diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/60Fe.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/60Fe.reaction
index 92f87dfaa4c8cf1ff78e94b9d0f21feeca32902c..e15f59d708103f24b2d7046f890d305479e45dd7 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/60Fe.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/60Fe.reaction
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ Transfert
 	SigmaPhiY= 0
 	CrossSectionPath= fe61_p3_2gs.n
 	ShootLight= 1
-	ShootHeavy= 0
+	ShootHeavy= 1
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/must2/configs/ConfigMust2.dat b/NPAnalysis/must2/configs/ConfigMust2.dat
index 2e760ba65c8e895d2747401508988924f637c1d1..3d0c81d7d0bd94c1233226f34e694552f95a488c 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/must2/configs/ConfigMust2.dat
+++ b/NPAnalysis/must2/configs/ConfigMust2.dat
@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@ ConfigMust2
diff --git a/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex b/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
index 051e8624dc5c7cab788ea461e1adc8f610c2040e..05edcecc66d4fa667fc7836b0f19c1bcac4c0d70 100644
--- a/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
+++ b/NPDocumentation/NPTool_UserGuide.tex
@@ -354,5 +354,36 @@ If not they will remain empty.
+   \section{Token used in the config file}
+      \subsection{Must2}
+      \textbf{File name :} ConfigMust2.dat \\
+      \textbf{Main Token :} ConfigMust2
+      \begin{description}
+         \item[MAX\_STRIP\_MULTIPLICITY:] Maximum multiplicity to treat an event.
+         \item[STRIP\_ENERGY\_MATCHING\_SIGMA:] Sigma of Energy for Silicium stage
+         \item[STRIP\_ENERGY\_MATCHING\_NUMBER\_OF\_SIGMA:] Number of sigma allowed in difference beetween X and Y
+         \item[DISABLE\_CHANNEL MMzSTRXt:] Disable Strip X number t of detector z 
+         \item[DISABLE\_CHANNEL MMzSTRYt:] Disable Strip Y number t of detector z 
+         \item[DISABLE\_CHANNEL MMzSILIt:] Disable SiLi number t of detector z 
+         \item[DISABLE\_CHANNEL MMzCSIt:]  Disable CsI number t of detector z 
+         \item[TAKE\_E\_Y:] Take Energy Y
+         \item[TAKE\_T\_Y:] Take Time Y
+         \item[TAKE\_E\_X:] Take Energy X
+         \item[TAKE\_T\_X:] Take Time Xs
+         \item[IGNORE\_NOT\_MATCHING\_CSI:] Ignore event that does not occure in front of a CsI cristal
+         \item[CSI\_SIZE:] size in strip of a CsI cristal
+         \item[IGNORE\_NOT\_MATCHING\_SILI:] Ignore event that does not occure in front of a SiLi pad
+         \item[SILI\_SIZE:] size in strip of a SiLi pad
+         \item[SI\_X\_E\_RAW\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in channel for Strip X (set to 0 for simulation)
+         \item[SI\_Y\_E\_RAW\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in channel for Strip Y
+         \item[SILI\_E\_RAW\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in channel for SiLi (set to 0 for simulation)
+         \item[CSI\_E\_RAW\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in channel for CsI (set to 0 for simulation)
+         \item[SI\_X\_E\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in energy for Strip X
+         \item[SI\_Y\_E\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in energy for Strip Y
+         \item[SILI\_E\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in energy for SiLi
+         \item[CSI\_E\_THRESHOLD:] Threshold in energy for CsI
+      \end{description}
diff --git a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
index cd4ad87f31f64e14beb97f9e4b70c599f1270fbc..a79d166b861ee4a17971a7dbbff53f8e167a48f3 100644
--- a/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/MUST2/TMust2Physics.cxx
@@ -578,14 +578,12 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
             AnalysisConfigFile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
-//         else if (whatToDo.compare(0, 22, "MAX_STRIP_MULTIPLICITY") == 0) {
            else if (whatToDo=="MAX_STRIP_MULTIPLICITY") { 
             AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str() );
             cout << "MAXIMUN STRIP MULTIPLICITY " << m_MaximumStripMultiplicityAllowed << endl;
-//         else if (whatToDo.compare(0, 27, "STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_SIGMA") == 0) {
           else if (whatToDo=="STRIP_ENERGY_MATCHING_SIGMA") {
             AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
             m_StripEnergyMatchingSigma = atof(DataBuffer.c_str() );