diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
index 0618fe3f65da9d9d159a7c3048501c51ca10bf01..0ff5e1462fc0390a7e3c5e73f62dc6c39c91404f 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Transfert
 	BeamEnergySpread= 0
 	SigmaX= 0.851
 	SigmaY= 0.851
-	SigmaThetaX= 1 
-	SigmaPhiY= 1
+	SigmaThetaX= 0 
+	SigmaPhiY= 0
 	CrossSectionPath= sn132dp_gs_10AMeV.txt
 	ShootLight= 1
 	ShootHeavy= 0
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/include/ObjectManager.hh b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/include/ObjectManager.hh
index 87249677afccc0f2904ba9a871236176453ee7af..49ee8e46c54b88087f434cbcdddaa5cfe9ddd589 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/include/ObjectManager.hh
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/include/ObjectManager.hh
@@ -102,15 +102,11 @@ using namespace CUT ;
 #include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
 using namespace NPL ;
 namespace ENERGYLOSS
-	{
-		//	Declare your Energy loss here	:
-	/*		EnergyLoss ProtonTarget = EnergyLoss 	(	"CD2.txt" 	,
-														100 		,
-														1			);
-	*/
-	}
+   // Declare your Energy loss here
+   EnergyLoss DeutonTargetCD2 = EnergyLoss("deuton_cd2.txt", 100, 1, 2);
 using namespace ENERGYLOSS ;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
index 8e4125f0c3da2b5d3ee6dfb94cbf727d318edf8f..f7c83fdf944fd876200cfbdcd132f4dd587959a0 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
    // Attach more branch to the output
-   double Ex = 0 ; double EE = 0 ; double TT = 0 ; double X = 0 ; double Y = 0 ; int det ;
+   double Ex = 0 ; double ExNoStrips = 0 ; double EE = 0 ; double TT = 0 ; double X = 0 ; double Y = 0 ; int det ;
    RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergy",&Ex,"Ex/D") ;
+   RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergyNoStrips",&ExNoStrips,"ExNoStrips/D") ;
    RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("E",&EE,"EE/D") ;
    RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("A",&TT,"TT/D") ;
    RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("X",&X,"X/D") ;
@@ -76,10 +77,13 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
          // Calculate scattering angle
          ThetaStrip = ThetaCalculation (A ,TVector3(0,0,1));
+         // Correct for energy loss in the target
+         E = DeutonTargetCD2.EvaluateInitialEnergy(E, 4.85*micrometer, ThetaStrip);
          // Calculate excitation energy
          if (Theta/deg > 90) {
-//            Ex = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, Theta / rad);
-            Ex = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, ThetaStrip);
+            ExNoStrips = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, Theta / rad);
+            Ex         = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, ThetaStrip);
          else Ex = -200;
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/GNUmakefile b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/GNUmakefile
index c18b108aaeff1d074e76e615e2f38d050e4cfedc..ee550bf803157a516ec56215da44d876d99bbe28 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/GNUmakefile
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/GNUmakefile
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ LDFLAGS+= -L$(NPLIB)/lib -lVDetector -lIORoot -lReaction -lEnergyLoss \
 SRC= $(wildcard *.cc)
+INC= $(wildcard $(NPAINCLUDES)/*.hh)
 #	@$(CPP) -o $@ -c $< $(CXXFLAGS)
+Analysis:$(OBJ) $(INC)
 	@$(CPP) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
 	mv Analysis  ../Analysis
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
index 32874e9e3ea4f80e697d04737eb4733bbd68110e..ee430b6cd09f6f03198c8e9429eff559047ded2f 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.cxx
@@ -536,6 +536,9 @@ void GaspardTracker::AddModuleSquare(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
+   // remove warning using C_X128_Y128
+   C_X128_Y128.Unit();
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
    TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1;
    U = U.Unit();
@@ -692,6 +695,9 @@ void GaspardTracker::AddModuleDummyShape(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
+   // remove warning using C_X128_Y128
+   C_X128_Y128.Unit();
    // Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
    TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1;
    U = U.Unit();
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
index e0d25a08bab1e7316a715f67c2a9dba4fd9df4d3..5de55bd49c53f3840d85969093c612f39452aa8c 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTracker.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class GaspardTracker : public NPA::VDetector
-   ~GaspardTracker();
+   virtual ~GaspardTracker();
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.cxx
index 921d309472482a8956561905ab4ae80bfdf59c60..ae48b30d5ba143676f34cf54d419075ae340eac1 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/TGaspardTrackerPhysics.cxx
@@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ void TGaspardTrackerPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent(TGaspardTrackerData* Data)
    bool Check_FirstStage = false ;bool Check_SecondStage = false ; bool Check_ThirdStage = false ;
    // Thresholds
    double FirstStage_Front_E_Threshold = 0; double FirstStage_Front_T_Threshold = 0;
    double FirstStage_Back_E_Threshold  = 0; double FirstStage_Back_T_Threshold  = 0;
    double SecondStage_E_Threshold      = 0; double SecondStage_T_Threshold      = 0;
    double ThirdStage_E_Threshold       = 0; double ThirdStage_T_Threshold	= 0;
    // calculate multipicity in the first stage
    int multXE = Data->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEMult();
    int multYE = Data->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEMult();
@@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ void TGaspardTrackerPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent(TGaspardTrackerData* Data)
             // get time from strips and store it
             double TimeStripFront = Data->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEEnergy(0);
             double TimeStripBack  = Data->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEEnergy(0);
-            double TimeStrip  = 0.5 * (EnergyStripFront + EnergyStripBack);
-//                  double TimeStrip  = EnergyStripFront;
+            double TimeStrip  = 0.5 * (TimeStripFront + TimeStripBack);
+//                  double TimeStrip  = TimeStripFront;
 //                  if (TimeStripBack > TimeStrip) TimeStrip = TimeStripBack;
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
index c10a4f39c77954e97c11474a8ed2fba0adefab11..20fd8d3f933a49aa75ecfd55a9bcb9a25152ca08 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/VDetector.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace NPA
 				//	Default Constructor and destructor
 				VDetector()   ;
-				~VDetector()   ;
+				virtual ~VDetector()   ;
 				//	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
index 8285639eb29a9718eab3378eab2d23694e3d83f6..49eb5e54ca1868d9272328ea8c480caed7dfa5f3 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerDummyShape.hh
@@ -142,30 +142,26 @@ private:
    // Resolution
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0              ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.022          ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0          ;// = 130 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-//   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.055          ;// = 130 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0              ;// = 100 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-//   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.043          ;// = 100 kev of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957    ;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
+   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoSecondStage = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoThirdStage  = 0.0213;	// = 50 keV of resolution //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+   const G4double ResoTimeGpd     = 0.212765957;// = 500ps                 //   Unit is  ns/2.35
    // Geometry for the mother volume containing the different layers of your dummy shape module
    const G4double FaceFront          = 5.1*cm;
    const G4double FaceBack           = 5.1*cm;
-//   const G4double Length             = 1.5*cm;
-//   const G4double InterStageDistance = 5*mm;
+   const G4double Length             = 1.5*cm;
+   const G4double InterStageDistance = 5*mm;
    // for testing the excitation energy reconstruction
-   const G4double Length             = 4*cm;
-   const G4double InterStageDistance = 15*mm;
+//   const G4double Length             = 4*cm;
+//   const G4double InterStageDistance = 15*mm;
    // First stage
    const G4double FirstStageFace       = 5.0*cm;
-//   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 300*micrometer ;
+   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 300*micrometer;
    // for testing the excitation energy reconstruction
-   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 1.3*cm;
-//   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 128;
-   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 25;
+//   const G4double FirstStageThickness  = 1.3*cm;
+   const G4int NumberOfStrips	       = 25; // 2mm strip pitch
    // Second stage
    const G4double SecondStageFace      = FirstStageFace;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh b/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
index dea5c2a469c7dae11c22c31da9002b1fcbd1fe9d..5fcee069b67b69476d59c52eb7ca5af51fde514e 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/Target.hh
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ public:
    void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event);
+   // method for debug purpose (still to be implemented)
+   // This method should check if the results of the beam interaction within the target
+   // (interaction coordinates) are well located inside the target volume
+   bool IsInsideTarget() {return false;};
    G4Material* GetMaterialFromLibrary(G4String MaterialName, G4double Temperature = 0, G4double Pressure = 0);
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc b/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
index e24141ea2755ec3161cbf7037e05a32f604737ee..e99912dd503b88a2b8ede1508726ef2ceecee2e3 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/AnnularS1.cc
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ void AnnularS1::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
    G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
    // Al
-   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
+//   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
    // Iron
-   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
+//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
    // CsI
    density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
index 9432cb7dc048a06679f6cb2f9c6fdf1b79095589..ba566a4c2acd398beca6705f92daeed1bb61daa7 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc
@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ void GaspardTrackerAnnular::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
    G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
    // Al
-   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
+//   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
    // Iron
-   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
+//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
    // CsI
    density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
index 307c3ce244231f39c30b5e67dd1144d787da51bb..39c2f6bde8186e7a9eefaa4e6c3c68fec6b90935 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerSquare.cc
@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ void GaspardTrackerSquare::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber,
    G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
    // Iron
-   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
+//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
    // CsI
    density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
index 714a28c9d23a8980ab38c04e540f7b11bc0f16ea..b5f91d1f6e0c3b10dfe6db1c6c8b738f73147974 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cc
@@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber   ,
    G4Material* Silicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
    // Al
-   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
+//   density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 26.98 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Aluminium = new G4Material("Aluminium", z = 13., a, density);
    // Iron
-   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
-   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
-   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
+//   density = 7.874 * g / cm3;
+//   a = 55.847 * g / mole;
+//   G4Material* Iron = new G4Material("Iron", z = 26., a, density);
    // CsI
    density = 4.51 * g / cm3;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc b/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
index 9fe510c3b9a76f788af8ae39d89c410e63764fff..f532c4495eed51466aeebf4dfc251be0173c9c90 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/GeneralScorers.cc
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ G4bool PSDetectorNumber::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
    int numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber = name.length() - (int)found  ;
-	for( int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
+	for(unsigned int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
 			nbr += name[i] ; 
    G4int DetNbr = atoi( nbr.c_str() ) ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
index 3040dec99e7980a88ec584555e587fcab00a2aa1..5b854ff9077c388db806141054977407fa464c96 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker(G4int TelescopeNumber ,
      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0),logicDegrader,"Degrader",logicVacBox,false,0) ;
-      /*
       //Place two marker to identify the u and v axis on silicon face:
       //marker are placed a bit before the silicon itself so they don't perturbate simulation
       //Uncomment to help debugging or if you want to understand the way the code work.
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/PlasticScorer.cc b/NPSimulation/src/PlasticScorer.cc
index 4cf0904c27753c54b33660127cab23fffdd5f5ec..ba2ca272ba0a4727e93e0c8e89d6d388e17f54b6 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/PlasticScorer.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/PlasticScorer.cc
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ G4bool PSEnergy::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
    int numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber = name.length() - (int)found  ;
-	for( int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
+	for(unsigned int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
 			nbr += name[i] ; 
    G4int DetNbr = atoi( nbr.c_str() ) ;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ G4bool PSDetectorNumber::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
    int numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber = name.length() - (int)found  ;
-	for( int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
+	for(unsigned int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
 			nbr += name[i] ; 
    G4int DetNbr = atoi( nbr.c_str() ) ;
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ G4bool PSTOF::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
    int numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber = name.length() - (int)found  ;
-	for( int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
+	for(unsigned int i = found ; i < found + numberOfCharacterInDetectorNumber ; i++ )
 			nbr += name[i] ; 
    G4int DetNbr = atoi( nbr.c_str() ) ;
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index f675b8725c11b46866be51696a9547e4b28ef2df..3bf175015821ffc9f53d75957316c50bae3e0ea0 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ TODO for NPTool:
       + Possibility to tilt the target with a given angle and to deal with
         the emittance
-      + Shooting in the target within a dedicated method in VEventGenerator
       + IsInsideTarget method for debugging purposes
    + Add a dedicated class to deal with materials (see example from G4 tutorial)
      (still under debate)
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ TODO for NPTool:
 TODO for NPAnalysis:
    + Add comment support for RunToTreat.txt (Adrien)
-   + Check Makefiles dependency (mostly for Gaspard) (Nicolas)
    + Add calibration manager class from Julien (Adrien)
    + Use only one class for the analysis per detector instead of two currently
      (ROOT feature in private member definition ( //!))
@@ -51,6 +49,7 @@ TODO for NPAnalysis:
 TODO for AnnularS1 detector:
    + Update the way the scorers are dealt to the new way (no more loop in ReadSensitive)
+     (Nicolas)
 TODO for Gaspard: