From adbeb681d216af6a6610fa018feb6f5594daf89a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anthony <>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 13:31:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Parallelization of the truncate + subroutine to check fetch
 coherence and detect loop

 F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90 | 187 +++++++-
 F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90       | 352 +-------------                         |  61 ++-                    |  31 +-                          | 689 +++++++++++++++++----------
 tests/Iberia_n48/run.def             |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 629 deletions(-)

diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
index 1f5b849..d9cef5e 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_interface.f90
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ SUBROUTINE rivclassification(nbpt, nwbas, nbcore, corepts, basin_count, outflow_
 END SUBROUTINE rivclassification
-SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfrac, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, &
+SUBROUTINE finish_truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfrac, basin_count, basin_notrun, basin_area, &
      & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
      & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin, routing_area, routing_cg, topo_resid, route_nbbasin, route_togrid, &
      & route_tobasin, route_nbintobas, global_basinid, route_outlet, route_type, origin_nbintobas, routing_fetch)
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfra
-  CALL routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, cfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
+  CALL routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, cfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
        & basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
        & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -493,7 +493,188 @@ SUBROUTINE truncate(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas, num_largest, gridarea, cfra
   route_type(:,:) = route_type_glo(:,:)
   origin_nbintobas(:) = origin_nbintobas_glo(:)
+END SUBROUTINE finish_truncate
+SUBROUTINE killbas(nbpt, nbxmax_in, nbasmax, nwbas,ops, tokill, totakeover, numops, basin_count, basin_area, &
+     & basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, &
+     & inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+  !
+  !
+  USE ioipsl
+  USE grid
+  USE routing_tools
+  USE routing_reg
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbpt !! Domain size (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbxmax_in, nbasmax
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nwbas !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: ops !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt, ops), INTENT (in) :: tokill, totakeover
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT (in) :: numops
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt), INTENT(inout)       :: basin_count !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_id !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2), INTENT(inout)  :: basin_coor !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_type !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: basin_flowdir !! Water flow directions in the basin (unitless)
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_area !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas,2), INTENT(inout)  :: basin_cg
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: basin_topoind !! Topographic index of the residence time for a basin (m)
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout)    :: fetch_basin !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(inout) :: outflow_basin !!
+  !
+  ! Changed nwbas to nbxmax*4 and *8 to save the memory
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in), INTENT(inout)          :: inflow_number !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in), INTENT(inout) :: inflow_basin !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nbxmax_in,nbxmax_in), INTENT(inout) :: inflow_grid !!
+  !! LOCAL
+  INTEGER(i_std) :: ib, op, tok, totak
+  DO ib=1,nbpt
+    DO op=1,numops(ib)
+      IF (basin_count(ib) > nbasmax) THEN
+         tok = tokill(ib,op)
+         totak = totakeover(ib,op)
+         IF (tok .GT. 0) THEN 
+            WRITE(numout,*) "nbpt", ib, "tokill", tok, "totakover", totak
+            CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tok, totak, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
+               & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
+               & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
+         END IF
+      END IF
+    END DO
+SUBROUTINE checkrouting(nbpt, nwbas, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
+  !
+  USE ioipsl
+  USE grid
+  USE routing_tools
+  USE routing_reg
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbpt !! Domain size (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nwbas !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_basin !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt),       INTENT(in)       :: basin_count !!
+  ! Local
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas)       :: flag !!
+  INTEGER(i_std) :: ig, ib, it, igrif, ibasf, basnum, test
+  flag(:,:) = 0
+  WRITE(numout,*) "Checking routing"
+  test = 0
+  DO ig=1,nbpt
+    basnum = basin_count(ig)
+    DO ib=1,basnum   
+      IF (flag(ig,ib) .EQ. 0) THEN
+        flag(ig,ib) = -1
+        igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
+        ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
+      !
+        DO WHILE ((igrif .GT. 0) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -1) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -99))
+          flag(igrif, ibasf) = -1
+          it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+          ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
+          igrif = it
+        END DO
+        IF ((flag(igrif,ibasf) .EQ. -99) .OR. (igrif .LE. 0)) THEN
+          flag(ig,ib) = -99
+          igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
+          ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
+          DO WHILE ((igrif .GT. 0) .AND. (flag(igrif,ibasf) .NE. -99))
+            flag(igrif, ibasf) = -99
+            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+            ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
+            igrif = it
+          END DO
+        ELSE IF (flag(igrif,ibasf) .EQ. -1) THEN
+          test = test + 1
+          flag(ig,ib) = -99
+          igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
+          ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
+          DO WHILE (flag(igrif,ibasf) .EQ. -1)
+            flag(igrif, ibasf) = -99
+            it = outflow_grid(igrif,ibasf)    
+            ibasf = outflow_basin(igrif,ibasf)
+            igrif = it
+          END DO
+        END IF
+      END IF
+    END DO
+  WRITE(numout,*) "**** Fetch has",test, "loop errors"
+END SUBROUTINE checkrouting
+SUBROUTINE checkfetch(nbpt, nwbas, fetch_basin, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, basin_count)
+  !
+  USE ioipsl
+  USE grid
+  USE routing_tools
+  USE routing_reg
+  !
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nbpt !! Domain size (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), INTENT (in) :: nwbas !!
+  REAL(r_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas),    INTENT(in)       :: fetch_basin !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_grid !! Type of outflow on the grid box (unitless)
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt,nwbas), INTENT(in)       :: outflow_basin !!
+  INTEGER(i_std), DIMENSION(nbpt),       INTENT(in)       :: basin_count !!
+  ! Local
+  INTEGER(i_std) :: ig, ib, it, bt, igrif, ibasf, basnum, test
+  WRITE(numout,*) "Checking Fetch coherence"
+  test = 0
+  DO ig=1,nbpt
+    basnum = basin_count(ig)
+    DO ib=1,basnum      
+      igrif = outflow_grid(ig,ib)
+      ibasf = outflow_basin(ig,ib)
+      IF (igrif .GT. 0) THEN  
+        IF (fetch_basin(ig,ib) .GT. fetch_basin(igrif,ibasf)) THEN
+          WRITE(numout,*) "****ERROR Fetch, nbpt:",ig
+          WRITE(numout,*) igrif, ibasf
+          WRITE(numout,*) it, bt
+          test = 1
+        END IF
+      END IF
+    END DO
+  IF (test .EQ. 0) WRITE(numout,*) "**** Fetch has no error"
+END SUBROUTINE checkfetch
 SUBROUTINE finalfetch(nbpt, nbasmax, nbcore, corepts, routing_area, basin_count, route_togrid, route_tobasin, partial_sum, &
      & fetch_basin, outflow_uparea)
diff --git a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90 b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
index 0fb1429..b9d9d53 100644
--- a/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
+++ b/F90subroutines/routing_reg.f90
@@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_fetch(nbpt, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, nbcore, corepts, b
 !! \n
 !_ ================================================================================================================================
-SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
+SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_largest, basin_count, &
        & basin_notrun, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind, fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, &
        & outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number, inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
@@ -2623,352 +2623,6 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_la
     ! Read option for truncation method
-    trunc_equa = .FALSE.
-!!$    CALL getin('ROUTING_TRUNCEQUA', trunc_equa)
-    !
-    IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(indextrunc)) THEN
-       ALLOCATE(indextrunc(nbpt))
-    ENDIF
-    !
-    ! We have to go through the grid as least as often as we have to reduce the number of basins
-    ! For good measure we add 3 more passages.
-    !
-    !
-    DO iter = 1, MAXVAL(basin_count) - nbasmax +3
-       !
-       ! Get the points over which we wish to truncate. We only work with points of the
-       ! core area of the domain.
-       !
-       nbtruncate = 0
-       DO ib = 1, nbpt
-          IF ( basin_count(ib) .GT. nbasmax ) THEN
-             nbtruncate = nbtruncate + 1
-             indextrunc(nbtruncate) = ib
-          ENDIF
-       ENDDO
-       !
-       ! Go through the basins which need to be truncated.
-       !
-       DO ibt=1,nbtruncate
-          !
-          ib = indextrunc(ibt)
-          !
-          ! Check if we have basin which flows into a basin in the same grid
-          ! kbas = basin we will have to kill
-          ! sbas = basin which takes over kbas
-          !
-          kbas = 0
-          sbas = 0
-          !
-          ! 1) Merge two basins which flow into the ocean as coastal or return flow
-          ! (outflow_grid = -2 or -3). Well obviously only if we have more than 1 and
-          ! have not found anything yet!
-          !
-          IF ( (COUNT(outflow_grid(ib,1:basin_count(ib)) .EQ. -2) .GT. 1 .OR.&
-               & COUNT(outflow_grid(ib,1:basin_count(ib)) .EQ. -3) .GT. 1) .AND.&
-               & kbas*sbas .EQ. 0) THEN
-             !
-             multbas = 0
-             multbas_sz(:) = 0
-             !
-             IF ( COUNT(outflow_grid(ib,1:basin_count(ib)) .EQ. -2) .GT. 1 ) THEN
-                obj = -2
-             ELSE
-                obj = -3
-             ENDIF
-             !
-             ! First we get the list of all basins which go out as coastal or return flow (obj)
-             !
-             DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-                IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .EQ. obj ) THEN
-                   multbas = multbas + 1
-                   multbas_sz(multbas) = ij
-                   tmp_area(multbas) = fetch_basin(ib,ij)
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             ! Test the new truncation priority
-             !
-             IF ( trunc_equa ) THEN
-                !
-                ! Take the smallest to be transfered to the second smallest
-                !
-                iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas) .GT. zero)
-                kbas = multbas_sz(iml(1))
-                tmp_area(iml(1)) = -1
-                iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas) .GT. zero)
-                sbas = multbas_sz(iml(1))
-                !
-             ELSE
-                !
-                ! Take the smallest to be transfered to the largest
-                !
-                iml = MAXLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas) .GT. zero)
-                sbas = multbas_sz(iml(1))
-                iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas) .GT. zero)
-                kbas = multbas_sz(iml(1))
-                !
-             ENDIF
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          !
-          ! 2) If we have basins flowing into the same grid but different basins then we put them
-          ! together. Obviously we first work with the grid which has most streams running into it
-          ! and putting the smallest in the largests catchments.
-          !
-          IF ( kbas*sbas .EQ. 0) THEN
-             !
-             tmp_ids(1:basin_count(ib)) = outflow_grid(ib,1:basin_count(ib))
-             multbas = 0
-             multbas_sz(:) = 0
-             !
-             ! First obtain the list of basins which flow into the same basin
-             !
-             DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-                IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ij) .GT. 0 .AND.&
-                     & COUNT(tmp_ids(1:basin_count(ib)) .EQ. outflow_grid(ib,ij)) .GT. 1) THEN
-                   multbas = multbas + 1
-                   DO ii=1,basin_count(ib)
-                      IF ( tmp_ids(ii) .EQ. outflow_grid(ib,ij)) THEN
-                         multbas_sz(multbas) = multbas_sz(multbas) + 1
-                         multbas_list(multbas,multbas_sz(multbas)) = ii
-                         tmp_ids(ii) = -99
-                      ENDIF
-                   ENDDO
-                ELSE
-                   tmp_ids(ij) = -99
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             ! Did we come up with any basins to deal with this way ?
-             !
-             IF ( multbas .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                !
-                iml = MAXLOC(multbas_sz(1:multbas))
-                ik = iml(1)
-                !
-                ! Take the smallest and largest of these basins !
-                !
-                DO ii=1,multbas_sz(ik)
-                   tmp_area(ii) = fetch_basin(ib, multbas_list(ik,ii))
-                ENDDO
-                !
-                IF ( trunc_equa ) THEN
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                  kbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                  tmp_area(iml(1)) = -1
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                  sbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                ELSE
-                  iml = MAXLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                  sbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                  kbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                ENDIF
-                !
-             ENDIF
-             !
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          ! 3) If we have twice the same basin we put them together even if they flow into different
-          ! directions. If one of them goes to the ocean it takes the advantage.
-          !
-          IF ( kbas*sbas .EQ. 0) THEN
-             !
-             tmp_ids(1:basin_count(ib)) = basin_id(ib,1:basin_count(ib))
-             multbas = 0
-             multbas_sz(:) = 0
-             !
-             ! First obtain the list of basins which have sub-basins in this grid box.
-             ! (these are identified by their IDs)
-             !
-             DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-                IF ( COUNT(tmp_ids(1:basin_count(ib)) .EQ. basin_id(ib,ij)) .GT. 1) THEN
-                   multbas = multbas + 1
-                   DO ii=1,basin_count(ib)
-                      IF ( tmp_ids(ii) .EQ. basin_id(ib,ij)) THEN
-                         multbas_sz(multbas) = multbas_sz(multbas) + 1
-                         multbas_list(multbas,multbas_sz(multbas)) = ii
-                         tmp_ids(ii) = -99
-                      ENDIF
-                   ENDDO
-                ELSE
-                   tmp_ids(ij) = -99
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-             !
-             ! We are going to work on the basin with the largest number of sub-basins.
-             ! (IF we have a basin which has subbasins !)
-             !
-             IF ( multbas .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                !
-                iml = MAXLOC(multbas_sz(1:multbas))
-                ik = iml(1)
-                !
-                ! If one of the basins goes to the ocean then it is going to have the priority
-                !
-                tmp_area(:) = zero
-                IF ( COUNT(outflow_grid(ib,multbas_list(ik,1:multbas_sz(ik))) .LT. 0) .GT. 0) THEN
-                   DO ii=1,multbas_sz(ik)
-                      IF ( outflow_grid(ib,multbas_list(ik,ii)) .LT. 0 .AND. sbas .EQ. 0 ) THEN
-                         sbas = multbas_list(ik,ii)
-                      ELSE
-                         tmp_area(ii) = fetch_basin(ib, multbas_list(ik,ii))
-                      ENDIF
-                   ENDDO
-                   ! take the smallest of the subbasins
-                   iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                   kbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                ELSE
-                   !
-                   ! Else we take simply the largest and smallest
-                   !
-                   DO ii=1,multbas_sz(ik)
-                      tmp_area(ii) = fetch_basin(ib, multbas_list(ik,ii))
-                   ENDDO
-                   !
-                   IF ( trunc_equa ) THEN
-                     iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                     kbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                     tmp_area(iml(1)) = -1
-                     iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                     sbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                   ELSE
-                     iml = MAXLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                     sbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                     iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)), MASK = tmp_area(1:multbas_sz(ik)) .GT. zero)
-                     kbas = multbas_list(ik,iml(1))
-                   ENDIF
-                   !
-                ENDIF
-                !
-                !
-             ENDIF
-          ENDIF
-          !
-          ! Then we call routing_reg_killbas to clean up the basins in this grid
-          !
-          IF ( kbas .GT. 0 .AND. sbas .GT. 0 ) THEN
-             CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, kbas, sbas, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
-                  & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
-                  & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-       !
-    ENDDO
-    !
-    ! We only merge a basin which flows into a basin of the same grid if it's
-    ! necessary.
-    !
-    IF ( COUNT(basin_count .GT. nbasmax) .GT. 0 ) THEN
-       !
-       ! Get the points over which we wish to truncate
-       !
-       nbtruncate = 0
-       DO ib = 1, nbpt
-          IF ( basin_count(ib) .GT. nbasmax ) THEN
-             nbtruncate = nbtruncate + 1
-             indextrunc(nbtruncate) = ib
-          ENDIF
-       ENDDO
-       !
-       ! Go through the basins which need to be truncated.
-       !
-       DO ibt=1,nbtruncate
-          !
-          ib = indextrunc(ibt)
-          !
-          ! Check if we have basin which flows into a basin in the same grid
-          ! kbas = basin we will have to kill
-          ! sbas = basin which takes over kbas
-          !
-          kbas = 0
-          sbas = 0
-          !
-          ! 4) Can we find a basin which flows into a basin of the same grid ?
-          !
-          DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-             DO ii=1,basin_count(ib)
-                IF ( outflow_grid(ib,ii) .EQ. ib .AND. outflow_basin(ib, ii) .EQ. ij .AND. kbas*sbas .NE. 0) THEN
-                   kbas = ii
-                   sbas = ij
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-          !
-          ! Then we call routing_reg_killbas to clean up the basins in this grid
-          !
-          IF ( kbas .GT. 0 .AND. sbas .GT. 0 ) THEN
-             CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, kbas, sbas, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
-                  & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
-                  & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-          ENDIF
-          !
-       ENDDO
-       !
-    ENDIF
-    !
-    ! If there are any grids left with too many basins we need to take out the big hammer !
-    ! We will only do it if this represents less than 5% of all points.
-    !
-    IF ( COUNT(basin_count .GT. nbasmax) .GT. 0 ) THEN
-       !
-       !
-       IF ( COUNT(basin_count .GT. nbasmax)/nbpt*100 .GT. 5 ) THEN
-          WRITE(numout,*) 'We have ', COUNT(basin_count .GT. nbasmax)/nbpt*100, '% of all points which do not yet'
-          WRITE(numout,*) 'have the right trunctaction. That is too much to apply a brutal method'
-          DO ib = 1, nbpt
-             IF ( basin_count(ib) .GT. nbasmax ) THEN
-                !
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'We did not find a basin which could be supressed. We will'
-                WRITE(numout,*) 'not be able to reduce the truncation in grid ', ib
-                DO ij=1,basin_count(ib)
-                   WRITE(numout,*) 'grid, basin nb and id :', ib, ij, basin_id(ib,ij)
-                   WRITE(numout,*) 'Outflow grid and basin ->', outflow_grid(ib,ij), outflow_basin(ib, ij)
-                ENDDO
-             ENDIF
-          ENDDO
-          CALL ipslerr_p(3,'routing_reg_truncate','No basin found which could be supressed.','','')
-       ELSE
-          !
-          !
-          DO ib = 1,nbpt
-             DO WHILE ( basin_count(ib) .GT. nbasmax )
-                !
-                ! Here we simply put the smallest basins into the largest ones. It is really a brute force
-                ! method but it will only be applied if everything has failed.
-                !
-                DO ii = 1,basin_count(ib)
-                   tmp_area(ii) = fetch_basin(ib, ii)
-                ENDDO
-                !
-                IF ( trunc_equa ) THEN
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)), MASK = tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)) .GT. 0.)
-                  kbas = iml(1)
-                  tmp_area(iml(1)) = -1
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)), MASK = tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)) .GT. 0.)
-                  sbas =iml(1)
-                ELSE
-                  iml = MAXLOC(tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)), MASK = tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)) .GT. 0.)
-                  sbas =iml(1)
-                  iml = MINLOC(tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)), MASK = tmp_area(1:basin_count(ib)) .GT. 0.)
-                  kbas = iml(1)
-                ENDIF
-                !
-                IF ( kbas .GT. 0 .AND. sbas .GT. 0 ) THEN
-                   CALL routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, kbas, sbas, nwbas, basin_count, basin_area, basin_cg, basin_topoind,&
-                        & fetch_basin, basin_id, basin_coor, basin_type, basin_flowdir, outflow_grid, outflow_basin, inflow_number,&
-                        & inflow_grid, inflow_basin)
-                ENDIF
-             ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-          !
-       ENDIF
-       !
-       !
-    ENDIF
-    !
     ! Now that we have reached the right truncation (resolution) we will start
     ! to produce the variables we will use to route the water.
@@ -3077,7 +2731,7 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate(nbpt, nbasmax, gridarea, contfrac, nwbas, num_la
     WRITE(numout,*) 'Surface of all continents :', SUM(gridarea_tmp)
-  END SUBROUTINE routing_reg_truncate
+  END SUBROUTINE routing_reg_end_truncate
 !! ================================================================================================================================
 !! SUBROUTINE : routing_reg_killbas
@@ -3175,6 +2829,8 @@ SUBROUTINE routing_reg_killbas(nbpt, ib, tokill, totakeover, nwbas, basin_count,
        igrif = it
+    !
+    !
     ! Redirect the flows which went into the basin to be killed before we change everything
     DO inf = 1, inflow_number(ib, tokill)
diff --git a/ b/
index 471ca5d..827855a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ if gendoc.lower() == "true" :
-    docwrapper.write(routing_interface.truncate.__doc__)
+    docwrapper.write(routing_interface.finish_truncate.__doc__)
+    docwrapper.write("====================================================================\n")
+    docwrapper.write(routing_interface.killbas.__doc__)
 # Functions to access the interfaces
@@ -204,6 +207,7 @@ def finalfetch(part, routing_area, basin_count, route_togrid, route_tobasin, fet
             maxdiff_sorted = np.max(np.abs(sorted_outareas[0:largest_pos]-old_sorted))
         old_sorted[:] = sorted_outareas[0:largest_pos]
         iter_count += 1
     fetch_error = np.sum(np.abs(fetch_out[part.landcorelist,:]-fetch_in[part.landcorelist,:]), axis=1)\
                                                     /np.sum(routing_area[part.landcorelist,:], axis=1)
@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ class HydroOverlap :
             for ip in range(sub_pts[ib]) :
                 sub_index[ib,ip,:] = [sub_index_in[ib][0][ip],sub_index_in[ib][1][ip]]
-        part.landsendtohalo(sub_area, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(np.array(sub_area), order='F')
         trip_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
         basins_tmp = np.zeros((nbpt,nbvmax), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
@@ -275,11 +279,13 @@ class HydroOverlap :
 class HydroSuper :
-    def __init__(self, nbvmax, hydrodata, hydrooverlap) :
+    def __init__(self, nbvmax, hydrodata, hydrooverlap, nbasmax) :
         # Keep largest possible number of HTUs
+        self.nbasmax = nbasmax
         self.nbhtuext = nbvmax
+        self.nwbas = hydrooverlap.nwbas
         # Call findbasins
@@ -302,7 +308,9 @@ class HydroSuper :
                                                 hydrooverlap.hierarchy_bx, hydrooverlap.fac_bx, hydrooverlap.topoind_bx, hydrodata.topoindmin, \
                                                 nb_basin, basin_inbxid, basin_outlet, basin_outtp, self.basin_sz, self.basin_pts, basin_bxout, \
                                                 basin_bbout, basin_lshead, coast_pts, hydrooverlap.nwbas)
         self.nbpt = self.basin_count.shape[0]
     def linkup(self, hydrodata) :
@@ -314,8 +322,10 @@ class HydroSuper :
                                                                        self.basin_flowdir, self.basin_lshead, self.basin_hierarchy, \
                                                                        self.basin_fac, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, \
                                                                        self.nbcoastal, self.coastal_basin, float(hydrodata.basinsmax))
+        self.nbxmax_in = self.inflow_number.shape[1]
     def fetch(self, part) :
         fetch_basin = np.zeros(self.basin_area.shape, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
@@ -357,11 +367,31 @@ class HydroSuper :
-        self.num_largest = routing_interface.rivclassification(part.landcorelist, self.basin_count, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, \
-                                                               self.fetch_basin, self.largest_rivarea)
-        print("Rank :"+str(part.rank)+" Area of smallest large rivers : ", self.largest_rivarea, " Nb of Large rivers on proc : ",self.num_largest)
+        self.num_largest =  routing_interface.rivclassification( part.landcorelist, self.basin_count, self.outflow_grid, self.outflow_basin, \
+                   self.fetch_basin, self.largest_rivarea)
+        #print("Rank :"+str(part.rank)+" Area of smallest large rivers : ", self.largest_rivarea, " Nb of Large rivers on proc : ",self.num_largest)
+    def check_fetch(self):
+        routing_interface.checkfetch(nbpt = self.nbpt, nwbas = self.nwbas, fetch_basin = self.fetch_basin, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, basin_count = self.basin_count)
+        return 
+    def check_routing(self):
+        routing_interface.checkrouting(nbpt = self.nbpt, nwbas = self.nwbas, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, basin_count = self.basin_count)
+        return 
+    # 
+    def killbas(self, tokill, totakeover, numops):
+        ops = tokill.shape[1] 
+        routing_interface.killbas(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = self.nbxmax_in, nbasmax = self.nbasmax, nwbas = self.nwbas, ops = ops, tokill = tokill, totakeover = totakeover, numops = numops, basin_count = self.basin_count, basin_area = self.basin_area, \
+            basin_cg = self.basin_cg, basin_topoind = self.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = self.fetch_basin, basin_id = self.basin_id, basin_coor = self.basin_outcoor, basin_type = self.basin_type, basin_flowdir = self.basin_flowdir, outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, \
+            inflow_number = self.inflow_number, inflow_grid = self.inflow_grid, inflow_basin = self.inflow_basin)
     def add_variable(self,outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, coord, name, title, units, data, vtyp):
         var = procgrid.landscatter(data.astype(vtyp), order='F')
@@ -477,24 +507,27 @@ class HydroSuper :
 class HydroGraph :
-    def __init__(self, nbasmax, hydrosuper, part) :
+    def __init__(self, nbasmax, hydrosuper, part, modelgrid) :
         self.nbasmax = nbasmax
         self.nbpt = hydrosuper.basin_count.shape[0]
+        nwbas = hydrosuper.basin_topoind.shape[1]
+        nbxmax_in = hydrosuper.inflow_grid.shape[1]
         self.routing_area, self.routing_cg, self.topo_resid, self.route_nbbasin, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.route_nbintobas, \
             self.global_basinid, self.route_outlet, self.route_type, self.origin_nbintobas, self.routing_fetch = \
-                                    routing_interface.truncate(nbasmax, hydrosuper.num_largest, part.landcorelist, hydrosuper.basin_count, \
-                                                               hydrosuper.basin_notrun, hydrosuper.basin_area, hydrosuper.basin_cg, \
-                                                               hydrosuper.basin_topoind, hydrosuper.fetch_basin, hydrosuper.basin_id, \
-                                                               hydrosuper.basin_outcoor, hydrosuper.basin_type, hydrosuper.basin_flowdir, \
-                                                               hydrosuper.outflow_grid, hydrosuper.outflow_basin, \
-                                                               hydrosuper.inflow_number,hydrosuper.inflow_grid,hydrosuper.inflow_basin)
+                                    routing_interface.finish_truncate(nbpt = self.nbpt, nbxmax_in = nbxmax_in, nbasmax = nbasmax, nwbas = nwbas, num_largest = hydrosuper.num_largest, gridarea = modelgrid.area, cfrac = modelgrid.contfrac, basin_count = hydrosuper.basin_count, \
+                                                               basin_notrun = hydrosuper.basin_notrun, basin_area = hydrosuper.basin_area, basin_cg = hydrosuper.basin_cg, \
+                                                               basin_topoind = hydrosuper.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = hydrosuper.fetch_basin, basin_id = hydrosuper.basin_id, \
+                                                               basin_coor = hydrosuper.basin_outcoor, basin_type = hydrosuper.basin_type, basin_flowdir = hydrosuper.basin_flowdir, \
+                                                               outflow_grid = hydrosuper.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = hydrosuper.outflow_basin, \
+                                                               inflow_number = hydrosuper.inflow_number, inflow_grid = hydrosuper.inflow_grid, inflow_basin = hydrosuper.inflow_basin)
         self.routing_fetch = finalfetch(part, self.routing_area, self.route_nbbasin, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.routing_fetch)
         self.num_largest = routing_interface.finalrivclass(part.landcorelist, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.routing_fetch, \
-                                                           hydrosuper.largest_rivarea)
+                      hydrosuper.largest_rivarea)
diff --git a/ b/
index c1489d7..e358847 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import matplotlib as mpl
 from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import time
 # Gert the information from the configuration file.
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ import RPPtools as RPP
 import HydroGrid as HG
 import diagplots as DP
 import Interface as IF
-from Truncate import truncation as TR
+from Truncate import trunc as TR
 from spherical_geometry import vector
 # Logging in MPI :!topic/mpi4py/SaNzc8bdj6U
@@ -153,10 +154,9 @@ print("nbasmax : ", nbasmax)
 hydrodata = HG.HydroData(hydrogrid.ncfile,, sub_index)
 IF.initatmgrid(rank, nbcore, nbpt, modelgrid)
 hoverlap = IF.HydroOverlap(nbpt, nbvmax, sub_pts, sub_index, sub_area, sub_lon, sub_lat, part, modelgrid, hydrodata)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ if rank ==0 :
     if lonint[0] != lonint[1] and latint[0] != latint[1] :
         DP.MAPPLOT("MapHydroGrid", lonint, latint, hoverlap, hoverlap.hierarchy_bx, modelgrid.polyll, title="Distance to ocean")
-hsuper = IF.HydroSuper(nbvmax, hydrodata, hoverlap)
+hsuper = IF.HydroSuper(nbvmax, hydrodata, hoverlap, nbasmax)
 # Plot the hydrological supermesh
@@ -187,26 +187,29 @@ hsuper.linkup(hydrodata)
 if rank ==0 :
     if lonint[0] != lonint[1] and latint[0] != latint[1] :
         DP.SUPERMESHPLOT("MapSuperGrid_Afterlinkup", lonint, latint, hoverlap, hsuper, modelgrid.polyll)
 # Do some memory management and synchronize procs.
 del hoverlap
 print("=================== Compute fetch ====================")
+t = time.time()
+t1 = time.time()
+print("Time for fetch: {:0.2f} s.".format(t1-t)) 
 hsuper.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile.replace(".nc",""), gg, modelgrid, part)
-#hgraph = IF.HydroGraph(nbasmax, hsuper, part)
-#hgraph.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile, gg, modelgrid, part)
-# For now we use a one proc truncation
-if rank ==0:
-    hs = TR(OutGraphFile.replace(".nc",""), nbasmax)
-    hs.get_fetch()
-    hs.truncate()
-    hs.finalrivclass(hsuper.largest_rivarea)
-    hs.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile)
+print("Rank : {0} - Basin_count Before Truncate : ".format(part.rank), hsuper.basin_count)
+hs = TR(hsuper, part, comm, modelgrid, numop = 200)
+print("Rank : {0} - Basin_count After Truncate : ".format(part.rank), hsuper.basin_count)
+hgraph = IF.HydroGraph(nbasmax, hsuper, part, modelgrid)
+hgraph.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile, gg, modelgrid, part)
diff --git a/ b/
index 6115dd5..bdcdb61 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,276 +13,467 @@ import time
 import sys
 import os
 from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
 import routing_interface
-class truncation:
+class trunc:
-    Indices in Fortran index : need to adapt when using numpy
+    __init__ : realize all the truncate using the methods from the class
+    This class is organized in 3 type of methods
+    Each of the 5 steps has its method that organize the (tokill, totakeover)
+    When needed (for step 1 to 4), these are the method to find the list of changes
+    Basic methods used
-    def __init__(self, dfile, nbasmax):
-  = NetCDFFile(dfile, "r")
-        self.nbasmax = nbasmax
-        self.num_largest = 10
-        self.FillValue=np.nan
-        self.IntFillValue=999999
-        #
-        self.proc_num =["proc_num"][:]
-        self.nbpt_proc =["nbpt_proc"][:]
-        #
-        self.nbpt =["nbpt_glo"][:]
-        self.nbpt_num = int(np.max(self.nbpt))
-        self.nj, = self.nbpt.shape
-        #
-        self.il_ji = [[k[0][0], k[1][0]] for k in [np.where(self.nbpt == i) for i in range(1,self.nbpt_num+1)]] 
-        #
-        # Get i,j variables
-        self.contfrac_e =["contfrac"][:]
-        self.area_e =["area"][:]
-        self.basin_count_e =["basin_count"][:]
-        self.basin_notrun_e =["basin_notrun"][:]
-        self.basin_area_e =["basin_area"][:]
-        self.basin_cg_lon_e =["CG_lon"][:]
-        self.basin_cg_lat_e =["CG_lat"][:]
-        self.basin_topoind_e =["basin_topoind"][:]
-        self.fetch_basin_e =["fetch_basin"][:]
-        self.basin_id_e =["basin_id"][:]
-        self.basin_outcoor_lon_e =["outcoor_lon"][:]
-        self.basin_outcoor_lat_e =["outcoor_lat"][:]
-        self.basin_type_e =["basin_type"][:]
-        self.basin_flowdir_e =["basin_flowdir"][:]
-        self.outflow_grid_e =["HTUoutgrid"][:] # name
-        self.outflow_basin_e =["HTUoutbasin"][:] # name
-        self.inflow_grid_e =["HTUingrid"][:] # name
-        self.inflow_basin_e =["HTUinbas"][:] # name
-        self.inflow_number_e =["HTUinnum"][:]
-        #
-        # Conversion
+    def __init__(self, hydrosuper, part, comm,modelgrid, numop = 100):
+        """
+        __init__ : is the main program, it realize all the truncate
+        """
-        self.gridarea = self.convert_toland(self.area_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.contfrac = self.convert_toland(self.contfrac_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.basin_count = self.convert_toland(self.basin_count_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.basin_notrun = self.convert_toland(self.basin_notrun_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.basin_area = self.convert_toland(self.basin_area_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_cg_lon = self.convert_toland(self.basin_cg_lon_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_cg_lat = self.convert_toland(self.basin_cg_lat_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_cg = np.zeros((self.basin_cg_lon.shape[0], self.basin_cg_lon.shape[1], 2), order = 'F').astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_cg[:,:,0] = self.basin_cg_lat
-        self.basin_cg[:,:,1] = self.basin_cg_lon
-        self.basin_topoind = self.convert_toland(self.basin_topoind_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.fetch_basin = self.convert_toland(self.fetch_basin_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_id = self.convert_toland(self.basin_id_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.basin_outcoor_lon = self.convert_toland(self.basin_outcoor_lon_e)
-        self.basin_outcoor_lat = self.convert_toland(self.basin_outcoor_lat_e)
-        self.basin_outcoor = np.zeros((self.basin_outcoor_lon.shape[0], self.basin_outcoor_lon.shape[1], 2), order = 'F').astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_outcoor[:,:,0] = self.basin_outcoor_lat
-        self.basin_outcoor[:,:,1] = self.basin_outcoor_lon
-        self.basin_type = self.convert_toland(self.basin_type_e).astype(np.float32)
-        self.basin_flowdir = self.convert_toland(self.basin_flowdir_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.outflow_grid = self.convert_toland(self.outflow_grid_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.outflow_basin = self.convert_toland(self.outflow_basin_e).astype(np.int32)
+        # Initialize some variables
+        # 
+        self.nbpt = int(hydrosuper.nbpt)
+        self.nbasmax = hydrosuper.nbasmax
+        self.gridarea = modelgrid.area
+        self.landcorelist = part.landcorelist
+        self.landcorelist_f = [l+1 for l in part.landcorelist] 
+        self.landhalolist_f=[l+1 for l in range(hydrosuper.nbpt) if l not in  self.landcorelist]
+        self.numop = numop
+        # Step 1 : coastal flow
+        self.max_ops_num = numop
+        i = 1
+        while self.max_ops_num == numop:
+            self.step1(hydrosuper, part)
+            hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+            max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+            if part.rank == 0:
+                  print("Step 1 iter. {0}, maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num, max_bas))
+            i+=1
+        hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+        comm.Barrier()
+        # Step 2 : HTUs going to the same neighbour
+        i = 1    
+        self.max_ops_num_halo = self.numop; self.max_ops_num_core = self.numop
+        while (self.max_ops_num_halo == self.numop) or (self.max_ops_num_core == self.numop):
+           # Points with outflow in the core
+           if self.max_ops_num_core == self.numop:
+               self.step2(hydrosuper, part, "core")
+               hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+               max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+               if part.rank == 0:
+                  print("Step 2 iter. {0} (core) maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num_core, max_bas))
+               hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+               comm.Barrier()
+           # Points with outflow in the halo
+           if self.max_ops_num_halo == self.numop:
+               self.step2(hydrosuper, part, "halo")
+               hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+               max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+               if part.rank == 0:
+                  print("Step 2 iter. {0} (halo) maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num_halo, max_bas))        
+               hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+               comm.Barrier()
+           i += 1 
-        self.inflow_grid = self.convert_toland(self.inflow_grid_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.inflow_basin = self.convert_toland(self.inflow_basin_e).astype(np.int32)
-        self.inflow_number = self.convert_toland(self.inflow_number_e).astype(np.int32)
+        # Step 3 : HTUs with the same ID          
+        i = 1       
+        self.max_ops_num_halo = self.numop; self.max_ops_num_core = self.numop
+        while (self.max_ops_num_halo == self.numop) or (self.max_ops_num_core == self.numop):
+           # points with outflow in the core
+           if self.max_ops_num_core == self.numop:
+              self.step3(hydrosuper, part, "core")
+              hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+              max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+              if part.rank == 0:
+                  print("Step 3 iter. {0} (core) maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num_core, max_bas))       
+              hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+              comm.Barrier()
+           # points with outflow in the halo
+           if self.max_ops_num_halo == numop:
+               self.step3(hydrosuper, part, "halo")
+               hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+               max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+               if part.rank == 0:
+                  print("Step 3 iter. {0} (halo) maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num_halo, max_bas))
+               hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+               comm.Barrier()
+           i += 1         
+        # Step 4 : HTUs going to the same point
+        i = 1
+        self.max_ops_num = self.numop
+        while (self.max_ops_num == numop):    
+            self.step4(hydrosuper, part)
+            hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+            max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+            if part.rank == 0:
+               print("Step 4 iter. {0} (core) maxops: {1}->max_bas : {2}".format(i, self.max_ops_num, max_bas))
+            hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+            comm.Barrier()
+            i += 1
-    def convert_toland(self, array):
-        if array.ndim == 2:
-            dim = (self.nbpt_num)
-        if array.ndim == 3:
-            dim = (self.nbpt_num, array.shape[0])
-        if array.ndim == 4:
-            dim = (self.nbpt_num, array.shape[1], array.shape[1]) # (inflow, htu, lat, lon) -> nbpt, htu, inflow
-        # Ne pas mettre à 0, mettre à IntFillValue
-        out = np.zeros(dim, order = 'F')
-        for il in range(self.nbpt_num):
-            j,i = self.il_ji[il]
-            if array.ndim == 2:
-                out[il] = array[j,i]
-            if array.ndim == 3:
-                out[il,:] = array[:,j,i]
-            if array.ndim == 4:
-                out[il,:,:array.shape[0]] = np.swapaxes(array[:,:,j,i],0,1)
-        return out
-    ###############
-    def convert_toij(self, array):
-        if array.ndim == 1:
-            dim = (self.nj,
-        if array.ndim == 2:
-            dim = (array.shape[1], self.nj,
-        if array.ndim == 3:
-            dim = (array.shape[2], array.shape[1], self.nj, # (grid, htu, inflow) -> inflow, htu, lat, lon
-        # Ne pas mettre à 0, mettre à IntFillValue
-        dtype = array.dtype
-        out = np.zeros(dim, order = 'F', dtype = dtype)
-        if dtype == np.int32:
-            out[:] = self.IntFillValue
-        elif dtype == np.float32:
-            out[:] = self.FillValue
-        for il in range(self.nbpt_num):
-            j,i = self.il_ji[il]
-            if array.ndim == 1:
-                out[j,i] = array[il]
-            if array.ndim == 2:
-                out[:,j,i] = array[il,:]
-            if array.ndim == 3:
-                out[:,:,j,i] = np.swapaxes(array[il,:,:], 0, 1) # (inflow, htu, lat, lon)
-        return out
-    ###############
-    def truncate(self):
-        nwbas = self.basin_topoind.shape[1]
-        nbxmax_in = self.inflow_grid.shape[1]
-        inf = np.copy(self.inflow_number)
-        self.routing_area, self.routing_cg, self.topo_resid, self.route_nbbasin, self.route_togrid, self.route_tobasin, self.route_nbintobas, \
-            self.global_basinid, self.route_outlet, self.route_type, self.origin_nbintobas, self.routing_fetch = \
-                                    routing_interface.truncate(nbpt = self.nbpt_num, nbxmax_in = nbxmax_in, nbasmax = self.nbasmax, nwbas = nwbas, num_largest = self.num_largest, gridarea = self.gridarea, cfrac = self.contfrac, basin_count = self.basin_count, \
-                                                               basin_notrun = self.basin_notrun, basin_area = self.basin_area, basin_cg = self.basin_cg, \
-                                                               basin_topoind = self.basin_topoind, fetch_basin = self.fetch_bis, basin_id = self.basin_id, \
-                                                               basin_coor = self.basin_outcoor, basin_type = self.basin_type, basin_flowdir = self.basin_flowdir, \
-                                                               outflow_grid = self.outflow_grid, outflow_basin = self.outflow_basin, \
-                                                               inflow_number = self.inflow_number, inflow_grid = self.inflow_grid, inflow_basin = self.inflow_basin)
-        # Adjust inflows -> add this part in fortran
-        for il in range(self.nbpt_num):
-            for ib in range(self.nbasmax):
-                self.inflow_grid[il,ib,self.inflow_number[il,ib]:] = self.IntFillValue
-                self.inflow_basin[il,ib,self.inflow_number[il,ib]:] = self.IntFillValue
-        self.inflow_grid[il,self.nbasmax:,:] = self.IntFillValue
-        self.inflow_basin[il,self.nbasmax:,:] = self.IntFillValue        
-        self.inflow_number[il,self.nbasmax:] = self.IntFillValue
-    def finalrivclass(self, largest_rivarea):
-        A = np.where((self.route_tobasin > self.nbasmax) & (self.routing_fetch > largest_rivarea))
-        A = [[A[0][l], A[1][l]] for l in range(len(A[0]))]
-        num_largest = len(A)
-        for il, ib in A:
-            self.route_tobasin[il,ib] = self.nbasmax +3
+        # Step 5 : Brutal method  
+        self.step5(hydrosuper, part)
+        hydrosuper.killbas(self.tokill, self.totakeover, self.numops)
+        max_bas = part.domainmax(np.max(self.basin_count))
+        if part.rank == 0:
+            print("Step 5, maxops: {0}->max_bas : {1}".format(self.numopmax, max_bas))
+        hydrosuper.fetch(part)
+        comm.Barrier()
-        print('NUMBER OF RIVERS :', len(A))
+    ########################
+    #
+    #
-    def get_downstream(self, L, ig, ib):
+    def step1(self, hydrosuper, part):
+        """ 
+        Step 1 : coastal outflow or river outflow
-        Useful to add / remove fetch
+        self.load_data(hydrosuper)
+        self.tokill     = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.totakeover = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.numops     = np.zeros((self.nbpt), dtype = np.int32)
+        for k in range(len(self.landcorelist)):
+            changes = self.get_changes_step1(k)
+            if len(changes)>0:
+                for ch in changes:
+                    orig_ops = self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]]
+                    if orig_ops < self.numop:
+                        self.add_changes(ch, k)
+            self.reindex_changes(k)
+        self.max_ops_num = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.numops, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.tokill, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.totakeover, order='F')
+        return   
+    #
+    def step2(self, hydrosuper, part, neigh_domain):
+        """ 
+        Step 2 : neighbour
-        L.append([ig,ib])
-        if self.outflow_grid[ig-1,ib-1]>0:
-            self.get_downstream(L, int(self.outflow_grid[ig-1, ib-1]), int(self.outflow_basin[ig-1, ib-1]))
-        else:
-            L.append(int(self.outflow_grid[ig-1, ib-1]))#,int(self.outbasin[ib-1,j,i])])                                
-    def get_fetch(self):
-        L_area = []
-        for ig, J in enumerate(self.il_ji):
-            j,i = J
-            L_area.append([self.basin_area[ig,k] for k in range(self.basin_count[ig])])
+        self.load_data(hydrosuper)
+        self.tokill     = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.totakeover = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.numops     = np.zeros((self.nbpt), dtype = np.int32)
-        L_fetch_calc = []
-        for ig, J in enumerate(self.il_ji):
-            j,i = J
-            L_fetch_calc.append([0 for k in range(self.basin_count[ig])])
-        for ig in range(1, len(self.basin_count)+1): # plus propre nbpt_num
-            for ib in range(1, self.basin_count[ig-1]+1):
-                fe = L_area[ig-1][ib-1]
-                L = []
-                self.get_downstream(L, ig, ib)
-                for igf,ibf in L[:-1]:
-                    L_fetch_calc[igf-1][ibf-1] += fe
-        self.fetch_bis = np.zeros(self.fetch_basin.shape, order = 'F').astype(np.float32)
-        for ig in range(1, len(self.basin_count)+1):# plus propre nbpt_num
-            self.fetch_bis[ig-1,:self.basin_count[ig-1]] = np.array(L_fetch_calc[ig-1])
-        return
+        for k in range(len(self.landcorelist)):
+            changes = self.get_changes_step2(k, neigh_domain)
+            if len(changes)>0:
+                for ch in changes:
+                    orig_ops = self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]]
+                    if orig_ops < self.numop:
+                        self.add_changes(ch, k)
+            self.reindex_changes(k)
+        if neigh_domain == "core":
+            self.max_ops_num_core = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
+        elif neigh_domain == "halo":
+            self.max_ops_num_halo = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
-    ####################################################
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.numops, order='F')    
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.tokill, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.totakeover, order='F')
+        return
-    # Generation of the NetCDF output
+    def step3(self, hydrosuper, part, neigh_domain):
+        """ 
+        Step 3 : Same basin_id
+        """ 
+        self.load_data(hydrosuper)
+        self.tokill     = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.totakeover = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.numops     = np.zeros((self.nbpt), dtype = np.int32)
+        for k in range(len(self.landcorelist)):
+            changes = self.get_changes_step3(k, neigh_domain)
+            if len(changes)>0:
+                for ch in changes:
+                    orig_ops = self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]]
+                    if orig_ops < self.numop:
+                        self.add_changes(ch, k)
+            self.reindex_changes(k)   
+        if neigh_domain == "core":
+            self.max_ops_num_core = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
+        elif neigh_domain == "halo":
+            self.max_ops_num_halo = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.numops, order='F')    
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.tokill, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.totakeover, order='F')
+        return
+    def step4(self, hydrosuper, part):
+        """ 
+        Step 4 : htus inside point
+        """ 
+        self.load_data(hydrosuper)
+        self.tokill     = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.totakeover = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.numops     = np.zeros((self.nbpt), dtype = np.int32)
+        for k in range(len(self.landcorelist)):
+            tokk, totakk = self.get_changes_step4(k)
+            if len(tokk)>0:
+               ops = min(self.numop,len(tokk))
+               self.tokill[self.landcorelist[k],:ops]  = tokk[:ops]
+               self.totakeover [self.landcorelist[k],:ops] = totakk[:ops]
+               self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]] = ops 
+            self.reindex_changes(k)
+        self.max_ops_num = part.domainmax(max(self.numops))
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.numops, order='F')    
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.tokill, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.totakeover, order='F')
-    def addcoordinates(self, outnf) :
-        #
-        for varn in ["longitude", "latitude", "lon_bnd", "land", "area", "proc_num", "nbpt_proc", "nbpt_glo"]: 
-            ovar =[varn]
-            nvar = outnf.createVariable(varn, ovar.dtype, ovar.dimensions)
-            nvar[:] = ovar[:]
-            for attrn in ovar.ncattrs():
-                attrv = ovar.getncattr(attrn)
-                nvar.setncattr(attrn,attrv)
-            outnf.sync()
-    def add_variable(self, outnf, data, NCFillValue, name, vtyp, dim, title, unit, type_data):
-        dtype = data.dtype
-        data_ij = self.convert_toij(data)
-        data_ij = data_ij.astype(vtyp)
-        if dtype == np.int32:
-            data_ij[data_ij >= self.IntFillValue] = NCFillValue
-        elif dtype == np.float32:
-            data_ij[np.isnan(data_ij)] = NCFillValue
-        ncvar = outnf.createVariable(name, vtyp, dim, fill_value=NCFillValue)
-        ncvar.title = title
-        ncvar.units = unit
-        ncvar[:] = data_ij[:]
-    def dumpnetcdf(self, filename) :
-        #
-        NCFillValue=1.0e20
-        insize = 100
-        vtyp=np.float64
-        cornerind=[0,2,4,6]
-        nbcorners = len(cornerind)
-        #
-        outnf=NetCDFFile(filename, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
-        # Dimensions
-        outnf.createDimension('x',
-        outnf.createDimension('y', self.nj)
-        outnf.createDimension('in', insize)
-        outnf.createDimension('land', self.nbpt_num)
-        outnf.createDimension('htu', self.nbasmax)
-        outnf.createDimension('bnd', nbcorners)
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_togrid, NCFillValue, "routetogrid", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Grid into which the basin flows", "-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_tobasin, NCFillValue, "routetobasin", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Basin in to which the water goes", "-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.global_basinid, NCFillValue, "basinid", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "ID of basin", "-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_nbintobas, NCFillValue, "routenbintobas", vtyp, ('y','x'), "Number of basin into current one", "-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.origin_nbintobas, NCFillValue, "originnbintobas", vtyp, ('y','x'), "Number of sub-grid basin into current one before truncation", "-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_outlet[:,:,0], NCFillValue, "outletlat", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Latitude of Outlet","degrees north", "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_outlet[:,:,1], NCFillValue, "outletlon", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Longitude of outlet","degrees east", "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.route_type[:,:], NCFillValue, "outlettype", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Type of outlet","code", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.topo_resid[:,:], NCFillValue, "topoindex", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Topographic index of the retention time","m", "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.routing_cg[:,:,1], NCFillValue, "CG_lon", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Longitude of centre of gravity of HTU","degrees east", "float")    
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.routing_cg[:,:,0], NCFillValue, "CG_lat", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Latitude of centre of gravity of HTU","degrees east", "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.routing_fetch, NCFillValue, "fetch", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Fetch contributing to each HTU","m^2", "float")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.inflow_number[:,:self.nbasmax], NCFillValue, "inflow_number", vtyp, ('htu','y','x'), "Fetch contributing to each HTU","m^2", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.inflow_grid[:,:self.nbasmax,:100], NCFillValue, "inflow_grid", vtyp, ('in', 'htu','y','x'), "Grid of HTUs flowing into the basin","-", "int")
-        self.add_variable(outnf, self.inflow_basin[:,:self.nbasmax,:100], NCFillValue, "inflow_basin", vtyp, ('in', 'htu','y','x'), "Basin of HTUs flowing into the basin","-", "int")
-        # Revoir inflows
-        outnf.close()
+    #
+    def step5(self, hydrosuper, part):
+        """ 
+        # Step 5 : htus inside point
+        """ 
+        # Limit of the area of basin to delete by step 5 (in %)
+        limit_step5 = 5
+        self.load_data(hydrosuper)
+        # Number of basin to delete in each point of the core
+        num2del = []
+        for k, k_land in enumerate(self.landcorelist):
+            num2del.append(self.basin_count[k_land]-self.nbasmax)
+        # Get the maximum over the whole domain
+        self.numopmax = part.domainmax(np.max(num2del))
+        if self.numopmax>self.numop:
+           print("Error - cannot finish to resolve truncate by step 5")
+           print("Try with an higher nbasmax")
+           sys.exit()
+        self.tokill     = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.totakeover = np.zeros((self.nbpt,self.numop), dtype = np.int32)
+        self.numops     = np.zeros((self.nbpt), dtype = np.int32)
+        for k, k_land in enumerate(self.landcorelist):
+            if num2del[k] > 0:
+                B = np.argsort(self.fetch[k])[:num2del[k]]
+                tokk = [k+1 for k in B]
+                totakk = [np.argsort(self.fetch[k])[-1] + 1] * num2del[k]
+                area_basin_to_truncate = np.sum([self.basin_area[k][l] for l in B])
+                if  (area_basin_to_truncate/np.sum(self.basin_area[k]))*100 < limit_step5:
+                    ops = len(tokk)
+                    self.tokill[k_land,:ops] = tokk
+                    self.totakeover[k_land,:ops] = totakk
+                    self.numops[k_land] = ops
+                    self.reindex_changes(k)
+                else:
+                    print("Error - cannot finish to resolve truncate by step 5")
+                    print("Try with an higher nbasmax")
+                    sys.exit()
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.numops, order='F')    
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.tokill, order='F')
+        part.landsendtohalo(self.totakeover, order='F')
+    ########################
+    #
+    #
+    def get_changes_step1(self, npt):
+        changes = []
+        # outflow_grid = -2
+        A = np.where(self.outflow_grid[npt] == -2)[0] 
+        if len(A)>1:
+            B = self.fetch[npt][A]
+            changes.append([A[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        # outflow_grid = -3
+        A = np.where(self.outflow_grid[npt] == -3)[0] 
+        if len(A)>1:
+            B = self.fetch[npt][A]
+            changes.append([A[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        return changes 
+    def get_changes_step2(self, npt, neigh_domain):
+        """
+        neigh_domain = "halo" or "core"
+        """
+        # List of neighbour which are outflow
+        outgrid = self.outflow_grid[npt]
+        outgrid = ma.masked_where(outgrid == self.landcorelist[npt], outgrid)
+        outgrid = ma.masked_where(outgrid <= 0, outgrid)
+        outgrid = ma.unique(outgrid)
+        # List of neighbour in core/halo
+        core = []; halo = []
+        for g in outgrid:
+           if g in self.landhalolist_f:
+               halo.append(g)
+           else:
+               core.append(g)
+        # Establishing the list of changes
+        changes = []        
+        if neigh_domain == "core":
+            for k in core:
+                A = np.where(self.outflow_grid[npt] == k)[0]
+                if len(A)>1:
+                    B = self.fetch[npt][A]
+                    changes.append([A[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        elif neigh_domain == "halo":
+            for k in halo:
+                A = np.where(self.outflow_grid[npt] == k)[0]
+                if len(A)>1:
+                    B = self.fetch[npt][A]
+                    changes.append([A[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        return changes
+    def get_changes_step3(self, npt, neigh_domain):
+        """
+        neigh_domain = "halo" or "core"
+        """
+        # List of basin ID included in the grid point 
+        basid = self.basin_id[npt]
+        basid = ma.unique(basid)
+        core = []; halo = []
+        # For each basin id, list of point with outflow in the core / halo
+        for bid in basid:
+           htus = np.where(basid == bid)[0]
+           outgrid = [self.outflow_grid[npt][htu] for htu in htus]
+           c = []; h = []
+           for g,htu in zip(outgrid,htus):
+               if g in self.landhalolist_f:
+                   h.append(htu)
+               elif g in self.landcorelist_f:
+                   c.append(htu)
+           if len(h)>1:
+               halo.append(h)
+           if len(c)>1:
+               core.append(c)
+        # Establishing the list of changes 
+        changes = []          
+        if neigh_domain == "core":
+            for c in core:
+                B = self.fetch[npt][c]
+                changes.append([c[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        elif neigh_domain == "halo":
+            for h in halo:
+                B = self.fetch[npt][h]
+                changes.append([h[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)])
+        return changes
+    def get_changes_step4(self, npt):
+        tok = []
+        totak = []
+        # List of HTUs flowing in the same grid
+        outgrid = self.outflow_grid[npt]
+        htus = np.where(outgrid == self.landcorelist[npt])[0]
+        # Establishing the lists of changes 
+        if len(htus)>0:
+            B = self.fetch[npt][htus]
+            tok = [htus[k]+1 for k in np.argsort(B)] 
+            totak = [self.outflow_basin[npt][htus[k]] for k in np.argsort(B)]
+        return tok, totak
+    ########################
+    #
+    #
+    def load_data(self, hydrosuper): 
+        """
+        Load the core data from hydrosuper
+        """
+        self.basin_count = hydrosuper.basin_count
+        #
+        self.outflow_grid = [hydrosuper.outflow_grid[k,:self.basin_count[k]] for k in self.landcorelist]
+        self.outflow_basin = [hydrosuper.outflow_basin[k,:self.basin_count[k]] for k in self.landcorelist]
+        self.basin_id = [hydrosuper.basin_id[k,:self.basin_count[k]] for k in self.landcorelist]
+        self.basin_area = [hydrosuper.basin_area[k,:self.basin_count[k]] for k in self.landcorelist]
+        self.fetch = [hydrosuper.fetch_basin[k,:self.basin_count[k]] for k in self.landcorelist]
+    def add_changes(self, HTUs_to_truncate, k):
+        """
+        Add the changes to (tokill, totakeover, numops) from HTUs_to_truncate
+        HTUs_to_truncate : List of HTUs to truncate, ordered by fetch
+        """
+        orig_ops = self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]]
+        poss_ops = len(HTUs_to_truncate)-1
+        ops = min(poss_ops,self.numop-orig_ops)
+        self.tokill[self.landcorelist[k],orig_ops:orig_ops+ops] = HTUs_to_truncate[:ops]
+        self.totakeover[self.landcorelist[k],orig_ops:orig_ops+ops] = HTUs_to_truncate[1:ops+1]
+        self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]] += ops
+    def reindex_changes(self, k):
+        """
+        Reindex the (tokill, totakeover) to anticipate the changes made before
+        """
+        ops = self.numops[self.landcorelist[k]]
+        for l in range(ops-1):
+            tok = self.tokill[self.landcorelist[k],l]
+            tokill_up     = self.tokill[self.landcorelist[k],l+1:]
+            totakeover_up = self.totakeover[self.landcorelist[k],l+1:]
+            tokill_up[tokill_up > tok]         -= 1
+            totakeover_up[totakeover_up > tok] -= 1
+            self.tokill[self.landcorelist[k],l+1:]     = tokill_up
+            self.totakeover[self.landcorelist[k],l+1:] = totakeover_up
diff --git a/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def b/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
index 3e11dd5..e252d30 100644
--- a/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
+++ b/tests/Iberia_n48/run.def
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Documentation = true
 # Configuration for the graph to be generated
-nbasmax = 35
+nbasmax = 100
 # Output