From 30cdbbe6019e93453288ddf69ef2424bc1a379ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: matta <matta@npt>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:06:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Modifing code of the Reaction and Detector Manager so you
 can also put absolute or relative path to the different file  - Still support
 the use of environment path  - Transparent for user, the two way are

 NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/ | 24 +++++--------------
 NPLib/Tools/NPReaction.cxx            | 34 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx   | 25 +++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/ b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/
index 0ecb75fb4..ad4118dd3 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/
+++ b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/
@@ -4,28 +4,16 @@ using namespace std;
 int main(int argc,char** argv)
-//	if(argc!=4) 
-//		{
-//			cout << 
-//			"you need to specify both a Reaction file and a Detector file such as : Analysis 	myReaction.reaction myDetector.detector" 
-//			<< endl;
-//			return 0;
-//		} 
-//	string detectorfileName 		= argv[1]	;
-//	string calibrationfileName 	= argv[2]	;
-//	string runToReadfileName 		= argv[3]	;
-	NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
-	string detectorfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetDetectorFilePath()	  ;
-	string calibrationfileName 	= myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFilePath()	;
-	string runToReadfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFilePath()    ;
+	NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv)  ;
+	string detectorfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetDetectorFilePath()	      ;
+	string calibrationfileName 	= myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFilePath()	    ;
+	string runToReadfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFilePath()       ;
 	//	First of All instantiate RootInput and Output
 	//	Detector will be attached later
 	RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName)	;
-	RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/10HeRiken_AnalyzedData", "AnalyzedTree")					;
+	RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/10HeRiken_AnalyzedData", "AnalyzedTree")	;
 	//	Instantiate some Reaction
 	NPL::Reaction*  He10Reaction = new Reaction								;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPReaction.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPReaction.cxx
index 140776985..1697f5828 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPReaction.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPReaction.cxx
@@ -92,12 +92,20 @@ void Reaction::SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string na
    ///Read the differential cross section
    string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-   Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/CrossSection/" + Path;
+   string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/CrossSection/" + Path;
    ifstream CSFile;
- Path.c_str() );
+ StandardPath.c_str() );
-   if(CSFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Cross Section File " << Path << endl;}
-   else {cout << "Cross Section File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
+   if(CSFile.is_open()) cout << "Reading Cross Section File " << Path << endl;
+   // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
+   else 
+    {
+ Path.c_str() );
+      if(CSFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Cross Section File " << Path << endl;}
+      else {cout << "Cross Section File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
+    }
 	double CSBuffer,AngleBuffer;
 	vector<double> CrossSectionBuffer ;
@@ -262,15 +270,19 @@ void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
 		   ifstream ReactionFile;
 		   string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
- 		   Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
+ 		   string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
 		   if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl ;}
-		   else 
-		   	{
-		   		cout << "Reaction File " << Path << " not Found! " << endl ;
-		      	return;
-		   	}
+       // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
+       else 
+        {
+ Path.c_str() );
+          if(ReactionFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl;}
+          else {cout << "Reaction File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
+        }
 		   while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
 		      //Pick-up next line
diff --git a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
index a1cd19be3..3041dcf83 100644
--- a/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/VDetector/DetectorManager.cxx
@@ -49,18 +49,27 @@ void DetectorManager::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
    string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-   Path = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/" + Path;
+   string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/" + Path;
    ifstream ConfigFile;
-   if (ConfigFile.is_open()) {
+   if (ConfigFile.is_open()) 
+    {
       cout << "/////////////////////////////" << endl;
       cout << " Configuration file " << Path << " loading " << endl;
-   }
-   else {
-      cout << " Error, no configuration file" << Path << " found" << endl;
-      return;
-   }
+      Path = StandardPath;
+    }
+   else 
+    {
+ Path.c_str() );
+      if(ConfigFile.is_open()) {
+      cout << "/////////////////////////////" << endl;
+      cout << " Configuration file " << Path << " loading " << endl;
+      }
+      else {cout << "Configuration File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
+    }
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {