diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
index 5f9593b0cdfc4b975b91a866df4213d6e131e4d0..d2ac0285d8dc97f225f4d399693ad16fc9a0ba82 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ SUBROUTINE closeinterface()
 END SUBROUTINE closeinterface
 SUBROUTINE gethydrogrid(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area,  max_basins, min_topoind, &
-     & lon_rel, lat_rel, trip, basins, topoindex, fac, hierarchy, nbi, nbj, area_bx, trip_bx, basin_bx, &
-     & topoind_bx, fac_bx, hierarchy_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, lshead_bx)
+     & lon_rel, lat_rel, trip, basins, topoindex, fac, hierarchy,orog,floodp, nbi, nbj, area_bx, trip_bx, basin_bx, &
+     & topoind_bx, fac_bx, hierarchy_bx, orog_bx, floodp_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, lshead_bx)
   USE ioipsl
   USE grid
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ SUBROUTINE gethydrogrid(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area
   REAL, INTENT(inout) :: topoindex(nbpt,nbvmax_in) !! Topographic index of the residence time (m)
   REAL, INTENT(inout) :: hierarchy(nbpt,nbvmax_in) !! data on the fine grid
   REAL, INTENT(inout) :: fac(nbpt,nbvmax_in) !! data on the fine grid
+  REAL, INTENT(inout) :: orog(nbpt,nbvmax_in) !! data on the fine grid
+  REAL, INTENT(inout) :: floodp(nbpt,nbvmax_in) !! data on the fine grid
   INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nbi(nbpt), nbj(nbpt) !! Number of point in x and y within the grid (unitless)
@@ -83,6 +85,8 @@ SUBROUTINE gethydrogrid(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area
   REAL, INTENT(out) :: topoind_bx(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) !! Topographic index of the residence time for each of the smaller boxes (m)
   INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: trip_bx(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) !! The trip field for each of the smaller boxes (unitless)
   INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: basin_bx(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) !!
+  REAL, INTENT(out) :: orog_bx(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) !!  Orography (m)
+  REAL, INTENT(out) :: floodp_bx(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) !! floodplains (m^2)
   INTEGER :: ii, ib
   REAL :: resolution(nbpt,2)
@@ -101,8 +105,9 @@ SUBROUTINE gethydrogrid(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area
   DO ib=1,nbpt
      CALL routing_reg_getgrid(nbpt, ib, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area, max_basins, min_topoind, &
           & lon_rel, lat_rel, lalo, resolution, contfrac, trip, basins, topoindex, fac, hierarchy, &
-          & nbi(ib), nbj(ib), area_bx(ib,:,:), trip_bx(ib,:,:), basin_bx(ib,:,:), topoind_bx(ib,:,:), &
-          & fac_bx(ib,:,:), hierarchy_bx(ib,:,:), lon_bx(ib,:,:), lat_bx(ib,:,:), lshead_bx(ib,:,:))
+          & orog, floodp, nbi(ib), nbj(ib), area_bx(ib,:,:), trip_bx(ib,:,:), basin_bx(ib,:,:), &
+          & topoind_bx(ib,:,:), fac_bx(ib,:,:), hierarchy_bx(ib,:,:),orog_bx(ib,:,:),floodp_bx(ib,:,:),&
+          & lon_bx(ib,:,:), lat_bx(ib,:,:), lshead_bx(ib,:,:))
 END SUBROUTINE gethydrogrid
@@ -167,9 +172,11 @@ SUBROUTINE findbasins(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, nbi, nbj, trip_bx, basin_bx, f
 END SUBROUTINE findbasins
-SUBROUTINE globalize(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_bx, hierarchy_bx, fac_bx, topoind_bx, &
+SUBROUTINE globalize(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_bx, hierarchy_bx, orog_bx, floodp_bx, &
+          & fac_bx, topoind_bx, &
           & min_topoind, nb_basin, basin_inbxid, basin_outlet, basin_outtp, basin_sz, basin_pts, basin_bxout, &
           & basin_bbout, lshead, coast_pts, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_hierarchy, &
+          & basin_orog, basin_floodp, &
           & basin_fac, basin_topoind, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, basin_lshead, &
           & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, nbcoastal, coastal_basin)
@@ -188,6 +195,8 @@ SUBROUTINE globalize(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_b
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: lat_bx       !! Latitude of each small box in the grid box
   INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in) :: trip_bx      !! The trip field for each of the smaller boxes (unitless)
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: hierarchy_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
+  REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: orog_bx      !! Orography (m)
+  REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: floodp_bx    !! Floodplains area (m^2)
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: fac_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (in), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in)    :: topoind_bx   !! Topographic index of the residence time for each of the smaller boxes (m)
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (in)                                         :: min_topoind  !! The current minimum of topographic index (m)
@@ -211,6 +220,8 @@ SUBROUTINE globalize(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_b
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_area       !!
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2)  :: basin_cg         !! Centre of gravity of the HTU
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_hierarchy  !!
+  REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_orog  !!
+  REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_floodp  !!
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_fac  !!
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_topoind    !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
   REAL(r_std), INTENT (out), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_lshead     !! Large scale heading out of the grid box.
@@ -228,10 +239,11 @@ SUBROUTINE globalize(nbpt, nbvmax_in, nbxmax_in, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_b
   DO ib=1,nbpt
      CALL routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx(ib,:,:), lon_bx(ib,:,:), lat_bx(ib,:,:), trip_bx(ib,:,:), &
-          & hierarchy_bx(ib,:,:), fac_bx(ib,:,:), &
+          & hierarchy_bx(ib,:,:), orog_bx(ib,:,:), floodp_bx(ib,:,:), fac_bx(ib,:,:), &
           & topoind_bx(ib,:,:), min_topoind, nb_basin(ib), basin_inbxid(ib,:), basin_outlet(ib,:,:), basin_outtp(ib,:), &
           & basin_sz(ib,:), basin_pts(ib,:,:,:), basin_bxout(ib,:), basin_bbout(ib,:), lshead(ib,:), coast_pts(ib,:), nwbas, &
-          & basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_hierarchy, basin_fac, basin_topoind, basin_id, basin_coor, &
+          & basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_hierarchy,&
+          & basin_orog, basin_floodp, basin_fac, basin_topoind, basin_id, basin_coor, &
           & basin_type, basin_flowdir, basin_lshead, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, nbcoastal, coastal_basin)
@@ -417,10 +429,12 @@ SUBROUTINE rivclassification(nbpt, nwbas, nbcore, corepts, basin_count, outflow_
 END SUBROUTINE rivclassification
-SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfrac, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, &
-     & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-     & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin, routing_area, routing_cg, topo_resid, route_nbbasin, route_togrid, &
-     & route_tobasin, route_nbintobas, global_basinid, route_outlet, route_type, origin_nbintobas, routing_fetch)
+SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfrac, basin_count, &
+     & basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_orog, basin_floodp, basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, &
+     & basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+     & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin, routing_area, routing_orog, routing_floodp, &
+     & routing_cg, topo_resid, route_nbbasin, route_togrid, route_tobasin, route_nbintobas, &
+     & global_basinid, route_outlet, route_type, origin_nbintobas, routing_fetch)
   USE ioipsl
   USE grid
@@ -444,6 +458,8 @@ SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridare
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_type !!
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_flowdir !! Water flow directions in the basin (unitless)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_area !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_orog !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_floodp !!
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2), INTENT(inout)  :: basin_cg
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_topoind !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: fetch_basin !!
@@ -459,6 +475,8 @@ SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridare
   ! Output variables
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax), INTENT(out)    :: routing_area !! Surface of basin (m^2)
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax), INTENT(out)    :: routing_orog !! Mean Orography (m)
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax), INTENT(out)    :: routing_floodp !! Surface of Floodplains (m^2)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax), INTENT(out)    :: routing_fetch !! Upstream are flowing into HTU (m^2)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax,2), INTENT(out)  :: routing_cg !! Centre of gravity of HTU (Lat, Lon)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbasmax), INTENT(out)    :: topo_resid !! Topographic index of the retention time (m)
@@ -474,11 +492,14 @@ SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridare
-  CALL routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, cfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
-       & basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
+  CALL routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, cfrac, nwbas, num_largest, &
+       & basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_orog, basin_floodp, basin_cg, &
+       & basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
        & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
   routing_area(:,:) = routing_area_glo(:,:)
+  routing_orog(:,:) = routing_orog_glo(:,:)
+  routing_floodp(:,:) = routing_floodp_glo(:,:)
   routing_cg(:,:,:) = routing_cg_glo(:,:,:)
   topo_resid(:,:) = topo_resid_glo(:,:)
   route_nbbasin(:) = route_count_glo(:)
@@ -545,6 +566,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE finish_inflows
 SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numops, basin_count, basin_area, &
+     & basin_orog, basin_floodp, &
      & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
      & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -568,6 +590,8 @@ SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numo
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_type !!
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_flowdir !! Water flow directions in the basin (unitless)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_area !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_orog !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_floodp !!
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2), INTENT(inout)  :: basin_cg
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_topoind !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
   REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: fetch_basin !!
@@ -589,7 +613,7 @@ SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numo
       IF (basin_count(ib) > nbasmax) THEN
          tok = tokill(ib,op)
          totak = totakeover(ib,op)
-         IF (tok .GT. 0) THEN 
+         IF (tok .GT. 0) THEN
             WRITE(numout,*) "nbpt", ib, "tokill", tok, "totakover", totak
             ! Test if tokill is downstream of totakeover (avoid loop)
             igrif = outflow_grid(ib,totak)
@@ -603,11 +627,12 @@ SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numo
                 tok = it
                 it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)
-                ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)            
+                ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
                 igrif = it
               END IF
             END DO
-            CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tok, totak, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
+            CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tok, totak, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, &
+               & basin_orog, basin_floodp, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
                & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
                & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
          END IF
@@ -615,8 +640,6 @@ SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numo
     END DO
@@ -633,7 +656,7 @@ SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_basin !!
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt),       INTENT(in)       :: basin_count !!
   ! Local
   INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)       :: flag !!
@@ -641,13 +664,13 @@ SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
   flag(:,:) = 0
   WRITE(numout,*) "Checking routing"
   test = 0
   DO ig=1,nbpt
     basnum = basin_count(ig)
-    DO ib=1,basnum   
+    DO ib=1,basnum
       IF (flag(ig,ib) .EQ. 0) THEN
         flag(ig,ib) = -1
         igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
@@ -655,7 +678,7 @@ SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
         DO WHILE ((igrif .GT. 0) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -1) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -99))
           flag(igrif, ibasf) = -1
-          it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+          it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)
           ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
           igrif = it
         END DO
@@ -668,7 +691,7 @@ SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
           DO WHILE ((igrif .GT. 0) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -99))
             flag(igrif, ibasf) = -99
-            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)
             ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
             igrif = it
           END DO
@@ -681,7 +704,7 @@ SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
           ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
           DO WHILE (flag(igrif,ibasf) .EQ. -1)
             flag(igrif, ibasf) = -99
-            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)
             ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
             igrif = it
           END DO
@@ -720,11 +743,11 @@ SUBROUTINE checkfetch(nbpt, nwbas, fetch_basin, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, bas
   DO ig=1,nbpt
     basnum = basin_count(ig)
-    DO ib=1,basnum      
+    DO ib=1,basnum
       igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
       ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
-      IF (igrif .GT. 0) THEN  
+      IF (igrif .GT. 0) THEN
         IF (fetch_basin(ig,ib) .GT. fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf)) THEN
           WRITE(numout,*) "****ERROR Fetch, nbpt:",ig
           WRITE(numout,*) igrif, ibasf
diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
index 8fe229889df2f5e79ed37070642d8757bba28731..f38a21fac3f9c0e95f78af68311fb382ea9070b0 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ MODULE routing_reg
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE :: nbasmax_save
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: routing_area_glo !! Surface of basin (m^2)
+  REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: routing_orog_glo !! Mean topography (m)
+  REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: routing_floodp_glo !! Surface of floodplains (m^2)
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:)  :: routing_cg_glo !! Centre of gravity of HTU (Lat, Lon)
   REAL(r_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:)    :: topo_resid_glo !! Topographic index of the retention time (m)
   INTEGER(i_std), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)   :: route_count_glo !! Number of basins per grid
@@ -73,7 +75,8 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE routing_reg_getgrid(nbpt, ib, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area, max_basins, min_topoind, &
        & lon_rel, lat_rel, lalo, resolution, contfrac, trip, basins, topoindex, fac, hierarchy, &
-       & nbi, nbj, area_bx, trip_bx, basin_bx, topoind_bx, fac_bx, hierarchy_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, lshead_bx)
+       & orog, floodp,&
+       & nbi, nbj, area_bx, trip_bx, basin_bx, topoind_bx, fac_bx, hierarchy_bx,orog_bx, floodp_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, lshead_bx)
@@ -98,6 +101,8 @@ CONTAINS
     REAL(r_std), INTENT(inout) :: topoindex(nbpt,nbvmax) !! Topographic index of the residence time (m)
     REAL(r_std), INTENT(inout) :: hierarchy(nbpt,nbvmax) !! data on the fine grid
     REAL(r_std), INTENT(inout) :: fac(nbpt,nbvmax) !! data on the fine grid
+    REAL(r_std), INTENT(inout) :: orog(nbpt,nbvmax) !! data on the fine grid
+    REAL(r_std), INTENT(inout) :: floodp(nbpt,nbvmax) !! data on the fine grid
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: nbi, nbj !! Number of point in x and y within the grid (unitless)
@@ -110,6 +115,8 @@ CONTAINS
     REAL(r_std), INTENT(out) :: topoind_bx(nbxmax,nbxmax) !! Topographic index of the residence time for each of the smaller boxes (m)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: trip_bx(nbxmax,nbxmax) !! The trip field for each of the smaller boxes (unitless)
     INTEGER(i_std), INTENT(out) :: basin_bx(nbxmax,nbxmax) !!
+    REAL(i_std), INTENT(out) :: orog_bx(nbxmax,nbxmax) !!
+    REAL(i_std), INTENT(out) :: floodp_bx(nbxmax,nbxmax) !!
     INTEGER(i_std) :: ip, jp, ll(1), iloc, jloc !! Indices (unitless)
@@ -152,6 +159,8 @@ CONTAINS
     lon_bx(:,:) = undef_sechiba
     lat_bx(:,:) = undef_sechiba
     lshead_bx(:,:) = undef_sechiba
+    orog_bx(:,:) = undef_sechiba
+    floodp_bx(:,:) = undef_sechiba
     cenlon = zero
     cenlat = zero
@@ -193,6 +202,8 @@ CONTAINS
           topoind_bx(iloc, jloc) = topoindex(ib, ip)
           hierarchy_bx(iloc, jloc) = hierarchy(ib, ip)
           fac_bx(iloc, jloc) = fac(ib, ip)
+          orog_bx(iloc, jloc) = orog(ib, ip)
+          floodp_bx(iloc, jloc) = floodp(ib, ip) * sub_area(ib, ip)
           lon_bx(iloc, jloc) = lon_rel(ib, ip)
           lat_bx(iloc, jloc) = lat_rel(ib, ip)
           cenlon = cenlon + lon_rel(ib, ip)/sub_pts(ib)
@@ -1635,9 +1646,11 @@ CONTAINS
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_bx, hierarchy_bx, fac_bx, topoind_bx, &
+SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx, trip_bx, hierarchy_bx, &
+       & orog_bx, floodp_bx, fac_bx, topoind_bx, &
        & min_topoind, nb_basin, basin_inbxid, basin_outlet, basin_outtp, basin_sz, basin_pts, basin_bxout, &
        & basin_bbout, lshead, coast_pts, nwbas, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_hierarchy, &
+       & basin_orog, basin_floodp, &
        & basin_fac, basin_topoind, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, basin_lshead, &
        & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, nbcoastal, coastal_basin)
@@ -1654,6 +1667,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: lat_bx       !! Latitude of each small box in the grid box
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax) :: trip_bx      !! The trip field for each of the smaller boxes (unitless)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: hierarchy_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: orog_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: floodp_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: fac_bx !! Level in the basin of the point
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbxmax,nbxmax)    :: topoind_bx   !! Topographic index of the residence time for each of the smaller boxes (m)
     REAL(r_std)                              :: min_topoind  !! The current minimum of topographic index (m)
@@ -1677,6 +1692,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_area       !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2) :: basin_cg       !! Centre of gravity of the HTU in latitude, longitude
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_hierarchy  !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_orog  !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_floodp  !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_fac  !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_topoind    !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_lshead     !! Large scale heading out of the grid box.
@@ -1755,6 +1772,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
        basin_cg(ib,ij,:) = zero
        basin_hierarchy(ib,ij) = zero
        basin_fac(ib,ij) = zero
+       basin_orog(ib,ij) = zero
+       basin_floodp(ib,ij) = zero
        SELECT CASE (hierar_method)
@@ -1767,6 +1786,10 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
        DO iz=1,basin_sz(ij)
           basin_area(ib,ij) = basin_area(ib,ij) + area_bx(basin_pts(ij,iz,1),basin_pts(ij,iz,2))
+          ! Numerator for mean orography, then need to be divided by the HTUs area
+          basin_orog(ib,ij) = basin_orog(ib,ij) + orog_bx(basin_pts(ij,iz,1),basin_pts(ij,iz,2)) &
+          & * area_bx(basin_pts(ij,iz,1),basin_pts(ij,iz,2))
+          basin_floodp(ib,ij) = basin_floodp(ib,ij) + floodp_bx(basin_pts(ij,iz,1),basin_pts(ij,iz,2))
           ! Compute centre of gravity
@@ -1813,6 +1836,9 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_globalize(nbpt, ib, neighbours, area_bx, lon_bx, lat_bx,
+       ! Finish the calculation of mean orography
+       basin_orog(ib,ij) = basin_orog(ib,ij)/basin_area(ib,ij)
+       !
        SELECT CASE (hierar_method)
@@ -2054,7 +2080,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
                 IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) == bop ) THEN
                    solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
-                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"flow in the same grid, basin:",bop 
+                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"flow in the same grid, basin:",bop
              ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .EQ. -3 ) THEN
                 ! Return flow
@@ -2296,20 +2322,20 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
                                  &   inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
                             ! It is possible that the lowest hierarchy is in two grid cells
                             ! In this case, if we have an error for this routing_updateflow
-                            ! We go to next step and make it a coastal flow 
+                            ! We go to next step and make it a coastal flow
                             IF (outflow_basin(sp, sb) < undef_int) THEN
                                found = 1
                                WRITE(numout,*) "Lowest basin hierarchy in the neighbours grid points"
                                WRITE(numout,*) "Lowest hierarchy may be in two different grid points"
                             END IF
-                            WRITE(numout,*) "hierarch of (sp,sb)", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) 
+                            WRITE(numout,*) "hierarch of (sp,sb)", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb)
                             WRITE(numout,*) "Lowest basinid hierarch", basin_hierarchy(dop,bop)
                          END IF
                       END IF
                    END DO
                 END IF
-             ENDIF                
+             ENDIF
              ! Last option : coastal outflow
              IF (found .EQ. 0) THEN
@@ -2554,8 +2580,9 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, nbcore, corepts, b
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
-       & basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
+SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, &
+       & basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_orog, basin_floodp, &
+       & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
        & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -2581,6 +2608,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, nu
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_type !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_flowdir !! Water flow directions in the basin (unitless)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_area !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_orog !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_floodp !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2), INTENT(inout)  :: basin_cg !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_topoind !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: fetch_basin !!
@@ -2647,6 +2676,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, nu
        DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
           routing_area_glo(ib,ij) = basin_area(ib,ij)
+          routing_orog_glo(ib,ij) = basin_orog(ib,ij)
+          routing_floodp_glo(ib,ij) = basin_floodp(ib,ij)
           routing_cg_glo(ib,ij,:) = basin_cg(ib,ij,:)
           topo_resid_glo(ib,ij) = basin_topoind(ib,ij)
           global_basinid_glo(ib,ij) = basin_id(ib,ij)
@@ -2751,7 +2782,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, nu
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
+SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, &
+       & basin_orog, basin_floodp, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
        & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
        & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -2770,6 +2802,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_type !!
     INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas) :: basin_flowdir !! Water flow directions in the basin (unitless)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_area !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_orog !!
+    REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_floodp !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2)  :: basin_cg !!
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: basin_topoind !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
     REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)    :: fetch_basin !!
@@ -2802,6 +2836,11 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
     basin_area(ib, totakeover) = basin_area(ib, totakeover) + basin_area(ib,tokill)
+    basin_floodp(ib, totakeover) = basin_floodp(ib, totakeover) + basin_floodp(ib,tokill)
+    !
+    basin_orog(ib, totakeover) = (basin_orog(ib, totakeover)*basin_area(ib, totakeover) &
+    & + basin_orog(ib, tokill)*basin_area(ib, tokill))/(basin_area(ib, totakeover) + basin_area(ib, tokill))
+    !
     ! Add the fetch of the basin will kill to the one which gets the water
     fetch_basin(ib, totakeover) = fetch_basin(ib, totakeover) + fetch_basin(ib, tokill)
@@ -2937,6 +2976,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
     nbasmax_save = nbasmax
     ALLOCATE (routing_area_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
+    ALLOCATE (routing_orog_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
+    ALLOCATE (routing_floodp_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (route_fetch_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (routing_cg_glo(nbpt,nbasmax,2), stat=ier)
     ALLOCATE (topo_resid_glo(nbpt,nbasmax), stat=ier)
diff --git a/HydroGrid.py b/HydroGrid.py
index 70e75f951797efa0abc64fd590d4a78b81466f6c..66f84885943800a32ac01254b0ae03de97e9ab8e 100644
--- a/HydroGrid.py
+++ b/HydroGrid.py
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ def corners(lon, lat) :
             centersll.append([lon[j,i], lat[j,i]])
             radiusll.append(RPP.maxradius([lon[j,i], lat[j,i]], lons, lats))
-            #                 
+            #
     return cornersll, cornerspoly, centersll, radiusll, index
 def gather(x, index) :
@@ -130,3 +130,15 @@ class HydroData :
         self.fac=gather(nf.variables["fac"][jstr:jend,istr:iend].astype(np.float32), index)
+        #
+        if "orog" in nf.variables.keys():
+            self.orog = gather(nf.variables["orog"][jstr:jend,istr:iend].astype(np.float32), index)
+            self.orogdesc=nf.variables["orog"].long_name
+        else:
+            self.orog = gather(np.zeros((jend-jstr,iend-istr)).astype(np.float32), index)
+        #
+        if "floodplains" in nf.variables.keys():
+            self.floodplains = gather(nf.variables["floodplains"][jstr:jend,istr:iend].astype(np.float32), index)
+            self.floodplainsdesc=nf.variables["floodplains"].long_name
+        else:
+            self.floodplains = gather(np.zeros((jend-jstr,iend-istr)).astype(np.float32), index)
diff --git a/Interface.py b/Interface.py
index 086a88a22399bfb0ef99b88c84628500d0293213..c5dfdeb99fda702e4531d6688f625560bb4027a6 100644
--- a/Interface.py
+++ b/Interface.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ prec = 100.0
 # Print the documentation for the FORTRAN interface
-if gendoc.lower() == "true" : 
+if gendoc.lower() == "true" :
     docwrapper = open('DocumentationInterface', 'w')
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ def finalfetch(part, routing_area, basin_count, route_togrid, route_tobasin, fet
     fetch_error = np.sum(np.abs(fetch_out[part.landcorelist,:]-fetch_in[part.landcorelist,:]), axis=1)\
                                                     /np.sum(routing_area[part.landcorelist,:], axis=1)
-    if np.max(fetch_error) > prec : 
+    if np.max(fetch_error) > prec :
         print("Rank :"+str(part.rank)+" Too large fetch error (fraction of greid area) : ", fetch_error)
     print("Total fetch error in fraction of grid box : ", np.sum(fetch_error))
     return fetch_out
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ class HydroOverlap :
         topoind_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         fac_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         hierarchy_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
+        orog_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
+        floodp_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         trip_tmp[:,:] = np.nan
         basins_tmp[:,:] = np.nan
@@ -254,6 +256,8 @@ class HydroOverlap :
             topoind_tmp[ib,0:sub_pts[ib]] = np.asarray(hydrodata.topoind[ib][:])
             fac_tmp[ib,0:sub_pts[ib]] = np.asarray(hydrodata.fac[ib][:])
             hierarchy_tmp[ib,0:sub_pts[ib]] = np.asarray(hydrodata.disto[ib][:])
+            orog_tmp[ib,0:sub_pts[ib]] = np.asarray(hydrodata.orog[ib][:])
+            floodp_tmp[ib,0:sub_pts[ib]] = np.asarray(hydrodata.floodplains[ib][:])
         trip_tmp[np.isnan(trip_tmp)] = undef_int
         basins_tmp[np.isnan(trip_tmp)] = undef_int
@@ -264,9 +268,11 @@ class HydroOverlap :
         print("GETHYDROGRID : nbvmax = ", nbvmax)
         print("GETHYDROGRID : nbxmax = ", nbxmax)
         self.nbi, self.nbj, self.area_bx, self.trip_bx, self.basin_bx, self.topoind_bx, self.fac_bx, self.hierarchy_bx, \
+            self.orog_bx, self.floodp_bx, \
             self.lon_bx, self.lat_bx, self.lshead_bx = \
                     routing_interface.gethydrogrid(nbxmax, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area, \
-                    hydrodata.basinsmax, hydrodata.topoindmin, sub_lon, sub_lat, trip_tmp, basins_tmp, topoind_tmp, fac_tmp, hierarchy_tmp)
+                    hydrodata.basinsmax, hydrodata.topoindmin, sub_lon, sub_lat, trip_tmp, basins_tmp, topoind_tmp, fac_tmp,\
+                        hierarchy_tmp, orog_tmp, floodp_tmp)
         # Plot some diagnostics for the hydrology grid within the atmospheric meshes.
@@ -302,16 +308,18 @@ class HydroSuper :
         lon_bx_tmp[np.isnan(lon_bx_tmp)] = undef_int
         lat_bx_tmp = hydrooverlap.lat_bx
         lat_bx_tmp[np.isnan(lat_bx_tmp)] = undef_int
-        self.basin_count, self.basin_notrun, self.basin_area, self.basin_cg, self.basin_hierarchy, self.basin_fac, self.basin_topoind, \
+        self.basin_count, self.basin_notrun, self.basin_area, self.basin_cg, self.basin_hierarchy, \
+            self.basin_orog, self.basin_floodp, self.basin_fac, self.basin_topoind, \
             self.basin_id, self.basin_outcoor, self.basin_type, self.basin_flowdir, \
             self.basin_lshead, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, self.nbcoastal, self.coastal_basin = \
                     routing_interface.globalize(hydrooverlap.area_bx, lon_bx_tmp, lat_bx_tmp, hydrooverlap.trip_bx, \
-                                                hydrooverlap.hierarchy_bx, hydrooverlap.fac_bx, hydrooverlap.topoind_bx, hydrodata.topoindmin, \
+                                                hydrooverlap.hierarchy_bx, hydrooverlap.orog_bx, hydrooverlap.floodp_bx,\
+                                                hydrooverlap.fac_bx, hydrooverlap.topoind_bx, hydrodata.topoindmin, \
                                                 nb_basin, basin_inbxid, basin_outlet, basin_outtp, self.basin_sz, self.basin_pts, basin_bxout, \
                                                 basin_bbout, basin_lshead, coast_pts, hydrooverlap.nwbas)
         self.nbpt = self.basin_count.shape[0]
     def linkup(self, hydrodata) :
@@ -363,7 +371,7 @@ class HydroSuper :
         self.fetch_basin = np.copy(fetch_basin)
-        # Upstream area of the smalest river we call largest rivers. 
+        # Upstream area of the smalest river we call largest rivers.
         self.largest_rivarea = sorted_outareas[l-1]
@@ -378,21 +386,26 @@ class HydroSuper :
         routing_interface.checkfetch(nbpt = self.nbpt, nwbas = self.nwbas, fetch_basin = self.fetch_basin, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, basin_count = self.basin_count)
-        return 
+        return
     def check_routing(self):
         routing_interface.checkrouting(nbpt = self.nbpt, nwbas = self.nwbas, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, basin_count = self.basin_count)
-        return 
+        return
+    #
-    # 
     def killbas(self, tokill, totakeover, numops):
-        ops = tokill.shape[1] 
-        routing_interface.killbas(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = self.nbxmax_in, nbasmax = self.nbasmax, nwbas = self.nwbas, ops = ops, tokill = tokill, totakeover = totakeover, numops = numops, basin_count = self.basin_count, basin_area = self.basin_area, \
-            basin_cg = self.basin_cg, basin_topoind = self.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = self.fetch_basin, basin_id = self.basin_id, basin_coor = self.basin_outcoor, basin_type = self.basin_type, basin_flowdir = self.basin_flowdir, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, \
-            inflow_number = self.inflow_number, inflow_grid = self.inflow_grid, inflow_basin = self.inflow_basin)
+        ops = tokill.shape[1]
+        routing_interface.killbas(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = self.nbxmax_in, \
+                nbasmax = self.nbasmax, nwbas = self.nwbas, ops = ops, tokill = tokill,\
+                totakeover = totakeover, numops = numops, basin_count = self.basin_count,\
+                basin_area = self.basin_area, basin_orog = self.basin_orog, basin_floodp = self.basin_floodp, \
+                basin_cg = self.basin_cg, basin_topoind = self.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = self.fetch_basin,\
+                basin_id = self.basin_id, basin_coor = self.basin_outcoor, basin_type = self.basin_type,\
+                basin_flowdir = self.basin_flowdir, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, \
+                inflow_number = self.inflow_number, inflow_grid = self.inflow_grid, inflow_basin = self.inflow_basin)
     def add_variable(self,outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, coord, name, title, units, data, vtyp):
@@ -405,7 +418,7 @@ class HydroSuper :
         else :
             ncvar = np.zeros((1,1,1))
         ncvar[:] = part.gather(var)
     def dumpnetcdf(self, filename, globalgrid, procgrid, part) :
@@ -430,7 +443,7 @@ class HydroSuper :
         addcoordinates(outnf, globalgrid, procgrid, part, vtyp, NCFillValue, nbcorners, cornerind)
         addenvironment(outnf, procgrid, part, vtyp, NCFillValue, self.nbpt)
-        # 
+        #
         # Variables
         # Once gathered on root_proc we transform them into float64. Careful, Integer variables do not have NaN !
@@ -456,24 +469,30 @@ class HydroSuper :
         # self.basin_area
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_area", "Basin area", "-", self.basin_area, vtyp)
+        # self.basin_orog
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_orog", "Basin orography", "-", self.basin_orog, vtyp)
+        #
+        # self.basin_floodp
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_floodp", "Basin floodplains", "-", self.basin_floodp, vtyp)
+        #
         # self.basin_cg
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "CG_lon", "CG lon", "-", self.basin_cg[:,:,1], vtyp)
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "CG_lat", "CG lat", "-", self.basin_cg[:,:,0], vtyp)
         # self.topoind
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_topoind", "Topoindex", "-", self.basin_topoind, vtyp)
-        # 
+        #
         # outcoor
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "outcoor_lon", "outcoor lon", "-", self.basin_outcoor[:,:,1], vtyp)
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "outcoor_lat", "outcoor lat", "-", self.basin_outcoor[:,:,0], vtyp)
-        # 
+        #
         # type
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_type", "type", "-", self.basin_type, vtyp)
         # flowdir
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htuext','y','x'), "basin_flowdir", "flowdir", "-", self.basin_flowdir, vtyp)
-        # 
+        #
         grgrid = part.l2glandindex(self.outflow_grid)
         grgrid[self.outflow_grid == 0 ] = -2 # in case it flows out of the domain, the 0 should not remain
@@ -516,10 +535,12 @@ class HydroGraph :
         nwbas = hydrosuper.basin_topoind.shape[1]
         nbxmax_in = hydrosuper.inflow_grid.shape[1]
-        self.routing_area, self.routing_cg, self.topo_resid, self.route_nbbasin, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.route_nbintobas, \
-            self.global_basinid, self.route_outlet, self.route_type, self.origin_nbintobas, self.routing_fetch = \
+        self.routing_area, self.routing_orog, self.routing_floodp, self.routing_cg, self.topo_resid, self.route_nbbasin,\
+            self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.route_nbintobas, self.global_basinid, \
+            self.route_outlet, self.route_type, self.origin_nbintobas, self.routing_fetch = \
                                     routing_interface.finish_truncate(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = nbxmax_in, nbasmax = nbasmax, nwbas = nwbas, num_largest = hydrosuper.num_largest, gridarea = modelgrid.area, cfrac = modelgrid.contfrac, basin_count = hydrosuper.basin_count, \
-                                                               basin_notrun = hydrosuper.basin_notrun, basin_area = hydrosuper.basin_area, basin_cg = hydrosuper.basin_cg, \
+                                                               basin_notrun = hydrosuper.basin_notrun, basin_area = hydrosuper.basin_area, \
+                                                               basin_orog = hydrosuper.basin_orog, basin_floodp = hydrosuper.basin_floodp, basin_cg = hydrosuper.basin_cg, \
                                                                basin_topoind = hydrosuper.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = hydrosuper.fetch_basin, basin_id = hydrosuper.basin_id, \
                                                                basin_coor = hydrosuper.basin_outcoor, basin_type = hydrosuper.basin_type, basin_flowdir = hydrosuper.basin_flowdir, \
                                                                outflow_grid = hydrosuper.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = hydrosuper.outflow_basin, \
@@ -527,7 +548,7 @@ class HydroGraph :
         self.routing_fetch = finalfetch(part, self.routing_area, self.route_nbbasin, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.routing_fetch)
-        # 
+        #
         self.num_largest = routing_interface.finalrivclass(part.landcorelist, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.routing_fetch, \
@@ -536,10 +557,7 @@ class HydroGraph :
         gingrid = part.l2glandindex( hydrosuper.inflow_grid[:,:,:self.max_inflow])
         self.route_innum, self.route_ingrid, self.route_inbasin = routing_interface.finish_inflows(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = nbxmax_in, nbasmax = nbasmax, inf_max = self.max_inflow, basin_count = hydrosuper.basin_count, inflow_number = hydrosuper.inflow_number, inflow_grid = gingrid, inflow_basin = hydrosuper.inflow_basin[:,:,:self.max_inflow])
@@ -558,7 +576,7 @@ class HydroGraph :
         else :
             ncvar = np.zeros((1,1,1))
         ncvar[:] = part.gather(var)
-    #    
+    #
     def dumpnetcdf(self, filename, globalgrid, procgrid, part) :
@@ -584,14 +602,14 @@ class HydroGraph :
         addenvironment(outnf, procgrid, part, vtyp, NCFillValue, self.nbpt)
         # land grid index -> to facilitate the analyses of the routing
-        # 
+        #
         nbpt_loc = np.zeros((self.nbpt,1)).astype(np.int32)
         nbpt_loc[:,0] = np.arange(1, self.nbpt+1)
         nbpt_glo = part.l2glandindex(nbpt_loc)
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('y','x'), "nbpt_glo", "Grid point Global", "-", nbpt_glo[:,0], vtyp)
-        # 
+        #
         # TEST: l2glandindex
         for il in range(procgrid.nbland) :
@@ -600,16 +618,16 @@ class HydroGraph :
             if d < 0.05 :
                 itarget = il
         if itarget >+ 0 :
             print(part.rank, itarget, " Before route_togrid = ", self.route_togrid[itarget,:])
-        # Conversion 
+        # Conversion
         grgrid = part.l2glandindex(self.route_togrid[:,:])
         if itarget >+ 0 :
             print(part.rank, itarget, " After route_togrid = ", self.route_togrid[itarget,:])
-        # The field route_togrid is with indices on the local grid. That needs to be converted to the global grid.        
+        # The field route_togrid is with indices on the local grid. That needs to be converted to the global grid.
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu', 'y','x'), "routetogrid", "Grid into which the basin flows", "-", grgrid, vtyp, "int")
         # route to basin
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu', 'y','x'), "routetobasin", "Basin in to which the water goes", "-", self.route_tobasin[:,:], vtyp, "int")
@@ -618,23 +636,28 @@ class HydroGraph :
         # basin area
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu', 'y','x'), "basin_area", "area of basin", "m^2", self.routing_area[:,:], vtyp, "float")
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu', 'y','x'), "basin_orog", "Mean orography", "m", self.routing_orog[:,:], vtyp, "float")
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu', 'y','x'), "basin_floodp", "area of floodplains", "m^2", self.routing_floodp[:,:], vtyp, "float")
         # route number into basin
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('y','x'), "routenbintobas", "Number of basin into current one", "-", self.route_nbintobas[:], vtyp, "int")
-        # 
+        #
         # original number into basin
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ( 'y','x'), "originnbintobas", "Number of sub-grid basin into current one before truncation", "-", self.origin_nbintobas[:], vtyp, "int")
-        # 
+        #
         # latitude of outlet
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "outletlat", "Latitude of Outlet", "degrees north", self.route_outlet[:,:,0], vtyp, "float")
         # longitude of outlet
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "outletlon", "Longitude of Outlet", "degrees east", self.route_outlet[:,:,1], vtyp, "float")
         # type of outlet
-        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "outlettype", "Type of outlet", "code", self.route_type[:,:], vtyp, "float")   
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "outlettype", "Type of outlet", "code", self.route_type[:,:], vtyp, "float")
         # topographic index
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "topoindex", "Topographic index of the retention time", "m", self.topo_resid[:,:], vtyp, "float")
         # Inflow number
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "route_innum", "Number of inflow", "-", self.route_innum[:,:], vtyp, "int")
@@ -644,14 +667,14 @@ class HydroGraph :
         # Inflow basin
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('inflow', 'htu','y','x'), "route_inbasin", "Basin from which the water flows", "-", self.route_inbasin[:,:,:], vtyp, "int")
         # Save centre of gravity of HTU
         # Check if it works
         self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "CG_lon", "Longitude of centre of gravity of HTU", "degrees east", self.routing_cg[:,:,1], vtyp, "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "CG_lat", "Latitude of centre of gravity of HTU", "degrees north", self.routing_cg[:,:,0], vtyp, "float") 
+        self.add_variable(outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, ('htu','y','x'), "CG_lat", "Latitude of centre of gravity of HTU", "degrees north", self.routing_cg[:,:,0], vtyp, "float")
         # Save the fetch of each basin
@@ -662,7 +685,3 @@ class HydroGraph :
diff --git a/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def b/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
index 9ef68a4daf869b299c4724cddbdf5983b367c185..6fe2932cb6e62c6515ec76204b43cc8c2251c634 100644
--- a/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
+++ b/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ nbasmax = 35
 # Number of operation of simplification performed together
-numop = 200
+numop = 100
 # Output
diff --git a/tests/Iberia_n48_regular/run.def b/tests/Iberia_n48_regular/run.def
index b0afac7840d2d0c3dab4bd0c8e24ad757175fb80..1cb8a04db941d5ce1bb255452020756862a5abd8 100644
--- a/tests/Iberia_n48_regular/run.def
+++ b/tests/Iberia_n48_regular/run.def
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ EarthRadius = 6370000.
 ModelGridFile = /bdd/MEDI/workspaces/polcher/NewRouting/EM_WFDEI_CRU_2000.nc 
 WEST_EAST = -9.75, 5.25
 SOUTH_NORTH = 35.5, 43.5
-HydroFile = /bdd/MEDI/workspaces/polcher/NewRouting/routing_MED.nc
+HydroFile = /bdd/MEDI/workspaces/polcher/NewRouting/routing_MED.nc 
 # FORTRAN interface parameters