = 'epsg:4326')
+        #
+        f = open(filename, 'r')
+        data = f.read()
+        fobj = json.loads(data)
+        #
+        if "runoff" in fobj :
+            if len(fobj["runoff"].keys()) > 0 :
+                # Get coordinates
+                x1,y1=float(fobj["metadata"][" UTM X H30 ETRS89"])*1000,float(fobj["metadata"][" UTM Y H30 ETRS89"])*1000
+                lon,lat = transform(self.sourceproj,self.lonlatproj,x1,y1)
+                #
+                if " RIO" in fobj["metadata"] :
+                    self.River=fobj["metadata"][" RIO"].title().strip()
+                else :
+                    self.River=fobj["metadata"][" Confed. Hidrografica"].title()
+                self.Name=fobj["metadata"][" Municipio"].title().strip()
+                self.Country=countrycode
+                self.WMOregion=regioncode
+                self.WMOsubregion=99
+                if " Superficie aguas arriba (km2)" in fobj["metadata"] :
+                    if len(fobj["metadata"][" Superficie aguas arriba (km2)"]) > 1 :
+                        ## Why this 1000 ? Units and numbers dont match !
+                        self.Area=float(fobj["metadata"][" Superficie aguas arriba (km2)"])*1000.0
+                if " Altitud (m)" in fobj["metadata"] :
+                    if len(fobj["metadata"][" Altitud (m)"]) > 1 :
+                        self.Altitude=float(fobj["metadata"][" Altitud (m)"])
+                self.Location=[lon,lat]
+                #
+                # Get data and build monthly averages
+                #
+                dates = CC.key2date(fobj, "runoff")
+                runoff = CC.key2data(fobj, "runoff")
+                month, monthlyrunoff = CC.monthlymean(dates, runoff)
+                #
+                self.Length=len(month)
+                self.Time=month
+                self.Original=monthlyrunoff
+                self.Merged=monthlyrunoff
+                #
+            #
+            #
+            #
+            else :
+                print("Station in "+filename+" has zero runoff values")
+                #
+        elif "volume" in fobj :
+            print("Dam named "+fobj["metadata"]["Embalse"]+" at "+fobj["metadata"][" Municipio"])
+        else :
+            print("Unrecognized file ",filename)
+            print("Unrecognized file : Available keys : ", fobj.keys())
+        #
+        f.close()
+        #
+        return
+    def getfromnetcdf(self, nc, i):        
+        #
+        self.Number = nc.variables["number"][i]
+        self.WMOregion = nc.variables["WMOreg"][i]
+        self.WMOsubregion = nc.variables["WMOsubreg"][i]
+        self.NextStation = nc.variables["next"][i]
+        self.River = chartostring(nc.variables["river"][i,:])
+        self.Name = chartostring(nc.variables["name"][i,:])
+        self.FileDate = chartostring(nc.variables["FileDate"][i,:])
+        self.LastUpdate = chartostring(nc.variables["LastUpdate"][i,:])
+        self.Country = chartostring(nc.variables["country"][i,:])
+        self.Area = nc.variables["area"][i]
+        self.Altitude = nc.variables["altitude"][i]
+        self.Location = np.append(np.copy(nc.variables["lon"][i]),np.copy(nc.variables["lat"][i]))
+        # Convert time to 
+        self.Time = CC.gettimeaxis(nc)
+        #
+        FillOrig = nc.variables["hydrographs"]._FillValue
+        if "alternative_index" in nc.variables.keys() :
+            # Get names of alternatives
+            nbalt,nbstations = nc.variables["alternative_index"].shape
+            tmpmerge = [defstr]*(nbalt+1)
+            for (a,v) in nc.__dict__.items():
+                if a.find("MergeSource") == 0 :
+                    ind = int(a[-1])-1
+                    tmpmerge[ind]=v
+            # Get indices
+            self.mergersource = [tmpmerge[0]]
+            self.Original = [nc.variables["hydrographs"][:,i]]
+            for ia in range(nbalt) :
+                if nc.variables["alternative_index"][ia,i] >= 0 :
+                    self.mergersource.append(tmpmerge[ia+1])
+                    self.Original.append(nc.variables["alt_hydrograph"][:,nc.variables["alternative_index"][ia,i]])
+        else :
+            self.mergersource = [nc.history]
+            self.Original = [nc.variables["hydrographs"][:,i]]
+        #
+        #
+        for d in self.Original :
+            d[d >= FillOrig] = np.nan
+        #
+        if "mergedhydro" in nc.variables.keys() :
+            self.Merged = nc.variables["mergedhydro"][:,i]
+            FillMerge = nc.variables["mergedhydro"]._FillValue
+            self.Merged[self.Merged >= FillMerge] = np.nan
+        if "flags" in nc.variables.keys() :
+            self.Flag = nc.variables["flags"][:,i]
+        #
+        self.Length=len(self.Time)
+        #
+        return
diff --git a/Stations/Station_Metadata.nc b/Stations/Station_Metadata.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1089a6348ae70d57d8f9e97bd2f8387b5b4af21
Binary files /dev/null and b/Stations/Station_Metadata.nc differ