diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
index 955f35ec264c0f785dbe84c534f1d358ac7b2366..d754eb4fa5af4b0c7847458b1598a56bc49fded4 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.cxx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ void TEpicData::Dump() const {
   cout << "MultAnodes = : " << mysize << endl;
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < mysize ; i++){
-    cout << "AnodeNbr: " << GetAnodeNbr(i) 
-         << " Q1: " << GetQ1(i)
-         << " Time: " << GetTime(i) << endl;
+    cout << "==================================" << endl;
+    cout << "TRACKID #" << GetTrackID(i) << ": Particle |" << GetParticleName(i) << "|" 
+         << " Q1: " << GetQ1(i) << " Time: " << GetTime(i) << endl;
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
index 4d612196b47ce90ec0ccd436ebd8e7b6af418f8d..f1489b5dbd47060f90e8f66e8d4a24a5c0990c1f 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
@@ -33,23 +33,24 @@ using namespace std;
 class TEpicData : public TObject {
+    // per TrackID
     struct EpicAnodeData {
+        int         TrackID;
+	string      ParticleName;
         UShort_t    AnodeNbr;
         Double_t    Q1;
         Double_t    Time;
         // vector of {Zstep, DEstep, DTstep}
-        std::vector<string>   ParticleName;
-        std::vector<int>      TrackID;
         std::vector<Double_t> PosZ;
         std::vector<Double_t> DE;
-        std::vector<Double_t> DT; // DT=Ti-T0, with T0=Tfission or Talpha
+        std::vector<Double_t> DT; // DT=Ti-T0, with T0=Tfission or Tfirst_alpha
         // Getters
+        int      GetTrackID() const { return TrackID; }
+        string   GetParticleName() const { return ParticleName; }
         UShort_t GetAnodeNbr() const { return AnodeNbr; }
         Double_t GetQ1() const { return Q1; }
         Double_t GetTime() const { return Time; }
-        const std::vector<string>&   GetParticleName() const { return ParticleName; }
-        const std::vector<int>&      GetTrackID() const { return TrackID; }
         const std::vector<Double_t>& GetPosZ() const { return PosZ; }
         const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE() const { return DE; }
         const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDT() const { return DT; }
@@ -83,21 +84,19 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
   // add //! to avoid ROOT creating dictionnary for the methods
     //////////////////////    SETTERS    ////////////////////////
-    void Set(const UShort_t& n, const Double_t& q1,  const Double_t& t,
-             const std::vector<string>& name,        const std::vector<int>& tid, 
-             const std::vector<double>& z,           const std::vector<double>& de, 
-             const std::vector<double>& dt) {
-        fEpic_Data.push_back({n, q1, t, name, tid, z, de, dt});
+    void Set(const int& tid, const string& name, const UShort_t& n, const Double_t& q1,  const Double_t& t,
+             const std::vector<double>& z, const std::vector<double>& de, const std::vector<double>& dt) {
+        fEpic_Data.push_back({tid, name, n, q1, t, z, de, dt});
     const EpicAnodeData& operator[](const unsigned int& i) const {return fEpic_Data[i];}
     ////////////////////////    GETTERS    ////////////////////////
-    inline UShort_t GetMultiplicity() const                    {return fEpic_Data.size();}
+    inline UShort_t GetMultiplicity() const             {return fEpic_Data.size();}
+    int      GetTrackID(const unsigned int& i)      const { return fEpic_Data[i].TrackID; }
+    string   GetParticleName(const unsigned int& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].ParticleName; }
     UShort_t GetAnodeNbr(const unsigned short& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].AnodeNbr; }
     Double_t GetQ1(const unsigned int& i) const         { return fEpic_Data[i].Q1; }
     Double_t GetTime(const unsigned int& i) const       { return fEpic_Data[i].Time; }
-    const std::vector<string>&   GetParticleName(const unsigned int& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].ParticleName; }
-    const std::vector<int>&      GetTrackID(const unsigned int& i)      const { return fEpic_Data[i].TrackID; }
     const std::vector<Double_t>& GetPosZ(const unsigned int& i)         const { return fEpic_Data[i].PosZ; }
     const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE(const unsigned int& i)           const { return fEpic_Data[i].DE; }
     const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDT(const unsigned int& i)           const { return fEpic_Data[i].DT; }
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
index 1a3015acd3656060aaa23698f90de659caf70fb6..77a85451a86c21ec1a22febc0b2693ff3403d7d0 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ void TEpicPhysics::PreTreat() {
       double TimeOffset = 0;
       TimeOffset = Cal->GetValue("Epic/ANODE"+NPL::itoa(AnodeNumber)+"_TIMEOFFSET",0);
       double Time = m_EventData->GetTime(i);
-      m_PreTreatedData->Set(AnodeNumber, Q1, Time,
+      m_PreTreatedData->Set(m_EventData->GetTrackID(i),
-                            m_EventData->GetTrackID(i),
+                            AnodeNumber, Q1, Time,
@@ -194,12 +194,7 @@ void TEpicPhysics::ReadAnalysisConfig() {
 void TEpicPhysics::Clear() {
-  Q2.clear();
-  Qmax.clear();
-  Time_HF.clear();
-  ToF.clear();
-  isFakeFission.clear();
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.h
index 6223dc2942ddcf45182de5446c0a9d94157a1043..8733238496be6f7ba2ecf7d4b07beb6b650a1c46 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.h
@@ -64,12 +64,7 @@ class TEpicPhysics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector {
     vector<int>      AnodeNumber;
     vector<double>   Q1;
-    vector<double>   Q2;
-    vector<double>   Qmax;
     vector<double>   Time;
-    vector<bool>     isFakeFission;
-    vector<double>   Time_HF;
-    vector<double>   ToF;
     vector<double>   DT_FC;				
   /// A usefull method to bundle all operation to add a detector
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
index 539aa377a9f799c3231f0b4d170eee34dc7c5d4c..f3673dff1d39bb5f224bb965c0fea3b435298052 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
     vector<unsigned int> level = Scorer->GetLevel(i); 
     //double Time = RandGauss::shoot(Scorer->GetTime(i),Epic_NS::ResoTime);
     //double Energy = RandGauss::shoot(Scorer->GetEnergy(i),Epic_NS::ResoEnergy);
-    double Energy = Scorer->GetEnergy(i);  // Attention Energy of all particles (FF, alpha, e-, ...) 
+    //double Energy = Scorer->GetEnergy(i);  // Attention Energy of all particles (FF, alpha, e-, ...) 
     vector<string> step_name = Scorer->GetParticleName(i);
     vector<int>    step_trackID = Scorer->GetTrackID(i);
     vector<double> step_posZ = Scorer->GetStepPosZ(i);
@@ -556,56 +556,75 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
     double posZ_anode = (1-m_nA)*(m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) - std::trunc(0.5*m_nA)*(m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A); 
     posZ_anode += m_mapping_A[Anode] * (2. * (m_Distance_AK*mm + m_Thickness_K*mm) + m_InterDistance_KK*mm + thickness_A) ;
-    //// FIXME : need a fixed binning in dz of 25*um
-    //// FIXME : one input per TrackID -> change the TEpicData TrackID and name should not be a vector anymore
-    //vector<string> name;
-    //vector<int>    trackID;
-    //vector<double> dz;
-    //vector<double> de;
-    //vector<double> dt;
-    //double influence_pertrackID = 0   ;
-    //bool   end_of_new_trackID = false ;
-    //cout << "step_name.size() = " << step_name.size() << endl;
-    //for(int j=0; j<step_name.size(); j++){
-    //  cout << "j = " << j << " : TrackID = " << step_trackID.at(j) << " [previous is " << previous_trackID  << "]. Particle = " << step_name.at(j) << " Actual m_Event mult : " << m_Event->GetMultiplicity() << endl;
-    //  if(step_name.at(j)!="e-" || step_name.at(j)=="anti_nu_e"){
-    //    continue;
-    //  }
-    //  else if(step_name.at(j)=="alpha"){ // FF or alpha // to be fixed !
-    //   
-    //   cout << "j = " << j << " : TrackID = " << step_trackID.at(j) << " [previous is " << previous_trackID  << "]. Particle = " << step_name.at(j) << " Actual m_Event mult : " << m_Event->GetMultiplicity() << endl;
-    //    
-    //    if(step_trackID.at(j) != previous_trackID){
-    //      //if(m_Event->GetMultiplicity()>0) end_of_new_trackID = true;
-    //      if(previous_trackID != -1) end_of_new_trackID = true;
-    //      previous_trackID = step_trackID.at(j) ;
-    //    }
-    //    
-    //    if(end_of_new_trackID == true) {
-    //      m_Event->Set(m_mapping_A[Anode],    // set anode number
-    //                   influence_pertrackID,  // set Q1 FF or alpha only 
-    //                   step_time.at(j),       // set Time
-    //                   name,trackID, dz, de, dt);
-    //      name.clear();
-    //      trackID.clear();
-    //      dz.clear();
-    //      de.clear();
-    //      dt.clear();
-    //      end_of_new_trackID = false;
-    //    }
-    //    double dz_anode = TMath::Abs(step_posZ.at(j) - posZ_anode) - 0.5*thickness_A ; // need to remove half thickness of Anode
-    //    influence_pertrackID += (step_DE.at(j) * dz_anode) / m_Distance_AK*mm;
-    //    
-    //    name.push_back(step_name.at(j));
-    //    trackID.push_back(step_trackID.at(j));
-    //    dz.push_back(dz_anode);
-    //    de.push_back(step_DE.at(j));
-    //    dt.push_back(step_time.at(j)); 
-	  //  }// end of else
-    //}// end of loop over j
+    //// FIXME : need a fixed binning in dz of 25*um and in time
+    //// FIXME : one TrackID per input for TEpicData	
+    //// FIXME : fill another event class FasterData with only the vectors sorted in time
+    // === Epic Data
+    int    trackID = -1;
+    string name_pertrackID = "";
+    double influence_pertrackID = 0;
+    double time_pertrackID = -1;
+    vector<double> dz;
+    vector<double> de;
+    vector<double> dt;
+    bool   end_of_new_trackID = false ;
+    cout << "step_name.size() = " << step_name.size() << endl;
+    for(int j=0; j<step_name.size(); j++){
+      //if(step_name.at(j)!="e-" && step_name.at(j)!="anti_nu_e"){
+      //  cout << " ======================================================================== " << endl;
+      //  cout << "STEP #" << j << " Particle |" << step_name.at(j) << "|" << endl;
+      //  cout << "           " << " TrackID " << step_trackID.at(j) << " [previous " << previous_trackID  
+      //                        << "]   Actual m_Event mult : " << m_Event->GetMultiplicity() 
+      //                        << " GetStepTime =  " << step_time.at(j) << endl;
+      //}
+      if(step_trackID.at(j) != previous_trackID){
+        //if(m_Event->GetMultiplicity()>0) end_of_new_trackID = true;
+        if(previous_trackID != -1) end_of_new_trackID = true;
+        else {
+          trackID = step_trackID.at(j);
+          name_pertrackID = step_name.at(j);
+	  time_pertrackID = step_time.at(j);
+	}
+	previous_trackID = step_trackID.at(j) ;
+      }
+      if(end_of_new_trackID == true || j==step_name.size()-1) {
+        if(name_pertrackID!="e-" && name_pertrackID!="anti_nu_e"){
+	  //cout << "TEpicData m_Event->Set() : TrackID #" << trackID << "  |" << name_pertrackID << "| influence = " << influence_pertrackID << " and time at " << time_pertrackID << endl;	
+          m_Event->Set(trackID,
+                       name_pertrackID,
+		       m_mapping_A[Anode],    // set anode number
+                       influence_pertrackID,  // set Q1 FF or alpha only 
+                       time_pertrackID,       // set Time
+                       dz, de, dt);
+          dz.clear();
+          de.clear();
+          dt.clear();
+    	}
+	trackID = step_trackID.at(j);
+        name_pertrackID = step_name.at(j);
+	influence_pertrackID = 0;
+        time_pertrackID = step_time.at(j);
+        end_of_new_trackID = false;
+      }
+      double dz_anode = TMath::Abs(step_posZ.at(j) - posZ_anode) - 0.5*thickness_A ; // need to remove half thickness of Anode
+      influence_pertrackID += (step_DE.at(j) * dz_anode) / m_Distance_AK*mm;
+      dz.push_back(dz_anode);
+      de.push_back(step_DE.at(j));
+      dt.push_back(step_time.at(j));
+    }// end of loop over j
   }// end of loop over i
+  //// FIXME : fill the FasterData
+  if(m_Event->GetMultiplicity()>0){
+    // fill clean-up data to FasterData
+  }
diff --git a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
index 941c5e4be564c5f82947eae895a35a7f33b932d5..0fc833b1dd4f474186d1841d526474c0048d145f 100644
--- a/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
+++ b/Projects/AlPhaPha/2024/macro/chio/DE_E_Spline/SplineChio.C
@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@
 #include <TH2.h>
 #include <TSpline.h>
 #include <fstream>
-#include "../XYCalibration/ProfileEvaluator.h"
 using namespace std;
-const int Ncuts=30;
+const int CutNumberLoader();
+const int Ncuts = CutNumberLoader();
 const int NSegment=11;
 const int Nrun=1;
-int RunNumber[Nrun]={241};
+int RunNumber[Nrun]={247};
 void MakeSpline();
 void ApplySpline_perTCutG();
 void ApplySpline();
-vector<vector<TSpline3*>> LoadSpline(const char* PathToSpline);
-vector<double> TxtToVector(const char *Path);
 void SplineChio()
@@ -31,76 +30,42 @@ void SplineChio()
     TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root","open");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineDe; 
-    TSpline3 *splineDE,*splineDE0, *splineDE02,*splineDE023,*splineDE0234,*splineDEbis;
-    fSplineDe= new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/splineDE.root","open");
-    splineDE = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe");
-    splineDE0 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_0");
-    splineDE02 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_02");
-    splineDE023 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_023");
-    splineDE0234 = (TSpline3*) fSplineDe->Get("SplineDe_0234");
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib247.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
     TTimeData *Time = new TTimeData() ;
-    TFPMWPhysics *FPMW = new TFPMWPhysics();
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
     // ****************** Load Time  **********************************
     chain->SetBranchStatus("Time", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("Time", &Time);
-    vector<double> Toff13 , Toff14, Toff23, Toff24;
-    const char* Path13 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff13.txt";
-    const char* Path14 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff14.txt";
-    const char* Path23 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff23.txt";
-    const char* Path24 = "../../mwpc/Toff/output/Toff24.txt";
-    Toff13 = TxtToVector(Path13);
-    Toff14 = TxtToVector(Path14);
-    Toff23 = TxtToVector(Path23);
-    Toff24 = TxtToVector(Path24);
-    ProfileEvaluator Profile;
-    Profile.LoadProfile("../XYCalibration/Output/RatioProfile.root","ICOneZeroProfile");
-    TH2F *hChioDE_E_all = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,20000,500,1000,26000);
-    TH2F *hChioDE_E[Ncuts];
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) hChioDE_E[i]=new TH2F(Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),2000,1000,20000,1250,1000,26000);
+    TH2F *hChioDE_E_all = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,36000,500,1000,26000);
+    vector<TH2F*> hChioDE_E(Ncuts);
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) hChioDE_E[i]=new TH2F(Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),Form("hChioDE_E_%d",i+1),2000,1000,36000,1250,1000,26000);
     auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    //int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
-    int Nentries=1000000;
+    int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
+    //int Nentries=1000000;
     for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e)
         if (e % 100000  == 0 && e > 0 ) {
@@ -114,78 +79,11 @@ void SplineChio()
-        vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-        vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                               // segment of ic
-        if (Time->GetMWPC13Mult() ==1 && IC->fIC_TS.size()>=8){ //only mult 1 event
-            //*************************************** GET TIME 
-            UShort_t FPMW_Section = Time->GetSection_MWPC3(0);
-            double FF_DriftTime =  10* (IC->fIC_TS.at(0) - Time->GetTS_MWPC13(0)) - ((Time->GetTime_MWPC13(0)+Toff13.at(FPMW_Section))) ;
-            // *********************************   ALIGN IC***************************************************************
-            for (int seg = 1; seg < IC->fIC_TS.size() ; seg++) { // loop on multiplicity of event
-                if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-                double FF_DriftTime_temp = 10* (IC->fIC_TS.at(seg) - Time->GetTS_MWPC13(0)) - ((Time->GetTime_MWPC13(0)+Toff13.at(FPMW_Section))) ;
-                if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (seg == 0) {
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(0) * spline_Y.at(0)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(0)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    else if (seg == 1){ 
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    else if (seg > 1) {
-                        ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-                    }
-                    if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-                } //end if non empty
-                if (seg == 0) break;
-            }//endloop seg
-            //********************* CORR IC 0 ******************************
-            Double_t PolX =  1.37622;
-            Double_t ICRatio =  IC->fIC_raw[1]/IC->fIC_raw[0];
-            Double_t ICRatioCorr =  ICRatio * PolX / Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-            Double_t ICcorr_Y0 = IC->fIC_raw[0] / PolX * Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-            if ( ICRatioCorr<1.4 || ICRatioCorr >1.5){
-                ICRatioCorr =  ICRatio * PolX / Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-                ICcorr_Y0 =     IC->fIC_raw[0] / PolX * Profile.Evaluate(FF_IC_X,FF_DriftTime,false);
-                if (ICRatioCorr >100) {
-                    ICcorr_Y0 = IC->fIC_raw[0];
-                }
-            }
-            // ************************** CORR Y GLOB *****************************
-            double FF_DE_precorr = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y0+ ICcorr_Y.at(1) +ICcorr_Y.at(2)+ ICcorr_Y.at(3)) + ICcorr_Y.at(4);
-            FF_DE = FF_DE_precorr * splineDE0234->Eval(0) / splineDE0234->Eval(FF_DriftTime);
-            FF_Eres = 0 ;
-            for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-                if (seg >4){
-                    if (seg == 5) FF_Eres += double(IC->fIC_raw[seg]);
-                    else FF_Eres += 2*double(IC->fIC_raw[seg]) ;
-                }
-            }
-            hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
+        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
-            //for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(Chio_E,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(Chio_E,FF_DE); break;}
-            for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(FF_Eres,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); break;}
-        } // end max mult 1
+        //for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(Chio_E,FF_DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(Chio_E,FF_DE); break;}
+        for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(IC->Eres,IC->DE)) {hChioDE_E[i]->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); break;}
     }//end loop event
@@ -197,7 +95,7 @@ void SplineChio()
     TCanvas * can = new TCanvas(Form("ChioEbis_vs_ChioDE_run%04d_%04d",RunNumber[0],RunNumber[Nrun-1]),
-    can->cd(); gPad-> SetLogz();
+    can->cd();
     for(int i = 0 ; i < Ncuts ; i++) cutZ[i]->Draw("same");
@@ -205,14 +103,15 @@ void SplineChio()
 void MakeSpline(){
-    TFile *inFile=new TFile("histo/SingleZ_ChioDE_E.root");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    // ********************** Load prev histo****************************
+    TFile *inFile=new TFile("histo/SingleZ_ChioDE_E.root");
-    TH2F* h2 [Ncuts];
-    TH1F* hProfile[Ncuts];
-    TH1F* pfx[Ncuts]; // extended hProfile 
-    TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","recreate");
+   vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts);  
+   vector<TH2F*> h2 (Ncuts);
+   vector<TH1F*> hProfile(Ncuts);
+   vector<TH1F*> pfx(Ncuts); // extended hProfile 
+   TFile* fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","recreate");
     TCanvas * canfit = new TCanvas("canfit","canfit",0,0,2000,1500);
@@ -344,42 +243,34 @@ void ApplySpline_perTCutG()
     // *************************Cut***************************
     TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
     // ******************* TSpline DE*************************
     TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","read");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts);  
     for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++){ 
         cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
         gspline[i] = (TSpline3*)fspline->FindObjectAny(Form("fspline_%d",i+1));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../XYCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib241.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }    
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
-    // variable after applying TSpline
+    // variable after applying TSpline MUST FIND middles of each spline
     double FF_DEcorr;
-    double FF_DEcorr0[Ncuts] = { 
+    vector<double> FF_DEcorr0 = { 
@@ -421,6 +312,7 @@ TH2F *hChioDE_E      = new TH2F("hChioDE_E","hChioDE_E",1000,1000,41000,500,1000
 TH2F *hChioDE_E_corr = new TH2F("hChioDE_E_corr","hChioDE_E_corr",1000,1000,41000,500,1000,26000);
 int Nentries=chain->GetEntries();
+//int Nentries = 1000000;
 auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
 for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e){
@@ -435,55 +327,11 @@ for(int e=0;e<Nentries;++e){
-    vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-    vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                           // segment of ic
-    for (int seg = 1; seg < NSegment+1 ; seg++) {
-        if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-        if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-            ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-        }
-        else {
-            if (seg == 0) {
-                Temp_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / Temp_Y.at(seg);
-            }
-            else if (seg == 1){ 
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-            }
-            else if (seg > 1) {
-                Temp_Y.at(seg) =  IC->fIC_raw[seg]/ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * Temp_Y.at(seg);
-            }
-            if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-        } //end if non empty
-        if (seg == 0) break;
-    }//endloop seg
-    FF_DE = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y[1] +IC->fIC_raw[2]+IC->fIC_raw[3])+IC->fIC_raw[4];
-    FF_Eres = 0 ;
-    for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-        if (seg >4){
-            FF_Eres += IC->fIC_raw[seg] ;
-            //Ecorr += ICcorr_Y.at(seg) ;
-        }
-    }
-    hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
-    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(FF_Eres,FF_DE)) {
-        hChioDE_E->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE); 
-        FF_DEcorr = FF_DEcorr0[i] * FF_DE / gspline[i]->Eval(FF_Eres); 
-        hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DEcorr); 
+    hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
+    for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++) if(cutZ[i]->IsInside(IC->Eres,IC->DE)) {
+        hChioDE_E->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE); 
+        FF_DEcorr = FF_DEcorr0[i] * IC->DE / gspline[i]->Eval(IC->Eres); 
+        hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(IC->Eres,FF_DEcorr); 
@@ -502,39 +350,29 @@ can->cd(3); gPad-> SetLogz(); hChioDE_E_corr->Draw("colz");
 void ApplySpline()
     // *************************Cut***************************
-    TFile *fcut=new TFile("Cut/Cut_Z.root");
-    TCutG *cutZ[Ncuts];
+    TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root", "open");
+    vector<TCutG*> cutZ(Ncuts);
     // ******************* TSpline DE*************************
     TFile *fspline=new TFile("Output/spline_Chio_2024.root","read");
-    TSpline3 *gspline[Ncuts];  
+    vector<TSpline3*> gspline(Ncuts) ;  
     for(int i=0;i<Ncuts;i++){ 
-        cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Z%i",i+1));
+        cutZ[i]=(TCutG*)fcut->Get(Form("Cut %i",i));
         gspline[i] = (TSpline3*)fspline->FindObjectAny(Form("fspline_%d",i+1));
-    // ****************** Spline Y **********************************
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile("../YCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root","open"); 
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline = LoadSpline("../YCalibration/Output/spline_P2P_2024.root");
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    spline_X = Spline.at(0) ; spline_Y = Spline.at(1);
     TChain *chain=new TChain("PhysicsTree");
-    chain->Add("../../../root/analysis/VamosCalib241.root");
+    for(int i=0;i<Nrun;i++) 
+    {
+        chain->Add(Form("../../../root/analysis/Run%d.root",RunNumber[i]));
+        cout << "Run number " << RunNumber[i] << " loaded sucessfully !" << endl;
+    }   
     TICPhysics* IC = new TICPhysics() ;
-    double FF_IC_X, FF_IC_Y, FF_V13;
-    double FF_DE, FF_Eres;
     chain->SetBranchStatus("IC", true);
     chain->SetBranchAddress("IC", &IC); 
-    chain->SetBranchStatus("FF_IC_Y", true);
-    chain->SetBranchAddress("FF_IC_Y", &FF_IC_Y);
     // variable after applying TSpline
@@ -542,7 +380,7 @@ void ApplySpline()
     double Zrough=0;
     double Zabitbetter=0;
-    double FF_DEcorr0[Ncuts];
+    vector<double> FF_DEcorr0(Ncuts);
     for(int index=0; index<Ncuts; index++){  
         FF_DEcorr0[index] = gspline[index]->Eval(8500);
@@ -590,7 +428,8 @@ void ApplySpline()
     TH1F *hChioZ_rough = new TH1F("hChioZ_rough","hChioZ_rough",2500,25,65); 
     TH1F *hChioZ_abitbetter = new TH1F("hChioZ_abitbetter","hChioZ_abitbetter",2500,25,65); 
-    int Nentries=1e6;//chain->GetEntries();
+    //int Nentries=1e6;
+    int Nentries = chain->GetEntries();
     auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
     double FF_Eres_prev = 0;
@@ -608,89 +447,39 @@ void ApplySpline()
         FF_DEcorr = -100;
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        //                           Splined Y
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        vector<double> ICcorr_Y(NSegment), ICcorr_X(NSegment); // the [0] element of spline is the
-        vector<double> Temp_X(NSegment) , Temp_Y(NSegment);    // correction on the first
-                                                               // segment of ic
-        for (int seg = 1; seg < NSegment+1 ; seg++) {
-            if (seg == NSegment) seg = 0; //from 1to NSeg finishing with 0
-            if (spline_Y.at(seg)==0){
-                ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[seg]; 
-            }
-            else {
-                if (seg == 0) {
-                    Temp_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / IC->fIC_raw[seg] * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(1) / Temp_Y.at(seg);
-                }
-                else if (seg == 1){ 
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = IC->fIC_raw[1]*spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(0)/spline_Y.at(1)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                }
-                else if (seg > 1) {
-                    Temp_Y.at(seg) =  IC->fIC_raw[seg]/ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(0)/ spline_Y.at(seg)->Eval(FF_IC_Y);
-                    ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = ICcorr_Y.at(seg-1) * Temp_Y.at(seg);
-                }
-                if (!(ICcorr_Y.at(seg)==ICcorr_Y.at(seg))) ICcorr_Y.at(seg) = 0;
-            } //end if non empty
-            if (seg == 0) break;
-        }//endloop seg
-        FF_DE = 0.5*( ICcorr_Y[1] +IC->fIC_raw[2]+IC->fIC_raw[3])+IC->fIC_raw[4];
-        FF_Eres = 0 ;
+        if (IC->DE<3000) continue;
+        if(IC->Eres==FF_Eres_prev) continue;
+        FF_Eres_prev = IC->Eres;
-        for (int seg = 0 ;  seg < sizeof(IC->fIC_raw)/sizeof(IC->fIC_raw[0]) ; seg++ ){
-            if (seg >4){
-                FF_Eres += IC->fIC_raw[seg] ;
-                //Ecorr += ICcorr_Y.at(seg) ;
-            }
-        }
-        //===========================================================================================================
-        //                              Spline DE
-        //===========================================================================================================&
-        if (FF_DE<3000) continue;
-        if(FF_Eres==FF_Eres_prev) continue;
-        FF_Eres_prev = FF_Eres;
-        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DE);
+        hChioDE_E_all->Fill(IC->Eres,IC->DE);
         float Eval_DEspline, DEspline0;
         int   index=0;
         for(int i=0; i<Ncuts; i++){
-            Eval_DEspline = gspline[i]->Eval(FF_Eres); 
-            if(FF_DE<Eval_DEspline) break;
+            Eval_DEspline = gspline[i]->Eval(IC->Eres); 
+            if(IC->DE<Eval_DEspline) break;
             index = i;
-        Eval_DEspline = gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres);
+        Eval_DEspline = gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres);
         DEspline0 = FF_DEcorr0[index];
         float dmin, dsup;
-        if( index < (Ncuts-1) && FF_DE > gspline[0]->Eval(FF_Eres)){
-            dmin = FF_DE-gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres);
-            dsup = gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres)-FF_DE;
+        if( index < (Ncuts-1) && IC->DE > gspline[0]->Eval(IC->Eres)){
+            dmin = IC->DE-gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres);
+            dsup = gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres)-IC->DE;
             if(dmin<0) cout << "negative value of dmin = " << dmin << ", for index = " << index << endl;
             if(dsup<0) cout << "negative value of dsup = " << dsup << ", for index = " << index << endl;
             //if(dsup<dmin) {
-            //  Eval_DEspline = gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres) ;
+            //  Eval_DEspline = gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres) ;
             //  DEspline0 = FF_DEcorr0[index] ;
-            Eval_DEspline = dsup*gspline[index]->Eval(FF_Eres)/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*gspline[index+1]->Eval(FF_Eres)/(dmin+dsup) ;
+            Eval_DEspline = dsup*gspline[index]->Eval(IC->Eres)/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*gspline[index+1]->Eval(IC->Eres)/(dmin+dsup) ;
             DEspline0 = dsup*FF_DEcorr0[index]/(dmin+dsup) + dmin*FF_DEcorr0[index+1]/(dmin+dsup) ;
-            FF_DEcorr = DEspline0 * FF_DE / Eval_DEspline ;
-            hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(FF_Eres,FF_DEcorr);
+            FF_DEcorr = DEspline0 * IC->DE / Eval_DEspline ;
+            hChioDE_E_corr->Fill(IC->Eres,FF_DEcorr);
             //if(FF_DEcorr>15120 && FF_DEcorr<15130) {
-            //  cout << e << " " << index << " " << FF_Eres << " " << FF_DEcorr << endl;
+            //  cout << e << " " << index << " " << IC->Eres << " " << FF_DEcorr << endl;
@@ -698,9 +487,9 @@ void ApplySpline()
         //Zrough = -110.165 + 3.34475*sqrt(FF_DEcorr) - 0.0271123*FF_DEcorr + 8.60752e-05 * pow(sqrt(FF_DEcorr),3);
         Zrough = 16.8521 + 0.0017328*FF_DEcorr + 1.70774e-8*pow(FF_DEcorr,2);
         Zabitbetter = -127.117 + 3.83463*sqrt(FF_DEcorr) - 0.0317448 *FF_DEcorr + 0.000100428 * pow(sqrt(FF_DEcorr),3);
-        hChioZ_E_rough->Fill(FF_Eres,Zrough);
+        hChioZ_E_rough->Fill(IC->Eres,Zrough);
-        if(3000<FF_Eres && FF_Eres<25000){ 
+        if(3000<IC->Eres && IC->Eres<25000){ 
@@ -800,66 +589,21 @@ void Fit_DE_E_corr()
+const int CutNumberLoader(){
+    TFile *fcut=new TFile("../XYCalibration/Output/CutAutoZ.root","open");
-vector<vector<TSpline3*>> LoadSpline(const char* PathToSpline){
-    TFile *fSplineIC = new TFile(PathToSpline,"open"); 
-    // Get number of spline
-    int SplineCount = 0 ;
-    TIter next(fSplineIC->GetListOfKeys());
+    int CutCount = 0 ;
+    TIter next(fcut->GetListOfKeys());
     TKey* key;
     while ((key=(TKey*)next())){
-        if (std::string(key->GetClassName()) == "TSpline3"){
-            SplineCount ++;
+        if (std::string(key->GetClassName()) == "TCutG"){
+            CutCount ++;
-    vector<vector<TSpline3*>> Spline;
-    vector<TSpline3*> spline_X(11), spline_Y(11);
-    for (int i = 0; i < SplineCount  ; i++) {
-        int seg = int((i-2)/2 +1 );
-        if (i < 2){
-            spline_X.at(0) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC0_X");
-            spline_Y.at(0) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC0_Y");
-        }
-        else if ( i>=2 && i<4){ 
-            spline_X.at(1) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC1_X");
-            spline_Y.at(1) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get("fspline_IC1_Y");
-        }
-        else if (seg >=2 && (i%2 == 0) ) {
-            spline_X.at(seg) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get(Form("fspline_IC%d_X",seg));
-        }
-        else if (seg >=2 && !(i%2 == 0) ) {	
-            spline_Y.at(seg) = (TSpline3 *)fSplineIC->Get(Form("fspline_IC%d_Y",seg));
-        }
-    } //End loop on histogram
-    Spline.push_back(spline_X);
-    Spline.push_back(spline_Y);
-    return Spline;
+    const int res = CutCount;
+    return res;
-vector<double> TxtToVector(const char *Path){
-    string line;
-    vector<double> values;
-    ifstream file(Path); 
-    if (file.is_open()) {
-        while (std::getline(file, line)) {
-            try {
-                values.push_back(std::stod(line));
-            } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
-                std::cerr << "Invalid number in line: " << line << '\n';
-            }
-        }
-        file.close();
-    } else {
-        std::cerr << "Error opening file.\n";
-    }
-    return values;
diff --git a/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/Pu240.mac b/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/Pu240.mac
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a01f41a956e6169ef83b2c81c72e656d5408046..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/Pu240.mac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.e+4 y 
diff --git a/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/U238.mac b/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/U238.mac
deleted file mode 100644
index f89f13d8e44d1e42f9ddc5b01fd59b0ec957b8f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Projects/Epic_sim_proto/U238.mac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.e+20 y 
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.cxx b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c71f7c79de96f97faecbbd846234cdea4bed1972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2014    this file is part of the NPTool Project        *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: a.matta@surrey.ac.uk      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : march 2025                                               *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ * Class describing the property of an Analysis object                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+#include "Analysis.h"
+#include "NPAnalysisFactory.h"
+#include "NPDetectorManager.h"
+#include "NPFunction.h"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+// #include <unistd.h>
+Analysis::Analysis() {}
+Analysis::~Analysis() {}
+void Analysis::Init() {
+  if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->HasDefinition("simulation")) {
+    cout << "Considering input data as simulation" << endl;
+    simulation = true;
+  }
+  else {
+    cout << "Considering input data as real" << endl;
+    simulation = false;
+  }
+  simulation = true;
+  // initialize input and output branches
+  if (simulation) {
+    Initial = new TInitialConditions();
+    ReactionConditions = new TReactionConditions();
+  }
+  InitOutputBranch();
+  InitInputBranch();
+  // get MUST2 objects
+  M2 = (TMust2Physics*)m_DetectorManager->GetDetector("M2Telescope");
+  // get reaction information
+  reaction.ReadConfigurationFile(NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetReactionFile());
+  OriginalBeamEnergy = reaction.GetBeamEnergy();
+  // target thickness
+  TargetThickness = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetThickness();
+  string TargetMaterial = m_DetectorManager->GetTargetMaterial();
+  // energy losses
+  string light = NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction.GetNucleus3()->GetName());
+  string beam = NPL::ChangeNameToG4Standard(reaction.GetNucleus1()->GetName());
+  cout << light << " " << beam << " " << TargetMaterial << " " << TargetThickness << endl;
+  LightTarget = NPL::EnergyLoss(light + "_" + TargetMaterial + ".G4table", "G4Table", 100);
+  LightAl = NPL::EnergyLoss(light + "_Al.G4table", "G4Table", 100);
+  LightSi = NPL::EnergyLoss(light + "_Si.G4table", "G4Table", 100);
+  BeamTarget = NPL::EnergyLoss(beam + "_" + TargetMaterial + ".G4table", "G4Table", 100);
+  FinalBeamEnergy = BeamTarget.Slow(OriginalBeamEnergy, TargetThickness * 0.5, 0);
+  // FinalBeamEnergy = OriginalBeamEnergy;
+  // cout << "Original beam energy: " << OriginalBeamEnergy << " MeV      Mid-target beam energy: " << FinalBeamEnergy
+  //      << "MeV " << endl;
+  reaction.SetBeamEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy);
+  // initialize various parameters
+  Rand = TRandom3();
+  DetectorNumber = 0;
+  ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
+  ThetaM2Surface = 0;
+  Si_E_M2 = 0;
+  CsI_E_M2 = 0;
+  Energy = 0;
+  ThetaGDSurface = 0;
+  X = 0;
+  Y = 0;
+  Z = 0;
+  dE = 0;
+  BeamDirection = TVector3(0, 0, 1);
+  nbTrack = 0;
+  sleep(5);
+void Analysis::TreatEvent() {
+  // Reinitiate calculated variable
+  ReInitValue();
+  double XTarget, YTarget;
+  TVector3 BeamDirection;
+  XTarget = 0;
+  YTarget = 0;
+  BeamDirection = TVector3(0, 0, 1);
+  BeamImpact = TVector3(XTarget, YTarget, 0);
+  // determine beam energy for a randomized interaction point in target
+  // 1% FWHM randominastion (E/100)/2.35
+  // reaction.SetBeamEnergy(Rand.Gaus(BeamEnergy, BeamEnergy * 1. / 100. / 2.35));
+  // reaction.SetBeamEnergy(BeamEnergy);
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //////////////////////////////// LOOP on MUST2  ////////////////////////////
+  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  for (unsigned int countMust2 = 0; countMust2 < M2->Si_E.size(); countMust2++) {
+    /************************************************/
+    // Part 0 : Get the usefull Data
+    //  MUST2
+    int TelescopeNumber = M2->TelescopeNumber[countMust2];
+    /************************************************/
+    // Part 1 : Impact Angle
+    ThetaM2Surface = 0;
+    ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
+    TVector3 HitDirection = M2->GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2) - BeamImpact;
+    ThetaLab = HitDirection.Angle(BeamDirection);
+    X = M2->GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).X();
+    Y = M2->GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Y();
+    Z = M2->GetPositionOfInteraction(countMust2).Z();
+    ThetaM2Surface = HitDirection.Angle(-M2->GetTelescopeNormal(countMust2));
+    ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle(TVector3(0, 0, 1));
+    /************************************************/
+    /************************************************/
+    // Part 2 : Impact Energy
+    Energy = ELab = 0;
+    Si_E_M2 = M2->Si_E[countMust2];
+    CsI_E_M2 = M2->CsI_E[countMust2];
+    // if CsI
+    if (CsI_E_M2 > 0) {
+      // The energy in CsI is calculate form dE/dx Table because
+      Energy = CsI_E_M2;
+      Energy = LightAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy, 0.4 * micrometer, ThetaM2Surface);
+      Energy += Si_E_M2;
+    }
+    else {
+      Energy = Si_E_M2;
+      Energy = LightAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy(Energy, 0.4 * micrometer, ThetaM2Surface);
+    }
+    // Evaluate energy using the thickness
+    ELab = Energy;
+    // Target Correction
+    ELab = LightTarget.EvaluateInitialEnergy(ELab, TargetThickness * 0.5, ThetaNormalTarget);
+    /************************************************/
+    // Part 3 : Excitation Energy Calculation
+    // Ex = reaction.ReconstructRelativistic(ELab, ThetaLab);
+    // reaction.SetBeamEnergy(Initial->GetIncidentFinalKineticEnergy());
+    Ex = reaction.ReconstructRelativistic(ELab, ThetaLab);
+    // ExNoBeam = reaction.ReconstructRelativistic(ELab, ThetaLab);
+    // reaction.SetBeamEnergy(FinalBeamEnergy);
+    // ExNoProton = reaction.ReconstructRelativistic(ReactionConditions->GetKineticEnergy(0),
+    //                                               ReactionConditions->GetParticleDirection(0).Angle(TVector3(0, 0,
+    //                                               1)));
+    ThetaLab = ThetaLab / deg;
+    /************************************************/
+    /************************************************/
+    // Part 4 : Theta CM Calculation
+    ThetaCM = reaction.EnergyLabToThetaCM(ELab, ThetaLab) / deg;
+    /************************************************/
+  } // end loop MUST2
+void Analysis::End() {}
+void Analysis::InitOutputBranch() {
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ex", &Ex, "Ex/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ELab", &ELab, "ELab/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaLab", &ThetaLab, "ThetaLab/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaCM", &ThetaCM, "ThetaCM/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Run", &Run, "Run/I");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("X", &X, "X/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Y", &Y, "Y/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Z", &Z, "Z/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("dE", &dE, "dE/D");
+void Analysis::InitInputBranch() {
+  // RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("GATCONF",&vGATCONF);
+  if (!simulation) {
+  }
+  else {
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("InitialConditions", true);
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("fIC_*", true);
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("InitialConditions", &Initial);
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("ReactionConditions", true);
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("fRC_*", true);
+    RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("ReactionConditions", &ReactionConditions);
+  }
+void Analysis::ReInitValue() {
+  Ex = -1000;
+  ELab = -1000;
+  ThetaLab = -1000;
+  ThetaCM = -1000;
+  X = -1000;
+  Y = -1000;
+  Z = -1000;
+  dE = -1000;
+//            Construct Method to be pass to the AnalysisFactory              //
+NPL::VAnalysis* Analysis::Construct() { return (NPL::VAnalysis*)new Analysis(); }
+//            Registering the construct method to the factory                 //
+extern "C" {
+class proxy_analysis {
+ public:
+  proxy_analysis() { NPL::AnalysisFactory::getInstance()->SetConstructor(Analysis::Construct); }
+proxy_analysis p_analysis;
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.h b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f314fb353d1faae7ca8ba4c63f9536243880dd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/Analysis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#ifndef Analysis_h
+#define Analysis_h
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2014    this file is part of the NPTool Project        *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: a.matta@surrey.ac.uk      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : march 2025                                               *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ * Class describing the property of an Analysis object                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
+#include "NPReaction.h"
+#include "NPVAnalysis.h"
+#include "RootInput.h"
+#include "RootOutput.h"
+#include "TCATSPhysics.h"
+#include "TInitialConditions.h"
+#include "TMust2Physics.h"
+#include "TReactionConditions.h"
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include <TRandom3.h>
+#include <TVector3.h>
+class Analysis : public NPL::VAnalysis {
+ public:
+  Analysis();
+  ~Analysis();
+ public:
+  void Init();
+  void TreatEvent();
+  void End();
+  void InitOutputBranch();
+  void InitInputBranch();
+  void ReInitValue();
+  static NPL::VAnalysis* Construct();
+ private:
+  double Ex;
+  double ELab;
+  double ThetaLab;
+  double ThetaCM;
+  double TargetThickness;
+  NPL::Reaction reaction;
+  //	Energy loss table: the G4Table are generated by the simulation
+  NPL::EnergyLoss LightTarget;
+  NPL::EnergyLoss LightAl;
+  NPL::EnergyLoss LightSi;
+  NPL::EnergyLoss BeamTarget;
+  // Beam Energy
+  double OriginalBeamEnergy; // AMEV
+  double FinalBeamEnergy;
+  // intermediate variable
+  TVector3 BeamDirection;
+  TVector3 BeamImpact;
+  TRandom3 Rand;
+  int Run;
+  int DetectorNumber;
+  double ThetaNormalTarget;
+  double ThetaM2Surface;
+  double Si_E_M2;
+  double CsI_E_M2;
+  double Energy;
+  double BeamEnergy;
+  double ThetaGDSurface;
+  double X;
+  double Y;
+  double Z;
+  // Vamos Branches
+  unsigned long long int LTS;
+  // Agata branches
+  double agata_zShift;
+  unsigned long long int TStrack;
+  int nbHits;
+  int nbTrack;
+  float* trackE = new float(100);
+  float* trackX1 = new float(100);
+  float* trackY1 = new float(100);
+  float* trackZ1 = new float(100);
+  float* trackT = new float(100);
+  int* trackCrystalID = new int(100);
+  int nbCores;
+  int* coreId = new int(100);
+  ULong64_t* coreTS = new ULong64_t(100);
+  float* coreE0 = new float(100);
+  //
+  double dE;
+  double dTheta;
+  // Branches and detectors
+  TMust2Physics* M2;
+  bool simulation;
+  TInitialConditions* Initial;
+  TReactionConditions* ReactionConditions;
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/CMakeLists.txt b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22c74affdfc45019bdda2594f8439c52d4ab97ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) 
+# Setting the policy to match Cmake version
+# include the default NPAnalysis cmake file
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/configs/ConfigMust2.dat b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/configs/ConfigMust2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..216b16b66a665ababbd3ffe819626fbe65c5e89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/configs/ConfigMust2.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/detector/MUGAST_LISE.detector b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/detector/MUGAST_LISE.detector
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f03211b192acbea5191614709a79dcb4569db21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/detector/MUGAST_LISE.detector
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ THICKNESS= 50 micrometer
+ ANGLE= 0 deg
+ RADIUS= 25 mm
+ X= 0
+ Y= 0
+ Z= 0
+%%%%%%% Telescope 1 %%%%%%%
+ X128_Y128=  115.88  9.61  154.54 mm
+ X128_Y1=  104.8  101.89  125.09 mm 
+ X1_Y1=  14.55  102.4  160.63 mm
+ X1_Y128=  25.63  10.12  190.08 mm
+ SI=  1.00
+ SILI= 0.00
+ CSI= 1.00
+ VIS= all
+%%%%%%% Telescope 2 %%%%%%%
+ X128_Y128=  -11.23  102.42  160.87 mm
+ X128_Y1=  -101.39  102.39  124.37 mm
+ X1_Y1=  -113.17  10.36  153.56 mm
+ X1_Y128=  -23.03  10.38  190.05 mm
+ SI=  1.00
+ SILI= 0.00
+ CSI= 1.00
+ VIS= all
+%%%%%%% Telescope 3 %%%%%%%
+ X128_Y128=  -113.28  -12.52  153.32 mm
+ X128_Y1=  -101.58  -104.77  124.82 mm
+ X1_Y1=  -11.39  -104.58  161.48 mm
+ X1_Y128=  -23.1  -12.34  189.98 mm
+ SI= 1.00
+ SILI= 0.00
+ CSI= 1.00
+ VIS= all
+%%%%%%% Telescope 4 %%%%%%%
+ X128_Y128=  13.82  -104.92  160.72 mm
+ X128_Y1=  104.3  -104.95  125.08 mm
+ X1_Y1=  115.75  -12.73  153.76 mm
+ X1_Y128=  25.23  -12.65  189.43 mm
+ SI= 1.00
+ SILI= 0.00
+ CSI= 1.00
+ VIS= all
diff --git a/Projects/nptuto_gdr/reactions/48Crpd.reaction b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/reactions/48Crpd.reaction
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef5c42de50074fa865e5825f3a9630e28eb0722c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projects/nptuto_gdr/reactions/48Crpd.reaction
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  Particle= 48Cr 
+  Energy=  1440 MeV
+  SigmaEnergy= 40 MeV
+  ExcitationEnergy= 0 MeV
+  SigmaThetaX= 0 mrad
+  SigmaPhiY= 0 mrad
+  SigmaX= 1 mm
+  SigmaY= 1 mm
+  MeanThetaX= 0 mrad
+  MeanPhiY= 0 mrad
+  MeanX= 0 mm
+  MeanY= 0 mm
+  %EnergyProfilePath= eLise.txt EL
+  %XThetaXProfilePath=
+  %YPhiYProfilePath=
+ Beam= 48Cr
+ Target= 1H
+ Light= 2H
+ Heavy= 47Cr
+ ExcitationEnergyLight= 0.0 MeV
+ ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 0.0 MeV
+ CrossSectionPath= flat.txt
+ ShootLight= 1
+ ShootHeavy= 1