diff --git a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/XYCalibration/CutAutoDEE.C b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/XYCalibration/CutAutoDEE.C
index 9c7f11b3afb861b89151830eb173a6d558dbbb73..1f71626afda5235d043c80799796a9bc369100f4 100644
--- a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/XYCalibration/CutAutoDEE.C
+++ b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/XYCalibration/CutAutoDEE.C
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ void PeakFinder(vector<TSpectrum*> *sPeak , vector<int> *vPeak, TH2F *h, vector<
         for(int peaks = 0 ; peaks < nPeaks ; peaks++){
             vector<Double_t> Position(2); 
             Position.at(0) = (double(i) - double(step)/2.0) * h->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(4) ; //Retrieve E position
-            Position.at(1) = *PeakFinder->GetPositionX();
+            Position.at(1) = PeakFinder->GetPositionX()[peaks];
-        if (true && iter ==58){
+        if (true && iter ==90){
             // Draw the histogram
             TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(Form("c%d",i), Form("Histogram with Peaks%d",i), 800, 600);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ vector<vector<vector<Double_t>>> PeakLinker(vector<vector<Double_t>> *LinePos){
     //Retrieve position of peaks
     for (int ipeak; ipeak<LinePos->size() ; ipeak ++){
-        Y.push_back(LinePos->at(ipeak).at(1)); 
+        Y.push_back(LinePos->at(ipeak).at(1));
     // Start from the lowest position in Y 
@@ -104,7 +104,31 @@ vector<vector<vector<Double_t>>> PeakLinker(vector<vector<Double_t>> *LinePos){
         //To do so we will get the peaks from the same X and get their distance in Y
         //This will be our threshold
-    }
+        //Create a sub set of data with only same X
+        vector<Double_t> YSub; 
+        for (int index= 0 ; index < Y.size() ; index ++){
+            if (X.at(index) == X.at(indexMin)){
+                YSub.push_back(Y.at(index));
+            }
+        }
+        for (int index=0 ; index < YSub.size(); index++){        
+            cout << " Ysub    " << YSub.at(index) << endl;
+        }
+        //Sort the vec
+        sort(YSub.begin(),YSub.end());
+        Double_t Threshold = YSub.at(10) - YSub.at(9) ;
+        //cout << YSub.at(0) << "  " << Y.at(indexMin) << endl; //it works
+        for (int Point ; Point < Y.size() ; Point ++){
+            // We will start with the first point 
+            // We need to store all point that are linked together 
+        }
+    } //end min Y
     return Res;