From 63197f4b7ec940bb9e5cf9578948af4c40330976 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nicolas <nicolas@nptool>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 14:07:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * drop file in NPSimulation/src

 NPSimulation/src/ | 1002 -----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1002 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 NPSimulation/src/

diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/ b/NPSimulation/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 860b529df..000000000
--- a/NPSimulation/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2013   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
- *                                                                           *
- * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
- * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
- *****************************************************************************/
- * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:       *
- *                                                                           *
- * Creation Date  : November 2012                                            *
- * Last update    :                                                          *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Decription:                                                               *
- *  This class describe the Tigress Silicon array                              *
- *                                                                           *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Comment:                                                                  *
- *                                                                           *
- *****************************************************************************/
-// C++ headers
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <limits>
-//G4 Geometry object
-#include "G4Box.hh"
-#include "G4Tubs.hh"
-#include "G4Trd.hh"
-#include "G4Trap.hh"
-#include "G4Cons.hh"
-//G4 sensitive
-#include "G4SDManager.hh"
-#include "G4MultiFunctionalDetector.hh"
-//G4 various object
-#include "G4Material.hh"
-#include "G4Polycone.hh"
-#include "G4Polyhedra.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
-#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
-#include "G4PVPlacement.hh"
-#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
-#include "G4Colour.hh"
-#include "G4RunManager.hh"
-#include "G4ios.hh"
-#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
-#include "G4UnionSolid.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"// NPS
-#include "Tigress.hh"
-//#include "TigressScorers.hh"
-// NPL
-#include "NPOptionManager.h"
-//#include "TigressScorers.hh"
-#include "RootOutput.h"
-using namespace TIGRESS;
-// CLHEP header
-#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace CLHEP;
-namespace {
-  const G4double CrystalOuterRadius  = 30.0*mm; // outer radius for crystal
-  const G4double CrystalInnerRadius  =  5.0*mm; // inner radius for hole in crystal
-  const G4double CrystalLength       = 90.0*mm; // crystal length
-  const G4double CrystalHoleDepth    = 15.0*mm; // depth at which starts the hole
-  const G4double CrystalEdgeOffset1  = 26.0*mm; // distance of the edge from the center of the crystal
-  const G4double CrystalEdgeOffset2  = 28.5*mm; // distance of the edge from the center of the crystal
-  const G4double CrystalEdgeDepth    = 30.0*mm;  // depth to which the crystal is shaped
-  const G4double CrystalEdgeAngle    = 22.5*deg; // bevel angle
-  const G4double CapsuleWidth        = 1.5*mm;   // capsule width
-  const G4double CapsuleLength       = 110.*mm;   // capsule length
-  const G4double CapsuleEdgeDepth    = 3.3*cm;   // same as crystal !
-  const G4double CrystalToCapsule    = 3.5*mm;   // to be adjusted ..
-  const G4double BGOLength           = 120.0*mm;
-  const G4double BGOWidth            = 25.0*mm;
-  const G4double CsILength           = 20.0*mm;
-// Tigress Specific Method
-  InitializeMaterial();
-  m_Event = new TTigressData();
- BlueVisAtt   = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0, 0, 1)) ;
- GreenVisAtt  = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0, 1, 0)) ;
- RedVisAtt    = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1, 0, 0)) ;
- WhiteVisAtt  = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1, 1, 1)) ;
- TrGreyVisAtt  = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ;
-  m_LogicClover = 0;
-  delete m_MaterialSilicon;
-  delete m_MaterialAl;
-  delete m_MaterialVacuum;
-  delete m_MaterialPCB;
-// Virtual Method of VDetector class
-// Read stream at Configfile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...)
-// Called in DetecorConstruction::ReadDetextorConfiguration Method
-void Tigress::ReadConfiguration(string Path){
-  ifstream ConfigFile           ;
- ;
-  string LineBuffer             ;
-  string DataBuffer             ;
-  istringstream LineStream      ;
-  // Standard Case:
-  bool check_CloverId = false;
-  vector<int> CloverId;
-  int    CloverId_Free = 0;
-  double R     = 0;
-  double Theta = 0;
-  double Phi   = 0;
-  double BetaX;
-  double BetaY;
-  double BetaZ;
-  // Free postion case:
-  bool check_R   = false ;
-  bool check_Theta = false ;
-  bool check_Phi = false ;
-  bool check_Beta = false ;
-  // Frame Case
-  bool check_RightFrame = false ;
-  bool check_LeftFrame = false ;
-  bool ReadingStatusStandard = false ;
-  bool ReadingStatusFree = false ;
-  bool ReadingStatusFrame = false ;
-  bool ReadingStatus = false ;
-  while (!ConfigFile.eof()){
-    int VerboseLevel = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
-    getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-    if (, 7, "Tigress") == 0)
-      ReadingStatus = true;
-    while (ReadingStatus && !ConfigFile.eof()) {
-      getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-      //   Comment Line
-      while (, 1, "%") == 0) {
-        // Take the next line
-        getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-      }
-      //   Standard case
-      if (, 15, "TigressStandard") == 0){
-        if(VerboseLevel==1)
-          G4cout << "/// Clovers in Standard Configuration : ///" << G4endl   ;
-        ReadingStatusStandard = true ;
-      }
-      //  Free placing case
-      else if (, 13, "TigressClover") == 0){
-        if(VerboseLevel==1)
-          G4cout << "/// Free placed clover : ///" << G4endl   ;
-        ReadingStatusFree = true ;
-      }
-      //  Frame case
-      else if (, 12, "TigressFrame") == 0){
-        if(VerboseLevel==1)
-          G4cout << "/// Support Frame : ///" << G4endl   ;
-        ReadingStatusFrame = true ;
-      }
-      //   Reading Block
-      while(ReadingStatusStandard){
-        // Pickup Next Line
-        getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        //   Comment Line
-        while (, 1, "%") == 0) {
-          // Take the next line
-          getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        }
-        LineStream.clear();
-        LineStream.str(LineBuffer);
-        LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-        if ( DataBuffer == "CloverId=" ) {
-          check_CloverId = true;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1) cout << "CloverId: " ;
-          while(LineStream >> DataBuffer){
-            CloverId.push_back(atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()));
-            if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) << " ";
-          }
-          if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << G4endl << G4endl;
-        }
-        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-        else{
-          ReadingStatusStandard = false;
-          G4cout << "Error: Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
-        if (check_CloverId){
-          ReadingStatusStandard = false;
-          AddCloverStandard(CloverId);
-          CloverId.clear();
-          check_CloverId   = false ;
-        }
-      }
-      //   Reading Block
-      while(ReadingStatusFree){
-        // Pickup Next Line
-        getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        //   Comment Line
-        while (, 1, "%") == 0) {
-          // Take the next line
-          getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        }
-        LineStream.clear();
-        LineStream.str(LineBuffer);
-        LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-        if ( DataBuffer == "CloverId=" ) {
-          check_CloverId = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          CloverId_Free = atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "CloverId: " << atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) << " " << endl ;
-        }
-        else if ( DataBuffer == "R=" ) {
-          check_R = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*mm;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "R: " << R/mm << " " << endl ;
-        }
-        else if ( DataBuffer == "Theta=" ) {
-          check_Theta = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "Theta: " << Theta/deg << " " << endl ;
-        }
-        else if ( DataBuffer == "Phi=" ) {
-          check_Phi = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "Phi: " << Phi/deg << " " << endl ;
-        }
-        else if ( DataBuffer == "Beta=" ) {
-          check_Beta = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          BetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "BetaX: " << BetaX/deg << " " << endl ;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          BetaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "BetaY: " << BetaY/deg << " " << endl ;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          BetaZ = atof(DataBuffer.c_str())*deg;
-          if(VerboseLevel==1)
-            cout << "BetaZ: " << BetaZ/deg << " " << endl ;
-        }
-        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-        else{
-          ReadingStatusStandard = false;
-          G4cout << "Error: Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
-        if (check_CloverId && check_R && check_Theta && check_Phi && check_Beta){
-          ReadingStatusFree = false;
-          AddCloverFreePosition(CloverId_Free,R,Theta,Phi,BetaX,BetaY,BetaZ);
-          check_CloverId = false ;
-          check_R = false ;
-          check_Theta = false ;
-          check_Phi = false ;
-          check_Beta = false ;
-        }
-      }
-      //   Reading Block
-      while(ReadingStatusFrame){
-        // Pickup Next Line
-        getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        //   Comment Line
-        while (, 1, "%") == 0) {
-          // Take the next line
-          getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
-        }
-        LineStream.clear();
-        LineStream.str(LineBuffer);
-        LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-        if ( DataBuffer == "RightFrame=" ) {
-          check_RightFrame = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          m_RightFrame=atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-          if (VerboseLevel==1) {
-            if(m_RightFrame)
-              cout << "Right frame: yes" << endl;
-            else
-              cout << "Right frame: no" << endl;
-	  }
-        }
-        else if ( DataBuffer == "LeftFrame=" ) {
-          check_LeftFrame = true;
-          LineStream >> DataBuffer;
-          m_LeftFrame=atoi(DataBuffer.c_str());
-          if (VerboseLevel==1) {
-            if(m_LeftFrame)
-              cout << "Left frame: yes" << endl;
-            else
-              cout << "Left frame: no" << endl;
-	  }
-        }
-        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If no Detector Token and no comment, toggle out
-        else{
-          ReadingStatusStandard = false;
-          G4cout << "Error: Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << DataBuffer << G4endl ;
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   If All necessary information there, toggle out
-        if (check_RightFrame && check_LeftFrame){
-          ReadingStatusFrame = false;
-          AddCloverStandard(CloverId);
-          CloverId.clear();
-          check_RightFrame = false;
-          check_LeftFrame = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Return a G4VSolid modeling the Crystal
-G4VSolid* Tigress::ConstructCrystal(){
-  // Copy Past form Exogam collaboration
-  char sName[40]; // generic for named objects
-  // define a coaxial shape that will be modify with SubstractSolid
-  G4int nbslice = 4;
-  G4double zSliceGe[4] = { 0.0*mm, CrystalHoleDepth, CrystalHoleDepth + 3.0*mm, CrystalLength};  // depth where is the hole
-  G4double InnRadGe[4] = { 0.0*mm, 0.0*mm, CrystalInnerRadius, CrystalInnerRadius};       // to define the hole in the crystal
-  G4double OutRadGe[4] = { CrystalOuterRadius, CrystalOuterRadius, CrystalOuterRadius, CrystalOuterRadius};  // to define the external surface
-  G4double Edge[3];
-    sprintf(sName, "coax");
-    G4Polycone *coax
-    = new G4Polycone(G4String(sName), 0.*deg, 360.*deg, nbslice, zSliceGe, InnRadGe, OutRadGe);
-    // substract boxes to remove maters.
-    G4RotationMatrix rm; //  rm.SetName(G4String("RotationEdge"));
-    // box definition to remove some matter to the crystal
-    sprintf(sName, "LongEdge1");
-    Edge[0] = (CrystalOuterRadius-CrystalEdgeOffset1);      // x half-width
-    Edge[1] = 1.001*CrystalOuterRadius;                     // y half-width
-    Edge[2] = 1.001*CrystalLength/2.0;                      // z half-width
-    G4Box *cutEdge1  = new G4Box(G4String(sName),Edge[0],Edge[1],Edge[2]);
-    sprintf(sName, "LongEdge2");
-    Edge[0] = (CrystalOuterRadius-CrystalEdgeOffset2);      // x half-width
-    Edge[1] = 1.001*CrystalOuterRadius;                     // y half-width
-    Edge[2] = 1.001*CrystalLength/2.0;                      // z half-width
-    G4Box *cutEdge2  = new G4Box(G4String(sName),Edge[0],Edge[1],Edge[2]);
-    sprintf(sName, "Bevel");
-    Edge[0] = 1.001*CrystalOuterRadius;
-    Edge[1] = sin(CrystalEdgeAngle)*(CrystalEdgeDepth);
-    Edge[2] = 1.001*CrystalLength/2.0;
-    G4Box *cutBevel = new G4Box(G4String(sName),Edge[0],Edge[1],Edge[2]);
-    // now remove previously defined box from coax. The box must be placed correctly before
-    // since the box definition goes from negative to positive values.
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut1_edge");
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut1
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax, cutEdge1, &rm, G4ThreeVector(-CrystalOuterRadius,0.0,CrystalLength/2.0));
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut2_edge");
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut2
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax_cut1, cutEdge2, &rm, G4ThreeVector(CrystalOuterRadius,0.0,CrystalLength/2.0));
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut3_edge");
-    rm.rotateZ(90.0*deg);
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut3
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax_cut2, cutEdge2, &rm, G4ThreeVector(0.0,CrystalOuterRadius,CrystalLength/2.0));
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut4_edge");
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut4
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax_cut3, cutEdge1, &rm, G4ThreeVector(0.0,-CrystalOuterRadius,CrystalLength/2.0));
-    rm.rotateZ(-90.0*deg);
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut5_edge");
-    rm.rotateX(CrystalEdgeAngle);
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut5
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax_cut4, cutBevel, &rm, G4ThreeVector(0.,CrystalEdgeOffset2,0.));
-    rm.rotateX(-CrystalEdgeAngle);
-    sprintf(sName, "coax_cut6_edge");
-    rm.rotateZ(90.0*deg);
-    rm.rotateX(CrystalEdgeAngle);
-    G4SubtractionSolid *coax_cut6
-    = new G4SubtractionSolid (G4String(sName), coax_cut5, cutBevel, &rm, G4ThreeVector(CrystalEdgeOffset2,0.,0.));
-    rm.rotateX(-CrystalEdgeAngle);
-    rm.rotateZ(-90.0*deg);
-    return  coax_cut6;
-// Return a G4VSolid modeling the Capsule
-G4VSolid* Tigress::ConstructCapsule(){
-  G4int nbslice = 7;
-  const G4double widthface = 45.5*mm;
-  G4double zSlice[7] = {  0.0*mm,
-    CapsuleWidth-0.1*mm,
-    CapsuleWidth,
-    CapsuleEdgeDepth,
-    CapsuleLength-CapsuleWidth,
-    CapsuleLength-CapsuleWidth-0.1*mm,
-    CapsuleLength  };
-  G4double InnRad[7] = {  0.0*mm,
-    0.0*mm,
-    widthface-CapsuleWidth,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule - CapsuleWidth,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule - CapsuleWidth,
-    0.0*mm,
-    0.0*mm};
-  G4double OutRad[7] = {  widthface-1.5*mm,
-    widthface,
-    widthface,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule,
-    CrystalEdgeOffset1 + CrystalEdgeOffset2 + CrystalToCapsule};
-    G4Polyhedra *caps = new G4Polyhedra(G4String("Capsule"), 0.*deg, 360.*deg, 4, nbslice, zSlice, InnRad, OutRad);
-  return caps;
-// Return a G4VSolid modeling the BGO
-G4VSolid* Tigress::ConstructBGO(){
-   return 0;
-// Return a clover in the configuration given by option (not use a the moment)
-void Tigress::ConstructClover(string){
-  if(m_LogicClover==0){
-    // Construct the clover itself
-    G4VSolid*   Capsule   = ConstructCapsule();
-    // Place the cristal in the clover
-    G4ThreeVector CrystalPosition = G4ThreeVector(+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,0);
-    G4VSolid* CrystalB = ConstructCrystal();
-    m_LogicClover =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(Capsule,m_MaterialVacuum,"LogicCloverCase", 0, 0, 0);
-    G4LogicalVolume* logicCrystalB =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(CrystalB,m_MaterialVacuum,"LogicCrystalB", 0, 0, 0);
-    G4LogicalVolume* logicCrystalG =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(CrystalB,m_MaterialVacuum,"LogicCrystalG", 0, 0, 0);
-    G4LogicalVolume* logicCrystalR =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(CrystalB,m_MaterialVacuum,"LogicCrystalR", 0, 0, 0);
-    G4LogicalVolume* logicCrystalW =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(CrystalB,m_MaterialVacuum,"LogicCrystalW", 0, 0, 0);
-    G4RotationMatrix* CrystalRotation = new G4RotationMatrix(0,0,0);
-    CrystalPosition = G4ThreeVector(+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*CrystalRotation, CrystalPosition),
-                      logicCrystalB,"LogicCrystalB",m_LogicClover,false,m_CloverId[0]);
-    logicCrystalB->SetVisAttributes(BlueVisAtt);
-    CrystalRotation->rotate(-180*deg, G4ThreeVector(0,0,1));
-    CrystalPosition = G4ThreeVector(+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,-113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*CrystalRotation, CrystalPosition),
-                      logicCrystalG,"LogicCrystalG",m_LogicClover,false,m_CloverId[0]);
-    logicCrystalG->SetVisAttributes(GreenVisAtt);
-     CrystalRotation->rotate(-180*deg, G4ThreeVector(0,0,1));
-    CrystalPosition = G4ThreeVector(-113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,-113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*CrystalRotation, CrystalPosition),
-                      logicCrystalR,"LogicCrystalR",m_LogicClover,false,m_CloverId[0]);
-    logicCrystalR->SetVisAttributes(RedVisAtt);
-    CrystalRotation->rotate(-180*deg, G4ThreeVector(0,0,1));
-    CrystalPosition = G4ThreeVector(-113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,+113.6*0.5*0.5*mm,0);
-    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*CrystalRotation, CrystalPosition),
-                      logicCrystalW,"LogicCrystalW",m_LogicClover,false,m_CloverId[0]);
-    logicCrystalW->SetVisAttributes(WhiteVisAtt);
-    m_LogicClover->SetVisAttributes(TrGreyVisAtt);
-  }
-// Construct detector and inialise sensitive part.
-// Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-void Tigress::ConstructDetector(G4LogicalVolume* world){
-  ConstructClover("");
-  G4RotationMatrix* DetectorRotation = new G4RotationMatrix(0,0,0);
-  for (unsigned int i = 0 ;  i < m_CloverId.size(); i++) {
-    // Constructing the Detector referential and the transition matrix
-    G4ThreeVector U,V,W;
-    G4double wX = sin(m_Theta[i]) * cos(m_Phi[i]) ;
-    G4double wY = sin(m_Theta[i]) * sin(m_Phi[i]) ;
-    G4double wZ = cos(m_Theta[i]);
-    W = G4ThreeVector(wX, wY, wZ) ;
-    // vector parallel to one axis of the entrance plane
-    G4double vX = cos(m_Theta[i]) * cos(m_Phi[i]);
-    G4double vY = cos(m_Theta[i]) * sin(m_Phi[i]);
-    G4double vZ = -sin(m_Theta[i]);
-    V = G4ThreeVector(vX, vY, vZ);
-    W = W.unit();
-    U = V.cross(W);
-    U = U.unit();
-    V = W.cross(U);
-    V = V.unit();
-    // Passage Matrix from Lab Referential to Clover Referential
-    delete DetectorRotation;
-    DetectorRotation = new G4RotationMatrix(U, V, W);
-    DetectorRotation->rotate(m_BetaX[i], U);
-    DetectorRotation->rotate(m_BetaY[i], V);
-    DetectorRotation->rotate(m_BetaZ[i], W);
-    DetectorRotation->rotate(45*deg, W);
-    G4ThreeVector DetectorPosition = m_R[i]*W;
-    new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(*DetectorRotation, DetectorPosition),
-                      m_LogicClover,"Clover",world,false,m_CloverId[0]);
-  }
-// Add clover at the standard position of the array
-// Take as argument the standard clover Id.
-void Tigress::AddCloverStandard(vector<int> CloverId){
-  for (unsigned int i = 0 ;  i < CloverId.size(); i++) {
-    if(CloverId[i] == 1 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(45*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(22.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(0);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 2 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(45*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(112.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(0);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 3 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(45*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(202.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(0);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 4 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(45*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(292.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(0);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 5 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(22.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 6 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(67.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 7 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(112.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 8 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(157.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 9 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(202.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 10 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(247.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 11 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(292.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 12 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(90*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(337.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 13 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(135*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(22.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 14 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(135*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(112.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 15 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(135*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(202.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-    else if(CloverId[i] == 16 ){
-      m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId[i]);
-      m_R.push_back(145*mm);
-      m_Theta.push_back(135*deg);
-      m_Phi.push_back(292.5*deg);
-      m_BetaX.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaY.push_back(0);
-      m_BetaZ.push_back(180*deg);
-    }
-  }
-// Add clover at a free position in space with coordinate
-// in spherical coordinate
-// Beta are the three angles of rotation in the Clover frame
-void Tigress::AddCloverFreePosition(int CloverId,double R,double Theta,double Phi,double BetaX,double BetaY,double BetaZ){
-  m_CloverId.push_back(CloverId);
-  m_R.push_back(R);
-  m_Theta.push_back(Theta);
-  m_Phi.push_back(Phi);
-  m_BetaX.push_back(BetaX);
-  m_BetaY.push_back(BetaY);
-  m_BetaZ.push_back(BetaZ);
-// Add Detector branch to the EventTree.
-// Called After DetecorConstruction::AddDetector Method
-void Tigress::InitializeRootOutput(){
-  RootOutput *pAnalysis = RootOutput::getInstance();
-  TTree *pTree = pAnalysis->GetTree();
-  pTree->Branch("Tigress", "TTigressData", &m_Event) ;
-// Read sensitive part and fill the Root tree.
-// Called at in the EventAction::EndOfEventAvtion
-void Tigress::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event){
-   event->GetHCofThisEvent(); // event should be used to remove compilation warning
-  /*m_Event->Clear();
-  ///////////
-  // BOX
-  G4THitsMap<G4double*>*     BOXHitMap;
-  std::map<G4int, G4double**>::iterator    BOX_itr;
-  G4int BOXCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("Tigress_BOXScorer/TigressBOX");
-  BOXHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double*>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(BOXCollectionID));
-  // Loop on the BOX map
-  for (BOX_itr = BOXHitMap->GetMap()->begin() ; BOX_itr != BOXHitMap->GetMap()->end() ; BOX_itr++){
-    G4double* Info = *(BOX_itr->second);
-    double Energy =  Info[0];
-    double Time  = Info[1];
-    int DetNbr =     (int) Info[2];
-    int StripFront = (int) Info[3];
-    int StripBack =  (int) Info[4];
-    m_Event->SetFront_DetectorNbr(DetNbr);
-    m_Event->SetFront_StripNbr(StripFront);
-    m_Event->SetFront_Energy(RandGauss::shoot(Energy, ResoEnergy));
-    m_Event->SetFront_TimeCFD(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetFront_TimeLED(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetBack_DetectorNbr(DetNbr);
-    m_Event->SetBack_StripNbr(StripBack);
-    m_Event->SetBack_Energy(RandGauss::shoot(Energy, ResoEnergy));
-    m_Event->SetBack_TimeCFD(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetBack_TimeLED(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    // Interraction Coordinates
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionX(Info[5]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionY(Info[6]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionZ(Info[7]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedAngleTheta(Info[8]/deg) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedAnglePhi(Info[9]/deg) ;
-  }
-  // clear map for next event
-  BOXHitMap->clear();
-  ///////////
-  // PAD
-  G4THitsMap<G4double*>*     PADHitMap;
-  std::map<G4int, G4double**>::iterator    PAD_itr;
-  G4int PADCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("Tigress_PADScorer/TigressPAD");
-  PADHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double*>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(PADCollectionID));
-  // Loop on the BOX map
-  for (PAD_itr = PADHitMap->GetMap()->begin() ; PAD_itr != PADHitMap->GetMap()->end() ; PAD_itr++){
-    G4double* Info = *(PAD_itr->second);
-    double Energy =  Info[0];
-    double Time  = Info[1];
-    int DetNbr =     (int) Info[2];
-    m_Event->SetPAD_DetectorNbr(DetNbr);
-    m_Event->SetPAD_Energy(RandGauss::shoot(Energy, ResoEnergy));
-    m_Event->SetPAD_TimeCFD(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetPAD_TimeLED(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-  }
-  // clear map for next event
-  PADHitMap->clear();
-  ///////////
-  // QQQ
-  G4THitsMap<G4double*>*     QQQHitMap;
-  std::map<G4int, G4double**>::iterator    QQQ_itr;
-  G4int QQQCollectionID = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID("Tigress_QQQScorer/TigressQQQ");
-  QQQHitMap = (G4THitsMap<G4double*>*)(event->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(QQQCollectionID));
-  // Loop on the BOX map
-  for (QQQ_itr = QQQHitMap->GetMap()->begin() ; QQQ_itr != QQQHitMap->GetMap()->end() ; QQQ_itr++){
-    G4double* Info = *(QQQ_itr->second);
-    double Energy =  Info[0];
-    double Time  = Info[1];
-    int DetNbr =     (int) Info[2];
-    int StripFront = (int) Info[3];
-    int StripBack =  (int) Info[4];
-    m_Event->SetFront_DetectorNbr(DetNbr);
-    m_Event->SetFront_StripNbr(StripFront);
-    m_Event->SetFront_Energy(RandGauss::shoot(Energy, ResoEnergy));
-    m_Event->SetFront_TimeCFD(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetFront_TimeLED(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetBack_DetectorNbr(DetNbr);
-    m_Event->SetBack_StripNbr(StripBack);
-    m_Event->SetBack_Energy(RandGauss::shoot(Energy, ResoEnergy));
-    m_Event->SetBack_TimeCFD(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    m_Event->SetBack_TimeLED(RandGauss::shoot(Time, ResoTime));
-    // Interraction Coordinates
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionX(Info[5]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionY(Info[6]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedPositionZ(Info[7]) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedAngleTheta(Info[8]/deg) ;
-    ms_InterCoord->SetDetectedAnglePhi(Info[9]/deg) ;
-  }
-  // clear map for next event
-  QQQHitMap->clear();
-  */
-void Tigress::InitializeScorers(){
-  /*
-  //   Silicon Associate Scorer
-  m_BOXScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("Tigress_BOXScorer");
-  m_PADScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("Tigress_PADScorer");
-  m_QQQScorer = new G4MultiFunctionalDetector("Tigress_QQQScorer");
-  G4VPrimitiveScorer* BOXScorer =
-  new  Tigress::PS_Silicon_Rectangle("TigressBOX",
-                                   BOX_Wafer_Length,
-                                   BOX_Wafer_Width,
-                                   BOX_Wafer_Back_NumberOfStrip ,
-                                   BOX_Wafer_Front_NumberOfStrip,
-                                   EnergyThreshold);
-  G4VPrimitiveScorer* PADScorer =
-  new  Tigress::PS_Silicon_Rectangle("TigressPAD",
-                                   PAD_Wafer_Length,
-                                   PAD_Wafer_Width,
-                                   1 ,
-                                   1,
-                                   EnergyThreshold);
-  G4VPrimitiveScorer* QQQScorer =
-  new  Tigress::PS_Silicon_Annular("TigressQQQ",
-                                 QQQ_Wafer_Inner_Radius,
-                                 QQQ_Wafer_Outer_Radius,
-                                 QQQ_Wafer_Stopping_Phi-QQQ_Wafer_Starting_Phi,
-                                 QQQ_Wafer_NumberOf_RadialStrip,
-                                 QQQ_Wafer_NumberOf_AnnularStrip,
-                                 EnergyThreshold);
-  //and register it to the multifunctionnal detector
-  m_BOXScorer->RegisterPrimitive(BOXScorer);
-  m_PADScorer->RegisterPrimitive(PADScorer);
-  m_QQQScorer->RegisterPrimitive(QQQScorer);
-  //   Add All Scorer to the Global Scorer Manager
-  G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_BOXScorer) ;
-  G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_PADScorer) ;
-  G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(m_QQQScorer) ;*/
-/////////////////Material Definition ///////////////////////////
-void Tigress::InitializeMaterial(){
-  G4Element* H   = new G4Element("Hydrogen" , "H"  , 1  , 1.015  * g / mole);
-  G4Element* C   = new G4Element("Carbon"   , "C"  , 6  , 12.011 * g / mole);
-  G4Element* N   = new G4Element("Nitrogen" , "N"  , 7  , 14.01  * g / mole);
-  G4Element* O   = new G4Element("Oxygen"   , "O"  , 8  , 15.99  * g / mole);
-  G4double a, z, density;
-  // Si
-  a = 28.0855 * g / mole;
-  density = 2.321 * g / cm3;
-  m_MaterialSilicon = new G4Material("Si", z = 14., a, density);
-  // Al
-  density = 2.702 * g / cm3;
-  a = 26.98 * g / mole;
-  m_MaterialAl = new G4Material("Al", z = 13., a, density);
-  // PCB (should be FR-4, I took Epoxy Molded from LISE++)
-  density = 1.85 * g / cm3;
-  m_MaterialPCB = new G4Material("PCB", density, 3);
-  m_MaterialPCB->AddElement(H, .475);
-  m_MaterialPCB->AddElement(C, .45);
-  m_MaterialPCB->AddElement(O, .075);
-  //  Vacuum
-  density = 0.000000001 * mg / cm3;
-  m_MaterialVacuum = new G4Material("Vacuum", density, 2);
-  m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(N, .7);
-  m_MaterialVacuum->AddElement(O, .3);