From 4a60422ad2d41fc13da037681c6d7cd7daf956f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: matta <matta@npt>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 16:01:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Fix bug in NPReaction (shoot option) * clean up the Physics
 list file (remove trailling comment and reindent) * fix cout issue in event

 Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction |  24 +-
 NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx        |   4 +-
 NPSimulation/src/     |   3 +-
 NPSimulation/src/     | 382 +++++++++++++---------------
 4 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
index e2b06f82d..dee2a70a3 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
   ExcitationEnergy= 1.4
-  Particle= 11Li
-  Energy= 550
-	SigmaEnergy= 0
-	SigmaThetaX= 0.01
-	SigmaPhiY= 0.01
+  Particle= 7Li
+  Energy= 20
+	SigmaEnergy= 20
+	SigmaThetaX= 25
+	SigmaPhiY= 25
 	SigmaX= 5
 	SigmaY= 5
   MeanThetaX= 0
@@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ Beam
-	Beam= 11Li
+	Beam= 9Li
 	Target= 2H
 	Light= 3He
-	Heavy= 10He
+	Heavy= 8He
 	ExcitationEnergyLight= 0.0
-	ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 10.0
-  CrossSectionPath= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt	CS10He
-	ShootLight= 1
+	ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 0.0
+  CrossSectionPath= flat.txt	CS10He
+	ShootLight= 0
 	ShootHeavy= 1
-ParticleDecay 10He
+%ParticleDecay 10He
   Daughter= 9He n
   ExcitationEnergy= 0 0
   DifferentialCrossSection= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt	particle9He
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
index 727e6aa5d..1b06f63ff 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         if(atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 0 )
-          fshoot3 = true;
+          fshoot3 = false;
         if(fVerboseLevel==1 && fshoot3) cout << "Shoot 3 : Yes  " << endl;
         else if (fVerboseLevel==1 ) cout << "Shoot 3 : No  " << endl;
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         if(atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 0 )
-          fshoot4 = true;
+          fshoot4 = false;
         if(fVerboseLevel==1 && fshoot4) cout << "Shoot 4 : Yes  " << endl;
         else if (fVerboseLevel==1 ) cout << "Shoot 4 : No  " << endl;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index 45322725f..b2a0dd506 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "DetectorConstruction.hh"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ void EventAction::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* event){
    if ((event->GetEventID() + 1) % m_printModulo == 0)
 //      G4cout << "Event: " << event->GetEventID() + 1 << G4endl;
-      G4cout << "\rEvent: " << event->GetEventID() + 1 << flush;
+      cout << "\rEvent: " << event->GetEventID() + 1 << flush;
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
index 78975bc4e..3e59f42e6 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * A good improvement should be a modular physicis list in order to deal     *
  * accuratly with different physics cases.                                   *
- #include "PhysicsList.hh"
+#include "PhysicsList.hh"
 // I/O
 #include "G4ios.hh"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 #include "G4eBremsstrahlung.hh"
 #include "G4eplusAnnihilation.hh"
-// Penelope 
+// Penelope
 //#include "G4PenelopeIonisation.hh"
 //#include "G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung.hh"
 //#include "G4PenelopeAnnihilation.hh"
@@ -98,74 +98,67 @@
-     // ie: no secondaries
-   defaultCutValue = 1000 * pc;
+  // ie: no secondaries
+  defaultCutValue = 1000 * pc;
-   ;
+  ;
-void PhysicsList::ConstructParticle()
-   // In this method, static member functions should be called
-   // for all particles which you want to use.
-   // This ensures that objects of these particle types will be
-   // created in the program.
-   //Usefull to test geometry
-   G4Geantino::GeantinoDefinition();
-   //Usefull for Gamma
-   ConstructBosons();
-   //Usefull for betaDecay
-   ConstructLeptons();
-   //Needed by G4 (4.9.2) to run on mac os X ;-)
-   ConstructMesons();
-   //usefull for p and n
-   ConstructBaryons();
-   //Usefull of course :p
-   ConstructIons();
+void PhysicsList::ConstructParticle(){
+  // In this method, static member functions should be called
+  // for all particles which you want to use.
+  // This ensures that objects of these particle types will be
+  // created in the program.
+  //Usefull to test geometry
+  G4Geantino::GeantinoDefinition();
+  //Usefull for Gamma
+  ConstructBosons();
+  //Usefull for betaDecay
+  ConstructLeptons();
+  //Needed by G4 (4.9.2) to run on mac os X ;-)
+  ConstructMesons();
+  //usefull for p and n
+  ConstructBaryons();
+  //Usefull of course :p
+  ConstructIons();
-void PhysicsList::ConstructBosons()
-   G4Geantino::GeantinoDefinition()              ;
-   G4ChargedGeantino::ChargedGeantinoDefinition()   ;
-   G4Gamma::GammaDefinition()                 ;
+void PhysicsList::ConstructBosons(){
+  G4Geantino::GeantinoDefinition()              ;
+  G4ChargedGeantino::ChargedGeantinoDefinition()   ;
+  G4Gamma::GammaDefinition()                 ;
-void PhysicsList::ConstructLeptons()
-   G4Electron::ElectronDefinition()              ;
-   G4Positron::PositronDefinition()              ;
-   G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoEDefinition()            ;
-   G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoEDefinition()    ;
-   //G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMuDefinition()        ;
-   //G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMuDefinition()   ;
-   //G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition()            ;
-   //G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()          ;
+void PhysicsList::ConstructLeptons(){
+  G4Electron::ElectronDefinition()              ;
+  G4Positron::PositronDefinition()              ;
+  G4NeutrinoE::NeutrinoEDefinition()            ;
+  G4AntiNeutrinoE::AntiNeutrinoEDefinition()    ;
+  //G4NeutrinoMu::NeutrinoMuDefinition()        ;
+  //G4AntiNeutrinoMu::AntiNeutrinoMuDefinition()   ;
+  //G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition()            ;
+  //G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition()          ;
-void PhysicsList::ConstructBaryons()
-   G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()   ;
-   G4AntiProton::AntiProtonDefinition()   ;
-   G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
+void PhysicsList::ConstructBaryons(){
+  G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()   ;
+  G4AntiProton::AntiProtonDefinition()   ;
+  G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
-void PhysicsList::ConstructMesons()
+void PhysicsList::ConstructMesons(){
   //  mesons
   G4PionPlus     ::PionPlusDefinition();
   G4PionMinus    ::PionMinusDefinition();
@@ -183,166 +176,151 @@ void PhysicsList::ConstructMesons()
-void PhysicsList::ConstructIons()
-   G4He3::He3Definition()         ;
-   G4Deuteron::DeuteronDefinition()  ;
-   G4Triton::TritonDefinition()      ;
-   G4Alpha::AlphaDefinition()     ;
-   G4IonConstructor iConstructor     ;
-   iConstructor.ConstructParticle()  ;
+void PhysicsList::ConstructIons(){
+  G4He3::He3Definition()         ;
+  G4Deuteron::DeuteronDefinition()  ;
+  G4Triton::TritonDefinition()      ;
+  G4Alpha::AlphaDefinition()     ;
+  G4IonConstructor iConstructor     ;
+  iConstructor.ConstructParticle()  ;
-void PhysicsList::ConstructProcess()
-   AddTransportation()   ;
-   ConstructEM()         ;
-   SetCuts()          ;
+void PhysicsList::ConstructProcess(){
+  AddTransportation()   ;
+  ConstructEM()         ;
+  SetCuts()          ;
-void PhysicsList::ConstructEM()
-   theParticleIterator->reset();
-   while ((*theParticleIterator)()) {
-      G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value()          ;
-      G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager()             ;
-      G4String particleName = particle->GetParticleName()                    ;
-      if (particleName == "gamma") {
-         // gamma
-   //standard Geant4
-   pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect)          ;
-        pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4ComptonScattering)            ;
-   pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion)              ;
-   //Low energy
-   //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric)          ;
-        //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyCompton)            ;
-        //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyGammaConversion)              ;
-        //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyRayleigh)              ;
-    // Penelope
-         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopePhotoElectric)          ;
-         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeCompton)            ;
-         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeGammaConversion)              ;
-         //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeRayleigh)              ;
-      } else if (particleName == "e-") {
-         //electron
-         pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eMultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1)     ;
-    //standard geant4:
-    pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-    pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
-    // Low energy:
-    //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-    //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
-    // Penelope:
-    // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
-    // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
-      } else if (particleName == "e+") {
-         //positron
-   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eMultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1 );
-   // standard Geant4 and Low energy
-   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
-   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
-   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eplusAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
-   //Penelope:
-   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
-   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
-   //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
-      } else if (particleName == "mu+" ||
-                 particleName == "mu-") {
+void PhysicsList::ConstructEM(){
-    //muon
-         /*   pmanager->AddProcess(new G4muMultipleScattering   , -1,  1, 1 )     ;
-            pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MuIonisation        , -1,  2, 2 )     ;
-            pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MuBremsstrahlung    , -1, -1, 3 )     ;
-            pmanager->AddProcess(new G4MuPairProduction    , -1, -1, 4 )     ;*/
+  theParticleIterator->reset();
-      } else if (particleName == "GenericIon") {
-         pmanager->AddProcess(new G4hMultipleScattering(), -1, 1, 1)        ;
-         G4ionIonisation* iI = new G4ionIonisation                   ;
-         // mod by Nicolas [07/05/09]
-//          iI->ActivateNuclearStopping(true)                        ;
-         iI->ActivateStoppingData(true)                           ;
-         pmanager->AddProcess(iI            , -1, 2, 2)          ;
-         //all others charged particles except geantino
-      } else if ((!particle->IsShortLived())     &&
-                 (particle->GetPDGCharge() != 0.0)   &&
-                 (particleName != "chargedgeantino")) {
-         G4hIonisation* hI = new G4hIonisation                      ;
-         // mod by Nicolas [07/05/09]
-//        hI->ActivateNuclearStopping(true)                          ;
-         pmanager->AddProcess(new G4hMultipleScattering     , -1, 1, 1)   ;
-         pmanager->AddProcess(hI                        , -1, 2, 2)   ;
-      }//end else if
-   }//end while particle
-   G4EmProcessOptions opt        ;
-   opt.SetSubCutoff(true)        ;
-   opt.SetMinEnergy(0.001*eV)    ;
-   opt.SetMaxEnergy(1000.*MeV)    ;
-   opt.SetDEDXBinning(1000)       ;
-   opt.SetLambdaBinning(1000)     ;
-   // mod by Nicolas [07/05/09]
-// opt.SetLinearLossLimit(1.e-3) ;
+  while ((*theParticleIterator)()) {
+    G4ParticleDefinition* particle = theParticleIterator->value() ;
+    G4ProcessManager* pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager() ;
+    G4String particleName = particle->GetParticleName() ;
+    if (particleName == "gamma") {
+      // gamma
+      //standard Geant4
+      pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PhotoElectricEffect) ;
+      pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4ComptonScattering) ;
+      pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4GammaConversion) ;
+      //Low energy
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyCompton) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyGammaConversion) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4LowEnergyRayleigh) ;
+      // Penelope
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopePhotoElectric) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeCompton) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeGammaConversion) ;
+      //pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(new G4PenelopeRayleigh) ;
+    }
+    else if (particleName == "e-") {
+      //electron
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eMultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1)     ;
+      //standard geant4:
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+      // Low energy:
+      //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+      //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+      // Penelope:
+      // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2)     ;
+      // pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3)     ;
+    }
+    else if (particleName == "e+") {
+      //positron
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eMultipleScattering  , -1,  1, 1 );
+      // standard Geant4 and Low energy
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4eplusAnnihilation   ,  0, -1, 4 );
+      //Penelope:
+      //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeIonisation         , -1,  2, 2 );
+      //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung     , -1, -1, 3 );
+      //pmanager->AddProcess(new G4PenelopeAnnihilation       ,  0, -1, 4 );
+    }
+    else if (particleName == "mu+" ||
+               particleName == "mu-") {
+    }
+    else if (particleName == "GenericIon") {
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4hMultipleScattering(), -1, 1, 1) ;
+      G4ionIonisation* iI = new G4ionIonisation ;
+      // mod by Nicolas [07/05/09]
+      iI->ActivateStoppingData(true) ;
+      pmanager->AddProcess(iI , -1, 2, 2) ;
+    }
+    else if ((!particle->IsShortLived())     &&
+               (particle->GetPDGCharge() != 0.0)   &&
+               (particleName != "chargedgeantino")) {
+      G4hIonisation* hI = new G4hIonisation ;
+      // mod by Nicolas [07/05/09]
+      pmanager->AddProcess(new G4hMultipleScattering , -1, 1, 1) ;
+      pmanager->AddProcess(hI , -1, 2, 2) ;
+    }
+  }
+  G4EmProcessOptions opt        ;
+  opt.SetSubCutoff(true)        ;
+  opt.SetMinEnergy(0.001*eV)    ;
+  opt.SetMaxEnergy(1000.*MeV)    ;
+  opt.SetDEDXBinning(1000)       ;
+  opt.SetLambdaBinning(1000)     ;
-void PhysicsList::SetCuts()
-   // uppress error messages even in case e/gamma/proton do not exist
-   G4int temp = GetVerboseLevel();
-   SetVerboseLevel(0);
-   //  " G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsWithDefault" method sets
-   //   the default cut value for all particle types
-   SetCutsWithDefault();
-   // for gamma-rays
-//   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "gamma");
-//   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "e-");
-//   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "e+");
-   // Retrieve verbose level
-   SetVerboseLevel(temp);
+void PhysicsList::SetCuts(){
+  // uppress error messages even in case e/gamma/proton do not exist
+  G4int temp = GetVerboseLevel();
+  SetVerboseLevel(0);
+  //  " G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsWithDefault" method sets
+  //   the default cut value for all particle types
+  SetCutsWithDefault();
+  // for gamma-rays
+  //   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "gamma");
+  //   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "e-");
+  //   SetCutValue(0.01*mm, "e+");
+  // Retrieve verbose level
+  SetVerboseLevel(temp);
-void PhysicsList::ConstructDecay()
-// Add Decay Process
-   G4Decay* theDecayProcess = new G4Decay()                     ;
-   theParticleIterator->reset()                              ;
-   while ((*theParticleIterator)()) {
-      G4ParticleDefinition*  particle = theParticleIterator->value()   ;
-      G4ProcessManager*      pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
-      if (theDecayProcess->IsApplicable(*particle)) {
-         pmanager ->AddProcess(theDecayProcess);
-         // set ordering for PostStepDoIt and AtRestDoIt
-         pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxPostStep);
-         pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxAtRest);
-      }
-   }
-//end Add Decay Process
+void PhysicsList::ConstructDecay(){
+  // Add Decay Process
+  G4Decay* theDecayProcess = new G4Decay()                     ;
+  theParticleIterator->reset()                              ;
+  while ((*theParticleIterator)()) {
+    G4ParticleDefinition*  particle = theParticleIterator->value()   ;
+    G4ProcessManager*      pmanager = particle->GetProcessManager();
+    if (theDecayProcess->IsApplicable(*particle)) {
+      pmanager ->AddProcess(theDecayProcess);
+      // set ordering for PostStepDoIt and AtRestDoIt
+      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxPostStep);
+      pmanager->SetProcessOrdering(theDecayProcess, idxAtRest);
+    }
+  }
+  //end Add Decay Process
-void PhysicsList::MyOwnConstruction()
-   ConstructDecay();
+void PhysicsList::MyOwnConstruction(){
+  ConstructDecay();