diff --git a/HydroGrid.py b/HydroGrid.py
index 8aa103dbd8f6387c3608307d808ddce2f67ce416..7c059284e35e2c26597a10845117c7c80899b0b2 100644
--- a/HydroGrid.py
+++ b/HydroGrid.py
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ def corners(lon, lat) :
-    cornersll = [RPP.boxit([lon[j,i], lat[j,i]], hdlon, hdlat, 2) for i in range(iim) for j in range(jjm)]
+    cornersll = [RPP.boxit(np.array([lon[j,i], lat[j,i]]), hdlon, hdlat, 2) for i in range(iim) for j in range(jjm)]
     Llons = [[p[0] for p in boxll] for boxll in cornersll]
     Llats = [[p[1] for p in boxll] for boxll in cornersll]
     index = [[j,i] for i in range(iim) for j in range(jjm)]
     centersll = [[lon[j,i], lat[j,i]] for j,i in index]
     cornerspoly = [ polygon.SphericalPolygon.from_lonlat(lons, lats, center=cent) for lons, lats, cent in zip(Llons, Llats, centersll)]
-    radiusll = [RPP.maxradius(cent, lons, lats) for cent, lons, lats in zip(centersll,Llons,Llats)]
+    radiusll = [RPP.maxradius(np.array(cent), np.array(lons), np.array(lats)) for cent, lons, lats in zip(centersll,Llons,Llats)]
     return cornersll, cornerspoly, centersll, radiusll, index
@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ class HydroGrid :
             self.polyll, self.polylist, self.centers, self.radius, self.index = corners(self.lon, self.lat)
     def select(self, c, r) :
-        indices=[]
-        indices = [i for i in range(len(self.centers)) if (RPP.loladist(c,self.centers[i]) <= r+self.radius[i])]
+        indices = [i for i in range(len(self.centers)) if (RPP.loladist(np.array(c),np.array(self.centers[i])) <= r+self.radius[i])]
         return indices
 class HydroData :
diff --git a/ModelGrid.py b/ModelGrid.py
index 0a855c7b1e5c6600773ae40ba14e0093138f00c0..24e4a358728e05e3e30ea9464084116e666f812e 100644
--- a/ModelGrid.py
+++ b/ModelGrid.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ epsilon=0.00001
 def mindist(coord,lon,lat) :
     for c in coord :
-        d.append(RPP.loladist(c, [lon,lat]))
+        d.append(RPP.loladist(np.array(c), np.array([lon,lat])))
     return np.argmin(d)
 # Function to gather all land points but while keeping also the neighbour information.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def corners(indF, proj, istart, jstart, lon, lat, res_lon, res_lat) :
     # Get the corners and mid-points of segments to completely describe the polygone
-    Lpolyg = [RPP.boxit([istart+ij[0],jstart+ij[1]], dlon, dlat, 2)  for ij in indF]
+    Lpolyg = [RPP.boxit(np.array([istart+ij[0],jstart+ij[1]]), dlon, dlat, 2)  for ij in indF]
     cornersll = [proj.ijll(polyg) for polyg in Lpolyg]
     centersll = [proj.ijll([[istart+ij[0],jstart+ij[1]]])[0] for ij in indF]
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def corners(indF, proj, istart, jstart, lon, lat, res_lon, res_lat) :
     cornerspoly = [polygon.SphericalPolygon.from_lonlat(lons, lats, center=centll) for lons, lats, centll in zip(allon, allat, centersll)]
     areas = [(sphpoly.area())*EarthRadius**2 for sphpoly in cornerspoly]
-    radiusll =[RPP.maxradius(centll, lons, lats) for centll, lons, lats in zip(centersll, allon, allat)]
+    radiusll =[RPP.maxradius(np.array(centll), np.array(lons), np.array(lats)) for centll, lons, lats in zip(centersll, allon, allat)]
diff --git a/Projections.py b/Projections.py
index eb0287cfbbcc7782f4a9f5e13809c9fa931c87f9..02a97e44e0cb5d30b3536d5777a1c15bf618f3be 100644
--- a/Projections.py
+++ b/Projections.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ EarthRadius=config.getfloat("OverAll", "EarthRadius")
 rad_per_deg = np.pi/180.
 deg_per_rad = 180./np.pi
+@jit(nopython = True)
 def cone(truelat1, truelat2) :
     if (np.abs(truelat1-truelat2) > 0.1) :
         cone = np.log10(np.cos(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - np.log10(np.cos(truelat2*rad_per_deg))
@@ -23,72 +23,70 @@ def cone(truelat1, truelat2) :
 # Lambert Conformal projection
-def LC_ijll(polyij, hemi, truelat1, truelat2, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone) :
+def LC_ijll(polyij, hemi, truelat1, truelat2, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone):
-    polyll=[]
     chi1 = (90. - hemi*truelat1)*rad_per_deg
     chi2 = (90. - hemi*truelat2)*rad_per_deg
-    for i,j in polyij :
-        inew = hemi * i
-        jnew = hemi * j
-        xx = inew - polei
-        yy = polej - jnew
-        r2 = (xx*xx + yy*yy)
-        r = np.sqrt(r2)/rebydx
-        if (r2 == 0.) :
-            lat = hemi * 90.
-            lon = stdlon
-        else :
-            lon = stdlon + deg_per_rad * np.arctan2(hemi*xx,yy)/cone
-            lon = np.mod(lon+360., 360.)
-            if (chi1 == chi2) :
-                chi = 2.0*np.arctan( ( r/np.tan(chi1) )**(1./cone) * np.tan(chi1*0.5) )
-            else :
-                chi = 2.0*np.arctan( (r*cone/np.sin(chi1))**(1./cone) * np.tan(chi1*0.5))
-            lat = (90.0-chi*deg_per_rad)*hemi
-            if (lon > +180.) : lon = lon - 360.
-            if (lon < -180.) : lon = lon + 360.
-        polyll.append([lon,lat])
+    polyll = [list(sub_LC_ijll( i, j, chi1, chi2, hemi, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone)) for i,j in polyij]
     return polyll
+@jit(nopython = True)
+def sub_LC_ijll( i, j,chi1, chi2, hemi, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone):
+    inew = hemi * i
+    jnew = hemi * j
+    xx = inew - polei
+    yy = polej - jnew
+    r2 = (xx*xx + yy*yy)
+    r = np.sqrt(r2)/rebydx
+    if (r2 == 0.) :
+        lat = hemi * 90.
+        lon = stdlon
+    else :
+        lon = stdlon + deg_per_rad * np.arctan2(hemi*xx,yy)/cone
+        lon = np.mod(lon+360., 360.)
+        if (chi1 == chi2) :
+            chi = 2.0*np.arctan( ( r/np.tan(chi1) )**(1./cone) * np.tan(chi1*0.5) )
+        else :
+            chi = 2.0*np.arctan( (r*cone/np.sin(chi1))**(1./cone) * np.tan(chi1*0.5))
+        lat = (90.0-chi*deg_per_rad)*hemi
+        if (lon > +180.) : lon = lon - 360.
+        if (lon < -180.) : lon = lon + 360.
+    return np.array([lon, lat])
 def LC_llij(polyll, hemi, truelat1, truelat2, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone) :
-    polyij=[]
-    for lon,lat in polyll :
-        deltalon = lon - stdlon
-        if (deltalon > +180.) : deltalon = deltalon - 360.
-        if (deltalon < -180.) : deltalon = deltalon + 360.
-        tl1r = truelat1 * rad_per_deg
-        ctl1r = np.cos(tl1r)     
-        rm = rebydx * ctl1r/cone * (np.tan((90.*hemi-lat)*rad_per_deg/2.) / np.tan((90.*hemi-truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**cone
-        arg = cone*(deltalon*rad_per_deg)
-        i = polei + hemi * rm * np.sin(arg)
-        j = polej - rm * np.cos(arg)
-        i = int(np.rint(hemi * i))
-        j = int(np.rint(hemi * j))
-        polyij.append([i,j])
+    polyij=[list(sub_LC_llij(lon, lat, hemi, truelat1, truelat2, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone)) for lon, lat in polyll]
     return polyij
+@jit(nopython = True)
+def sub_LC_llij(lon, lat, hemi, truelat1, truelat2, polei, polej, rebydx, stdlon, cone) :
+    deltalon = lon - stdlon
+    if (deltalon > +180.) : deltalon = deltalon - 360.
+    if (deltalon < -180.) : deltalon = deltalon + 360.
+    tl1r = truelat1 * rad_per_deg
+    ctl1r = np.cos(tl1r)
+    rm = rebydx * ctl1r/cone * (np.tan((90.*hemi-lat)*rad_per_deg/2.) / np.tan((90.*hemi-truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**cone
+    arg = cone*(deltalon*rad_per_deg)
+    i = polei + hemi * rm * np.sin(arg)
+    j = polej - rm * np.cos(arg)
+    i = int(np.rint(hemi * i))
+    j = int(np.rint(hemi * j))
+    return np.array([i,j])
 class LambertC:
     def __init__(self, dx, known_lon, known_lat, truelat1, truelat2, stdlon):
         self.dx = dx
@@ -121,13 +119,13 @@ class LambertC:
     def ijll(self,polyij) :
-        polyll = LC_ijll(polyij, self.hemi, self.truelat1, self.truelat2, self.polei, self.polej, self.rebydx, self.stdlon, self.cone)
+        polyll = LC_ijll(np.array(polyij), self.hemi, self.truelat1, self.truelat2, self.polei, self.polej, self.rebydx, self.stdlon, self.cone)
         return polyll
     def llij(self, polyll) :
-        polyij = LC_llij(polyll, self.hemi, self.truelat1, self.truelat2, self.polei, self.polej, self.rebydx, self.stdlon, self.cone)
+        polyij = LC_llij(np.array(polyll), self.hemi, self.truelat1, self.truelat2, self.polei, self.polej, self.rebydx, self.stdlon, self.cone)
         return polyij
@@ -137,32 +135,28 @@ class LambertC:
 def RLL_ijll(polyij, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat) :
-    polyll=[]
-    for i,j in polyij :
-        lon = ilon+(i-1)*dlon
-        lat = ilat+(j-1)*dlat
-        if (lon > +180.) : lon = lon - 360.
-        if (lon < -180.) : lon = lon + 360.
-        polyll.append([lon,lat])
+    polyll=[list(sub_RLL_ijll(i,j, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat)) for i,j in polyij]
     return polyll
-def RLL_llij(polyll, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat) :
-    polyij=[]
-    for lon,lat in polyll :
-        i = int(np.rint((lon-ilon)/dlon)+1)
-        j = int(np.rint((lat-ilat)/dlat)+1)
-        polyij.append([i,j])
+@jit(nopython = True)
+def sub_RLL_ijll(i,j, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat):
+    lon = ilon+(i-1)*dlon
+    lat = ilat+(j-1)*dlat
+    if (lon > +180.) : lon = lon - 360.
+    if (lon < -180.) : lon = lon + 360.
+    return np.array([lon,lat])
+def RLL_llij(polyll, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat) :
+    polyij=[list(sub_RLL_llij(lon, lat, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat)) for lon, lat in polyll]
     return polyij
+@jit(nopython = True)
+def sub_RLL_llij(lon, lat, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat):
+    i = int(np.rint((lon-ilon)/dlon)+1)
+    j = int(np.rint((lat-ilat)/dlat)+1)
+    return np.array([i,j])
 class RegLonLat :
     def __init__(self, dlon, dlat, ilon, ilat) :
         self.dlon = dlon
@@ -172,12 +166,12 @@ class RegLonLat :
     def ijll(self,polyij) :
-        polyll = RLL_ijll(polyij, self.dlon, self.dlat, self.initlon, self.initlat)        
+        polyll = RLL_ijll(np.array(polyij), self.dlon, self.dlat, self.initlon, self.initlat)        
         return polyll
     def llij(self, polyll) :
-        polyij = RLL_llij(polyll, self.dlon, self.dlat, self.initlon, self.initlat)
+        polyij = RLL_llij(np.array(polyll), self.dlon, self.dlat, self.initlon, self.initlat)
         return polyij 
diff --git a/RPPtools.py b/RPPtools.py
index 3a5d6945c9ae341c34aef04f15c05571d603e41d..31b2053f90ab34271f19d400fc61c7d507b90760 100644
--- a/RPPtools.py
+++ b/RPPtools.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def potoverlap(refpoly, testpoly) :
 # Routine to generate a square polygone around the centre point
+@jit(nopython = True)
 def boxit(cent, dlon, dlat, polyres) :
     loninc = dlon/polyres
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ def boxit(cent, dlon, dlat, polyres) :
 # Function to compute a distance in Lon/Lat space
+@jit(nopython = True)
 def loladist(a,b) :
     return np.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])**2+(a[1]-b[1])**2)
 # Function to compute maximum radius of cicle around polygon
+@jit(nopython = True)
 def maxradius(cent, lon, lat) :
     for lx, ly in zip(lon, lat) :
@@ -111,6 +111,18 @@ def dumpfield(x, lon, lat, filename, varname) :
+@jit(nopython = True)
+def findinfile(pts, indlist) :
+    ib = IntFillValue
+    A = np.array([indlist[0,i] for i in range(indlist.shape[1])])
+    B = np.array([indlist[1,i] for i in range(indlist.shape[1])])
+    C = np.where((A==pts[0])*(B==pts[1]))[0]
+    if C.shape[0] == 1:
+        ib = C[0]
+    #else: INFO("ERREUR C {0}".format(len(C)))
+    return ib
 # Compute the weights of the overlap of modelgrif and hydrogrid
 # Only if there is no file which already contains the information.
@@ -223,7 +235,7 @@ class compweights :
         landind = part.toglobal_index(modelgrid.indP)
         t = time.time()
-        locinfile = [int(self.findinfile(pts, gindex)) for pts in landind]
+        locinfile = [int(findinfile(np.array(pts), np.array(gindex))) for pts in landind]
         var = innf.variables["hydro_index"]
         self.hpts = [int(np.array(np.where(var[0,:,i]>= 0)).shape[1]) for i in locinfile ]
         A = np.where(np.array(self.hpts) == 0)[0]
@@ -285,20 +297,6 @@ class compweights :
             print("H- lat :", self.lat[ip])
-    # Function to find the index of the point in the file
-    #
-    def findinfile(self, pts, indlist) :
-        ib = IntFillValue
-        A = np.array([indlist[0,i] for i in range(indlist.shape[1])])
-        B = np.array([indlist[1,i] for i in range(indlist.shape[1])])
-        C = np.where((A==pts[0])*(B==pts[1]))[0]
-        if len(C) ==1:
-            ib = C[0]
-        else:
-            INFO("ERREUR C {0}".format(len(C)))
-        return ib
-    #
     # Function to dump all the weights into a netCDF file
     def dumpweights(self, weightfile, part, modelgrid, hydrogrid) :