diff --git a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis
index d51b188c1934e2ff218e2522d79f8f1102b40e96..ef3df396e03189c2958aeb881d7d327c569c9ee1 100755
Binary files a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis and b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/Analysis differ
diff --git a/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex b/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
index 2cb7509df6eee96de09c591d4e0e9374d4162de0..08af1c4665b826214ce58f6595d4c77294cfb3ec 100755
--- a/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
+++ b/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
@@ -1,29 +1,35 @@
+\usepackage [isolatin]{inputenc}
 % with this we ensure that the chapter and section
 % headings are in lowercase.
-        \markboth{#1}{}}
-        \markright{\thesection\ #1}}
-\fancyhf{} % delete current header and footer
-\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % space for the rule
-   \fancyhead{} % get rid of headers on plain pages
-   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % and the line
+%        \markboth{#1}{}}
+%        \markright{\thesection\ #1}}
+%\fancyhf{} % delete current header and footer
+%\addtolength{\headheight}{0.5pt} % space for the rule
+%   \fancyhead{} % get rid of headers on plain pages
+%   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % and the line
-\usepackage [isolatin]{inputenc} % fontes avec caracteres accentues
-\usepackage{graphicx} % inclusion de figures
+%\usepackage [isolatin]{inputenc} % fontes avec caracteres accentues
+%\usepackage{graphicx} % inclusion de figures
diff --git a/NPLib/Makefile b/NPLib/Makefile
index 9c8a2e6fca5a25d4f70519bbe1d3ea9d224498f0..b9158c7b7aac4171648a27652076a40eefd30898 100644
--- a/NPLib/Makefile
+++ b/NPLib/Makefile
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ GLIBS         = $(ROOTGLIBS) $(SYSLIBS)
-SHARELIB      =	CalibManager Vdetec	InputOutputRoot InitCond	InterCoord \
+SHARELIB      =	CalibManager Vdetec InputOutputRoot InitCond	InterCoord \
 		Must2All	GaspardData	AnnularS1Data PlasticData DummyDetectorData SSSDData\
 		Reaction	EnergyLoss
@@ -289,8 +289,9 @@ endif
 ## VDetector ##
+		cp ./VDetector/*.h ./include
 		make -C ./VDetector
-		cp ./VDetector/*.so ./lib ; cp ./VDetector/*.h ./include
+		cp ./VDetector/*.so ./lib
 ifeq ($(ARCH),macosx)
 		cd lib; ln -sf libVDetector.so libVDetector.dylib
diff --git a/NPLib/README b/NPLib/README
index d3f0c965dd76c4b9681bd58368bc6031a3a5c913..5723d77390845d9aa5512a46bb0bdda223619ffb 100644
--- a/NPLib/README
+++ b/NPLib/README
@@ -118,8 +118,14 @@ XI) GASPARD
 		obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis.
 XII) VDetector
-		This directory includes two libraries:
-		libVDetector.so and libDetectorManager.so
-			VDetector is a virtual class used for analysis purpose. It comes with several standards method definition called in analysis programm automatically.
-			Those method need to be implemented for each detector inheritted from the VDetector class.
-			DetectorManager is a class that manage a vector of VDetector and call there common functions.
+	This directory includes two libraries:
+		libVDetector.so
+		libDetectorManager.so
+	libVDetector.so:
+		VDetector is a virtual class used for analysis purpose. It comes with several 
+		standard methods definition called in the analysis programm automatically.
+		Those method need to be implemented for each detector inheritted from the VDetector 
+		class.
+	libDetectorManager.so:
+		DetectorManager is a class that manages a vector of VDetector and call their 
+		common functions.