diff --git a/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_dask.py b/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_dask.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90edae7a95a4aae6e388f9a63c3485f28af9e1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_dask.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+"""Functions for applying dynamic real-valued shifts to dask arrays using Lagrange interpolation
+Use make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_dask to create a Lagrange interpolator for dask arrays.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Final
+import dask
+import dask.array as da
+import numpy as np
+from typing_extensions import assert_never
+from lisainstrument.dynamic_delay_numpy import DynShiftBC
+from lisainstrument.fir_filters_dask import DaskArray1D, make_dask_array_1d
+from lisainstrument.fixed_shift_numpy import (
+    FixedShiftFactory,
+    make_fixed_shift_factory_lagrange,
+class FixedShiftDask:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+    """Interpolate Dask arrays to locations given by a const shift.
+    This allows to interpolate samples in a Dask array to locations specified
+    by a fixed shift. The shift is specified in units of the array index, i.e.
+    there is no separate coordinate array. A positive shift refers to values
+    left of a given sample, negative shifts to values on the right.
+    The boundary treatment can be specified for each boundary in terms of
+    DynShiftBC enums.
+    The interpolation method is not fixed but provided via an interpolator
+    instance implementing the RegularInterpMethod protocol.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        left_bound: DynShiftBC,
+        right_bound: DynShiftBC,
+        interp_fac: FixedShiftFactory,
+    ):
+        """Not intended for direct use, employ named constructors instead
+        Arguments:
+            left_bound: boundary treatment on the left
+            right_bound: boundary treatment on the right
+            interp_fac: Function to create interpolator engine for given shift
+        """
+        self._left_bound: Final = left_bound
+        self._right_bound: Final = right_bound
+        self._interp_fac: Final = interp_fac
+    def _padding_left(self, samples: da.Array, margin_left: int) -> da.Array:
+        if margin_left > 0:
+            match self._left_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = da.concatenate([da.zeros(margin_left), samples])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = da.concatenate(
+                        [da.ones(margin_left) * samples[0], samples]
+                    )
+                case DynShiftBC.EXCEPTION:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"FixedShiftDask: left edge handling {self._left_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given delay, need margin of {margin_left}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                case _ as unreachable:
+                    assert_never(unreachable)
+        elif margin_left < 0:
+            samples = samples[-margin_left:]
+        return samples
+    def _padding_right(self, samples: da.Array, margin_right: int) -> da.Array:
+        if margin_right > 0:
+            match self._right_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = da.concatenate([samples, da.zeros(margin_right)])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = da.concatenate(
+                        [samples, da.ones(margin_right) * samples[-1]]
+                    )
+                case DynShiftBC.EXCEPTION:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"FixedShiftNumpy: right edge handling {self._right_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given delay, need margin of {margin_right}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                case _ as unreachable:
+                    assert_never(unreachable)
+        elif margin_right < 0:
+            samples = samples[:margin_right]
+        return samples
+    def __call__(self, samples: da.Array, shift: float) -> DaskArray1D:
+        r"""Apply shift $s$ to samples in Dask array.
+        Denoting the input data as $y_i$ with $i=0 \ldots N-1$, and the interpolated
+        input data as $y(t)$, such that $y(i)=y_i$, the output $z_k$ is given by
+        $z_k = y(k-s), k=0 \ ldots N - 1$.
+        Required data outside the provided samples is created if the specified
+        boundary condition allows it, or an exception is raised if the BC disallows it.
+        The output has same length and chunking as the input.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D Dask array with data samples
+            shift: The shift $s$
+        Returns:
+            Dask array with interpolated samples
+        """
+        loc = -shift
+        loc_int = int(np.floor(loc))
+        loc_frac = loc - loc_int
+        interp = self._interp_fac(-loc_frac)
+        margin_left = interp.margin_left - loc_int
+        margin_right = interp.margin_right + loc_int
+        samples_checked = make_dask_array_1d(samples)
+        samples_padleft = self._padding_left(samples_checked, margin_left)
+        samples_padded = self._padding_right(samples_padleft, margin_right)
+        delayed_op = dask.delayed(interp.apply)
+        results = []
+        pos = 0
+        for chunk_shape in samples.chunks[0]:
+            n_size = interp.margin_left + chunk_shape + interp.margin_right
+            samples_shifted = delayed_op(samples_padded[pos : pos + n_size])
+            delayed_chunk = da.from_delayed(
+                samples_shifted, (chunk_shape,), samples.dtype
+            )
+            results.append(delayed_chunk)
+            pos += chunk_shape
+        return make_dask_array_1d(da.concatenate(results, axis=0))
+def make_fixed_shift_lagrange_dask(
+    left_bound: DynShiftBC, right_bound: DynShiftBC, length: int
+) -> FixedShiftDask:
+    """Create a FixedShiftDask instance that uses Lagrange interpolator
+    Arguments:
+        left_bound: boundary treatment on the left
+        right_bound: boundary treatment on the right
+        length: number of Lagrange plolynomials (=order + 1)
+    Returns:
+        Fixed shift interpolator
+    """
+    fac = make_fixed_shift_factory_lagrange(length)
+    return FixedShiftDask(left_bound, right_bound, fac)
diff --git a/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_numpy.py b/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_numpy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..538497b91e7bc696160d8b0a2d6814278a8a0d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisainstrument/fixed_shift_numpy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+"""Functions for interpolating numpy arrays with 1D  regularly spaced data 
+This provides a generic interface RegularInterpolator as well as two interpolation
+methods, linear and Lagrange. The latter is written from scratch, see module
+regular_interpolator_dsp for another one based on the dsp.timeshift Lagrange interpolator.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Callable, Final, Protocol, TypeAlias
+import numpy as np
+from typing_extensions import assert_never
+from lisainstrument.dynamic_delay_numpy import DynShiftBC
+from lisainstrument.fir_filters_numpy import (
+    DefFilterFIR,
+    EdgeHandling,
+    NumpyArray1D,
+    make_filter_fir_numpy,
+    make_numpy_array_1d,
+def make_numpy_array_1d_float(a: np.ndarray) -> NumpyArray1D:
+    """Ensure numpy array is 1D and floating point type"""
+    a1 = make_numpy_array_1d(a)
+    if not np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.floating):
+        msg = f"Expected numpy array with floating type, got {a.dtype}"
+        raise TypeError(msg)
+    return a1
+class FixedShiftCore(Protocol):
+    """Protocol for applying fixed shift to regularly spaced samples
+    This defines an interface for applying a fixed shift to regularly spaced
+    samples in 1D, provided as numpy arrays.
+    Boundary treatment is not part of this protocol. Implementations only compute
+    locations that can be interpolated to without using any form of boundary
+    conditions. The corresponding margin sizes required by the interpolation
+    method are exposed as properties.
+    Arbitrary shifts are valid, but the main use case are shifts of magnitude around 1.
+    For large shifts, the total margin size required will increase, in which case
+    it might be more efficient to handle the integer shift before and then apply
+    the remaining fractional shift.
+    """
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) needed on the left boundary"""
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) needed on the right boundary"""
+    @property
+    def shift(self) -> float:
+        """The shift"""
+    def apply(self, samples: np.ndarray) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        r"""Apply the fractional shift to a 1D numpy array.
+        The output is the shifted input with left and right margins removed.
+        The shift $s$ should be bounded $-1 < s < 1$
+        Denoting the input data as $y_i$ with $i=0 \ldots N-1$, and the interpolated
+        input data as $y(t)$, such that $y(i)=y_i$, the output $z_k$ is given by
+        $z_k = y(k+M_L-s), k=0 \ ldots N - 1 - M_L - M_R$, where $M_L$ and $M_R$
+        are the left and right margin sizes.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with sampled data
+            start: integer part of
+            size: number of points to return
+        Returns:
+            Interpolated samples
+        """
+def make_fir_lagrange_fixed(length: int, frac_shift: float) -> DefFilterFIR:
+    r"""Create FIR filter corresponding to non-integer shift using Lagrange interpolation
+    This creates a FIR filter with coefficients given by an Lagrangian
+    interpolation polynomial evaluated at a fixed location $s$.
+    We work completely in index space of the input sequence, i.e. the
+    coordinate of a given index is the index. The location $s$ also refers
+    to index space.
+    Thus, we specialize Lagrange interpolation to the case where
+    the sample locations are
+    $t_j = j + D$, whith $j=0 \ldots L-1$, and $L$ being the number of
+    points to use. The integer offset $D$ determines which points to use,
+    and should be chosen such that the center $D + L/2$ lies near $s$.
+    In other words, the input sequence indices $D \ldots D+L-1$ are used
+    to interpolate to (fractional) index $s$.
+    So far we described interpolation to one location. The FIR filter
+    is defined by simple translation, such that the element with index 0
+    in the output sequence corresponds to the input sequence interpolated
+    to fractional index $s$, and any element $a$ to $s+a$.
+    $$
+      \begin{align*}
+      y_a &= \sum_{j=0}^{L-1} K_j x_{a+j+D} \\
+      K_j &= \prod_\substack{m=0\\m \neq j}^{L-1} \frac{s-D-m}{j-m}
+      \end{align*}
+    $$
+    The offset is chosen to center the stencil around a shift 
+    $s=0$ for odd length and s=$1/2$ for even length. The shift should
+    not exceed the bounds $-1/2 < s < 1/2$ for odd length or $0 < s < 1$
+    for even length significantly, to avoid large overshoots that inherently 
+    occur off-center for high order lagrange interpolation.
+    Arguments:
+        length: Number of FIR coefficients (=Lagrange order + 1)
+        frac_shift: The shift $s$
+    Returns:
+        FIR filter definition
+    """
+    if length <= 1:
+        msg = f"make_fir_lagrange_fixed: stencil length must be 2 or more, got {length}"
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    offset = -((length - 1) // 2)
+    r = np.arange(length)
+    m2, j2 = np.meshgrid(r, r)
+    msk = m2 != j2
+    s = np.array(frac_shift)
+    x = s - offset
+    p = np.ones_like(m2, dtype=np.float64)
+    p[msk] = (x - m2[msk]) / (j2 - m2)[msk]
+    kj = np.prod(p, axis=1)
+    kj /= np.sum(kj)  # only to reduce rounding errors
+    return DefFilterFIR(filter_coeffs=kj, offset=offset)
+class FixedShiftLagrange(FixedShiftCore):
+    r"""Class implementing fixed shift of regularly spaced 1D data using Lagrange interpolation.
+    The algorithm uses Lagrange interpolation, using a FIR filter based on lagrange polynomials
+    evaluated at fixed fractional shift. This uses a stencil with center as close to the
+    location as possible. For odd length, the center point is obtained by rounding the
+    location, and that the remaining fractional shift is within $[-1/2,1/2]$. For even
+    locations, the center points is the floor of the location, with remaining fractional
+    shift within $[0,1)$
+    See FixedShiftCore for general properties not specific to the interpolation method.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, length: int, shift: float):
+        """Set up interpolation parameters.
+        The length parameter specifies the number of interpolation polynomials,
+        which have order length - 1. The length is also the number of samples used
+        for each interpolation point. The order of the interpolating polynomials
+        is also the order of plynomials that are interpolated with zero error.
+        The shift is given as a delay, i.e. positive values refer to locations
+        to the left of the output sample at hand.
+        Arguments:
+            length: Size of the interpolation stencil
+            shift: The constant shift
+        """
+        loc = -float(shift)
+        if length % 2 == 0:
+            loc_int = int(np.floor(loc))
+        else:
+            loc_int = int(np.round(loc))
+        loc_frac = loc - loc_int
+        firdef = make_fir_lagrange_fixed(length, loc_frac)
+        self._margin_left = max(0, -firdef.domain_of_dependence[0] - loc_int)
+        self._margin_right = max(0, firdef.domain_of_dependence[1] + loc_int)
+        self._filt = make_filter_fir_numpy(
+            firdef, EdgeHandling.VALID, EdgeHandling.VALID
+        )
+        self._shift = shift
+    @property
+    def margin_left(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) needed on the left boundary"""
+        return self._margin_left
+    @property
+    def margin_right(self) -> int:
+        """Margin size (>= 0) needed on the right boundary"""
+        return self._margin_right
+    @property
+    def shift(self) -> float:
+        """The shift"""
+        return self._shift
+    def apply(self, samples: np.ndarray) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        """Apply shift, see FixedShiftCore.apply()
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with sampled data
+        Returns:
+            Shifted input excluding margins
+        """
+        a = make_numpy_array_1d_float(samples)
+        return make_numpy_array_1d(self._filt(a))
+FixedShiftFactory: TypeAlias = Callable[[float], FixedShiftCore]
+def make_fixed_shift_factory_lagrange(length: int) -> FixedShiftFactory:
+    """Factory for making FixedShiftLagrange instances
+    Arguments:
+        length: number of Lagrange polynomials to use
+    Returns:
+        Factory function for making FixedShiftLagrange instances from shift
+    """
+    def factory(shift: float) -> FixedShiftCore:
+        """FixedShiftLagrange instances from shift using preselected order
+        Arguments:
+            shift: The fixed shift
+        """
+        return FixedShiftLagrange(length, shift)
+    return factory
+class FixedShiftNumpy:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+    """Interpolate to locations given by a const shift.
+    This allows to interpolate samples in a numpy array to locations specified
+    by a fixed shift. The shift is specified in units of the array index, i.e.
+    there is no separate coordinate array. A positive shift refers to values
+    left of a given sample, negative shifts to values on the right.
+    The boundary treatment can be specified for each boundary in terms of
+    DynShiftBC enums.
+    The interpolation method is not fixed but provided via an interpolator
+    instance implementing the FixedShiftCore protocol.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        left_bound: DynShiftBC,
+        right_bound: DynShiftBC,
+        interp_fac: FixedShiftFactory,
+    ):
+        """Not intended for direct use, employ named constructors instead
+        Arguments:
+            left_bound: boundary treatment on the left
+            right_bound: boundary treatment on the right
+            interp_fac: Function to create interpolator engine for given shift
+        """
+        self._left_bound: Final = left_bound
+        self._right_bound: Final = right_bound
+        self._interp_fac: Final = interp_fac
+    def _padding_left(self, samples: np.ndarray, margin_left: int) -> np.ndarray:
+        if margin_left > 0:
+            match self._left_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = np.concatenate([np.zeros(margin_left), samples])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = np.concatenate(
+                        [np.ones(margin_left) * samples[0], samples]
+                    )
+                case DynShiftBC.EXCEPTION:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"FixedShiftNumpy: left edge handling {self._left_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given delay, need margin of {margin_left}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                case _ as unreachable:
+                    assert_never(unreachable)
+        elif margin_left < 0:
+            samples = samples[-margin_left:]
+        return samples
+    def _padding_right(self, samples: np.ndarray, margin_right: int) -> np.ndarray:
+        if margin_right > 0:
+            match self._right_bound:
+                case DynShiftBC.ZEROPAD:
+                    samples = np.concatenate([samples, np.zeros(margin_right)])
+                case DynShiftBC.FLAT:
+                    samples = np.concatenate(
+                        [samples, np.ones(margin_right) * samples[-1]]
+                    )
+                case DynShiftBC.EXCEPTION:
+                    msg = (
+                        f"FixedShiftNumpy: right edge handling {self._right_bound.name} not "
+                        f"possible for given delay, need margin of {margin_right}."
+                    )
+                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
+                case _ as unreachable:
+                    assert_never(unreachable)
+        elif margin_right < 0:
+            samples = samples[:margin_right]
+        return samples
+    def __call__(self, samples: np.ndarray, shift: float) -> NumpyArray1D:
+        r"""Apply shift $s$ to samples in numpy array.
+        Denoting the input data as $y_i$ with $i=0 \ldots N-1$, and the interpolated
+        input data as $y(t)$, such that $y(i)=y_i$, the output $z_k$ is given by
+        $z_k = y(k-s), k=0 \ ldots N - 1$.
+        Required data outside the provided samples is created if the specified
+        boundary condition allows it, or an exception is raised if the BC disallows it.
+        The output has same length as the input.
+        Arguments:
+            samples: 1D numpy array with data samples
+            shift: The shift $s$
+        Returns:
+            Numpy array with interpolated samples
+        """
+        loc = -shift
+        loc_int = int(np.floor(loc))
+        loc_frac = loc - loc_int
+        interp = self._interp_fac(-loc_frac)
+        margin_left = interp.margin_left - loc_int
+        margin_right = interp.margin_right + loc_int
+        samples_checked = make_numpy_array_1d(samples)
+        samples_padleft = self._padding_left(samples_checked, margin_left)
+        samples_padded = self._padding_right(samples_padleft, margin_right)
+        return interp.apply(samples_padded)
+def make_fixed_shift_lagrange_numpy(
+    left_bound: DynShiftBC, right_bound: DynShiftBC, length: int
+) -> FixedShiftNumpy:
+    """Create a FixedShiftNumpy instance that uses Lagrange interpolator
+    Arguments:
+        left_bound: boundary treatment on the left
+        right_bound: boundary treatment on the right
+        length: number of Lagrange plolynomials (=order + 1)
+    Returns:
+        Fixed shift interpolator
+    """
+    fac = make_fixed_shift_factory_lagrange(length)
+    return FixedShiftNumpy(left_bound, right_bound, fac)