diff --git a/DocumentationInterface b/DocumentationInterface
index 499d46d1f82f5e4167b0ee67ef12c4ac1fa56932..4c4d1c54d134f9fc7bc8514e73f1e031b498b8fa 100644
--- a/DocumentationInterface
+++ b/DocumentationInterface
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ inflow_number : rank-2 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,8 * nbxmax_in)
 inflow_grid : rank-3 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,8 * nbxmax_in,8 * nbxmax_in)
 inflow_basin : rank-3 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,8 * nbxmax_in,8 * nbxmax_in)
-outflow_grid_new = fetch(basin_count,basin_area,basin_id,basin_hierarchy,basin_fac,outflow_grid,outflow_basin,fetch_basin,[nbpt,nwbas])
+outflow_uparea = fetch(basin_count,basin_area,basin_id,basin_hierarchy,basin_fac,outflow_grid,outflow_basin,partial_sum,fetch_basin,[nbpt,nwbas])
 Wrapper for ``fetch``.
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ basin_hierarchy : input rank-2 array('f') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
 basin_fac : input rank-2 array('f') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
 outflow_grid : in/output rank-2 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
 outflow_basin : input rank-2 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
+partial_sum : input rank-2 array('f') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
 fetch_basin : in/output rank-2 array('f') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
 Other Parameters
@@ -210,15 +211,16 @@ nwbas : input int, optional
-outflow_grid_new : rank-2 array('i') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
+outflow_uparea : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (nbpt*nwbas)
-routing_area,routing_cg,topo_resid,route_togrid,route_tobasin,route_nbintobas,global_basinid,route_outlet,route_type,origin_nbintobas,routing_fetch = truncate(nbasmax,basin_count,basin_notrun,basin_area,basin_cg,basin_topoind,fetch_basin,basin_id,basin_coor,basin_type,basin_flowdir,outflow_grid,outflow_basin,inflow_number,inflow_grid,inflow_basin,[nbpt,nbxmax_in,nwbas])
+routing_area,routing_cg,topo_resid,route_togrid,route_tobasin,route_nbintobas,global_basinid,route_outlet,route_type,origin_nbintobas,routing_fetch = truncate(nbasmax,num_largest,basin_count,basin_notrun,basin_area,basin_cg,basin_topoind,fetch_basin,basin_id,basin_coor,basin_type,basin_flowdir,outflow_grid,outflow_basin,inflow_number,inflow_grid,inflow_basin,[nbpt,nbxmax_in,nwbas])
 Wrapper for ``truncate``.
 nbasmax : input int
+num_largest : input int
 basin_count : in/output rank-1 array('i') with bounds (nbpt)
 basin_notrun : in/output rank-1 array('i') with bounds (nbpt)
 basin_area : in/output rank-2 array('f') with bounds (nbpt,nwbas)
diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
index 4d72ec328e9b1d9d0b7380cad3c2b93751f31583..67d52162c3098a9593e6a44870d8c9f3e96e4a99 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ SUBROUTINE areanorm(nbpt, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_area_norm)
-SUBROUTINE fetch(nbpt, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac,&
-     & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, fetch_basin, outflow_grid_new)
+SUBROUTINE fetch(nbpt, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
+     & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, partial_sum, fetch_basin, outflow_uparea)
   USE ioipsl
   USE grid
@@ -336,23 +336,56 @@ SUBROUTINE fetch(nbpt, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_id, basin_hierarchy
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)    :: basin_id !!
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: basin_hierarchy
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: basin_fac
-  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)    :: outflow_basin !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in) :: partial_sum
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: fetch_basin !!
   ! Output
-  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(out) :: outflow_grid_new !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
-  !
-  outflow_grid_new(:,:) = outflow_grid(:,:)
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt*nwbas), INTENT(out) :: outflow_uparea
   CALL routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, area, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac,&
-       & outflow_grid_new, outflow_basin, fetch_basin)
+       & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, partial_sum, fetch_basin, outflow_uparea)
-SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
+SUBROUTINE rivclassification(nbpt, nwbas, basin_count, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, fetch_basin, largest_rivarea, num_largest)
+  !
+  USE defprec
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbpt !! Domain size (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nwbas !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(in)          :: basin_count !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_grid
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)    :: outflow_basin !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: fetch_basin !!
+  REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: largest_rivarea
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (out) :: num_largest
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std) :: ib, ij
+  !
+  !
+  num_largest = 0
+  !
+  DO ib=1,nbpt
+     !
+     DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
+        !
+        IF (outflow_grid(ib,ij) .LT. 0 .AND. fetch_basin(ib,ij) .GE. largest_rivarea) THEN
+           num_largest = num_largest + 1
+           outflow_grid(ib,ij) = -1
+        ENDIF
+        !
+     ENDDO
+  !
+END SUBROUTINE rivclassification
+SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
      & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
      & inflow_grid, inflow_basin, routing_area, routing_cg, topo_resid, route_togrid, route_tobasin, route_nbintobas, &
      & global_basinid, route_outlet, route_type, origin_nbintobas, routing_fetch)
@@ -368,7 +401,8 @@ SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun,
   INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbpt !! Domain size (unitless)
   INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbxmax_in, nbasmax
   INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nwbas !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: num_largest
+  !
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(inout)       :: basin_count !!
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(inout)       :: basin_notrun !!
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_id !!
@@ -407,7 +441,7 @@ SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun,
-  CALL routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, area, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, &
+  CALL routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, area, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, &
        & basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
        & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
index 6f4ad0125ced42b5807f6c439615c3513ceea0bd..6ed789ebc8fadeac5b4507d0dee950bb068d9315 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ MODULE routing_reg
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nbvmax=440 !! The maximum number of basins we can handle at any time during the generation of the maps (unitless)
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nbxmax=63 !! The maximum number of points in one direction (NS or WE) using in routing_reg_getgrid (unitless)
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: maxpercent=2 !! The maximum area percentage of a sub-basin in a grib-box (default = 2%)
-  INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: num_largest = 50
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nbpt_save
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nbasmax_save
@@ -2692,7 +2691,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
 SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac,&
-       & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, fetch_basin)
+       & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, partial_sum, fetch_basin, outflow_uparea)
@@ -2709,10 +2708,12 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: basin_hierarchy
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: basin_fac
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)    :: outflow_basin !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: partial_sum
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: fetch_basin !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt*nwbas), INTENT(out)      :: outflow_uparea
     INTEGER(i_std) :: ib, ij, ff(1), it, itt, igrif, ibasf, nboutflow !! Indices (unitless)
@@ -2720,41 +2721,90 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt*nbvmax,2) :: tmpindex !!
     INTEGER(i_std), PARAMETER :: maxiterations=10000
+    !
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
+    ! Propagate first the partial sums from the halo into the domain
     DO ib=1,nbpt
+       !
+       IF ( SUM(partial_sum(ib,:)) > 0 ) THEN
+          WRITE(numout,*) ib, "Have some partial system to add in point", lalo(ib,2), lalo(ib,1)
+       ENDIF
        DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-          fetch_basin(ib, ij) = fetch_basin(ib, ij) + basin_area(ib,ij)
-          !
-          igrif = outflow_grid(ib,ij)
-          ibasf = outflow_basin(ib,ij)
-          !
-          itt = 0
+          IF (partial_sum(ib,ij) > EPSILON(partial_sum)) THEN
+             !
+             fetch_basin(ib, ij) = MAX(fetch_basin(ib, ij), partial_sum(ib,ij))
+             !
+             igrif = outflow_grid(ib,ij)
+             ibasf = outflow_basin(ib,ij)
+             !
+             itt = 0
+             !
+             DO WHILE (igrif .GT. 0)
+                !
+                fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) = MAX(fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf), partial_sum(ib, ij))
+                !
+                it = outflow_grid(igrif, ibasf)
+                ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif, ibasf)
+                igrif = it
+                itt = itt + 1
+                IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations) THEN
+                   IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations+20) THEN
+                      CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_fetch','Problem in propagating partial sum','','')
+                   ENDIF
+                ENDIF
+             ENDDO
+          ENDIF
+       ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+    !
+    ! Add the areas contributed by the core region of the domain.
+    !
+    DO ib=1,nbpt
+       !
+       DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-          DO WHILE (igrif .GT. 0)
+          IF (partial_sum(ib,ij) <= 0.01) THEN
+             !
+             fetch_basin(ib, ij) = fetch_basin(ib, ij) + basin_area(ib,ij)
-             fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) = fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) + basin_area(ib, ij)
-             it = outflow_grid(igrif, ibasf)
-             ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif, ibasf)
-             igrif = it
-             itt = itt + 1
-             IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,&
-                     "('Grid ',I5, ' and basin ',I5, ' did not converge after iteration ',I5)") ib, ij, itt
-                WRITE(numout, "('==> We flow through grid ',I5,' and basin ',I5)") igrif, ibasf
-                WRITE(numout,*) '==> Basin ID :', basin_id(igrif,ibasf), "Hierarchy :", basin_hierarchy(igrif,ibasf)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "==> Flow accumulation :", basin_fac(igrif,ibasf)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "==> Coordinates : ", lalo_g(igrif,2), lalo_g(igrif,1)
+             igrif = outflow_grid(ib,ij)
+             ibasf = outflow_basin(ib,ij)
+             !
+             itt = 0
+             !
+             DO WHILE (igrif .GT. 0 )
-                IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations+20) THEN
-                   CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_fetch','Problem...','','')
+                IF (partial_sum(igrif,ibasf) <= 0.01) THEN
+                   ! In the core regions
+                   fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) = fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) + basin_area(ib, ij)
+                ELSE
+                   ! In the halo of the domain avoid double counting
+                   fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf) = MAX(fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf), partial_sum(ib, ij))
-             ENDIF
-          ENDDO
+                !
+                it = outflow_grid(igrif, ibasf)
+                ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif, ibasf)
+                igrif = it
+                itt = itt + 1
+                IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations) THEN
+                   WRITE(numout,&
+                        "('Grid ',I5, ' and basin ',I5, ' did not converge after iteration ',I5)") ib, ij, itt
+                   WRITE(numout, "('==> We flow through grid ',I5,' and basin ',I5)") igrif, ibasf
+                   WRITE(numout,*) '==> Basin ID :', basin_id(igrif,ibasf), "Hierarchy :", basin_hierarchy(igrif,ibasf)
+                   WRITE(numout,*) "==> Flow accumulation :", basin_fac(igrif,ibasf)
+                   WRITE(numout,*) "==> Coordinates : ", lalo_g(igrif,2), lalo_g(igrif,1)
+                   !
+                   IF ( itt .GT. maxiterations+20) THEN
+                      CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_fetch','Problem...','','')
+                   ENDIF
+                ENDIF
+             ENDDO
+             !
+          ENDIF
@@ -2763,40 +2813,40 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin
     WRITE(numout,*) 'The smallest FETCH :', MINVAL(fetch_basin)
     WRITE(numout,*) 'The largest FETCH :', MAXVAL(fetch_basin)
-    ! Now we set for the 'num_largest' largest basins the outflow condition as stream flow
-    ! (i.e. outflow_grid = -1) and all other outflow basins are set to coastal flow
-    ! (i.e. outflow_grid = -2). The return flow is not touched.
+    ! We set all outflow points to coastal flow. This will be adjusted later once all procs have
+    ! exchanged their information. So we will have outflow_grid = -2.
     nboutflow = 0
+    outflow_uparea(:) = zero
     DO ib=1,nbpt
        DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
           ! We do not need any more the river flow flag as we are going to reset it.
+          ! We archive the upstream area of all outflow points so that we can sort them.
-          IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .EQ. -1) THEN
-             outflow_grid(ib,ij) = -2
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .EQ. -2) THEN
-             !
+          IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .LT. 0) THEN
+             IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .EQ. -1) THEN
+                outflow_grid(ib,ij) = -2
+             ENDIF
              nboutflow = nboutflow + 1
-             tmp_area(nboutflow) = fetch_basin(ib,ij)
-             tmpindex(nboutflow,1) = ib
-             tmpindex(nboutflow,2) = ij
-             !
+             IF ( nboutflow <= nbpt*nwbas) THEN
+                outflow_uparea(nboutflow) = fetch_basin(ib,ij)
+             ELSE
+                ! Not enought place so we replace a smaller one.
+                IF (fetch_basin(ib,ij) > MINVAL(outflow_uparea)) THEN
+                   ff = MINLOC(outflow_uparea)
+                   outflow_uparea(ff(1)) = fetch_basin(ib,ij)
+                ELSE
+                   ! Ignore basin
+                ENDIF
+             ENDIF
-    DO ib=1, num_largest
-       ff = MAXLOC(tmp_area(1:nboutflow))
-       outflow_grid(tmpindex(ff(1),1), tmpindex(ff(1),2)) = -1
-       tmp_area(ff(1)) = zero
-    ENDDO
-    !
   END SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch
@@ -2839,8 +2889,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, &
-       & basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, &
+       & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
        & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -2857,6 +2907,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, basin_
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(in) :: contfrac !! Fraction of land in each grid box (unitless;0-1)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nwbas !!
+      INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: num_largest
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(inout)       :: basin_count !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(inout)       :: basin_notrun !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_id !!
diff --git a/Interface.py b/Interface.py
index e264c61a4bfdea9ad29a16107580c3ecda17b0a2..6dffef3d5bb668ba1536561177ebc794977d1b58 100644
--- a/Interface.py
+++ b/Interface.py
@@ -160,40 +160,56 @@ class HydroSuper :
                                                                        self.nbcoastal, self.coastal_basin, float(hydrodata.basinsmax))
-    def fetch(self, part) :
+    def fetch(self, part, modelgrid) :
+        #
+        largest_pos = -50
         fetch_basin = np.zeros(self.basin_area.shape, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
-        self.fetch_basin = np.zeros(self.basin_area.shape, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         self.basin_area = routing_interface.areanorm(self.basin_count, self.basin_area)
-        partial_sum = np.copy(self.basin_area)
+        partial_sum = np.zeros(self.basin_area.shape, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         for i in range(part.size) :
             fetch_basin[:,:] = 0.0
-            self.outflow_grid  = routing_interface.fetch(self.basin_count, partial_sum, self.basin_id, self.basin_hierarchy, \
-                                                         self.basin_fac, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, fetch_basin)
-            print("Rank : ", part.rank," iter =", i," Fetch_basin range :", np.min(fetch_basin), np.mean(fetch_basin), np.max(fetch_basin))
-            print("Rank : ", part.rank," Partial sum range :", np.min(partial_sum), np.mean(partial_sum), np.max(partial_sum))
+            outflow_uparea = routing_interface.fetch(self.basin_count, self.basin_area, self.basin_id, self.basin_hierarchy, \
+                                                         self.basin_fac, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, partial_sum, fetch_basin)
             partial_sum = np.copy(fetch_basin)
             part.landsendtohalo(partial_sum, order='F')
-            partial_sum = part.copycore(partial_sum, self.basin_area, order='F')
-            print("Rank :", part.rank," iter =", i," Copy core done")
+            partial_sum = part.zerocore(partial_sum, order='F')
+            #
+            yy=modelgrid.landscatter(np.sum(fetch_basin, axis=1)/np.sum(self.basin_area, axis=1))
-        self.fetch_basin[:,:] = fetch_basin[:,:]
+        self.fetch_basin = np.copy(fetch_basin)
+        #
+        # Find area the largest basins need at least to have.
+        #
+        xtmp = np.hstack(part.comm.allgather(outflow_uparea[np.where(outflow_uparea > 0.0)]))
+        sorted_outareas = np.sort(np.array(xtmp))
+        largest_rivarea = sorted_outareas[largest_pos]
+        #
+        #
+        #
+        yy=modelgrid.landscatter(np.sum(self.fetch_basin, axis=1)/np.sum(self.basin_area, axis=1))
+        print("Rank :"+str(part.rank)+" OUT of fetch =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= \n"+str(yy)+"\n =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=")
+        self.num_largest = routing_interface.rivclassification(self.basin_count, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, \
+                                                               self.fetch_basin, largest_rivarea)
 class HydroGraph :
-    def __init__(self, nbasmax, hydrosuper) :
+    def __init__(self, nbasmax, hydrosuper, part, modelgrid) :
         self.nbasmax = nbasmax
         self.routing_area, self.routing_cg, self.topo_resid, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.route_nbintobas, self.global_basinid, \
             self.route_outlet, self.route_type, self.origin_nbintobas, self.routing_fetch = \
-                                    routing_interface.truncate(nbasmax, hydrosuper.basin_count, hydrosuper.basin_notrun, hydrosuper.basin_area, \
-                                                                hydrosuper.basin_cg, hydrosuper.basin_topoind, hydrosuper.fetch_basin, hydrosuper.basin_id, \
-                                                                hydrosuper.basin_outcoor, hydrosuper.basin_type, hydrosuper.basin_flowdir, \
-                                                                hydrosuper.outflow_grid, hydrosuper.outflow_basin, \
-                                                                hydrosuper.inflow_number,hydrosuper.inflow_grid,hydrosuper.inflow_basin)
+                                    routing_interface.truncate(nbasmax, hydrosuper.num_largest, hydrosuper.basin_count, hydrosuper.basin_notrun, \
+                                                               hydrosuper.basin_area, hydrosuper.basin_cg, \
+                                                               hydrosuper.basin_topoind, hydrosuper.fetch_basin, hydrosuper.basin_id, \
+                                                               hydrosuper.basin_outcoor, hydrosuper.basin_type, hydrosuper.basin_flowdir, \
+                                                               hydrosuper.outflow_grid, hydrosuper.outflow_basin, \
+                                                               hydrosuper.inflow_number,hydrosuper.inflow_grid,hydrosuper.inflow_basin)
+        yy=modelgrid.landscatter(np.sum(self.routing_fetch, axis=1)/np.sum(self.routing_area, axis=1))
+        print ("Rank :"+str(part.rank)+" OUT of truncate =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= \n"+str(yy)+"\n =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=")
     def dumpnetcdf(self, filename, globalgrid, procgrid, part) :
diff --git a/RoutingPreProc.py b/RoutingPreProc.py
index 0c6440a04232db012adbe88aabd26d0723bc69a3..0bc49e6a870f5606a4ad5a891013ce84222f5062 100644
--- a/RoutingPreProc.py
+++ b/RoutingPreProc.py
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ del hoverlap
 print("=================== Compute fetch ====================")
+hsuper.fetch(part, modelgrid)
-hgraph = IF.HydroGraph(nbasmax, hsuper)
+hgraph = IF.HydroGraph(nbasmax, hsuper, part, modelgrid)
 hgraph.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile, gg, modelgrid, part)