diff --git a/lisainstrument/dynamic_delay_dask.py b/lisainstrument/dynamic_delay_dask.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..727b011009fe73fa45394c3fa09191a026b3d45b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisainstrument/dynamic_delay_dask.py
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+"""Functions for applying dynamic real-valued shifts to dask arrays using Lagrange interpolation
+Use make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_dask to create a Lagrange interpolator for dask arrays.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import functools
+import operator
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Callable, Protocol
+import dask
+import dask.array as da
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
+from lisainstrument.fir_filters_dask import DaskArray1D, make_dask_array_1d
+from lisainstrument.fir_filters_numpy import (
+    DefFilterFIR,
+    EdgeHandling,
+    FilterFirNumpyType,
+    NumpyArray1D,
+    make_filter_fir_numpy,
+    make_numpy_array_1d,
+class RegularInterpMethod(Protocol):
+    """
+    Class instances implementing this protocol act as a function accepting a 1D array
+    of sample values and locations to interpolate the samples to. The x-coordinate coincides
+    with the sample index at integer locations. Locations are passed as a 1D array of floating
+    point values and an integer array with additional integer offsets. The reason is
+    to avoid loss of accuracy by adding largert integers to smaller offsets.
+    The floating point part of the location is not restricted, however (except by the
+    range of provided data). The integer part of the locations is split off and combined
+    with the integer offsets, the residual is denoted here as fractional locations.
+    Boundary treatment is not part of this protocol but is the responability of higher level
+    interfaces that are nont specific to the interpolation method. Here, sample locations have
+    to be restricted to the range that can be computed without boundary conditions.
+    The corresponding margins sizes are provided as properties.
+    """
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) on the left boundary
+        The interpolator cannot be called with locations within this margin from the leftmost sample.
+        """
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) on the right boundary
+        The interpolator cannot be called with locations within this margin from the rightmost sample.
+        """
+    def __call__(
+        self, samples, locations: NumpyArray1D, int_offsets: NumpyArray1D | int = 0
+    ) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        """Interpolate regularly spaced data to location in index-space
+        The locations to interpolate to are the sum of the locations and int_offsets arguments.
+        The location argument is an 1D array with arbitrary floating point locations, and the
+        int_offset argument is an integer or integer array with additional integer offsets. The locations
+        argument is not restricted, i.e. it is not necessarily the residual fractional locations but
+        can have arbitrary values.
+        The locations refer to the index of the array with the sampled data, starting at 0.
+        The length of samples array does not have to match the size of the location arrays.
+        If int_offsets is an array, it needs to have same size arrays location and. All
+        arrays need to be onedimensional.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with sampled data
+            locations: real-valued 1D numpy array with locations to interpolate to
+            int_offsets: integer or integer 1D array with additional offsets to the locations.
+        Returns:
+            Interpolated samples.
+        """
+    def check_arguments(
+        self, samples, locations: NumpyArray1D, int_offsets: NumpyArray1D | int
+    ) -> None:
+        """Ensure arguments have correct types"""
+        if isinstance(int_offsets, np.ndarray):
+            if int_offsets.shape != locations.shape:
+                msg = (
+                    f"RegularInterpLinear: inconsistent arrays sizes of "
+                    f"locations ({locations.shape}) and offsets ({int_offsets.shape})"
+                )
+                raise ValueError(msg)
+            if not np.issubdtype(int_offsets.dtype, np.integer):
+                msg = (
+                    "RegularInterpLinear: non-integer dtype for int_offsets not allowed"
+                )
+                raise TypeError(msg)
+        elif not isinstance(int_offsets, int):
+            msg = "RegularInterpLinear: int_offsets must be int or int array"
+            raise TypeError(msg)
+        if not np.issubdtype(locations.dtype, np.floating):
+            msg = "RegularInterpLinear: non-float dtype for locations not allowed"
+            raise TypeError(msg)
+def make_lagrange_polynomials(length: int, offset: int) -> list[Polynomial]:
+    r"""Construct lagrange interpolating polynomials
+    This constructs Lagrange interpolation polynomials with given order,
+    specialized to regularly spaced coordinates with spacing of one, with a
+    center specified in terms of an integer offset.
+    This produces $N$ polynomials $p_j(x)$ of order $N-1$, which satisfy
+    $p_j(k) = 1$ if $k = j+D$ and $p_j(k) = 0$ for integers $k=0 \ldots N-1, k \ne j$
+    Arguments:
+        length: The number $N$ of polynomials of order $N-1$
+        offset: The offset $D$
+    Returns:
+        List of polynomials $p_j$ given as numpy Polynomial objects
+    """
+    def k_j(j: int) -> Polynomial:
+        x = Polynomial([0.0, 1.0])
+        ms = [i for i in range(length) if i != j]
+        pm = [(x - offset - m) / (j - m) for m in ms]
+        return functools.reduce(operator.mul, pm)
+    return [k_j(j) for j in range(length)]
+class RegularInterpLagrange(RegularInterpMethod):
+    r"""Class implementing interpolation of regularly spaced 1D data using Lagrange polynomials.
+    The algorithm uses Lagrange interpolation is specialized to regularly spaced data.
+    The coefficients of the Lagrange polynomials are computed in advance, and converted
+    to a set of FIR filters. The FIR filters will be applied to the samples and the result
+    at the integer locations multiplied with the corresponding power of the fractional
+    locations.
+    For each interpolation location, this uses a stencil with center as close to the
+    location as possible. For odd length, the center point is obtained by rounding the
+    location, and that the remaining fractional shift is within $[-1/2,1/2]$. For even
+    locations, the center points is the floor of the location, with remaining fractional
+    shift within $[0,1)$
+    See RegularInterpMethod for general properties not specific to the interpolation method.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def _make_firs(length: int, offset: int) -> list[FilterFirNumpyType]:
+        """Set up lagrange polynomials and convert coefficients to FIR filters"""
+        plag = make_lagrange_polynomials(length, offset)
+        coeffs = np.array([p.convert().coef for p in plag]).T
+        filts: list[FilterFirNumpyType] = []
+        for c in coeffs:
+            fdef = DefFilterFIR(filter_coeffs=c, offset=offset)
+            filt = make_filter_fir_numpy(fdef, EdgeHandling.VALID, EdgeHandling.VALID)
+            filts.append(filt)
+        return filts
+    def __init__(self, length: int):
+        """Set up interpolation parameters.
+        The order of the interpolation is chosen in terms of the stencil
+        size (number of samples used for each interpolation point). The size
+        is one plus the order of the interpolator, meaning the order of a polynomial
+        that is still interpolated with zero errror.
+        Arguments:
+            length: Size of the lagrange stencil
+        """
+        if length <= 1:
+            msg = (
+                f"RegularInterpLagrange: stencil length must be 2 or more, got {length}"
+            )
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        offset = -((length - 1) // 2)
+        self._length: int = length
+        self._offset: int = offset
+        self._fir_filt = self._make_firs(length, offset)
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) on the left boundary
+        The interpolator cannot be called with locations within this margin from the leftmost sample.
+        """
+        return -self._offset
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) on the right boundary
+        The interpolator cannot be called with locations within this margin from the rightmost sample.
+        """
+        return self._length - 1 + self._offset
+    def __call__(
+        self, samples, locations: NumpyArray1D, int_offsets: NumpyArray1D | int = 0
+    ) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        """Interpolate regularly spaced data to location in index-space
+        See RegularInterpMethod.__call__
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with sampled data
+            locations: real-valued 1D numpy array with locations to interpolate to
+            int_offsets: integer or integer 1D array with additional offsets to the locations.
+        Returns:
+            Interpolated samples.
+        """
+        self.check_arguments(samples, locations, int_offsets)
+        if self._length % 2 == 0:
+            loc_int = np.floor(locations).astype(int)
+        else:
+            loc_int = np.round(locations).astype(int)
+        loc_frac = locations - loc_int
+        k = loc_int + int_offsets - self.margin_left
+        if np.any(k < 0):
+            msg = "RegularInterpLagrange: interpolation requires samples below provided range"
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        if np.any(k >= samples.shape[0] - self._length + 1):
+            msg = "RegularInterpLagrange: interpolation requires samples above provided range"
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        result = np.zeros(locations.shape[0], dtype=samples.dtype)
+        xpow = np.ones_like(loc_frac)
+        for fir in self._fir_filt:
+            result[:] += fir(samples)[k] * xpow
+            xpow[:] *= loc_frac
+        return make_numpy_array_1d(result)
+class RegularInterpLinear(RegularInterpMethod):
+    """Class implementing interpolation of regularly spaced 1D data using linear interpolation.
+    See RegularInterpMethod for general properties not specific to the interpolation method.
+    """
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (= 0) on the left boundary
+        The linear interpolator can be called for all locations within the sample range.
+        """
+        return 0
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (= 0) on the right boundary
+        The linear interpolator can be called for all locations within the sample range.
+        """
+        return 0
+    def __call__(
+        self, samples, locations: NumpyArray1D, int_offsets: NumpyArray1D | int = 0
+    ) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        """Interpolate regularly spaced data to location in index-space
+        See RegularInterpMethod.__call__
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with sampled data
+            locations: real-valued 1D numpy array with locations to interpolate to
+            int_offsets: integer or integer 1D array with additional offsets to the locations.
+        Returns:
+            Interpolated samples.
+        """
+        self.check_arguments(samples, locations, int_offsets)
+        loc_floor = np.floor(locations)
+        loc_frac = locations - loc_floor
+        k = loc_floor.astype(int) + int_offsets
+        if np.any(k < 0) or np.any(k + 1 >= samples.shape[0]):
+            msg = "RegularInterpLinear: interpolation requires samples out of provided range"
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        return samples[k] * (1.0 - loc_frac) + samples[k + 1] * loc_frac
+class DynShiftBC(Enum):
+    """Enum for various methods of handling boundaries in dynamic shift
+    ZEROPAD: Assume all data outside given range is zero.
+    FLAT: Assume all data outside given range is equal to value on nearest boundary
+    EXCEPTION: raise exception if data outside range is needed
+    """
+    EXCEPTION = 1
+    ZEROPAD = 2
+    FLAT = 3
+class DynamicShiftDask:
+    """Interpolate to locations given by a non-const shift.
+    This allows to interpolate samples in a dask array to locations specified
+    by a shift given by another dask array of same size. The shift is specified in
+    units of the array index, i.e. there is no separate coordinate array.
+    A negative shift refers to values left of a given sample, positive shifts
+    to values on the right.
+    The boundary treatment can be specified for each boundary in terms of
+    DynShiftBC enums.
+    The interpolation method is not fixed but provided via an interpolator
+    instance implementing the RegularInterpMethod protocol.
+    For technical reasons, the shift values have to be within some bound that
+    has to be provided.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        min_delay: float,
+        max_delay: float,
+        left_bound: EdgeHandling,
+        right_bound: EdgeHandling,
+        interp: RegularInterpMethod,
+    ):
+        """Set up interpolation parameters
+        Arguments:
+            min_delay: Assume that any shift < -min_delay
+            max_delay: Assume that any shift > -max_delay
+            left_bound: Treatment of left boundary
+            right_bound: Treatment of right boundary
+            interp: implementation of an interpolation method
+        """
+        if min_delay > max_delay:
+            msg = f"dynamic_shift_dask: invalid delay range {min_delay=}, {max_delay=}"
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        self._min_delay = int(np.floor(min_delay))
+        self._max_delay = int(np.ceil(max_delay))
+        self._left_bound = left_bound
+        self._right_bound = right_bound
+        self._interp_np = interp
+    def _op_interp(
+        self, samp: np.ndarray, loc: np.ndarray, ofs: np.ndarray
+    ) -> np.ndarray:
+        """helper method ensuring correct array dimensionalities"""
+        return self._interp_np(
+            make_numpy_array_1d(samp),
+            make_numpy_array_1d(loc),
+            make_numpy_array_1d(ofs),
+        )
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Left margin size.
+        If positive, specifies how many samples on the left have to be added by boundary conditions.
+        If negative, specifies how many samples on the left are unused.
+        """
+        return self._interp_np.margin_left + self._max_delay
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Right margin size.
+        If positive, specifies how many samples on the right have to be added by boundary conditions.
+        If negative, specifies how many samples on the right are unused.
+        """
+        return self._interp_np.margin_right - self._min_delay
+    def __call__(self, samples: da.Array, shift: da.Array) -> DaskArray1D:
+        """Apply shift given by dask array to samples in another dask array.
+        The shift and sample arrays need to have the same size, and each shift provides
+        the interpolation location relative to the sample with the same index.
+        Shifts are floating point values.A shift of +1 refers to the sample on the right,
+        -1 the sample on the left, etc. All arrays have to be 1D.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D dask array with data samples
+            shift: 1D dask array with shifts
+        Returns:
+            Dask array with interpolated samples
+        """
+        npad_left = 0
+        if self.margin_left > 0:
+            match self._left_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    npad_left = self.margin_left
+                    samples = da.concatenate([da.zeros(npad_left), samples])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    npad_left = self.margin_left
+                    samples = da.concatenate([da.ones(npad_left) * samples[0], samples])
+                case _:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"DynamicShiftDask: left edge handling {self._left_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given max delay {self._max_delay}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        if self.margin_right > 0:
+            match self._right_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = da.concatenate([samples, da.zeros(self.margin_right)])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = da.concatenate(
+                        [samples, da.ones(self.margin_right) * samples[-1]]
+                    )
+                case _:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"DynamicShiftDask: right edge handling {self._right_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given min delay {self._min_delay=}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        chunks = shift.to_delayed()
+        delayed_op = dask.delayed(self._op_interp)
+        results = []
+        pos = 0
+        for chunk, chunk_shape in zip(chunks, shift.chunks[0], strict=True):
+            n_size = npad_left + chunk_shape + self.margin_right
+            n_first = pos + npad_left - self.margin_left
+            samples_needed = samples[n_first : n_first + n_size]
+            loc = -chunk
+            offsets = self.margin_left + da.arange(chunk_shape, chunks=chunk_shape)
+            samples_shifted = delayed_op(samples_needed, loc, offsets)
+            delayed_chunk = da.from_delayed(
+                samples_shifted, (chunk_shape,), samples.dtype
+            )
+            results.append(delayed_chunk)
+            pos += chunk_shape
+        return make_dask_array_1d(da.concatenate(results, axis=0))
+def make_dynamic_shift_linear_dask(
+    min_delay: float,
+    max_delay: float,
+    left_bound: EdgeHandling,
+    right_bound: EdgeHandling,
+) -> DynamicShiftDask:
+    """Set up DynamicShiftDask instance with linear interpolation method.
+    Arguments:
+        min_delay: Assume that any shift < -min_delay
+        max_delay: Assume that any shift > -max_delay
+        left_bound: Treatment of left boundary
+        right_bound: Treatment of right boundary
+    Returns:
+        Interpolation function of type DynamicShiftDask
+    """
+    interp = RegularInterpLinear()
+    return DynamicShiftDask(min_delay, max_delay, left_bound, right_bound, interp)
+def make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_dask(
+    length: int,
+    min_delay: float,
+    max_delay: float,
+    left_bound: EdgeHandling,
+    right_bound: EdgeHandling,
+) -> DynamicShiftDask:
+    """Set up DynamicShiftDask instance with Lagrange interpolation method.
+    Arguments:
+        length: Number of lagrange polynomials (of order length - 1)
+        min_delay: Assume that any shift < -min_delay
+        max_delay: Assume that any shift > -max_delay
+        left_bound: Treatment of left boundary
+        right_bound: Treatment of right boundary
+    Returns:
+        Interpolation function of type DynamicShiftDask
+    """
+    interp = RegularInterpLagrange(length)
+    return DynamicShiftDask(min_delay, max_delay, left_bound, right_bound, interp)
+def numpyfy_dask_bivariate(
+    dafunc: Callable[[da.Array, da.Array], DaskArray1D], chunks: int
+) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], NumpyArray1D]:
+    """Convert function operating on dask arrays to work with numpy arrays.
+    The dask function will be called with two chunked dask arrays created from
+    the numpy arrays, and then evaluate the result.
+    Arguments:
+        dafunc: function operating on two dask arrays returning single 1D dask array
+        chunks: chunk size to be used internally
+    Returns:
+        function operating on numpy arrays
+    """
+    def func(x, y):
+        dx = da.from_array(x, chunks=chunks)
+        dy = da.from_array(y, chunks=chunks)
+        r = dafunc(make_dask_array_1d(dx), make_dask_array_1d(dy)).compute()
+        return make_numpy_array_1d(r)
+    return func
+class DynamicShiftNumpy:
+    """Interpolate to locations given by a non-const shift.
+    This allows to interpolate samples in a numpy array to locations specified
+    by a shift given by another numpy array of same size. The shift is specified in
+    units of the array index, i.e. there is no separate coordinate array.
+    A negative shift refers to values left of a given sample, positive shifts
+    to values on the right.
+    The boundary treatment can be specified for each boundary in terms of
+    DynShiftBC enums.
+    The interpolation method is not fixed but provided via an interpolator
+    instance implementing the RegularInterpMethod protocol.
+    For technical reasons, the shift values have to be within some bound that
+    has to be provided.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        min_delay: float,
+        max_delay: float,
+        left_bound: EdgeHandling,
+        right_bound: EdgeHandling,
+        interp: RegularInterpMethod,
+    ):
+        if min_delay > max_delay:
+            msg = f"dynamic_shift_dask: invalid delay range {min_delay=}, {max_delay=}"
+            raise ValueError(msg)
+        self._min_delay = int(np.floor(min_delay))
+        self._max_delay = int(np.ceil(max_delay))
+        self._left_bound = left_bound
+        self._right_bound = right_bound
+        self._interp_np = interp
+    def _op_interp(
+        self, samp: np.ndarray, loc: np.ndarray, ofs: np.ndarray
+    ) -> np.ndarray:
+        """helper method ensuring correct array dimensionalities"""
+        return self._interp_np(
+            make_numpy_array_1d(samp),
+            make_numpy_array_1d(loc),
+            make_numpy_array_1d(ofs),
+        )
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Left margin size.
+        If positive, specifies how many samples on the left have to be added by boundary conditions.
+        If negative, specifies how many samples on the left are unused.
+        """
+        return self._interp_np.margin_left + self._max_delay
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Right margin size.
+        If positive, specifies how many samples on the right have to be added by boundary conditions.
+        If negative, specifies how many samples on the right are unused.
+        """
+        return self._interp_np.margin_right - self._min_delay
+    def __call__(self, samples: np.ndarray, shift: np.ndarray) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        """Apply shift given by numpy array to samples in another numpy array.
+        The shift and sample arrays need to have the same size, and each shift provides
+        the interpolation location relative to the sample with the same index.
+        Shifts are floating point values.A shift of +1 refers to the sample on the right,
+        -1 the sample on the left, etc. All arrays have to be 1D.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with data samples
+            shift: 1D numpy array with shifts
+        Returns:
+            Numpy array with interpolated samples
+        """
+        npad_left = 0
+        if self.margin_left > 0:
+            match self._left_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    npad_left = self.margin_left
+                    samples = np.concatenate([np.zeros(npad_left), samples])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    npad_left = self.margin_left
+                    samples = np.concatenate([np.ones(npad_left) * samples[0], samples])
+                case _:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"DynamicShiftNumpy: left edge handling {self._left_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given max delay {self._max_delay}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        if self.margin_right > 0:
+            match self._right_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = np.concatenate([samples, np.zeros(self.margin_right)])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = np.concatenate(
+                        [samples, np.ones(self.margin_right) * samples[-1]]
+                    )
+                case _:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"DynamicShiftNumpy: right edge handling {self._right_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given min delay {self._min_delay=}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+        pos = 0
+        shift_shape = len(shift)
+        n_size = npad_left + shift_shape + self.margin_right
+        n_first = pos + npad_left - self.margin_left
+        samples_needed = samples[n_first : n_first + n_size]
+        loc = -shift
+        offsets = self.margin_left + np.arange(shift_shape)
+        samples_shifted = self._op_interp(samples_needed, loc, offsets)
+        return make_numpy_array_1d(samples_shifted)
+def make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_numpy(
+    length: int,
+    min_delay: float,
+    max_delay: float,
+    left_bound: EdgeHandling,
+    right_bound: EdgeHandling,
+) -> DynamicShiftNumpy:
+    """Set up DynamicShiftNumpy instance with Lagrange interpolation method.
+    Arguments:
+        length: Number of lagrange polynomials (of order length - 1)
+        min_delay: Assume that any shift < -min_delay
+        max_delay: Assume that any shift > -max_delay
+        left_bound: Treatment of left boundary
+        right_bound: Treatment of right boundary
+    Returns:
+        Interpolation function of type DynamicShiftNumpy
+    """
+    interp = RegularInterpLagrange(length)
+    return DynamicShiftNumpy(min_delay, max_delay, left_bound, right_bound, interp)