diff --git a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/W1.detector b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/W1.detector
index 860401f3b0f254c434b034588204b3c55202e1ab..bf59637e844e8e609e5bafcd70895ca509fdcb6e 100644
--- a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/W1.detector
+++ b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/W1.detector
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-   THICKNESS= 0.001
    RADIUS=  7.5
    X= 0
diff --git a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/e530.detector b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/e530.detector
index 083261fa028177c5b9e0e8ee7f141f88554d6d5a..c2afc60588e09b07ca87a7bd7e6a061063481d1a 100644
--- a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/e530.detector
+++ b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/e530.detector
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Target
 	ANGLE= 0
 	X= 0
 	Y= 0
-	Z= -50
+	Z= 0
         Z=    -158.7
diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
index dc220bd6c9449b5f4e4c328b719f0265535a8373..3da1777b7da2c56f49120b1174a1616bf2b9590d 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/132Sndp.reaction
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Transfert
 	Light= 1H
 	Heavy= 133Sn
 	ExcitationEnergyLight= 0.0
-	ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 5.0
+	ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 0.0
 	BeamEnergy= 1320
 	BeamEnergySpread= 0
 	SigmaX= 0
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
index 9289bfaea409098eca6a803fd17e1abc1e70d9ff..89f73c390bea21bb36143df61bdd9309f04e5234 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/src/Analysis.cc
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
    GaspardTracker* GPDTrack = (GaspardTracker*) myDetector->m_Detector["GASPARD"];
    // Get the input TChain and treat it
-   TChain* chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
+   TChain* chain = RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain();
    // Connect TInitialConditions branch
    TInitialConditions *initCond = 0;
@@ -64,11 +64,6 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
    chain->SetBranchAddress("InteractionCoordinates", &interCoord);
    chain->SetBranchStatus("InteractionCoordinates", 0);
-   // Analysis is here!
-   int nentries = chain->GetEntries();
-   cout << "/////////// Loop information ///////////" << endl;
-   cout << "Number of entries to be analysed: " << nentries << endl;
    // Default initialization
    double XTarget = 0;
    double YTarget = 0;
@@ -78,9 +73,26 @@ int main(int argc,char** argv)
    // random generator
    TRandom3 *gene = new TRandom3();
+   // Get number of events to treat
+   cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
+   int nentries = chain->GetEntries();
+   cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
+   clock_t begin = clock();
+   clock_t end = begin;
    // Loop on all events
    for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i ++) {
-      if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0) cout << "\r" << i << " analyzed events" << flush;
+      if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
+         cout.precision(5);
+         end = clock();
+         double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+         double percent = (double)i/nentries;
+         double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
+         cout  << "\r Progression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" <<  TimeToWait <<"s"<< flush;
+      }
+      else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
+      // Get data
       chain -> GetEntry(i);
       // Treat Gaspard event
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Template/RunToTreat.txt b/NPAnalysis/Template/RunToTreat.txt
index 008354fd1b9fa2d1c15477a463be1e2bf76a6b7e..698f27aa2f5d83de671b3370b1ef6ccf2a561d21 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Template/RunToTreat.txt
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Template/RunToTreat.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	../../Outputs/Simulation/mySimul.root
+	../../Outputs/Simulation/myResult.root
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Template/src/Analysis.cc b/NPAnalysis/Template/src/Analysis.cc
index e5b365dbe84772d80c01262856538f675e096aa1..dc93cb4a19d553f9f296cfda43b11b5a432888bc 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Template/src/Analysis.cc
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Template/src/Analysis.cc
@@ -2,59 +2,69 @@
 using namespace std;
-int main(int argc,char** argv)
-	NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv)  ;
-	string detectorfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetDetectorFilePath()	      ;
-	string reactionfileName 	  = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFilePath()	    ;
-	string calibrationfileName 	= myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFilePath()	    ;
-	string runToReadfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFilePath()       ;
-	//	First of All instantiate RootInput and Output
-	//	Detector will be attached later
-	RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName)	;
-	RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/Template_AnalyzedData", "AnalyzedTree")					;
-	//	Instantiate a Reaction
-	NPL::Reaction* myReaction = new Reaction					;
-	myReaction	->	ReadConfigurationFile(reactionfileName)		;
-		//	Instantiate the detector using a file 
-	NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager 			;
-	myDetector	->	ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName)		;
-	//	Instantiate the Calibration Manger using a file
-	CalibrationManager* myCalibration = CalibrationManager::getInstance(calibrationfileName) ;
-	//	Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
-	TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain()	;
-	int i;	
-	for ( i = 0 ; i < Chain -> GetEntries() ; i ++ )
-		{
-			if( i%10000 == 0 && i!=0) cout << "\r Event Analyzed:" << i << flush;					
-			Chain -> GetEntry(i);			
-			myDetector -> ClearEventPhysics()				;
-			myDetector -> BuildPhysicalEvent()				;
-			/************************************************
-			Put your code here
-			************************************************/
-			RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill()	;
-		}
-	cout << "A total of " << i << " event has been annalysed " << endl ;
-	RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
-	return 0	;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+   // Parse command line
+   NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc, argv);
+   string detectorfileName          = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
+   string reactionfileName          = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
+   string calibrationfileName       = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
+   string runToReadfileName         = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
+   // First of All instantiate RootInput and Output
+   // Detector will be attached later
+   RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName);
+   RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/Template_AnalyzedData", "AnalyzedTree");
+   // Instantiate a Reaction
+   NPL::Reaction* myReaction = new Reaction();
+   myReaction->ReadConfigurationFile(reactionfileName);
+   // Instantiate the detector using a file
+   NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager();
+   myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
+   // Instantiate the Calibration Manger using a file
+   CalibrationManager* myCalibration = CalibrationManager::getInstance(calibrationfileName);
+   // Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
+   TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
+   // Get number of events to treat
+   cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
+   int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
+   cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
+   clock_t begin = clock();
+   clock_t end = begin;
+   // main loop on entries
+   for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
+      if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
+         cout.precision(5);
+         end = clock();
+         double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+         double percent = (double)i/nentries;
+         double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
+         cout  << "\r Progression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" <<  TimeToWait <<"s"<< flush;
+      }
+      else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
-double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B)
-	{
-		double Theta = acos( (A.Dot(B)) / (A.Mag()*B.Mag()) ) ;
-		return Theta ;
-	}
+      // get data
+      Chain -> GetEntry(i);
+      myDetector->ClearEventPhysics();
+      myDetector->BuildPhysicalEvent();
+      /************************************************
+      Put your code here
+      ************************************************/
+      RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill();
+   }
+   cout << "A total of " << nentries << " event has been annalysed " << endl ;
+   RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
+   return 0 ;
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/must2/RunToTreat.txt b/NPAnalysis/must2/RunToTreat.txt
index 28febc902cda5cc9564bfa3cbf50f3590b97aa2d..467f8c6b33f238f5cfd618e4b240aecdb2f88b73 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/must2/RunToTreat.txt
+++ b/NPAnalysis/must2/RunToTreat.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-%	../../Outputs/Simulation/myResult.root
-	../../Outputs/Simulation/dummy.root
+	../../Outputs/Simulation/myResult.root
 %	../../Outputs/Simulation/fe60dp_1mg.root
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/W1.hh b/NPSimulation/include/W1.hh
index 57eaf8dec747a1268d1a41af8bdcb2bdeefcb58d..af8fe7f0d2f7c247f7721ba22fc20aaedd66dc88 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/W1.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/W1.hh
@@ -151,9 +151,8 @@ private:
 namespace W1SQUARE
    // Energy/Time resolutions for the different layers
-   const G4double EnergyResolution = 0;       // = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-//   const G4double ResoFirstStage  = 0.0106          ;// = 52keV of Resolution   //   Unit is MeV/2.35
-   const G4double TimeResolution  = 0.638;   // 1.5 ns (FWHM)
+   const G4double EnergyResolution = 12.8e-3;   // 30 keV FWHM 
+   const G4double TimeResolution   = 0.638;     // 1.5 ns (FWHM)
    // Geometry
    const G4double FaceFront = 50*mm;