From 2115533ff9b6273ed45f08c0396896618289ea78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: adrien-matta <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 17:04:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] * Adding Tiara file in NPS and prepare template Tiara class

 NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballData.h |  96 ++++++++++
 NPLib/Tiara/        | Bin 100212 -> 100212 bytes
 NPSimulation/Tiara/    | 324 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.hh    | 157 ++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 577 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballData.h
 create mode 100644 NPSimulation/Tiara/
 create mode 100644 NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.hh

diff --git a/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballData.h b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballData.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f83901360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#ifndef __TiaraHyballDATA__
+#define __TiaraHyballDATA__
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2013    this file is part of the NPTool Project        *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : November 2012                                            *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ *  This class hold the Tiara Hyball Silicon array raw data                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// STL
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+using namespace std ;
+// ROOT
+#include "TNamed.h"
+class TTiaraHyballData : public TNamed {
+  private:
+    vector<unsigned short>   fTiaraHyball_Ring_DetectorNbr;
+    vector<unsigned short>   fTiaraHyball_Ring_StripNbr;
+    vector<double>           fTiaraHyball_Ring_Energy;
+    vector<double>           fTiaraHyball_Ring_Time;
+    vector<unsigned short>   fTiaraHyball_Sector_DetectorNbr;
+    vector<unsigned short>   fTiaraHyball_Sector_StripNbr;
+    vector<double>           fTiaraHyball_Sector_Energy;
+    vector<double>           fTiaraHyball_Sector_Time;
+    ///////////// Fast Setters ////////////////////
+  public:
+    ///////////// Getter and Setter ////////////////
+  public:
+    inline void Set_Ring_DetectorNbr(unsigned short& Ring_DetectorNbr)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Ring_DetectorNbr.push_back(Ring_DetectorNbr);}
+    inline unsigned short Get_Ring_DetectorNbr(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Ring_DetectorNbr[i];}
+    inline void Set_Ring_StripNbr(unsigned short& Ring_StripNbr)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Ring_StripNbr.push_back(Ring_StripNbr);}
+    inline unsigned short Get_Ring_StripNbr(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Ring_StripNbr[i];}
+    inline void Set_Ring_Energy(double& Ring_Energy)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Ring_Energy.push_back(Ring_Energy);}
+    inline double Get_Ring_Energy(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Ring_Energy[i];}
+    inline void Set_Ring_Time(double& Ring_Time)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Ring_Time.push_back(Ring_Time);}
+    inline double Get_Ring_Time(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Ring_Time[i];}
+    inline void Set_Sector_DetectorNbr(unsigned short& Sector_DetectorNbr)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Sector_DetectorNbr.push_back(Sector_DetectorNbr);}
+    inline unsigned short Get_Sector_DetectorNbr(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Sector_DetectorNbr[i];}
+    inline void Set_Sector_StripNbr(unsigned short& Sector_StripNbr)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Sector_StripNbr.push_back(Sector_StripNbr);}
+    inline unsigned short Get_Sector_StripNbr(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Sector_StripNbr[i];}
+    inline void Set_Sector_Energy(double& Sector_Energy)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Sector_Energy.push_back(Sector_Energy);}
+    inline double Get_Sector_Energy(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Sector_Energy[i];}
+    inline void Set_Sector_Time(double& Sector_Time)
+    {fTiaraHyball_Sector_Time.push_back(Sector_Time);}
+    inline double Get_Sector_Time(unsigned int& i)
+    {return fTiaraHyball_Sector_Time[i];}
diff --git a/NPLib/Tiara/ b/NPLib/Tiara/
index 38c84331f8a0c128a800a1760bf6ea7259eda4e0..1ad12a7d9d4dcfc2762b4f7507f2a51e1c83da0e 100755
GIT binary patch
delta 45

delta 45

diff --git a/NPSimulation/Tiara/ b/NPSimulation/Tiara/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4efc65558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPSimulation/Tiara/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2013   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : November 2012                                            *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ *  This class describe the Tiara Silicon array                              *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// C++ headers
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+//G4 Geometry object
+#include "G4Box.hh"
+#include "G4Tubs.hh"
+//G4 sensitive
+#include "G4SDManager.hh"
+//G4 various object
+#include "G4MaterialTable.hh"
+#include "G4Element.hh"
+#include "G4ElementTable.hh"
+#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
+#include "G4PVPlacement.hh"
+#include "G4Colour.hh"
+#include "G4PVDivision.hh"
+#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
+// NPS
+#include "Tiara.hh"
+// NPL
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+//#include "TiaraScorers.hh"
+#include "RootOutput.h"
+using namespace TIARA;
+// CLHEP header
+#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace CLHEP;
+  //InitializeMaterial();
+  m_EventBarrel = new TTiaraBarrelData();
+  m_EventHyball = new TTiaraHyballData();
+  // Dark Grey
+  SiliconVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) ;
+  // Green
+  PCBVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.2, 0.5, 0.2)) ;
+  // Gold Yellow
+  PADVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.5, 0.5, 0.2)) ;
+  // Light Grey
+  FrameVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ;
+// Virtual Method of VDetector class
+// Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
+// Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
+void Tiara::ReadConfiguration(string Path){
+/*  ifstream ConfigFile           ;
+ ;
+  string LineBuffer             ;
+  string DataBuffer             ;
+  G4double R,Phi,Thickness,Thickness1,Thickness2,Thickness3,Thickness4,ThicknessPAD1,ThicknessPAD2,ThicknessPAD3,ThicknessPAD4,Z;
+  R=Phi=Thickness=Thickness1=Thickness2=Thickness3=Thickness4=ThicknessPAD1=ThicknessPAD2=ThicknessPAD3=ThicknessPAD4=Z=0;
+  G4ThreeVector Pos;
+  bool check_R   = false ;
+  bool check_Phi = false ;
+  bool check_Thickness   = false ;
+  bool check_Thickness1   = false ;
+  bool check_Thickness2   = false ;
+  bool check_Thickness3   = false ;
+  bool check_Thickness4   = false ;
+  bool check_PAD1   = false ;
+  bool check_PAD2   = false ;
+  bool check_PAD3   = false ;
+  bool check_PAD4   = false ;
+  bool check_Z      = false ;
+  bool ReadingStatusQQQ = false ;
+  bool ReadingStatusBOX = false ;
+  bool ReadingStatus    = false ;
+  while (!ConfigFile.eof()){
+    int VerboseLevel = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
+    getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+    // cout << LineBuffer << endl;
+    if (, 5, "Tiara") == 0)
+      ReadingStatus = true;
+    while (ReadingStatus && !ConfigFile.eof()) {
+      ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+      //   Comment Line
+      if (, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+      //   CD case
+      if (DataBuffer=="TiaraQQQ"){
+        if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
+        if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "QQQ Quadrant found: " << G4endl   ;
+        ReadingStatusQQQ = true ;
+      }
+      //  Box case
+      else if (DataBuffer=="TiaraBOX"){
+        if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
+        if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "Box Detector found: " << G4endl   ;
+        ReadingStatusBOX = true ;
+      }
+      //   Reading Block
+      while(ReadingStatusQQQ){
+        // Pickup Next Word
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        //   Comment Line
+        if (, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+        //Position method
+        else if (DataBuffer == "Z=") {
+          check_Z = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Z= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*mm;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  Z= " << Z/mm << "mm" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "R=") {
+          check_R = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          R= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*mm;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  R= " << R/mm << "mm" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "Phi=") {
+          check_Phi = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Phi= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  Phi= " << Phi/deg << "deg" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessDector=") {
+          check_Thickness = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Thickness= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessDetector= " << Thickness/um << "um" << endl;
+        }
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+        else{
+          ReadingStatusQQQ = false;
+          G4cout << "Error: Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;
+          exit(1);
+        }
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+        if (check_R && check_Phi && check_Z && check_Thickness){
+          ReadingStatusQQQ = false;
+          AddQQQDetector(G4ThreeVector(R,Phi,Z),Thickness);
+          //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean
+          check_R   = false ;
+          check_Phi = false ;
+          check_Thickness = false ;
+        }
+      }
+      while(ReadingStatusBOX){
+        // Pickup Next Word
+        ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+        //   Comment Line
+        if (, 1, "%") == 0) {   ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
+        //Position method
+        else if (DataBuffer == "Z=") {
+          check_Z = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Z= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*mm;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  Z= " << Z/mm << "mm" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessDector1=") {
+          check_Thickness1 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Thickness1= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessDetector1= " << Thickness1/um << "um" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessDector2=") {
+          check_Thickness2 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Thickness2= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessDetector2= " << Thickness2/um << "um" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessDector3=") {
+          check_Thickness3 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Thickness3= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessDetector3= " << Thickness3/um << "um" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessDector4=") {
+          check_Thickness4 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          Thickness4= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessDetector4= " << Thickness4/um << "um" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessPAD1=") {
+          check_PAD1 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          ThicknessPAD1= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessPAD1= " << ThicknessPAD1<< "um"  << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessPAD2=") {
+          check_PAD2 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          ThicknessPAD2= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessPAD2= " << ThicknessPAD2<< "um"  << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessPAD3=") {
+          check_PAD3 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          ThicknessPAD3= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessPAD3= " << ThicknessPAD3<< "um"  << endl;
+        }
+        else if (DataBuffer == "ThicknessPAD4=") {
+          check_PAD4 = true;
+          ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+          ThicknessPAD4= atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*um;
+          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "  ThicknessPAD4= " << ThicknessPAD4<< "um"  << endl;
+        }
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+        else{
+          ReadingStatusBOX = false;
+          G4cout << "Error: Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;
+          exit(1);
+        }
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
+        if (check_Thickness1 && check_Thickness2 && check_Thickness3 && check_Thickness4
+            && check_PAD1 && check_PAD2 && check_PAD3 && check_PAD4
+            && check_Z){
+          ReadingStatusBOX = false;
+          AddBoxDetector(Z,Thickness1,Thickness2,Thickness3,Thickness4,
+                         ThicknessPAD1,ThicknessPAD2,ThicknessPAD3,ThicknessPAD4);
+          //   Reinitialisation of Check Boolean
+          check_R = false ;
+          check_Phi = false ;
+          check_Thickness1 = false;
+          check_Thickness2 = false;
+          check_Thickness3 = false;
+          check_Thickness4 = false;
+          check_PAD1 = false;
+          check_PAD2 = false;
+          check_PAD3 = false;
+          check_PAD4 = false;
+          check_Z = false ;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }*/
+// Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
+// Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+void Tiara::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world){
+// Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
+// Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
+void Tiara::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event){
+void Tiara::InitializeScorers(){
+void Tiara::InitializeRootOutput(){
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.hh b/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76b6ff31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#ifndef Tiara_h
+#define Tiara_h 1
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2013   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : November 2012                                            *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ *  This class describe the Tiara Silicon detector                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// C++ header
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+// G4 header defining G4 types
+#include "globals.hh"
+// G4 headers
+#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
+#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
+#include "G4MultiFunctionalDetector.hh"
+// NPSimulation header
+#include "VDetector.hh"
+// NPLib
+#include "TTiaraBarrelData.h"
+#include "TTiaraHyballData.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace TIARA
+  // Energy and time Resolution
+  const G4double ResoTime    = 0      ;
+  //const G4double ResoEnergy  = 0.035*MeV ;// = zzkeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+  const G4double ResoEnergy  = 0.042*MeV ;// = zzkeV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
+using namespace TIARA;
+class Tiara : public VDetector
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /////// Default Constructor and Destructor /////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  Tiara() ;
+   ~Tiara() ;
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //////// Specific Function of this Class ///////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // To add a box detector
+  // Effectively construct Volume
+  void ConstructBarrel(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+  void ConstructHyball(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+  void ConstructChamber(G4LogicalVolume* world);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /////////  Inherite from VDetector class ///////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
+  // Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
+  void ReadConfiguration(string Path) ;
+  // Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
+  // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+  void ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world) ;
+  // Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
+  // Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
+  void InitializeRootOutput() ;
+  // Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
+  // Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
+  void ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event) ;
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ///////////Event class to store Data////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  TTiaraBarrelData*    m_EventBarrel ;
+  TTiaraHyballData*    m_EventHyball ;
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ///////////////// Scorer Related ///////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //   Initialize all Scorer
+  void InitializeScorers() ;
+  //   Scorer Associate to the Silicon
+  G4MultiFunctionalDetector*   m_BOXScorer ;
+  G4MultiFunctionalDetector*   m_PADScorer ;
+  G4MultiFunctionalDetector*   m_QQQScorer ;
+  //    Initialize material used in detector definition
+  void InitializeMaterial();
+  //   List of material
+  G4Material* m_MaterialSilicon ;
+  G4Material* m_MaterialAl      ;
+  G4Material* m_MaterialVacuum  ;
+  G4Material* m_MaterialPCB     ;
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ///////////////Private intern Data//////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // True if the detector is a Box, false if a quadrant
+  vector<bool>   m_Type  ;
+  // Used for Quadrant detectors
+  vector<G4ThreeVector>   m_Pos   ; // R , Phi , Z
+  vector<G4double>        m_ThicknessQQQ;
+  // Used for Box detectors
+  vector<G4double>   m_Z   ;
+  vector< vector<G4double> >   m_ThicknessBOX;
+  vector< vector<G4double> >   m_ThicknessPAD;
+  // Set to true if you want to see Telescope Frame in your visualisation
+  bool m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation ;
+private:/// Visualisation Attribute:
+  // Dark Grey
+   G4VisAttributes* SiliconVisAtt  ;
+  // Green
+   G4VisAttributes* PCBVisAtt;
+  // Gold Yellow
+   G4VisAttributes* PADVisAtt  ;
+  // Light Grey
+   G4VisAttributes* FrameVisAtt ;