diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
index 86cb043e0f44dcec5f8f21c4fbb5c1f6e1108ee8..602bbed1432ac582970e90c4fc8a444442dd35db 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.cxx
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ ClassImp(TExogamPhysics)
   NumberOfHitCristal = 0;
   m_Spectra = NULL;
   NumberOfClover = 0;
+  m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold = 4294966296;
   m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold = 0;
   m_EXO_E_Threshold = 0;
   m_EXO_EHG_RAW_Threshold = 0;
@@ -67,34 +68,54 @@ void TExogamPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent() { BuildPhysicalEvent(); }
 void TExogamPhysics::PreTreat() {
   // Clearing PreTreat TExogamData
-  // Clearing local variables for pretreat
   m_EXO_Mult = m_EventData->GetExoMult();
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_EXO_Mult; ++i) {
-  ResetPreTreatVariable();
-    // std::cout << "test1 " << EXO_E << std::endl;
+    ResetPreTreatVariable();
     if (m_EventData->GetExoE(i) > m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold)
       EXO_E = fEXO_E(m_EventData, i);
-    // std::cout << "test2 " << EXO_E << std::endl;
     if (m_EventData->GetExoEHG(i) > m_EXO_EHG_RAW_Threshold)
       EXO_EHG = fEXO_EHG(m_EventData, i);
     if (m_EventData->GetExoTDC(i) > m_EXO_TDC_RAW_Threshold)
       EXO_TDC = fEXO_T(m_EventData, i);
+    if (m_EventData->GetExoOuter1(i) < m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold)
+      EXO_Outer1 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 0);
+    else
+      EXO_Outer1 = 0;
-    EXO_Outer1 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 0);
-    EXO_Outer2 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 1);
-    EXO_Outer3 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 2);
-    EXO_Outer4 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 3);
+    if (m_EventData->GetExoOuter2(i) < m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold)
+      EXO_Outer2 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 1);
+    else
+      EXO_Outer2 = 0;
+    if (m_EventData->GetExoOuter3(i) < m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold)
+      EXO_Outer3 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 2);
+    else
+      EXO_Outer3 = 0;
+    if (m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(i) < m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold)
+      EXO_Outer4 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 3);
+    else
+      EXO_Outer4 = 0;
+    // std::cout << m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(i) << std::endl;
+    // std::cout << EXO_E << " " << EXO_EHG << " " << EXO_Outer1 << " " << EXO_Outer2 << " " << EXO_Outer3 << " " << EXO_Outer4 << std::endl;
+    //EXO_Outer2 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 1);
+    //EXO_Outer3 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 2);
+    //EXO_Outer4 = fEXO_Outer(m_EventData, i, 3);
+    // *1000 to convert MeV into keV
     if(EXO_E > m_EXO_E_Threshold){
       m_PreTreatedData->SetExo(m_EventData->GetExoCrystal(i), EXO_E*1000,
       EXO_EHG*1000, m_EventData->GetExoTS(i), EXO_TDC, 
-      m_EventData->GetExoBGO(i), m_EventData->GetExoCsI(i), EXO_Outer1,
-      EXO_Outer2, EXO_Outer3, EXO_Outer4);
+      m_EventData->GetExoBGO(i), m_EventData->GetExoCsI(i), EXO_Outer1*1000,
+      EXO_Outer2*1000, EXO_Outer3*1000, EXO_Outer4*1000);
@@ -113,274 +134,96 @@ void TExogamPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent() {
   if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsReader() == true) {
     m_EventData = &(**r_ReaderEventData);
+  // std::cout << m_EventData << std::endl;
+  // This maps stores ID of events sorted by flange number. Map key is flange nbr, vector should contain ID of events
+  std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<unsigned int>> HitsID;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetExoMult(); i++){
-    mean_free_path = ComputeMeanFreePath(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoE(i));
+    // Doing flange and crystal matching
     flange_nbr = MapCrystalFlangeCLover[m_PreTreatedData->GetExoCrystal(i)].first;
     crystal_nbr = MapCrystalFlangeCLover[m_PreTreatedData->GetExoCrystal(i)].second;
-    EnergyDoppler = 0; 
-    double MaxOuter = 0;
-    unsigned int MaxOuter_Id;
-    if(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter1(i) > MaxOuter){
-      MaxOuter = m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter1(i);
-      MaxOuter_Id = 0;
-    }
-    if(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter2(i) > MaxOuter){
-      MaxOuter = m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter2(i);
-      MaxOuter_Id = 1;
-    }
-    if(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter3(i) > MaxOuter){
-      MaxOuter = m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter3(i);
-      MaxOuter_Id = 2;
-    }
-    if(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter4(i) > MaxOuter){
-      MaxOuter = m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter4(i);
-      MaxOuter_Id = 3;
-    }
-    if(MaxOuter > 0){
-      Exogam_struc = Ask_For_Angles(flange_nbr, mean_free_path);
-      double Theta_seg = Exogam_struc.Theta_Crystal_Seg[crystal_nbr][MaxOuter_Id];
-      double Phi_seg = Exogam_struc.Phi_Crystal_Seg[crystal_nbr][MaxOuter_Id];
-      EnergyDoppler = Doppler_Correction(Theta_seg,Phi_seg,0,0,Beta,m_PreTreatedData->GetExoE(i));
-    }
-    Flange_N.push_back(flange_nbr);
-    Crystal_N.push_back(crystal_nbr);
-    E_Doppler.push_back(EnergyDoppler);
+    EHG_Cal.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoEHG(i));
+    Outer1_Cal.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter1(i));
+    Outer2_Cal.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter2(i));
+    Outer3_Cal.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter3(i));
+    Outer4_Cal.push_back(m_PreTreatedData->GetExoOuter4(i));
+    FlangeN.push_back(flange_nbr);
+    CrystalN.push_back(crystal_nbr);
+    // Filling HitsID
+    // std::cout << i << " " << flange_nbr << " " << crystal_nbr << std::endl; 
+    HitsID[flange_nbr].push_back(i);
-  if(PreTreatedData -> GetECCEMult() != PreTreatedData -> GetECCTMult()) cout << PreTreatedData -> GetECCEMult() << " "
-  <<  PreTreatedData -> GetECCTMult() << endl;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < PreTreatedData -> GetECCEMult(); i++) {
-    // cout << i << " " << cristal_E << endl;
-    // if(PreTreatedData->GetECCTTime(i) > 0)
-      {
-    ECC_E.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetECCEEnergy(i));
-    ECC_T.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetECCTTime(i));
-    ECC_CloverNumber.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i));
-    ECC_CristalNumber.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetECCECristal(i));
-    //    cout << "BuildPhys " << PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i) << " " <<  PreTreatedData->GetECCECristal(i)<< " " <<
-  PreTreatedData->GetECCTTime(i) << " " << endl;
+  // Now that HitsID is full, we use it to process simple AddBack of events in the same flange
+  // Basically looping on all flanges, then on al events ID in each flange
+  for(auto it = HitsID.begin(); it != HitsID.end(); it++){
+    double E_AddBack = 0;
+    double E_Max = 0;
+    unsigned int Id_Max = 0;
+    for(auto itvec = (*it).second.begin(); itvec !=(*it).second.end(); itvec++){
+      E_AddBack+= m_PreTreatedData->GetExoE(*itvec);
+      if(E_Max < m_PreTreatedData->GetExoE(*itvec)){
+        E_Max = m_PreTreatedData->GetExoE(*itvec);
+        Id_Max = *itvec;
+    }
+    // Doing it again for this loop, it's a bit unhappy but didnt find a better way to do it yet
+    flange_nbr = (*it).first;
+    crystal_nbr = MapCrystalFlangeCLover[m_PreTreatedData->GetExoCrystal(Id_Max)].second;
+    // Adding all AddBack (AB) related stuff
+    E_AB.push_back(E_AddBack);
+    FlangeN_AB.push_back(flange_nbr);
+    Size_AB.push_back((*it).second.size());
+    // Adding these parameters for Doppler correction purposes (D)
+    CrystalN_ABD.push_back(crystal_nbr);
+    int MaxOuterId = GetMaxOuter(Id_Max);
+    OuterN_ABD.push_back(GetMaxOuter(Id_Max));
+    // If a max Outer is found, Do doppler correction, else push_back -1000;
+    double EnergyDoppler = -1000;
+    if(MaxOuterId > -1){
+      EnergyDoppler= GetDoppler(E_AddBack, flange_nbr, crystal_nbr, MaxOuterId);
+    }
+    E_ABD.push_back(EnergyDoppler);
-  for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < PreTreatedData -> GetGOCCEEMult(); j++) {
-    GOCCE_E.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetGOCCEEEnergy(j));
-    GOCCE_CloverNumber.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetGOCCEEClover(j));
-    GOCCE_CristalNumber.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetGOCCEECristal(j));
-    GOCCE_SegmentNumber.push_back(PreTreatedData->GetGOCCEESegment(j));
+int TExogamPhysics::GetMaxOuter(unsigned int EventId){
+  double OuterMax = 0;
+  int OuterId = -1;
+  if(m_EventData->GetExoOuter1(EventId) > OuterMax){
+    OuterMax =  m_EventData->GetExoOuter1(EventId);
+    OuterId = 0;
-  //int NumberOfHitClover = 0;
-  int DetectorID = -1;
-  for( unsigned short i = 0 ; i < PreTreatedData->GetECCEMult() ; i++ )
-    {
-      // cout << PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i) << endl;
-      if( PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i) != DetectorID)
-  {
-    if(i==0)
-      {
-        NumberOfHitClover++;
-      }
-    else if(PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i)!= PreTreatedData->GetECCEClover(i-1) )
-      {
-        NumberOfHitClover++;
-      }
+  if(m_EventData->GetExoOuter2(EventId) > OuterMax){
+    OuterMax =  m_EventData->GetExoOuter2(EventId);
+    OuterId = 1;
-      if(NumberOfHitClover == 4) break;
-      //clover_mult -> Fill(NumberOfHitClover);
-    }
-  //cout << "NumberOfHitClover " << NumberOfHitClover << endl;
-  map<int, vector<int> > MapCristal;
-  map<int, vector<int> > MapSegment;
-  map<int, vector<int> > :: iterator it;    // iterator used with MapCristal
-  map<int, vector<int> > :: iterator at;    // iterator used with MapSegment
-  vector<int> PositionOfCristal_Buffer_ECC;
-  vector<int> PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE;
-  //Fill map Cristal
-  for(int clo = 0; clo < NumberOfClover; clo++)
-    {
-      for(unsigned int k = 0; k < ECC_CloverNumber.size(); k++)
-  {
-    if(ECC_CloverNumber.at(k) == clo) // && ECC_CristalNumber.at(k)== cri )
-      PositionOfCristal_Buffer_ECC.push_back(k);
+  if(m_EventData->GetExoOuter3(EventId) > OuterMax){
+    OuterMax =  m_EventData->GetExoOuter3(EventId);
+    OuterId = 2;
-      if(PositionOfCristal_Buffer_ECC.size() != 0) MapCristal[clo] = PositionOfCristal_Buffer_ECC;
-      PositionOfCristal_Buffer_ECC.clear();
-    }
-  //Fill map Segment
-  for(int clo = 0; clo < NumberOfClover; clo++)
-    {
-      for(int cri = 0; cri < 4 ; cri++)
-  {
-    //  for(int seg = 0; seg < 4 ; seg++)
-      {
-        for(unsigned int m = 0; m < GOCCE_CloverNumber.size(); m++)
-    {
-      if(GOCCE_CloverNumber.at(m) == clo && GOCCE_CristalNumber.at(m) == cri)// && GOCCE_SegmentNumber.at(m) == seg)
-        {
-          // PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE.push_back(4*clo+cri);
-          PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE.push_back(m);
-        }
-    }
-      }
-      if(PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE.size() != 0) MapSegment[4*clo+cri] = PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE;
-      PositionOfSegment_Buffer_GOCCE.clear();
+  if(m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(EventId) > OuterMax){
+    OuterMax =  m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(EventId);
+    OuterId = 3;
-    }
-  // Treatment
-  for(int clo = 0; clo < NumberOfClover ; clo++)
-    {
-      double E = 0; double T = 0;
-      int mult_cristal = 0;
-      int cristal = -1 , segment;
-      int cristal_Emax = 0; int cristal_Emin = 0;
-      int Emax = 0, Emin = 1000000;
-      int Tmin = 0, Tmax = 0;
-      //ADD-BACK
-      it = MapCristal.find(clo);
-      int cristal_cond = 0;
-      if(it != MapCristal.end())
-  {
-    vector<int> PositionOfCristal = it -> second;
-    mult_cristal = PositionOfCristal.size();
-    //if(mult_cristal!=0) cristal_mult -> Fill(mult_cristal);
-    // ADD-BACK
-    //cout << "boucle" << endl;
-    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < PositionOfCristal.size(); k++)
-      {
-        int indice = PositionOfCristal.at(k);
-        cristal_cond += ECC_CristalNumber.at(indice);
-        // cout <<  ECC_CristalNumber.at(k) << " " ECC_E.at(k) << endl;
-        if(mult_cristal < 3)
-    {
-      E+= ECC_E.at(indice);
-      if(ECC_E.at(indice) < Emin) {
-        cristal_Emin = ECC_CristalNumber.at(indice);
-        Emin = ECC_E.at(indice);
-        Tmin = ECC_T.at(indice);
-      }
-      if(ECC_E.at(indice) > Emax) {
-        cristal_Emax = ECC_CristalNumber.at(indice);
-        Emax = ECC_E.at(indice);
-        Tmax = ECC_T.at(indice);
-      }
-    }
-        else // case of multiplicity = 3 or 4
-    {
-      E = -1; cristal_Emax = -1; cristal_Emin = -1; Tmax = -1; Tmin = -1;
-    }
-        // cout << ECC_E.at(indice) << " " << Emax << " " << cristal_Emax << " " << Emin << " " << cristal_Emin << endl;
-      }
-    if( (mult_cristal==1) || (mult_cristal ==2  && cristal_cond %2 == 1) )
-      {
-        // cout << cristal_cond << endl;
-        //cristal = cristal_Emax; T = Tmax;
-        //cout << Emax << " " << cristal_Emax << " " << Emin << " " << cristal_Emin << endl;
-        if(E > 500) { cristal = cristal_Emax; T = Tmax; }
-        else        { cristal = cristal_Emin; T = Tmin; }
-        at = MapSegment.find(4*clo+cristal);
-        segment = -1;
-        if(at != MapSegment.end())
-    {
-      vector<int> PositionOfSegment = at -> second;     // position of segment k in the vector
-      int segment_max = -1, E_temp = -1;
-      for(unsigned int m = 0; m < PositionOfSegment.size(); m++)             // loop on hit segments of cristal cri of
-  clover clo
-        {
-          int indice = PositionOfSegment.at(m);
-          if(GOCCE_E.at(indice) > 0 && GOCCE_CristalNumber.at(indice) == cristal)
-      {
-        if( GOCCE_E.at(indice) > E_temp )
-          {
-            segment_max = GOCCE_SegmentNumber.at(indice) ;
-            E_temp = GOCCE_E.at(indice);
-          }
-      }
-        }
-      segment = segment_max;
-    }
-      }
-    if(E > 0 && cristal != -1 && segment != -1)
-      {
-        TotalEnergy_lab.push_back(E);
-        Time.push_back(T);
-        CloverNumber.push_back(clo);
-        CristalNumber.push_back(cristal);
-        SegmentNumber.push_back(segment);
-        double theta = GetSegmentAngleTheta(clo, cristal, segment);
-        Theta.push_back(theta);
-        double doppler_E = DopplerCorrection(E, theta);
-        DopplerCorrectedEnergy.push_back(doppler_E);
-        //  cout << E  << " " << clo << " " << cristal << " " << segment << " " << theta << " " << doppler_E << endl;
-      }
-  }  // end of condition over CristalMap
-    } // loop over NumberOfClover
-  CloverMult = GetClover_Mult();
+  return OuterId;
-  //cout << "Exogam fine" << endl;
-  */
+double TExogamPhysics::GetDoppler(double Energy, unsigned int Flange, unsigned int Crystal, unsigned int Outer){
+  Exogam_struc = Ask_For_Angles(Flange, ComputeMeanFreePath(Energy));
+  double Theta_seg = Exogam_struc.Theta_Crystal_Seg[Crystal][Outer];
+  double Phi_seg = Exogam_struc.Phi_Crystal_Seg[Crystal][Outer];
+  return Doppler_Correction(Theta_seg,Phi_seg,0,0,Beta,Energy);
 double TExogamPhysics::ComputeMeanFreePath(double Energy){
@@ -434,9 +277,21 @@ void TExogamPhysics::Clear() {
   NumberOfHitCristal = 0;
-  E_Doppler.clear();
-  Flange_N.clear();
-  Crystal_N.clear();
+  EHG_Cal.clear();
+  Outer1_Cal.clear();
+  Outer2_Cal.clear();
+  Outer3_Cal.clear();
+  Outer4_Cal.clear();
+  FlangeN.clear();
+  CrystalN.clear();
+  // E_Doppler.clear();
+  E_AB.clear();
+  FlangeN_AB.clear();
+  Size_AB.clear();
+  CrystalN_ABD.clear();
+  OuterN_ABD.clear();
+  E_ABD.clear();
 //  ECC_CloverNumber.clear();
 //  ECC_CristalNumber.clear();
@@ -887,7 +742,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibration() {
   for (it = DoCalibrationE.begin(); it != DoCalibrationE.end(); it++) {
     if (it->second) {
-      DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,"E", calib_file, dispersion_file);
+      DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,"E", calib_file, dispersion_file, Threshold_E_Cal);
@@ -899,7 +754,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibration() {
   for (it = DoCalibrationEHG.begin(); it != DoCalibrationEHG.end(); it++) {
     if (it->second) {
-      DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,"EHG", calib_file, dispersion_file);
+      DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,"EHG", calib_file, dispersion_file, Threshold_EHG_Cal);
@@ -912,7 +767,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibration() {
   for (it2 = DoCalibrationOuter.begin(); it2 != DoCalibrationOuter.end(); it2++) {
     for (it = (it2->second).begin(); it != (it2->second).end(); it++) {
       if (it->second) {
-        DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,Form("Outer%d_",it2->first), calib_file, dispersion_file);
+        DoCalibrationE_F(it->first,Form("Outer%d_",it2->first), calib_file, dispersion_file, Threshold_Outers_Cal);
@@ -935,7 +790,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::MakeOuterCalibFolders(std::string make_folder) {
   int sys =system((make_folder+"/Exogam_Outer").c_str());
-void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibrationE_F(unsigned int DetectorNumber,std::string CalibType, ofstream* calib_file, ofstream* dispersion_file) {
+void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibrationE_F(unsigned int DetectorNumber,std::string CalibType, ofstream* calib_file, ofstream* dispersion_file, unsigned int Threshold) {
   auto TH1Map = RootHistogramsCalib::getInstance()->GetTH1Map();
   auto TGraphMap = RootHistogramsCalib::getInstance()->GetTGraphMap();
@@ -961,7 +816,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::DoCalibrationE_F(unsigned int DetectorNumber,std::string Ca
-  CubixEnergyCal->SetGlobalChannelLimits(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1),hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()));      // limit the search to this range in channels
+  CubixEnergyCal->SetGlobalChannelLimits(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1)+Threshold,hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()));      // limit the search to this range in channels
   CubixEnergyCal->SetGlobalPeaksLimits(15,5);   // default fwhm and minmum amplitude for the peaksearch [15 5]
@@ -1160,7 +1015,7 @@ void TExogamPhysics::CreateCalibrationOuterFiles(ofstream* calib_file,
 void TExogamPhysics::ReadDoCalibration(NPL::InputParser parser) {
   vector<NPL::InputBlock*> blocks = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("Exogam");
-  vector<string> calibs = {"FirstCr","LastCr","FirstOuter","LastOuter","FitOrder","Source"};
+  vector<string> calibs = {"Threshold_E","Threshold_EHG","Threshold_Outers","FirstCr","LastCr","FirstOuter","LastOuter","FitOrder","Source"};
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) {
     if (blocks[i]->HasTokenList(calibs)) {
@@ -1172,6 +1027,9 @@ void TExogamPhysics::ReadDoCalibration(NPL::InputParser parser) {
       unsigned int LastOuter = blocks[i]->GetInt("LastOuter");
       FitPolOrder = blocks[i]->GetInt("FitOrder");
       Source_name = blocks[i]->GetString("Source");
+      Threshold_E_Cal = blocks[i]->GetInt("Threshold_E");
+      Threshold_EHG_Cal = blocks[i]->GetInt("Threshold_EHG");
+      Threshold_Outers_Cal = blocks[i]->GetInt("Threshold_Outers");
       for(unsigned int k = FirstCr; k <= LastCr; k++){
         DoCalibrationE[k] = true;
         DoCalibrationEHG[k] = true; 
@@ -1272,14 +1130,14 @@ namespace EXOGAM_LOCAL {
     static string name;
     name = "EXO/E";
     name += NPL::itoa(m_EventData->GetExoCrystal(i));
-    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoE(i));
+    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoE(i),1);
   double fEXO_EHG(const TExogamData* m_EventData, const unsigned int& i) {
     static string name;
     name = "EXO/EHG";
     name += NPL::itoa(m_EventData->GetExoCrystal(i));
-    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoEHG(i));
+    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoEHG(i),1);
   double fEXO_T(const TExogamData* m_EventData, const unsigned int& i) {
@@ -1287,7 +1145,7 @@ namespace EXOGAM_LOCAL {
     name = "EXOGAM/Cr_";
     name += NPL::itoa(m_EventData->GetExoCrystal(i));
     name += "_TDC";
-    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoTDC(i));
+    return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoTDC(i),1);
   double fEXO_Outer(const TExogamData* m_EventData, const unsigned int& i, const unsigned int OuterNumber) {
@@ -1297,13 +1155,13 @@ namespace EXOGAM_LOCAL {
     name += "_";
     name += NPL::itoa(OuterNumber);
     if(OuterNumber == 0)
-      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter1(i));
+      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter1(i),1);
     else if(OuterNumber == 1)
-      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter2(i));
+      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter2(i),1);
     else if(OuterNumber == 2)
-      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter3(i));
+      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter3(i),1);
     else if(OuterNumber == 3)
-      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(i));
+      return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration(name, m_EventData->GetExoOuter4(i),1);
       std::cout << "WARNING: Outer number != 0-3, something is wrong\n";
       return 0;
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.h
index 149fcda3ddac803b7ee4a458b316dfdcfb517b03..a923e2cf4be32d735372236b5acdb588debe02dc 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysics.h
@@ -62,10 +62,24 @@ class TExogamPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TExogamPhys
   void Clear()	              ;	
   void Clear(const Option_t*) {};
+  // Only threshold and cal applied to exogam
   std::vector<double> E_Cal;
-  std::vector<double> E_Doppler;
-  std::vector<unsigned int> Flange_N;
-  std::vector<unsigned int> Crystal_N;
+  std::vector<double> EHG_Cal;
+  std::vector<double> Outer1_Cal;
+  std::vector<double> Outer2_Cal;
+  std::vector<double> Outer3_Cal;
+  std::vector<double> Outer4_Cal;
+  // std::vector<double> E_Doppler;
+  std::vector<unsigned int> FlangeN;
+  std::vector<unsigned int> CrystalN;
+  // Previous treatment + Add_Back (size of vectors are not the same because of AB !)
+  std::vector<double> E_AB;
+  std::vector<unsigned int> FlangeN_AB;
+  std::vector<unsigned int> Size_AB;
+  std::vector<unsigned int> CrystalN_ABD;
+  std::vector<int> OuterN_ABD;
+  std::vector<double> E_ABD;
@@ -180,7 +194,7 @@ class TExogamPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TExogamPhys
     void FillRootHistogramsCalib_F(); //!
-    void DoCalibrationE_F(unsigned int  Detector_Nbr,std::string CalibType, ofstream* calib_file, ofstream* dispersion_file); //!
+    void DoCalibrationE_F(unsigned int  Detector_Nbr,std::string CalibType, ofstream* calib_file, ofstream* dispersion_file, unsigned int Threshold); //!
     void DoCalibrationEHG_F(unsigned int  Detector_Nbr, ofstream* calib_file, ofstream* dispersion_file){}; //!
@@ -244,9 +258,14 @@ class TExogamPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TExogamPhys
   unsigned int GetFlangeNbr(unsigned int crystal_nbr); //!
+  int GetMaxOuter(unsigned int EventId); //!
+  double GetDoppler(double Energy, unsigned int Flange, unsigned int Crystal, unsigned int Outer); //!
   private: // Variables for analysis
   unsigned int m_EXO_Mult;//!
+  double m_EXO_OuterUp_RAW_Threshold;//!
   double m_EXO_E_RAW_Threshold;//!
   double m_EXO_E_Threshold;//!
   double m_EXO_EHG_RAW_Threshold;//!
@@ -260,21 +279,23 @@ class TExogamPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TExogamPhys
   double EXO_Outer4;//!
   unsigned int flange_nbr;//!
   unsigned int crystal_nbr;//!
-  double EnergyDoppler; //!
   double Beta = 0.257;//!
-  double mean_free_path;//!
   Clover_struc Exogam_struc;//!
   std::map<unsigned int,std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>> MapCrystalFlangeCLover;//! Map key is raw crystal nbr, pair associated is flange nbr and crystal nbr in the flange
-  const double GeDensity = 0.005323; //! g/mm3
+  double GeDensity = 0.005323; //! g/mm3
   std::map<double, double> Map_PhotonCS;//!
   map<int, bool> DoCalibrationE;                                    //!
   map<int, bool> DoCalibrationEHG;                                  //!
   map<int, bool> DoCalibrationT;                                    //!
   map<int, map<int,bool>> DoCalibrationOuter;                       //!
+  unsigned int Threshold_E_Cal;//!
+  unsigned int Threshold_EHG_Cal;//!
+  unsigned int Threshold_Outers_Cal;//!
   std::vector<std::string> Source_isotope;                          //!
   std::vector<double> Source_E;                                     //!
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysicsReader.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysicsReader.cxx
index 480a5292323f60b8696be46863aa966ca56e837c..5d7bec39e0491511a5f18c28ecdae205c358a697 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysicsReader.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Exogam/TExogamPhysicsReader.cxx
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@ TExogamPhysicsReader::TExogamPhysicsReader()
 void TExogamPhysicsReader::r_SetTreeReader(TTreeReader* TreeReader){
-r_ReaderEventData = new TTreeReaderValue<TExogamData>(*TreeReader,"Exogam");
+    std::cout << "TEST " << TreeReader << std::endl;
+    r_ReaderEventData = new TTreeReaderValue<TExogamData>(*TreeReader,"Exogam");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
index 8ac9064dd13e62921f694b008a7351395887048c..ff4b080edf1a754eb6bd6f3fb6d0319252d00e56 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.cxx
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ void TZDDPhysics::Match_IC(){
     ICSum = 0;
     for(auto it = SortIC.begin(); it != SortIC.end(); ++it){
       ICSum+= (it->second).first;
+      // std::cout << "Test " << it->first << " " << it->second.first << std::endl;
@@ -145,6 +146,13 @@ void TZDDPhysics::Match_PL(){
+// bool TZDDPhysics::CheckGoodEvent(){
+//   if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->IsReader() == true) {
+//     m_EventData = &(**r_ReaderEventData);
+//   }
+//   return abs(ZDD->)
+// }
 void TZDDPhysics::PreTreat() {
   // This method typically applies thresholds and calibrations
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.h b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.h
index 2847c289c42dfe321e948e6022df2f737520f67d..6ebfb408e37acbd50e37e7152470ad5c5e5dac03 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysics.h
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class TZDDPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TZDDPhysicsRea
     void Match_IC1();
     void Match_PL();
+    // bool CheckGoodEvent();
     // PreTreating Energy for IC and Plastic 
     void PreTreatEnergy(std::string Detector, CalibrationManager* Cal);
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysicsReader.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysicsReader.cxx
index ec5369f60e6b487357b6be571c723071abf1448b..49e5c22b3d977fd2d7211e302fdaa1a648055a1d 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysicsReader.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/ZDD/TZDDPhysicsReader.cxx
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@ TZDDPhysicsReader::TZDDPhysicsReader()
 void TZDDPhysicsReader::r_SetTreeReader(TTreeReader* TreeReader){
+    std::cout << "TEST " << TreeReader << std::endl;
 r_ReaderEventData = new TTreeReaderValue<TZDDData>(*TreeReader,"ZDD");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NPLib/Utility/npreader.cxx b/NPLib/Utility/npreader.cxx
index ed1402777f2cf4226edd1cb78bffd2a2e8a6a4ba..bb17fc88bd2b7de2a0d446471bb3c63a1d5d6a3e 100644
--- a/NPLib/Utility/npreader.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Utility/npreader.cxx
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ int main(int argc , char** argv){
     std::cout << "Salut ////////////////////" << std::endl; 
-    // UserAnalysis->InitTreeReader(inputTreeReader);
+    UserAnalysis->InitTreeReader(inputTreeReader);
     std::string str_error=error;
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ int main(int argc , char** argv){
   unsigned long new_nentries = 0 ;
   int current_tree = 0 ;
   int total_tree = Chain->GetNtrees();
+  int entry_max = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetNumberOfEntryToAnalyse();
   bool IsPhysics = myOptionManager->GetInputPhysicalTreeOption();
@@ -184,17 +185,18 @@ int main(int argc , char** argv){
-      while(inputTreeReader->Next()){
+      while(inputTreeReader->Next()&& treated < entry_max){
         // Build the current event
           // User Analysis;
-          UserAnalysis->TreatEvent();
+            UserAnalysis->TreatEvent();
             //Fill the tree     
-              myDetector->FillOutputTree();
+            myDetector->FillOutputTree();
         current_tree = Chain->GetTreeNumber()+1;
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ int main(int argc , char** argv){
-    else{
+    /*else{
       std::cout << "test npa branch 3" << std::endl;
 			//for (unsigned long i = first_entry ; i < nentries + first_entry; i++) { 
@@ -238,6 +240,7 @@ int main(int argc , char** argv){
diff --git a/Projects/E805/Analysis.cxx b/Projects/E805/Analysis.cxx
index 22906dc7054dea28e5e6356e9298f4c949dc3475..ec0431e654fe27bc0eddeb0c358028c8b5c5f148 100755
--- a/Projects/E805/Analysis.cxx
+++ b/Projects/E805/Analysis.cxx
@@ -35,204 +35,195 @@ Analysis::~Analysis(){
 void Analysis::Init(){
-  // CATS = (TCATSPhysics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("CATSDetector");
+  CATS = (TCATSPhysics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("CATSDetector");
   M2 = (TMust2Physics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("M2Telescope");
-  // 
-  //reaction->ReadConfigurationFile(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetReactionFile());
-  //OriginalBeamEnergy = reaction->GetBeamEnergy();
-  //string Path = "../../Inputs/EnergyLoss/";
-  //string TargetMaterial = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetMaterial();
-  //TargetThickness = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetThickness();
-  //string beam=  NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetName());
-  //string heavy_ejectile=  NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetName());
-  //string light=NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetName());
-  //string Reaction_pd_s = "48Cr(p,d)47Cr@1620";
-  //string Reaction_pt_s = "48Cr(p,t)46Cr@1620";
-  //string Reaction_p3He_s = "48Cr(p,3He)46V@1620";
-  //Reaction_pd = new Reaction(Reaction_pd_s);
-  //Reaction_pt = new Reaction(Reaction_pt_s);
-  //Reaction_p3He = new Reaction(Reaction_p3He_s);
-  //ProtonSi = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ "proton_Si.G4table", "G4Table", 100);
-  //
-  //for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleType.size(); i++){
-  //  LightAl[ParticleType[i]] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ParticleType[i]+"_Al.G4table","G4Table",100);
-  //  LightTarget[ParticleType[i]] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ParticleType[i]+"_CH2.G4table","G4Table",100);
-  //}
-  //BeamTarget["48Cr"] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+"Cr48_CH2.G4table","G4Table",100);
+  ZDD = (TZDDPhysics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("ZDD");
+  TAC = (TTACPhysics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("TAC");
+  Exogam = (TExogamPhysics*)  m_DetectorManager -> GetDetector("Exogam");
+  reaction->ReadConfigurationFile(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetReactionFile());
+  OriginalBeamEnergy = reaction->GetBeamEnergy();
+  string Path = "../../Inputs/EnergyLoss/";
+  string TargetMaterial = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetMaterial();
+  TargetThickness = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetThickness();
+  string beam=  NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus1()->GetName());
+  string heavy_ejectile=  NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus4()->GetName());
+  string light=NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetName());
+  string Reaction_pd_s = "48Cr(p,d)47Cr@1620";
+  string Reaction_pt_s = "48Cr(p,t)46Cr@1620";
+  string Reaction_p3He_s = "48Cr(p,3He)46V@1620";
+  Reaction_pd = new Reaction(Reaction_pd_s);
+  Reaction_pt = new Reaction(Reaction_pt_s);
+  Reaction_p3He = new Reaction(Reaction_p3He_s);
+  ProtonSi = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ "proton_Si.G4table", "G4Table", 100);
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleType.size(); i++){
+   LightAl[ParticleType[i]] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ParticleType[i]+"_Al.G4table","G4Table",100);
+   LightTarget[ParticleType[i]] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+ParticleType[i]+"_CH2.G4table","G4Table",100);
+  }
+  BeamTarget["48Cr"] = NPL::EnergyLoss(Path+"Cr48_CH2.G4table","G4Table",100);
-  //Reaction_pd->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_pd->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
-  //Reaction_pt->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_pt->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
-  //Reaction_p3He->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_p3He->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
-  //Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();  
+  Reaction_pd->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_pd->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
+  Reaction_pt->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_pt->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
+  Reaction_p3He->SetBeamEnergy(BeamTarget["48Cr"].Slow(Reaction_p3He->GetBeamEnergy(),TargetThickness*0.5,0));
+  Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();  
   ///////////////////////////// Initialize some important parameters //////////////////////////////////
 bool Analysis::UnallocateBeforeBuild(){
-  // return true;
   return (GATCONFMASTER.size() == 1 && GATCONFMASTER[0] > 0); 
-  //return true;
+  // return true;
 bool Analysis::UnallocateBeforeTreat(){
-/*  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
-  PlasticRaw[i] = (*PlasticRaw_   )[i];
-  PlasticRawTS[i] = (*PlasticRaw_TS_)[i];
-  }
-  for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
-  IC_ZDDRaw[i] =  (*IC_ZDDRaw_)[i];
-  IC_ZDDRawTS[i] =  (*IC_ZDDRaw_TS_)[i];
-  }
-  TAC_D4_CATS1 =**TAC_D4_CATS1_;
-  TAC_D4_CATS1 =**TAC_D4_CATS1_TS_;
-  TAC_PL_1 = **TAC_PL_1_;
-  TAC_PL_1TS = **TAC_PL_1_TS_;
-  TAC_PL_2 = **TAC_PL_2_;
-  TAC_PL_2TS = **TAC_PL_2_TS_;
-  TAC_PL_3 = **TAC_PL_3_;
-  TAC_PL_3TS = **TAC_PL_3_TS_;
-  TAC_PL_4 = **TAC_PL_4_;
-  TAC_PL_4TS = **TAC_PL_4_TS_;
-  TAC_PL_5 = **TAC_PL_5_;
-  TAC_PL_5TS = **TAC_PL_5_TS_;
   return true;
 bool Analysis::FillOutputCondition(){
-  return true;
-  //return (CATS->MapX.size() > 0 && CATS->MapY.size()>0);
+  return bCATS;
+  //return true;
 void Analysis::TreatEvent(){
-    //  if(M2->CsI_E.size() > 0) 
-    //  std::cout << "Analysis test " << M2->CsI_E[0] << " " << M2->CsI_E.size() << " " << "\n \n";
-    // std::cout << CATS->PositionX.size() << std::endl;
     //////////////////// MUST2 Part ////////////////////
-    int M2_size = M2->Si_E.size();
-    if(CATS->PositionX.size() == 2 && CATS->PositionY.size() == 2){
-    for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2_size ; countMust2++){
-      M2_TelescopeM++;
-      // MUST2
-      int TelescopeNumber = M2->TelescopeNumber[countMust2];
-      // Part 1 : Impact Angle
-      ThetaM2Surface = 0;
-      ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
-      BeamImpact = TVector3(CATS->PositionOnTargetX,CATS->PositionOnTargetY,0); 
-      // std::cout << "Position On target : " << CATS->PositionOnTargetX << " " << CATS->PositionOnTargetY << std::endl;
+    //TreatCATS();
+    bCATS = true;
+    //if(bCATS){
+    //  TreatZDD();
+    //  TreatTAC();
+    //  TreatMUST2();
+    //  TreatEXO();
+    //}
+  /*//for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2->Si_E.size() ; countMust2++){
+  //Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
+  //CsI_E_M2 = M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
+  //ThetaM2Surface = 0;
+  //  if(Si_E_M2 > 0 && CsI_E_M2 > 8192){
+  //    //double EfromdeltaE = ProtonSi.EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(
+  //    //  Si_E_M2, 300*um, ThetaM2Surface, 6.0 * MeV, 300.0 * MeV,
+  //    //  0.001 * MeV, 10000);
+  //    double EfromdeltaE = (CsI_E_M2-8192)*0.1;
+  //    M2_ECsI_from_deltaE.push_back(EfromdeltaE);
+  //    if(EfromdeltaE > 0){
+  //      Beta_light = sqrt(1./(1.+1./(pow(EfromdeltaE/911. + 1,2)-1)));
+  //      Beta_from_deltaE.push_back(Beta_light);
+  //      if(Beta_light>0){
+  //        double Beth = log(2*511.*Beta_light*Beta_light/(0.174*(1-Beta_light*Beta_light))) - Beta_light*Beta_light; 
+  //        Beth_from_deltaE.push_back(Beth);
+  //      }
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //}
-      //BeamImpact = TVector3(0,0,0); 
-      BeamDirection = TVector3(CATS->PositionX[0] - CATS->PositionX[1],CATS->PositionY[0] - CATS->PositionY[1],CATS->PositionZ[0] - CATS->PositionZ[1]);
-      // std::cout << "Position XY " <<  CATS->PositionX[1] - CATS->PositionX[0] << " " << CATS->PositionY[1] - CATS->PositionY[0] << " " << CATS->PositionZ[1] - CATS->PositionZ[0] << std::endl;
-      // BeamDirection = TVector3(0,0,1);
-      TVector3 HitDirection = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2) - BeamImpact ;
-      M2_ThetaLab.push_back(HitDirection.Angle( BeamDirection ));
-      //std::cout <<  M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).X() << "  " << M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Y() << "  "<< M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Z() <<  std::endl;
-      M2_X.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).X());
-      M2_Y.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Y());
-      M2_Z.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Z());
-      ThetaM2Surface = HitDirection.Angle(- M2 -> GetTelescopeNormal(countMust2) );
-      ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle( TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
-      // Part 2 : Impact Energy
-      int CristalNb = M2->CsI_N[countMust2];
-      Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
-      CsI_E_M2= M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
-      // if(CsI_E_M2 > 0)
-      // std::cout << "Analysis " << CsI_E_M2 << " " << M2->CsI_E.size() << " " << CristalNb << "\n \n";
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleType.size(); i++){
-        Energy[ParticleType[i]] = 0;
-        CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]] = 0;
-      if(CsI_E_M2>8192 ){
-        // The energy in CsI is calculate form dE/dx Table because
-        CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]] =  Cal->ApplyCalibration("MUST2/"+ParticleType[i]+"_T"+NPL::itoa(TelescopeNumber)+"_CsI"+NPL::itoa(CristalNb)+"_E",CsI_E_M2);
-        Energy[ParticleType[i]] = CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]];
-        // Energy[ParticleType[i]] = LightAl[ParticleType[i]].EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy[ParticleType[i]], 0.4 * micrometer, ThetaM2Surface);
-        //std::cout << ParticleType[i]+"MUST2/T"+NPL::itoa(TelescopeNumber)+"_CsI"+NPL::itoa(CristalNb)+"_E" << " " <<  Energy[ParticleType[i]] << "\n";
-        //Energy = LightAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( Energy ,0.4*micrometer , ThetaM2Surface);
-        //Energy+=Si_E_M2;
-      }
+void Analysis::TreatCATS(){
+  BeamImpact = TVector3(CATS->PositionOnTargetX,CATS->PositionOnTargetY,0); 
+  // BeamImpact = TVector3(0,0,0); 
+  // std::cout << "Position On target : " << CATS->PositionOnTargetX << " " << CATS->PositionOnTargetY << std::endl; 
+  BeamDirection = TVector3(CATS->PositionX[0] - CATS->PositionX[1],CATS->PositionY[0] - CATS->PositionY[1],CATS->PositionZ[0] - CATS->PositionZ[1]);
+  // BeamDirection = TVector3(0,0,1);
+  // std::cout << "Position XY " <<  CATS->PositionX[1] - CATS->PositionX[0] << " " << CATS->PositionY[1] - CATS->PositionY[0] << " " << CATS->PositionZ[1] - CATS->PositionZ[0] << std::endl;
+  bCATS = true;
-//      else
-      Energy[ParticleType[i]] += Si_E_M2;
-      if(Energy[ParticleType[i]] > 0)
-        Energy[ParticleType[i]] = LightTarget[ParticleType[i]].EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy[ParticleType[i]] ,TargetThickness*0.5, ThetaNormalTarget);
-      else
-        Energy[ParticleType[i]] = -1000;
+void Analysis::TreatZDD(){
+void Analysis::TreatTAC(){
-      }
-      // Evaluate energy using the thickness
-      //Energy = LightAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( Energy ,0.4*micrometer , ThetaM2Surface);
-      // Target Correction
-      //M2_ELab.push_back(LightTarget.EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy ,TargetThickness*0.5, ThetaNormalTarget));
-      M2_ELab.push_back(Energy["proton"]);
-      M2_dE.push_back(Si_E_M2);
-      // Part 3 : Excitation Energy Calculation
-      M2_Ex_p.push_back(reaction->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["proton"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
-      M2_Ex_d.push_back(Reaction_pd->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["deuteron"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
-       std::cout << "oui " << M2_Ex_d[countMust2] << std::endl;
-      M2_Ex_t.push_back(Reaction_pt->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["triton"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
-      M2_Ex_a.push_back(Reaction_p3He->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["alpha"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
-      M2_CsI_E_p.push_back(CsI_Energy["proton"]);
-      M2_CsI_E_d.push_back(CsI_Energy["deuteron"]);
-      M2_CsI_E_t.push_back(CsI_Energy["triton"]);
-      M2_CsI_E_a.push_back(CsI_Energy["alpha"]);
+void Analysis::TreatMUST2(){
+  int M2_size = M2->Si_E.size();
+  for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2_size ; countMust2++){
+    M2_TelescopeM++;
+    int TelescopeNumber = M2->TelescopeNumber[countMust2];
+    // Part 1 : Impact Angle
+    ThetaM2Surface = 0;
+    ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
-      M2_ThetaLab[countMust2]=M2_ThetaLab[countMust2]/deg;
+    TVector3 HitDirection = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2) - BeamImpact ;
+    M2_ThetaLab.push_back(HitDirection.Angle( BeamDirection ));
+    M2_X.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).X());
+    M2_Y.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Y());
+    M2_Z.push_back(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Z());
+    ThetaM2Surface = HitDirection.Angle(- M2 -> GetTelescopeNormal(countMust2) );
+    ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle( TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
+    // Part 2 : Impact Energy
+    int CristalNb = M2->CsI_N[countMust2];
+    Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
+    CsI_E_M2= M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleType.size(); i++){
+      Energy[ParticleType[i]] = 0;
+      CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]] = 0;
+    if(CsI_E_M2>8192 ){
+      // The energy in CsI is calculate form dE/dx Table because
+      std::string name = "MUST2/"+ParticleType[i]+"_T"+NPL::itoa(TelescopeNumber)+"_CsI"+NPL::itoa(CristalNb)+"_E";
+      CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]] =  Cal->ApplyCalibration(name,CsI_E_M2);
+      Energy[ParticleType[i]] = CsI_Energy[ParticleType[i]];
+    }
-      // Part 4 : Theta CM Calculation
-      M2_ThetaCM.push_back(reaction->EnergyLabToThetaCM( M2_ELab[countMust2] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2])/deg);
+    Energy[ParticleType[i]] += Si_E_M2;
+    if(Energy[ParticleType[i]] > 0)
+      Energy[ParticleType[i]] = LightTarget[ParticleType[i]].EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy[ParticleType[i]] ,TargetThickness*0.5, ThetaNormalTarget);
+    else
+      Energy[ParticleType[i]] = -1000;
+    }
+    // Target Correction
+    //M2_ELab.push_back(LightTarget.EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy ,TargetThickness*0.5, ThetaNormalTarget));
+    M2_ELab.push_back(Energy["proton"]);
+    M2_dE.push_back(Si_E_M2);
+    // Part 3 : Excitation Energy Calculation
+    M2_Ex_p.push_back(reaction->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["proton"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
+    M2_Ex_d.push_back(Reaction_pd->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["deuteron"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
+    M2_Ex_t.push_back(Reaction_pt->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["triton"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
+    M2_Ex_a.push_back(Reaction_p3He->ReconstructRelativistic( Energy["alpha"] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2] ));
+    M2_CsI_E_p.push_back(CsI_Energy["proton"]);
+    M2_CsI_E_d.push_back(CsI_Energy["deuteron"]);
+    M2_CsI_E_t.push_back(CsI_Energy["triton"]);
+    M2_CsI_E_a.push_back(CsI_Energy["alpha"]);
+    M2_ThetaLab[countMust2]=M2_ThetaLab[countMust2]/deg;
+    // Part 4 : Theta CM Calculation
+    M2_ThetaCM.push_back(reaction->EnergyLabToThetaCM( M2_ELab[countMust2] , M2_ThetaLab[countMust2])/deg);
-      //if(proton_cut[TelescopeNumber]){
-      //  std::cout << "Test :" << proton_cut[TelescopeNumber] << " \n";
-      //  
-    }//end loop MUST2
+void Analysis::TreatEXO(){
+  // }
+  /*
   if(M2->Si_E.size() > 0){
     if(Inner6MVM > 0){
@@ -272,36 +263,15 @@ void Analysis::TreatEvent(){
-  //for(unsigned int countMust2 = 0 ; countMust2 < M2->Si_E.size() ; countMust2++){
-  //Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
-  //CsI_E_M2 = M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
-  //ThetaM2Surface = 0;
-  //  if(Si_E_M2 > 0 && CsI_E_M2 > 8192){
-  //    //double EfromdeltaE = ProtonSi.EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(
-  //    //  Si_E_M2, 300*um, ThetaM2Surface, 6.0 * MeV, 300.0 * MeV,
-  //    //  0.001 * MeV, 10000);
-  //    double EfromdeltaE = (CsI_E_M2-8192)*0.1;
-  //    M2_ECsI_from_deltaE.push_back(EfromdeltaE);
-  //    if(EfromdeltaE > 0){
-  //      Beta_light = sqrt(1./(1.+1./(pow(EfromdeltaE/911. + 1,2)-1)));
-  //      Beta_from_deltaE.push_back(Beta_light);
-  //      if(Beta_light>0){
-  //        double Beth = log(2*511.*Beta_light*Beta_light/(0.174*(1-Beta_light*Beta_light))) - Beta_light*Beta_light; 
-  //        Beth_from_deltaE.push_back(Beth);
-  //      }
-  //    }
-  //  }
-  //}
 void Analysis::InitOutputBranch() {
-  /*
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("GATCONFTS",&GATCONFMASTERTS);
@@ -322,7 +292,7 @@ void Analysis::InitOutputBranch() {
   // RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("M2_ECsI_from_deltaE",&M2_ECsI_from_deltaE);
+  /*
   RootOutput:: getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("TAC_CATS_PL",&TAC_CATS_PL,"TAC_CATS_PL/s");
   RootOutput:: getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("TAC_CATS_PLTS",&TAC_CATS_PLTS,"TAC_CATS_PLTS/l");
@@ -388,6 +358,7 @@ void Analysis::InitInputBranch(){
   TTreeReader* inputTreeReader = RootInput::getInstance()->GetTreeReader();
   GATCONFMASTER_ = new TTreeReaderValue<vector<unsigned int>>(*inputTreeReader,"GATCONF");
+  GATCONFMASTERTS_ = new TTreeReaderValue<vector<unsigned long long>>(*inputTreeReader,"GATCONFTS");
   //DATATRIG_CATS_ = new TTreeReaderValue<unsigned short>(*inputTreeReader,"DATATRIG_CATS");
   /*PlasticRaw_   = new TTreeReaderArray<UShort_t>(*inputTreeReader,"PlasticRaw");
   PlasticRaw_TS_ = new TTreeReaderArray<ULong64_t>(*inputTreeReader,"PlasticRawTS");
diff --git a/Projects/E805/Analysis.h b/Projects/E805/Analysis.h
index 6ef5d390e57243032fdde2184587b4d1bdc1d248..e891c248947033f2fd507acb90e0de6806141d12 100755
--- a/Projects/E805/Analysis.h
+++ b/Projects/E805/Analysis.h
@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@
  *                                                                           *
+// #include"Geometry_Clover_Exogam.h"
 #include "TMust2Physics.h"
 #include "TCATSPhysics.h"
-#include "TMust2PhysicsReader.h"
+#include "TTACPhysics.h"
+#include "TExogamPhysics.h"
+// #include "TMust2PhysicsReader.h"
@@ -68,7 +70,18 @@ class Analysis: public NPL::VAnalysis{
     bool CheckExoDeltaTV(float ExoTime);
     static NPL::VAnalysis* Construct();
-    TTreeReaderValue<TMust2Data>* r_ReaderEventData; 
+    TTreeReaderValue<TMust2Data>* r_ReaderEventData;
+  private:
+    void TreatCATS();
+    void TreatZDD(); 
+    void TreatTAC(); 
+    void TreatMUST2(); 
+    void TreatEXO(); 
+  private:
+    bool bCATS;
@@ -149,6 +162,8 @@ class Analysis: public NPL::VAnalysis{
   vector<unsigned int> GATCONFMASTER;
   TTreeReaderValue<vector<unsigned int>>* GATCONFMASTER_;
+  vector<unsigned long long> GATCONFMASTERTS;
+  TTreeReaderValue<vector<unsigned long long>>* GATCONFMASTERTS_;
   unsigned short DATATRIG_CATS;
   TTreeReaderValue<unsigned short>* DATATRIG_CATS_;
@@ -333,6 +348,9 @@ class Analysis: public NPL::VAnalysis{
   TMust2Physics* M2;
   TCATSPhysics* CATS;
   TZDDPhysics* ZDD;
+  TTACPhysics* TAC;
+  TExogamPhysics* Exogam;
   TMust2PhysicsReader* M2_Reader;
   TInitialConditions* InitialConditions;
   TReactionConditions* ReactionConditions;
@@ -374,7 +392,7 @@ class Analysis: public NPL::VAnalysis{
   double Theta_seg;
   double Phi_seg;
-  Char_t Exogam[100];
+  // Char_t Exogam[100];
   Int_t ExoNumb;
   Int_t Flange_tmp;
   int FlangeNumb[12];
@@ -382,7 +400,7 @@ class Analysis: public NPL::VAnalysis{
-  Clover_struc Exogam_Clovers_struc[12];
+  // Clover_struc Exogam_Clovers_struc[12];
   TCutG* proton_cut[4];
diff --git a/Projects/E805/Calibration1.txt b/Projects/E805/Calibration1.txt
index 165ab033dbbb98f9cfb8964149b1341602947787..9f2c6a87027dda7f53a467c2e30f37c5b2e93f28 100644
--- a/Projects/E805/Calibration1.txt
+++ b/Projects/E805/Calibration1.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ CalibrationFilePath
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/Run_CSICalib/CsI_MM1.txt
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/Run_CSICalib/CsI_MM2.txt
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/Run_CSICalib/CsI_MM3.txt
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/Run_CSICalib/CsI_MM4.txt
@@ -39,3 +44,8 @@ CalibrationFilePath
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/NPrun_392_152Eu/Exogam_E/Cal_Exogam_E.cal
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/NPrun_392_152Eu/Exogam_EHG/Cal_Exogam_EHG.cal
+    ./data/NPRoot/Calibration/NPrun_392_152Eu/Exogam_Outer/Cal_Exogam_Outer.cal
\ No newline at end of file