From 47fc13a296dab2a222f7dd71ad0a2dc9bb8ccbf4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: deserevi <deserevi@nptool>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 12:39:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Add strips for GaspardTrackerAnnular shape in NPSimulation 
   + Theta and Phi strips are added

* Cosmetic changes in
 .../gaspardTestSpheric.detector               |  8 ++
 Inputs/EventGenerator/alpha.source            |  4 +-
 NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerNew.cxx           |  7 +-
 NPLib/GASPARD/Makefile                        |  3 +-
 NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh |  5 +
 NPSimulation/src/                 | 96 +++++++++----------
 NPSimulation/src/            | 60 +++++++++---
 NPSimulation/vis.mac                          | 20 ++--
 8 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/gaspardTestSpheric.detector b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/gaspardTestSpheric.detector
index bb2d10ec9..8ee8188be 100644
--- a/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/gaspardTestSpheric.detector
+++ b/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration/gaspardTestSpheric.detector
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ Target
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0 Central Barrel
+	Z= 	200
+	RMIN= 	16
+	RMAX= 	52
+	VIS= all
 	THETA= 90
 	PHI= 90 
diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/alpha.source b/Inputs/EventGenerator/alpha.source
index 343524fe6..734a62548 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/alpha.source
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/alpha.source
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 	EnergyLow= 0
 	EnergyHigh= 25
-	HalfOpenAngleMin= 0
-	HalfOpenAngleMax= 90
+	HalfOpenAngleMin= 155
+	HalfOpenAngleMax= 180
 	x0= 0	
 	y0= 0	
 	z0= 0	
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerNew.cxx b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerNew.cxx
index cb6b1dfe5..fb319dbbb 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerNew.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/GaspardTrackerNew.cxx
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 // Gaspard headers
 #include "GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h"
 #include "GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h"
+#include "GaspardTrackerAnnular.h"
 using namespace std ;	
@@ -115,9 +116,9 @@ void GaspardTrackerNew::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       else if (, 10, "GPDAnnular") == 0  &&  GPDTrkAnnular == false) {
          GPDTrkAnnular = true;
          // instantiate a new "detector" corresponding to the Trapezoid elements
-         GaspardTrackerModule* myDetector = new GaspardTrackerAnnular();
+         GaspardTrackerModule* myDetector = new GaspardTrackerAnnular(m_ModulesMap, m_EventPhysics);
          // Pass the data object to the GaspardTracker*** object
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ void GaspardTrackerNew::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-*/      }
+      }
       else if (, 13, "GPDDummyShape") == 0  &&  GPDTrkDummyShape == false) {
          GPDTrkDummyShape = true;
diff --git a/NPLib/GASPARD/Makefile b/NPLib/GASPARD/Makefile
index 432f67eb7..1060750ba 100644
--- a/NPLib/GASPARD/Makefile
+++ b/NPLib/GASPARD/Makefile
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNewDict.cxx:	TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.h
 			rootcint -f $@ -c $^	GaspardTrackerModule.o	GaspardTrackerDummyShape.o \
-				GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.o
+				GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.o	GaspardTrackerAnnular.o
 			$(LD) $(SOFLAGS) $^ $(OutPutOpt) $@
@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.o:	TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.cxx	TGaspardTrackerPhysic
 GaspardTrackerModule.o:		GaspardTrackerModule.cxx	GaspardTrackerModule.h
 GaspardTrackerDummyShape.o:	GaspardTrackerDummyShape.cxx	GaspardTrackerDummyShape.h
 GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.o:	GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx	GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h
+GaspardTrackerAnnular.o:	GaspardTrackerAnnular.cxx	GaspardTrackerAnnular.h
 ############# Clean and More ##########
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
index a07513fd0..7b90458ea 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/GaspardTrackerAnnular.hh
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ namespace GPDANNULAR
    const G4double MylarCsIThickness   = 3*micrometer;
    const G4double ThirdStageThickness = 1.5*mm;
+   // Characteristics
+   const G4int NbPhiStrips     = 16;
+   const G4int NbThetaStrips   = 16;
+   const G4int NbThetaQuadrant = 4;
    // Starting at the front and going in direction of third stage
    const G4double AluStripFront_PosZ = Length* -0.5 + 0.5*AluStripThickness                              ;
    const G4double Silicon_PosZ       = AluStripFront_PosZ + 0.5*AluStripThickness + 0.5*FirstStageThickness ;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index 6b3426484..9c904669d 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -251,63 +251,57 @@ void AnnularS1::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
    string LineBuffer, DataBuffer;
    G4double Z = 0;
-   bool check_Z = false , check_VIS=false,ReadingStatus = false ;
+   bool check_Z       = false;
+   bool check_VIS     = false;
+   bool ReadingStatus = false;
    while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {
       getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-		if (, 9, "AnnularS1") == 0) {
+      if (, 9, "AnnularS1") == 0) {
          G4cout << "///" << G4endl           ;
          G4cout << "Annular element found: " << G4endl   ;
-					ReadingStatus = true ;
-			}
-		else ReadingStatus = false ;
-		while(ReadingStatus)
-			{
-				ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-				//Search for comment Symbol %
-	      if (, 1, "%") == 0) {	ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-	      //Position method
-	      else if (, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
-	            check_Z = true;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
-	            Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
-	            Z = Z * mm;
-	            cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
-	         }
-	       else if (, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
-							check_VIS = true ;
-	            ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
-	            if (, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
-	         }
-					///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-					//	If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-					else 
-						{ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;}
-	         //Add The previously define telescope
-	         //With position method
-	         if (check_Z&&check_VIS) {
-	            AddModule(Z);
-							check_Z = false ;
-							check_VIS=false	;
-							ReadingStatus = false 			;	
-							cout << "///"<< endl ;	    
-	         }
-			}
+         ReadingStatus = true ;
+      }
+      else ReadingStatus = false ;
+      while (ReadingStatus) {
+         ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+         // Search for comment Symbol %
+	 if (, 1, "%") == 0) {
+            ConfigFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+         }
+         // Position method
+         else if (, 2, "Z=") == 0) {
+	    check_Z = true;
+	    ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
+	    Z = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+	    Z = Z * mm;
+	    cout << "Z:  " << Z / mm << endl;
+	 }
+         else if (, 4, "VIS=") == 0) {
+            check_VIS = true;
+	    ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+	    if (, 3, "all") == 0) m_non_sensitive_part_visiualisation = true;
+         }
+         else {
+            ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            // If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
+            ReadingStatus = false;
+            G4cout << "Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl;
+         }
+         // Add The previously define module
+         if (check_Z && check_VIS) {
+            AddModule(Z);
+            check_Z       = false;
+            check_VIS     = false;
+            ReadingStatus = false;
+            cout << "///"<< endl;
+         }
+      }
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index 3897c87eb..22ae3d76b 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -648,20 +648,43 @@ G4bool GPDScorerFirstStageFrontStripAnnular::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4Toucha
    // get detector number
    int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "GPDAnnular");
-   // get front strip
+   // Hit position in the world frame
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+   // Hit position in the detector frame
    POS = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(POS);
-   G4double StripPitch = m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
+   // Radial position in the Oxy plane
+   G4double r = sqrt(pow(POS(0), 2) + pow(POS(1), 2));
+   // Phi angle
+   G4double phi = atan2(POS(1), POS(0)) / deg;
+   if (phi < 0) phi += 360;
+   // Phi quadrant
+   G4double PhiWidth = 360. / GPDANNULAR::NbThetaQuadrant;
+   G4double PhiQuadrantNumber = floor(phi / PhiWidth);
+   // Theta strip pitch
+   // Interstrip should be taken into account here. To be done
+   G4double ThetaStripPitch = (GPDANNULAR::FirstStageRmax - GPDANNULAR::FirstStageRmin) / GPDANNULAR::NbThetaStrips;
+   G4double dummy = (r - GPDANNULAR::FirstStageRmin);
+   if (dummy < 0 && fabs(dummy) < 1e-6) dummy *= -1;
+   G4double ThetaStripNumber = floor(dummy / ThetaStripPitch);
+   ThetaStripNumber += PhiQuadrantNumber * GPDANNULAR::NbThetaStrips;
+   if (ThetaStripNumber < 1e-6) {
+    /*  G4cout << "POS: " << POS << G4endl;
+      G4cout << "r, phi " << r << "  " << phi << G4endl;
+      G4cout << "PhiWidth, PhiQuadrantNumber " << PhiWidth << "  " << PhiQuadrantNumber << G4endl;
+      G4cout << "ThetaStripPitch, ThetaStripNumber, dummy " << ThetaStripPitch << "  " << ThetaStripNumber << "  " << dummy << G4endl;*/
+   }
-   G4double temp = (POS(0) + m_StripPlaneSize / 2.) / StripPitch   ;
-   G4double X = int(temp) + 1 ;
-   //Rare case where particle is close to edge of silicon plan
-   if (X == 129) X = 128;
    G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
    if (edep < 100*keV) return FALSE;
    G4int  index =  aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
-   EvtMap->set(DetNbr + index, X);
+   EvtMap->set(DetNbr + index, ThetaStripNumber);
    return TRUE;
@@ -713,22 +736,29 @@ G4bool GPDScorerFirstStageBackStripAnnular::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4Touchab
    // get detector number
    int DetNbr = GENERALSCORERS::PickUpDetectorNumber(aStep, "GPDAnnular");
-   // get back strip
+   // Hit position in the world frame
    G4ThreeVector POS  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+   // Hit position in the detector frame
    POS = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(POS);
-   G4double StripPitch = m_StripPlaneSize / m_NumberOfStrip;
+   // Phi angle
+   G4double phi = atan2(POS(1), POS(0)) / deg;
+   if (phi < 0) phi += 360;
-   G4double temp = (POS(1) + m_StripPlaneSize / 2.) / StripPitch   ;
-   G4int temp2 = temp ;
-   G4double Y = temp2 + 1                    ;
-   //Rare case where particle is close to edge of silicon plan
-   if (Y == 129) Y = 128;
+   // Phi strip number
+   // Interstrip should be taken into account here. To be done
+   G4double PhiWidth = 360. / (GPDANNULAR::NbPhiStrips * GPDANNULAR::NbThetaQuadrant);
+   G4double PhiStripNumber = floor(phi / PhiWidth);
+//   G4cout << POS << G4endl;
+//   G4cout << "phi " << phi << " PhiWidth  " << PhiWidth << "  PhiStripNumber " << PhiStripNumber << G4endl;
    G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
    if (edep < 100*keV) return FALSE;
    G4int  index =  aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
-   EvtMap->set(DetNbr + index, Y);
+   EvtMap->set(DetNbr + index, PhiStripNumber);
    return TRUE;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/vis.mac b/NPSimulation/vis.mac
index a5d707fb4..a42fdb8de 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/vis.mac
+++ b/NPSimulation/vis.mac
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
 ##/vis/open OGLIX
 ##/vis/open OGLSX
 #/vis/open VRML2FILE
-#/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 0 0 deg
-#/vis/viewer/zoom 7
+/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 0 0 deg
+/vis/viewer/zoom 7
 ## options to draw trajectories
-#/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
-#/vis/scene/add/trajectories 1
-#/tracking/storeTrajectory 1
-#/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 20 cm
+/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
+/vis/scene/add/trajectories 1
+/tracking/storeTrajectory 1
+/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 20 cm
 # run event
 #/run/beamOn 0
-#/run/beamOn 10000
+/run/beamOn 1