From 866e666f0b5a556d6fc339eb2c765744f0b6efd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Baptiste Bayle <>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 21:51:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Use containers for MOSA and spacecraft signals

 .pylintrc                    |    2 +-
 lisainstrument/   |    2 +-
 lisainstrument/ |  221 +++---
 lisainstrument/ | 1051 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lisainstrument/       | 1277 ----------------------------------
 5 files changed, 1191 insertions(+), 1362 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lisainstrument/
 delete mode 100644 lisainstrument/

diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
index ab877e3..8a1b76f 100644
--- a/.pylintrc
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ max-line-length=120
 # Maximum number of locals for function / method body
 # Maximum number of arguments for function / method
diff --git a/lisainstrument/ b/lisainstrument/
index 25ceeb8..1781ab0 100644
--- a/lisainstrument/
+++ b/lisainstrument/
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ from .meta import __version__
 from .meta import __author__
 from .meta import __email__
-from .lisa import Instrument
+from .instrument import Instrument
diff --git a/lisainstrument/ b/lisainstrument/
index 2d50f23..bd08ee2 100644
--- a/lisainstrument/
+++ b/lisainstrument/
@@ -7,108 +7,163 @@ Authors:
     Jean-Baptiste Bayle <>
-# TODO:
-#     * modulated beam, 4 args (carrier_offsets, carrier_fluctuations, usb_offsets, usb_fluctuations)
-#     * args can be scalars (repeated in dict), dict (check and convert to float), callable (call with mosa as arg)
+import abc
+import logging
+import numpy
+import h5py
-class Signal:
-    """Represent a signal expressed as frequency offsets and fluctuations."""
+class ForEachObject(abc.ABC):
+    """Abstract class which represents a dictionary holding a value for each object."""
-    def __init__(self, offsets=0, fluctuations=0):
-        """Initialize a signal from frequency offsets and fluctuations.
+    def __init__(self, values):
+        """Initialize an object with a value or a function of the mosa index.
-            offsets: frequency offsets [Hz]
-            fluctuations: frequency fluctuations [Hz]
+            values: a value, a dictionary of values, or a function (mosa -> value)
-        if callable(offsets):
-            self.offsets = {mosa: offsets(mosa) for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS}
+        if isinstance(values, dict):
+            self.dict = {mosa: values[mosa] for mosa in self.indices()}
+        elif callable(values):
+            self.dict = {mosa: values(mosa) for mosa in self.indices()}
+        elif isinstance(values, h5py.Dataset):
+            self.dict = {mosa: values[mosa] for mosa in self.indices()}
-            self.offsets = Instrument.mosa_dict(offsets)
+            self.dict = {mosa: values for mosa in self.indices()}
-        if callable(fluctuations):
-            self.fluctuations = {mosa: fluctuations(mosa) for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS}
-        else:
-            self.fluctuations = Instrument.mosa_dict(fluctuations)
+    @classmethod
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def indices(cls):
+        """Return list of object indices."""
+        raise NotImplementedError
-    def transformed(self, offsets=lambda x, mosa: x, fluctuations=lambda x, mosa: x):
-        """Return a new two-variable signal transforming offsets and fluctuations.
+    def transform(self, transformation):
+        """Transform dictionary on-the-spot.
-            offsets: function of (offsets, mosa) returning new offsets [Hz]
-            fluctuations: function of (fluctuations, mosa) returning new fluctuations [Hz]
-        Returns:
-            A new `Signal` isntance where offsets and fluctuations have been transformed.
+            transformation: function (mosa, value -> new_value)
-        return self.__class__(
-            offsets={
-                mosa: offsets(self.offsets[mosa], mosa)
-                for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS
-            },
-            fluctuations={
-                mosa: fluctuations(self.fluctuations[mosa], mosa)
-                for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS
-            },
-        )
-    def reduce(self, function=lambda offsets, fluctuations: 0):
-        """Compute a new MOSA dictionary from offsets and fluctuations.
+        self.dict = {mosa: transformation(mosa, self[mosa]) for mosa in self.indices()}
+    def transformed(self, transformation):
+        """Return a new dictionary from transformed objects.
-            function: function of (offsets, fluctuations) returning new value
+            transformation: function (mosa, value -> new_value)
-        return {
-            mosa: function(self.offsets[mosa], self.fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS
-        }
-    @property
-    def totalfreq(self):
-        """Return total frequencies, as the sum of offsets and fluctuations."""
-        return self.reduce(lambda offsets, fluctuations: offsets + fluctuations)
+        return self.__class__(lambda mosa: transformation(mosa, self[mosa]))
-class ModulatedBeam:
-    """Represent a modulated beam, with a carrier, an upper sideband, and optionally timer deviations."""
-    def __init__(self, carrier, usb, timer_deviations=None):
-        """Initialize a modulated beam from carrier and upper sideband signals.
+    def write(self, hdf5, dataset):
+        """Write values in dataset on HDF5 file.
-            carrier: carrier signal
-            usb: upper sideband signal
-            timer_deviations: timer deviations [s]
+            hdf5: HDF5 file in which to write
+            dataset: dataset name or path
-        if not isinstance(carrier) or not isinstance(usb, Signal):
-            raise TypeError("carrier and upper sideband should be instances of `Signal`")
-        self.carrier = carrier
-        self.usb = usb
-        self.timer_deviations = Instrument.mosa_dict(timer_deviations)
+        # Retreive the maximum size of data
+        size = 1
+        for value in self.values():
+            if numpy.isscalar(value):
+                continue
+            if size != 1 and len(value) != size:
+                raise ValueError(f"incompatible sizes in dictionary '{size}' and '{len(size)}'")
+            size = max(size, len(value))
+        logging.debug("Writing dataset of size '%s' with '%s' columns", size, len(self.indices()))
+        # Write dataset
+        dtype = numpy.dtype({'names': self.indices(), 'formats': len(self.indices()) * [numpy.float64]})
+        hdf5.create_dataset(dataset, (size,), dtype=dtype)
+        for index in self.indices():
+            hdf5[dataset][index] = self[index]
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.dict[key]
+    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
+        self.dict[key] = item
+    def values(self):
+        """Return dictionary values."""
+        return self.dict.values()
+    def keys(self):
+        """Return dictionary keys."""
+        return self.dict.keys()
+    def items(self):
+        """Return dictionary items."""
+        return self.dict.items()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return repr(self.dict)
+class ForEachSC(ForEachObject):
+    """Represents a dictionary of values for each spacecraft."""
+    @classmethod
+    def indices(cls):
+        return ['1', '2', '3']
+    @staticmethod
+    def distant_left(sc):
+        """Return index of distant left spacecraft."""
+        if sc not in ForEachSC.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid spacecraft index '{sc}'")
+        return f'{(int(sc) - 2) % 3 + 1}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def distant_right(sc):
+        """Return index of distant right spacecraft."""
+        if sc not in ForEachSC.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid spacecraft index '{sc}'")
+        return f'{int(sc) % 3 + 1}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def left_mosa(sc):
+        """Return index of left MOSA."""
+        if sc not in ForEachSC.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid spacecraft index '{sc}'")
+        return f'{sc}{ForEachSC.distant_left(sc)}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def right_mosa(sc):
+        """Return index of right MOSA."""
+        if sc not in ForEachSC.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid spacecraft index '{sc}'")
+        return f'{sc}{ForEachSC.distant_right(sc)}'
+class ForEachMOSA(ForEachObject):
+    """Represents a dictionary of values for each moveable optical subassembly (MOSA)."""
+    @classmethod
+    def indices(cls):
+        return ['12', '23', '31', '13', '32', '21']
+    @staticmethod
+    def sc(mosa):
+        """Return index of spacecraft hosting MOSA."""
+        return f'{mosa[0]}'
+    @staticmethod
+    def distant(mosa):
+        """Return index of distant MOSA.
+        In practive, we invert the indices to swap emitter and receiver.
+        """
+        if mosa not in ForEachMOSA.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid MOSA index '{mosa}'")
+        return f'{mosa[1]}{mosa[0]}'
-    def transformed(self,
-            carrier_offsets=lambda x, mosa: x, carrier_fluctuations=lambda x, mosa: x,
-            usb_offsets=lambda x, mosa: x, usb_fluctuations=lambda x, mosa: x,
-            timer_deviations=lambda x, mosa: x):
-        """Return a new modulated beam after applying transformations.
+    @staticmethod
+    def adjacent(mosa):
+        """Return index of adjacent MOSA.
-        Args:
-            carrier_offsets: function of (offsets, mosa) returning new carrier offsets [Hz]
-            carrier_fluctuations: function of (fluctuations, mosa) returning new carrier fluctuations [Hz]
-            usb_offsets: function of (offsets, mosa) returning new upper sideband offsets [Hz]
-            usb_fluctuations: function of (fluctuations, mosa) returning new upper sideband fluctuations [Hz]
-            timer_deviations: function of (deviations, mosa) return new timer deviations [s]
-        Returns:
-            A new `ModulatedBeam` isntance where signals have been transformed.
+        In practice, we replace the second index by the only unused spacecraft index.
-        return self.__class__(
-            carrier=self.carrier.transformed(carrier_offsets, carrier_fluctuations),
-            usb=self.usb.transformed(usb_offsets, usb_fluctuations),
-            timer_deviations={
-                mosa: timer_deviations(self.timer_deviations[mosa], mosa)
-                for mosa in Instrument.MOSAS
-            }
-        )
+        if mosa not in ForEachMOSA.indices():
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid MOSA index '{mosa}'")
+        unused = [sc for sc in ForEachSC.indices() if sc not in mosa]
+        if len(unused) != 1:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"cannot find adjacent MOSA for '{mosa}'")
+        return f'{mosa[0]}{unused[0]}'
diff --git a/lisainstrument/ b/lisainstrument/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c59a8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisainstrument/
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
+LISA Instrument module.
+    Jean-Baptiste Bayle <>
+import logging
+import h5py
+import scipy.interpolate
+import numpy
+from .containers import ForEachSC
+from .containers import ForEachMOSA
+from . import meta
+from . import dsp
+from . import noises
+class Instrument:
+    """Represents an instrumental simulation."""
+    # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+    # Indexing conventions
+    SCS = ForEachSC.indices()
+    MOSAS = ForEachMOSA.indices()
+    def __init__(self, size=2592000, dt=0.3, t0=0,
+        # Inter-spacecraft propagation
+        orbits=None, gws=None, interpolation=('lagrange', 31),
+        # Lasers
+        laser_asds=28.2, modulation_asds=1E-14, modulation_fknees=1.5E-2,
+        central_freq=2.816E14, modulation_freqs=None, offsets_freqs=None, three_lasers=False,
+        # Clocks
+        clock_asds=6.32E-14, clock_offsets=0, clock_freqoffsets=None, clock_freqlindrifts=None,
+        clock_freqquaddrifts=None, clockinv_tolerance=1E-10, clockinv_maxiter=5,
+        # Optical pathlength noises
+        backlink_asds=3E-12, backlink_fknees=2E-3, testmass_asds=2.4E-15, testmass_fknees=0.4E-3,
+        # Pseudo-ranging
+        ranging_biases=0, ranging_asds=3E-9,
+        # Physics simulation sampling and filtering
+        physics_upsampling=10, aafilter=('kaiser', 240, 0.3, 1.35)):
+        """Initialize an instrumental simulation.
+        Args:
+            size: number of samples to generate
+            dt: sampling period [s]
+            t0: initial time [s]
+            orbits: path to orbit file or None for default set of proper pseudo-ranges and derivatives thereof
+            gws: dictionary of gravitational-wave responses or path to gravitational-wave file
+            interpolation: interpolation function or interpolation method and parameters; when using 'lagrange',
+                use a tuple ('lagrange', order) with `order` the odd interpolation order; an arbitrary function should
+                take (x, shift [number of samples]) as parameter
+            laser_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for laser noise [Hz/sqrt(Hz)]
+            modulation_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for modulation noise [s/sqrt(Hz)]
+            modulation_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencies for modulation noise [Hz]
+            central_freq: laser central frequency from which all offsets are computed [Hz]
+            modulation_freqs: dictionary of modulation frequencies [Hz]
+            offsets_freqs: dictionary of laser frequency offsets [Hz]
+            three_lasers: whether the only simulate one laser per spacecraft
+            clock_asds: dictionary of clock noise amplitude spectral densities
+            clock_offsets: dictionary of clock offsets
+            clock_freqoffsets: dictionary of clock frequency offsets [s^-1]
+            clock_freqlindrifts: dictionary of clock frequency linear drifts [s^-2]
+            clock_freqquaddrifts: dictionary of clock frequency quadratic drifts [s^-2]
+            clockinv_tolerance: convergence tolerance for timer deviation inversion [s]
+            clockinv_maxiter: maximum number of iterations for timer deviation inversion
+            backlink_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for backlink noise [m/sqrt(Hz)]
+            backlink_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencied for backlink noise [Hz]
+            testmass_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for test-mass noise [ms^(-2)/sqrt(Hz)]
+            testmass_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencied for test-mass noise [Hz]
+            ranging_biases: dictionary of ranging noise bias [s]
+            ranging_asds: dictionary of ranging noise amplitude spectral densities [s/sqrt(Hz)]
+            physics_upsampling: ratio of sampling frequencies for physics vs. measurement simulation
+            aafilter: antialiasing filter function or filter design method; when using 'kaiser', use a tuple
+                ('kaiser', attenuation [dB], f1 [Hz], f2 [Hz]) with attenuation the attenuation in the stopband,
+                and f1 < f2 the frequencies defining the transition band; use `None` for no filter
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+"Initializing instrumental simulation")
+        self.git_url = ''
+        self.version = meta.__version__
+        self.simulated = False
+        # Measurement sampling
+        self.size = int(size)
+        self.dt = float(dt)
+        self.t0 = float(t0)
+        self.fs = 1 / self.dt
+"Computing measurement time vector (size=%s, dt=%s)", self.size, self.dt)
+        self.t = self.t0 + numpy.arange(self.size, dtype=numpy.float64) * self.dt
+        # Physics sampling
+        self.physics_upsampling = int(physics_upsampling)
+        self.physics_size = self.size * self.physics_upsampling
+        self.physics_dt = self.dt / self.physics_upsampling
+        self.physics_fs = self.fs * self.physics_upsampling
+"Computing physics time vector (size=%s, dt=%s)", self.physics_size, self.physics_dt)
+        self.physics_t = self.t0 + numpy.arange(self.physics_size, dtype=numpy.float64) * self.physics_dt
+        # Instrument topology
+        self.central_freq = float(central_freq)
+        self.three_lasers = bool(three_lasers)
+        # Laser and modulation noise
+        self.laser_asds = ForEachMOSA(laser_asds)
+        self.modulation_asds = ForEachMOSA(modulation_asds)
+        self.modulation_fknees = ForEachMOSA(modulation_fknees)
+        self.modulation_freqs = ForEachMOSA(modulation_freqs) if modulation_freqs is not None \
+            else ForEachMOSA({ # Default based on mission baseline 2.4 MHz/2.401 MHz for left and right MOSAs
+            '12': 2.4E9, '23': 2.4E9, '31': 2.4E9,
+            '13': 2.401E9, '32': 2.401E9, '21': 2.401E9,
+        })
+        # Clocks
+        self.clock_asds = ForEachSC(clock_asds)
+        self.clock_offsets = ForEachSC(clock_offsets)
+        self.clock_freqoffsets = ForEachSC(clock_freqoffsets) if clock_freqoffsets is not None \
+            else ForEachSC({ # Default based on LISANode
+            '1': 5E-8, '2': 6.25E-7, '3': -3.75E-7
+        })
+        self.clock_freqlindrifts = ForEachSC(clock_freqlindrifts) if clock_freqoffsets is not None \
+            else ForEachSC({ # Default based on LISANode
+            '1': 1.6E-15, '2': 2E-14, '3': -1.2E-14
+        })
+        self.clock_freqquaddrifts = ForEachSC(clock_freqquaddrifts) if clock_freqoffsets is not None \
+            else ForEachSC({ # Default based on LISANode
+            '1': 9E-24, '2': 6.75E-23, '3': -1.125e-22
+        })
+        # Clock-noise inversion
+        self.clockinv_tolerance = float(clockinv_tolerance)
+        self.clockinv_maxiter = int(clockinv_maxiter)
+        # Ranging noise
+        self.ranging_biases = ForEachMOSA(ranging_biases)
+        self.ranging_asds = ForEachMOSA(ranging_asds)
+        # Backlink and test-mass acceleration noise
+        self.backlink_asds = ForEachMOSA(backlink_asds)
+        self.backlink_fknees = ForEachMOSA(backlink_fknees)
+        self.testmass_asds = ForEachMOSA(testmass_asds)
+        self.testmass_fknees = ForEachMOSA(testmass_fknees)
+        # Frequency plan
+        self.offsets_freqs = ForEachMOSA(offsets_freqs) if offsets_freqs is not None \
+            else ForEachMOSA({ # Default based on default for LISANode
+            '12': 8.1E6, '23': 9.2E6, '31': 10.3E6, '13': 1.4E6, '32': -11.6E6, '21': -9.5E6,
+        })
+        # Orbits and gravitational waves
+        self.gws = None
+        self.pprs = None
+        self.d_pprs = None
+        self.init_orbits(orbits)
+        self.init_gws(gws)
+        # Interpolation and antialiasing filter
+        self.init_interpolation(interpolation)
+        self.init_aafilter(aafilter)
+    def init_interpolation(self, interpolation):
+        """Initialize interpolation."""
+        if interpolation is None:
+  "Disabling interpolation")
+            designed_interpolation = dsp.identity
+        elif callable(interpolation):
+  "Using user-provided interpolation function")
+            designed_interpolation = interpolation
+        else:
+  "Designing interpolation function")
+            designed_interpolation = Instrument.design_interpolation(interpolation)
+        self.interpolate = lambda x, shift: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else designed_interpolation(x, shift)
+    @staticmethod
+    def design_interpolation(parameters):
+        """Design the interpolation function.
+        We currently support Lagrande interpolation.
+        Args:
+            parameters: see `interpolation` docstring in `__init__()`
+        Returns:
+            A function which interpolates data.
+        """
+        method = parameters[0]
+        if method == 'lagrange':
+            logging.debug("Using Lagrange interpolations")
+            order = parameters[1]
+            logging.debug("Lagrande interpolation order is %s", order)
+            return lambda x, shift: dsp.timeshift(x, shift, order=order)
+        raise ValueError(f"invalid interpolation parameters '{parameters}'")
+    def init_aafilter(self, aafilter):
+        """Initialize antialiasing filter and downsampling."""
+        if aafilter is None:
+  "Disabling antialiasing filter")
+            designed_aafilter = dsp.identity
+        elif callable(aafilter):
+  "Using user-provided antialiasing filter function")
+            designed_aafilter = aafilter
+        else:
+  "Design antialiasing filter (%s)", aafilter)
+            designed_aafilter = self.design_aafilter(aafilter)
+        self.aafilter = lambda _, x: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else designed_aafilter(x)
+        self.downsampled = lambda _, x: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else x[::self.physics_upsampling]
+    def design_aafilter(self, parameters):
+        """Design the antialiasing filter.
+        We currently support finite-impulse response filter designed from a Kaiser window.
+        The order and beta parameters of the Kaiser window are deduced from the desired attenuation
+        and transition bandwidth of the filter.
+        Args:
+            parameters: see `aafilter` docstring in `__init__()`
+        Returns:
+            A function that filters data.
+        """
+        method = parameters[0]
+        nyquist = self.physics_fs / 2
+        if method == 'kaiser':
+            logging.debug("Designing finite-impulse response filter from Kaiser window")
+            attenuation, freq1, freq2 = parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3]
+            if attenuation == 0:
+                logging.debug("Vanishing filter attenuation, disabling filtering")
+                return lambda x: x
+            logging.debug("Filter attenuation is %s dB", attenuation)
+            logging.debug("Filter transition band is [%s Hz, %s Hz]", freq1, freq2)
+            numtaps, beta = scipy.signal.kaiserord(attenuation, (freq2 - freq1) / nyquist)
+            logging.debug("Kaiser window has %s taps and beta is %s", numtaps, beta)
+            taps = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, (freq1 + freq2) / (2 * nyquist), window=('kaiser', beta))
+            logging.debug("Filter taps are %s", taps)
+            return lambda x: scipy.signal.lfilter(taps, 1, x)
+        raise ValueError(f"invalid filter parameters '{parameters}'")
+    def init_orbits(self, orbits):
+        """Initialize orbits."""
+        if isinstance(orbits, str):
+  "Interpolating orbits from orbit file '%s'", orbits)
+            self.orbit_file = orbits
+            orbitf = h5py.File(self.orbit_file, 'r')
+            logging.debug("Interpolating proper pseudo-ranges")
+            self.pprs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
+                orbitf['tcb']['t'][:], orbitf['tcb'][f'l_{mosa}']['ppr'], k=1, ext='raise')(self.physics_t)
+            )
+            logging.debug("Interpolating proper pseudo-range derivatives")
+            self.d_pprs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
+                orbitf['tcb']['t'][:], orbitf['tcb'][f'l_{mosa}']['d_ppr'], k=1, ext='raise')(self.physics_t)
+            )
+            orbitf.close()
+        elif orbits is None:
+  "No orbit file provided, using default set of proper pseudo-ranges and derivatives thereof")
+            self.orbit_file = None
+            self.pprs = ForEachMOSA({ # Default PPRs based on first samples of Keplerian orbits (v1.0)
+                '12': 8.3324, '23': 8.3028, '31': 8.3324,
+                '13': 8.3315, '32': 8.3044, '21': 8.3315,
+            })
+            self.d_pprs = ForEachMOSA({ # Default PPR derivatives based on first samples of Keplerian orbits (v1.0)
+                '12': 3.1977E-9, '23': -5.0241E-9, '31': -3.1977E-9,
+                '13': -3.1977E-9, '32': -5.0252E-9, '21': 3.1977E-9,
+            })
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"invalid orbits '{orbits}', should be path to orbit file or None")
+    def init_gws(self, gws):
+        """Initialize gravitational-wave responses."""
+        if isinstance(gws, str):
+            self.gw_file = gws
+  "Interpolating gravitational-wave responses from GW file '%s'", self.gw_file)
+            gwf = h5py.File(self.gw_file, 'r')
+            self.gws = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
+                gwf['t'][:], gwf[f'l_{mosa}'][:], k=1, ext='raise')(self.physics_t)
+            )
+            gwf.close()
+        elif gws is None:
+            logging.debug("No gravitational-wave responses")
+            self.gw_file = None
+            self.gws = ForEachMOSA(0)
+        else:
+  "Using user-provided gravitational-wave responses")
+            self.gw_file = None
+            self.gws = ForEachMOSA(gws)
+    def disable_all_noises(self, but=None):
+        """Turn off all instrumental noises.
+        Args:
+            but: optional category of noises to keep on ['laser', 'modulation', 'clock', 'pathlength', 'ranging']
+        """
+        if but != 'laser':
+            self.laser_asds = ForEachMOSA(0)
+        if but != 'modulation':
+            self.modulation_asds = ForEachMOSA(0)
+        if but != 'clock':
+            self.disable_clock_noises()
+        if but != 'pathlength':
+            self.disable_pathlength_noises()
+        if but != 'ranging':
+            self.disable_ranging_noises()
+    def disable_clock_noises(self):
+        """Turn off all imperfections on clocks.
+        This includes offsets, and frequency offsets and deviations.
+        """
+        self.clock_asds = ForEachSC(0)
+        self.clock_offsets = ForEachSC(0)
+        self.clock_freqoffsets = ForEachSC(0)
+        self.clock_freqlindrifts = ForEachSC(0)
+        self.clock_freqquaddrifts = ForEachSC(0)
+    def disable_pathlength_noises(self):
+        """Turn off all optical pathlength noises."""
+        self.backlink_asds = ForEachMOSA(0)
+        self.testmass_asds = ForEachMOSA(0)
+    def disable_ranging_noises(self):
+        """Turn off all pseudo-ranging noises."""
+        self.ranging_biases = ForEachMOSA(0)
+        self.ranging_asds = ForEachMOSA(0)
+    def disable_dopplers(self):
+        """Set proper pseudo-range derivatives to zero to turn off Doppler effects."""
+        self.d_pprs = ForEachMOSA(0)
+    def simulate(self, keep_all=False):
+        """Run a simulation, and generate all intermediary signals.
+        Args:
+            keep_all: whether to keep all quantities in memory
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
+"Starting simulation")
+        self.keep_all = keep_all
+        self.simulated = True
+        self.simulate_noises()
+        ## Local beams
+        self.local_carrier_offsets = self.offsets_freqs
+"Computing carrier frequency fluctuations for local beams")
+        self.local_carrier_fluctuations = self.laser_noises
+"Computing upper sideband frequency offsets for local beams")
+        self.local_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.offsets_freqs[mosa] + self.modulation_freqs[mosa] * (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+        )
+"Computing upper sideband frequency fluctuations for local beams")
+        self.local_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.laser_noises[mosa] + self.modulation_freqs[mosa] \
+                * (self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]] + self.modulation_noises[mosa])
+        )
+"Computing local timer deviations")
+        self.local_timer_deviations = ForEachSC(lambda sc:
+            self.clock_offsets[sc] + numpy.cumsum(
+                numpy.broadcast_to(self.clock_noise_offsets[sc] + self.clock_noise_fluctuations[sc], \
+                    (self.physics_size,)) * self.dt)
+        )
+        ## Propagation to distant MOSA
+"Propagating carrier frequency offsets to distant MOSA")
+        self.distant_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
+            self.interpolate(self.local_carrier_offsets[ForEachMOSA.distant(mosa)],
+                -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
+            - self.d_pprs[mosa] * self.central_freq
+        )
+"Propagating carrier frequency fluctuations to distant MOSA")
+        self.distant_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.gws[mosa] + (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
+            self.interpolate(self.local_carrier_fluctuations[ForEachMOSA.distant(mosa)],
+                -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs)
+        )
+"Propagating upper sideband frequency offsets to distant MOSA")
+        self.distant_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
+            self.interpolate(self.local_usb_offsets[ForEachMOSA.distant(mosa)],
+                -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
+            - self.d_pprs[mosa] * self.central_freq
+        )
+"Propagating upper sideband frequency fluctuations to distant MOSA")
+        self.distant_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.gws[mosa] + (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
+            self.interpolate(self.local_usb_fluctuations[ForEachMOSA.distant(mosa)],
+                -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs)
+        )
+"Propagating timer deviations to distant MOSA")
+        self.distant_timer_deviations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.interpolate(self.local_timer_deviations[mosa[1]],
+                -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
+            - self.pprs[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Propagation to adjacent MOSA
+"Propagating carrier frequency offsets to adjacent MOSA")
+        self.adjacent_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_carrier_offsets[ForEachMOSA.adjacent(mosa)]
+        )
+"Propagating carrier frequency fluctuations to adjacent MOSA")
+        self.adjacent_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_carrier_fluctuations[ForEachMOSA.adjacent(mosa)] \
+            + self.central_freq * self.backlink_noises[mosa]
+        )
+"Propagating upper sideband frequency offsets to adjacent MOSA")
+        self.adjacent_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_usb_offsets[ForEachMOSA.adjacent(mosa)]
+        )
+"Propagating upper sideband frequency fluctuations to adjacent MOSA")
+        self.adjacent_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_usb_fluctuations[ForEachMOSA.adjacent(mosa)] \
+            + self.central_freq * self.backlink_noises[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer local beams
+"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.local_isc_carrier_offsets = self.local_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.local_isc_carrier_fluctuations = self.local_carrier_fluctuations
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.local_isc_usb_offsets = self.local_usb_offsets
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.local_isc_usb_fluctuations = self.local_usb_fluctuations
+        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer distant beams
+"Propagating distant carrier frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.distant_isc_carrier_offsets = self.distant_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating distant carrier frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations = self.distant_carrier_fluctuations
+"Propagating distant upper sideband frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.distant_isc_usb_offsets = self.distant_usb_offsets
+"Propagating distant upper sideband frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
+        self.distant_isc_usb_fluctuations = self.distant_usb_fluctuations
+        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
+"Computing inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_isc_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.distant_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] - self.local_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_isc_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.distant_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] - self.local_isc_usb_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_isc_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.distant_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Measured pseudo-ranging on TPS grid (high-frequency)
+"Computing measured pseudo-ranges on TPS")
+        self.tps_mprs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_timer_deviations[] \
+            - self.distant_timer_deviations[mosa] + self.ranging_noises[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Test-mass interferometer local beams
+"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.local_tm_carrier_offsets = self.local_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.local_tm_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] + self.central_freq * self.testmass_noises[mosa]
+        )
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.local_tm_usb_offsets = self.local_usb_offsets
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.local_tm_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.local_usb_fluctuations[mosa] + self.central_freq * self.testmass_noises[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Test-mass interferometer adjacent beams
+"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets = self.adjacent_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations = self.adjacent_carrier_fluctuations
+"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_tm_usb_offsets = self.adjacent_usb_offsets
+"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations = self.adjacent_usb_fluctuations
+        ## Test-mass interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
+"Computing test-mass carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_tm_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] - self.local_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing test-mass carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing test-mass upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_tm_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] - self.local_tm_usb_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing test-mass upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_tm_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Reference interferometer local beams
+"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
+        self.local_ref_carrier_offsets = self.local_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
+        self.local_ref_carrier_fluctuations = self.local_carrier_fluctuations
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
+        self.local_ref_usb_offsets = self.local_usb_offsets
+"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
+        self.local_ref_usb_fluctuations = self.local_usb_fluctuations
+        ## Reference interferometer adjacent beams
+"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets = self.adjacent_carrier_offsets
+"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations = self.adjacent_carrier_fluctuations
+"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_ref_usb_offsets = self.adjacent_usb_offsets
+"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
+        self.adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations = self.adjacent_usb_fluctuations
+        ## Reference interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
+"Computing reference carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_ref_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] - self.local_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing reference carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing reference upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
+        self.tps_ref_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] - self.local_ref_usb_offsets[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing reference upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
+        self.tps_ref_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - self.local_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Sampling beatnotes and measured pseudo-ranges to THE grid
+        self.inverse_timer_deviations = ForEachSC(lambda sc:
+            self.invert_timer_deviations(self.local_timer_deviations[sc], sc)
+        )
+        timestamp = lambda x, sc: self.interpolate(x, -self.inverse_timer_deviations[sc] * self.physics_fs)
+"Sampling inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency offsets to THE grid")
+        self.the_isc_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations to THE grid")
+        self.the_isc_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets to THE grid")
+        self.the_isc_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations to THE grid")
+        self.the_isc_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling measured pseudo-ranges to THE grid")
+        self.the_mprs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_mprs[mosa], mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling test-mass beatnotes to THE grid")
+        self.the_tm_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+        self.the_tm_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+        )
+        self.the_tm_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+        self.the_tm_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+        )
+"Sampling reference beatnotes to THE grid")
+        self.the_ref_carrier_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+        self.the_ref_carrier_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+            )
+        self.the_ref_usb_offsets = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
+        )
+        self.the_ref_usb_fluctuations = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            timestamp(self.tps_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
+                - self.tps_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] * self.clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
+                / (1 + self.clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
+            )
+        ## Antialiasing filtering
+"Filtering inter-spacecraft beatnotes")
+        self.filtered_isc_carrier_offsets = self.the_isc_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations = self.the_isc_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_isc_usb_offsets = self.the_isc_usb_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations = self.the_isc_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+"Filtering measured pseudo-ranges")
+        self.filtered_mprs = self.the_mprs.transformed(self.aafilter)
+"Filtering test-mass beatnotes")
+        self.filtered_tm_carrier_offsets = self.the_tm_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations = self.the_tm_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_tm_usb_offsets = self.the_tm_usb_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations = self.the_tm_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+"Filtering reference beatnotes")
+        self.filtered_ref_carrier_offsets = self.the_ref_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations = self.the_ref_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_ref_usb_offsets = self.the_ref_usb_offsets.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        self.filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations = self.the_ref_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.aafilter)
+        ## Downsampling filtering
+"Downsampling inter-spacecraft beatnotes")
+        self.isc_carrier_offsets = self.filtered_isc_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.isc_carrier_fluctuations = self.filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.isc_usb_offsets = self.filtered_isc_usb_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.isc_usb_fluctuations = self.filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+"Filtering and downsampling measured pseudo-ranges")
+        self.mprs = self.filtered_mprs.transformed(self.downsampled)
+"Filtering and downsampling test-mass beatnotes")
+        self.tm_carrier_offsets = self.filtered_tm_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.tm_carrier_fluctuations = self.filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.tm_usb_offsets = self.filtered_tm_usb_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.tm_usb_fluctuations = self.filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+"Filtering and downsampling reference beatnotes")
+        self.ref_carrier_offsets = self.filtered_ref_carrier_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.ref_carrier_fluctuations = self.filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.ref_usb_offsets = self.filtered_ref_usb_offsets.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        self.ref_usb_fluctuations = self.filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations.transformed(self.downsampled)
+        ## Total frequencies
+"Computing inter-spacecraft beatnote total frequencies")
+        self.isc_carriers = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] + self.isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        self.isc_usbs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.isc_usb_offsets[mosa] + self.isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing test-mass beatnote total frequencies")
+        self.tm_carriers = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] + self.tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        self.tm_usbs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.tm_usb_offsets[mosa] + self.tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+"Computing reference beatnote total frequencies")
+        self.ref_carriers = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] + self.ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        self.ref_usbs = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.ref_usb_offsets[mosa] + self.ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
+        )
+        ## Closing simulation
+"Simulation complete")
+    def simulate_noises(self):
+        """Generate noise time series."""
+        ## Laser noise
+        # TODO: optimize in case of three lasers
+"Generating laser noise time series")
+        self.laser_noises = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            noises.laser(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.laser_asds[mosa])
+        )
+        if self.three_lasers:
+            for mosa in self.MOSAS[:3]:
+                self.laser_noises[ForEachMOSA.adjacent(mosa)] = self.laser_noises[mosa]
+        ## Clock noise
+        # TODO: better optimize when clock_freqlindrifts and clock_freqquaddrifts == 0
+"Generating clock noise time series")
+        t = self.physics_t
+        self.clock_noise_offsets = ForEachSC(lambda sc:
+            self.clock_freqoffsets[sc] + self.clock_freqlindrifts[sc] * t + self.clock_freqquaddrifts[sc] * t**2
+        )
+        for sc in self.SCS:
+            if self.physics_size and numpy.all(self.clock_noise_offsets[sc] == self.clock_noise_offsets[sc][0]):
+                self.clock_noise_offsets[sc] = self.clock_noise_offsets[sc][0]
+"Generating clock noise fluctuations time series")
+        self.clock_noise_fluctuations = ForEachSC(lambda sc:
+            noises.clock(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.clock_asds[sc])
+        )
+        ## Modulation noise
+"Generating modulation noise time series")
+        self.modulation_noises = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            noises.modulation(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size,
+                self.modulation_asds[mosa], self.modulation_fknees[mosa])
+        )
+        ## Backlink noise
+"Generating backlink noise time series")
+        self.backlink_noises = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            noises.backlink(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.backlink_asds[mosa], self.backlink_fknees[mosa])
+        )
+        ## Test-mass acceleration noise
+"Generating test-mass acceleration noise time series")
+        self.testmass_noises = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            noises.testmass(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size,
+                self.testmass_asds[mosa], self.testmass_fknees[mosa])
+        )
+        ## Ranging noise
+"Generating ranging noise time series")
+        self.ranging_noises = ForEachMOSA(lambda mosa:
+            self.ranging_biases[mosa] + noises.ranging(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.ranging_asds[mosa])
+        )
+    def invert_timer_deviations(self, timer_deviations, sc):
+        """Invert timer deviations of a given spacecraft.
+        We recursively solve the implicit equation dtau(tau) = dtau_hat(tau - dtau(tau)) until the
+        convergence criteria (tolerance) is met, or we exceed the maximum number of iterations.
+        Args:
+            timer_deviations: array of timer deviations
+            sc: spacecraft index
+        """
+"Inverting timer deviations for spacecraft %s", sc)
+        logging.debug("Solving iteratively (tolerance=%s s, maxiter=%s)",
+            self.clockinv_tolerance, self.clockinv_maxiter)
+        niter = 0
+        error = 0
+        next_inverse = timer_deviations
+        while not niter or error > self.clockinv_tolerance:
+            if niter >= self.clockinv_maxiter:
+                logging.warning("Maximum number of iterations '%s' reached (error=%.2E)", niter, error)
+                break
+            logging.debug("Starting iteration #%s", niter)
+            inverse = next_inverse
+            next_inverse = self.interpolate(timer_deviations, -inverse * self.physics_fs)
+            error = numpy.max(numpy.abs(inverse - next_inverse))
+            logging.debug("End of iteration %s, with an error of %.2E s", niter, error)
+            niter += 1
+        logging.debug("End of timer deviation inversion after %s iterations with an error of %.2E s", niter, error)
+        return inverse
+    def write_metadata(self, hdf5):
+        """Set all properties as HDF5 attributes on `object`.
+        Args:
+            hdf5: an HDF5 file, or a dataset
+        """
+        for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
+            try:
+                hdf5.attrs[key] = value
+            except (TypeError, RuntimeError):
+                try:
+                    hdf5.attrs[key] = str(value)
+                except RuntimeError:
+                    logging.warning("Cannot write metadata '%s' on '%s'", key, hdf5)
+    def write(self, output='measurements.h5', mode='x', write_all=False):
+        """Run a simulation.
+        Args:
+            output: path to measurement file
+            mode: measurement file opening mode
+            write_all: whether to write all quantities to file
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+        if not self.simulated:
+            self.simulate(keep_all=write_all)
+"Writing metadata and physics time dataset to '%s'", output)
+        hdf5 = h5py.File(output, mode)
+        self.write_metadata(hdf5)
+        hdf5['physics_t'] = self.physics_t
+        if write_all:
+  "Writing laser noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.laser_noises.write(hdf5, 'laser_noises')
+  "Writing clock noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.clock_noise_offsets.write(hdf5, 'clock_noise_offsets')
+            self.clock_noise_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'clock_noise_fluctuations')
+  "Writing modulation noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.modulation_noises.write(hdf5, 'modulation_noises')
+  "Writing local beams to '%s'", output)
+            self.local_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_carrier_offsets')
+            self.local_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.local_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_usb_offsets')
+            self.local_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_usb_fluctuations')
+            self.local_timer_deviations.write(hdf5, 'local_timer_deviations')
+  "Writing proper pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
+            self.pprs.write(hdf5, 'pprs')
+  "Writing proper pseudo-range derivatives to '%s'", output)
+            self.d_pprs.write(hdf5, 'd_pprs')
+  "Writing propagated distant beams to '%s'", output)
+            self.distant_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'distant_carrier_offsets')
+            self.distant_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'distant_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.distant_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'distant_usb_offsets')
+            self.distant_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'distant_usb_fluctuations')
+            self.distant_timer_deviations.write(hdf5, 'distant_timer_deviations')
+  "Writing backlink noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.backlink_noises.write(hdf5, 'backlink_noises')
+  "Writing propagated adjacent beams to '%s'", output)
+            self.adjacent_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_carrier_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.adjacent_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_usb_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing local beams at inter-spacecraft interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.local_isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_isc_carrier_offsets')
+            self.local_isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.local_isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_isc_usb_offsets')
+            self.local_isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_isc_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing distant beams at inter-spacecraft interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.distant_isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'distant_isc_carrier_offsets')
+            self.distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.distant_isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'distant_isc_usb_offsets')
+            self.distant_isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'distant_isc_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing inter-spacecraft beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
+            self.tps_isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_isc_carrier_offsets')
+            self.tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.tps_isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_isc_usb_offsets')
+            self.tps_isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_isc_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing ranging noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.ranging_noises.write(hdf5, 'ranging_noises')
+  "Writing measured pseudo-ranges on TPS to '%s'", output)
+            self.tps_mprs.write(hdf5, 'tps_mprs')
+  "Writing test-mass acceleration noise to '%s'", output)
+            self.testmass_noises.write(hdf5, 'tm_noises')
+  "Writing local beams at test-mass interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.local_tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_tm_carrier_offsets')
+            self.local_tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.local_tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_tm_usb_offsets')
+            self.local_tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_tm_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing adjacent beams at test-mass interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.adjacent_tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_usb_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing test-mass beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
+            self.tps_tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_tm_carrier_offsets')
+            self.tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.tps_tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_tm_usb_offsets')
+            self.tps_tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_tm_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing local beams at reference interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.local_ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_ref_carrier_offsets')
+            self.local_ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.local_ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'local_ref_usb_offsets')
+            self.local_ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'local_ref_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing adjacent beams at reference interferometer to '%s'", output)
+            self.adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.adjacent_ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_usb_offsets')
+            self.adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing reference beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
+            self.tps_ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_ref_carrier_offsets')
+            self.tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.tps_ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tps_ref_usb_offsets')
+            self.tps_ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tps_ref_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing inter-spacecraft beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
+            self.the_isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_isc_carrier_offsets')
+            self.the_isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.the_isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_isc_usb_offsets')
+            self.the_isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_isc_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing measured pseudo-ranges sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
+            self.the_mprs.write(hdf5, 'the_mprs')
+  "Writing test-mass beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
+            self.the_tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_tm_carrier_offsets')
+            self.the_tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.the_tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_tm_usb_offsets')
+            self.the_tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_tm_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing reference beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
+            self.the_ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_ref_carrier_offsets')
+            self.the_ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.the_ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'the_ref_usb_offsets')
+            self.the_ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'the_ref_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing filtered inter-spacecraft beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+            self.filtered_isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_carrier_offsets')
+            self.filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.filtered_isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_usb_offsets')
+            self.filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing filtered measured pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
+            self.filtered_mprs.write(hdf5, 'filtered_mprs')
+  "Writing filtered test-mass beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+            self.filtered_tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_carrier_offsets')
+            self.filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.filtered_tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_usb_offsets')
+            self.filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations')
+  "Writing filtered reference beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+            self.filtered_ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_carrier_offsets')
+            self.filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+            self.filtered_ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_usb_offsets')
+            self.filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations')
+"Writing downsampled inter-spacecraft beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+        self.isc_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'isc_carrier_offsets')
+        self.isc_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'isc_carrier_fluctuations')
+        self.isc_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'isc_usb_offsets')
+        self.isc_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'isc_usb_fluctuations')
+"Writing downsampled measured pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
+        self.mprs.write(hdf5, 'mprs')
+"Writing downsampled test-mass beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+        self.tm_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tm_carrier_offsets')
+        self.tm_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tm_carrier_fluctuations')
+        self.tm_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'tm_usb_offsets')
+        self.tm_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'tm_usb_fluctuations')
+"Writing downsampled reference beatnotes to '%s'", output)
+        self.ref_carrier_offsets.write(hdf5, 'ref_carrier_offsets')
+        self.ref_carrier_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'ref_carrier_fluctuations')
+        self.ref_usb_offsets.write(hdf5, 'ref_usb_offsets')
+        self.ref_usb_fluctuations.write(hdf5, 'ref_usb_fluctuations')
+"Writing inter-spacecraft beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
+        self.isc_carriers.write(hdf5, 'isc_carriers')
+        self.isc_usbs.write(hdf5, 'isc_usbs')
+"Writing test-mass beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
+        self.tm_carriers.write(hdf5, 'tm_carriers')
+        self.tm_usbs.write(hdf5, 'tm_usbs')
+"Writing reference beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
+        self.ref_carriers.write(hdf5, 'ref_carriers')
+        self.ref_usbs.write(hdf5, 'ref_usbs')
+"Closing output file '%s'", output)
+        hdf5.close()
diff --git a/lisainstrument/ b/lisainstrument/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0fd980..0000000
--- a/lisainstrument/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1277 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
-LISA Instrument module.
-    Jean-Baptiste Bayle <>
-import logging
-import h5py
-import scipy.interpolate
-import numpy
-from . import meta
-from . import dsp
-from . import noises
-class Instrument:
-    """Represents an instrumental simulation."""
-    # Indexing conventions
-    SCS = ['1', '2', '3']
-    MOSAS = ['12', '23', '31', '13', '32', '21']
-    def __init__(self, size=2592000, dt=0.3, t0=0,
-        # Inter-spacecraft propagation
-        orbits=None, pprs=None, d_pprs=None, gws=None, interpolation=('lagrange', 31),
-        # Lasers
-        laser_asds=28.2, modulation_asds=1E-14, modulation_fknees=1.5E-2,
-        central_freq=2.816E14, modulation_freqs=None, offsets_freqs=None, three_lasers=False,
-        # Clocks
-        clock_asds=6.32E-14, clock_offsets=None, clock_freqoffsets=None, clock_freqlindrifts=None,
-        clock_freqquaddrifts=None, clockinv_tolerance=1E-10, clockinv_maxiter=5,
-        # Optical pathlength noises
-        backlink_asds=3E-12, backlink_fknees=2E-3, testmass_asds=2.4E-15, testmass_fknees=0.4E-3,
-        # Pseudo-ranging
-        ranging_biases=0, ranging_asds=3E-9,
-        # Physics simulation sampling and filtering
-        physics_upsampling=10, aafilter=('kaiser', 240, 0.3, 1.35)):
-        """Initialize an instrumental simulation.
-        Args:
-            size: number of samples to generate
-            dt: sampling period [s]
-            t0: initial time [s]
-            orbits: path to orbit file (used for proper pseudo-ranges and derivatives therefore)
-            pprs: dictionary of proper pseudo-ranges, overrides values from orbit file [s]
-            d_pprs: dictionary of proper pseudo-range derivatives, overrides values from orbit file [s/s]
-            gws: dictionary of gravitational-wave responses
-            interpolation: interpolation function or interpolation method and parameters; when using 'lagrande',
-                use a tuple ('lagrange', order) with `order` the odd interpolation order; an arbitrary function should
-                take (x, shift [number of samples]) as parameter
-            laser_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for laser noise [Hz/sqrt(Hz)]
-            modulation_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for modulation noise [s/sqrt(Hz)]
-            modulation_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencies for modulation noise [Hz]
-            central_freq: laser central frequency from which all offsets are computed [Hz]
-            modulation_freqs: dictionary of modulation frequencies [Hz]
-            offsets_freqs: dictionary of laser frequency offsets [Hz]
-            three_lasers: whether the only simulate one laser per spacecraft
-            clock_asds: dictionary of clock noise amplitude spectral densities
-            clock_offsets: dictionary of clock offsets
-            clock_freqoffsets: dictionary of clock frequency offsets [s^-1]
-            clock_freqlindrifts: dictionary of clock frequency linear drifts [s^-2]
-            clock_freqquaddrifts: dictionary of clock frequency quadratic drifts [s^-2]
-            clockinv_tolerance: convergence tolerance for timer deviation inversion [s]
-            clockinv_maxiter: maximum number of iterations for timer deviation inversion
-            backlink_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for backlink noise [m/sqrt(Hz)]
-            backlink_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencied for backlink noise [Hz]
-            testmass_asds: dictionary of amplitude spectral densities for test-mass noise [ms^(-2)/sqrt(Hz)]
-            testmass_fknees: dictionary of cutoff frequencied for test-mass noise [Hz]
-            ranging_biases: dictionary of ranging noise bias [s]
-            ranging_asds: dictionary of ranging noise amplitude spectral densities [s/sqrt(Hz)]
-            physics_upsampling: ratio of sampling frequencies for physics vs. measurement simulation
-            aafilter: antialiasing filter function or filter design method; when using 'kaiser', use a tuple
-                ('kaiser', attenuation [dB], f1 [Hz], f2 [Hz]) with attenuation the attenuation in the stopband,
-                and f1 < f2 the frequencies defining the transition band; use `None` for no filter
-        """
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        self.git_url = ''
-        self.version = meta.__version__
-"Initializing instrumental simulation (dt=%.2f, t0=%.2f, size=%d)", dt, t0, size)
-        # Measurement sampling
-        self.size = int(size)
-        self.dt = float(dt)
-        self.t0 = float(t0)
-        self.fs = 1 / self.dt
-        # Physics sampling
-        self.physics_upsampling = int(physics_upsampling)
-        self.physics_size = self.size * self.physics_upsampling
-        self.physics_dt = self.dt / self.physics_upsampling
-        self.physics_fs = self.fs * self.physics_upsampling
-        # Noise parameters
-        self.init_noises(laser_asds, modulation_asds, modulation_fknees, central_freq, modulation_freqs,
-            offsets_freqs, three_lasers, clock_asds, clock_offsets, clock_freqoffsets, clock_freqlindrifts,
-            clock_freqquaddrifts, backlink_asds, backlink_fknees, testmass_asds, testmass_fknees,
-            ranging_biases, ranging_asds)
-        # Clock-noise inversion
-        self.clockinv_tolerance = float(clockinv_tolerance)
-        self.clockinv_maxiter = int(clockinv_maxiter)
-        # Interpolation, antialiasing filter and orbits
-        self.init_interpolation(interpolation)
-        self.init_aafilter(aafilter)
-        self.init_orbits(orbits, pprs, d_pprs)
-        # Orbits, gravitational waves
-        self.gws = self.mosa_dict(gws, default=0)
-    def init_noises(self, laser_asds, modulation_asds, modulation_fknees, central_freq, modulation_freqs,
-        offsets_freqs, three_lasers, clock_asds, clock_offsets, clock_freqoffsets, clock_freqlindrifts,
-        clock_freqquaddrifts, backlink_asds, backlink_fknees, testmass_asds, testmass_fknees,
-        ranging_biases, ranging_asds):
-        """Initialize noise parameters.
-        See docstring of `__init__()` for more details.
-        """
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
-        self.central_freq = float(central_freq)
-        self.three_lasers = bool(three_lasers)
-        self.laser_asds = self.mosa_dict(laser_asds)
-        self.modulation_asds = self.mosa_dict(modulation_asds)
-        self.modulation_fknees = self.mosa_dict(modulation_fknees)
-        self.clock_asds = self.sc_dict(clock_asds)
-        self.clock_offsets = self.sc_dict(clock_offsets, default=0)
-        self.clock_freqoffsets = self.sc_dict(clock_freqoffsets, default={
-            # Default based on LISANode
-            '1': 5E-8, '2': 6.25E-7, '3': -3.75E-7
-        })
-        self.clock_freqlindrifts = self.sc_dict(clock_freqlindrifts, default={
-            # Default based on LISANode
-            '1': 1.6E-15, '2': 2E-14, '3': -1.2E-14
-        })
-        self.clock_freqquaddrifts = self.sc_dict(clock_freqquaddrifts, default={
-            # Default based on LISANode
-            '1': 9E-24, '2': 6.75E-23, '3': -1.125e-22
-        })
-        self.ranging_biases = self.mosa_dict(ranging_biases)
-        self.ranging_asds = self.mosa_dict(ranging_asds)
-        self.backlink_asds = self.mosa_dict(backlink_asds)
-        self.backlink_fknees = self.mosa_dict(backlink_fknees)
-        self.testmass_asds = self.mosa_dict(testmass_asds)
-        self.testmass_fknees = self.mosa_dict(testmass_fknees)
-        self.modulation_freqs = self.mosa_dict(modulation_freqs, default={
-            # Default based on mission baseline of 2.4 MHz and 2.401 MHz for left and right MOSAs respect
-            '12': 2.4E9, '23': 2.4E9, '31': 2.4E9,
-            '13': 2.401E9, '32': 2.401E9, '21': 2.401E9,
-        })
-        self.offsets_freqs = self.mosa_dict(offsets_freqs, default={
-            # Default based on default for LISANode
-            '12': 8.1E6, '23': 9.2E6, '31': 10.3E6, '13': 1.4E6, '32': -11.6E6, '21': -9.5E6,
-        })
-    def init_interpolation(self, interpolation):
-        """Initialize interpolation."""
-        if interpolation is None:
-  "Disabling interpolation")
-            designed_interpolation = lambda x: x
-        elif callable(interpolation):
-  "Using user-provided interpolation function")
-            designed_interpolation = interpolation
-        else:
-  "Designing interpolation function")
-            designed_interpolation = Instrument.design_interpolation(interpolation)
-        self.interpolate = lambda x, shift: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else designed_interpolation(x, shift)
-    def init_aafilter(self, aafilter):
-        """Initialize antialiasing filter and downsampling."""
-        if aafilter is None:
-  "Disabling antialiasing filter")
-            designed_aafilter = lambda x: x
-        elif callable(aafilter):
-  "Using user-provided antialiasing filter function")
-            designed_aafilter = aafilter
-        else:
-  "Design antialiasing filter (%s)", aafilter)
-            designed_aafilter = self.design_aafilter(aafilter)
-        self.aafilter = lambda x: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else designed_aafilter(x)
-        self.downsampled = lambda x: x if numpy.isscalar(x) else x[::self.physics_upsampling]
-    def init_orbits(self, orbits, pprs, d_pprs):
-        """Initialize orbits."""
-        if orbits is not None:
-            self.orbits_path = str(orbits)
-            self.orbits = h5py.File(self.orbits_path, 'r')
-            self.pprs = self.mosa_dict(pprs, default=None)
-            self.d_pprs = self.mosa_dict(d_pprs, default=None)
-        else:
-            self.orbits_path = None
-            self.orbits = None
-            self.pprs = self.mosa_dict(pprs, default={
-                # Default PPRs based on first samples of Keplerian orbits (v1.0)
-                '12': 8.3324, '23': 8.3028, '31': 8.3324,
-                '13': 8.3315, '32': 8.3044, '21': 8.3315,
-            })
-            self.d_pprs = self.mosa_dict(d_pprs, default={
-                # Default PPR derivatives based on first samples of Keplerian orbits (v1.0)
-                '12': 3.1977E-9, '23': -5.0241E-9, '31': -3.1977E-9,
-                '13': -3.1977E-9, '32': -5.0252E-9, '21': 3.1977E-9,
-            })
-    @classmethod
-    def mosa_dict(cls, value, default=None):
-        """Make sure that value is turned into a dictionary with the MOSAs as keys.
-        Args:
-            value: a scalar or a dictionary
-            default: default value, or None
-        """
-        if value is None and default is not None:
-            value = default
-        elif value is None and default is None:
-            return None
-        if isinstance(value, dict):
-            return {mosa: float(value[mosa]) for mosa in cls.MOSAS}
-        return {mosa: value for mosa in cls.MOSAS}
-    @classmethod
-    def sc_dict(cls, value, default=None):
-        """Make sure that value is turned into a dictionary with the spacecraft as keys.
-        Args:
-            value: a scalar or a dictionary
-            default: default value, or None
-        """
-        if value is None and default is not None:
-            value = default
-        elif value is None and default is None:
-            return None
-        if isinstance(value, dict):
-            return {sc: float(value[sc]) for sc in cls.SCS}
-        return {sc: float(value) for sc in cls.SCS}
-    def disable_all_noises(self, but=None):
-        """Turn off all instrumental noises.
-        Args:
-            but: optional category of noises to keep on ['laser', 'modulation', 'clock', 'pathlength', 'ranging']
-        """
-        if but != 'laser':
-            self.laser_asds = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        if but != 'modulation':
-            self.modulation_asds = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        if but != 'clock':
-            self.disable_clock_noises()
-        if but != 'pathlength':
-            self.disable_pathlength_noises()
-        if but != 'ranging':
-            self.disable_ranging_noises()
-        return self
-    def disable_clock_noises(self):
-        """Turn off all imperfections on clocks.
-        This includes offsets, and frequency offsets and deviations.
-        """
-        self.clock_asds = self.sc_dict(0)
-        self.clock_offsets = self.sc_dict(0)
-        self.clock_freqoffsets = self.sc_dict(0)
-        self.clock_freqlindrifts = self.sc_dict(0)
-        self.clock_freqquaddrifts = self.sc_dict(0)
-        return self
-    def disable_pathlength_noises(self):
-        """Turn off all optical pathlength noises."""
-        self.backlink_asds = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        self.testmass_asds = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        return self
-    def disable_ranging_noises(self):
-        """Turn off all pseudo-ranging noises."""
-        self.ranging_biases = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        self.ranging_asds = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        return self
-    def disable_dopplers(self):
-        """Set proper pseudo-range derivatives to zero to turn off Doppler effects."""
-        self.d_pprs = self.mosa_dict(0)
-        return self
-    @classmethod
-    def distant(cls, mosa):
-        """Return index of distant MOSA.
-        In practive, we invert the indices to swap emitter and receiver.
-        """
-        if mosa not in cls.MOSAS:
-            raise ValueError(f"invalid MOSA index '{mosa}'")
-        return f'{mosa[1]}{mosa[0]}'
-    @classmethod
-    def adjacent(cls, mosa):
-        """Return index of adjacent MOSA.
-        In practice, we replace the second index by the only unused spacecraft index.
-        """
-        if mosa not in cls.MOSAS:
-            raise ValueError(f"invalid MOSA index '{mosa}'")
-        unused = [sc for sc in cls.SCS if sc not in mosa]
-        if len(unused) != 1:
-            raise RuntimeError(f"cannot find adjacent MOSA for '{mosa}'")
-        return f'{mosa[0]}{unused[0]}'
-    @staticmethod
-    def design_interpolation(parameters):
-        """Design the interpolation function.
-        We currently support Lagrande interpolation.
-        Args:
-            parameters: see `interpolation` docstring in `__init__()`
-        Returns:
-            A function which interpolates data.
-        """
-        method = parameters[0]
-        if method == 'lagrange':
-            logging.debug("Using Lagrange interpolations")
-            order = parameters[1]
-            logging.debug("Lagrande interpolation order is %s", order)
-            return lambda x, shift: dsp.timeshift(x, shift, order=order)
-        raise ValueError(f"invalid interpolation parameters '{parameters}'")
-    def design_aafilter(self, parameters):
-        """Design the antialiasing filter.
-        We currently support finite-impulse response filter designed from a Kaiser window.
-        The order and beta parameters of the Kaiser window are deduced from the desired attenuation
-        and transition bandwidth of the filter.
-        Args:
-            parameters: see `aafilter` docstring in `__init__()`
-        Returns:
-            A function that filters data.
-        """
-        method = parameters[0]
-        nyquist = self.physics_fs / 2
-        if method == 'kaiser':
-            logging.debug("Designing finite-impulse response filter from Kaiser window")
-            attenuation, freq1, freq2 = parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3]
-            if attenuation == 0:
-                logging.debug("Vanishing filter attenuation, disabling filtering")
-                return lambda x: x
-            logging.debug("Filter attenuation is %s dB", attenuation)
-            logging.debug("Filter transition band is [%s Hz, %s Hz]", freq1, freq2)
-            numtaps, beta = scipy.signal.kaiserord(attenuation, (freq2 - freq1) / nyquist)
-            logging.debug("Kaiser window has %s taps and beta is %s", numtaps, beta)
-            taps = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps, (freq1 + freq2) / (2 * nyquist), window=('kaiser', beta))
-            logging.debug("Filter taps are %s", taps)
-            return lambda x: scipy.signal.lfilter(taps, 1, x)
-        raise ValueError(f"invalid filter parameters '{parameters}'")
-    def invert_timer_deviations(self, timer_deviations, sc):
-        """Invert timer deviations of a given spacecraft.
-        We recursively solve the implicit equation dtau(tau) = dtau_hat(tau - dtau(tau)) until the
-        convergence criteria (tolerance) is met, or we exceed the maximum number of iterations.
-        Args:
-            timer_deviations: array of timer deviations
-            sc: spacecraft index
-        """
-"Inverting timer deviations for spacecraft %s", sc)
-        logging.debug("Solving iteratively (tolerance=%s s, maxiter=%s)",
-            self.clockinv_tolerance, self.clockinv_maxiter)
-        niter = 0
-        error = 0
-        next_inverse = timer_deviations
-        while not niter or error > self.clockinv_tolerance:
-            if niter >= self.clockinv_maxiter:
-                logging.warning("Maximum number of iterations '%s' reached (error=%.2E)", niter, error)
-                break
-            logging.debug("Starting iteration #%s", niter)
-            inverse = next_inverse
-            next_inverse = self.interpolate(timer_deviations, -inverse * self.physics_fs)
-            error = numpy.max(numpy.abs(inverse - next_inverse))
-            logging.debug("End of iteration %s, with an error of %.2E s", niter, error)
-            niter += 1
-        logging.debug("End of timer deviation inversion after %s iterations with an error of %.2E s", niter, error)
-        return inverse
-    def write_metadata(self, hdf5):
-        """Set all properties as HDF5 attributes on `object`.
-        Args:
-            hdf5: an HDF5 file, or a dataset
-        """
-        for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
-            try:
-                hdf5.attrs[key] = value
-            except (TypeError, RuntimeError):
-                try:
-                    hdf5.attrs[key] = str(value)
-                except RuntimeError:
-                    logging.warning("Cannot write metadata '%s' on '%s'", key, hdf5)
-    @staticmethod
-    def write_dset(hdf5, dname, data):
-        """Write a dataset `dname` on `hdf5` for each MOSA.
-        Args:
-            hdf5: HDF5 file in which to write
-            dname: dataset name or path
-            data: dictionary of data to write
-        """
-        # No-op if no data
-        if not data:
-            return
-        # Retreive the maximum size of data
-        size = 1
-        for datum in data.values():
-            if numpy.isscalar(datum):
-                continue
-            if size != 1 and len(datum) != size:
-                raise ValueError(f"incompatible sizes in dictionary '{size}' and '{len(datum)}'")
-            size = max(size, len(datum))
-        logging.debug("Writing dataset of size '%s' with '%s' columns", size, len(data))
-        # Write dataset
-        dtype = numpy.dtype({'names': list(data.keys()), 'formats': len(data) * [numpy.float64]})
-        hdf5.create_dataset(dname, (size,), dtype=dtype)
-        for key, datum in data.items():
-            hdf5[dname][key] = datum
-    def write(self, output='measurements.h5', mode='x', write_all=False):
-        """Run a simulation.
-        Args:
-            output: path to measurement file
-            mode: measurement file opening mode
-            write_all: whether to write all quantities to file
-        """
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches
-"Starting simulation")
-        hdf5 = h5py.File(output, mode)
-        ## Physics time vector
-"Computing physics time vector (size=%s, dt=%s)", self.physics_size, self.physics_dt)
-        t = self.t0 + numpy.arange(self.physics_size, dtype=numpy.float64) * self.physics_dt
-"Writing metadata and physics time dataset")
-        self.write_metadata(hdf5)
-        hdf5['physics_t'] = t
-        ## Laser noise
-"Generating laser noise time series")
-        laser_noises = {
-            mosa: noises.laser(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.laser_asds[mosa])
-            for mosa in (self.MOSAS[:3] if self.three_lasers else self.MOSAS)
-        }
-        if self.three_lasers:
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS[:3]:
-                laser_noises[self.adjacent(mosa)] = laser_noises[mosa]
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing laser noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'laser_noises', laser_noises)
-        ## Clock noise
-"Generating clock noise time series")
-        clock_noise_offsets = {
-            sc: self.clock_freqoffsets[sc] + self.clock_freqlindrifts[sc] * t + self.clock_freqquaddrifts[sc] * t**2
-            for sc in self.SCS
-        }
-        for sc in self.SCS:
-            if self.physics_size and numpy.all(clock_noise_offsets[sc] == clock_noise_offsets[sc][0]):
-                clock_noise_offsets[sc] = clock_noise_offsets[sc][0]
-"Generating clock noise fluctuations time series")
-        clock_noise_fluctuations = {
-            sc: noises.clock(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.clock_asds[sc])
-            for sc in self.SCS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing clock noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'clock_noise_offsets', clock_noise_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'clock_noise_fluctuations', clock_noise_fluctuations)
-        ## Modulation noise
-"Generating modulation noise time series")
-        modulation_noises = {
-            mosa: noises.modulation(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size,
-                self.modulation_asds[mosa], self.modulation_fknees[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing modulation noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'modulation_noises', modulation_noises)
-        ## Local beams
-        local_carrier_offsets = self.offsets_freqs
-"Computing carrier frequency fluctuations for local beams")
-        local_carrier_fluctuations = laser_noises
-"Computing upper sideband frequency offsets for local beams")
-        local_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.offsets_freqs[mosa] + self.modulation_freqs[mosa] * (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]) # 2.67
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing upper sideband frequency fluctuations for local beams")
-        local_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: laser_noises[mosa] \
-                    + self.modulation_freqs[mosa] * (clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]] + modulation_noises[mosa]) # 2.68
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing local timer deviations")
-        local_timer_deviations = {
-            sc: self.clock_offsets[sc] + numpy.cumsum(
-                    numpy.broadcast_to(clock_noise_offsets[sc] + clock_noise_fluctuations[sc], \
-                        (self.physics_size,)) * self.dt)
-            for sc in self.SCS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing local beams to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_carrier_offsets', local_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_carrier_fluctuations', local_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_usb_offsets', local_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_usb_fluctuations', local_usb_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_timer_deviations', local_timer_deviations)
-        ## Proper pseudo-ranges
-        if self.pprs is None:
-  "Interpolating proper pseudo-ranges from orbit file '%s'", self.orbits_path)
-            self.pprs = {
-                mosa: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
-                    self.orbits['tcb']['t'][:], self.orbits['tcb'][f'l_{mosa}']['ppr'], k=1, ext='raise')(t)
-                for mosa in self.MOSAS
-            }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing proper pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'pprs', self.pprs)
-        ## Proper pseudo-range derivatives
-        if self.d_pprs is None:
-  "Interpolating proper pseudo-range derivatives from orbit file '%s'", self.orbits_path)
-            self.d_pprs = {
-                mosa: scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
-                    self.orbits['tcb']['t'][:], self.orbits['tcb'][f'l_{mosa}']['d_ppr'], k=1, ext='raise')(t)
-                for mosa in self.MOSAS
-            }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing proper pseudo-range derivatives to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'd_pprs', self.d_pprs)
-        ## Propagation to distant MOSA
-"Propagating carrier frequency offsets to distant MOSA")
-        distant_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
-                self.interpolate(local_carrier_offsets[self.distant(mosa)], -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
-                - self.d_pprs[mosa] * self.central_freq
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating carrier frequency fluctuations to distant MOSA")
-        distant_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.gws[mosa] + (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
-                self.interpolate(local_carrier_fluctuations[self.distant(mosa)], -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs)
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating upper sideband frequency offsets to distant MOSA")
-        distant_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
-                self.interpolate(local_usb_offsets[self.distant(mosa)], -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
-                - self.d_pprs[mosa] * self.central_freq
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating upper sideband frequency fluctuations to distant MOSA")
-        distant_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.gws[mosa] + (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa]) * \
-                self.interpolate(local_usb_fluctuations[self.distant(mosa)], -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs)
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating timer deviations to distant MOSA")
-        distant_timer_deviations = {
-            mosa: self.interpolate(local_timer_deviations[mosa[1]], -self.pprs[mosa] * self.physics_fs) \
-                    - self.pprs[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing propagated distant beams to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_carrier_offsets', distant_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_carrier_fluctuations', distant_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_usb_offsets', distant_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_usb_fluctuations', distant_usb_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_timer_deviations', distant_timer_deviations)
-        ## Backlink noise
-"Generating backlink noise time series")
-        backlink_noises = {
-            mosa: noises.backlink(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size,
-                self.backlink_asds[mosa], self.backlink_fknees[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing backlink noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'backlink_noises', backlink_noises)
-        ## Propagation to adjacent MOSA
-"Propagating carrier frequency offsets to adjacent MOSA")
-        adjacent_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: local_carrier_offsets[self.adjacent(mosa)]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating carrier frequency fluctuations to adjacent MOSA")
-        adjacent_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: local_carrier_fluctuations[self.adjacent(mosa)] + self.central_freq * backlink_noises[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating upper sideband frequency offsets to adjacent MOSA")
-        adjacent_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: local_usb_offsets[self.adjacent(mosa)]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating upper sideband frequency fluctuations to adjacent MOSA")
-        adjacent_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: local_usb_fluctuations[self.adjacent(mosa)] + self.central_freq * backlink_noises[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing propagated adjacent beams to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_carrier_offsets', adjacent_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_carrier_fluctuations', adjacent_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_usb_offsets', adjacent_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_usb_fluctuations', adjacent_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer local beams
-"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        local_isc_carrier_offsets = local_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        local_isc_carrier_fluctuations = local_carrier_fluctuations
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        local_isc_usb_offsets = local_usb_offsets
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        local_isc_usb_fluctuations = local_usb_fluctuations
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing local beams at inter-spacecraft interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_isc_carrier_offsets', local_isc_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_isc_carrier_fluctuations', local_isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_isc_usb_offsets', local_isc_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_isc_usb_fluctuations', local_isc_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer distant beams
-"Propagating distant carrier frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        distant_isc_carrier_offsets = distant_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating distant carrier frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations = distant_carrier_fluctuations
-"Propagating distant upper sideband frequency offsets to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        distant_isc_usb_offsets = distant_usb_offsets
-"Propagating distant upper sideband frequency fluctuations to inter-spacecraft interferometer")
-        distant_isc_usb_fluctuations = distant_usb_fluctuations
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing distant beams at inter-spacecraft interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_isc_carrier_offsets', distant_isc_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations', distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_isc_usb_offsets', distant_isc_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'distant_isc_usb_fluctuations', distant_isc_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Inter-spacecraft interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
-"Computing inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_isc_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: distant_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] - local_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: distant_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - local_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_isc_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: distant_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] - local_isc_usb_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_isc_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: distant_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - local_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing inter-spacecraft beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_isc_carrier_offsets', tps_isc_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations', tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_isc_usb_offsets', tps_isc_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_isc_usb_fluctuations', tps_isc_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Ranging noise
-"Generating ranging noise time series")
-        ranging_noises = {
-            mosa: self.ranging_biases[mosa] \
-                + noises.ranging(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size, self.ranging_asds[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing ranging noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ranging_noises', ranging_noises)
-        ## Measured pseudo-ranging on TPS grid (high-frequency)
-"Computing measured pseudo-ranges on TPS")
-        tps_mprs = {
-            mosa: local_timer_deviations[mosa[0]] - distant_timer_deviations[mosa] + ranging_noises[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing measured pseudo-ranges on TPS to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_mprs', tps_mprs)
-        ## Test-mass acceleration noise
-"Generating test-mass acceleration noise time series")
-        testmass_noises = {
-            mosa: noises.testmass(self.physics_fs, self.physics_size,
-                self.testmass_asds[mosa], self.testmass_fknees[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing test-mass acceleration noise to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_noises', testmass_noises)
-        ## Test-mass interferometer local beams
-"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
-        local_tm_carrier_offsets = local_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
-        local_tm_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: local_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] + self.central_freq * testmass_noises[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
-        local_tm_usb_offsets = local_usb_offsets
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
-        local_tm_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: local_usb_fluctuations[mosa] + self.central_freq * testmass_noises[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing local beams at test-mass interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_tm_carrier_offsets', local_tm_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_tm_carrier_fluctuations', local_tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_tm_usb_offsets', local_tm_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_tm_usb_fluctuations', local_tm_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Test-mass interferometer adjacent beams
-"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
-        adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets = adjacent_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
-        adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations = adjacent_carrier_fluctuations
-"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency offsets to test-mass interferometer")
-        adjacent_tm_usb_offsets = adjacent_usb_offsets
-"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency fluctuations to test-mass interferometer")
-        adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations = adjacent_usb_fluctuations
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing adjacent beams at test-mass interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets', adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations', adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_usb_offsets', adjacent_tm_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations', adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Test-mass interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
-"Computing test-mass carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_tm_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: adjacent_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] - local_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing test-mass carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: adjacent_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - local_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing test-mass upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_tm_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: adjacent_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] - local_tm_usb_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing test-mass upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_tm_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: adjacent_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - local_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing test-mass beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_tm_carrier_offsets', tps_tm_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations', tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_tm_usb_offsets', tps_tm_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_tm_usb_fluctuations', tps_tm_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Reference interferometer local beams
-"Propagating local carrier frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
-        local_ref_carrier_offsets = local_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating local carrier frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
-        local_ref_carrier_fluctuations = local_carrier_fluctuations
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
-        local_ref_usb_offsets = local_usb_offsets
-"Propagating local upper sideband frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
-        local_ref_usb_fluctuations = local_usb_fluctuations
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing local beams at reference interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_ref_carrier_offsets', local_ref_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_ref_carrier_fluctuations', local_ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_ref_usb_offsets', local_ref_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'local_ref_usb_fluctuations', local_ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Reference interferometer adjacent beams
-"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
-        adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets = adjacent_carrier_offsets
-"Propagating adjacent carrier frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
-        adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations = adjacent_carrier_fluctuations
-"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency offsets to reference interferometer")
-        adjacent_ref_usb_offsets = adjacent_usb_offsets
-"Propagating adjacent upper sideband frequency fluctuations to reference interferometer")
-        adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations = adjacent_usb_fluctuations
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing adjacent beams at reference interferometer to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets', adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations', adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_usb_offsets', adjacent_ref_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations', adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Reference interferometer beatnotes on TPS (high-frequency)
-"Computing reference carrier beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_ref_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: adjacent_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] - local_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing reference carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: adjacent_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] - local_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing reference upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets on TPS")
-        tps_ref_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: adjacent_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] - local_ref_usb_offsets[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Computing reference upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations on TPS")
-        tps_ref_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: adjacent_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa] - local_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing reference beatnotes on TPS to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_ref_carrier_offsets', tps_ref_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations', tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_ref_usb_offsets', tps_ref_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tps_ref_usb_fluctuations', tps_ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Sampling beatnotes and measured pseudo-ranges to THE grid
-        inverse_timer_deviations = {
-            sc: self.invert_timer_deviations(local_timer_deviations[sc], sc)
-            for sc in self.SCS
-        }
-        timestamp = lambda x, sc: self.interpolate(x, -inverse_timer_deviations[sc] * self.physics_fs)
-"Sampling inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency offsets to THE grid")
-        the_isc_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Sampling inter-spacecraft carrier beatnote frequency fluctuations to THE grid")
-        the_isc_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Sampling inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency offsets to THE grid")
-        the_isc_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Sampling inter-spacecraft upper sideband beatnote frequency fluctuations to THE grid")
-        the_isc_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_isc_usb_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing inter-spacecraft beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_isc_carrier_offsets', the_isc_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_isc_carrier_fluctuations', the_isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_isc_usb_offsets', the_isc_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_isc_usb_fluctuations', the_isc_usb_fluctuations)
-"Sampling measured pseudo-ranges to THE grid")
-        the_mprs = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_mprs[mosa], mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing measured pseudo-ranges sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_mprs', the_mprs)
-"Sampling test-mass beatnotes to THE grid")
-        the_tm_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_tm_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_tm_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_tm_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_tm_usb_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing test-mass beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_tm_carrier_offsets', the_tm_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_tm_carrier_fluctuations', the_tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_tm_usb_offsets', the_tm_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_tm_usb_fluctuations', the_tm_usb_fluctuations)
-"Sampling reference beatnotes to THE grid")
-        the_ref_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_ref_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_ref_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]]), mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        the_ref_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: timestamp(tps_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa] / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])
-                - tps_ref_usb_offsets[mosa] * clock_noise_fluctuations[mosa[0]]
-                / (1 + clock_noise_offsets[mosa[0]])**2, mosa[0])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing reference beatnotes sampled to THE grid to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_ref_carrier_offsets', the_ref_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_ref_carrier_fluctuations', the_ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_ref_usb_offsets', the_ref_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'the_ref_usb_fluctuations', the_ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Measurement time vector
-"Computing measurement time vector (size=%s, dt=%s)", self.size, self.dt)
-"Writing measurement time dataset to '%s'", output)
-        hdf5['t'] = t[::self.physics_upsampling]
-        ## Antialiasing filtering
-"Filtering inter-spacecraft beatnotes")
-        filtered_isc_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_isc_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_isc_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing filtered inter-spacecraft beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_carrier_offsets', filtered_isc_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations', filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_usb_offsets', filtered_isc_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations', filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations)
-"Filtering measured pseudo-ranges")
-        filtered_mprs = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_mprs[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing filtered measured pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_mprs', filtered_mprs)
-"Filtering test-mass beatnotes")
-        filtered_tm_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_tm_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_tm_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing filtered test-mass beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_carrier_offsets', filtered_tm_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations', filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_usb_offsets', filtered_tm_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations', filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations)
-"Filtering reference beatnotes")
-        filtered_ref_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_ref_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_ref_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.aafilter(the_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        if write_all:
-  "Writing filtered reference beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_carrier_offsets', filtered_ref_carrier_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations', filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_usb_offsets', filtered_ref_usb_offsets)
-            self.write_dset(hdf5, 'filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations', filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Downsampling filtering
-"Downsampling inter-spacecraft beatnotes")
-        isc_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_isc_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        isc_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        isc_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_isc_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        isc_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing downsampled inter-spacecraft beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_carrier_offsets', isc_carrier_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_carrier_fluctuations', isc_carrier_fluctuations)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_usb_offsets', isc_usb_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_usb_fluctuations', isc_usb_fluctuations)
-"Filtering and downsampling measured pseudo-ranges")
-        mprs = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_mprs[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing downsampled measured pseudo-ranges to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'mprs', mprs)
-"Filtering and downsampling test-mass beatnotes")
-        tm_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_tm_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        tm_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        tm_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_tm_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        tm_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing downsampled test-mass beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_carrier_offsets', tm_carrier_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_carrier_fluctuations', tm_carrier_fluctuations)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_usb_offsets', tm_usb_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_usb_fluctuations', tm_usb_fluctuations)
-"Filtering and downsampling reference beatnotes")
-        ref_carrier_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_ref_carrier_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        ref_carrier_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        ref_usb_offsets = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_ref_usb_offsets[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        ref_usb_fluctuations = {
-            mosa: self.downsampled(filtered_ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa])
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing downsampled reference beatnotes to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_carrier_offsets', ref_carrier_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_carrier_fluctuations', ref_carrier_fluctuations)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_usb_offsets', ref_usb_offsets)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_usb_fluctuations', ref_usb_fluctuations)
-        ## Total frequencies
-"Computing inter-spacecraft beatnote total frequencies")
-        isc_carriers = {
-            mosa: isc_carrier_offsets[mosa] + isc_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        isc_usbs = {
-            mosa: isc_usb_offsets[mosa] + isc_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing inter-spacecraft beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_carriers', isc_carriers)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'isc_usbs', isc_usbs)
-"Computing test-mass beatnote total frequencies")
-        tm_carriers = {
-            mosa: tm_carrier_offsets[mosa] + tm_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        tm_usbs = {
-            mosa: tm_usb_offsets[mosa] + tm_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing test-mass beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_carriers', tm_carriers)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'tm_usbs', tm_usbs)
-"Computing reference beatnote total frequencies")
-        ref_carriers = {
-            mosa: ref_carrier_offsets[mosa] + ref_carrier_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-        ref_usbs = {
-            mosa: ref_usb_offsets[mosa] + ref_usb_fluctuations[mosa]
-            for mosa in self.MOSAS
-        }
-"Writing reference beatnote total frequencies to '%s'", output)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_carriers', ref_carriers)
-        self.write_dset(hdf5, 'ref_usbs', ref_usbs)
-        ## Closing simulation
-"Closing output file '%s'", output)
-        hdf5.close()
-"Simulation complete")