From 62f75f13e8ceef728c2c60afbe898fdec7a88545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marc-Antoine Drouin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 10:50:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add configuration for SIRTA and roissy with new firmware
 toprof v2.05

 conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy.ini         |   2 +-
 conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy30s10min.ini | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 conf_vaisala_cl31_sirta30s10m.ini    | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy30s10min.ini
 create mode 100644 conf_vaisala_cl31_sirta30s10m.ini

diff --git a/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy.ini b/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy.ini
index 070abb5..458bbda 100644
--- a/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy.ini
+++ b/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy.ini
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ netcdf4_compression_level = 1
 ; time resolution in seconds
-time_resolution = 3
+time_resolution = 30
 missing_float = -999.
 missing_int = -9
 check_scale = true
diff --git a/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy30s10min.ini b/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy30s10min.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0216a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf_vaisala_cl31_roissy30s10min.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+; raw2l1 user configuration file
+;  ___  __   _   _  ___ _   __
+; | _ \/  \ | | | |(_  | | /  |
+; | v / /\ || 'V' | / /| |_`7 |
+; |_|_\_||_|!_/ \_!|___|___||_|
+; version: 2.1.8
+; SIRTA IPSL/CNRS/EP 2014-2016
+; for TOPROF netCDF-CF format
+; General configuration of the processing
+reader_dir = reader
+reader = vaisala_cl
+netcdf_format = NETCDF4
+netcdf4_compression = true
+netcdf4_compression_level = 1
+; Special option for the reader (optional)
+; time resolution in seconds
+time_resolution = 30
+missing_float = -999.
+missing_int = -9
+check_scale = true
+; Variables required by TOPROF chosen format
+; Global attribute of the netCDF file
+site_location = roissy
+instrument_id = A
+institution = Meteo-France
+principal_investigator = SIRTA
+instrument_type = CL31
+history =
+instrument_firmware_version = toprof v2.05
+overlap_function = false
+overlap_is_corrected = true
+references =
+comment =
+Conventions = CF-1.0, UKMO-1.0.2
+; Dimensions
+dim = time
+type = $time$
+standard_name = time
+units = days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
+calendar = standard
+value = $reader_data$, time
+dim = range
+type = $float$
+long_name = range
+units = m
+value = $reader_data$, range
+dim = layer
+type = $integer$
+long_name = layer index of cloud base height
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, cbh_layer
+dim = layer_clh
+type = $integer$
+long_name = layer index of cloud layer height
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, clh_layer
+; variables
+dim = time, range
+type = $double$
+long_name = normalized range corrected signal
+units = 1e-8 sr^-1.m^-1
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, rcs_0
+dim = time
+type = $double$
+long_name = background light at internal ADC input
+units = mV
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, bckgrd_rcs_0
+dim = time, layer
+type = $integer$
+long_name = cloud base height
+units = m
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, cbh
+dim = $none$
+type = $integer$
+long_name = time resolution
+units = s
+value = $reader_data$, time_resolution
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = range resolution
+units = m
+value = $reader_data$, range_resol
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = instrument tilt angle from vertical
+units = degree
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, tilt_angle
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser 0 wavelength
+units = nm
+value = 910
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 line width
+units = nm
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 beam divergence
+units = rad
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 pulse repetition frequency
+units = Hz
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = telescope 0 field of view
+units = rad
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = telescope 0 tilt angle wrt nadir
+units = degree
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser temperature
+units = K
+dim = time
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, laser_temp
+dim = time
+type = $time$
+long_name = start time of measurements
+units = days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
+calendar = standard
+value = $reader_data$, start_time
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = latitude
+units = degrees_north
+value = 49.0228
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = longitude
+units = degrees_east
+value = 2.5063
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+standard_name = altitude
+long_name = altitude
+units = m
+value = 0
+; Additional data available in CL31 files
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = preliminary calibration factor
+units = 1
+comment = preliminary calibration factor to be applied to normalized range corrected signal (rcs_0) for display purpose only
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = 1.e8
+; 1d
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = sum of detected and normalized backscatter
+units = sr^-1
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, integrated_rcs_0
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser pulse energy, percent of nominal factory setting
+units = %
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, laser_energy
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = window transmission estimate
+units = %
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, window_transmission
+; 2d
+dim = time, layer_clh
+type = $integer$
+long_name = cloud layer height
+units = m
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, clh
+type = $short$
+long_name = cloud fraction in eighths
+units = 1
+dim = time, layer_clh
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, cloud_amount
+; string variables
+dim = time
+type = $string$
+long_name = alarm or warning status
+units = 1
+flag_values = 0, W, A
+flags_meanings = None warning alarm
+value = $reader_data$, alarm
+dim = time
+type = $string$
+long_name = alarm or warning status
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, info_flags
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/conf_vaisala_cl31_sirta30s10m.ini b/conf_vaisala_cl31_sirta30s10m.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60377f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf_vaisala_cl31_sirta30s10m.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+; raw2l1 user configuration file
+;  ___  __   _   _  ___ _   __
+; | _ \/  \ | | | |(_  | | /  |
+; | v / /\ || 'V' | / /| |_`7 |
+; |_|_\_||_|!_/ \_!|___|___||_|
+; version: 2.1.8
+; SIRTA IPSL/CNRS/EP 2014-2016
+; for TOPROF netCDF-CF format
+; General configuration of the processing
+reader_dir = reader
+reader = vaisala_cl
+netcdf_format = NETCDF4
+netcdf4_compression = true
+netcdf4_compression_level = 1
+; Special option for the reader (optional)
+; time resolution in seconds
+time_resolution = 30
+missing_float = -999.
+missing_int = -9
+check_scale = true
+; Variables required by TOPROF chosen format
+; Global attribute of the netCDF file
+site_location = palaiseau
+instrument_id = A
+institution = IPSL (CNRS/ECole Polytechnique)
+principal_investigator = SIRTA
+instrument_type = CL31
+history =
+instrument_firmware_version = toprof v2.05
+overlap_function = false
+overlap_is_corrected = true
+source = SIRTA
+references =
+comment =
+Conventions = CF-1.0, UKMO-1.0.2
+; Dimensions
+dim = time
+type = $time$
+standard_name = time
+units = days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
+calendar = standard
+value = $reader_data$, time
+dim = range
+type = $float$
+long_name = range
+units = m
+value = $reader_data$, range
+dim = layer
+type = $integer$
+long_name = layer index of cloud base height
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, cbh_layer
+dim = layer_clh
+type = $integer$
+long_name = layer index of cloud layer height
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, clh_layer
+; variables
+dim = time, range
+type = $double$
+long_name = normalized range corrected signal
+units = 1e-8 sr^-1.m^-1
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, rcs_0
+dim = time
+type = $double$
+long_name = background light at internal ADC input
+units = mV
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, bckgrd_rcs_0
+dim = time, layer
+type = $integer$
+long_name = cloud base height
+units = m
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, cbh
+dim = $none$
+type = $integer$
+long_name = time resolution
+units = s
+value = $reader_data$, time_resolution
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = range resolution
+units = m
+value = $reader_data$, range_resol
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = instrument tilt angle from vertical
+units = degree
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, tilt_angle
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser 0 wavelength
+units = nm
+value = 910
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 line width
+units = nm
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 beam divergence
+units = rad
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = laser 0 pulse repetition frequency
+units = Hz
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = telescope 0 field of view
+units = rad
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+dim = $none$
+long_name = telescope 0 tilt angle wrt nadir
+units = degree
+value = NAN
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser temperature
+units = K
+dim = time
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, laser_temp
+dim = time
+type = $time$
+long_name = start time of measurements
+units = days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
+calendar = standard
+value = $reader_data$, start_time
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = latitude
+units = degrees_north
+value = 48.7
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = longitude
+units = degrees_east
+value = 2.2
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+standard_name = altitude
+long_name = altitude
+units = m
+value = 158
+; Additional data available in CL31 files
+dim = $none$
+type = $float$
+long_name = preliminary calibration factor
+units = 1
+comment = preliminary calibration factor to be applied to normalized range corrected signal (rcs_0) for display purpose only
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = 1.e8
+; 1d
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = sum of detected and normalized backscatter
+units = sr^-1
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, integrated_rcs_0
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = laser pulse energy, percent of nominal factory setting
+units = %
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, laser_energy
+dim = time
+type = $float$
+long_name = window transmission estimate
+units = %
+missing_value = -999.
+_FillValue = -999.
+value = $reader_data$, window_transmission
+; 2d
+dim = time, layer_clh
+type = $integer$
+long_name = cloud layer height
+units = m
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, clh
+type = $short$
+long_name = cloud fraction in eighths
+units = 1
+dim = time, layer_clh
+missing_value = -9
+_FillValue = -9
+value = $reader_data$, cloud_amount
+; string variables
+dim = time
+type = $string$
+long_name = alarm or warning status
+units = 1
+flag_values = 0, W, A
+flags_meanings = None warning alarm
+value = $reader_data$, alarm
+dim = time
+type = $string$
+long_name = alarm or warning status
+units = 1
+value = $reader_data$, info_flags
\ No newline at end of file