diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/VEventGenerator.hh b/NPSimulation/include/VEventGenerator.hh
index 9da49d9a756c617f5e4f7f98dc7ada9458501545..8a46fab7ec650a3af85c7ae752939341d4ccb9f5 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/VEventGenerator.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/VEventGenerator.hh
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
    virtual ~VEventGenerator();
-  virtual void ReadConfiguration(string,int dump=0) {dump=0;};
+   virtual void ReadConfiguration(string,int dump=0) {dump*=1;};
    virtual void GenerateEvent(G4Event*) {};
    virtual void InitializeRootOutput() {};
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
index c7399854ec9d83c1bf449a17efac3687f137af1d..ac543c4ace268c9f45cfefc29b76709c48d834c6 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorBeam.cc
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent){
   G4ThreeVector BeamDir(Xdir,Ydir,Zdir);
   G4ThreeVector BeamPos(x0,y0,z0);
   Beam_theta = BeamDir.theta()    ;
-  Beam_phi   = BeamDir.phi()      ;
+  Beam_phi   = BeamDir.phi()      ; Beam_phi *= 1;
   FinalBeamEnergy = m_Target->SlowDownBeam(m_particle, InitialBeamEnergy,z0,Beam_theta);
   ///// Add the Beam particle to the particle Stack /////
@@ -123,4 +123,4 @@ void EventGeneratorBeam::InitializeRootOutput(){
   TTree *pTree = pAnalysis->GetTree();
   pTree->Branch("InitialConditions", "TInitialConditions", &m_InitConditions);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
index 48252f18927f6fd65291e0614f59336821f760b8..9e578584feef3320fbed649d4e197338b046e520 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/MUST2Array.cc
@@ -152,10 +152,6 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
 ////////////// Starting Volume Definition //////////////////////
-// Little trick to avoid warning in compilation: Use a PVPlacement "buffer".
-// If don't you will have a Warning unused variable 'myPVP'
-   G4PVPlacement* PVPBuffer ;
    G4Trd*           solidMM = new G4Trd("MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*FaceFront, 0.5*FaceBack, 0.5*Length);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicMM = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMM, m_MaterialIron, "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -163,7 +159,7 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
    G4String Name = "MUST2Telescope" + DetectorNumber ;
-   PVPBuffer =    new G4PVPlacement(	G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos)      ,
+   new G4PVPlacement(	G4Transform3D(*MMrot, MMpos)      ,
 									         	logicMM                           ,
 									         	Name                              ,
 									         	world                             ,
@@ -180,7 +176,7 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
    G4Trd*           solidVacBox = new G4Trd("solidVacBox", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*VacBoxThickness);
    G4LogicalVolume* logicVacBox = new G4LogicalVolume(solidVacBox, m_MaterialVacuum, "logicVacBox", 0, 0, 0);
-   PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionVacBox, logicVacBox, Name + "_VacBox", logicMM, false, 0);
+   new G4PVPlacement(0, positionVacBox, logicVacBox, Name + "_VacBox", logicMM, false, 0);
@@ -195,8 +191,8 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4Box*           solidAluStrip = new G4Box("AluBox", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*AluStripThickness);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicAluStrip = new G4LogicalVolume(solidAluStrip, m_MaterialAluminium, "logicAluStrip", 0, 0, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripFront, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripFront", logicMM, false, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripBack, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripBack", logicMM, false, 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripFront, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripFront", logicMM, false, 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, positionAluStripBack, logicAluStrip, Name + "_AluStripBack", logicMM, false, 0);
@@ -205,7 +201,7 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4Box*           solidSilicon = new G4Box("solidSilicon", 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconFace, 0.5*SiliconThickness);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSilicon = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSilicon, m_MaterialSilicon, "logicSilicon", 0, 0, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionSilicon, logicSilicon, Name + "_Silicon", logicMM, false, 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, positionSilicon, logicSilicon, Name + "_Silicon", logicMM, false, 0);
       ///Set Silicon strip sensible
@@ -231,7 +227,7 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4LogicalVolume* logicSiLi = new G4LogicalVolume(solidSiLi, m_MaterialAluminium, Name + "_SiLi" , 0, 0, 0);
-			PVPBuffer =  new G4PVPlacement(  G4Transform3D(*rotSiLi, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0) ) 	,
+			new G4PVPlacement(  G4Transform3D(*rotSiLi, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0) ) 	,
 									               logicSiLi ,
 									               Name + "_SiLi",
 									               logicVacBox ,
@@ -372,27 +368,27 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
 			// up
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_up  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad9"   , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_up  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad10"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_up , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad11" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_up , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad12" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_up  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad9"   , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_up  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad10"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_up , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad11" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_up , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad12" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_up  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad16"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_up  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad15"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_up , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad14" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_up , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad13" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_up  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad16"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_up  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad15"  , logicSiLi , false , 0)  ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_up , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad14" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_up , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad13" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0);
 			// down
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_down  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad2"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_down  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad1"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_down , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad4" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_down , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad3" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LT_down  , logicSiLi_LT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad2"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RT_down  , logicSiLi_RT  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad1"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC1_down , logicSiLi_LC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad4" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC1_down , logicSiLi_RC1 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad3" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_down  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad7"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_down  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad8"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_down , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad5" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_down , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad6" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LB_down  , logicSiLi_LB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad7"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RB_down  , logicSiLi_RB  , Name + "_SiLi_Pad8"  , logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_LC2_down , logicSiLi_LC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad5" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
+      new G4PVPlacement(0 , positionSiLi_RC2_down , logicSiLi_RC2 , Name + "_SiLi_Pad6" 	, logicSiLi , false , 0) ;
@@ -434,14 +430,14 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4Trd* solidCsI = new G4Trd("csI", 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*CsIFaceBack, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*CsIFaceBack, 0.5*CsIThickness);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidCsI, m_MaterialAluminium, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", 0, 0, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionCsI, logicCsI, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", logicMM, false, 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, positionCsI, logicCsI, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", logicMM, false, 0);
       G4ThreeVector   positionMylarCsI = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, MylarCsIThickness * 0.5 - CsIThickness * 0.5);
       G4Box*           solidMylarCsI = new G4Box("MylarCsIBox", 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*CsIFaceFront, 0.5*MylarCsIThickness);
       G4LogicalVolume* logicMylarCsI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidMylarCsI, m_MaterialMyl, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", 0, 0, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(0, positionMylarCsI, logicMylarCsI, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", logicCsI, false, 0);
+      new G4PVPlacement(0, positionMylarCsI, logicMylarCsI, Name + "_CsI_Mylar", logicCsI, false, 0);
@@ -498,10 +494,10 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal3 = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge2, YEdge1, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal4 = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge2, YEdge2, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal1, logicCristal1, Name + "_CsI_Cristal1", logicCsI, false, 1);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal2, logicCristal2, Name + "_CsI_Cristal2", logicCsI, false, 2);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal3, logicCristal3, Name + "_CsI_Cristal3", logicCsI, false, 3);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal4, logicCristal4, Name + "_CsI_Cristal4", logicCsI, false, 4);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal1, logicCristal1, Name + "_CsI_Cristal1", logicCsI, false, 1);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal2, logicCristal2, Name + "_CsI_Cristal2", logicCsI, false, 2);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal3, logicCristal3, Name + "_CsI_Cristal3", logicCsI, false, 3);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal4, logicCristal4, Name + "_CsI_Cristal4", logicCsI, false, 4);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal1b = G4ThreeVector(XEdge1, -YEdge1, 0 * mm);
@@ -509,30 +505,30 @@ void MUST2Array::VolumeMaker( G4int TelescopeNumber,
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal3b = G4ThreeVector(XEdge2, -YEdge1, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal4b = G4ThreeVector(XEdge2, -YEdge2, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal1b, logicCristal1, Name + "_CsI_Cristal5", logicCsI, false, 5);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal2b, logicCristal2, Name + "_CsI_Cristal6", logicCsI, false, 6);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal3b, logicCristal3, Name + "_CsI_Cristal7", logicCsI, false, 7);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal4b, logicCristal4, Name + "_CsI_Cristal8", logicCsI, false, 8);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal1b, logicCristal1, Name + "_CsI_Cristal5", logicCsI, false, 5);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal2b, logicCristal2, Name + "_CsI_Cristal6", logicCsI, false, 6);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal3b, logicCristal3, Name + "_CsI_Cristal7", logicCsI, false, 7);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal4b, logicCristal4, Name + "_CsI_Cristal8", logicCsI, false, 8);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal1s = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge1, -YEdge1, 0 * mm);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal2s = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge1, -YEdge2, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal3s = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge2, -YEdge1, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal4s = G4ThreeVector(-XEdge2, -YEdge2, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal1s, logicCristal1s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal9", logicCsI, false, 9);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal2s, logicCristal2s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal10", logicCsI, false, 10);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal3s, logicCristal3s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal11", logicCsI, false, 11);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal4s, logicCristal4sbis, Name + "_CsI_Cristal12", logicCsI, false, 12);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal1s, logicCristal1s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal9", logicCsI, false, 9);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal2s, logicCristal2s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal10", logicCsI, false, 10);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal3s, logicCristal3s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal11", logicCsI, false, 11);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 0.), positionCristal4s, logicCristal4sbis, Name + "_CsI_Cristal12", logicCsI, false, 12);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal1sb = G4ThreeVector(XEdge1, YEdge1, 0 * mm);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal2sb = G4ThreeVector(XEdge1, YEdge2, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal3sb = G4ThreeVector(XEdge2, YEdge1, 0);
       G4ThreeVector positionCristal4sb = G4ThreeVector(XEdge2, YEdge2, 0);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal1sb, logicCristal1s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal13", logicCsI, false, 13);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180, 0, 0), positionCristal2sb, logicCristal2s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal14", logicCsI, false, 14);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal3sb, logicCristal3s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal15", logicCsI, false, 15);
-      PVPBuffer = new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal4sb, logicCristal4s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal16", logicCsI, false, 16);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal1sb, logicCristal1s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal13", logicCsI, false, 13);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180, 0, 0), positionCristal2sb, logicCristal2s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal14", logicCsI, false, 14);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal3sb, logicCristal3s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal15", logicCsI, false, 15);
+      new G4PVPlacement(Rotation(180., 0., 180.), positionCristal4sb, logicCristal4s, Name + "_CsI_Cristal16", logicCsI, false, 16);
       ///Set CsI sensible