diff --git a/lisainstrument/instrument.py b/lisainstrument/instrument.py
index dc9c898760a83a6e713526836c34f997767c45d4..20424c8fbb255a101f4f0b937356e64dd38dab5e 100755
--- a/lisainstrument/instrument.py
+++ b/lisainstrument/instrument.py
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ from scipy.signal import firwin, kaiserord, lfilter
 from . import dsp, noises
 from .containers import ForEachMOSA, ForEachSC
+from .dynamic_delay_dask import make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_dask, numpyfy_dask_multi
+from .dynamic_delay_dsp import make_dynamic_shift_dsp_dask
+from .dynamic_delay_numpy import ShiftBC
+from .fixed_shift_dask import make_fixed_shift_lagrange_dask
+from .fixed_shift_dsp import make_fixed_shift_dsp_dask
 from .noises import generate_subseed
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -59,9 +64,10 @@ class Instrument:
         gws: path to gravitational-wave file, or dictionary of gravitational-wave responses;
             if ``orbit_dataset`` is ``'tps/ppr'``, we try to read link responses as functions
             of the TPS instead of link responses in the TCB (fallback behavior)
-        interpolation: interpolation function or interpolation method and parameters;
-            use a tuple ('lagrange', order) with `order` the odd Lagrange interpolation order;
-            an arbitrary function should take (x, shift [number of samples]) as parameter
+        interpolation: interpolation method and parameters;
+            use a tuple ('lagrange', order, min_delay_time, max_delay_time) with `order` the odd
+            Lagrange interpolation order; min_delay_time and max_delay_time are the minimum and
+            maximum delays that can occur in the entire simulation.
         glitches: path to glitch file, or dictionary of glitch signals per injection point
         lock: pre-defined laser locking configuration (e.g., 'N1-12' is configuration N1 with 12
             as primary laser), or 'six' for 6 lasers locked on cavities, or a dictionary of locking
@@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ class Instrument:
             None or 0 for no ambiguities
         electro_delays: tuple (isi, tmi, rfi) of dictionaries for electronic delays [s]
         concurrent (bool): whether to use multiprocessing
+        chunking_size (int): size of chunks when using dask
     # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
@@ -219,7 +226,7 @@ class Instrument:
-        interpolation=("lagrange", 31),
+        interpolation=("lagrange", 31, 6.0, 12.0),
         # Artifacts
         # Laser locking and frequency plan
@@ -275,6 +282,7 @@ class Instrument:
         electro_delays=(0, 0, 0),
         # Concurrency
+        chunking_size=256,
     ) -> None:
         # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-branches
         logger.info("Initializing instrumental simulation")
@@ -282,6 +290,7 @@ class Instrument:
         self.version = importlib_metadata.version("lisainstrument")
         self.simulated = False
         self.concurrent = bool(concurrent)
+        self.chunking_size = int(chunking_size)
         if seed is None:
             seed = noises.generate_random_seed()
@@ -607,6 +616,7 @@ class Instrument:
         # Interpolation and antialiasing filter
+        self.init_delays(interpolation)
         # Electronic delays
@@ -614,6 +624,127 @@ class Instrument:
         self.electro_delays_tmis = ForEachMOSA(electro_delays[1])
         self.electro_delays_rfis = ForEachMOSA(electro_delays[2])
+    def numpyfy_dask_multi(self, op):
+        """Turn dask-based functions into functions accepting numpy arrays
+        Turn functions operating on one or more dask array(s) and returning
+        one dask array into functions accepting numpy arrays in place of dask arrays,
+        turning each into a dask array with given chunk size, and return
+        a numpy array from evaluating the dask array result.
+        This is a temporary measure during refactoring.
+        Args:
+            op: The dask function to convert
+        """
+        return numpyfy_dask_multi(op, chunks=self.chunking_size)
+    def apply_shift(self, x, shift_time):
+        """Apply a time shift using interpolators set up in init_delays()
+        The shift is given in time units, and the data is assumed to be sampled
+        with rate self.physics_fs.
+        Both data and time shift can be scalar or 1D numpy arrays. Scalars
+        are interpreted as constant arrays. In case of scalar data, the same
+        scalar is returned. In case of scalar shift, a more efficient algorithm
+        is used, which should yield identical results as for a const shift array.
+        The properties of the interpolation algorithms are set in init_delays(),
+        see there for details.
+        Args:
+            x: the data to be shifted, scalar or 1D array
+            shift_time: the shift in time units, scalar or 1D array
+        Returns:
+            The shifted data
+        """
+        if np.isscalar(x):
+            return x
+        shift_samples = shift_time * self.physics_fs
+        if np.isscalar(shift_time):
+            return self._delay_const(x, float(shift_samples))
+        return self._delay_dynamic(x, shift_samples)
+    def init_delays(self, interpolation):
+        """Initialize or design the interpolation functions for the delays
+        We support no interpolation or Lagrange interpolation.
+        This sets up two interpolation methods, one for dynamic delays and one
+        for constant delays.
+        There are two implementations of Lagrange interpolation. The "lagrange"
+        method is written from scratch, wheras the "lagrange_dsp" method is a
+        wrapper around the existing dsp.timeshift(). Internally, both are called
+        through a common interface by a function providing the dask integration (also
+        responsible for the boundary conditions).
+        The dask-based interpolators are cast into functions working on
+        numpy arrays and returning a numpy array for the duration of the
+        refactoring.
+        The interpolation tuple now has two more members giving the minimum
+        and maximum delay that the timeshift has to expect. This is a technical
+        constraint from working with dask arrays.
+        The boundary conditions are set to flat on the left side. On the right
+        side, the delays must be large enough to allow computing the shifted data
+        without using boundary conditions. Otherwise, an exception will be raised.
+        Args:
+            interpolation: see `interpolation` docstring in `__init__()`
+        """
+        match interpolation:
+            case None:
+                self._dynamic_delay = lambda x, _: x
+                self._const_delay = self._dynamic_delay
+            case ("lagrange", int(order), float(min_delay_time), float(max_delay_time)):
+                # ~ self.interpolation_order = order
+                op_dyn = make_dynamic_shift_lagrange_dask(
+                    order,
+                    min_delay_time * self.physics_fs,
+                    max_delay_time * self.physics_fs,
+                    ShiftBC.FLAT,
+                    ShiftBC.EXCEPTION,
+                )
+                op_fix = make_fixed_shift_lagrange_dask(
+                    ShiftBC.FLAT, ShiftBC.EXCEPTION, order
+                )
+                self._delay_dynamic = self.numpyfy_dask_multi(op_dyn)
+                self._delay_const = self.numpyfy_dask_multi(op_fix)
+            case (
+                "lagrange_dsp",
+                int(order),
+                float(min_delay_time),
+                float(max_delay_time),
+            ):
+                # ~ self.interpolation_order = order
+                op_dyn = make_dynamic_shift_dsp_dask(
+                    order,
+                    min_delay_time * self.physics_fs,
+                    max_delay_time * self.physics_fs,
+                    ShiftBC.FLAT,
+                    ShiftBC.EXCEPTION,
+                )
+                op_fix = make_fixed_shift_dsp_dask(
+                    ShiftBC.FLAT, ShiftBC.EXCEPTION, order
+                )
+                self._delay_dynamic = self.numpyfy_dask_multi(op_dyn)
+                self._delay_const = self.numpyfy_dask_multi(op_fix)
+            case ("lagrange", int(order)):
+                msg = (
+                    "interpolation parameter tuples need 4 entries since daskification"
+                )
+                raise RuntimeError(msg)
+            case func if callable(func):
+                msg = "Custom callables as interpolation method temporarily forbidden during daskification"
+                raise RuntimeError(msg)
+            case _:
+                msg = f"Invalid interpolation parameters {interpolation}"
+                raise RuntimeError(msg)
     def init_interpolation(self, interpolation):
         """Initialize or design the interpolation function.
@@ -1610,7 +1741,7 @@ class Instrument:
         logger.debug("Propagating carrier offsets to distant MOSAs")
         delayed_distant_carrier_offsets = (
-                lambda mosa, x: self.interpolate(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
+                lambda mosa, x: self.apply_shift(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
@@ -1629,7 +1760,7 @@ class Instrument:
         propagated_carrier_fluctuations = (
             1 - self.d_pprs
         ) * carrier_fluctuations.distant().transformed(
-            lambda mosa, x: self.interpolate(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
+            lambda mosa, x: self.apply_shift(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
         self.distant_carrier_fluctuations = (
@@ -1642,7 +1773,7 @@ class Instrument:
         logger.debug("Propagating upper sideband offsets to distant MOSAs")
         delayed_distant_usb_offsets = self.local_usb_offsets.distant().transformed(
-            lambda mosa, x: self.interpolate(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
+            lambda mosa, x: self.apply_shift(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
         self.distant_usb_offsets = (
@@ -1660,7 +1791,7 @@ class Instrument:
         propagated_usb_fluctuations = (
             1 - self.d_pprs
         ) * usb_fluctuations.distant().transformed(
-            lambda mosa, x: self.interpolate(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
+            lambda mosa, x: self.apply_shift(x, -self.pprs[mosa]),
         self.distant_usb_fluctuations = (
@@ -1676,7 +1807,7 @@ class Instrument:
-                lambda mosa, x: self.interpolate(x, -self.pprs[mosa]) - self.pprs[mosa]
+                lambda mosa, x: self.apply_shift(x, -self.pprs[mosa]) - self.pprs[mosa]
@@ -2712,7 +2843,7 @@ class Instrument:
         carrier_offsets = self.local_carrier_offsets[distant(mosa)]
-        delayed_distant_carrier_offsets = self.interpolate(
+        delayed_distant_carrier_offsets = self.apply_shift(
             carrier_offsets, -self.pprs[mosa]
         distant_carrier_offsets = (
@@ -2737,7 +2868,7 @@ class Instrument:
         distant_carrier_fluctuations = (
             (1 - self.d_pprs[mosa])
-            * self.interpolate(carrier_fluctuations, -self.pprs[mosa])
+            * self.apply_shift(carrier_fluctuations, -self.pprs[mosa])
             - (self.central_freq + delayed_distant_carrier_offsets) * self.gws[mosa]
             - (self.central_freq + delayed_distant_carrier_offsets)
             * (self.local_ttls[mosa] - self.mosa_jitter_xs[mosa])