diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 4bfecfedbc3cd35b637371f7b267459f76908e86..f08ce4098e1464dc53396d39d3127e6c406136c1 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ before_script:
   - pip install numpy
   - pip install matplotlib
+  - test
+  - diags
   stage: test
@@ -141,5 +145,107 @@ test-PrescEmi:
       - artifacts/PrescEmi.logs
       - artifacts/PrescEmi_*.png
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts ppmw      --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw  > artifacts/ppmw.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmw-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/ppmw.log
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts ppmSL     --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL > artifacts/ppmSL.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-ppmSL-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/ppmSL.log
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts upwind    --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind > artifacts/upwind.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-upwind-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/upwind.log
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts vanleerSL --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL > artifacts/vanleerSL.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-vanleerSL-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/vanleerSL.log
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts walcek --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek > artifacts/walcek.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-walcek-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/walcek.log
+  stage: test
+  script:
+    - python 2dtestcases.py --ts null --windfield leveque --nx 5 --ny 5 --period 86400. --initshape smooth --chemistry ozoneco --split strang  --dsize 1.e+5 --makedumps --label leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null > artifacts/null.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/CO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO2_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-086400.png
+      - artifacts/NO_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-086400.png
+      - artifacts/O3_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-086400.png
+      - artifacts/TRC_leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-086400.png
+      - artifacts/leveque-ozoneco-smooth-null-*.pickle
+      - artifacts/null.log
+  stage: diags
+  needs: ["test-2dtest-null", "test-2dtest-walcek", "test-2dtest-vanleerSL", "test-2dtest-upwind", "test-2dtest-ppmSL", "test-2dtest-ppmw"]
+  script: ./2d-diags.py --CIcheck > artifacts/2d-diags.log
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - artifacts/norm2.tex
+      - artifacts/norm1.tex
+      - artifacts/e1.tex
+      - artifacts/2d-diags.log
+      - artifacts/pdfdist*.png
+      - artifacts/finalpdf_fancy_*.png
+      - artifacts/cminmax.png
+      - artifacts/testnminmax.png
+      - artifacts/map-*-086400.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2d-diags.py b/2d-diags.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed538ce931674c822ecc1b9e114e2c02536f31b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2d-diags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+# Standard modules
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import sys
+import os
+import pickle
+import argparse
+# Toyctm
+from toyctm.toyctm import ctm  # Main module. Defines the ctm class
+# Toyctm addons
+from toyctm_addons.initialization import initialization
+from toyctm_addons.chemistry import mechanism, reaction
+from toyctm_addons.twodgrid import Latlongrid
+from toyctm_addons.threedimgrid import Threedimgrid
+from toyctm_addons.ctmtransport import TransportScheme
+from toyctm_addons.threedmassfluxes import MassFluxGenerator, MassFluxParams
+from toyctm_addons.defaults import defaults
+import toyctm.constants as constants
+# Set the default text font size
+plt.rc("font", size=14)
+# Set the axes title font size
+plt.rc("axes", titlesize=14)
+# Set the axes labels font size
+plt.rc("axes", labelsize=14)
+# Set the font size for x tick labels
+plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=10)
+# Set the font size for y tick labels
+plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=10)
+# Set the legend font size
+plt.rc("legend", fontsize=8)
+# Set the font size of the figure title
+plt.rc("figure", titlesize=16)
+# Initialize some stuff to avoid pickle load errors
+def makeplotchem(
+    self, sp, simlabel="toyctm", unit="ppb", spname="FAMILY"
+):  # unit should be ppb or None
+    print("making plot for", sp)
+    if type(sp) is tuple:
+        sptup = sp
+    else:
+        sptup = (sp,)
+        spname = sp
+    if unit == "ppb":
+        factor = 1.0
+    else:
+        factor = 1.0e-9
+    tlabel = "{0}-{1:06d}".format(simlabel, int(self.t + 0.5))
+    field = None
+    for spec in sptup:
+        print("Extracting field", spec)
+        if field is None:
+            field = self.activeConc_ppb(spec) * factor
+        else:
+            field = field + self.activeConc_ppb(spec) * factor
+    ax = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+    plt.pcolormesh(
+        self.tdgrid.hgrid.activeloncorners / 1000.0,
+        self.tdgrid.hgrid.activelatcorners / 1000.0,
+        field[:, :, 0],
+        cmap=plt.cm.Reds,
+    )
+    plt.xlabel("x (km)")
+    plt.ylabel("y (km)")
+    cbar = plt.colorbar()
+    if unit == "ppb":
+        cbar.set_label(r"$\alpha{}_{" + spname + r"} \mathrm{(ppb)}$")
+    else:
+        cbar.set_label(r"$\alpha{}_{" + spname + r"}$")
+    plt.savefig(
+        "{path}map-{spname}-{tlabel}.png".format(
+            path=diagspath, spname=spname, tlabel=tlabel
+        ),
+        dpi=300,
+        bbox_inches="tight",
+    )
+    plt.savefig(
+        "{path}map-{spname}-{tlabel}.pdf".format(
+            path=diagspath, spname=spname, tlabel=tlabel
+        ),
+        bbox_inches="tight",
+    )
+    plt.close()
+ctm.makeplotchem = makeplotchem
+# Initialize some stuff to avoid pickle load errors
+def psi_translation(inst, x, y, t, dt):
+    return inst.params.V0 * x - inst.params.U0 * y
+def psi_solid(inst, x, y, t, dt):
+    rsq = (x - inst.params.xo) ** 2.0 + (y - inst.params.yo) ** 2.0
+    return np.pi * rsq / inst.params.period
+def psi_leveque(inst, x, y, t, dt):
+    U0 = inst.params.U0
+    L0 = inst.params.L0
+    xo = inst.params.xo
+    yo = inst.params.yo
+    T = inst.params.period
+    prof = (
+        U0
+        * L0
+        * np.cos(0.5 * (x - inst.params.xo) * np.pi / L0) ** 2.0
+        * np.cos(0.5 * (y - inst.params.yo) * np.pi / L0) ** 2.0
+    )
+    if not (dt == 0.0):
+        ta = T / (np.pi * dt) * (np.sin(np.pi * (t + dt) / T) - np.sin(np.pi * t / T))
+    else:
+        ta = np.cos(np.pi * t / T)
+    return prof * ta
+def frompsi(inst, t, dt, x1, y1, zbot1, ztop1, x2, y2, zbot2, ztop2):
+    zbot = 0.5 * (zbot1 + zbot2)  # Per surface du trapeze this should work
+    ztop = 0.5 * (ztop1 + ztop2)
+    return (
+        (ztop - zbot)
+        * inst.params.density
+        * (inst.psi(inst, x1, y1, t, dt) - inst.psi(inst, x2, y2, t, dt))
+    )
+def plotpsi(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, t, fname=None):
+    nxplot = 100
+    nyplot = (
+        110  # nxplot slighty differs from nyplot to avoid any permutation in dimensions
+    )
+    xvec = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nxplot + 1)
+    yvec = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nyplot + 1)
+    psiar = np.zeros((nxplot + 1, nyplot + 1))
+    xar = np.zeros((nxplot + 1, nyplot + 1))
+    yar = np.zeros((nxplot + 1, nyplot + 1))
+    if fname is None:
+        fname = "psiplots/psi_" + self.params.name + ".png"
+    for i in range(nxplot + 1):
+        for j in range(nyplot + 1):
+            psiar[i, j] = self.psi(self, xvec[i], yvec[j], t, 0.0)
+            xar[i, j] = xvec[i]
+            yar[i, j] = yvec[j]
+    gradx, grady = np.gradient(psiar, xvec, yvec)
+    uspeed = -grady
+    vspeed = gradx
+    module = np.sqrt(uspeed * uspeed + vspeed * vspeed)
+    maxmod = np.max(module)
+    minmod = np.min(module)
+    meanspeed = (maxmod + minmod) / 2.0
+    ampli = np.abs((maxmod - minmod) / maxmod)
+    plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+    print(xvec.shape)
+    print(yvec.shape)
+    print(psiar.shape)
+    plt.contour(xar / 1000.0, yar / 1000.0, psiar, colors="black")
+    if ampli > 0.001:
+        plt.contourf(xar / 1000.0, yar / 1000.0, module, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
+    else:
+        plt.contourf(
+            xar / 1000.0,
+            yar / 1000.0,
+            module,
+            [meanspeed * 0.999, meanspeed * 1.001],
+            cmap=plt.cm.viridis,
+        )  # We do not want to plot numerical noise
+    cbar = plt.colorbar()
+    cbar.set_label("U (m/s)")
+    plt.xlabel("x (km)")
+    plt.ylabel("y (km)")
+    plt.quiver(
+        xar[::10, ::10] / 1000.0,
+        yar[::10, ::10] / 1000.0,
+        uspeed[::10, ::10],
+        vspeed[::10, ::10],
+    )
+    plt.savefig(fname + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.savefig(fname + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.close()
+# Enhance MassFluxGenerator class
+MassFluxGenerator.plotpsi = plotpsi
+TransportScheme.__computeFluxSL = None
+TransportScheme.__computeFluxMOL = None
+# Scatter class
+class Scatter:
+    def __init__(self, x, y, t=0.0, unitx="ppb", unity="ppb", spx=None, spy=None):
+        # x, y provided in ppb
+        # Sort by increasing x to permit connected plots
+        xvec = np.asarray(x)
+        yvec = np.asarray(y)
+        p = xvec.argsort()
+        self.x = xvec[p]
+        self.y = yvec[p]
+        self.t = t
+        self.spx = spx
+        self.spy = spy
+        self.unitx = unitx
+        self.unity = unity
+        if unitx == None:
+            self.x = self.x / 1.0e9
+        if unity == None:
+            self.y = self.y / 1.0e9
+    def plot(self, simlabel="toyctm", color="k", refscat=None, lw=1.0):
+        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+        tlabel = "{0}-{1:06d}".format(simlabel, int(t + 0.5))
+        ax1.scatter(self.x, self.y, color=color, s=1)
+        ax1.set_title(nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname])
+        if refscat is not None:
+            ax1.plot(refscat.x, refscat.y, color="k", lw=lw)
+        if self.unitx is None:
+            ax1.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
+        if self.unity is None:
+            ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0)
+        plt.savefig(
+            "{0}{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}.png".format(diagspath, "scat", sp1, sp2, tlabel),
+            dpi=300,
+            bbox_inches="tight",
+        )
+        plt.savefig(
+            "{0}{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}.pdf".format(diagspath, "scat", sp1, sp2, tlabel),
+            bbox_inches="tight",
+        )
+        plt.close()
+# Simulation class
+class simulation:
+    def __init__(self, myctm):
+        self.label = myctm.label
+        self.tsname = myctm.ts.name
+        self.times = []
+        self.o3max = []
+        self.o3min = []
+        self.cmin = []
+        self.cmax = []
+        self.n2min = []
+        self.n2max = []
+        self.testnmin = []
+        self.testnmax = []
+        self.omass = []
+        self.hmass = []
+        self.nmass = []
+        self.n2mass = []
+        self.mmass = []
+        self.o3mass = []
+        self.nomass = []
+        self.no2mass = []
+        self.trcmass = []
+        self.cmass = []
+        self.trcmax = []
+        self.trchalf = []
+        self.niters = []
+        self.pdfdist = None
+        self.scatters = {}
+    def add_diags(self, myctm, myctmref=None):
+        self.times.append(
+            np.fix(myctm.t + 0.5)
+        )  # round up to the nearest integer second to avoid truncature errors
+        # Mass conservation
+        self.omass.append(
+            2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("NO2")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("NO")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("O")
+            + 2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("O2")
+            + 3.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("O3")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("O1D")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("H2O")
+            + 2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("CO2")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("CO")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("OH")
+            + 2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("HO2")
+            + 2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("H2O2")
+            + 3.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("HNO3")
+        )
+        self.hmass.append(
+            2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("H2O")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("OH")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("HO2")
+            + 2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("H2O2")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("HNO3")
+        )
+        self.nmass.append(
+            myctm.moleculesNumber("NO")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("NO2")
+            + myctm.moleculesNumber("HNO3")
+        )
+        self.n2mass.append(2.0 * myctm.moleculesNumber("N2"))
+        self.mmass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("M"))
+        self.o3mass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("O3"))
+        self.nomass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("NO"))
+        self.no2mass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("NO2"))
+        self.cmass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("CO") + myctm.moleculesNumber("CO2"))
+        self.trcmass.append(myctm.moleculesNumber("TRC"))
+        # cmin and cmax conservation
+        carray = myctm.activeConc_ppb("CO") + myctm.activeConc_ppb("CO2")
+        cmin, cmax = np.amin(carray), np.amax(carray)
+        self.cmin.append(cmin)
+        self.cmax.append(cmax)
+        # testnmin and testnmax conservation
+        testnarray = (
+            myctm.activeConc_ppb("NO")
+            + myctm.activeConc_ppb("NO2")
+            + myctm.activeConc_ppb("HNO3")
+            + myctm.activeConc_ppb("TRCb")
+        )
+        testnmin, testnmax = np.amin(testnarray), np.amax(testnarray)
+        self.testnmin.append(testnmin)
+        self.testnmax.append(testnmax)
+        # n2min and n2max conservation
+        n2array = myctm.activeConc_ppb("N2")
+        n2min, n2max = np.amin(n2array), np.amax(n2array)
+        self.n2min.append(n2min)
+        self.n2max.append(n2max)
+        o3array = myctm.activeConc_ppb("O3")
+        o3minconc, o3maxconc = np.amin(o3array), np.amax(o3array)
+        self.o3max.append(o3maxconc)
+        self.o3min.append(o3minconc)
+        self.trcmax.append(np.amax(myctm.activeConc_ppb("TRC")))
+        self.trchalf.append(halfvolume(myctm, "TRC"))
+        if myctm.t > 0.0:
+            self.niters.append(myctm.niters)
+        else:
+            self.niters.append(np.nan)
+        if myctmref is not None:
+            if self.pdfdist is None:
+                self.pdfdist = {}
+                for sp in accurspecs:
+                    self.pdfdist[sp] = []
+            for sp in accurspecs:
+                self.pdfdist[sp].append(pdfdist(sp, myctm, myctmref))
+    def addscatter(self, myctm, sp1, sp2):
+        if sp1 == "NOx":
+            self.scatters[sp1, sp2, myctm.t] = Scatter(
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb("NO").flatten()
+                + myctm.activeConc_ppb("NO2").flatten(),
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp2).flatten(),
+                myctm.t,
+                unitx="ppb",
+                unity="ppb",
+                spx=sp1,
+                spy=sp2,
+            )
+        elif sp1 == "TRC1" and sp2 == "TRC2":
+            self.scatters[sp1, sp2, myctm.t] = Scatter(
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp1).flatten(),
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp2).flatten(),
+                myctm.t,
+                unitx=None,
+                unity=None,
+                spx=sp1,
+                spy=sp2,
+            )
+        else:
+            self.scatters[sp1, sp2, myctm.t] = Scatter(
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp1),
+                myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp2).flatten(),
+                myctm.t,
+                unitx="ppb",
+                unity="ppb",
+                spx=sp1,
+                spy=sp2,
+            )
+def dict2latex(normdict, reflabel, norm="norm1"):
+    out = ""
+    spset = set()
+    labset = set()
+    for label in normdict:
+        lab, sp = label
+        if lab == reflabel:
+            continue
+        spset.add(sp)
+        labset.add(lab)
+        sptup = simdict
+    splist = sorted(list(spset), reverse=True)  # we like to have TRC and O3 first
+    lablist = sorted(list(labset))
+    ccc = "c"
+    for sp in splist:
+        ccc = ccc + "c"
+    line = "\\begin{{tabular}}{{ {cols} }}".format(cols=ccc)
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    line = "\\hline"
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    line = "   "
+    for sp in splist:
+        line = line + "&"
+        line = line + "   {specname}   ".format(specname=sp)
+    line = line + "\\\\"
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    line = "\\hline"
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    for lab in lablist:
+        line = "{label}  ".format(label=lab)
+        for sp in splist:
+            line = line + "&"
+            line = line + "  {:1.3}  ".format(normdict[lab, sp])
+        line = line + "\\\\"
+        out = out + line + "\n"
+    line = "\\hline"
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    line = "\\end{tabular}"
+    out = out + line + "\n"
+    return out
+def pdfdist(spec, myctm, myctmref):
+    conc = myctm.activeConc_ppb(spec)
+    concref = myctmref.activeConc_ppb(spec)
+    cflat = np.sort(conc, axis=None)  # sort the flattened array in increasing order
+    crefflat = np.sort(concref, axis=None)
+    return np.sum(np.abs(cflat - crefflat)) / np.sum(
+        np.abs(crefflat)
+    )  # The result is adimensionnal typically between 0 and 1
+def plotpdfs(myctm, myctmref, prefix="pdfdisttribs-", fancy=False):
+    for sp in accurspecs:
+        conc = np.sort(
+            myctm.activeConc_ppb(sp), axis=None
+        )  # sort the flattened array in increasing order
+        concref = np.sort(myctmref.activeConc_ppb(sp), axis=None)
+        norm1err = np.sum(np.abs(conc - concref)) / np.sum(np.abs(concref))
+        pdf = ( np.cumsum(np.ones(conc.shape)) -1. ) / conc.size
+        # Add initial and final point
+        a = np.array([0.0])
+        z = np.array([1.0])
+        conc = np.concatenate((a, conc, np.array([conc[-1]])))
+        concref = np.concatenate((a, concref, np.array([concref[-1]])))
+        pdf = np.concatenate((a, pdf, z))
+        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+        ax1.step(
+            conc,
+            pdf,
+            label=nicelabel[myctm.ts.name],
+            color=colordict[myctm.ts.name],
+            linewidth=1.0,
+        )
+        if sp in {"TRC", "TRC1", "TRC2"}:
+            ax1.step(
+                concref,
+                pdf,
+                label=r"$\mathcal{S}^0$",
+                color=colordict[myctmref.ts.name],
+                linewidth=1.0,
+            )
+        else:
+            ax1.step(
+                concref,
+                pdf,
+                label=nicelabel[myctmref.ts.name],
+                color=colordict[myctmref.ts.name],
+                linewidth=1.0,
+            )
+        ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0)
+        ax1.set_xlim(-0.002 * np.max(concref), np.max(concref))
+        ax1.text(
+            0.5,
+            0.01,
+            r"$\mathcal{{E}}_1={:1.3}$".format(norm1err),
+            verticalalignment="bottom",
+            horizontalalignment="center",
+            transform=ax1.transAxes,
+            color="green",
+            fontsize=15,
+        )
+        if fancy:
+            for i in range(conc.size - 1):
+            # An additional point for origin has beed added to conc so the
+            # actual number of cells is conc.size-1
+                ymin, ymax = pdf[i], pdf[i + 1]
+                xmin, xmax = min(conc[i], concref[i]), max(conc[i], concref[i])
+                ax1.add_patch(
+                    mpl.patches.Rectangle(
+                        (xmin, ymin),
+                        width=xmax - xmin,
+                        height=ymax - ymin,
+                        edgecolor=None,
+                        facecolor="orange",
+                        linewidth=0.75,
+                    )
+                )
+            plt.rcParams["hatch.linewidth"] = 0.30
+            ax1.fill_between(
+                concref,
+                pdf,
+                y2=1.0,
+                step="pre",
+                hatch="/////",
+                zorder=2,
+                edgecolor="black",
+                facecolor="none",
+                linewidth=0.0,
+            )
+        plt.legend()
+        plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha{}\ \mathrm{(ppb)}$")
+        plt.ylabel(r"$\mathcal{S}^t$")
+        # plt.show()
+        plt.savefig(
+            diagspath + prefix + myctm.ts.name + "-" + sp + ".png",
+            dpi=300,
+            bbox_inches="tight",
+        )
+        plt.savefig(
+            diagspath + prefix + myctm.ts.name + "-" + sp + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight"
+        )
+        plt.close()
+def halfvolume(myctm, spec):
+    conc = myctm.activeConc_ppb(spec) * myctm.activeDensity() / 1.0e9
+    # Here we suppose that all the cell volumes are equal and we produce a volume normalized by the volume of entire box
+    cflat = np.flip(
+        np.sort(conc, axis=None)
+    )  # sort the flattened array in decreasing order
+    totconc = np.sum(cflat)
+    ncells = cflat.shape[0]
+    partconc = 0.0
+    for i in range(ncells):
+        partconc = partconc + cflat[i]
+        if partconc > 0.5 * totconc:
+            break
+    partconc = partconc - cflat[i]
+    iaccur = float(i) + (0.5 * totconc - partconc) / cflat[i]
+    return iaccur / float(ncells)
+# parameters
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="""This script performs a 2d test case for horizontal advection in a square domain, for three possible advection schemes and three possible wind fields. Graphic outputs are in psiplots.""",
+    epilog="""Refer to the README for more details (maybe)""",
+    "--picklespath",
+    type=str,
+    default="artifacts/",
+    help="Relative or absolute path where the pickles are to be found",
+    "--diagspath",
+    type=str,
+    default="artifacts/",
+    help="Relative or absolute path to store the outputs",
+                    action = 'store_true',
+                    help = 'Perform CI check for expected convergence rates')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+picklespath = args.picklespath
+diagspath = args.diagspath
+colordict = {}
+colordict["null"] = "g"
+colordict["ppmSL"] = "b"
+colordict["vanleerSL"] = "r"
+colordict["walcek"] = "m"
+colordict["upwind"] = "c"
+colordict["ppmw"] = "y"
+nicelabel = {}
+nicelabel["null"] = "Base"
+nicelabel["ppmSL"] = "PPM"
+nicelabel["vanleerSL"] = "Van Leer"
+nicelabel["walcek"] = "Walcek"
+nicelabel["upwind"] = "Godunov"
+nicelabel["ppmw"] = "PPM+W"
+accurspecs = {"O3", "NO", "NO2", "TRC", "TRC1", "TRC2"}
+plt.rc("axes", titlesize=16)  # Increase axis title font for readability
+# Read pickles, list labels and times
+files = [picklespath + f for f in os.listdir(picklespath) if not f.startswith(".") if f.endswith(".pickle")]
+files.sort()  # The list of files is then sorted alphabetically.
+# Since files are named ${label}-${time} theyy are sorted by simulation and then chronological order
+# First loop to sort pickles
+pickdict = {}
+simdict = {}
+for f in files:
+    with open(f, "rb") as file:
+        myctm = pickle.load(file)
+        t = np.fix(
+            myctm.t + 0.5
+        )  # round up to the nearest integer second to avoid truncature errors
+        pickdict[myctm.label, t] = f
+        if myctm.label not in simdict:
+            simdict[myctm.label] = simulation(myctm)
+            if myctm.ts.name == "null":
+                reflabel = myctm.label
+for label, t in pickdict:
+    print(label, t)
+    f = pickdict[label, t]
+    with open(f, "rb") as file:
+        myctm = pickle.load(file)
+    if label == reflabel:
+        simdict[myctm.label].add_diags(myctm)
+    else:
+        fref = pickdict[reflabel, t]
+        with open(fref, "rb") as file:
+            myctmref = pickle.load(file)
+        simdict[myctm.label].add_diags(myctm, myctmref)
+    if myctm.t < 1.0:  # Initial time
+        simdict[myctm.label].addscatter(myctm, "TRC1", "TRC2")
+        simdict[myctm.label].inictm = myctm
+    if myctm.t > 43199.0 and myctm.t < 43201.0:  # halftime
+        simdict[myctm.label].addscatter(myctm, "TRC1", "TRC2")
+        simdict[myctm.label].addscatter(myctm, "NOx", "O3")
+        simdict[myctm.label].halfctm = myctm
+    if myctm.t > 86399.0:  # last time step
+        simdict[myctm.label].addscatter(myctm, "TRC1", "TRC2")
+        simdict[myctm.label].addscatter(myctm, "NOx", "O3")
+        simdict[myctm.label].finalctm = myctm
+# Plot diags
+# plot o3min and o3max
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].o3max,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].o3min,
+        linestyle="--",
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "o3minmax.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "o3minmax.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot cmin and cmax
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].cmax,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].cmin,
+        linestyle="--",
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "cminmax.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "cminmax.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot testnmin and testnmax
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].testnmax,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].testnmin,
+        linestyle="--",
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "testnminmax.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "testnminmax.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot n2min and n2max
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].n2max,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].n2min,
+        linestyle="--",
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "n2minmax.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "n2minmax.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot max TRC
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].trcmax,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "trcmax.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "trcmax.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot TRC half volume
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].trchalf,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+ylim = np.asarray(plt.gca().get_ylim())
+plt.gca().set_ylim((0.0, ylim[1]))  # Force axis minimum to 0
+# plt.show()
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+plt.ylabel("Half-volume (nd)")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "halfvolume.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "halfvolume.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot the mass conservation checks
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].nmass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "nmass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "nmass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# N2 mass
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].n2mass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "n2mass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "n2mass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# O3 mixing ratio
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        np.asarray(simdict[lab].o3mass) / np.asarray(simdict[lab].mmass) * 1.0e9,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+plt.ylabel(r"Average $\mathrm{O}_3$ mixing ratio (ppb)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "o3mr.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "o3mr.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# NO mixing ratio
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        np.asarray(simdict[lab].nomass) / np.asarray(simdict[lab].mmass) * 1.0e9,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+plt.ylabel(r"Average NO mixing ratio (ppb)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "nomr.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "nomr.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# NO2 mixing ratio
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        np.asarray(simdict[lab].no2mass) / np.asarray(simdict[lab].mmass) * 1.0e9,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+plt.ylabel(r"Average NO2 mixing ratio (ppb)")
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "no2mr.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "no2mr.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].hmass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "hmass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "hmass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].cmass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "cmass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "cmass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].trcmass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "trcmass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "trcmass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].omass,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "omass.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "omass.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# plot niters
+plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 4.0))
+for lab in simdict:
+    plt.plot(
+        simdict[lab].times,
+        simdict[lab].niters,
+        label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+    )
+# plt.show()
+plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "niters.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
+plt.savefig(diagspath + "niters.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+# Plot pdf error with and without Godunov
+for plotGodunov in True, False:
+    for sp in accurspecs:
+        plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 4.8))
+        # This is the default figure size in matplotlib, bigger than the files intended for 3column to obtain more or less uniform fonts
+        for lab in simdict:
+            if lab == reflabel:
+                continue
+            if not plotGodunov:
+                if nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname] == "Godunov":
+                    continue
+            plt.plot(
+                simdict[lab].times,
+                simdict[lab].pdfdist[sp],
+                label=nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+                color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+            )
+        plt.legend()
+        plt.xlabel("t (s)")
+        plt.ylabel(r"$\mathcal{E}_1$")
+        if plotGodunov:
+            plt.savefig(
+                diagspath + "pdfdist-" + sp + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight"
+            )
+            plt.savefig(diagspath + "pdfdist-" + sp + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+        else:
+            plt.savefig(
+                diagspath + "pdfdist-noGod-" + sp + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight"
+            )
+            plt.savefig(diagspath + "pdfdist-noGod-" + sp + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+        plt.close()
+# Plot scatter
+xvec = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 100)
+refscat_trc = Scatter(
+    xvec * 1.0e9,
+    np.asarray([0.9 - 0.8 * x ** 2 for x in xvec]) * 1.0e9,
+    unitx=None,
+    unity=None,
+    spx="TRC1",
+    spy="TRC2",
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    for key in simdict[lab].scatters:
+        sp1, sp2, t = key
+        scat = simdict[lab].scatters[key]
+        if sp1 == "TRC1" and sp2 == "TRC2":
+            scat.plot(
+                color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname], refscat=refscat_trc, simlabel=lab
+            )
+        else:
+            scat.plot(
+                color=colordict[simdict[lab].tsname],
+                refscat=simdict[reflabel].scatters[key],
+                simlabel=lab,
+            )
+# Plot complete PDFs
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    plotpdfs(simdict[lab].finalctm, simdict[reflabel].finalctm, prefix="finalpdf")
+    plotpdfs(simdict[lab].halfctm, simdict[reflabel].halfctm, prefix="halfpdf")
+    plotpdfs(
+        simdict[lab].finalctm,
+        simdict[reflabel].finalctm,
+        prefix="finalpdf_fancy_",
+        fancy=True,
+    )
+    plotpdfs(
+        simdict[lab].halfctm,
+        simdict[reflabel].halfctm,
+        prefix="halfpdf_fancy_",
+        fancy=True,
+    )
+# Make some maps
+# Map the flow
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    simdict[lab].inictm.MassFluxFunc.plotpsi(
+        0.0, 1.0e5, 0.0, 1.0e5, simdict[lab].inictm.t, fname=diagspath + "psi_leveque"
+    )
+    break
+# Initialisations for maps
+sdict = {}
+sdict["O3"] = "ppb"
+sdict["NO"] = "ppb"
+sdict["NO2"] = "ppb"
+sdict["TRC"] = "ppb"
+sdict["TRC1"] = "ppb"
+sdict["TRC2"] = "ppb"
+sdict["CO"] = "ppb"
+sdict["testN"] = "ppb"
+sdict["testC"] = "ppb"
+for lab in simdict:
+    ctmtup = (simdict[lab].inictm, simdict[lab].halfctm, simdict[lab].finalctm)
+    for chemtm in ctmtup:
+        for spec in sdict:
+            if spec == "testN":
+                chemtm.makeplotchem(
+                    sp=("NO", "NO2", "HNO3", "TRCb"),
+                    simlabel=lab,
+                    unit=sdict[spec],
+                    spname="testN",
+                )
+            elif spec == "testC":
+                chemtm.makeplotchem(
+                    sp=("CO", "CO2"), simlabel=lab, unit=sdict[spec], spname="testC"
+                )
+            else:
+                chemtm.makeplotchem(sp=spec, simlabel=lab, unit=sdict[spec])
+# Accuracy diagnostics
+norm1dict = {}
+norm2dict = {}
+e1dict = {}
+# Norm-2
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    for sp in accurspecs:
+        diff = simdict[lab].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp) - simdict[
+            reflabel
+        ].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp)
+        ref = simdict[reflabel].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp)
+        norm2error = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff)) / np.sqrt(
+            np.sum(ref * ref)
+        )  # RMSE normalized by reference value
+        norm2dict[nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname], sp] = norm2error
+latex2 = dict2latex(norm2dict, reflabel, norm="norm2")
+with open(diagspath + "norm2.tex", "w") as text_file:
+    text_file.write(latex2)
+# Norm-1
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    for sp in accurspecs:
+        diff = np.abs(
+            simdict[lab].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp)
+            - simdict[reflabel].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp)
+        )
+        ref = simdict[reflabel].finalctm.activeConc_ppb(sp)
+        norm1error = np.sum(diff) / np.sum(ref)  # RMSE normalized by reference value
+        norm1dict[nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname], sp] = norm1error
+latex1 = dict2latex(norm1dict, reflabel, norm="norm1")
+with open(diagspath + "norm1.tex", "w") as text_file:
+    text_file.write(latex1)
+# e1
+for lab in simdict:
+    if lab == reflabel:
+        continue
+    for sp in accurspecs:
+        e1dict[nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname], sp] = pdfdist(
+            sp, simdict[lab].finalctm, simdict[reflabel].finalctm
+        )
+latex_e1 = dict2latex(e1dict, reflabel, norm="e1")
+with open(diagspath + "e1.tex", "w") as text_file:
+    text_file.write(latex_e1)
+# Screen outputs for initial / final mass for C, H, N
+for lab in simdict:
+    print(
+        nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        "C   &   &  ",
+        simdict[lab].cmass[0],
+        "& ",
+        simdict[lab].cmass[-1],
+        "&",
+        np.abs(simdict[lab].cmass[-1] - simdict[lab].cmass[0]) / simdict[lab].cmass[0],
+    )
+    print(
+        nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        "N   &   &  ",
+        simdict[lab].nmass[0],
+        "& ",
+        simdict[lab].nmass[-1],
+        "&",
+        np.abs(simdict[lab].nmass[-1] - simdict[lab].nmass[0]) / simdict[lab].nmass[0],
+    )
+    print(
+        nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        "H   &   &  ",
+        simdict[lab].hmass[0],
+        "& ",
+        simdict[lab].hmass[-1],
+        "&",
+        np.abs(simdict[lab].hmass[-1] - simdict[lab].hmass[0]) / simdict[lab].hmass[0],
+    )
+    print(
+        nicelabel[simdict[lab].tsname],
+        "TRC &   &  ",
+        simdict[lab].trcmass[0],
+        "& ",
+        simdict[lab].trcmass[-1],
+        "&",
+        np.abs(simdict[lab].trcmass[-1] - simdict[lab].trcmass[0])
+        / simdict[lab].trcmass[0],
+    )
+# if CI test
+    CItolerance = 0.01
+    passed = True
+    targetErrorDict = {}
+    targetErrorDict['Godunov', 'TRC']    = 1.23
+    targetErrorDict['PPM', 'TRC']        = 0.986
+    targetErrorDict['PPM+W', 'TRC']      = 0.946
+    targetErrorDict['Van Leer', 'TRC']   = 1.05
+    targetErrorDict['Walcek', 'TRC']     = 0.961
+    targetErrorDict['Godunov', 'O3']    = 1.53
+    targetErrorDict['PPM', 'O3']        = 0.979
+    targetErrorDict['PPM+W', 'O3']      = 0.897
+    targetErrorDict['Van Leer', 'O3']   = 1.09
+    targetErrorDict['Walcek', 'O3']     = 0.914
+    for sp in ('TRC', 'O3'):
+        for scheme in ('Godunov', 'PPM', 'PPM+W', 'Van Leer', 'Walcek', 'Godunov'):
+            if (norm1dict[scheme, sp] < targetErrorDict[scheme, sp] + 0.01):
+               print('CI test', scheme, sp, norm1dict[scheme, sp], '<=', targetErrorDict[scheme, sp],'PASSED')
+            else:
+               passed = False
+               print('CI test', scheme, sp, norm1dict[scheme, sp], '> ', targetErrorDict[scheme, sp],'FAILED')
+    if(passed):
+        print('CI test sussessful. Leaving')
+        sys.exit(0)
+    else:
+        print('ERROR: CI test failed') 
+        sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/2dtestcases.py b/2dtestcases.py
index 089813b34b12916dac3e69800894f1b1616eb9fd..334aa9a48465e0d4281f565ccdc0b0a93a6cc22d 100755
--- a/2dtestcases.py
+++ b/2dtestcases.py
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ parser.add_argument(
-    default="pickles/",
+    default="artifacts/",
     help="Relative or absolute path to store the pickles",
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ print("init TRC mass", myctm.mass("TRC"))
 if makedumps:
     file = open(
-        picklespath + "{0}-{1:06d}".format(myctm.label, int(myctm.t + 0.5)), "wb"
+        picklespath + "{0}-{1:06d}.pickle".format(myctm.label, int(myctm.t + 0.5)), "wb"
     pickle.dump(myctm, file)
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ for i in range(nt):
         # Dump myctm
         if makedumps:
             print(myctm.t, int(myctm.t + 0.5))
-            file = open(picklespath + flabel, "wb")
+            file = open(picklespath + flabel + '.pickle', "wb")
             pickle.dump(myctm, file)