From 2abfe7e04ad748befa41640851a0b736cbdd1a3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: morfouace <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 17:12:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] updating analysis and macro for e850

 Projects/Inelastic/Analysis.cxx               |   2 +-
 Projects/ana_e850/Analysis.cxx                |   9 +-
 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FillHistoMass.C  |  10 +-
 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FitMass.C        |  81 ++++----
 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetTotalYield.C  | 143 ++++++++++++++
 .../ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetYieldEvolution.C   | 179 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../ana_e850/macro/Mass/PlotYieldEvolution.C  |  20 +-
 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/check_gamma.C    |   2 +
 8 files changed, 402 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetTotalYield.C
 create mode 100644 Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetYieldEvolution.C

diff --git a/Projects/Inelastic/Analysis.cxx b/Projects/Inelastic/Analysis.cxx
index 452e686e3..8ddfc1bbc 100644
--- a/Projects/Inelastic/Analysis.cxx
+++ b/Projects/Inelastic/Analysis.cxx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void Analysis::Init(){
-  my_Reaction = new NPL::Reaction("1n(238U,1n)238U@2.1");
+  my_Reaction = new NPL::Reaction("1n(56Fe,1n)56Fe@1.1");
   neutron = new NPL::Nucleus("1n");
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/Analysis.cxx b/Projects/ana_e850/Analysis.cxx
index 568f26411..0aa090f97 100644
--- a/Projects/ana_e850/Analysis.cxx
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/Analysis.cxx
@@ -398,14 +398,15 @@ void Analysis::VamosAnalysis(){
       Tracking->CalculateReconstruction(FPMW->Xf, 1000*FPMW->Thetaf, m_Brho_ref, FF_Brho, Theta, FF_Path);
       // FF_Path is in cm ! 
+      FF_Y1  = FPMW->PositionY[0];
+      FF_Y3  = FPMW->PositionY[2];
       // T13 //
       double path1 = FPMW->GetDetectorPositionZ(0)/10./cos(FPMW->Theta_in)/cos(FPMW->Phi_in);
       double path2 = (FPMW->GetDetectorPositionZ(2)-7600)/10./cos(FPMW->Thetaf);
-      FF_Y1  = FPMW->PositionY[0];
-      FF_Y3  = FPMW->PositionY[2];
-      FF_D13 = FF_Path - path1 + path2;
+     FF_D13 = FF_Path - path1 + path2;
       FF_T13 = T13 - 20 + m_T13_Offset[FPMWPat];
-      FF_V13 = FF_D13/FF_T13;
+      FF_V13 = (FF_D13/FF_T13)*(1-3e-5*FF_Y3);
       FF_Beta13 = FF_V13/29.9792458;
       FF_Gamma13 = 1./sqrt(1.0 - FF_Beta13*FF_Beta13);
       FF_AoQ13 = 1.0*(FF_Brho/3.10761/FF_Beta13/FF_Gamma13);
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FillHistoMass.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FillHistoMass.C
index ab8e9d206..2fb7782a7 100644
--- a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FillHistoMass.C
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FillHistoMass.C
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ void FillHistoMass(string part="part1"){
   double VAMOS_TS_hour;
   int Telescope;
   int m_2alpha;
+  int FPMW_Section;
@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@ void FillHistoMass(string part="part1"){
+  chain->SetBranchStatus("FPMW_Section","true");
+  chain->SetBranchAddress("FPMW_Section",&FPMW_Section);
   TH1F *hmass[11];
   TH2F *hPID[8];
@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ void FillHistoMass(string part="part1"){
   //TH2F* hPID = new TH2F("PID","PID",1000,0,200,1000,0,60);
   TH1F* hEx = new TH1F("Ex","Ex",500,0,20);
   TH1F* hMassAll = new TH1F("hmass_all","hmass_all",1000,80,160);
+  TH2D* hMassVsEx = new TH2D("hmass_vs_ex","hmass_vs_ex",20,0,20,1000,80,160);
   int nentries = chain->GetEntries();
   cout << "**** Number of entries to be treated: " << nentries << " ****" << endl; 
@@ -106,9 +110,10 @@ void FillHistoMass(string part="part1"){
       if(Telescope>0) {
         if(m_2alpha==0) hPID[Telescope-1]->Fill(Elab,DeltaEcorr);
-        if(cut10Be[Telescope-1]->IsInside(Elab,DeltaEcorr)){
+        if(FPMW_Section>4 && cut10Be[Telescope-1]->IsInside(Elab,DeltaEcorr)){
+          hMassVsEx->Fill(Ex240Pu,Mass);
           if(Ex240Pu>5.5 && Ex240Pu<6.5) hmass[0]->Fill(Mass);
           else if(Ex240Pu>6.5 && Ex240Pu<7.5) hmass[1]->Fill(Mass);
           else if(Ex240Pu>7.5 && Ex240Pu<8.5) hmass[2]->Fill(Mass);
@@ -132,6 +137,7 @@ void FillHistoMass(string part="part1"){
+  hMassVsEx->Write();
   for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FitMass.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FitMass.C
index 62513072d..8df3169fa 100644
--- a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FitMass.C
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/FitMass.C
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
 void Fit(TH1F* hmass, string Energy);
 TFile* ofile;
+int rebin=1;
 void FitMass(){
   TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_all.root","read");
-  //TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_orig.root","read");
   //TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_part2.root","read");
   ofile = new TFile("histo_mass_fitted.root","recreate");
-  for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
+  for(int i=0; i<11; i++){
   //for(int i=2; i<3; i++){
     int Ex = i+6;
+    if(i>4) rebin=2;
+    else rebin=1;
     string Energy = to_string(Ex) + "MeV";
     TString histo_name = Form("hmass_%iMeV",i+6);
     TH1F* h1 = (TH1F*)ifile->FindObjectAny(histo_name);
@@ -24,12 +27,14 @@ void FitMass(){
 void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
-  hmass->Rebin(2);
-  hmass->Draw();
+  hmass->Rebin(rebin);
+  hmass->Draw("E1");
-  TGraph* gyield = new TGraph();
   int Amin = 82;
   int Amax = 153;
+  //int Amin = 95;
+  //int Amax = 106;
   int A = Amin;
@@ -45,27 +50,27 @@ void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
   for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
     g[i] = new TF1(Form("g%i",i),"gaus",A-0.4,A+0.4);   
-      g[i]->SetParLimits(0,0.1,20000);
-      g[i]->SetParLimits(1,A-0.2,A+0.2);
-      g[i]->SetParLimits(2,0.1,0.4);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(0,100);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,Amin);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(2,0.3);
     else if(i>0){
-      g[i]->SetParameter(1,g[i-1]->GetParameter(1));
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,A);
-      g[i]->SetParLimits(1,A-0.2,A+0.2);
-      g[i]->SetParLimits(2,0.1,0.3);
-    hmass->Fit(g[i],"qR");
+    g[i]->SetParLimits(1,A-0.1,A+0.1);
+    g[i]->SetParLimits(2,0.25,0.4);
+    hmass->Fit(g[i],"qBR");
+    //cout << A << " " << g[i]->GetParameter(2) << endl;
@@ -76,38 +81,48 @@ void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
   TF1* total = new TF1("total",total_func,Amin-0.5, Amin+NumberOfA-0.5);
+  total->SetParameters(para);
   A = Amin;
   for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
-    total->SetParLimits(3*i+2,0.1,0.4);
-    //cout << A << " " << g[i]->GetParameter(2) << endl;
+    total->SetParLimits(3*i+2,g[i]->GetParameter(2)*0.8,g[i]->GetParameter(2)*1.1);
-  total->SetParameters(para);
-  hmass->Fit(total,"Rq");
+  hmass->Fit(total,"RBq");
   A = Amin;
+  //TF1* one_gauss = new TF1("one_gaus","gaus");
   for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
     double Amplitude = total->GetParameter(3*i);
     double mean = total->GetParameter(3*i+1);
     double sigma = total->GetParameter(3*i+2);
     double Amplitude_err = total->GetParError(3*i);
+    double mean_err = total->GetParError(3*i+1);
     double sigma_err = total->GetParError(3*i+2);
-    /*cout << "A=  " << A << endl;
-    cout << "Amplitude= " << Amplitude << endl;
-    cout << "Mean= " << mean << endl;
-    cout << "Sigma= " << sigma << endl;
-    Integral[i] = Amplitude*sigma*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi());
-    Integral_err[i] = sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()*(pow(sigma*Amplitude_err,2) + pow(Amplitude*sigma_err,2)));
+    //one_gauss->SetParameter(0,Amplitude);
+    //one_gauss->SetParameter(1,mean);
+    //one_gauss->SetParameter(2,sigma);
+    //one_gauss->SetParError(0,Amplitude_err);
+    //one_gauss->SetParError(1,mean_err);
+    //one_gauss->SetParError(2,sigma_err);
+    cout << "************************" << endl;
+    cout << "A=  " << A << endl;
+    //cout << "Amplitude= " << Amplitude << "+/-" << Amplitude_err << endl;
+    //cout << "Mean= " << mean  << endl;
+    cout << "Sigma= " << sigma << "+/-" << sigma_err << endl;
+    Integral[i] = (12.5/rebin)*Amplitude*sigma*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi());
+    Integral_err[i] = (12.5/rebin)*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()*(pow(sigma*Amplitude_err,2) + pow(Amplitude*sigma_err,2)));
     //Integral_err[i] = sqrt(Integral[i]);
@@ -115,6 +130,7 @@ void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
+  double histo_integral = hmass->Integral();
@@ -125,9 +141,10 @@ void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
   // Yield calculation //
   A = Amin;
   for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
-    Yield[i] = Integral[i]/total_integral*200;
-    gyield->SetPoint(i,A,Yield[i]);
-    double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/total_integral*200;
+    //Yield[i] = Integral[i]/total_integral*200;
+    Yield[i] = Integral[i]/histo_integral*200;
+    //double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/total_integral*200;
+    double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/histo_integral*200;
     ofile << A << " " << Yield[i] << " " << yield_err << endl;
     if(A==99) cout << "A=99 -> Y= " << Yield[i] << endl;
     if(A==147) cout << "A=147 -> Y= " << Yield[i] << endl;
@@ -135,7 +152,5 @@ void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
-  gyield->SetMarkerStyle(8);
-  gyield->SetMarkerSize(1);
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetTotalYield.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetTotalYield.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63ce3e31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetTotalYield.C
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+void Fit(TH1F* hmass);
+TFile* ofile;
+TGraph* gsigma;
+void GetTotalYield(){
+  TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_all.root","read");
+  ofile = new TFile("mass_all_fitted.root","recreate");
+  gsigma = new TGraph();
+  TString histo_name = "hmass_all";
+  TH1F* h1 = (TH1F*)ifile->FindObjectAny(histo_name);
+  Fit(h1);
+  ofile->Close();
+  TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",1200,1200);
+  c2->cd();
+  gsigma->SetMarkerStyle(8);
+  gsigma->Draw("ap");
+void Fit(TH1F* hmass){
+  int rebin = 1;
+  //hmass->Rebin(rebin);
+  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",1200,1200);
+  c1->cd();
+  hmass->Draw("E1");
+  int Amin = 82;
+  int Amax = 153;
+  int A = Amin;
+  int NumberOfA = Amax - Amin;
+  Double_t para[3*NumberOfA];
+  TF1* g[NumberOfA];
+  double Integral[NumberOfA];
+  double Integral_err[NumberOfA];
+  double total_integral = 0;
+  double Yield[NumberOfA];
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    g[i] = new TF1(Form("g%i",i),"gaus",A-0.4,A+0.4);   
+    if(i==0){
+      g[i]->SetParameter(0,100);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,Amin);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(2,0.3);
+    }
+    else if(i>0){
+      g[i]->SetParameter(0,g[i-1]->GetParameter(0));
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,A);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(2,g[i-1]->GetParameter(2));
+      g[i]->SetParLimits(1,A-0.15,A+0.15);
+      g[i]->SetParLimits(2,0.25,0.40);
+    }
+    hmass->Fit(g[i],"qBR");
+    g[i]->Draw("lsame");
+    g[i]->GetParameters(&para[3*i]);
+    A++;
+  }
+  TString total_func = "gaus(0)";
+  for(int i=1; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    TString gaus_func = Form("gaus(%i)",3*i);
+    total_func += "+" + gaus_func;
+  }
+  TF1* total = new TF1("total",total_func,Amin-0.5, Amin+NumberOfA-0.5);
+  total->SetParameters(para);
+  A = Amin;
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    total->SetParameter(3*i,g[i]->GetParameter(0));
+    total->SetParameter(3*i+1,g[i]->GetParameter(1));
+    total->SetParameter(3*i+2,g[i]->GetParameter(2));
+    total->SetParLimits(3*i+1,A-0.2,A+0.2);
+    total->SetParLimits(3*i+2,g[i]->GetParameter(2)*0.85,g[i]->GetParameter(2)*1.15);
+    A++;
+  }
+  total->SetLineColor(4);
+  hmass->Fit(total,"qR");
+  A = Amin;
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    double Amplitude = total->GetParameter(3*i);
+    double mean = total->GetParameter(3*i+1);
+    double sigma = total->GetParameter(3*i+2);
+    double Amplitude_err = total->GetParError(3*i);
+    double sigma_err = total->GetParError(3*i+2);
+    cout << "A=  " << A << endl;
+    cout << "Amplitude= " << Amplitude << " / " << g[i]->GetParameter(0) << endl;
+    cout << "Mean= " << mean << " / " << g[i]->GetParameter(1) << endl;
+    cout << "Sigma= " << sigma << " / " << g[i]->GetParameter(2) << endl;
+    Integral[i] = (12.5/rebin)*Amplitude*sigma*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi());
+    //Integral_err[i] = sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()*(pow(sigma*Amplitude_err,2) + pow(Amplitude*sigma_err,2)));
+    Integral_err[i] = sqrt(Integral[i]);
+    gsigma->SetPoint(i,A,sigma);
+    total_integral += Integral[i];
+    A++;
+  }
+  double histo_integral = hmass->Integral();
+  hmass->Write();
+  total->Write();
+  gsigma->Write();
+  string output_filename = "Total_Yield.dat";
+  ofstream ofile;
+  // Yield calculation //
+  A = Amin;
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    //Yield[i] = Integral[i]/total_integral*200;
+    Yield[i] = Integral[i]/histo_integral*200;
+    //double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/total_integral*200;
+    double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/histo_integral*200;
+    ofile << A << " " << Yield[i] << " " << yield_err << endl;
+    A++;
+  }
+  ofile.close();
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetYieldEvolution.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetYieldEvolution.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..537c5f7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/GetYieldEvolution.C
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+void Fit(TH1F* hmass, string Energy);
+void GetYieldEvolution(){
+  //TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_all.root","read");
+  TFile* ifile = new TFile("histo_mass_part2.root","read");
+  TH2F* hnorm = new TH2F("hnorm","hnorm",20,0,20,1000,80,160);
+  TH2F* hyield = new TH2F("hyield","hyield",20,0,20,1000,80,160);
+  TString histo_name = "hmass_vs_ex";
+  TH2F* h2 = (TH2F*)ifile->FindObjectAny(histo_name);
+  h2->Draw("colz");
+  double nentries[20];
+  for(int i=0; i<h2->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+    h2->ProjectionY("h2_py",i,i);
+    TH1F* hpy = (TH1F*)gDirectory->FindObjectAny("h2_py");
+    nentries[i] = hpy->Integral(1,h2->GetNbinsY());
+    cout << i << " " << nentries[i] << endl;
+  }
+  // Getting norm
+  for(int i=0; i<hnorm->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+    for(int j=0; j<hnorm->GetNbinsY(); j++){
+      hnorm->SetBinContent(i,j,nentries[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  // Filling normalize histogram
+  for(int i=6; i<hnorm->GetNbinsX(); i++){
+    for(int j=0; j<hnorm->GetNbinsY(); j++){
+      double val_orig = h2->GetBinContent(i,j);
+      double val_error = sqrt(val_orig);
+      double val_norm = hnorm->GetBinContent(i,j); 
+      double new_val = val_orig/val_norm*200;
+      hyield->SetBinContent(i,j,new_val);
+      hyield->SetBinError(i,j,val_error/val_norm*200);
+    }
+  }
+  hyield->Draw("colz");
+void Fit(TH1F* hmass,string Energy){
+  int rebin = 2;
+  hmass->Rebin(rebin);
+  hmass->Draw();
+  int Amin = 82;
+  int Amax = 153;
+  int A = Amin;
+  int NumberOfA = Amax - Amin;
+  Double_t para[3*NumberOfA];
+  TF1* g[NumberOfA];
+  double Integral[NumberOfA];
+  double Integral_err[NumberOfA];
+  double total_integral = 0;
+  double Yield[NumberOfA];
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    g[i] = new TF1(Form("g%i",i),"gaus",A-0.4,A+0.4);   
+    if(i==0){
+      g[i]->SetParameter(0,100);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,Amin);
+      g[i]->SetParameter(2,0.3);
+    }
+    else if(i>0){
+      g[i]->SetParameter(0,g[i-1]->GetParameter(0));
+      g[i]->SetParameter(1,g[i-1]->GetParameter(1));
+      g[i]->SetParameter(2,g[i-1]->GetParameter(2));
+      g[i]->SetParLimits(1,A-0.15,A+0.15);
+      g[i]->SetParLimits(2,0.1,0.35);
+    }
+    hmass->Fit(g[i],"qR");
+    g[i]->Draw("lsame");
+    g[i]->GetParameters(&para[3*i]);
+    A++;
+  }
+  TString total_func = "gaus(0)";
+  for(int i=1; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    TString gaus_func = Form("gaus(%i)",3*i);
+    total_func += "+" + gaus_func;
+  }
+  TF1* total = new TF1("total",total_func,Amin-0.5, Amin+NumberOfA-0.5);
+  A = Amin;
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    total->SetParameter(3*i,g[i]->GetParameter(0));
+    total->SetParameter(3*i+1,g[i]->GetParameter(1));
+    total->SetParameter(3*i+2,g[i]->GetParameter(2));
+    total->SetParLimits(3*i+1,A-0.15,A+0.15);
+    total->SetParLimits(3*i+2,0.1,0.35);
+    //cout << A << " " << g[i]->GetParameter(2) << endl;
+    A++;
+  }
+  total->SetParameters(para);
+  total->SetLineColor(4);
+  hmass->Fit(total,"Rq");
+  A = Amin;
+  TF1* one_gauss = new TF1("one_gaus","gaus");
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    double Amplitude = total->GetParameter(3*i);
+    double mean = total->GetParameter(3*i+1);
+    double sigma = total->GetParameter(3*i+2);
+    double Amplitude_err = total->GetParError(3*i);
+    double mean_err = total->GetParError(3*i+1);
+    double sigma_err = total->GetParError(3*i+2);
+    one_gauss->SetParameter(0,Amplitude);
+    one_gauss->SetParameter(1,mean);
+    one_gauss->SetParameter(2,sigma);
+    one_gauss->SetParError(0,Amplitude_err);
+    one_gauss->SetParError(1,mean_err);
+    one_gauss->SetParError(2,sigma_err);
+    //cout << "A=  " << A << endl;
+    //cout << "Amplitude= " << Amplitude << "+/-" << Amplitude_err << endl;
+    //cout << "Mean= " << mean  << endl;
+    //cout << "Sigma= " << sigma << "+/-" << sigma_err << endl;
+    Integral[i] = (12.5/rebin)*Amplitude*sigma*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi());
+    Integral_err[i] = (12.5/rebin)*sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()*(pow(sigma*Amplitude_err,2) + pow(Amplitude*sigma_err,2)));
+    //Integral_err[i] = sqrt(Integral[i]);
+    cout << "**************** Compare integral " << endl;
+    cout << Integral[i] << " / " << (12.5/rebin)*one_gauss->Integral(A-1,A+1) << endl;
+    cout << Integral_err[i] << " / " << one_gauss->IntegralError(A-1,A+1) << endl;
+    total_integral += Integral[i];
+    A++;
+  }
+  double histo_integral = hmass->Integral();
+  hmass->Write();
+  total->Write();
+  string output_filename = "Mass_Yield_" + Energy + ".dat";
+  ofstream ofile;
+  // Yield calculation //
+  A = Amin;
+  for(int i=0; i<NumberOfA; i++){
+    Yield[i] = Integral[i]/total_integral*200;
+    //Yield[i] = Integral[i]/histo_integral*200;
+    double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/total_integral*200;
+    //double yield_err = Integral_err[i]/histo_integral*200;
+    ofile << A << " " << Yield[i] << " " << yield_err << endl;
+    if(A==99) cout << "A=99 -> Y= " << Yield[i] << endl;
+    if(A==147) cout << "A=147 -> Y= " << Yield[i] << endl;
+    A++;
+  }
+  ofile.close();
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/PlotYieldEvolution.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/PlotYieldEvolution.C
index eac2ab885..41c25a808 100644
--- a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/PlotYieldEvolution.C
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/PlotYieldEvolution.C
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-void PlotYieldEvolution(int A_asked=147){
-  int Energy[10] = {6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};
+void PlotYieldEvolution(int A_asked=99){
+  int Energy[11] = {6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
   TGraphErrors* gevol = new TGraphErrors();
+  TGraphErrors* g_relative = new TGraphErrors();
   for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
     ifstream ifile;
@@ -10,15 +11,26 @@ void PlotYieldEvolution(int A_asked=147){
     int A;
     double yield;
     double yield_err;
+    double Sn = 6.534;
-        gevol->SetPoint(i,Energy[i]-5.5,yield);
+        gevol->SetPoint(i,Energy[i]-Sn,yield);
+        g_relative->SetPoint(i,Energy[i]-5.5,yield_err/yield);
+  TH2F* h2 = new TH2F("h2","h2",100,-1,10,100,1,8);
+  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,1600);
+  c1->Divide(1,2);
+  c1->cd(1);
-  gevol->Draw("ap");
+  h2->Draw();
+  gevol->Draw("psame");
+  c1->cd(2);
+  g_relative->SetMarkerStyle(8);
+  g_relative->Draw("ap");
diff --git a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/check_gamma.C b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/check_gamma.C
index aa2a61426..1c1c09590 100644
--- a/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/check_gamma.C
+++ b/Projects/ana_e850/macro/Mass/check_gamma.C
@@ -167,5 +167,7 @@ void check_gamma(string part="part1")
+  hg10Be->Write();