From acd9d06b32df6e6e1337e5b2830a29f9f68770c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:23:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improvement of Linkup

 F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 | 125 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
index 9ffbac7..2a21806 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
@@ -2054,28 +2054,30 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
                 IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) == bop ) THEN
                    solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"flow in the same grid, basin:",bop 
              ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .EQ. -3 ) THEN
                 ! Return flow
                 ! Nothing to do but just remember it is done.
                 solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"is a return flow"
              ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .EQ. -2 ) THEN
                 ! Coastal flow
                 ! Nothing to do but just remember it is done.
                 solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"is a coastal flow"
              ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .EQ. -1 ) THEN
                 ! River flow
                 ! Nothing to do but just remember it is done.
                 solved(sp,1) = solved(sp,1) + 1
+                WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"is a river outflow"
-             WRITE(numout,*) sp,sb,"is an outflow ", outflow_grid(sp,sb)
           ELSE IF ( outflow_grid(sp,sb) .GT. 0 ) THEN
              found = 0
              ! Deal with the first one as usual
              inp = outflow_grid(sp,sb)
-             IF ( inp == 0.) WRITE(numout,*) "ERROR 1"
              CALL routing_reg_bestsubbasin(sp, sb, basin_id(sp,sb), basin_hierarchy(sp,sb), basin_fac(sp,sb), &
                   &                    basin_flowdir(sp,sb), invented_basins, &
@@ -2223,27 +2225,10 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
              !  ! loc(NbNeighb)
-             ! If not found, and at least one of the neighbour is ocean -> coastal outflow
-             IF ( found == 0) THEN
-                WRITE (numout,*) "Is there a coastal outflow ? "
-                nbocean = 0
-                DO nb=1,NbNeighb
-                   IF ( neighbours_g(sp,nb) .LE. -1 ) nbocean = nbocean +1
-                ENDDO
-                IF ( nbocean .LE. 1 ) THEN
-                   outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                   outflow_basin(sp,sb) = undef_int
-                   found = 1
-                   WRITE (numout,*) "There is more than one neighbour that is coastal outflow"
-                   WRITE (numout,*) "Changed in coastal outflow"
-                   solved(sp,3) = solved(sp,3)+1
-                ENDIF
-             ENDIF
-             ! Equivalent to linkup 5
+             ! Looking for a solution in the grid -> HTU with a similar hierarchy or lowest hierarchy
+             !
              IF ( found == 0 ) THEN
-                WRITE (numout,*) "Eq. Linkup 5"
+                WRITE (numout,*) "Looking for a solution in the grid"
                 DO sba=1,basin_count(sp)
                    IF ( sba .NE. sb ) THEN
                       IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) == basin_id(sp,sba) ) THEN
@@ -2285,47 +2270,71 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_linkup(nbpt, neighbours, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area,
                       sbint = minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),2)
-                !
-                ! Trung: Be careful when changing value of basin_hierarchy here !
-                !
-                IF (( sbint < undef_int ) .AND. (sbint .GT. 0) ) THEN
+                IF (( sbint < undef_int ) .AND. (sbint .GT. 0) .AND. (sbint .NE. sb)) THEN
                    basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = basin_hierarchy(sp,sbint)
                    CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, sp, sbint, nbpt, nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
-                        &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+                        &                  inflow_number, inflow_grid,inflow_basin)
+                   found = 1
                    WRITE (numout,*) "Lowest basin hierarchy in the grid file"
-                ELSE
-                   !
-                   ! Trung: Well, if you come to this step, it should be a special
-                   !        (or curious, I said) case. For example, when processing
-                   !        Sulina branch of river Danube with the forcing data
-                   !        from E2OFD (/bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/E2OFD/)
-                   !        in resolution of 0.25 degree. The grid box [45.125N, 29.375E]
-                   !        is a ocean point in the middle of 7 land points ("a
-                   !        hole"). But HydroSHEDS shows that Sulina branch flows
-                   !        through this grid cell (from [45.125N, 29.125E] to [45.125N, 29.625E]).
-                   ! Trung: If the "JUMP" does not work, it means a worse case.
-                   !        Or it means a worse case.
-                   !        The outlet of this river falls in the ocean point of
-                   !        forcing data. For example: with 0.25 degree forcing
-                   !        data of E2OFD, the grid point [ 45.625N ; 13.875E ]
-                   !        lost the outlet of basin ID 69666.
-                   !        We need to use this point (which should be the last point
-                   !        of this river with shortest hierarchy and highest flow accumulation)
-                   !        to become new outlet.
-                   !
-                   !        This is not good solution because there can be few
-                   !        outlet for one basin ID.
-                   !        But I need the model works now !!! => so, come back
-                   !        here later !
-                   !
-                   WRITE (numout,*) "Linkup : Made a NEW OUTLET at sp & sb: ",sp,sb
-                   ! Coastal flow or river flow is both ok here
-                   outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
-                   basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = 0.00
-                IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1
+             !
+             ! Looking if the minimun hierarchy is in a neighbour grid point
+             IF (found .EQ. 0) THEN
+                   dop = undef_int
+                   bop = undef_int
+                IF ( basin_id(sp,sb) < invented_basins ) THEN
+                   DO nb=1,NbNeighb
+                      IF (( neighbours_g(sp,order_ref(nb)) == minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),1)) .AND. (found == 0)) THEN
+                         dop = minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),1)
+                         bop = minhloc(basin_id(sp,sb),2)
+                         IF ((dop  < undef_int ) .AND. (dop .GT. 0) .AND. (bop < undef_int) .AND. (bop .GT. 0)) THEN
+                            !basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = basin_hierarchy(dop,bop)
+                            CALL routing_updateflow(sp, sb, dop, bop, nbpt,nwbas, nbxmax*8, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+                                 &   inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+                         found = 1
+                         WRITE(numout,*) "Lowest basin hierarchy in the neighbours grid points"
+                         WRITE(numout,*) "hierarch of (sp,sb)", basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) 
+                         WRITE(numout,*) "Lowest basinid hierarch", basin_hierarchy(dop,bop)
+                         END IF
+                      END IF
+                   END DO
+                END IF
+             ENDIF                
+             !
+             ! Last option : coastal outflow
+             IF (found .EQ. 0) THEN
+                !
+                ! Trung: Well, if you come to this step, it should be a special
+                !        (or curious, I said) case. For example, when processing
+                !        Sulina branch of river Danube with the forcing data
+                !        from E2OFD (/bdd/ORCHIDEE_Forcing/BC/OOL/OL2/E2OFD/)
+                !        in resolution of 0.25 degree. The grid box [45.125N, 29.375E]
+                !        is a ocean point in the middle of 7 land points ("a
+                !        hole"). But HydroSHEDS shows that Sulina branch flows
+                !        through this grid cell (from [45.125N, 29.125E] to [45.125N, 29.625E]).
+                ! Trung: If the "JUMP" does not work, it means a worse case.
+                !        Or it means a worse case.
+                !        The outlet of this river falls in the ocean point of
+                !        forcing data. For example: with 0.25 degree forcing
+                !        data of E2OFD, the grid point [ 45.625N ; 13.875E ]
+                !        lost the outlet of basin ID 69666.
+                !        We need to use this point (which should be the last point
+                !        of this river with shortest hierarchy and highest flow accumulation)
+                !        to become new outlet.
+                !
+                !        This is not good solution because there can be few
+                !        outlet for one basin ID.
+                !        But I need the model works now !!! => so, come back
+                !        here later !
+                !
+                WRITE (numout,*) "Linkup : Made a NEW OUTLET at sp & sb: ",sp,sb
+                ! Coastal flow or river flow is both ok here
+                outflow_grid(sp,sb) = -2
+                basin_hierarchy(sp,sb) = 0.00
+             ENDIF
+             IF ( outflow_basin(sp,sb) < undef_int ) solved(sp,4) = solved(sp,4)+1