diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/PISTA/TProfileEvaluator.h b/NPLib/Detectors/PISTA/TProfileEvaluator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1cfb4d4dfaf002e303526ded14fb0e917b658758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/PISTA/TProfileEvaluator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2025   this file is part of the NPTool Project       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: T.Efremov  contact address: theodore.efremov@cea.fr   *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : 22/01/24                                            *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription:                                                               *
+ *  Evaluator for 2D Profile                                *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment:                                                                  *
+ *                                                                           *   
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TProfile2D.h>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+class ProfileEvaluator {
+    private:
+        TFile* fFile;
+        TProfile2D* fProfile;
+    public:
+        //***********************************************************//
+        ProfileEvaluator() : fFile(nullptr), fProfile(nullptr) {}
+        //***********************************************************//
+        bool LoadProfile(const char* filename, const char* profname) {
+            fFile = TFile::Open(filename, "READ");
+            if (!fFile || fFile->IsZombie()) return false;
+            fProfile = (TProfile2D*)fFile->Get(profname)->Clone("Profile");
+            fProfile->SetDirectory(0);
+            return fProfile != nullptr;
+        }
+        //***********************************************************//
+        Double_t Evaluate(Double_t x, Double_t y, Bool_t useInterpolation = true) {
+            if (!fProfile) return 0.0;
+            Int_t binx = fProfile->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x);
+            Int_t biny = fProfile->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y);
+            if (!useInterpolation) return fProfile->GetBinContent(binx, biny);
+            //Def Bin dist
+            Double_t BinDistX = fProfile->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(2) - fProfile->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1);
+            Double_t BinDistY = fProfile->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(2) - fProfile->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(1);
+            // Normalisation var
+            Double_t norma = 0;
+            // Fetch Bin Center for surrounding 3 by 3 bin and value
+            vector<Double_t> Cx(3) , Cy(3) ;
+            vector<vector<Double_t>> Q(3, vector<Double_t>(3)), W(3,vector<Double_t>(3));        
+            for (int i = -1 ; i<=1 ; i++){
+                // Loading nearby bins
+                int TempX = binx +i ;
+                int PosX = i + 1 ;
+                // Edge cases handling    
+                if (TempX < 1) TempX = 1 ; 
+                if (TempX > fProfile->GetNbinsX()) TempX = fProfile->GetNbinsX() ;
+                // Loading center
+                Cx.at(PosX) = fProfile->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(TempX);
+                //Normat that we use POSX here
+                // Loading value and weight
+                for (int j = -1 ; j<=1 ; j++){
+                    // Need to translate to acess the vector
+                    int PosY = j + 1 ;
+                    int TempY = biny + j ;
+                    if (TempY < 1) TempY = 1 ;  
+                    if (TempY > fProfile->GetNbinsY()) TempY = fProfile->GetNbinsY() ; 
+                    Cy.at(PosY) = fProfile->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(TempY); 
+                    // Loading value
+                    Q.at(PosX).at(PosY) = fProfile->GetBinContent(TempX,TempY);
+                    // Calculating weight
+                    Double_t Wx = 0 , Wy = 0 ;
+                    Wx = 1 - ( abs( x - Cx.at(PosX)) / (BinDistX) );
+                    Wy = 1 - ( abs( y - Cy.at(PosY)) / (BinDistY) );
+                    //handling max range 
+                    if(Wx < 0 || Wy < 0) W.at(PosX).at(PosY) = 0;
+                    else W.at(PosX).at(PosY) = Wx * Wy;
+                    // Verifiy that sum of the weight is 1
+                    norma += W.at(PosX).at(PosY) ;
+                }
+            } 
+            // now just calculate the return value
+            Double_t InterPol = 0 ;
+            for (int PosX = 0 ; PosX <= 2 ; PosX ++ ){
+                for (int PosY = 0 ; PosY <= 2 ; PosY ++ ){
+                    InterPol += Q.at(PosX).at(PosY) * W.at(PosX).at(PosY);
+                }
+            }
+            return InterPol;
+        }
+        //***********************************************************//
+        void PrintInfo() {
+            if (!fProfile) return;
+            printf("Profile: %s\n", fProfile->GetName());
+            printf("X bins: %d, range: [%.2f, %.2f]\n", 
+                    fProfile->GetNbinsX(),
+                    fProfile->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
+                    fProfile->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
+            printf("Y bins: %d, range: [%.2f, %.2f]\n", 
+                    fProfile->GetNbinsY(),
+                    fProfile->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),
+                    fProfile->GetYaxis()->GetXmax());
+        }
+        //***********************************************************//
+        TProfile2D* GetProfile() { return fProfile; }
+        //***********************************************************//
+        ~ProfileEvaluator() {
+        }