diff --git a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
index 941c5e4be564c5f82947eae895a35a7f33b932d5..0fc833b1dd4f474186d1841d526474c0048d145f 100644
--- a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
+++ b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@
 #include <TH2.h>
 #include <TSpline.h>
 #include <fstream>
-#include "../XYCalibration/ProfileEvaluator.h"
 using namespace std;
-const int Ncuts=30;
+const int CutNumberLoader();
+const int Ncuts = CutNumberLoader();
 const int NSegment=11;
 const int Nrun=1;
-int RunNumber[Nrun]={241};
+int RunNumber[Nrun]={247};
 void MakeSpline();
 void ApplySpline_perTCutG();
 void ApplySpline();
-vector<vector<TSpline3*>> LoadSpline(const char* PathToSpline);
-vector<double> TxtToVector(const char *Path);
 void SplineChio()
@@ -31,76 +30,42 @@ void SplineChio()
     TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root","open");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineDe; 
-    TSpline3 *splineDE,*splineDE0, *splineDE02,*splineDE023,*splineDE0234,*splineDEbis;
-    fSplineDe= new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/splineDE.root","open");
-    splineDE = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe");
-    splineDE0 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_0");
-    splineDE02 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_02");
-    splineDE023 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_023");
-    splineDE0234 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_0234");
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib247.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
     TTimeData *Time = new TTimeData() ;
-    TFPMWPhysics *FPMW = new TFPMWPhysics();
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
     // ****************** Load Time  **********************************
     chain->SetBranchStatus("Time", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("Time", &Time);
-    vector<double> Toff13 , Toff14, Toff23, Toff24;
-    const char* Path13 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff13.txt";
-    const char* Path14 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff14.txt";
-    const char* Path23 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff23.txt";
-    const char* Path24 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff24.txt";
-    Toff13 = TxtToVector(Path13);
-    Toff14 = TxtToVector(Path14);
-    Toff23 = TxtToVector(Path23);
-    Toff24 = TxtToVector(Path24);
-    ProfileEvaluator Profile;
-    Profile.LoadProfile("../XYCalibration/Output/RatioProfile.root","ICOneZeroProfile");
-    TH2F *hChioDE_E_all = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,20000,500,1000,26000);
-    TH2F *hChioDE_E[Ncuts];
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) hChioDE_E[i]=new TH2F(Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),2000,1000,20000,1250,1000,26000);
+    TH2F *hChioDE_E_all = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,36000,500,1000,26000);
+    vector<TH2F*> hChioDE_E(Ncuts);
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) hChioDE_E[i]=new TH2F(Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),2000,1000,36000,1250,1000,26000);
     auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    //int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
-    int Nentries=1000000;
+    int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
+    //int Nentries=1000000;
     for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e)
         if (e % 100000  == 0 && e > 0 ) {
@@ -114,78 +79,11 @@ void SplineChio()
-        vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-        vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                               // segment of ic
-        if (Time->GetMWPC13Mult() ==1 && IC->fIC_TS.size()>=8){ //only mult 1 event
-            //*************************************** GET TIME 
-            UShort_t FPMW_Section = Time->GetSection_MWPC3(0);
-            double FF_DriftTime =  10* (IC->fIC_TS.at(0) - Time->GetTS_MWPC13(0)) - ((Time->GetTime_MWPC13(0)+Toff13.at(FPMW_Section))) ;
-            // *********************************   ALIGN IC***************************************************************
-            for (int seg = 1; seg < IC->fIC_TS.size() ; seg++) { // loop on multiplicity of event
-                if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-                double FF_DriftTime_temp = 10* (IC->fIC_TS.at(seg) - Time->GetTS_MWPC13(0)) - ((Time->GetTime_MWPC13(0)+Toff13.at(FPMW_Section))) ;
-                if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (seg == 0) {
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(0) * spline_Y.at(0)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(0)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    else if (seg == 1){ 
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    else if (seg > 1) {
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-                } //end if non empty
-                if (seg == 0) break;
-            }//endloop seg
-            //********************* CORR IC 0 ******************************
-            Double_t PolX =  1.37622;
-            Double_t ICRatio =  IC->fIC_raw[1]/IC->fIC_raw[0];
-            Double_t ICRatioCorr =  ICRatio * PolX / Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-            Double_t ICcorr_Y0 = IC->fIC_raw[0] / PolX * Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-            if ( ICRatioCorr<1.4 || ICRatioCorr >1.5){
-                ICRatioCorr =  ICRatio * PolX / Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-                ICcorr_Y0 =     IC->fIC_raw[0] / PolX * Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-                if (ICRatioCorr >100) {
-                    ICcorr_Y0 = IC->fIC_raw[0];
-                }
-            }
-            // ************************** CORR Y GLOB *****************************
-            double FF_DE_precorr = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y0+ ICcorr_Y.at(1) +ICcorr_Y.at(2)+ ICcorr_Y.at(3)) + ICcorr_Y.at(4);
-            FF_DE = FF_DE_precorr * splineDE0234->Eval(0) / splineDE0234->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-            FF_Eres = 0 ;
-            for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-                if (seg >4){
-                    if (seg == 5) FF_Eres += double(IC->fIC_raw[seg]);
-                    else FF_Eres += 2*double(IC->fIC_raw[seg]) ;
-                }
-            }
-            hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
+        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
-            //for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(Chio_E,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(Chio_E,FF_DE); break;}
-            for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(FF_Eres,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); break;}
-        } // end max mult 1
+        //for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(Chio_E,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(Chio_E,FF_DE); break;}
+        for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(IC->Eres,IC->DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); break;}
     }//end loop event
@@ -197,7 +95,7 @@ void SplineChio()
     TCanvas * can = new TCanvas(Form("ChioEbis_vs_ChioDE_run%04d_%04d",RunNumber[0],RunNumber[Nrun-1]),
-    can->cd(); gPad-> SetLogz();
+    can->cd();
     for(int i = 0 ; i < Ncuts ; i++) cutZ[i]->Draw("same");
@@ -205,14 +103,15 @@ void SplineChio()
 void MakeSpline(){
-    TFile *inFile=new TFile("histo/SingleZ_ChioDE_E.root");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    // ********************** Load prev histo****************************
+    TFile *inFile=new TFile("histo/SingleZ_ChioDE_E.root");
-    TH2F* h2 [Ncuts];
-    TH1F* hProfile[Ncuts];
-    TH1F* pfx[Ncuts]; // extended hProfile 
-    TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","recreate");
+   vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts);  
+   vector<TH2F*> h2 (Ncuts);
+   vector<TH1F*> hProfile(Ncuts);
+   vector<TH1F*> pfx(Ncuts); // extended hProfile 
+   TFile* fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","recreate");
     TCanvas * canfit = new TCanvas("canfit","canfit",0,0,2000,1500);
@@ -344,42 +243,34 @@ void ApplySpline_perTCutG()
     // *************************Cut***************************
     TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
     // ******************* TSpline DE*************************
     TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","read");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts);  
     for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++){ 
         cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
         gspline[i] = (TSpline3*)fspline->FindObjectAny(Form("fspline_%d",i+1));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib241.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }    
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
-    // variable after applying TSpline
+    // variable after applying TSpline MUST FIND middles of each spline
     double FF_DEcorr;
-    double FF_DEcorr0[Ncuts] = { 
+    vector<double> FF_DEcorr0 = { 
@@ -421,6 +312,7 @@ TH2F *hChioDE_E      = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,41000,500,1000
 TH2F *hChioDE_E_corr = new TH2F("hChioDE_E_corr","hChioDE_E_corr",1000,1000,41000,500,1000,26000);
 int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
+//int Nentries = 1000000;
 auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
 for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e){
@@ -435,55 +327,11 @@ for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e){
-    vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-    vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                           // segment of ic
-    for (int seg = 1; seg < NSegment+1 ; seg++) {
-        if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-        if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-            ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-        }
-        else {
-            if (seg == 0) {
-                Temp_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / Temp_Y.at(seg);
-            }
-            else if (seg == 1){ 
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-            }
-            else if (seg > 1) {
-                Temp_Y.at(seg) =  IC->fIC_raw[seg]/ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * Temp_Y.at(seg);
-            }
-            if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-        } //end if non empty
-        if (seg == 0) break;
-    }//endloop seg
-    FF_DE = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y[1] +IC->fIC_raw[2]+IC->fIC_raw[3])+IC->fIC_raw[4];
-    FF_Eres = 0 ;
-    for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-        if (seg >4){
-            FF_Eres += IC->fIC_raw[seg] ;
-            //Ecorr += ICcorr_Y.at(seg) ;
-        }
-    }
-    hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(FF_Eres,FF_DE)) {
-        hChioDE_E->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
-        FF_DEcorr = FF_DEcorr0[i] * FF_DE / gspline[i]->Eval(FF_Eres); 
-        hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DEcorr); 
+    hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(IC->Eres,IC->DE)) {
+        hChioDE_E->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
+        FF_DEcorr = FF_DEcorr0[i] * IC->DE / gspline[i]->Eval(IC->Eres); 
+        hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(IC->Eres,FF_DEcorr); 
@@ -502,39 +350,29 @@ can->cd(3); gPad-> SetLogz(); hChioDE_E_corr->Draw("colz");
 void ApplySpline()
     // *************************Cut***************************
-    TFile *fcut=new TFile("Cut/Cut_Z.root");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
+    TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root", "open");
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
     // ******************* TSpline DE*************************
     TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","read");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts) ;  
     for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++){ 
-        cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Z%i",i+1));
+        cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
         gspline[i] = (TSpline3*)fspline->FindObjectAny(Form("fspline_%d",i+1));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../YCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../YCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib241.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }   
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
     // variable after applying TSpline
@@ -542,7 +380,7 @@ void ApplySpline()
     double Zrough=0;
     double Zabitbetter=0;
-    double FF_DEcorr0[Ncuts];
+    vector<double> FF_DEcorr0(Ncuts);
     for(int index=0; index<Ncuts; index++){  
         FF_DEcorr0[index] = gspline[index]->Eval(8500);
@@ -590,7 +428,8 @@ void ApplySpline()
     TH1F *hChioZ_rough = new TH1F("hChioZ_rough","hChioZ_rough",2500,25,65); 
     TH1F *hChioZ_abitbetter = new TH1F("hChioZ_abitbetter","hChioZ_abitbetter",2500,25,65); 
-    int Nentries=1e6;//chain->GetEntries();
+    //int Nentries=1e6;
+    int Nentries = chain->GetEntries();
     auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
     double FF_Eres_prev = 0;
@@ -608,89 +447,39 @@ void ApplySpline()
         FF_DEcorr = -100;
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        //                           Splined Y
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-        vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                               // segment of ic
-        for (int seg = 1; seg < NSegment+1 ; seg++) {
-            if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-            if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-            }
-            else {
-                if (seg == 0) {
-                    Temp_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / Temp_Y.at(seg);
-                }
-                else if (seg == 1){ 
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                }
-                else if (seg > 1) {
-                    Temp_Y.at(seg) =  IC->fIC_raw[seg]/ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * Temp_Y.at(seg);
-                }
-                if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-            } //end if non empty
-            if (seg == 0) break;
-        }//endloop seg
-        FF_DE = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y[1] +IC->fIC_raw[2]+IC->fIC_raw[3])+IC->fIC_raw[4];
-        FF_Eres = 0 ;
+        if (IC->DE<3000) continue;
+        if(IC->Eres==FF_Eres_prev) continue;
+        FF_Eres_prev = IC->Eres;
-        for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-            if (seg >4){
-                FF_Eres += IC->fIC_raw[seg] ;
-                //Ecorr += ICcorr_Y.at(seg) ;
-            }
-        }
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        //                              Spline DE
-        //===========================================================================================================&
-        if (FF_DE<3000) continue;
-        if(FF_Eres==FF_Eres_prev) continue;
-        FF_Eres_prev = FF_Eres;
-        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE);
+        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE);
         float Eval_DEspline, DEspline0;
         int   index=0;
         for(int i=0; i<Ncuts; i++){
-            Eval_DEspline = gspline[i]->Eval(FF_Eres); 
-            if(FF_DE<Eval_DEspline) break;
+            Eval_DEspline = gspline[i]->Eval(IC->Eres); 
+            if(IC->DE<Eval_DEspline) break;
             index = i;
-        Eval_DEspline = gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres);
+        Eval_DEspline = gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres);
         DEspline0 = FF_DEcorr0[index];
         float dmin, dsup;
-        if( index < (Ncuts-1) && FF_DE > gspline[0]->Eval(FF_Eres)){
-            dmin = FF_DE-gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres);
-            dsup = gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres)-FF_DE;
+        if( index < (Ncuts-1) && IC->DE > gspline[0]->Eval(IC->Eres)){
+            dmin = IC->DE-gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres);
+            dsup = gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres)-IC->DE;
             if(dmin<0) cout << "negative value of dmin = " << dmin << ", for index = " << index << endl;
             if(dsup<0) cout << "negative value of dsup = " << dsup << ", for index = " << index << endl;
             //if(dsup<dmin) {
-            //  Eval_DEspline = gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres) ;
+            //  Eval_DEspline = gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres) ;
             //  DEspline0 = FF_DEcorr0[index] ;
-            Eval_DEspline = dsup*gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres)/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres)/(dmin+dsup) ;
+            Eval_DEspline = dsup*gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres)/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres)/(dmin+dsup) ;
             DEspline0 = dsup*FF_DEcorr0[index]/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*FF_DEcorr0[index+1]/(dmin+dsup) ;
-            FF_DEcorr = DEspline0 * FF_DE / Eval_DEspline ;
-            hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DEcorr);
+            FF_DEcorr = DEspline0 * IC->DE / Eval_DEspline ;
+            hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(IC->Eres,FF_DEcorr);
             //if(FF_DEcorr>15120 && FF_DEcorr<15130) {
-            //  cout << e << " " << index << " " << FF_Eres << " " << FF_DEcorr << endl;
+            //  cout << e << " " << index << " " << IC->Eres << " " << FF_DEcorr << endl;
@@ -698,9 +487,9 @@ void ApplySpline()
         //Zrough = -110.165 + 3.34475*sqrt(FF_DEcorr) - 0.0271123*FF_DEcorr + 8.60752e-05 * pow(sqrt(FF_DEcorr),3);
         Zrough = 16.8521 + 0.0017328*FF_DEcorr + 1.70774e-8*pow(FF_DEcorr,2);
         Zabitbetter = -127.117 + 3.83463*sqrt(FF_DEcorr) - 0.0317448 *FF_DEcorr + 0.000100428 * pow(sqrt(FF_DEcorr),3);
-        hChioZ_E_rough->Fill(FF_Eres,Zrough);
+        hChioZ_E_rough->Fill(IC->Eres,Zrough);
-        if(3000<FF_Eres && FF_Eres<25000){ 
+        if(3000<IC->Eres && IC->Eres<25000){ 
@@ -800,66 +589,21 @@ void Fit_DE_E_corr()
+const int CutNumberLoader(){
+    TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root","open");
-vector<vector<TSpline3*>> LoadSpline(const char* PathToSpline){
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile(PathToSpline,"open"); 
-    // Get number of spline
-    int SplineCount = 0 ;
-    TIter next(fSplineIC->GetListOfKeys());
+    int CutCount = 0 ;
+    TIter next(fcut->GetListOfKeys());
     TKey* key;
     while ((key=(TKey*)next())){
-        if (std::string(key->GetClassName()) == "TSpline3"){
-            SplineCount ++;
+        if (std::string(key->GetClassName()) == "TCutG"){
+            CutCount ++;
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline;
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    for (int i = 0; i < SplineCount  ; i++) {
-        int seg = int((i-2)/2 +1 );
-        if (i < 2){
-            spline_X.at(0) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC0_X");
-            spline_Y.at(0) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC0_Y");
-        }
-        else if ( i>=2 && i<4){ 
-            spline_X.at(1) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC1_X");
-            spline_Y.at(1) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC1_Y");
-        }
-        else if (seg >=2 && (i%2 == 0) ) {
-            spline_X.at(seg) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get(Form("fspline_IC%d_X",seg));
-        }
-        else if (seg >=2 && !(i%2 == 0) ) {	
-            spline_Y.at(seg) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get(Form("fspline_IC%d_Y",seg));
-        }
-    } //End loop on histogram
-    Spline.push_back(spline_X);
-    Spline.push_back(spline_Y);
-    return Spline;
+    const int res = CutCount;
+    return res;
-vector<double> TxtToVector(const char *Path){
-    string line;
-    vector<double> values;
-    ifstream file(Path); 
-    if (file.is_open()) {
-        while (std::getline(file, line)) {
-            try {
-                values.push_back(std::stod(line));
-            } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
-                std::cerr << "Invalid number in line: " << line << '\n';
-            }
-        }
-        file.close();
-    } else {
-        std::cerr << "Error opening file.\n";
-    }
-    return values;