diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 91811d37958e23f8b1973a1d7015c3567390477e..f6e84233a391d14ec54c2bc19bcb0d61f53cb791 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ xcuserdata/
\ No newline at end of file
+# Test configurations and directories
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DomainDecomp.py b/DomainDecomp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ca51b6880e43d2e652d565d3f29f05076200a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/DomainDecomp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import os, sys
-from netCDF4 import Dataset
-from mpi4py import MPI
-# Get the information from the configuration file.
-import configparser
-config=configparser.ConfigParser({'SaveWeights':'true', "DiagLon":"0.0, 0.0", "DiagLat":"0.0, 0.0"})
-import getargs
-log_master, log_world = getargs.getLogger(__name__)
-INFO, DEBUG, ERROR = log_master.info, log_master.debug, log_world.error
-INFO_ALL, DEBUG_ALL = log_world.info, log_world.debug
-import ModelGrid as MG
-import Partition as PA
-import RPPtools as RPP
-import matplotlib.pylab as plt
-import savefile
-gg = MG.GlobalGrid()
-# Open write unit
-if not os.path.exists('Output'):
-    os.makedirs('Output')
-wunit = open("Output/TestDomain_out_"+str(rank)+".txt", "w")
-wunit.write("START :: i = 0 :"+str(gg.ni-1)+" >> j = 0 :"+str(gg.nj-1)+" SZ="+str(gg.ni*gg.nj)+" nbland="+str(gg.nbland)+'\n')
-part = PA.partition(gg.ni, gg.nj, gg.land, comm, nbc, szhalo, rank, wunit=wunit)
-wunit.write("Domain on proc : "+str(part.ni)+str(part.nj)+" Offset from global domain : "+str(part.istart)+str(part.jstart)+'\n')
-wunit.write("Domain with halo on proc : "+str(part.nih)+str(part.njh)+" Offset with halo : "+str(part.ihstart)+str(part.jhstart)+'\n')
-wunit.write(" i inner = "+str(part.istart)+":"+str(part.istart+part.ni-1)+" i w.halo = "+str(part.ihstart)+":"+str(part.ihstart+part.nih-1))
-wunit.write(" j inner = "+str(part.jstart)+":"+str(part.jstart+part.nj-1)+" j w.halo = "+str(part.jhstart)+":"+str(part.jhstart+part.njh-1)+'\n')
-wunit.write("====== TEST FIELD START ======================"+'\n')
-for j in range(part.njh) :
-    wunit.write(str(x[j,:].astype(int))+'\n')
-wunit.write("====== TEST FIELD AFTER HALO EXCHANGE ======================"+'\n')
-for j in range(part.njh) :
-    wunit.write(str(x[j,:].astype(int))+'\n')
-wunit.write("====== GATHER FIELD START ======================"+'\n')
-for j in range(part.njh) :
-    wunit.write(str(x[j,:].astype(int))+'\n')
-xgather = part.gather(x)
-if rank == 0 :
-    print("Type of gathered variable : ", xgather.astype(int))
-modelgrid=MG.ModelGrid(part.ihstart+gg.igstart, part.nih, part.jhstart+gg.jgstart, part.njh)
-INFO("Longitude interval on proc "+str(rank)+" = "+str(modelgrid.box_land[0][0])+" : "+str(modelgrid.box_land[0][1]))
-INFO("Latitude interval on proc "+str(rank)+" = "+str(modelgrid.box_land[1][0])+" : "+str(modelgrid.box_land[1][1]))
-rland[:] = rank
-xland = part.landscatgat(modelgrid, rland)
-if rank == 0 :
-    xland[~np.isnan(xland)] = 1
-    xland[np.isnan(xland)] = 0
-    print("Difference between global and and the gathered version :",np.sum(xland-gg.land))
-# Test the landsendtohalo function
-lx = modelgrid.landgather(x)
-xland = part.landscatgat(modelgrid, lx)
-if rank == 0 :
-    xland[~np.isnan(xland)] = 1
-    xland[np.isnan(xland)] = 0
-    print("Difference between global and gathered version of land only :",np.sum(xland-gg.land))
-print("len areas : ", len(modelgrid.area))
-areas = part.landscatgat(modelgrid, np.array(modelgrid.area))
-if rank == 0 :
-    print(areas/1000000000.)
-print("Test : ", y.shape, modelgrid.nbland)
-savefile.dumpnetcdf("TestDomainDecomp.nc", gg, modelgrid, part, rland, x, y)
diff --git a/DomainDecompTests/DomainDecomp.py b/DomainDecompTests/DomainDecomp.py
index c1481d07b9628d2def519195fc4c43d209f9d08e..ca0bacfc43cc81ed5a3423184f6c18bedecbeeeb 100644
--- a/DomainDecompTests/DomainDecomp.py
+++ b/DomainDecompTests/DomainDecomp.py
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ rank=comm.Get_rank()
 # Open write unit
-if not os.path.exists('Output'):
-    os.makedirs('Output')
+if rank == 0 :
+    if not os.path.exists('Output'):
+        os.makedirs('Output')
 wunit = open("Output/TestDomain_out_"+str(rank)+".txt", "w")
 wunit.write("START :: i = 0 :"+str(gg.ni-1)+" >> j = 0 :"+str(gg.nj-1)+" SZ="+str(gg.ni*gg.nj)+" nbland="+str(gg.nbland)+'\n')
diff --git a/DomainDecompTests/TestDomaonDecomp.pbs b/DomainDecompTests/TestDomainDecomp.pbs
similarity index 100%
rename from DomainDecompTests/TestDomaonDecomp.pbs
rename to DomainDecompTests/TestDomainDecomp.pbs