diff --git a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
index efc9692767cd8e6c6c691e153d9615d0757508b1..0c25c3e988018a4baad82e44162fc84aac8650e2 100644
--- a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
+++ b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/Riken_65mm.detector
@@ -84,16 +84,25 @@ SILI=	0
 CSI=	1		
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%% Telescope 6 %%%%%%%			
-X1_Y1=	155.77	50.23	8.18
-X1_Y128=	155.77	-50.23	8.18
-X128_Y1=	133.17	50.23	-89.7
-X128_Y128=	133.17	-50.23	-89.7
-SI=	1		
-SILI=	1		
-CSI=	0		
-VIS=	all		
+%X1_Y1=	155.77	50.23	8.18
+%X1_Y128=	155.77	-50.23	8.18
+%X128_Y1=	133.17	50.23	-89.7
+%X128_Y128=	133.17	-50.23	-89.7
+%SI=	1		
+%SILI=	1		
+%CSI=	0		
+%VIS=	all		
+%% Alternate Telescope 6 %%
+	THETA= -130
+	PHI= 0
+	R= 150
+	BETA= 0 0 0
+	SI= 1
+	SILI= 1
+	CSI= 0
+	VIS= all					
 %%%%%%% Telescope 7 %%%%%%%			
 X1_Y1=	27.07	50.23	-154.49
@@ -104,7 +113,7 @@ SI=	1
 SILI=	1		
 CSI=	0		
 VIS=	all		
 %%%%%%%%% Det 1 %%%%%%%%			
diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
index 8e2f05efa48fca6883c88dcdea97f4f0a89a992f..b840502107be8c8016561b15b8255f256248f175 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 %%%%%%%%% Reaction file for 11Li(d,3He)10He reaction %%%%%%%%%
 %%Beam energy given in MeV ; Excitation in MeV
 	Beam= 11Li
 	Target= 2H
 	Light= 3He
@@ -10,13 +10,16 @@ Transfert
 	ExcitationEnergy= 1.0
 	BeamEnergy= 550
 	BeamEnergySpread= 0
-	BeamFWHMX= 6.232
-	BeamFWHMY= 9.069
-	BeamEmmitanceTheta= 0.01208
-	BeamEmmitancePhi= 0.01681
+	SigmaThetaX= 0.6921330164
+	SigmaPhiY= 0.963142053
+	SigmaX= 6.232
+	SigmaY= 9.069
+	ResonanceDecayZ= 2
+	ResonanceDecayA= 8
 	CrossSectionPath= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt
-	ShootLight= 1
+	ShootLight= 0
 	ShootHeavy= 1
+	ShootDecayProduct= 0
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis
index 6c0904b1217ac65c52f5f7efcf964871d826d228..7a15c0ec1ee2c7c99032279403bdbfc030232674 100755
Binary files a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis and b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis differ
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
index a09db085a49b944b53913ca04d20a004871cd329..b51e713f1c3a6e1c1131ddf4364b57db83f84a74 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
+++ b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
@@ -68,16 +68,17 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
 			myDetector -> BuildPhysicalEvent()				;
 			E = M2 -> GetEnergyDeposit();
-			XTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionX(0),1);
-			YTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionY(0),1);
+			XTarget = Init->GetICPositionX(0);
+			YTarget = Init->GetICPositionY(0);
+//			XTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionX(0),1);
+//			YTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionY(0),1);
 			TVector3 HitDirection  = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction() - TVector3(XTarget,YTarget,0);
-			BeamTheta = RandomEngine.Gaus( Init->GetICIncidentAngleTheta(0)*deg , 2*deg ) ;
-			BeamPhi   = RandomEngine.Gaus( Init->GetICIncidentAnglePhi(0)*deg   , 2*deg ) ;
+//			BeamTheta = RandomEngine.Gaus( Init->GetICIncidentAngleTheta(0)*deg , 2*deg ) ;
+//			BeamPhi   = RandomEngine.Gaus( Init->GetICIncidentAnglePhi(0)*deg   , 2*deg ) ;
-//			BeamTheta = Init->GetICIncidentAngleTheta(0)*deg ; BeamPhi = Init->GetICIncidentAnglePhi(0)*deg ; 
+			BeamTheta = Init->GetICIncidentAngleTheta(0)*deg ; BeamPhi = Init->GetICIncidentAnglePhi(0)*deg ; 
 			TVector3 BeamDirection = TVector3(cos(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta) , sin(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta) , cos(BeamTheta)) ;	
 			// Angle between beam and particle
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
 																	20*micrometer		, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
 																	ThetaMM2Surface		);																
-	//						E = E + ThinSi ;
+//							E = E + ThinSi ;
 							E= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy(	E 					, // Energy of the detected particle
 																	0.4*micrometer		, // Target Thickness at 0 degree
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/Must2Array.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/Must2Array.cxx
index b627d4524f000f8bdea56abc9f951702fbae34bd..0c740c710ab3cef6cedfac91508b7f4aa3c8f533 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/Must2Array.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/Must2Array.cxx
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ void MUST2Array::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 		         	    //with angle method
        				  else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta ) 
-				            AddTelescope(	R       ,
-				                  			Theta   ,
+				            AddTelescope(	Theta   ,
 				                  			Phi   	,
+				                  			R       ,
 				                  			beta_u  ,
 				                  			beta_v  ,
 				                  			beta_w  );
@@ -504,14 +504,14 @@ void MUST2Array::AddTelescope(	double theta 	,
 				for( int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; j++ )
-					X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )	;
-					Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )	;
-					Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )	;
-					lineX.push_back(X)	;
-					lineY.push_back(Y)	;
-					lineZ.push_back(Z)	;		
+						X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j )	;
+						Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j )	;
+						Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j )	;
+						lineX.push_back(X)	;
+						lineY.push_back(Y)	;
+						lineZ.push_back(Z)	;		
 				OneTelescopeStripPositionX.push_back(lineX)	;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc b/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
index 0d7bb48efeac3841eb9a95993746a5eb8f322b61..1c4d652cb23cfb52e65b9a18a897a16699146db0 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/Simulation.cc
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 // STL
 #include <vector>
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
index f66562a6f5b39af8a53e8aab96e2a233597da910..09c3229bcd19f77956f9380ee79a085559c3d73d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfert.hh
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@
 // C++ headers
 #include <string>
-// NPTool headers
+// NPSimulation
 #include "VEventGenerator.hh"
+// NPLib
 #include "TInitialConditions.h"
 // NPLib header
@@ -52,8 +54,8 @@ class EventGeneratorTransfert : public VEventGenerator
 		             double BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
 		             double ExcitationEnergy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
 		             double BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		             double BeamFWHMX         ,
-		             double BeamFWHMY         ,
+		             double SigmaX         ,
+		             double SigmaY         ,
 		             double SigmaThetaX       ,
 		             double SigmaPhiY  ,
 		             bool   ShootLight        ,
@@ -118,8 +120,8 @@ class EventGeneratorTransfert : public VEventGenerator
 		             double BeamEnergy        ,        // Beam Energy
 		             double ExcitationEnergy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
 		             double BeamEnergySpread  ,
-		             double BeamFWHMX         ,
-		             double BeamFWHMY         ,
+		             double SigmaX         ,
+		             double SigmaY         ,
 		             double SigmaThetaX       ,
 		             double SigmaPhiY  ,
 		             bool   ShootLight        ,
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
index 312a3239c469882783f75322ac4b7fd6a7835a99..348ee5ed17289ce43132b4d0bc4e838d1c4ce997 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh
@@ -16,17 +16,22 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body TransfertReaction.    *
  *  A Phase Space calculation is then performed to decay the Heavy product.  *
+ *	The TGenPhaseSpace from ROOT is used to calculate a phase space decay    *
+ *	with flat distribution	                                                 *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
- *   This class is not yet operationnal.                                     *
+ *   									                                     *
  *                                                                           *
 // C++ header
 #include <string>
-// NPTool header
+// NPSimulation
 #include "VEventGenerator.hh"
+// NPLib
+#include "TInitialConditions.h"
 // NPLib header
 #include "NPReaction.h"
@@ -37,118 +42,114 @@ using namespace NPL ;
 class EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance : public VEventGenerator
-public:     // Constructors and Destructors
-   // Default constructor used to allocate memory
-   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
-   // This is the constructor to be used
-   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(string   name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
-         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
-         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
-         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
-         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
-         double   ExcitationEnergy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
-         double   BeamFWHMX         ,
-         double   BeamFWHMY         ,
-         double   BeamEmmitanceTheta       ,
-         double	  BeamEmmitancePhi,
-         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
-         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
-         bool  ShootLight        ,
-         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
-         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
-         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
-   // Default Destructor
-   virtual ~EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
-public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
-   void        ReadConfiguration(string)              ;
-   void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*)       ;
-   void        SetTargetCoordinate(G4double X, G4double Y, G4double Z) {
-      m_TargetX = X;
-      m_TargetY = Y;
-      m_TargetZ = Z;
-   }
-   void        SetTargetThickness(double TargetThickness) {
-      m_TargetThickness = TargetThickness ;
-   }
-   void        SetTargetRadius(double TargetRadius) {
-      m_TargetRadius    = TargetRadius    ;
-   }
-private: // Particle Shoot Option
-   bool        m_ShootLight         ;
-   bool        m_ShootHeavy         ;
-   bool        m_ShootDecayProduct       ;
-private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
-   double         m_InitialLightEnergy ;
-   double         m_InitialLightTheta     ;
-   double         m_InitialBeamEnergy     ;
-   double         m_InitialBeamTheta      ;
-   double         m_InitialBeamX       ;
-   double         m_InitialBeamY       ;
-   double		  m_InitialThetaCM		;
-private: // Beam Parameter
-   double         m_BeamEnergySpread      ;
-   double         m_BeamFWHMX          ;
-   double         m_BeamFWHMY          ;
-   double         m_BeamEmmitanceTheta        ;
-   double         m_BeamEmmitancePhi        ;
-private: // Target Parameter
-   double         m_TargetThickness    ;
-   double         m_TargetRadius       ;
-   double         m_TargetX            ;
-   double         m_TargetY            ;
-   double         m_TargetZ            ;
-private: // Reaction
-	Reaction*	m_Reaction				;
-private: // Resonance decay channel
-   int            m_ResonanceDecayZ    ;
-   int            m_ResonanceDecayA    ;
-   //Other
-   void     Print() const        ;
-   void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
-   void     ResonanceDecay(G4int parentZ           ,
-         G4int parentA           ,
-         G4double EnergyHeavy    ,
-         G4double ThetaHeavy        ,
-         G4double PhiHeavy       ,
-         G4double x0             ,
-         G4double y0             ,
-         G4double z0             ,
-         G4Event* anEvent        ,
-         G4ParticleGun* particleGun);
-   void     SetEverything(string    name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
-         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
-         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
-         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
-         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
-         double   ExcitationEnergy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
-         double   BeamFWHMX         ,
-         double   BeamFWHMY         ,
-         double   BeamEmmitanceTheta       ,
-         double   BeamEmmitancePhi       ,
-         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
-         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
-         bool  ShootLight        ,
-         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
-         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
-         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+	public:     // Constructors and Destructors
+	   // Default constructor used to allocate memory
+	   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
+	   // This is the constructor to be used
+	   EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(string   name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
+	         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
+	         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
+	         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
+	         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
+	         double   ExcitationEnergy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+	         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
+	         double   SigmaX         ,
+	         double   SigmaY         ,
+	         double   SigmaThetaX       ,
+	         double	  SigmaPhiY,
+	         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
+	         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
+	         bool  ShootLight        ,
+	         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
+	         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
+	         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
+	   // Default Destructor
+	   virtual ~EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance();
+	public:     // Inherit from VEventGenerator class
+	   void        ReadConfiguration(string)              ;
+	   void        GenerateEvent(G4Event*, G4ParticleGun*)       ;
+	   void        SetTargetCoordinate(G4double X, G4double Y, G4double Z) {
+	      m_TargetX = X;
+	      m_TargetY = Y;
+	      m_TargetZ = Z;
+	   }
+	   void        SetTargetThickness(double TargetThickness) {
+	      m_TargetThickness = TargetThickness ;
+	   }
+	   void        SetTargetRadius(double TargetRadius) {
+	      m_TargetRadius    = TargetRadius    ;
+	   }
+	private: // Particle Shoot Option
+	   bool        m_ShootLight         ;
+	   bool        m_ShootHeavy         ;
+	   bool        m_ShootDecayProduct       ;
+	private: // TTree to store initial value of beam and reaction
+	   TInitialConditions*	m_InitConditions;
+	private: // Beam Parameter
+	   double         m_BeamEnergy ;
+	   double         m_BeamEnergySpread      ;
+	   double         m_SigmaX          ;
+	   double         m_SigmaY          ;
+	   double         m_SigmaThetaX        ;
+	   double         m_SigmaPhiY        ;
+	private: // Target Parameter
+	   double         m_TargetThickness    ;
+	   double         m_TargetRadius       ;
+	   double         m_TargetX            ;
+	   double         m_TargetY            ;
+	   double         m_TargetZ            ;
+	private: // Reaction
+		Reaction*	m_Reaction				;
+	private: // Resonance decay channel
+	   int            m_ResonanceDecayZ    ;
+	   int            m_ResonanceDecayA    ;
+	   //Other
+	   void     Print() const        ;
+	   void     InitializeRootOutput()  ;
+	   void     ResonanceDecay(	G4double EnergyHeavy    ,
+					         	G4double ThetaHeavy     ,
+						        G4double PhiHeavy       ,
+						        G4double x0             ,
+						        G4double y0             ,
+						        G4double z0             ,
+						        G4Event* anEvent        ,
+						        G4ParticleGun* particleGun);
+		//	This method return a random Vector of dimension N and magnitude R
+		//  The return distribution populate uniformely the surface of the N-Sphere of radius R  
+		vector<double>	PhaseSpaceUniformGenerator( int N , double R);
+	   void     SetEverything(string    name1          ,         //Beam nuclei
+		         string   name2          ,        //Target nuclei
+		         string   name3          ,        //Product of reaction
+		         string   name4          ,        //Product of reaction
+		         double   BeamEnergy        ,        //Beam Energy
+		         double   ExcitationEnergy  ,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
+		         double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
+		         double   SigmaX         ,
+		         double   SigmaY         ,
+		         double   SigmaThetaX       ,
+		         double   SigmaPhiY       ,
+		         int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
+		         int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
+		         bool  ShootLight        ,
+		         bool  ShootHeavy        ,
+		         bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
+		         string   Path);                  //Path of the differentiel Cross Section
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
index 12a9205e554c38723eab62ef7e6bc12d8c834da3..569c489fc1633b003b7567abd2375d6f645c4a9a 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfert.cc
@@ -464,9 +464,6 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* pa
    if (m_ShootHeavy) { // Case of recoil particle
-      //
-      // The case of recoil particle has not been tested with the new version of the event generator
-      //
       // Particle type
       // Particle energy
@@ -484,10 +481,6 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfert::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* pa
       // write angles in ROOT file
       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
       m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);
-      // tests
-//      G4cout << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" << G4endl;
-//      G4cout << "cinematique dans ref world : " << G4endl;
-//      G4cout << "\t" << momentum_kine_world << G4endl;
       //Set the gun to shoot
       //Shoot the light particle
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
index 0a1fb9e2616f8f72f5b8940e8ea411fa4bf1d2ae..df57cbdde4252d73ca295d129cea40b15601682f 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.cc
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body TransfertReaction.    *
  *  A Phase Space calculation is then performed to decay the Heavy product.  *
+ *	The TGenPhaseSpace from ROOT is used to calculate a phase space decay    *
+ *	with flat distribution	                                                 *
  * Comment:                                                                  *
- *   This class is not yet operationnal.                                     *
+ *   									                                     *
  *                                                                           *
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
 // G4 headers
 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
 #include "G4ParticleGun.hh"
+#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
 // G4 headers including CLHEP headers
 // for generating random numbers
@@ -39,6 +42,9 @@
 #include "EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance.hh"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
+//Root Headers
+#include "TGenPhaseSpace.h"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace CLHEP;
@@ -48,21 +54,21 @@ using namespace CLHEP;
    //------------- Default Constructor -------------
+	m_InitConditions	= new TInitialConditions()	;
 	m_Reaction = new Reaction() ;
-   m_BeamFWHMX       		=  0 ;
-   m_BeamFWHMY       		=  0 ;
-   m_BeamEmmitanceTheta     =  0 ;
-   m_BeamEmmitancePhi 		=  0 ;
-   m_ResonanceDecayZ 		=  0 ;
-   m_ResonanceDecayA 		=  0 ;
+	m_SigmaX       		=  0 ;
+	m_SigmaY       		=  0 ;
+	m_SigmaThetaX     =  0 ;
+	m_SigmaPhiY 		=  0 ;
+	m_ResonanceDecayZ 		=  0 ;
+	m_ResonanceDecayA 		=  0 ;
    //------------- Default Destructor ------------
+	delete m_InitConditions;
 	delete m_Reaction ;
@@ -74,10 +80,10 @@ EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(	  string
 																	      double   	BeamEnergy        	,
 																	      double   	ExcitationEnergy    ,
 																	      double   	BeamEnergySpread  	,
-																	      double   	BeamFWHMX         	,
-																	      double   	BeamFWHMY         	,
-																	      double   	BeamEmmitanceTheta  ,
-																	      double   	BeamEmmitancePhi    ,
+																	      double   	SigmaX         	,
+																	      double   	SigmaY         	,
+																	      double   	SigmaThetaX  ,
+																	      double   	SigmaPhiY    ,
 																	      int      	ResonanceDecayZ     ,
 																	      int      	ResonanceDecayA     ,
 																	      bool  	ShootLight        	,
@@ -94,10 +100,10 @@ EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance(	  string
 		            BeamEnergy        	,        //Beam Energy
 		            ExcitationEnergy 	,        //Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
 		            BeamEnergySpread  	,
-		            BeamFWHMX         	,
-		            BeamFWHMY         	,
-		            BeamEmmitanceTheta  ,
-		            BeamEmmitancePhi    ,
+		            SigmaX         	,
+		            SigmaY         	,
+		            SigmaThetaX  ,
+		            SigmaPhiY    ,
 		            ResonanceDecayZ     ,
 		            ResonanceDecayA     ,
 		           	ShootLight        	,
@@ -113,13 +119,7 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::InitializeRootOutput()
    RootOutput *pAnalysis = RootOutput::getInstance();
    TTree *pTree = pAnalysis->GetTree();
-   pTree->Branch("ThetaCM"       , &m_InitialThetaCM         ,  "ThetaCM/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialLightEnergy", &m_InitialLightEnergy   ,  "InitialLightEnergy/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialLightTheta"   , &m_InitialLightTheta  ,  "InitialLightTheta/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialBeamEnergy"   , &m_InitialBeamEnergy  ,  "InitialBeamEnergy/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialBeamTheta" , &m_InitialBeamTheta   ,  "InitialBeamTheta/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialBeamX"     , &m_InitialBeamX    ,  "InitialBeamX/D");
-   pTree->Branch("InitialBeamY"     , &m_InitialBeamY    ,  "InitialBeamY/D");
+   pTree->Branch("InitialConditions", "TInitialConditions", &m_InitConditions);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
    string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
-   G4double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergy = 0 , BeamEnergySpread = 0 , BeamFWHMX = 0 , BeamFWHMY = 0 , BeamEmmitanceTheta = 0 , BeamEmmitancePhi=0, ResonanceDecayZ = 0 , ResonanceDecayA = 0  ;
+   G4double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergy = 0 , BeamEnergySpread = 0 , SigmaX = 0 , SigmaY = 0 , SigmaThetaX = 0 , SigmaPhiY=0, ResonanceDecayZ = 0 , ResonanceDecayA = 0  ;
    bool  ShootLight     = false ;
    bool  ShootHeavy      = false ;
    bool ShootDecayProduct = false ;
@@ -237,32 +237,32 @@ while(ReadingStatus){
 	            G4cout << "Beam Energy Spread " << BeamEnergySpread / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamFWHMX=") == 0) {
+	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaX=") == 0) {
 	        	check_FWHMX = true ;
 	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamFWHMX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << BeamFWHMX << " mm" << G4endl;
+	            SigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM X " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 11, "BeamFWHMY=") == 0) {
+	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "SigmaY=") == 0) {
 	        	check_FWHMY = true ;
 	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamFWHMY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << BeamFWHMX << " mm" << G4endl;
+	            SigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
+	            G4cout << "Beam FWHM Y " << SigmaX << " mm" << G4endl;
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "BeamEmmitanceTheta=") == 0) {
+	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 19, "SigmaThetaX=") == 0) {
 	        	check_EmmitanceTheta = true ;
 	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEmmitanceTheta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << BeamEmmitanceTheta / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+	            SigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Theta " << SigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
-	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "BeamEmmitancePhi=") == 0) {
+	        else if  (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "SigmaPhiY=") == 0) {
 	        	check_EmmitancePhi = true ;
 	            ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            BeamEmmitancePhi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
-	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << BeamEmmitancePhi / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
+	            SigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * rad;
+	            G4cout << "Beam Emmitance Phi " << SigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << G4endl;
 			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "ResonanceDecayZ=") == 0) {
@@ -335,10 +335,10 @@ while(ReadingStatus){
 			         BeamEnergy       	,
 			         ExcitationEnergy  	,
 			         BeamEnergySpread  	,
-			         BeamFWHMX         	,
-			         BeamFWHMY         	,
-			         BeamEmmitanceTheta ,
-			         BeamEmmitancePhi 	,
+			         SigmaX         	,
+			         SigmaY         	,
+			         SigmaThetaX ,
+			         SigmaPhiY 	,
 			         ResonanceDecayZ    ,
 			         ResonanceDecayA    ,
 			         ShootLight        	,
@@ -353,10 +353,12 @@ while(ReadingStatus){
 void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
+   // Clear contents of Precedent event (now stored in ROOTOutput)
+   m_InitConditions->Clear();
    //////Define the kind of particle to shoot////////
    G4int LightZ = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetZ() ;
    G4int LightA = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetA() ;
@@ -366,380 +368,346 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent , G4Part
    G4int HeavyZ = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetZ() ;
    G4int HeavyA = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetA() ;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   /////Choose ThetaCM following Cross Section //////
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Calling RandGeneral fonction, which taking a double array as argument
-    CLHEP::RandGeneral CrossSectionShoot(m_Reaction->GetCrossSection(), m_Reaction->GetCrossSectionSize() )    ;
-   G4double ThetaCM = CrossSectionShoot.shoot() * (180 * deg)                ;
-   //G4double ThetaCM = 0;
-   //Set the Theta angle of reaction
-   m_InitialThetaCM = ThetaCM;
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   ////Momentum and direction set with kinematics////
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   //Variable where to store results.
-   G4double ThetaLight, EnergyLight, ThetaHeavy, EnergyHeavy;
-   //Compute Kinematic using previously defined ThetaCM
-   m_Reaction->KineRelativistic(ThetaLight, EnergyLight, ThetaHeavy, EnergyHeavy);
-   //to write thetaCM in the root file
-   m_InitialLightTheta  = ThetaLight / deg  ;
-   m_InitialLightEnergy = EnergyLight / MeV ;
-   // Vertex position and beam angle
-   // 11Li Beam@Riken
-   G4double x0 = 1000 * cm  ;
-   G4double y0 = 1000 * cm  ;
-   //shoot inside the target.
+   G4ParticleDefinition* HeavyName
+   = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(HeavyZ, HeavyA, m_Reaction->GetExcitation()*MeV);
+   // Vertex position and beam angle inte world frame
+   G4double x0 = 1000 * cm  	;
+   G4double y0 = 1000 * cm  	;
+   G4double Beam_thetaX = 0  	;
+   G4double Beam_phiY   = 0  	;
+   //shoot inside the target with correlated angle
    if (m_TargetRadius != 0) {
       while (sqrt(x0*x0 + y0*y0) > m_TargetRadius) {
-         x0 = RandGauss::shoot(0, m_BeamFWHMX / 2.35) ;
-         y0 = RandGauss::shoot(0, m_BeamFWHMY / 2.35) ;
+         RandomGaussian2D(0, 0, m_SigmaX, m_SigmaThetaX, x0, Beam_thetaX);
+         RandomGaussian2D(0, 0, m_SigmaY, m_SigmaPhiY  , y0, Beam_phiY  );
    else {
-      x0 = 0 ;
-      y0 = 0 ;
+      RandomGaussian2D(0,0,0,m_SigmaThetaX,x0,Beam_thetaX);
+      RandomGaussian2D(0,0,0,m_SigmaPhiY  ,y0,Beam_phiY  );
-   // FIXME a changer pour prendre en compte correctement l'emmitance
-   G4double Beam_theta = RandGauss::shoot(0, m_BeamEmmitanceTheta)      ;
-   // must shoot inside the target.
-   G4double z0 = (-m_TargetThickness / 2 + CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * m_TargetThickness) ;
-   // Move to the target
-   x0 += m_TargetX ;
-   y0 += m_TargetY ;
-   z0 += m_TargetZ ;
+   // write emittance angles to ROOT file
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEmittanceTheta(Beam_thetaX / deg);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEmittancePhi(Beam_phiY / deg);
-   // Store initial value
-   m_InitialBeamX       =  x0          ;
-   m_InitialBeamY    =  y0             ;
-   m_InitialBeamTheta   =  Beam_theta     ;
+   // Calculate Angle in spherical coordinate, passing by the direction vector dir	
+   G4double Xdir =  cos(pi/2. - Beam_thetaX);
+   G4double Ydir =  cos(pi/2. - Beam_phiY  );
+   G4double Zdir =  sin(pi/2. - Beam_thetaX) + sin(pi/2. - Beam_phiY);	
+   G4double Beam_theta = acos(Zdir / sqrt(Xdir*Xdir + Ydir*Ydir + Zdir*Zdir)) * rad;
+   G4double Beam_phi   = atan2(Ydir, Xdir) * rad;
+   if (Beam_phi < 0) Beam_phi += 2*pi;
+   // write angles to ROOT file
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentAngleTheta(Beam_theta / deg);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentAnglePhi(Beam_phi / deg);
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ///// Build rotation matrix to go from the incident //////
+   ///// beam frame to the "world" frame               //////
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   G4ThreeVector col1(cos(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi),
+                      cos(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi),
+                      -sin(Beam_theta));
+   G4ThreeVector col2(-sin(Beam_phi),
+                      cos(Beam_phi),
+                      0);
+   G4ThreeVector col3(sin(Beam_theta) * cos(Beam_phi),
+                      sin(Beam_theta) * sin(Beam_phi),
+                      cos(Beam_theta));
+   G4RotationMatrix BeamToWorld(col1, col2, col3);
+   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ///// Angles for emitted particles following Cross Section //////
+   ///// Angles are in the beam frame                         //////
+   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   // Beam incident energy
+   G4double NominalBeamEnergy = m_BeamEnergy;
+   G4double IncidentBeamEnergy = RandGauss::shoot(NominalBeamEnergy, m_BeamEnergySpread / 2.35);
+   m_Reaction->SetBeamEnergy(IncidentBeamEnergy);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICIncidentEnergy(IncidentBeamEnergy / MeV);
+   // Angles
+   RandGeneral CrossSectionShoot(m_Reaction->GetCrossSection(), m_Reaction->GetCrossSectionSize());
+   G4double ThetaCM = CrossSectionShoot.shoot() * (180*deg);
+   G4double phi     = RandFlat::shoot() * 2*pi;
+   // write angles to ROOT file
+   m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(ThetaCM / deg);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiIncidentFrame(phi / deg);
-   /////Now define everything for light particle/////
+   /////  Momentum and angles from  kinematics  /////
+   /////  Angles are in the beam frame          /////
-   particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(LightName);
-   G4double theta = ThetaLight + Beam_theta        ;
-   G4double phi = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * 2 * pi   ;
-   G4double particle_energy = EnergyLight          ;
-   // Direction of particle, energy and laboratory angle
-   G4double momentum_x = sin(theta) * cos(phi)       ;
-   G4double momentum_y = sin(theta) * sin(phi)       ;
-   G4double momentum_z = cos(theta)             ;
+   // Variable where to store results
+   G4double ThetaLight, EnergyLight, ThetaHeavy, EnergyHeavy;
+   // Set the Theta angle of reaction
+   m_Reaction->SetThetaCM(ThetaCM);
+   // Compute Kinematic using previously defined ThetaCM
+   m_Reaction->KineRelativistic(ThetaLight, EnergyLight, ThetaHeavy, EnergyHeavy);
+   // Momentum in beam frame for light particle
+   G4ThreeVector momentum_kineLight_beam(sin(ThetaLight) * cos(phi),
+                                         sin(ThetaLight) * sin(phi),
+                                         cos(ThetaLight));
+   // Momentum in beam frame for heavy particle
+   G4ThreeVector momentum_kineHeavy_beam(sin(ThetaHeavy) * cos(phi),
+                                         sin(ThetaHeavy) * sin(phi),
+                                         cos(ThetaHeavy));
+   // write angles/energy to ROOT file
+   m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabIncidentFrame(ThetaLight / deg);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedEnergy(EnergyLight/MeV);
+   //must shoot inside the target.
+   G4double z0 = (-m_TargetThickness / 2 + RandFlat::shoot() * m_TargetThickness);
-   //Set the gun to shoot
-   particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(momentum_x, momentum_y, momentum_z))   ;
-   particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(particle_energy)                                  ;
-   particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))                           ;
+   // Move to the target
+   x0 += m_TargetX ;
+   y0 += m_TargetY ;
+   z0 += m_TargetZ ;
-   //Shoot the light particle
-   if (m_ShootLight) particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)                        ;
+   // write vertex position to ROOT file
+   m_InitConditions->SetICPositionX(x0);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICPositionY(y0);
+   m_InitConditions->SetICPositionZ(z0);
-   /////Now define everything for heavy particle/////
+   ///////// Set up everything for shooting /////////
-   theta = ThetaHeavy + Beam_theta  ;
-   particle_energy = EnergyHeavy ;
-   if (m_ShootHeavy)  ResonanceDecay(	HeavyZ            ,
-           								HeavyA            ,
-            							EnergyHeavy       ,
-            							theta             ,
-            							phi               ,
-            							x0                ,
-							            y0                ,
-							            z0                ,
-							            anEvent           ,
-							            particleGun		  );
+   if (m_ShootLight) {   // Case of light particle
+      // Particle type
+      particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(LightName);
+      // Particle energy
+      particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(EnergyLight);
+      // Particle vertex position
+      particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+      // Particle direction
+      // Kinematical angles in the beam frame are transformed 
+      // to the "world" frame
+      G4ThreeVector momentum_kine_world = BeamToWorld * momentum_kineLight_beam;
+      // get theta and phi in the world frame
+      G4double theta_world = momentum_kine_world.theta();
+      G4double phi_world   = momentum_kine_world.phi();
+      if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+      // write angles in ROOT file
+      m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAngleThetaLabWorldFrame(theta_world / deg);
+      m_InitConditions->SetICEmittedAnglePhiWorldFrame(phi_world / deg);
+      //Set the gun to shoot
+      particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(momentum_kine_world);
+      //Shoot the light particle
+      particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent);
+   }
+   if (m_ShootHeavy) { // Case of recoil particle
+      // Particle type
+      particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(HeavyName);
+      // Particle energy
+      particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(EnergyHeavy);
+      // Particle vertex position
+      particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0));
+      // Particle direction
+      // Kinematical angles in the beam frame are transformed 
+      // to the "world" frame
+      G4ThreeVector momentum_kine_world = BeamToWorld * momentum_kineHeavy_beam;
+      // get theta and phi in the world frame
+      G4double theta_world = momentum_kine_world.theta();
+      G4double phi_world   = momentum_kine_world.phi();
+      if (phi_world < 1e-6) phi_world += 2*pi;
+      EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(	EnergyHeavy    	,
+      														theta_world     ,
+      														phi_world      	,
+      														x0            	,
+      														y0            	,
+      														z0             	,
+      														anEvent        	,
+      														particleGun		);
+   }
-void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(G4int parentZ           ,
-      G4int parentA           ,
-      G4double EnergyHeavy    ,
-      G4double ThetaHeavy        ,
-      G4double PhiHeavy       ,
-      G4double x0             ,
-      G4double y0             ,
-      G4double z0             ,
-      G4Event* anEvent        ,
-      G4ParticleGun* particleGun)
+void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::ResonanceDecay(  G4double EnergyHeavy    		,
+													      G4double ThetaHeavy     		,
+													      G4double PhiHeavy       		,
+													      G4double x0             		,
+													      G4double y0             		,
+													      G4double z0             		,
+													      G4Event* anEvent        		,
+													      G4ParticleGun* particleGun	)
-   //FIXME
+   G4double parentZ = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetZ() ;
+   G4double parentA = m_Reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetA() ;
    G4int NumberOfNeutrons = (parentA - parentZ) - (m_ResonanceDecayA - m_ResonanceDecayZ)  	;
    G4int NumberOfProtons  = parentZ - m_ResonanceDecayZ                  				  	;
    G4int NumberOfDecayProducts = NumberOfNeutrons + NumberOfProtons         			  	;
-   /*G4int NumberOfNeutrons = 1  ;
-   G4int NumberOfProtons  = 0 ;
-   G4int NumberOfDecayProducts = NumberOfNeutrons + NumberOfProtons           ;*/
    if (NumberOfNeutrons < 0 || NumberOfProtons < 0) {
       G4cout << "Error input for Resonance decay" << G4endl;
    else {
-      //Obtain Mass of daughter Nuclei
-      G4ParticleDefinition* parent
-      = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(parentZ, parentA, m_Reaction->GetExcitation())     ;
-      G4ParticleDefinition* daughter
-      = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_ResonanceDecayZ, m_ResonanceDecayA, 0.) ;
-      G4ParticleDefinition* neutron
-      =  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
-      G4ParticleDefinition* proton
-      =  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
-      G4double M  = parent   -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-      G4double md = daughter -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-      G4double mn = neutron  -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-      G4double mp = proton   -> GetPDGMass()     ;
-      // FIXME Hexaneutron
-      /*  mn   = 6*(neutron-> GetPDGMass())-100*keV   ;
-         G4double E = (M*M - mn*mn + md*md) / (2*M)   ;
-          G4double p = sqrt(( M*M - (md + mn)*(md + mn) ) * ( M*M - (md - mn)*(md - mn) )) / (2*M) ;*/
-      //   G4double cosThetaCM = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot()*2-1 ;
-      //     G4double ThetaCM = acos(cosThetaCM)              ;
-      //   G4double PhiCM =  CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * 2 * pi   ;
-      // FIXME Hexaneutron
-      /*
-          G4double DaughterMomentumX = sin(ThetaCM)*cos(PhiCM)       ;
-         G4double DaughterMomentumY = sin(ThetaCM)*sin(PhiCM)        ;
-         G4double DaughterMomentumZ = cos(ThetaCM)                ;*/
-      G4double Q  =  m_Reaction->GetExcitation() + M - md - mn * NumberOfNeutrons - mp * NumberOfProtons    ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumCM  ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumXCM ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumYCM ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumZCM ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsThetaCM     ;
-      vector<G4double> DecayProductsPhiCM       ;
-      G4double AvaibleEnergy = Q          ;
-      //Calculate Energy of Heavy
-      G4double MomentumCMHeavy = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * AvaibleEnergy ;
-      AvaibleEnergy = AvaibleEnergy - MomentumCMHeavy                ;
-      G4double MomentumCM     = 0            ;
-      // Calculate DecayProducts Properties
-      for (G4int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDecayProducts ; i++) {
-         if (i != NumberOfDecayProducts - 1)   MomentumCM = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * AvaibleEnergy   ;
-         else                    MomentumCM = AvaibleEnergy                   ;
-         AvaibleEnergy = AvaibleEnergy - MomentumCM        ;
-         DecayProductsMomentumCM.push_back(MomentumCM)      ;
-         G4double cosThetaCM = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * 2 - 1 ;
-         G4double ThetaCM = acos(cosThetaCM)             ;
-         DecayProductsThetaCM.push_back(ThetaCM)            ;
-         G4double PhiCM =  CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() * 2 * pi   ;
-         DecayProductsPhiCM.push_back(PhiCM)             ;
-         DecayProductsMomentumXCM.push_back(sin(ThetaCM)*cos(PhiCM))   ;
-         DecayProductsMomentumYCM.push_back(sin(ThetaCM)*sin(PhiCM))   ;
-         DecayProductsMomentumZCM.push_back(cos(ThetaCM))           ;
-      }
-      // Applied conservation of Momentum to daughter nuclei
-      G4double DaughterMomentumX = 0   ;
-      G4double DaughterMomentumY = 0   ;
-      G4double DaughterMomentumZ = 0   ;
-      for (G4int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfDecayProducts ; i++) {
-         DaughterMomentumX = (DaughterMomentumX - DecayProductsMomentumCM[i] * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[i])  ;
-         DaughterMomentumY = (DaughterMomentumY - DecayProductsMomentumCM[i] * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[i])  ;
-         DaughterMomentumZ = (DaughterMomentumZ - DecayProductsMomentumCM[i] * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[i])  ;
-      }
-      // Daughter MomentumCM
-      G4double p =
-         sqrt(DaughterMomentumX * DaughterMomentumX + DaughterMomentumY * DaughterMomentumY + DaughterMomentumZ * DaughterMomentumZ) ;
-      // Daughter EnergyCm
-      G4double E = sqrt(p * p + md * md)            ;
-      DaughterMomentumX = DaughterMomentumX / p ;
-      DaughterMomentumY = DaughterMomentumY / p ;
-      DaughterMomentumZ = DaughterMomentumZ / p ;
-      // CM to Lab //
-      // Initial Lab to CM Momentum
-      G4double InitialE      = sqrt(EnergyHeavy * EnergyHeavy + M * M)      ;
-      G4double InitialMomentum  = EnergyHeavy                        ;
-      G4double InitialMomentumX = sin(ThetaHeavy) * cos(PhiHeavy)         ;
-      G4double InitialMomentumY =   sin(ThetaHeavy) * sin(PhiHeavy)       ;
-      G4double InitialMomentumZ =   cos(ThetaHeavy)                     ;
-      // Beta and Gamma CM to Lab
-      /*    G4double betaX = (DaughterMomentumX*p - InitialMomentumX*InitialMomentum)/E   ;
-         G4double betaY = (DaughterMomentumY*p - InitialMomentumY*InitialMomentum)/E   ;
-         G4double betaZ = (DaughterMomentumZ*p - InitialMomentumZ*InitialMomentum)/E   ;
-         G4double beta  = sqrt (betaX*betaX + betaY*betaY  + betaZ*betaZ   )        ;
-         G4double beta2 = beta*beta                                     ;
-         G4double gamma = 1 / ( sqrt(1 - beta2 ) )                         ;*/
-      G4double betaX = -(InitialMomentumX * InitialMomentum) / InitialE  ;
-      G4double betaY = -(InitialMomentumY * InitialMomentum) / InitialE  ;
-      G4double betaZ = -(InitialMomentumZ * InitialMomentum) / InitialE  ;
-      G4double beta  = sqrt(betaX * betaX + betaY * betaY  + betaZ * betaZ)        ;
-      G4double beta2 = beta * beta                                     ;
-      G4double gamma = 1 / (sqrt(1 - beta2))                          ;
-      // Calculate everything for heavy particule
-      /*   G4double NewEnergy =
-          gamma*E
-        - betaX*gamma*DaughterMomentumX*p
-        - betaY*gamma*DaughterMomentumY*p
-        - betaZ*gamma*DaughterMomentumZ*p;*/
-      G4double NewMomentumX =
-         - betaX * gamma * E
-         + DaughterMomentumX * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaX) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumX * p
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaY) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumY * p
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaZ) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumZ * p                ;
-      G4double NewMomentumY =
-         - betaY * gamma * E
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaX) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumX * p
-         + DaughterMomentumY * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaY) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumY * p
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaZ) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumZ * p                ;
-      G4double NewMomentumZ =
-         - betaZ * gamma * E
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaX) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumX * p
-         + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaY) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumY * p
-         + DaughterMomentumZ * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaZ) / (beta2) * DaughterMomentumZ * p   ;
-      G4double
-      NewEnergy =  sqrt(NewMomentumX * NewMomentumX + NewMomentumY * NewMomentumY + NewMomentumZ * NewMomentumZ) ;
-      NewMomentumX = NewMomentumX / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-      NewMomentumY = NewMomentumY / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-      NewMomentumZ = NewMomentumZ / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-      //Set the gun to shoot
-      particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(daughter)                                           ;
-      particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(NewMomentumX, NewMomentumY, NewMomentumZ))     ;
-      particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(NewEnergy)                                                ;
-      particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))                                   ;
-      // Shoot the Daugter
-      particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)                                               ;
-      if (m_ShootDecayProduct) {
-         G4int jj = 0   ;
-         for (; jj < NumberOfNeutrons ; jj++) {
-            p = sqrt(DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj]
-                     + DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj]
-                     + DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj]) ;
-            E = sqrt(p * p + mn * mn)   ;
-            NewMomentumX =
-               - betaX * gamma * E
-               + DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p                 ;
-            NewMomentumY =
-               - betaY * gamma * E
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p                 ;
-            NewMomentumZ =
-               - betaZ * gamma * E
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p  ;
-            NewEnergy =  sqrt(NewMomentumX * NewMomentumX + NewMomentumY * NewMomentumY + NewMomentumZ * NewMomentumZ)   ;
-            NewMomentumX = NewMomentumX / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            NewMomentumY = NewMomentumY / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            NewMomentumZ = NewMomentumZ / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            //Set the gun to shoot
-            particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(neutron)                                               ;
-            particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(NewMomentumX, NewMomentumY, NewMomentumZ))     ;
-            particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(NewEnergy)                                                ;
-            particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))                                   ;
-            particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)                                   ;
-         }
-         for (; jj < NumberOfProtons ; jj++) {
-            p = sqrt(DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj]
-                     + DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj]
-                     + DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj]) ;
-            E = sqrt(p * p + mp * mp)   ;
-            NewMomentumX =
-               - betaX * gamma * E
-               + DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaX * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p                 ;
-            NewMomentumY =
-               - betaY * gamma * E
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaY * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p                 ;
-            NewMomentumZ =
-               - betaZ * gamma * E
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaX) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumXCM[jj] * p
-               + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaY) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumYCM[jj] * p
-               + DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p + (gamma - 1) * (betaZ * betaZ) / (beta2) * DecayProductsMomentumZCM[jj] * p  ;
-            NewEnergy =  sqrt(NewMomentumX * NewMomentumX + NewMomentumY * NewMomentumY + NewMomentumZ * NewMomentumZ)   ;
-            NewMomentumX = NewMomentumX / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            NewMomentumY = NewMomentumY / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            NewMomentumZ = NewMomentumZ / NewEnergy                                                   ;
-            //Set the gun to shoot
-            particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(neutron)                                               ;
-            particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(NewMomentumX, NewMomentumY, NewMomentumZ))     ;
-            particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(NewEnergy)                                                ;
-            particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))                                   ;
-            particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)                                   ;
-         }
-      }
-   }
+		//Obtain Mass of daughter Nuclei
+		G4ParticleDefinition* parent
+		= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(parentZ, parentA, m_Reaction->GetExcitation())     ;
+		G4ParticleDefinition* daughter
+		= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(m_ResonanceDecayZ, m_ResonanceDecayA, 0.) ;
+		G4ParticleDefinition* neutron
+		=  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron");
+		G4ParticleDefinition* proton
+		=  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("proton");
+		G4double M  = parent   -> GetPDGMass()     ;
+		G4double md = daughter -> GetPDGMass()     ;
+		G4double mn = neutron  -> GetPDGMass()     ;
+		G4double mp = proton   -> GetPDGMass()     ;
+		G4double Q  =  M - md - mn * NumberOfNeutrons - mp * NumberOfProtons    ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumCM  ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumXCM ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumYCM ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsMomentumZCM ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsThetaCM     ;
+		vector<G4double> DecayProductsPhiCM       ;
+		// Initial Lab Momentum
+		G4double InitialE      	  = sqrt(EnergyHeavy * EnergyHeavy + M * M)   		;
+		G4double InitialMomentumX = EnergyHeavy * sin(ThetaHeavy) * cos(PhiHeavy) 	;
+		G4double InitialMomentumY = EnergyHeavy * sin(ThetaHeavy) * sin(PhiHeavy) 	;
+		G4double InitialMomentumZ = EnergyHeavy * cos(ThetaHeavy)                 	;
+		TLorentzVector Initial = TLorentzVector(InitialMomentumX/GeV, InitialMomentumY/GeV, InitialMomentumZ/GeV,InitialE/GeV);
+		// Array of masses express in GeV/c2
+		double* masses = new double[NumberOfDecayProducts+1];
+			//	Filling Array
+		masses[0] = md/GeV ;
+		int ll = 1 ;
+		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfNeutrons ; i++)
+				{masses[ll] = mn/GeV ; ll++;}
+		for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfProtons ; i++)
+				{masses[ll] = mp/GeV ; ll++;}
+		// Instentiate a Phase Space Generator, with flat distrution
+		TGenPhaseSpace TPhaseSpace ;
+		if( !TPhaseSpace.SetDecay(Initial, NumberOfDecayProducts+1, masses,"Fermi") ) cout << "Warning: Phase Space Decay forbiden by kinematic";
+		TPhaseSpace.Generate() ;
+		TLorentzVector* daugterLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(0);
+		G4ThreeVector Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
+												daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
+												daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);		
+		double Energy   = Momentum.mag() ;
+		Momentum.unit() ;
+		//Set the gun to shoot
+		particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(daughter)                    ;
+		particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
+		particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
+		particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
+		// Shoot the Daugter
+		particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+		if (m_ShootDecayProduct) 
+			{
+				G4int jj = 1   ;
+				for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfNeutrons ; u++) 
+					{
+						TLorentzVector* neutronLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
+						Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
+													daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
+													daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);
+						Energy   = Momentum.mag() ;
+						Momentum.unit() ;
+						//Set the gun to shoot
+						particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(neutron)                    ;
+						particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
+						particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
+						particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
+						// Shoot the Daugter
+						particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+						jj++;
+					}
+				for ( int u = 0; u < NumberOfProtons ; u++) 
+					{
+						TLorentzVector* protonLV = TPhaseSpace.GetDecay(jj);
+						Momentum = G4ThreeVector(	daugterLV->X()*GeV	,
+													daugterLV->Y()*GeV	,
+													daugterLV->Z()*GeV 	);
+						Energy   = Momentum.mag() ;
+						Momentum.unit() ;
+						//Set the gun to shoot
+						particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(proton)                      ;
+						particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(Momentum)     		;
+						particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Energy)                          ;
+						particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0, y0, z0))     ;
+						// Shoot the Daugter
+						particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;
+						jj++;
+					}
+			delete masses 	;
+		}
+	}
-void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(string    name1          ,
-      string   name2          ,
-      string   name3          ,
-      string   name4          ,
-      double   BeamEnergy        ,
-      double   Excitation        ,
-      double   BeamEnergySpread  ,
-      double   BeamFWHMX         ,
-      double   BeamFWHMY         ,
-      double   BeamEmmitanceTheta       ,
-      double   BeamEmmitancePhi       ,
-      int      ResonanceDecayZ      ,
-      int      ResonanceDecayA      ,
-      bool  ShootLight        ,
-      bool  ShootHeavy        ,
-      bool  ShootDecayProduct      ,
-      string   Path)
+vector<double>	EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::PhaseSpaceUniformGenerator( int N , double R)
+	{
+		vector<double> V ;
+		V.reserve(N)	 ;
+		double Norme 	 ;
+		double Buffer	 ;
+			for(int i = 0 ; i< N ; i++)
+					{
+						V.push_back( Buffer = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot() );
+						Norme += Buffer*Buffer ;
+					}
+			Norme = sqrt(Norme)	;
+			for(int i = 0 ; i< N ; i++)
+						V[i] = V[i] / Norme 	;
+		return V;
+	}
+void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(	  string    name1          			,
+													      string   name2          			,
+													      string   name3          			,
+													      string   name4          			,
+													      double   BeamEnergy        		,
+													      double   Excitation        		,
+													      double   BeamEnergySpread  		,
+													      double   SigmaX         			,
+													      double   SigmaY         			,
+													      double   SigmaThetaX      		,
+													      double   SigmaPhiY       			,
+													      int      ResonanceDecayZ      	,
+													      int      ResonanceDecayA      	,
+													      bool  ShootLight        			,
+													      bool  ShootHeavy        			,
+													      bool  ShootDecayProduct      		,
+													      string   Path						)
    //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
@@ -750,12 +718,12 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(string    name1
 								Path) ;
+   m_BeamEnergy         = BeamEnergy;
    m_BeamEnergySpread   =  BeamEnergySpread  ;
-   m_BeamFWHMX       =  BeamFWHMX         	;
-   m_BeamFWHMY       =  BeamFWHMY         	;
-   m_BeamEmmitanceTheta    =  BeamEmmitanceTheta    	 ;
-   m_BeamEmmitancePhi    =  BeamEmmitancePhi    	 ;
+   m_SigmaX       =  SigmaX         	;
+   m_SigmaY       =  SigmaY         	;
+   m_SigmaThetaX    =  SigmaThetaX    	 ;
+   m_SigmaPhiY    =  SigmaPhiY    	 ;
    m_ResonanceDecayZ =  ResonanceDecayZ      ;
    m_ResonanceDecayA =  ResonanceDecayA      ;
    m_ShootLight      =  ShootLight       	 ;
@@ -764,3 +732,5 @@ void EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance::SetEverything(string    name1
diff --git a/NPSimulation/vis.mac b/NPSimulation/vis.mac
index 7130261ec20bc96c8fddd2d03740a8b7316d5944..e8345fb35fdaef1effc82ccf8f853be6f7e0cc3b 100644
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 # choose a graphic system
 #/vis/open OGLIX
 #/vis/open OGLSX
-#/vis/open VRML2FILE
+/vis/open VRML2FILE
 /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 0 0 deg