diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
index 4c7b94445b23ff82c23891f4aeff41980e291c4b..215e5346e2ada071862cd71f45508fb910bba9c1 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ MODULE routing_reg
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: route_outlet_glo !! Coordinate of outlet (-)
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: route_type_glo !! Coordinate of outlet (-)
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: route_fetch_glo !! Upstream area at each HTU
 !! ================================================================================================================================
 !! SUBROUTINE : routing_reg_getgrid
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ CONTAINS
 !! FLOWCHART : None
-!! \n 
+!! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
   SUBROUTINE routing_reg_getgrid(nbpt, ib, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area, max_basins, min_topoind, &
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ CONTAINS
                 ! It can also be a border point if the neighbour is not defined
-                ! 
+                !
                 IF ( basin_bx(ipp,jpp) > undef_int-1 ) THEN
                    IF (routing_nextgrid(ib,trip_bx(ip,jp)) < -1 ) THEN
                       trip_bx(ip,jp) = 98
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ CONTAINS
-    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ib !! 
+    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ib !!
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbi !! Number of point in x within the grid (unitless)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbj !! Number of point in y within the grid (unitless)
     REAL(r_std), INTENT(in) :: hierarchy(:,:) !!
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: coast_pts(nbvmax)      !! The coastal flow points (unitless)
     CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: fmt !!
     CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: fmtr !!
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ CONTAINS
     ! 4.0 Use the level 1 of the Pfafstetter coding system to divide the large
-    ! sub-grid basin. The large sub-grid basin here is defined by the area 
+    ! sub-grid basin. The large sub-grid basin here is defined by the area
     ! larger than 9% of grid box area. This threshold should be discussed later.
     ! Make a loop through all sub-grid basins to find if there is big sub-grid basin.
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ CONTAINS
     DO WHILE ( COUNT(tsz(:)/REAL(totsz) >= maxpercent/REAL(100) ) > 0 .AND. COUNT(tsz(:) >= 4 ) > 0 )
-       cnt = 0   
+       cnt = 0
        DO ibas = 1, nbb
           ! Only take the subbasin is bigger than 4 points
           IF (( tsz(ibas)/REAL(totsz) .GE. maxpercent/REAL(100) ) .AND. ( tsz(ibas) .GE. 4 )) THEN
@@ -679,15 +679,15 @@ CONTAINS
        ! cnt should be greater or equal 1 here
-       DO ipb = 1, cnt 
+       DO ipb = 1, cnt
           ibas = trans(ipb)
-          CALL routing_reg_divbas(nbi, nbj, ibas, toutloc(ibas,1), toutloc(ibas,2), tsz(ibas), toutbas(ibas), toutdir(ibas), & 
-             & toutlshead(ibas), tpts, trip, basin, fac, lontmp, lattmp, & 
+          CALL routing_reg_divbas(nbi, nbj, ibas, toutloc(ibas,1), toutloc(ibas,2), tsz(ibas), toutbas(ibas), toutdir(ibas), &
+             & toutlshead(ibas), tpts, trip, basin, fac, lontmp, lattmp, &
              & new_nb, mp, new_bname, new_outdir, new_heading, new_outbas, new_lat, new_lon, new_outloc, new_sz, new_pts)
-          ! If the dividing step is ok 
+          ! If the dividing step is ok
           IF ( new_nb .NE. 0 ) THEN
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ CONTAINS
              tsz(ibas) = new_sz(1)
              tpts(ibas,:,:) = new_pts(1,:,:)
-             DO p = 1, tsz(ibas) 
+             DO p = 1, tsz(ibas)
                 outtmp(tpts(ibas,p,1),tpts(ibas,p,2)) = ibas
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ CONTAINS
                    IF ( new_outbas(ip) .EQ. 1 .AND. ip .NE. mp ) THEN
                       toutbas(nbb+ip-1) = ibas
-                   ELSE IF ( ip .NE. mp ) THEN 
+                   ELSE IF ( ip .NE. mp ) THEN
                       toutbas(nbb+ip-1) = new_outbas(ip)+nbb-1
                       toutbas(nbb+ip-1) = new_outbas(ip)
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ CONTAINS
                    tsz(nbb+ip-1) = new_sz(ip)
                    tpts(nbb+ip-1,:,:) = new_pts(ip,:,:)
-                   DO p = 1, tsz(nbb+ip-1) 
+                   DO p = 1, tsz(nbb+ip-1)
                       outtmp(tpts(nbb+ip-1,p,1),tpts(nbb+ip-1,p,2)) = nbb+ip-1
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ CONTAINS
              WRITE(numout,*) 'Can not divide sub-basins (routing_reg_findbasins): ',ibas
              CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_findbasins','new_nb = 0','Something is wrong with routing_reg_divbas','')
-             ! 
+             !
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ CONTAINS
           IF ( neworder .NE. 0 ) THEN
-             basin_bbout(ip) = neworder 
+             basin_bbout(ip) = neworder
              WRITE(numout,*) 'ip, sortind(ip) :', ip, sortind(ip)
              WRITE(numout,*) 'toutbas(sortind(ip)) :', toutbas(sortind(ip))
@@ -895,10 +895,10 @@ CONTAINS
              WRITE(numout,*) 'tbname(sortind(1:nb_basin)) :', tbname(sortind(1:nb_basin))
              WRITE(numout,*) 'toutbas(1:nbb) :', toutbas(1:nbb)
-             CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_findbasins','We got problem when sorting toutbas','','') 
+             CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_findbasins','We got problem when sorting toutbas','','')
-    ENDDO 
+    ENDDO
     IF (  debug .AND. routing_diagbox(ib, diaglalo) ) THEN
        WRITE(numout,*) "Grid box: ", ib
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbi !! Number of point in x within the grid (unitless)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbj !! Number of point in y within the grid (unitless)
-    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ibas !! Order of the basin will be divided 
+    INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: ibas !! Order of the basin will be divided
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: iloc, jloc !! Outlet location
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: tsz !! Size of sub-basin
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ CONTAINS
     REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: flag=-9999. !!
     LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: checkgrid=.FALSE.
     CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: fmt !!
     CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: fmtr !!
@@ -1107,19 +1107,19 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER(i_std) :: main_loc(nbvmax,2), tri_loc(nbne,nbvmax,2)
     REAL(r_std) :: main_fac(nbvmax), tri_fac(nbne,nbvmax)
-    REAL(r_std) :: tmptri_fac(nbne)  ! Flow accumulation of all neighbour points 
+    REAL(r_std) :: tmptri_fac(nbne)  ! Flow accumulation of all neighbour points
     INTEGER(i_std) :: sortedtrifac(nbne) ! And sort of tmptri_fac(nbne)
     REAL(r_std) :: alltri_fac(nbvmax) ! Sort flow accumulation of all tributaries
     INTEGER(i_std) :: alltri_loc1(nbvmax), alltri_loc2(nbvmax) ! And their location
-    INTEGER(i_std) :: sortedallfac(nbvmax) ! Sort alltri_fac(nbvmax) 
-    ! 
+    INTEGER(i_std) :: sortedallfac(nbvmax) ! Sort alltri_fac(nbvmax)
+    !
     !     *  Note: again, there are few dimensions should be exactly [nbne-1]
     !     or [nbne-2]. Because when you follow upstream the mainstream, there are
     !     always at least ONE neighbour points will not belong to TRIBUTARY.
     !     But to make your life easier, I put all "nbne" here.
     !    - Identify the 4 greatest tributaries:
-    ! 
+    !
     REAL(r_std) :: tmpmain_fac(4) ! Flow accumulations of 4 greatest tributaries
     INTEGER(i_std) :: tmpmain_loc(4,2), sortedmainfac(4) ! And their locations and sorted values
     INTEGER(i_std) :: numtri(4), usetri_loc(4,4,2) ! Counting and store location when processing these 4 points
@@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ CONTAINS
     !    stem: there can be 5 inter-basins. So we need 9 dividing points:
     INTEGER(i_std) :: divloc(9,2) ! Location of dividing points (maximum is 9)
-    ! 
+    !
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Print out information of grid box
     IF ( checkgrid ) THEN
-       ! 
+       !
        WRITE(numout,*) " Routing_reg_divbas: Grid before dividing "
        WRITE(numout,*) " Size: ", nbi, nbj
        WRITE(fmt,"('(',I3,'I6)')") nbi
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ CONTAINS
        WRITE(numout,*) 'Basin out: ', tout, toutd
-    ! 2.0 From the outlet of the subbasin, trace back to find the main stream 
+    ! 2.0 From the outlet of the subbasin, trace back to find the main stream
     ! and identify the 4 greatest tributaries. If there are less than 4
     ! tributraries, take them all.
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ CONTAINS
                 IF ( ie .EQ. il .AND. je .EQ. jl ) THEN
                    ! Store all points here
                    l = l + 1
-                   tri_fac(l,cnt) = factmp(ill,jll) 
+                   tri_fac(l,cnt) = factmp(ill,jll)
                    tri_loc(l,cnt,1) = ill
                    tri_loc(l,cnt,2) = jll
                    ! Mark the processed points here
@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ CONTAINS
           ! accumulation will belongs to main stream. We move to this point
           ! (change value of il, jl).
           IF ( tri_fac(sortedtrifac(1),cnt) .NE. flag ) THEN
-             il = tri_loc(sortedtrifac(1),cnt,1)       
+             il = tri_loc(sortedtrifac(1),cnt,1)
              jl = tri_loc(sortedtrifac(1),cnt,2)
              IF ( checkgrid ) THEN
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ CONTAINS
     IF ( debug ) WRITE (numout,*) 'Length of mainstream: ', cnt
-    ! 3.0 Sort the flow accumulation of the tributaries and find the 
+    ! 3.0 Sort the flow accumulation of the tributaries and find the
     ! divided location.
     alltri_fac(:) = flag
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ CONTAINS
        ! Actually, we should only DO l = 1, nbne-2
        ! Because, there are usually 2 neighbour points belong to main stream
        ! and maximum (nbne-2) neighbour points can be tributaries.
-       ! DO l = 1, nbne-2 
+       ! DO l = 1, nbne-2
        DO l = 1, nbne
           IF ( tri_fac(l,k) .NE. flag ) THEN
              ip = ip + 1
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ CONTAINS
     IF ( ip .GT. 0 ) THEN
        ! Original output
        oic = 0
-       ! 
+       !
        sortedallfac(:) = 0
        DO k = 1, ip
           ff = MAXLOC(alltri_fac)
@@ -1414,14 +1414,14 @@ CONTAINS
                 tmpmain_fac(l) = main_fac(ik)
                 numtri(l) = 1
-                usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,1) = tri_loc(il,ik,1) 
+                usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,1) = tri_loc(il,ik,1)
                 usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,2) = tri_loc(il,ik,2)
                 ! If this point in main stream have more than 1 tributary
                 ! belongs to top 4 greatest tributaries
                 numtri(l) = numtri(l) + 1
-                usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,1) = tri_loc(il,ik,1) 
+                usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,1) = tri_loc(il,ik,1)
                 usetri_loc(numtri(l),l,2) = tri_loc(il,ik,2)
@@ -1455,12 +1455,12 @@ CONTAINS
        new_outbas(ic) = tout
        ! Number of mainstream sub-basin
-       oic = ic 
+       oic = ic
        DO k = l, 1, -1
           !DO il = 1, nbne-2
-          ! Maximum 4 tributaries: 
+          ! Maximum 4 tributaries:
           DO il = 1, 4
              IF ( usetri_loc(il,sortedmainfac(k),1) .NE. 0 ) THEN
                 ic = ic + 1
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ CONTAINS
        ! Save number of dividing points
        l = ic
-       !       
+       !
     ! If we don't have any tributary
        oic = 2
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ CONTAINS
           k = ik
           IF ( ik .LE. (l - oic) ) THEN
-             k = ik + oic 
+             k = ik + oic
              k = ik - (l - oic)
@@ -1510,8 +1510,8 @@ CONTAINS
        ! I'm so stupid careful here with this IF
        IF ( divloc(k,1) .NE. 0 .AND. divloc(k,2) .NE. 0 ) THEN
-          new_sz(k) = 1 
-          new_pts(k,new_sz(k),1) = divloc(k,1) 
+          new_sz(k) = 1
+          new_pts(k,new_sz(k),1) = divloc(k,1)
           new_pts(k,new_sz(k),2) = divloc(k,2)
           new_bname(k) = basin(divloc(k,1),divloc(k,2))
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ CONTAINS
           triptemp(divloc(k,1), divloc(k,2)) = -1
-          !   
+          !
           DO isz = 1, tsz
              il = tpts(ibas, isz, 1)
              jl = tpts(ibas, isz, 2)
@@ -1552,16 +1552,16 @@ CONTAINS
                    p = trip(ie,je)
                    IF ( ie .EQ. divloc(k,1) .AND. je .EQ. divloc(k,2) ) THEN
                       okpoint = .FALSE.
-                      new_sz(k) = new_sz(k) + 1 
-                      new_pts(k,new_sz(k),1) = il 
+                      new_sz(k) = new_sz(k) + 1
+                      new_pts(k,new_sz(k),1) = il
                       new_pts(k,new_sz(k),2) = jl
                       triptemp(tpts(ibas, isz, 1), tpts(ibas, isz, 2)) = -1
-          ENDDO   
+          ENDDO
-    ENDDO 
+    ENDDO
     ! 4.0 Make simple verification
@@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ CONTAINS
        DO ip=1,new_nb
           checksz = checksz + new_sz(ip)
-       !  
+       !
        IF ( checksz .NE. tsz) THEN
           WRITE(numout,*) ' Water got lost while I tried to divide basins'
           WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of new sub-basin : ', new_nb
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ CONTAINS
-!! FLOWCHART : None 
+!! FLOWCHART : None
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
     INTEGER(i_std)                           :: nb_basin     !! Number of sub-basins (unitless)
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax)        :: basin_inbxid, basin_sz !! ID of basin, number of points in the basin
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax,2)         :: basin_outlet !! Outlet coordinate of each subgrid basin (lat,lon)
-    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax)           :: basin_outtp  !! 
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax)           :: basin_outtp  !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax,nbvmax,2) :: basin_pts  !! Points in each basin
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax)        :: basin_bxout  !! outflow direction
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbvmax)        :: basin_bbout  !! outflow sub-basin
@@ -1681,7 +1681,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_topoind    !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_lshead     !! Large scale heading out of the grid box.
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: outflow_grid  !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
-    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: outflow_basin !! 
+    INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: outflow_basin !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt) :: nbcoastal           !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: coastal_basin !!
@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
 !! For outflow_basin we have the following conventions :
 !! outflow_basin = basin id in the case of the basin not flowing out of the current grid (i.e. outflow_grid=-4).
 !! Else outflow_basin = undef_int and the objective of this routine is to find what that basin is. This work
-!! essentially occurs in the routine routing_reg_bestsubbasin. But for that we need to find the grid box where 
+!! essentially occurs in the routine routing_reg_bestsubbasin. But for that we need to find the grid box where
 !! we will look for the right basin. This operation is performed here in 5 successive steps. The order correspond
 !! to the solution we would prefer.
 !! 1.0 : We will look in the grid provided by outflow_grid for the right basin. This neighbour has been obtained
@@ -1985,12 +1985,16 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
     REAL(r_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: hatoutflow
     INTEGER(i_std), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: minhloc
+    INTEGER(i_std) , DIMENSION(NbNeighb) :: order_ref
+    INTEGER(i_std)   :: nb_sym, nb, val, ind_nb, onb
+    INTEGER(i_std) :: found
-    LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug = .FALSE. !! (true/false)
+    LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug = .TRUE. !! (true/false)
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-    ! 
+    !
     testbasinid = 195
@@ -2036,6 +2040,11 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
           ! At this point any of the outflows is designated by a negative values in
           ! outflow_grid
+          WRITE(numout,*) "*****"
+          WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 0 - sp, sb = ", sp, sb
+          WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 0 - outflow_grid = ", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
+          IF (  outflow_grid(sp,sb) == 0 ) WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 -- Flow out of Halo zone"
+          !
           IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) < 0 ) THEN
              IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .EQ. -4 ) THEN
                 ! Flow into a basin of the same grid
@@ -2059,620 +2068,263 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
                 ! Nothing to do but just remember it is done.
                 solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+             WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"is an outflow ", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
           ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .GT. 0 ) THEN
+             found = 0
+             !
+             ! Deal with the first one as usual
              inp = outflow_grid(sp,sb)
+             IF ( inp == 0.) WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR 1"
              CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
                   &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
                   &                    nbpt, nwbas, inp, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
                   &                    basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bop, bopqual)
-             ! Trung: Because I think it's for nothing, I commented this line:
-             !ang = routing_anglediff_g(sp, inp, basin_flowdir(sp,sb))
-             !
-             ! If the basin is suitable (bop < undef_int) then take it
-             !
              IF ( bop .LT. undef_int ) THEN
                 CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, inp, bop, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
                      &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
                 IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) == bop ) THEN
                    solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+                   found = 1
+                   WRITE(numout,*) "Solution found in the original outflow_grid"
-                !
-             ENDIF
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-             IF (  outflow_grid(sp,sb) == 0 ) WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 -- Flow out of Halo zone"
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb:",sp, sb
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Coords : ", lalo_g(sp,2), lalo_g(sp,1)
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - outflow_flowdir = ", basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Large scale heading =", basin_lshead(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Hierarchy =", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Basin % of grid =", basin_area(sp,sb)/area_g(sp)*100
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - outflow_grid =", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - ID = ", basin_id(sp,sb)
-             IF (  outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Coords outflow: ", lalo_g(outflow_grid(sp,sb),2), lalo_g(outflow_grid(sp,sb),1)
-             ENDIF
-             WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - outflow_basin = ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-             IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 1.0 - Outflow Hierarchy =", basin_hierarchy(outflow_grid(sp,sb),outflow_basin(sp,sb))
-             ENDIF
-          ENDIF
-       ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    ! 2.0 : Do we have a valid outflow basin ? If not we need to test other options.
-    ! The reason for not finding the outflow basin could be that the outflow_grid correspons to a
-    ! small scale feature not corresponding to the orientation of the grid. So we use the large
-    ! scale heading of the flow out of the grid in order to test another neighbour.
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       !
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-             !
-             DO i=1,NbNeighb
-                diffangle(i) = ABS(haversine_diffangle(headings_g(sp,i), basin_lshead(sp,sb)))
-             ENDDO
-             ff = MINLOC(diffangle)
-             dls = neighbours_g(sp,ff(1))
-             IF ( dls .LE. -1 ) THEN
-                ! This flows out of the domain so put the basin into coastal flow
-                outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
-                solved(sp,2) = solved(sp,2)+1
-                IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                   WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - ", sp, sb, "becomes a coastal flow basin."
-                ENDIF
-             ELSE
-                IF ( dls > 0 ) THEN
-                   CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), &
-                        &                    basin_fac(sp,sb), basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
-                        &                    nbpt, nwbas, dls, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, &
-                        &                    basin_fac, basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bls, blsqual)
-                ELSE
-                   bls = undef_int
-                   blsqual = 0
-                ENDIF
-             IF ( dls > 0 .AND. bls < undef_int ) THEN
+             IF ( found == 0 ) THEN
+                WRITE (numout,*) "Establishing the list of neighbours"
+                ! Organize the location of the neighbours to visit by order of priority
+                ! first the outflow grid then 2 by 2 till the opposite side (by +1/-1 - +2/-2 ...)
+                ! if NbNeighb is odd we have to had the opposite neighbour
+                ! ex : if NbNeighb = 8 and outflow grid is at the bottom right
-                CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, dls, bls, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-                     &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+                !  8 | 7 | 5
+                ! ---|---|---
+                !  6 | x | 3
+                ! ---|---|---
+                !  4 | 2 | 1
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - sp, sb = ", sp, sb
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - Large scale heading =", basin_lshead(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - Large scale test =", dls, bls
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - outflow_grid =", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 2.0 - outflow_basin = ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,2) = solved(sp,2)+1
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    !
-    ! 3.0 Look within the general direction of the indicated flow to see if we find a matching basin.
-    !
-    ! In case we did not find the correct basin we start to look
-    ! around. We find two options for the outflow direction (dp1 & dm1) and the corresponding 
-    ! basin index (bp1 & bm1).
-    ! These options are only acceptable if the angle to the original direction is less or equal
-    ! to 45 degrees.
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       !
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          nbocean = 0
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-             !
-             ! Try to neighboring directions on the model grid.
-             !
-             dp1 = routing_nextgrid_g(sp, basin_flowdir(sp,sb), +1)
-             angp1 = routing_anglediff_g(sp, dp1, basin_flowdir(sp,sb))
-             dm1 = routing_nextgrid_g(sp, basin_flowdir(sp,sb), -1)
-             angm1 = routing_anglediff_g(sp, dm1, basin_flowdir(sp,sb))
-             !
-             ! How many are ocean points ?
-             !
-             IF ( dp1 .LE. -1 ) nbocean = nbocean + 1
-             IF ( dm1 .LE. -1 ) nbocean = nbocean + 1
-             !
-             ! Compute bp1 and bm1
-             !
-             IF ( dp1 .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                IF ( angp1 <= 45.0 ) THEN
-                   CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
-                        &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
-                        &                    nbpt, nwbas, dp1, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
-                        &                    basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bp1, bp1qual)
-                ELSE
-                   bp1 = undef_int 
-                   bp1qual = 0
-                ENDIF
-             ELSE
-                bp1 = undef_int 
-                bp1qual = 0
-             ENDIF
-             IF ( dm1 .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                IF ( angm1 <= 45.0 ) THEN
-                   CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
-                        &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
-                        &                    nbpt, nwbas, dm1, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
-                        &                    basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bm1, bm1qual)
-                ELSE
-                   bm1 = undef_int
-                   bm1qual = 0
-                ENDIF
-             ELSE
-                bm1 = undef_int
-                bm1qual = 0
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! Decide between dp1 and dm1 which is the better solution ! 
-             !
-             dop = undef_int
-             IF ( bp1 < undef_int .OR. bm1 < undef_int ) THEN
-                IF ( bp1 < undef_int ) THEN
-                   dop = dp1
-                   bop = bp1
-                ELSE IF ( bm1 < undef_int ) THEN
-                   dop = dm1
-                   bop = bm1
-                ELSE
-                   IF ( bp1qual > bm1qual ) THEN
-                      dop = dp1
-                      bop = bp1
-                   ELSE IF ( bp1qual > bm1qual ) THEN
-                      dop = dm1
-                      bop = bm1
-                   ELSE
-                      IF ( angm1 < angp1 ) THEN 
-                         dop = dm1
-                         bop = bm1
-                      ELSE
-                         dop = dp1
-                         bop = bp1
-                      ENDIF
-                   ENDIF
+                order_ref(:) = -1
+                inp = outflow_grid(sp,sb)
+                ! The first one is the location of the outflow grid
+                order_ref(1) = minloc(abs(neighbours_g(sp,:) - inp), 1)
+                ! Then we have to adjust in function of NbNeighb to add the location 2 by 2
+                nb_sym = (NbNeighb-1)/2
+                ind_nb = 2
+                DO nb=1,nb_sym
+                    DO onb=-1,1,2
+                      val = modulo(order_ref(1)+nb*onb,NbNeighb)
+                      IF ( val == 0) val = NbNeighb
+                      order_ref(ind_nb) = val
+                      ind_nb = ind_nb + 1
+                    ENDDO
+                ENDDO
+                ! If NbNeighb is odd
+                IF ( modulo(NbNeighb,2) == 0 ) THEN
+                  val = modulo(order_ref(1)+4,NbNeighb)
+                  IF ( val == 0) val = NbNeighb
+                  order_ref(NbNeighb) = val
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! Now that we know where we want the water to flow to we write the
-             ! the information in the right fields.
-             !
-             IF ( dop > 0 .AND. dop < undef_int .AND. bop < undef_int ) THEN
-                CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, dop, bop, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-                     &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! If one of the outflow options is an ocean point then we should use it.
-             ! We are a little more stringent with the angle.
-             !
-             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-                  & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-                IF ( nbocean >= 1 ) THEN
-                   IF ( (dp1 .LE. -1 .AND. angp1 < 45.0 ) .OR. &
-                        & (dm1 .LE. -1 .AND. angm1 < 45.0 ) ) THEN
-                      outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                      outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
-                      solved(sp,3) = solved(sp,3)+1
-                      IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - ", sp, sb, "becomes a coastal flow basin."
-                      ENDIF
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb:", sp, sb
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - outflow_flowdir = ", basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - Tested dp1 & dm1 : ", dp1, dm1
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - Angles : ",angp1, angm1
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - Test output bp1 & bm1 = ", bp1, bm1
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - Selected bop & dop = ", bop, dop
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - outflow_grid =", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 3.0 - outflow_basin = ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,3) = solved(sp,3)+1
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    ! 4.0 If we still have not found the correct basin so we look into other directions
-    ! East and West of the large scale flow direction we have. We work this with the
-    ! the smallest angle to the large scale flow direction first. Remember the grid
-    ! in the large scale flow direction was already tested (in 2.0).
-    !
-    nbtotest = INT(NbNeighb/2.0)
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       !
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          nbocean = 0
-          wocean = zero
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-             !
-             ! Try to neighboring directions on the model grid.
-             !
-             DO i=1,NbNeighb
-                diffangle(i) = ABS(haversine_diffangle(headings_g(sp,i), basin_lshead(sp,sb)))
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             ! The minimum was already done above. So we delete from the list
-             !
-             ff = MINLOC(diffangle)
-             dls = neighbours_g(sp,ff(1))
-             IF ( dls .LE. -1 ) THEN
-                nbocean = nbocean + 1
-                wocean = wocean + diffangle(ff(1))
-             ENDIF
-             diffangle(ff(1)) = undef_sechiba
-             !
-             DO it=1,nbtotest
-                ff = MINLOC(diffangle)
-                gridstotest(it) = neighbours_g(sp,ff(1))
-                gridangle(it) = diffangle(ff(1))
+                ! If not found, now test the next points 2 by 2
-                ! neighbours outside of the domain are considered as ocean points.
-                !
-                IF ( gridstotest(it) .LE. -1 ) THEN
-                   nbocean = nbocean + 1
-                   wocean = wocean + diffangle(ff(1))
-                ENDIF
-                diffangle(ff(1)) = undef_sechiba
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             ! Now work through our list of points
-             !
-             DO it=1,nbtotest
-                IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int ) THEN
-                   dls = gridstotest(it)
-                   !
-                   IF ( dls .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                      dop = dls
-                      CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
-                           &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), &
-                           &                    invented_basins, nbpt, nwbas, dls, basin_count, basin_id, &
-                           &                    basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bop, bopqual)
-                   ELSE
-                      bop = undef_int 
-                      bopqual = 0
-                   ENDIF
-                   gridbasin(it) = bop
-                   !
-                   ! Now that we know where we want the water to flow to we write the
-                   ! the information into the right fields.
-                   !
-                   IF ( dls > 0 .AND. dls < undef_int .AND. bop < undef_int ) THEN
+                IF ( found == 0) THEN
+                   nb = 1
+                   DO WHILE (( found == 0 ) .AND. (nb .LE. nb_sym))
-                      CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, dls, bop, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-                           &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-                      !
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb:", sp, sb
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Large scale heading =", basin_lshead(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Tested gridstotest : ", gridstotest(1:nbtotest)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Angles of tested : ", gridangle(1:nbtotest)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Tested outflow basin = ", gridbasin(1:nbtotest)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - outflow_grid =", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - outflow_basin = ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Number of ocean options : ", nbocean, nbtotest
-                IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) < invented_basins ) THEN
-                   WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Hmin for basin :", hatoutflow(basin_id(sp,sb))
-                   WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.0 - Hmin location :", minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),1), minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),2)
-                ENDIF
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          ! If we have not found anything, but we have an ocean point as neighbour, then go for it.
-          ! This would be coastal flow then.
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-             !
-             IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) < invented_basins ) THEN
-                crit = (basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)-hatoutflow(basin_id(sp,sb)))/(basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)+1)
-             ELSE
-                crit = zero
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! If we have at least 2 ocean points within the examined points then ouflow points
-             ! we put this basin into the ocean. If hierarchy is lower than the 
-             ! average at other outflow points, then we relax this condition.
-             !
-             IF ( crit > 0.1 ) THEN
-                IF ( nbocean >= nbtotest/2.0 ) THEN
-                   !
-                   ! These ocean points should not be too far away from the large scale direction.
-                   ! In this phase we should also consider the size of the basin. If it small then we can 
-                   ! neglect its and put it into the ocean.
-                   !
-                   IF ( wocean/nbocean < 90.0 .OR. (basin_area(sp,sb)/area_g(sp)*100 < 1.0) ) THEN
-                      outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                      outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
-                      solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1
-                      IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb:", sp, sb
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - basin_id = ", basin_id(sp,sb)
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - hierarchy = ", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - crit =", crit
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - ocean direction = ", wocean/nbocean
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - other criteria : ", basin_area(sp,sb)/area_g(sp)*100
+                      ! From the grid point + and - get bp and bpqual
+                      ! First point : dpi1 -> bp1 et bp1qual
+                      dp1 = neighbours_g(sp,order_ref(nb*2))
+                      ! we know it's wrong but it will serve to make decision later
+                      angp1 = routing_anglediff_g(sp, dp1, basin_flowdir(sp,sb))
+                      ! Check if grid point
+                      IF (dp1 .GT. 0) THEN
+                         CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
+                              &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
+                              &                    nbpt, nwbas, dp1, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
+                              &                    basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bp1, bp1qual)
+                      ELSE
+                         bp1 = undef_int
+                         bp1qual = 0
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-             ELSE
-                !
-                ! Here we are with a basin that has a hierarchy close to that of the outflow point. So
-                ! we can be more relaxed about the criteria.
-                !
-                IF ( nbocean >= 1 ) THEN
-                   !
-                   ! These ocean points should not be too far away from the large scale direction.
-                   !
-                   IF ( wocean/nbocean < 180.0 .OR. (basin_area(sp,sb)/area_g(sp)*100 < 25.0) ) THEN
-                      outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                      outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
-                      solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1
-                      IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                         WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 4.1 - ", sp, sb, "becomes a coastal flow basin. Relaxed condition"
+                      !
+                      ! Second point
+                      ! dm1 -> bm1 et bm1qual
+                      dm1 = neighbours_g(sp,order_ref(nb*2+1))
+                      ! we know it's wrong but it will serve to make decision later
+                      angm1 = routing_anglediff_g(sp, dm1, basin_flowdir(sp,sb))
+                      IF (dm1 .GT. 0) THEN
+                         CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
+                              &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
+                              &                    nbpt, nwbas, dm1, basin_count, basin_id, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, &
+                              &                    basin_flowdir, nbcoastal, coastal_basin, bm1, bm1qual)
+                      ELSE
+                         bm1 = undef_int
+                         bm1qual = 0
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-             ENDIF
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          !
-       ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    ! 5.0
-    !
-    ! We probably have not yet solved all points. So we go through all points and basins again
-    ! to see if we cannot find some local solution as a last resort.
-    !
-    IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-       WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb:", sp, sb
-       WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - outflow_basin :", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-       WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - outflow_grid :", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-       WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - basin_flowdir :", basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-    ENDIF
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       !
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0) THEN
-             !
-             ! Last resort, we look if a larger basin (i.e. we already have solved !) within this grid has 
-             ! a lower or the same hierarchy (within 1%).
-             !
-             sbint = undef_int
-             !
-             DO sba=1,basin_count(sp)
-                IF ( sba .NE. sb ) THEN
-                   IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) == basin_id(sp,sba) ) THEN
-                      ! Only look for suitable hierrachy if we have a solution for the sub-basin : it has an outflow grid
-                      ! and basin or flows into the ocean.
+                      ! Decide between dp1 and dm1 which is the better solution
-                      IF ( (outflow_grid(sp,sba) > 0 .AND. outflow_basin(sp,sba) < undef_int) .OR. &
-                           & outflow_grid(sp,sba) .EQ. -1 .OR. outflow_grid(sp,sba) .EQ. -2 ) THEN
-                         !
-                         ! calculation of the criterion for considering that the hierarchy are close enough. 
-                         ! Watch out hierarchy can be zero. 1 is considered the 
-                         ! minimum here.
+                      dop = undef_int
+                      IF ( bp1 < undef_int .OR. bm1 < undef_int ) THEN
+                         IF ( bp1 < undef_int ) THEN
+                            dop = dp1
+                            bop = bp1
+                         ELSE IF ( bm1 < undef_int ) THEN
+                            dop = dm1
+                            bop = bm1
+                         ELSE
+                            IF ( bp1qual > bm1qual ) THEN
+                               dop = dp1
+                               bop = bp1
+                            ELSE IF ( bp1qual > bm1qual ) THEN
+                               dop = dm1
+                               bop = bm1
+                            ELSE
+                               ! ATTENTION !!
+                               ! In the case both point are the same quality
+                               ! we need of another factor of decision
+                               ! for now we use the angles even if we know it's wrong
+                               IF ( angm1 < angp1 ) THEN
+                                  dop = dm1
+                                  bop = bm1
+                               ELSE
+                                  dop = dp1
+                                  bop = bp1
+                               ENDIF
+                            ENDIF
+                         ENDIF
+                      ENDIF
+                      IF ( dop > 0 .AND. dop < undef_int .AND. bop < undef_int ) THEN
-                         ! Trung: If current sub-basin (sp,sb) is the closest
-                         !        point to the outlet of river, the value of
-                         !        basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) is always lower than
-                         !        basin_hierarchy(sp,sba). It means that crit
-                         !        is negative and statement IF (crit < 0.1) is
-                         !        not useful. => I changed it a little bit.
+                         CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, dop, bop, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+                              &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-                         crit = (basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)-basin_hierarchy(sp,sba))/(basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)+1)
-                         IF ( crit < 0.01 .AND. crit >= zero ) THEN
-                            ! Trung: Put condition of flow accumulation here to
-                            !        avoid error of circulation in routing_reg_fetch 
-                            IF (basin_fac(sp,sba) .GE. basin_fac(sp,sb)) THEN
-                               sbint = sba
-                            ENDIF
+                         IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) == bop ) THEN
+                            solved(sp,2) = solved(sp,2) + 1
+                            found = 1
+                            WRITE (numout,*) "Neighbours, output found at:" , nb, "level"
+                         !
+                      ELSE
+                        nb = nb+1
-                   ENDIF
+                   ENDDO
-             ENDDO
-             ! If this grid contains the lowest hierarchy of this basin ID, we can also merge without second thought.
+             ! Should we check the opposite point if odd NeighNb?
+             !IF ( modulo(NbNeighb,2) == 0 ) THEN
+             !   ! Do like first one
+             !  ! loc(NbNeighb)
+             ENDIF
-             IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) < invented_basins ) THEN
-                IF ( sp == minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),1) ) THEN
-                   sbint = minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),2) 
+             ! If not found, and at least one of the neighbour is ocean -> coastal outflow
+             IF ( found == 0) THEN
+                WRITE (numout,*) "Is there a coastal outflow ? "
+                nbocean = 0
+                DO nb=1,NbNeighb
+                   IF ( neighbours_g(sp,nb) .LE. -1 ) nbocean = nbocean +1
+                ENDDO
+                IF ( nbocean .LE. 1 ) THEN
+                   outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
+                   outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
+                   found = 1
+                   WRITE (numout,*) "There is more than one neighbour that is coastal outflow"
+                   WRITE (numout,*) "Changed in coastal outflow"
+                   solved(sp,3) = solved(sp,3)+1
-             !
-             ! Trung: Be careful when changing value of basin_hierarchy here !
-             !
-             IF ( sbint < undef_int ) THEN
-                basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = basin_hierarchy(sp,sbint)
-                CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, sp, sbint, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-                     &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-             ELSE
-                ! 
-                ! Trung: Well, if you come to this step, it should be a special
-                !        (or curious, I said) case. For example, when processing
-                !        Sulina branch of river Danube with the forcing data
-                !        from E2OFD (/bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/E2OFD/) 
-                !        in resolution of 0.25 degree. The grid box [45.125N, 29.375E]
-                !        is a ocean point in the middle of 7 land points ("a
-                !        hole"). But HydroSHEDS shows that Sulina branch flows
-                !        through this grid cell (from [45.125N, 29.125E] to [45.125N, 29.625E]). 
-                ! Trung: If the "JUMP" does not work, it means a worse case.
-                !        Or it means a worse case.
-                !        The outlet of this river falls in the ocean point of
-                !        forcing data. For example: with 0.25 degree forcing 
-                !        data of E2OFD, the grid point [ 45.625N ; 13.875E ] 
-                !        lost the outlet of basin ID 69666.
-                !        We need to use this point (which should be the last point 
-                !        of this river with shortest hierarchy and highest flow accumulation)
-                !        to become new outlet.
+             ! Equivalent to linkup 5
+             IF ( found == 0 ) THEN
+                WRITE (numout,*) "Eq. Linkup 5"
+                DO sba=1,basin_count(sp)
+                   IF ( sba .NE. sb ) THEN
+                      IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) == basin_id(sp,sba) ) THEN
+                         !
+                         ! Only look for suitable hierrachy if we have a solution for the sub-basin : it has an outflow grid
+                         ! and basin or flows into the ocean.
+                         !
+                         IF ( (outflow_grid(sp,sba) > 0 .AND. outflow_basin(sp,sba) < undef_int) .OR. &
+                              & outflow_grid(sp,sba) .EQ. -1 .OR. outflow_grid(sp,sba) .EQ. -2 ) THEN
+                            !
+                            ! calculation of the criterion for considering that the hierarchy are close enough.
+                            ! Watch out hierarchy can be zero. 1 is considered the
+                            ! minimum here.
+                            !
+                            ! Trung: If current sub-basin (sp,sb) is the closest
+                            !        point to the outlet of river, the value of
+                            !        basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) is always lower than
+                            !        basin_hierarchy(sp,sba). It means that crit
+                            !        is negative and statement IF (crit < 0.1) is
+                            !        not useful. => I changed it a little bit.
+                            !
+                            crit = (basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)-basin_hierarchy(sp,sba))/(basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)+1)
+                            IF ( crit < 0.01 .AND. crit >= zero ) THEN
+                               ! Trung: Put condition of flow accumulation here to
+                               !        avoid error of circulation in routing_reg_fetch
+                               IF (basin_fac(sp,sba) .GE. basin_fac(sp,sb)) THEN
+                                  sbint = sba
+                               ENDIF
+                            ENDIF
+                         ENDIF
+                      ENDIF
+                   ENDIF
+                ENDDO
-                !        This is not good solution because there can be few
-                !        outlet for one basin ID. 
-                !        But I need the model works now !!! => so, come back
-                !        here later !
+                ! If this grid contains the lowest hierarchy of this basin ID, we can also merge without second thought.
-                WRITE (numout,*) "Linkup : Made a NEW OUTLET at sp & sb: ",sp,sb
-                ! Coastal flow or river flow is both ok here
-                outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = 0.00
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! See if we could find the same basin in this grid with a lower hierarchy
-             !
-             IF ( debug .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                   IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) == basin_id(sp,sba) ) THEN
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - In routing_reg_linkup working on sp & sb :", sp,sb
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - Do we have an internal solution here :", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - ID = ", basin_id(sp,sb), basin_id(sp,sba)
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - H  = ", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sba)
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - Area = ", basin_area(sp,sb), basin_area(sp,sba)
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - outflow_grid =", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                      WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup 5.0 - outflow_basin = ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
+                IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) < invented_basins ) THEN
+                   IF ( sp == minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),1) ) THEN
+                      sbint = minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),2)
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,5) = solved(sp,5)+1
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    IF ( debug .AND. testbasinid > 0 ) THEN
-       DO sp=1,nbpt
-          DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-             IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) == testbasinid .AND. routing_diagbox_g(sp,diaglalo) ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST : ", basin_id(sp,sb), "@", sp, sb
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST H= ", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST FAC= ", basin_fac(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST outflow_grid ", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST outflow_basin ", outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST basin_lshead ", basin_lshead(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) "Linkup TEST basin_flowdir ", basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-             ENDIF
-          ENDDO
-       ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-    !
-    ! 4.0 We hopefully have solved all the points but here we check it and print sole diagnostics.
-    !
-    ! Trung: I prefer to write the percent number here in real than integer
-    !        because for large domain, 0.01% is really amount.
-    !
-    WRITE(numout,'(A16,I10,A8,I10,A14)') "Linkup : Out of ", SUM(basin_count), " basins ", SUM(solved), " were resolved."
-    DO sb=1,5
-       WRITE(numout,'(A9,7X,F10.4,A27,I2.2,A2)') "Linkup : ",REAL(SUM(solved(:,sb)), r_std)/SUM(basin_count)*100.0, &
-            &          " % of basins solved by case ", sb," ."
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       !
-       IF ( debug ) THEN
-          DO sb=1,5
-             WRITE(numout,*) sp," Solutions found for case ", sb," : ",&
-                  &          NINT(REAL(solved(sp,sb), r_std)/basin_count(sp)*100.0)," %"
-          ENDDO
-          IF ( SUM(solved(sp,:)) < basin_count(sp) ) THEN
-             WRITE(numout,*) sp,"No solution found for ", basin_count(sp)-SUM(solved(sp,:))," basins."
-          ENDIF
-       ENDIF
-       !
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          ! OK this is it, we give up :-)
-          !
-          IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) .EQ. undef_int .AND. &
-               & outflow_grid(sp,sb) > 0 .AND. basin_flowdir(sp,sb) > 0 ) THEN
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'We could not find the basin into which we need to flow, Linkup FAILED'
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Grid point ', sp, ' and basin ', sb
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Coordinates : ', lalo_g(sp,2), lalo_g(sp,1) 
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Outflow direction :', basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Large scale outflow direction :',basin_lshead(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Outlfow grid :', outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Outlfow basin :',outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : basin ID:',basin_id(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Hierarchy :', basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
-             WRITE(numout,*) 'Linkup FAILED : Flow accumulation :', basin_fac(sp,sb)
-             CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_linkup', &
-                  "We could not find the basin into which we need to flow",'Try with debug=.TRUE.','stop routing_reg_linkup')
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-       !
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    ! Check for each outflow basin that it exists
-    !
-    DO sp=1,nbpt
-       DO sb=1,basin_count(sp)
-          !
-          inp = outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-          sbl = outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-          IF ( inp .GT. 0 ) THEN
-             IF ( basin_count(inp) .LT. sbl ) THEN
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Point :', sp, ' Basin :', sb
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Flows into point :', inp, ' basin :', sbl
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'But it flows into now here as basin count = ', basin_count(inp)
+                ENDIF
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Input sub-basin :'
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Outflow direction :', basin_flowdir(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Outlfow grid :', outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Outlfow basin :',outflow_basin(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Basin ID:',basin_id(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Hierarchy :', basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Output grid box:'
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Basin ID:',basin_id(inp,basin_count(inp))
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'Hierarchy :', basin_hierarchy(inp,basin_count(inp))
+                ! Trung: Be careful when changing value of basin_hierarchy here !
-                CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_linkup','Problem with outflow','','')
+                IF (( sbint < undef_int ) .AND. (sbint .GT. 0) ) THEN
+                   basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = basin_hierarchy(sp,sbint)
+                   CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, sp, sbint, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+                        &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+                   WRITE (numout,*) "Lowest basin hierarchy in the grid file"
+                ELSE
+                   !
+                   ! Trung: Well, if you come to this step, it should be a special
+                   !        (or curious, I said) case. For example, when processing
+                   !        Sulina branch of river Danube with the forcing data
+                   !        from E2OFD (/bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/E2OFD/)
+                   !        in resolution of 0.25 degree. The grid box [45.125N, 29.375E]
+                   !        is a ocean point in the middle of 7 land points ("a
+                   !        hole"). But HydroSHEDS shows that Sulina branch flows
+                   !        through this grid cell (from [45.125N, 29.125E] to [45.125N, 29.625E]).
+                   ! Trung: If the "JUMP" does not work, it means a worse case.
+                   !        Or it means a worse case.
+                   !        The outlet of this river falls in the ocean point of
+                   !        forcing data. For example: with 0.25 degree forcing
+                   !        data of E2OFD, the grid point [ 45.625N ; 13.875E ]
+                   !        lost the outlet of basin ID 69666.
+                   !        We need to use this point (which should be the last point
+                   !        of this river with shortest hierarchy and highest flow accumulation)
+                   !        to become new outlet.
+                   !
+                   !        This is not good solution because there can be few
+                   !        outlet for one basin ID.
+                   !        But I need the model works now !!! => so, come back
+                   !        here later !
+                   !
+                   WRITE (numout,*) "Linkup : Made a NEW OUTLET at sp & sb: ",sp,sb
+                   ! Coastal flow or river flow is both ok here
+                   outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
+                   basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = 0.00
+                ENDIF
+                IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1
@@ -2680,7 +2332,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
   END SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup
-    !
+  !
 !! ================================================================================================================================
 !! SUBROUTINE : routing_reg_fetch
@@ -2943,7 +2595,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_la
     INTEGER(i_std) :: nbtruncate !!
     INTEGER(i_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: indextrunc !!
 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(indextrunc)
-    ! 
+    !
     LOGICAL        :: trunc_equa = .TRUE. !! Logical to choose if equality truncation is activated or not (true/false)
@@ -3019,7 +2671,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_la
                    tmp_area(multbas) = fetch_basin(ib,ij)
-             ! 
+             !
              ! Test the new truncation priority
              IF ( trunc_equa ) THEN
@@ -3604,12 +3256,12 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
   SUBROUTINE allocategraph(nbpt, nbasmax)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(in) :: nbpt, nbasmax
     INTEGER(i_std) :: ier
     nbpt_save = nbpt
     nbasmax_save = nbasmax
     ALLOCATE (routing_area_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (route_fetch_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (routing_cg_glo(nbpt,nbasmax,2), stat=ier)
@@ -3622,6 +3274,6 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
     ALLOCATE (route_outlet_glo(nbpt,nbasmax,2), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (route_type_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (origin_nbintobas_glo(nbpt), stat=ier)
   END SUBROUTINE allocategraph
 END MODULE routing_reg