diff --git a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSData.h b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSData.h
index ec451d2aaa2470bd0a0cf2b08c53971a2ea30991..8af5e07ac5d4dd3e6c83f4b52f0ecf3016388e21 100644
--- a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSData.h
+++ b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSData.h
@@ -53,35 +53,35 @@ class TCATSData : public TObject {
    /////////////////////           SETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // X
-   void	SetCATSDetX(UShort_t DetX)	 {fCATS_DetX.push_back(DetX);}
-   void SetCATSStripX(UShort_t StripX)	 {fCATS_StripX.push_back(StripX);}
-   void SetCATSChargeX(UShort_t ChargeX) {fCATS_ChargeX.push_back(ChargeX);}
+   void SetCATSDetX(UShort_t DetX)	      {fCATS_DetX.push_back(DetX);}
+   void SetCATSStripX(UShort_t StripX)	   {fCATS_StripX.push_back(StripX);}
+   void SetCATSChargeX(UShort_t ChargeX)  {fCATS_ChargeX.push_back(ChargeX);}
    // Y
-   void	SetCATSDetY(UShort_t DetY)	 {fCATS_DetY.push_back(DetY);}
-   void SetCATSStripY(UShort_t StripY)	 {fCATS_StripY.push_back(StripY);}
-   void SetCATSChargeY(UShort_t ChargeY) {fCATS_ChargeY.push_back(ChargeY);}
+   void SetCATSDetY(UShort_t DetY)	      {fCATS_DetY.push_back(DetY);}
+   void SetCATSStripY(UShort_t StripY)	   {fCATS_StripY.push_back(StripY);}
+   void SetCATSChargeY(UShort_t ChargeY)  {fCATS_ChargeY.push_back(ChargeY);}
    //Q fil
-   void	SetCATSDetQ(UShort_t DetQ)	 {fCATS_DetQ.push_back(DetQ);}
-   void SetCATSCharge(UShort_t Charge) {fCATS_Charge.push_back(Charge);}
+   void SetCATSDetQ(UShort_t DetQ)	      {fCATS_DetQ.push_back(DetQ);}
+   void SetCATSCharge(UShort_t Charge)    {fCATS_Charge.push_back(Charge);}
    /////////////////////           GETTERS           ////////////////////////
    // X
-   UShort_t	GetCATSMultX()		{return fCATS_DetX.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSDetX(Int_t i)	{return fCATS_DetX.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSStripX(Int_t i)  {return fCATS_StripX.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSChargeX(Int_t i)	{return fCATS_ChargeX.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSMultX()		            const {return fCATS_DetX.size();}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSDetX(Int_t i)	         const {return fCATS_DetX.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSStripX(Int_t i)        const {return fCATS_StripX.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSChargeX(Int_t i)	      const {return fCATS_ChargeX.at(i);}
    // Y
-   UShort_t	GetCATSMultY()		{return fCATS_DetY.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSDetY(Int_t i)	{return fCATS_DetY.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSStripY(Int_t i)  {return fCATS_StripY.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSChargeY(Int_t i)	{return fCATS_ChargeY.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSMultY()		            const {return fCATS_DetY.size();}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSDetY(Int_t i)	         const {return fCATS_DetY.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSStripY(Int_t i)        const {return fCATS_StripY.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSChargeY(Int_t i)	      const {return fCATS_ChargeY.at(i);}
    //Q fil
-   UShort_t	GetCATSMultQ()        {return fCATS_DetQ.size();}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSDetQ(Int_t i)  {return fCATS_DetQ.at(i);}
-   UShort_t	GetCATSCharge(Int_t i)  {return fCATS_Charge.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSMultQ()                const {return fCATS_DetQ.size();}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSDetQ(Int_t i)          const {return fCATS_DetQ.at(i);}
+   UShort_t	GetCATSCharge(Int_t i)        const {return fCATS_Charge.at(i);}
-   ClassDef(TCATSData,1)  // CATSData structure
+   ClassDef(TCATSData,2)  // CATSData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
index e5ab70bbeaed2b4c13f586ea830a05bb86c6773c..9e3990d5b1a0f494c8afc670764f73d6ac38fb63 100644
--- a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.cxx
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
  * Original Author: Sandra Giron  contact address: giron@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : febuary 2010                                             *
- * Last update    :                                                          *
+ * Last update    : modification november 2011 by Pierre Morfouace			 *
+ * Contact adress : morfouac@ipno.in2p3.fr									 *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This class hold CATS treated data                                        *
@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@
  *                                                                           *
 #include "TCATSPhysics.h"
 using namespace LOCAL_CATS;
@@ -30,31 +30,239 @@ using namespace LOCAL_CATS;
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 //	NPL
 #include "RootInput.h"
 #include "RootOutput.h"
 //	ROOT
 #include "TChain.h"
 #include "TRandom.h"
-  EventData 				= new TCATSData()	;
-  EventPhysics 				= this			;
-  NumberOfCATS                          = 0                     ;
+  m_EventData 				= new TCATSData	;
+  m_PreTreatedData          = new TCATSData ;
+  m_EventPhysics 			= this			;
+  m_NumberOfCATS            = 0             ;
+void TCATSPhysics::PreTreat()
+	ClearPreTreatedData();   
+	gRandom->SetSeed(0);
+	// X
+	for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetCATSMultX() ; i++)
+		{
+		// Valid Channel X
+		if(IsValidChannel("X", m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i), m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i)) )
+			{
+			if( fCATS_Threshold_X(m_EventData , i) )
+				{
+				double QX = fCATS_X_Q(m_EventData , i);
+				m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSChargeX( QX );
+				//Inversion X
+				if( *(m_CATSXInversion[m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i)-1].begin() + m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i)-1) != m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) )
+					{
+					m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSStripX( *(m_CATSXInversion[m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i)-1].begin() + m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i)-1) );
+					}
+				else {m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSStripX( m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) );}
+				m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSDetX( m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Y
+	for(int i = 0 ; i < m_EventData->GetCATSMultY() ; i++)
+		{
+		// Valid Channel Y
+		if(IsValidChannel("Y", m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i), m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i)))
+			{
+			if( fCATS_Threshold_Y(m_EventData , i) )
+				{
+				double QY = fCATS_Y_Q(m_EventData , i);
+				m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSChargeY( QY );
+				//Inversion Y
+				if( *(m_CATSYInversion[m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i)-1].begin() + m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i)-1) != m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i) )
+					{
+					m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSStripY( *(m_CATSYInversion[m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i)-1].begin() + m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i)-1) );
+					}
+				else {m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSStripY( m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i) );}
+				m_PreTreatedData->SetCATSDetY( m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i) );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        return;
+    }
+void TCATSPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()				
+        BuildPhysicalEvent();
+void TCATSPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent()					
+    PreTreat();
+	double Pi = 3.14159265;
+	//	How many CATS?
+	int NumberOfCATSHit = 0 ;
+	int DetectorID = -1;
+	double SumChargeX[2];
+	double SumChargeY[2];
+	for( unsigned short i = 0 ; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSMultX() ; i++ )
+    { 
+		if( m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSDetX(i) != DetectorID)  {
+			NumberOfCATSHit++;
+		}
+		if(NumberOfCATSHit == m_NumberOfCATS) break;	
+    }
+    for(int k = 0 ; k < NumberOfCATSHit ; k++ )
+    {
+		// X
+		StripMaxX.push_back(-1); 
+		ReconstructionMethodX.push_back(NO);
+		SumChargeX[k] = 0;
+		// Y
+		StripMaxY.push_back(-1); 
+		ReconstructionMethodY.push_back(NO);
+		SumChargeY[k] = 0;
+    }
+	for(int p = 0 ; p < m_NumberOfCATS ; p++){
+		for(int z=0; z<28; z++) {
+		Buffer_X_Q[z][p] = -1;
+		Buffer_Y_Q[z][p] = -1;
+		}
+	}
+    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSMultX() ; i++ )
+        {
+            int StrX					= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSStripX(i);
+            int NX						= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSDetX(i);
+            double CATS_X_Q				= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSChargeX(i) ;            
+            Buffer_X_Q[StrX-1][NX-1]	= CATS_X_Q;
+			SumChargeX[NX-1]			+= CATS_X_Q;
+            ChargeX.push_back(CATS_X_Q);
+            StripX.push_back(StrX);
+            DetNumberX.push_back(NX);
+            HitX++;
+            if(HitX==1) StripMaxX[NX-1] = StrX; 
+            else if(ChargeX[HitX-1] > Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[NX-1] -1][NX-1] ) StripMaxX[NX-1] = StrX ;  
+        }
+    for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSMultY() ; j++ )
+        {
+            int StrY					= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSStripY(j);
+            int NY						= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSDetY(j);
+            double CATS_Y_Q				= m_PreTreatedData->GetCATSChargeY(j) ;
+            Buffer_Y_Q[StrY-1][NY-1]	= CATS_Y_Q;
+			SumChargeY[NY-1]			+= CATS_Y_Q;
+            ChargeY.push_back(CATS_Y_Q);
+            StripY.push_back(StrY);
+            DetNumberY.push_back(NY);
+            HitY++;
+            if(HitY==1) StripMaxY[NY-1] = StrY; 
+            else if(ChargeY[HitY-1] > Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[NY-1] -1][NY-1] ) StripMaxY[NY-1] = StrY ;  
+        }
+    double CalculatedStripX = 0, CalculatedStripY = 0;
+    double posX = 0 , posY = 0;
+    for(ff = 0 ; ff < NumberOfCATSHit ; ff++ )
+    {       
+		CalculatedStripX = AnalyseX(ff);         
+		CalculatedStripY = AnalyseY(ff); 
+		posX = CalculatePositionX(CalculatedStripX, NOcor);   
+		posY = CalculatePositionY(CalculatedStripY, NOcor);  
+		DetNumberX_Position.push_back(ff+1);
+		DetNumberY_Position.push_back(ff+1);
+		DetNumberZ_Position.push_back(ff+1);
+		PositionX.push_back(posX) ;                  
+		PositionY.push_back(posY) ;                  
+		PositionZ.push_back(StripPositionZ[ff]) ;
+		QsumX.push_back(SumChargeX[ff]);
+		QsumY.push_back(SumChargeY[ff]);
+    }
+	if(NumberOfCATSHit > 1){
+		if(PositionX[0] != -1000 && PositionY[0] != -1000 && PositionX[1] != -1000 && PositionY[1] != -1000) 
+		{
+			double PositionOnTargetX_1;
+			double PositionOnTargetY_1;
+			double l = sqrt((PositionZ[0]-PositionZ[1])*(PositionZ[0]-PositionZ[1]));
+			double L = - PositionZ[1];
+			double t = (l+L) / l;
+			PositionOnTargetX_1 = PositionX[0] + (PositionX[1] - PositionX[0]) * t ;
+			PositionOnTargetY_1 = PositionY[0] + (PositionY[1] - PositionY[0]) * t ;
+			if(m_TargetAngle != 0)
+			 {
+			 double a = (PositionZ[1]-PositionZ[0])/(PositionX[1]-PositionX[0]);
+			 double b = PositionZ[0] - a*PositionX[0];
+			 PositionOnTargetX = b/(tan(m_TargetAngle*Pi/180.) - a);
+			 double t_new = (l + L + PositionOnTargetX*tan(m_TargetAngle*Pi/180.)) / l;
+			 PositionOnTargetY = PositionY[0] + (PositionY[1] - PositionY[0]) * t_new ;
+			 }
+			else{
+				PositionOnTargetX = PositionOnTargetX_1;
+				PositionOnTargetY = PositionOnTargetY_1;
+			}
+			GetPositionOnTarget();
+			GetBeamDirection();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			BeamDirection = TVector3 ( 	1 ,
+										0 ,
+										0 );
+			PositionOnTargetX = -1000	;
+			PositionOnTargetY = -1000	;
+		}
+	}
+	else if(NumberOfCATSHit == 1)
+    {		
+		BeamDirection = TVector3 ( 	1 ,
+									0 ,
+									0 );
+		PositionOnTargetX = -1000	;
+		PositionOnTargetY = -1000	;
+    }
+    return;
 //	Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
 void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path) 				
@@ -81,9 +289,8 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
       //If line is a Start Up CATS bloc, Reading toggle to true      
       if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 12, "CATSDetector") == 0) 
-	  cout << "///" << endl           		;
 	  cout << "CATS Detector found: " << endl   ;  
-	  ReadingStatus = true 					;
+	  ReadingStatus = true 	       ;
       //	Else don't toggle to Reading Block Status
@@ -100,7 +307,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 	  //	Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
 	  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 12, "CATSDetector") == 0) {
-	    cout << "WARNING: Another CATS is found before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in CATS definition" << endl ;
+	    cout << "Warning: Another CATS is found before standard sequence of Token, Error may have occurred in CATS definition" << endl ;
 	    ReadingStatus = false ;
@@ -119,7 +326,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 	    Az = Az  ;
 	    A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
-	    cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
+	    cout << " X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
 	  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "X28_Y1=") == 0) {
@@ -135,7 +342,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 	    Bz = Bz  ;
 	    B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
-	    cout << "X28 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
+	    cout << " X28 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
 	  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 7, "X1_Y28=") == 0) {
@@ -151,7 +358,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 	    Cz = Cz  ;
 	    C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
-	    cout << "X1 Y28 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
+	    cout << " X1 Y28 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
 	  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 8, "X28_Y28=") == 0) {
@@ -167,7 +374,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
 	    Dz = Dz  ;
 	    D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
-	    cout << "X28 Y28 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
+	    cout << " X28 Y28 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
@@ -194,31 +401,15 @@ void TCATSPhysics::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
-  // Should be called in Analysis... 
-  ReadPedestal("../../../offline/calibrations/CATS/CATScoeff/Piedestaux_368.txt");
-  // path given from e530 directory
-  cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl<<endl;
+    InitializeStandardParameter();
+    ReadAnalysisConfig();
+	m_method_CATS1X = StringToEnum(m_reconstruction_CATS1X);
+	m_method_CATS1Y = StringToEnum(m_reconstruction_CATS1Y);
+	m_method_CATS2X = StringToEnum(m_reconstruction_CATS2X);
+	m_method_CATS2Y = StringToEnum(m_reconstruction_CATS2Y);
-//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-void TCATSPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	
-  CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
-  for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfCATS ; i++)
-    {
-      for( int j = 0 ; j < 28 ; j++)
-	{
-	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q","CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q")	;
-	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q","CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q")	;
-	} 
-    }
 //	Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
 //	In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
 void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInputRaw() 
@@ -226,55 +417,56 @@ void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInputRaw()
   TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain()	;
   inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CATS" , true )			;
   inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "fCATS_*" , true )		;
-  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &EventData )           ;
+  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &m_EventData )           ;
 //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
 //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
 void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootInputPhysics() 
-  TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CATS" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ff" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeSumX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MultOverThreshX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeSumY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "MultOverThreshY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX_Position" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY_Position" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberZ_Position" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionZ" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetX" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetY" , true );
-  inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &EventPhysics );
+	TChain* inputChain = RootInput::getInstance()->GetChain();
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "CATS" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ff" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "ChargeY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "StripMaxY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberX_Position" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberY_Position" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "DetNumberZ_Position" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionZ" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "PositionOnTargetY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "QsumX" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchStatus( "QsumY" , true );
+	inputChain->SetBranchAddress( "CATS" , &m_EventPhysics );
 //	Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
 void TCATSPhysics::InitializeRootOutput() 		 		
   TTree* outputTree = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()		;
-  outputTree->Branch( "CATS" , "TCATSPhysics" , &EventPhysics )	;
+  outputTree->Branch( "CATS" , "TCATSPhysics" , &m_EventPhysics )	;
 void TCATSPhysics::AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y28, TVector3 C_X28_Y28)
-  NumberOfCATS++			;
+  m_NumberOfCATS++			;
   // remove warning
   C_X28_Y28 *= 1;
- //	Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are along X axis)
+ //	Vector U on Telescope Face (paralelle to Y Strip) 
   TVector3 U = C_X28_Y1 - C_X1_Y1 				;	
   U = U.Unit()									;
@@ -287,8 +479,7 @@ void TCATSPhysics::AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y2
   //	Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip 
   TVector3 Strip_1_1 					;		
-  //	Geometry Parameter
+  //	Geometry Parameters  
   double Face = 71.12 				; //mm
   double NumberOfStrip = 28 			;
   double StripPitch = Face / NumberOfStrip	; //mm
@@ -296,7 +487,6 @@ void TCATSPhysics::AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y2
   //	Buffer object to fill Position Array
   vector<double> lineX ; 
   vector<double> lineY ; 
-  //vector<double> lineZ ;
   vector< vector< double > >	OneDetectorStripPositionX	;
   vector< vector< double > >	OneDetectorStripPositionY	;
@@ -305,23 +495,17 @@ void TCATSPhysics::AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y2
   //	Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner (strip center!) :
   Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + (U+V) * (StripPitch/2) 	;
-  //cout << "Strip_1_1X = " << Strip_1_1.X()  << endl;
-  //cout << "Strip_1_1Y = " << Strip_1_1.Y()  << endl;
   for( int i = 0 ; i < 28 ; i++ )
       lineX.clear()	;
       lineY.clear()	;
-      //  lineZ.clear()	;
       for( int j = 0 ; j < 28 ; j++ )
 	  StripCenter  = Strip_1_1 + StripPitch*( i*U + j*V  )	;
-	  //StripCenter += -TargetPosition		;
 	  lineX.push_back( StripCenter.x() )	;
-	  lineY.push_back( StripCenter.y() )	;
-	  //  lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.z() )	;	
+	  lineY.push_back( StripCenter.y() )	;	
@@ -336,976 +520,649 @@ void TCATSPhysics::AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y2
-//	This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-void TCATSPhysics::BuildPhysicalEvent()					
-  // voir les commentaire fait la ou la methode existe deja
-//	Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-//	This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-//	NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-void TCATSPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()				
+void TCATSPhysics::Clear()
+	DetNumberX.clear()				; 
+	StripX.clear()				;
+	ChargeX.clear()                		;  
+	StripMaxX.clear()				;
+	DetNumberY.clear()				; 
+	StripY.clear()				;
+	ChargeY.clear()				; 
+	StripMaxY.clear() 				;
+	DetNumberX_Position.clear()                   ;
+	DetNumberY_Position.clear()                   ;
+	DetNumberZ_Position.clear()                   ;
+	PositionX.clear() 				;
+	PositionY.clear() 				;
+	PositionZ.clear() 				;
+	QsumX.clear();
+	QsumY.clear();
+	ReconstructionMethodX.clear()                 ;
+	ReconstructionMethodY.clear()                 ;
-  // cout <<  EventData-> GetCATSMultX() << endl;
-  // pourquoi pas une methode avec qui prend que le strip max par exemple...
+	ff = 0;
+	HitX = 0;
+	HitY = 0;  
-////////////////////////////////////////// LE RESTE DE LA CLASSE! ////////////////////////////////////////
-void TCATSPhysics::Clear()
-  DetNumberX.clear()				; 
-  StripX.clear()				;
-  ChargeX.clear()                		; 
-  ChargeSumX.clear()				;
-  MultOverThreshX.clear()  		        ;  
-  StripMaxX.clear()				;
-  DetNumberY.clear()				; 
-  StripY.clear()				;
-  ChargeY.clear()				; 
-  //  ChargeY_test.clear()				; 
-  ChargeSumY.clear()				;  
-  MultOverThreshY.clear()			;
-  StripMaxY.clear() 				;
-  //  StripMaxY_test.clear() 			;
-  DetNumberX_Position.clear()                   ;
-  DetNumberY_Position.clear()                   ;
-  DetNumberZ_Position.clear()                   ;
-  PositionX.clear() 				;
-  PositionY.clear() 				;
-  PositionZ.clear() 				;
-  ReconstructionMethodX.clear()                 ;
-  ReconstructionMethodY.clear()                 ;
-  //FailedReconstructionX.clear()                  ;
-  FailedReconstructionY.clear()                  ;
-  ff = 0;
-  HitX = 0;
-  HitY = 0;
-  NumberOfCATS = 0;
+bool TCATSPhysics :: IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int Detector , const int channel) 
+   {
+      if(DetectorType == "X")
+         return *(m_XChannelStatus[Detector-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else if(DetectorType == "Y")
+         return *(m_YChannelStatus[Detector-1].begin()+channel-1);
+      else return false;
+   }
+void TCATSPhysics::InitializeStandardParameter()
+   {
+      //   Enable all channel and no inversion
+      vector< bool > ChannelStatus;
+      vector< int > InversionStatus;
+      m_XChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+      m_YChannelStatus.clear()    ;
+      m_CATSXInversion.clear()   ;
+      m_CATSYInversion.clear()   ;
+	  ChannelStatus.resize(28,true);
+      InversionStatus.resize(28);
+      for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < InversionStatus.size() ; j++)
+         {
+			 InversionStatus[j] = j+1;
+          }
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfCATS ; ++i)      
+         {
+            m_XChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+            m_YChannelStatus[i] = ChannelStatus;
+            m_CATSXInversion[i] = InversionStatus;
+            m_CATSYInversion[i] = InversionStatus;
+         }
+      return;
+   }   
-void TCATSPhysics::Dump() const
+void TCATSPhysics::ReadAnalysisConfig()
+   bool ReadingStatus = false;
-  cout << "Number Of CATS : " << NumberOfCATS << endl;
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < DetNumberX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "DetNumberX :  " << DetNumberX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < StripX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "StripX :  " << StripX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < StripMaxX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "StripMaxX :  " << StripMaxX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < ChargeX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "ChargeX :  " << ChargeX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < ChargeSumX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "ChargeSumX :  " << ChargeSumX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < MultOverThreshX.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "MultOverThreshX :  " << MultOverThreshX.at(i) << endl;
-    }
+   // path to file
+   string FileName = "./configs/ConfigCATS.dat";
+   // open analysis config file
+   ifstream AnalysisConfigFile;
+   AnalysisConfigFile.open(FileName.c_str());
+   if (!AnalysisConfigFile.is_open()) {
+      cout << " No ConfigCATS.dat found: Default parameter loaded for Analayis " << FileName << endl;
+      return;
+   }
+   cout << " Loading user parameter for Analysis from ConfigCATS.dat " << endl;
+   // Save it in a TAsciiFile
+   TAsciiFile* asciiConfig = RootOutput::getInstance()->GetAsciiFileAnalysisConfig();
+   asciiConfig->AppendLine("%%% ConfigCATS.dat %%%");
+   asciiConfig->Append(FileName.c_str());
+   asciiConfig->AppendLine("");
+   // read analysis config file
+   string LineBuffer,DataBuffer,whatToDo;
+   while (!AnalysisConfigFile.eof()) {
+      // Pick-up next line
+      getline(AnalysisConfigFile, LineBuffer);
+      // search for "header"
+      if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 10, "ConfigCATS") == 0) ReadingStatus = true;
+      // loop on tokens and data
+      while (ReadingStatus ) {
+          whatToDo="";
+          AnalysisConfigFile >> whatToDo;
+         // Search for comment symbol (%)
+         if (whatToDo.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {
+            AnalysisConfigFile.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
+         }
+        else if (whatToDo == "DISABLE_CHANNEL") {
+           AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+           cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+           int Detector = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4,1).c_str());
+           int channel = -1;
+           if (DataBuffer.compare(5,4,"STRX") == 0) {
+              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(9).c_str());
+              *(m_XChannelStatus[Detector-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
+           }
+           else if (DataBuffer.compare(5,4,"STRY") == 0) {
+              channel = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(9).c_str());
+              *(m_YChannelStatus[Detector-1].begin()+channel-1) = false;
+           }
+           else cout << "Warning: detector type for CATS unknown!" << endl;
+        }
+        else if (whatToDo == "INVERSION") {
+            AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+            cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer;
+            int Detector = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4,1).c_str());
+            int channel1 = -1;
+            int channel2 = -1;
+            AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+			cout << " " << DataBuffer;
+            if (DataBuffer.compare(0,4,"STRX") == 0) {
+                channel1 = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4).c_str());
+                AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+                channel2 = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4).c_str());
+                *(m_CATSXInversion[Detector-1].begin()+channel1-1) = channel2;
+				*(m_CATSXInversion[Detector-1].begin()+channel2-1) = channel1;
+           }
+            else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,4,"STRY") == 0) {
+                channel1 = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4).c_str());
+                AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+                channel2 = atoi(DataBuffer.substr(4).c_str());
+				*(m_CATSYInversion[Detector-1].begin()+channel1-1) = channel2;
+				*(m_CATSYInversion[Detector-1].begin()+channel2-1) = channel1;
+           }
+        }
+		else if (whatToDo == "RECONSTRUCTION_METHOD") {
+			AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+			cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer;
+			if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_reconstruction_CATS1X = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_reconstruction_CATS1Y = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_reconstruction_CATS2X = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_reconstruction_CATS2Y = DataBuffer;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (whatToDo == "CORRECTION_METHOD") {
+			AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+			cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer;
+			if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_correction_CATS1X = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_correction_CATS1Y = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_correction_CATS2X = DataBuffer;
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_correction_CATS2Y = DataBuffer;
+			}
+		}
+		/*else if (whatToDo == "CORRECTION_METHOD") {
+			AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+			cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer << endl;
+			m_correction = DataBuffer;
+		}*/
+		else if (whatToDo == "CORRECTION_COEF") {
+			AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+			cout << whatToDo << "  " << DataBuffer;
+			if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1X = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS1Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1Y = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2X") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2X = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+			}
+			else if (DataBuffer.compare(0,6,"CATS2Y") == 0) {
+				AnalysisConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
+				cout << " " << DataBuffer << endl;
+				m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2Y = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
+			}
+		}
+       else {ReadingStatus = false;}
+      }
+   }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < DetNumberY.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "DetNumberY :  " << DetNumberY.at(i) << endl;
-    }
- for(unsigned int i= 0; i < StripY.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "StripY :  " << StripY.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < StripMaxY.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "StripMaxY :  " << StripMaxY.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < ChargeY.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "ChargeY :  " << ChargeY.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < ChargeSumY.size() ; i++) 
-    {
-      cout << "ChargeSumY :  " << ChargeSumY.at(i) << endl;
-    }
-  for(unsigned int i= 0; i < MultOverThreshY.size() ; i++) 
+//	Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
+void TCATSPhysics::AddParameterToCalibrationManager()	
+  CalibrationManager* Cal = CalibrationManager::getInstance();
+  for(int i = 0 ; i < m_NumberOfCATS ; i++)
-      cout << "MultOverThreshY :  " << MultOverThreshY.at(i) << endl;
+      for( int j = 0 ; j < 28 ; j++)
+	  {
+	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q","CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q")	;
+	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q","CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1)+"_Q")	;
+	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1),"CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_X"+itoa(j+1))	;
+	  Cal->AddParameter("CATS", "D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1),"CATS_D"+itoa(i+1)+"_Y"+itoa(j+1))	;
+	  } 
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < DetNumberX_Position.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "DetNumberX_Position : " << DetNumberX_Position.at(i) << endl;
-    }                   
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < DetNumberY_Position.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "DetNumberY_Position : " << DetNumberY_Position.at(i) << endl;
-    }      
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < DetNumberZ_Position.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "DetNumberZ_Position : " << DetNumberZ_Position.at(i) << endl;
-    } 
+	return;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PositionX.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "PositionX : " << PositionX.at(i) << endl;
-    }                   
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PositionY.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "PositionY : " << PositionY.at(i) << endl;
-    }  
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < PositionZ.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "PositionZ : " << PositionZ.at(i) << endl;
-    }  
+double TCATSPhysics::AnalyseX(int ff)
+  double CalculatedStripX=0;  
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ReconstructionMethodX.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "ReconstructionMethodX : " << ReconstructionMethodX.at(i) << endl;
-    } 
+  ReconstructionMethodX[ff] = ChooseReconstruction(ff,"X");
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ReconstructionMethodY.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "ReconstructionMethodY : " << ReconstructionMethodY.at(i) << endl;
-    } 
-  /*
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < FailedReconstructionX.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "FailedReconstructionX : " << FailedReconstructionX.at(i) << endl;
-    } 
-  */
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < FailedReconstructionY.size() ; i++)
-    {
-      cout << "FailedReconstructionY : " << FailedReconstructionY.at(i) << endl;
-    } 
+  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == SECHS)CalculatedStripX = HyperbolicSequentMethodX();
+  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == GAUSS)CalculatedStripX = GaussianMethodX();
+  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric3MethodX(); 
+  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric4MethodX(); 
+  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR5) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric5MethodX(); 
+  return(CalculatedStripX);
-void TCATSPhysics::ReadPedestal(string PedestalPath)
+double TCATSPhysics::AnalyseY(int ff)
-  int NumberOfStrips = 28   ; 
-  vector<double> line 	; 
-  line.resize(NumberOfStrips, 0);
-  Pedestal_X.resize(NumberOfCATS, line);
-  Pedestal_Y.resize(NumberOfCATS, line);
-  Threshold_X.resize(NumberOfCATS, line);
-  Threshold_Y.resize(NumberOfCATS, line);
-  string DataBuffer, XY;
-  int StripNumber = 0;
-  ifstream Pedestal_File;
-  Pedestal_File.open(PedestalPath.c_str());
-  if( Pedestal_File.is_open() ) 
-    cout << " Calibration File " << PedestalPath << " loading " << endl;
-  else {
-    cout << " Error, no calibration file" << PedestalPath << " found" << endl; 
-    return;
-  }
-  while( !Pedestal_File.eof() ) {
+  double CalculatedStripY=0;
-    Pedestal_File >> DataBuffer ;
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < NumberOfCATS ; i++)
-      {
-	std::ostringstream DetectorNumber ;
-	DetectorNumber << i+1;   
+  ReconstructionMethodY[ff] = ChooseReconstruction(ff,"Y");
-	if(DataBuffer == "CATS"+DetectorNumber.str()+"_X")	
-	  { 
-	    for( int k = 0 ; k < NumberOfStrips ; k++ )
-	      {
-		Pedestal_File >> StripNumber; 	
-		Pedestal_File >> DataBuffer;	Pedestal_X[i][k] = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == SECHS)CalculatedStripY = HyperbolicSequentMethodY();
+  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == GAUSS)CalculatedStripY = GaussianMethodY();
+  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric3MethodY(); 
+  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric4MethodY(); 
+  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR5) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric5MethodY(); 
+  return(CalculatedStripY);
-		// definition du seuil : piedestal + 3 * sigma(piedestal)
-		Pedestal_File >> DataBuffer;  	Threshold_X[i][k] = Pedestal_X[i][k]+3*atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;   
-	      }						    
-	  }
-	else if(DataBuffer == "CATS"+DetectorNumber.str()+"_Y")
-	  {
-	    for( int k = 0 ; k < NumberOfStrips ; k++ )
-	      {
-		Pedestal_File >> StripNumber; 	  
-		Pedestal_File >> DataBuffer;	Pedestal_Y[i][k] = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;
+reconstruction TCATSPhysics::ChooseReconstruction(int ff, TString type)
+	reconstruction method = NO;
+	if(ff==0){
+		if(type=="X"){method = m_method_CATS1X;}
+		else if(type=="Y"){method = m_method_CATS1Y;}
+	}
-		// definition du seuil : piedestal + 3 * sigma(piedestal)
-		Pedestal_File >> DataBuffer;	Threshold_Y[i][k] = Pedestal_Y[i][k]+3*atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) ;  // definition du seuil 
+	if(ff==1){
+		if(type=="X"){method = m_method_CATS2X;}
+		else if(type=="Y"){method = m_method_CATS2Y;}
+	}
-	      }						    
-	  }
-      }
-  }
+  return(method);
+reconstruction TCATSPhysics::StringToEnum(string type)
+	reconstruction method = NO;
+	if(type=="GAUSS"){method = GAUSS;}
+	if(type=="SECHS"){method = SECHS;}
+	if(type=="BAR3"){method = BAR3;}
+	if(type=="BAR4"){method = BAR4;}
+	if(type=="BAR5"){method = BAR5;}
+	return(method);
-void TCATSPhysics::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
+double  TCATSPhysics::CalculatePositionX(double CalculatedStripX, correction method)
-  /*
-    int 	        HitX 	       = 0 	;
-    int 	        HitY 	       = 0 	;
-  */    
-  //cout << "CATS Build... " << endl;
+  double positionX=-1000;
+  int IStripX = 0;
-  gRandom->SetSeed(0);
+	if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == GAUSS){positionX = CalculatedStripX;}   // already in mm -> see gaussian method
-  //EventData->Dump();
-  double CalculatedStripX, CalculatedStripY ;
-  double posX =0 , posY = 0;
+	else{
+		IStripX = (int) CalculatedStripX ;   
-  //	How many CATS?
-  int NumberOfCATSHit = 0 ;
-  int DetectorID = -1;
+		// Decimal Part
+		double DStripX = CalculatedStripX-IStripX ;
-  for( unsigned short i = 0 ; i < EventData->GetCATSMultX() ; i++ )
-    { 
-      //  if( NumberOfCATSHit < EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) ) NumberOfCATSHit = EventData->GetCATSDetX(i)	;   //determination of the number of CATS detectors
-      if( EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) != DetectorID)  {
-	NumberOfCATSHit++;
-      }
-      if(NumberOfCATSHit == 2) break;	
-    }
+		if( DStripX > 0.5) {IStripX++; DStripX = DStripX-1 ;}     else {DStripX = DStripX;} 
+		// Calculate Geometrical Position 
+		if(IStripX > 0 &&  IStripX < 29){
+			if(ff==0){    //CATS1
+				// Warning : DStrip sign has to be determined carefully depending on the X direction
+				positionX = (DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0] ;  //init avec le moins
+				if(method == NOcor) positionX = positionX;
+				else if(method == cor){
+					if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) positionX = CorrectedPositionX3(positionX, 0.60);
+					if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) positionX = CorrectedPositionX4(positionX, 0.77);
+				}
+			}
+			else if(ff==1){    //CATS2
+				// Warning : DStrip sign has to be determined carefully depending on the X direction
+				positionX = -(DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0] ;   
+				if(method == NOcor) positionX = positionX;
+				else if(method == cor){
+					if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) positionX = CorrectedPositionX3(positionX, 0.30);            
+					if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) positionX = CorrectedPositionX4(positionX, 0.67);
+				}
+			}
+			else  cout << "only 2CATS!! ff = " << ff << endl;
+		}	
-  // cout << "Nombre de CATS: " << NumberOfCATSHit << endl;
+		else {positionX = -1000;} 
+	}
+	if(ff==0 && CalculatedStripX != -1000){
+		if(m_correction_CATS1X == "Correction3Points"){
+			positionX = Corrected3PointsX(positionX,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1X);
+		}
+		if(m_correction_CATS1X == "Correction4Points"){
+			positionX = Corrected4PointsX(positionX,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1X);
+		}
+	}
+	if(ff==1 && CalculatedStripX != -1000){
+		if(m_correction_CATS2X == "Correction3Points"){
+			positionX = Corrected3PointsX(positionX,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2X);
+		}
+		if(m_correction_CATS2X == "Correction4Points"){
+			positionX = Corrected4PointsX(positionX,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2X);
+		}
+	}
+  return positionX;
-  for(int ff1 = 0 ; ff1 < NumberOfCATSHit ; ff1++ )
-    {
-      MultOverThreshX.push_back(-1); 
-      StripMaxX.push_back(-1); 
-      ChargeSumX.push_back(-1); 
-      ReconstructionMethodX.push_back(NO);
-      MultOverThreshY.push_back(-1); 
-      StripMaxY.push_back(-1); 
-      //   StripMaxY_test.push_back(-1); 
-      ChargeSumY.push_back(-1);
-      ReconstructionMethodY.push_back(NO);
-      //      FailedReconstructionX.push_back(NO); 
-      FailedReconstructionY.push_back(NO);
-    }
-  //  cout << "Init OK" << endl;
+double  TCATSPhysics::CalculatePositionY(double CalculatedStripY, correction method)
+  double positionY = -1000;
+	if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == GAUSS){positionY = CalculatedStripY;}  // already in mm -> see gaussian method
-  for(int gg = 0 ; gg < NumberOfCATSHit ; gg++ )
-    { 
-      //int    ff = NumberOfCATSHit - gg -1 ;
-      ff = gg ;
+	else{     
+		//  Integer part
+		int IStripY = (int) CalculatedStripY ; 
-      CalculatedStripX = AnalyseX(ff, NumberOfCATSHit);        //     cout << "Analyse X = " << CalculatedStripX << endl; 
-      CalculatedStripY = AnalyseY(ff, NumberOfCATSHit);        //    cout << "Analyse Y = " << CalculatedStripY << endl;
-      posX = CalculatePositionX(CalculatedStripX, cor);   // cout << "Position X = " << posX << endl;
-      posY = CalculatePositionY(CalculatedStripY, cor);   // cout << "Position Y = " << posY << endl;
-      DetNumberX_Position.push_back(ff+1);
-      DetNumberY_Position.push_back(ff+1);
-      DetNumberZ_Position.push_back(ff+1);
+		// Decimal Part
+		double DStripY = CalculatedStripY-IStripY ;
-      PositionX.push_back(posX) ;                  
-      PositionY.push_back(posY) ;                  
-      PositionZ.push_back(StripPositionZ[ff]) ;
-    }
-  if(NumberOfCATSHit>1)
-    { 
-      /*
-	cout << "PositionX[0]= " <<PositionX[0] << " PositionX[1] = " << PositionX[1] << " PositionX[0]-PositionX[1]= " << PositionX[0]-PositionX[1] << endl;
-	cout << "PositionY[0]= " <<PositionY[0] << " PositionY[1] = " << PositionY[1] << " PositionY[0]-PositionY[1]= " << PositionY[0]-PositionY[1] << endl;
-	cout << "PositionZ[0] = "<< PositionZ[0] << " PositionZ[1] = "<< PositionZ[1] << endl;
-      */
-      if(PositionX[0] > -35 && PositionX[0] < 35 && PositionY[0] > -35 && PositionY[0] < 35 && PositionX[1] > -35 && PositionX[1] < 35 && PositionY[1] > -35 && PositionY[1] < 35 ) 
-      //      if(PositionX[0] != -1000 && PositionY[0] != -1000 && PositionX[1] != -1000 && PositionY[1] != -1000) 
-	{
-	  BeamDirection = TVector3 (PositionX[1]-PositionX[0] ,
-				    PositionY[1]-PositionY[0] ,
-				    PositionZ[1]-PositionZ[0] );
-	  //	BeamDirection.Unit(); Adrien
-	  double l = sqrt((PositionZ[0]-PositionZ[1])*(PositionZ[0]-PositionZ[1]));
-	  double L = - PositionZ[1];
-	  double t = (l+L) / l;
+		if(DStripY > 0.5) {IStripY++; DStripY = DStripY-1;}
+		else {DStripY = DStripY; } 
+		// Calculate Geometrical Position 
+		if(IStripY > 0  && IStripY < 29 ){
+			positionY = (DStripY)*2.54 + StripPositionY[ff][0][IStripY-1] ;  // conversion en mm initiale
+			if(ff ==0){
+				if(method == NOcor) positionY = positionY;
+				else if(method == cor) {
+					if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) positionY = CorrectedPositionY3(positionY, 0.6);
+					if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) positionY = CorrectedPositionY4(positionY, 0.75);
+				}
+			}
- 	  PositionOnTargetX = PositionX[0] + (PositionX[1] - PositionX[0]) * t ;
-  	  PositionOnTargetY = PositionY[0] + (PositionY[1] - PositionY[0]) * t ;
+			else if(ff ==1){
+				if(method == NOcor) positionY = positionY;
+				else if(method == cor){
+					if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) positionY = CorrectedPositionY3(positionY, 0.45);
+					if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) positionY = CorrectedPositionY4(positionY, 0.7);
+				}
+			}
-	  //Reconstruction in S1 plane
-	  /*
-	  PositionOnTargetX = PositionX[0] + (PositionX[1] - PositionX[0]) * (l+403.8)/l ;
-	  PositionOnTargetY = PositionY[0] + (PositionY[1] - PositionY[0]) * (l+403.8)/l ;
-	  */
-	  //cout  <<  PositionOnTargetX << " " <<  PositionOnTargetY << endl;
-	  BeamDirection.Unit();
+			else cout << "only 2CATS!! ff = " << ff << endl;
+		}
+		else  {positionY = -1000;} 
-      else
-	{
-	  //cout << "One of the CATS position was not reconstructed ! Impossible to reconstruct position on target ..." << endl;
-	  //cout << "PositionX[0] = " <<  PositionX[0] << "   PositionY[0] = " << PositionY[0] << "   PositionX[1] = " << PositionX[1] <<  "   PositionY[1] = " << PositionY[1] << endl;
-	  BeamDirection = TVector3 ( 	1 ,
-					0 ,
-					0 );
-	  PositionOnTargetX = 3000	;
-	  PositionOnTargetY = 3000	;
+	if(ff==0 && CalculatedStripY != -1000){
+		if(m_correction_CATS1Y == "Correction3Points"){
+			positionY = Corrected3PointsY(positionY,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1Y);
+		}
+		if(m_correction_CATS1Y == "Correction4Points"){
+			positionY = Corrected4PointsY(positionY,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1Y);
+		}
-    }
-  else if(NumberOfCATSHit ==1)
-    {
-      cout << NumberOfCATSHit << endl;
-      BeamDirection = TVector3 ( 	1 ,
-					0 ,
-					0 );
-      PositionOnTargetX = 5000	;
-      PositionOnTargetY = 5000	;
-    }
-  //  cout << "CATS fine ! " << endl;
-  return;
-double TCATSPhysics::AnalyseX(int ff,
-			      int NumberOfCATSHit)
-  // cout << "AnalyseX proccessing ..." << endl;
-  // double	Chargex[28];
-  for(unsigned short z=0; z<28; z++) {
-    Chargex[z] = -1;
-  }
-  //  int HitX = 0;
-  double ChargeSum_X = 0 ;
-  double ChargeX_Buffer = 0;
-  double CalculatedStripX=0;
-  for(UShort_t i =0; i<EventData->GetCATSMultX(); i++)
-    {
-      // cout <<  EventData->GetCATSDetX(i)<< endl;  
-      //cout <<  EventData->GetCATSStripX(i)<< endl;  
-      // cout << "ff+1 = " << ff+1 << endl;
-      if( EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) == ff+1 )
-	{
-	  int NX = EventData->GetCATSDetX(i);   
-	  int StrX = EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) ;   // cout << NX << " " << StrX << endl ;
-	  if(NX > 2 || StrX > 28)	cout << NX << " " << StrX << endl ;
-	  double Q = EventData->GetCATSChargeX(i) + gRandom->Rndm() - Pedestal_X[NX-1][StrX-1] ;
-	  ChargeX_Buffer = CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration("CATS/D"+itoa(NX)+"_X"+itoa(StrX)+"_Q",Q);
-	  if(EventData->GetCATSChargeX(i) > Threshold_X[NX-1][StrX-1] && NX <= NumberOfCATSHit  && StrX < 28)
-	    {  
-	      //  cout <<  Threshold_X[NX-1][StrX-1] << endl;
-	      if	(StrX == 15 && NX == 1) 	StrX = 16	;
-	      else if (StrX == 16 && NX == 1) 		StrX = 15 	;
-	      MultOverThreshX[ff]++;
-	      ChargeSum_X += ChargeX_Buffer;    
-	      //ChargeSum += ChargeX_Buffer;
-	      ChargeX.push_back( ChargeX_Buffer );    // cout << "ChargeX_Buffer = " << ChargeX_Buffer << endl;
-	      Chargex[StrX-1] = ChargeX_Buffer ;     //cout <<" Chargex[" << StrX-1 << "] " << Chargex[StrX-1] << endl;
-	      StripX.push_back(StrX);
-	      DetNumberX.push_back(NX) ;
-	      HitX++;
-	      if ( ChargeX[HitX-1] > Chargex[ StripMaxX[ff] -1 ] ) StripMaxX[ff] = StrX ;      
-	      //cout << "X " << ff+1 << " " << StrX << " " << StripMaxX[ff] << " " << HitX-1 << " " << ChargeX[HitX-1] << " " << StripMaxX[ff]-1 << " " << Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1] << endl;
-	      //   cout << "X " << ff+1 << " " << StrX << " " << StripMaxX[ff] << " " << HitX-1 << " " << ChargeX_Buffer << " " << StripMaxX[ff]-1 << " " << Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1] << endl;
-	    }
-	}
-      ChargeSumX[ff] = ChargeSum_X;
-    }
-  //cout << "Charge x = " << Chargex << " StripMaxX = " << StripMaxX[ff] << endl;
-  ReconstructionMethodX[ff] = ChooseReconstruction("X");
-  //if (ff==1) cout << "StripMaxX = " << StripMaxX[ff] << endl;
-  //cout << ReconstructionMethodX[ff] << endl;
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == SECHS)CalculatedStripX = HyperbolicSequentMethodX();
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == GAUSS)CalculatedStripX = GaussianMethodX();
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric3MethodX(); 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric4MethodX(); 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR5) CalculatedStripX = Barycentric5MethodX(); // Chargex, StripMaxX[ff] );
-  if(CalculatedStripX < 35 && CalculatedStripX > -35)    { } //FailedReconstructionX[ff] = NO ; }
-  //  else                                                   { FailedReconstructionX[ff] = ReconstructionMethodX[ff] ; } // cout << CalculatedStripX << endl;}
-  //cout << "in AnalyseX : " << CalculatedStripX << endl;
-  // else cout << "Error in the choice of the method!" << endl;
-  //  cout << "AnalyseX done!" << endl ;
-  return(CalculatedStripX);
-double TCATSPhysics::AnalyseY(int ff,
-			      int NumberOfCATSHit)
-  //  cout << "AnalyseY proccessing ..." << endl;
-  //  double	Chargey[28];
-  for(unsigned short z=0; z<28; z++) {
-    Chargey[z] = -1;
-    //    Chargey_test[z] = -1;
-  }
-  // int HitY = 0;
-  double ChargeSum_Y = 0 ;
-  double ChargeY_Buffer = 0;
-  double CalculatedStripY=0;
-  for(UShort_t i =0; i<EventData->GetCATSMultY(); i++)
-    {
-      if( EventData->GetCATSDetY(i) == ff+1 )
-	{ 
-	  int NY	 = EventData	->	GetCATSDetY(i);
-	  int StrY = EventData	->	GetCATSStripY(i) ;//	cout << NY << endl ; //" " << StrY << endl ;
-	  if(NY > 2 || StrY > 32)	cout << NY << " " << StrY << endl ;
-	  if(StrY < 28)
-	    {	
-	      double Q = EventData->GetCATSChargeY(i) + gRandom->Rndm() - Pedestal_Y[NY-1][StrY-1];
-	      ChargeY_Buffer = CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration("CATS/D"+itoa(NY)+"_Y"+itoa(StrY)+"_Q",Q);
-	    }
-	  else {ChargeY_Buffer = 0 ;}
-	  if(EventData->GetCATSChargeY(i) > Threshold_Y[NY-1][StrY-1] && NY <= NumberOfCATSHit  && StrY < 28)
-	    {
-	      //   cout <<  Threshold_Y[NY-1][StrY-1] << endl;
-	      if	(StrY == 15 && NY == 1) 	StrY = 16	;
-	      else if (StrY == 16 && NY == 1) 		StrY = 15 	;
-	      //else if (StrY == 4 && NY == 2) 		StrY = 14 	;
-	      //else if (StrY == 14 && NY == 2) 	StrY = 4 	;
-	      MultOverThreshY[ff]++;
-	      //ChargeSum += ChargeY_Buffer;
-	      ChargeSum_Y += ChargeY_Buffer;
-	      // Normal treatment
-	      /*
-	      ChargeY.push_back( ChargeY_Buffer );   //   cout << "ChargeY_Buffer = " << ChargeY_Buffer << endl;
-	      Chargey[StrY-1] = ChargeY_Buffer ;   // cout <<" Chargey[" << StrY-1 << "] " << Chargey[StrY-1] << endl;
-	      */
-	      //Specific treatment for e530 experiment ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	      // pist15 of cats2 not working...
-	      if(ff ==1 && StrY ==15) 
-		{
-		  ChargeY.push_back( -1 );   
-		  Chargey[StrY-1] = -1 ;   
+	if(ff==1 && CalculatedStripY != -1000){
+		if(m_correction_CATS2Y == "Correction3Points"){
+			positionY = Corrected3PointsY(positionY,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2Y);
+		}
+		if(m_correction_CATS2Y == "Correction4Points"){
+			positionY = Corrected4PointsY(positionY,m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2Y);
-	      else{
-		ChargeY.push_back( ChargeY_Buffer );   //   cout << "ChargeY_Buffer = " << ChargeY_Buffer << endl;
-		Chargey[StrY-1] = ChargeY_Buffer ;   // cout <<" Chargey[" << StrY-1 << "] " << Chargey[StrY-1] << endl;
-	      }
-	      ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	      StripY.push_back(StrY);
-	      DetNumberY.push_back(NY) ;
-	      HitY++;
-	      if (ChargeY[HitY-1] > Chargey[ StripMaxY[ff] -1  ]) StripMaxY[ff] = StrY;  // stripmax si pas de piste supprimee
-	      //cout << "Y " << ff+1 << " " << StrY << " " << StripMaxY[ff] << " " << HitY-1 << " " << ChargeY[HitY-1] << " " << StripMaxY[ff]-1 << " " << Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1] << endl;
-	      //cout << "Y " << ff+1 << " " << StrY << " " << StripMaxY[ff] << " " << HitY-1 << " " << ChargeY_Buffer << " " << StripMaxY[ff]-1 << " " << Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1] << endl;
-	    }
-	}
-      //ChargeSumY[ff] = ChargeSum;
-      ChargeSumY[ff] = ChargeSum_Y;
-    }
-  //  cout << "Charge y = " << Chargey << " StripMaxY = " << StripMaxY[ff]  << endl;
-  ReconstructionMethodY[ff] = ChooseReconstruction("Y");
-  //if (ff==1) cout << "StripMaxY = " << StripMaxY[ff] << endl;
-  //  cout << ReconstructionMethodY[ff] << endl;
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == SECHS)CalculatedStripY = HyperbolicSequentMethodY(); 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == GAUSS)CalculatedStripY = GaussianMethodY() ; 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric3MethodY(); 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric4MethodY(); 
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR5) CalculatedStripY = Barycentric5MethodY(); // Chargey, StripMaxY[ff] );
-  if(CalculatedStripY < 35 && CalculatedStripY > -35)  { FailedReconstructionY[ff] = NO ; }
-  else                                                   FailedReconstructionY[ff] = ReconstructionMethodY[ff] ;
-  // else cout << "Error in the choice of the method!" << endl;
-  //  cout << "AnalyseY done!" << endl;
-  return(CalculatedStripY);
-reconstruction TCATSPhysics::ChooseReconstruction(TString type)
-  reconstruction method = NO;
-  if(ff ==0) { method = SECHS; }  //cout << "sechs" << endl; }
-  else { 
-    if(type == "Y")  {
-	method = GAUSS;
-    } 
-    else if(type == "X") { 
-      method = GAUSS;
-    }
-  }
-  return(method);
-double  TCATSPhysics::CalculatePositionX( double                              CalculatedStripX, 
-					  correction                          method)
-  double positionX=-1000;
-  int IStripX = 0;
-  if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == GAUSS) positionX = CalculatedStripX;   // already in mm -> see gaussian method
-  else
-    {
-      // cout << "CalculatedStripX = " << CalculatedStripX  << endl;
-      //  Integer part
-      IStripX = (int) CalculatedStripX ;   
-      // Decimal Part
-      double DStripX = CalculatedStripX-IStripX ; // cout << "DStripX = " << DStripX  << endl;
-      if( DStripX > 0.5) {IStripX++; DStripX = DStripX-1 ;}     else {DStripX = DStripX;} 
-      // Calculate Geometrical Position 
-      if( IStripX > 0 &&  IStripX < 29 ) {
-	//if( IStripX>0 && IStripY>0 && StripMaxX[ff] > 0 && StripMaxY[ff] > 0 &&  StripMaxX[ff] < 29  && StripMaxY[ff] < 29 )
-	// positionX = (DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0] ;  // conversion en mm initiale
-	if(ff==0)    //CATS1
-	  {
-	    // Warning : DStrip sign has to be determined carefully depending on the X direction
-	    positionX = (DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0] ;  //init avec le moins
-	    //	positionX =  2.54 * (15-CalculatedStripX) - 1.27 ;
-	    //cout << "ecartX1 = " << positionX - (-(DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0]) << endl;
-	    if(method == NOcor) positionX = positionX;
-	    else if(method == cor){
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) positionX = CorrectedPositionX3(positionX, 0.6);
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) positionX = CorrectedPositionX4(positionX, 0.77);
-	    }
-	  }
-	else if(ff==1)    //CATS2
-	  {
-	    // Warning : DStrip sign has to be determined carefully depending on the X direction
-	    positionX = -(DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0] ;   
-	    //	positionX =  2.54 * (CalculatedStripX-15) + 1.27 ;
-	    //cout << "ecartX2 = " << positionX - ((DStripX)*2.54 + StripPositionX[ff][IStripX-1][0]) << endl;
-	    if(method == NOcor) positionX = positionX;
-	    else if(method == cor){
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR3) positionX = CorrectedPositionX3(positionX, 0.53);            
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodX[ff] == BAR4) positionX = CorrectedPositionX4(positionX, 0.67);
-	    }
-	  }
-	else  cout << "only 2CATS!! ff = " << ff << endl;
-      }
-      else { positionX = -1000; } //  cout << CalculatedStripX << " " << IStripX << " " << ff << endl; }
-      // cout << "positionX " << positionX << "   ff " << ff << "  IStripX " << IStripX <<endl;
-    }
-  return(positionX);
-double  TCATSPhysics::CalculatePositionY( //int                                 StripMaxY,
-					  double                              CalculatedStripY, 
-					  // int                                 ff, 
-					  correction                          method)
-  double positionY = -1000;
-  if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == GAUSS) positionY = CalculatedStripY;  // already in mm -> see gaussian method
-  else
-    {
-      //  Integer part
-      int IStripY = (int) CalculatedStripY ; 
-      // Decimal Part
-      double DStripY = CalculatedStripY-IStripY ;
-      if( DStripY > 0.5) {IStripY++; DStripY = DStripY-1 ; }   else {DStripY = DStripY; } 
-      // Calculate Geometrical Position 
-      if(IStripY > 0  && IStripY < 29 ) 
-	//  if(IStripX>0 && IStripY>0 && StripMaxX[ff] > 0 && StripMaxY[ff] > 0 &&  StripMaxX[ff] < 29  && StripMaxY[ff] < 29 )
-	{	
-	  positionY = (DStripY)*2.54 + StripPositionY[ff][0][IStripY-1] ;  // conversion en mm initiale
-	  /*  if(ff== 1) {
-	      cout << CalculatedStripY << endl;
-	      cout << positionY << endl;
-	      cout << StripPositionY[ff][0][IStripY-1] << endl;
-	      }*/
-	  //positionY = 2.54 * ( CalculatedStripY-14) - 1.27;
-	  //  cout << "ecartY" << positionY - ((DStripY)*2.54 + StripPositionY[ff][0][IStripY-1]) << endl;
-	  if(ff ==0){
-	    if(method == NOcor) positionY = positionY;
-	    else if(method == cor) {
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) positionY = CorrectedPositionY3(positionY, 0.6);
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) positionY = CorrectedPositionY4(positionY, 0.75);
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else if(ff ==1){
-	    if(method == NOcor) positionY = positionY;
-	    else if(method == cor){
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR3) positionY = CorrectedPositionY3(positionY, 0.57);
-	      if(ReconstructionMethodY[ff] == BAR4) positionY = CorrectedPositionY4(positionY, 0.7);
-	    }
-	  }
-	  else cout << "only 2CATS!! ff = " << ff << endl;
-      else  { positionY = -1000   ;  } // cout << CalculatedStripY << " " << IStripY << " " << ff << endl; }
-      // cout << IStripX << " " << IStripY << endl;
-    }
-  return(positionY);
+  return positionY;
-double TCATSPhysics:: HyperbolicSequentMethodX()
-  double sechs = -1000 ;
-  if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff]<27)
-    {
-      /*
-	cout << "Chargex[" << StripMaxX[ff]-1 << "] = " << Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1-1] << endl;
-	cout << "Chargex[" << StripMaxX[ff]   << "] = " << Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1]   << endl;
-	cout << "Chargex[" << StripMaxX[ff]+1 << "] = " << Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1+1] << endl; 
-      */
-      double vs1 = sqrt( Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1]/Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1+1] ) 	;
-      double vs2 = sqrt( Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1]/Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1-1] ) 	;
-      double vs3 = 0.5*( vs1 + vs2 ) 					;
-      double vs4 = log( vs3 + sqrt(vs3*vs3-1.0) ) 			;
-      double vs5 = (vs1 - vs2)/(2.0*sinh(vs4)) 				;	
-      if(vs5<0) vs5=-vs5 ;
-      double vs6 = 0.5*log( (1.0+vs5)/(1.0-vs5) ) ;
-      if ( Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1+1]>Chargex[StripMaxX[ff]-1-1] )
-	{ sechs = StripMaxX[ff] + vs6/vs4 ;}
-      else
-	{ sechs = StripMaxX[ff] - vs6/vs4 ;}	
-      //   cout << "vs1 = " << vs1 << " vs2 = " << vs2 << " vs3 = " << vs3 << " vs4 = " << vs4 << " vs5 = " << vs5 << " vs6 = " << vs6 << endl;
-    }
-  else { 
-    sechs = -1000; //cout << " StripMaxX[ff] = " << StripMaxX[ff] << " out of range for SECHS !" << endl;  
-  }
-  // cout << "sechs = " << sechs << endl;
-  return sechs ;
-double TCATSPhysics:: HyperbolicSequentMethodY()
-  double sechs = -1000 ;
-  if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff]<27)
-    {
-      /*
-	cout << "Chargey[" << StripMaxY[ff]-1 << "] = " << Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1-1] << endl;
-	cout << "Chargey[" << StripMaxY[ff]   << "] = " << Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1]   << endl;
-	cout << "Chargey[" << StripMaxY[ff]+1 << "] = " << Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1+1] << endl; 
-      */
-      double vs1 = sqrt( Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1]/Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1+1] ) 	;
-      double vs2 = sqrt( Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1]/Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1-1] ) 	;
-      double vs3 = 0.5*( vs1 + vs2 ) 					;
-      double vs4 = log( vs3 + sqrt(vs3*vs3-1.0) ) 			;
-      double vs5 = (vs1 - vs2)/(2.0*sinh(vs4)) 				;	
-      if(vs5<0) vs5=-vs5 ;
-      double vs6 = 0.5*log( (1.0+vs5)/(1.0-vs5) ) ;
-      if ( Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1+1]>Chargey[StripMaxY[ff]-1-1] )
-	{ sechs = StripMaxY[ff] + vs6/vs4 ;}
-      else
-	{ sechs = StripMaxY[ff] - vs6/vs4 ;}	
-      //   cout << "vs1 = " << vs1 << " vs2 = " << vs2 << " vs3 = " << vs3 << " vs4 = " << vs4 << " vs5 = " << vs5 << " vs6 = " << vs6 << endl;
-    }
-  else { 
-    sechs = -1000; //cout << " StripMaxY[ff] = " << StripMaxY[ff] << " out of range for SECHS !" << endl;  
-  }
-  // cout << "sechs = " << sechs << endl;
-  return sechs ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: GaussianMethodX()
-//int StripMax)
-  int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff]- 1;
-  double gauss = -1000;
-  double Q[3];
-  double StripPos[3];
+	int StripMax = StripMaxX[ff];
+	double gauss = -1000;
+	double Q[3];
+	double StripPos[3];
-  for(int j = 0; j<3 ; j++)
-    {
-      Q[j] = 0;
-      StripPos[j] = 0;
-    }
+	for(int j = 0; j<3 ; j++)
+		{
+			Q[j] = 0;
+			StripPos[j] = 0;
+		}
-  // cout << "StripMaxX[ff]= " <<  StripMaxX[ff]<<endl;
-  if(StripMaxX[ff]> 3 && StripMaxX[ff]< 26)
-    {
-      Q[0] = Chargex[StripMax_] ;  
-      StripPos[0] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0];
+	if(StripMaxX[ff]> 3 && StripMaxX[ff]< 26)
+	{
+		Q[0] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-1][ff] ;
+		StripPos[0] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax-1][0];
-      // cout << "Q[0] = " << Q[0] << " StripMaxX[ff]= " << StripMaxX[ff]<< " StripPos[0] =" << StripPos[0] << endl;
-      if(Chargex[StripMax_-1] !=-1)  {
-	//cout << "no pb" << endl;
-	Q[1] = Chargex[StripMax_-1];
-	StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_-1][0];
+		if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-2][ff]!=-1){
+			Q[1] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-2][ff];
+			StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax-2][0];
+		}
-	//	cout << "Q[1] = " << Q[1] << " Strip1 = " << StripMax-1 << " StripPos[1] =" << StripPos[1] << endl;
-      }
-      else {
-	if(Chargex[StripMax_- 2] !=-1) {
-	  //cout << "coconutsX-1! " << endl;
-	  Q[1] = Chargex[StripMax_-2];
-	  StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_ - 2][0];
-	  //  cout << "Q[0] = " << Q[0] << " StripMaxX[ff]= " << StripMaxX[ff]<< " StripPos[0] =" << StripPos[0] << endl;
-	  // cout << "Q[1] = " << Q[1] << " Strip1 = " << StripMaxX[ff]-2 << " StripPos[1] =" << StripPos[1] << endl;
-	}
-	else {
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_- 3] !=-1) {
-	    //cout << "coconutsX-2! " << endl;
-	    Q[1] = Chargex[StripMax_- 3];
-	    StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_ - 3][0];
-	    //  cout << "Q[0] = " << Q[0] << " StripMaxX[ff]= " << StripMaxX[ff]<< " StripPos[0] =" << StripPos[0] << endl;
-	    // cout << "Q[1] = " << Q[1] << " Strip1 = " << StripMaxX[ff]-3 << " StripPos[1] =" << StripPos[1] << endl;
-	  }
-	  //else cout <<"pb avec les charges X1" << endl;
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-3][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[1] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-3][ff];
+				StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax-3][0];
+			}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-4][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[1] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax-4][ff];
+				StripPos[1] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax-4][0];
+			}
+		}	
-      }
-      if(Chargex[StripMax_+1] !=-1)  {
-	//cout << "no pb" << endl;
-	Q[2] = Chargex[StripMax_+1];
-	StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_ + 1][0];
-	//	cout << "Q[2] = " << Q[2] << " Strip2 = " << StripMaxX[ff]+1 << " StripPos[2] =" << StripPos[2] << endl;
-      }
-      else {
-	if(Chargex[StripMax_ +2] !=-1)  {
-	  //cout << "coconutsX+1! " << endl;
-	  Q[2] = Chargex[StripMax_+2];
-	  StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_ + 2][0];
-	  // cout << "Q[0] = " << Q[0] << " StripMaxX[ff]= " << StripMaxX[ff]<< " StripPos[0] =" << StripPos[0] << endl;
-	  // cout << "Q[2] = " << Q[2] << " Strip2 = " << StripMaxX[ff]+2 << " StripPos[2] =" << StripPos[2] << endl;
-	}
-	else {
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_ +3] !=-1) {
-	    //cout << "coconutsX+2! " << endl;
-	    Q[2] = Chargex[StripMax_+3];
-	    StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_ + 3][0];
-	    //  cout << "Q[0] = " << Q[0] << " StripMaxX[ff]= " << StripMaxX[ff]<< " StripPos[0] =" << StripPos[0] << endl;
-	    // cout << "Q[2] = " << Q[2] << " Strip2 = " << StripMaxX[ff]+3 << " StripPos[2] =" << StripPos[2] << endl;
-	  }
-	  //else cout << "pb avec les charges X2" << endl; //Q[1] = 1 ; Strip[1] = 0 ;
+		if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax][ff]!=-1){
+			Q[2] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax][ff];
+			StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax][0];
+		}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax+1][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[2] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax+1][ff];
+				StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax+1][0];
+			}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax+2][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[2] = Buffer_X_Q[StripMax+2][ff];
+				StripPos[2] = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax+2][0];
+			}
+		}
-      }
       double Q0_Q1 = log(Q[0]/Q[1]);
       double Q0_Q2 = log(Q[0]/Q[2]);
       double num   = Q0_Q1 * (StripPos[2]*StripPos[2] - StripPos[0]*StripPos[0]) - Q0_Q2 * (StripPos[1]*StripPos[1] - StripPos[0]*StripPos[0])  ;
       double denom = Q0_Q1 * (StripPos[2] - StripPos[0]) - Q0_Q2 * (StripPos[1] - StripPos[0]) ;
-      gauss = 0.5*num / denom;
+		if(denom != 0){
+			gauss = 0.5*num / denom;
+		}
+		else{gauss = -1000;}
   else {
     gauss = -1000;
-    // cout << "Gaussian method X failed ! " << endl;
   return gauss;
+double TCATSPhysics::Corrected3PointsX(double Position, double c) 
+	double Corrected_Position = 0;
+	int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1;
+	double xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] ;
+	Corrected_Position = (Position - xmax) / c + xmax;
+	return Corrected_Position;
-double TCATSPhysics:: GaussianMethodY()
-//int StripMax)
+double TCATSPhysics::Corrected4PointsX(double Position, double d) 
-  double Q[3];
-  double StripPos[3];
+	double Corrected_Position = 0;
+	double xmax = 0;
+	int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1;
+	if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
+		if(ff==0)     xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] - 1.27;
+		else  xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] + 1.27;
+	}
+	else{
+		if(ff==0)     xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_-1][0] - 1.27;
+		else  xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_-1][0]  + 1.27;
+	}
+	Corrected_Position = (Position - xmax) / d + xmax;
+	return Corrected_Position;
-  double Q0_Q1, Q0_Q2;
-  double num, denom;
+double TCATSPhysics:: GaussianMethodY()
+	double Q[3];
+	double StripPos[3];
+	double Q0_Q1, Q0_Q2;
+	double num, denom;
-  for(int j = 0; j<3 ; j++)
-    {
-      Q[j] = 0;
-      StripPos[j] = 0;
-    }
+	for(int j = 0; j<3 ; j++)
+		{
+			Q[j] = 0;
+			StripPos[j] = 0;
+		}
-  int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] - 1;
+	int StripMax = StripMaxY[ff];
-  double gauss = -1000;
+	double gauss = -1000;
-  if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff]<27)
-    {
-      Q[0] = Chargey[StripMax_] ;
-      StripPos[0] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_];
-      if(Chargey[StripMax_-1] !=-1)  {
-	//cout << "no pb" << endl;
-	Q[1] = Chargey[StripMax_-1];
-	StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_-1];
-      }
-      else {
-	if(Chargey[StripMax_-2] !=-1)  {
-	  //cout << "coconutsY-1! " << endl;
-	  Q[1] = Chargey[StripMax_-2];
-	  StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_ - 2] ;
-	}
-	else {
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_-3] !=-1)  {
-	    //cout << "coconutsY-2! " << endl;
-	    Q[1] = Chargey[StripMax_-3];
-	    StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_ - 3] ;
-	  }
-	  //else cout << "pb avec les charges Y1" << endl; //Q[1] = 1 ; Strip[1] = 0 
-	}
-      }
+	if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff]<27)
+	{
+		Q[0] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-1][ff] ;
+		StripPos[0] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax-1];
-      if(Chargey[StripMax_+1] !=-1)  {
-	//cout << "no pb" << endl;
-	Q[2] = Chargey[StripMax_+1];
-	StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_ + 1];
-      }
-      else {
-	if(Chargey[StripMax_ +2] !=-1)  {
-	  //cout << "coconutsY+1! " << endl;
-	  Q[2] = Chargey[StripMax_+2];
-	  StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_ + 2] ;
-	}
-	else {
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_ +3] !=-1)  {
-	    //cout << "coconutsY+2! " << endl;
-	    Q[2] = Chargey[StripMax_+3];
-	    StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_ + 3] ;
-	  }
-	  //else cout << "pb avec les charges Y2" << endl; //Q[1] = 1 ; Strip[1] = 0 
+		if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-2][ff]!=-1){
+			Q[1] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-2][ff];
+			StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax-2];
+		}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-3][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[1] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-3][ff];
+				StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax-3] ;
+			}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-4][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[1] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax-4][ff];
+				StripPos[1] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax-4] ;
+			}
+		}
-      }
+		if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax][ff]!=-1){
+			Q[2] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax][ff];
+			StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax];
+		}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax+1][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[2] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax+1][ff];
+				StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax+1] ;
+			}
+		else {
+			if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax+2][ff]!=-1){
+				Q[2] = Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax+2][ff];
+				StripPos[2] = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax+2] ;
+			}
+		}
+	}	
-      //else cout << "pb avec les charges Y2" << endl; //Q[1] = 1 ; Strip[1] = 0 
       Q0_Q1 = log(Q[0]/Q[1]);
@@ -1313,72 +1170,105 @@ double TCATSPhysics:: GaussianMethodY()
       num   = Q0_Q1 * (StripPos[2]*StripPos[2] - StripPos[0]*StripPos[0]) - Q0_Q2 * (StripPos[1]*StripPos[1] - StripPos[0]*StripPos[0])  ;
       denom = Q0_Q1 * (StripPos[2] - StripPos[0]) - Q0_Q2 * (StripPos[1] - StripPos[0]) ;
-      gauss = 0.5*num / denom;
+		if(denom != 0){
+			gauss = 0.5*num / denom;
+		}
   else {
     gauss = -1000;
-    //cout << "Gaussian method Y failed ! " << endl;
   return gauss;
+double TCATSPhysics::Corrected3PointsY(double Position, double c) 
+	double Corrected_Position = 0;
+	int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1;
+	double ymax = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_] ;
+	Corrected_Position = (Position - ymax) / c + ymax;
+	return Corrected_Position;
+double TCATSPhysics::Corrected4PointsY(double Position, double d) 
+	double Corrected_Position = 0;
+	double ymax = 0;
+	int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1;
+	if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
+		ymax = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_] + 1.27 ;
+	}
+	else{
+		ymax = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_-1] + 1.27;
+	}
+	Corrected_Position = (Position - ymax) / d + ymax;
+	return Corrected_Position;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric5MethodX() 
   double Barycenter = 0 ;
   if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff] < 27)
-      int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
+      int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1 ; 
       double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
       double ChargeTotal =0;
       for(int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	          // Charge initialized to -1
+	  if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	          
-	      Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Chargex[StripMax_+i] ;
+	      Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
-	      ChargeTotal+=Chargex[StripMax_+i];
+	      ChargeTotal+=Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
       if(ChargeTotal>0) Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
-      else {Barycenter = -1000 ; } // cout << "Yo" << endl ;}
+      else {Barycenter = -1000 ; } 
       Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMaxX[ff] << endl;
   return Barycenter ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric5MethodY() 
   double Barycenter = 0 ;
   if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff] < 27)
-      int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
+      int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; 
       double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
       double ChargeTotal =0;
       for(int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	          // Charge initialized to -1
+	  if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	          
-	      Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Chargey[StripMax_+i] ;
+	      Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
-	      ChargeTotal+=Chargey[StripMax_+i];
+	      ChargeTotal+=Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
@@ -1389,211 +1279,281 @@ double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric5MethodY()
       Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMaxY[ff] << endl;
   return Barycenter ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric3MethodX() 
-  double Barycenter = 0 ;
-  if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff] < 27)
+	double Barycenter = 0 ;
+	if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff] < 27)
-      int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
-      double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
-      double ChargeTotal =0;
-      for(int i = -1 ; i < 2 ; i++)
-	{
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	// Charge initialized to -1
-	    { 
-	      Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Chargex[StripMax_+i] ;
-	      NumberOfPoint++;
-	      ChargeTotal+=Chargex[StripMax_+i];
-	    }
-	}
-      if(ChargeTotal>0) Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
-      else {Barycenter = -1000 ;}  // cout << "Yo" << endl ;}
+		int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1; 
+		double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
+		double ChargeTotal =0;
+		for(int i = -1 ; i < 2 ; i++)
+		{
+			if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	// Charge initialized to -1
+			{ 
+				Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+				NumberOfPoint++;
+				ChargeTotal+=Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+			}
+		}
+		if(ChargeTotal>0) Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
+		else {Barycenter = -1000 ;}  // cout << "Yo" << endl ;}
-  else
+	else
-      Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
+		Barycenter = -1000 ;
-  return Barycenter ;
+	return Barycenter ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric3MethodY() 
-  double Barycenter = 0 ;
-  if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff] < 27)
+	double Barycenter = 0 ;
+	if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff] < 27)
-      int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
-      double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
-      double ChargeTotal =0;
-      for(int i = -1 ; i < 2 ; i++)
-	{
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	// Charge initialized to -1
-	    { 
-	      Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Chargey[StripMax_+i] ;
-	      NumberOfPoint++;
-	      ChargeTotal+=Chargey[StripMax_+i];
-	    }
-	}
-      if(ChargeTotal>0) Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
-      else {Barycenter = -1000 ;}  // cout << "Yo" << endl ;}
+		int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
+		double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
+		double ChargeTotal =0;
+		for(int i = -1 ; i < 2 ; i++)
+		{
+			if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	// Charge initialized to -1
+			{ 
+				Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+				NumberOfPoint++;
+				ChargeTotal+=Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+			}
+		}
+		if(ChargeTotal>0) Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
+		else {Barycenter = -1000 ;}  // cout << "Yo" << endl ;}
-  else
+	else
-      Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
+		Barycenter = -1000 ;
+		//        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
-  return Barycenter ;
+	return Barycenter ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric4MethodX()
-  double Barycenter = 0 ;
-  if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff] < 27)     {
-    int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
-    double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
-    double ChargeTotal =0;
-    if(Chargex[StripMax_+1] > Chargex[StripMax_-1]) {
-      //	cout << "Barycentre droit" << endl;
-      for(int i = -1 ; i < 3 ; i++)  
-	{
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_+i]!=-1)   {                            // Charge initialized to -1
-	    Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Chargex[StripMax_+i] ;
-	    NumberOfPoint++;
-	    ChargeTotal+=Chargex[StripMax_+i];
-	  }
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-      //	cout << "Barycentre gauche" << endl;	
-      for(int i = -2 ; i < 2 ; i++)
-	{
-	  if(Chargex[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	{                                 // Charge initialized to -1
-	    Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Chargex[StripMax_+i] ;
-	    NumberOfPoint++;
-	    ChargeTotal+=Chargex[StripMax_+i];
-	  }
+	double Barycenter = 0 ;
+	if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff] < 27)     {
+		int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
+		double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
+		double ChargeTotal =0;
+		if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
+			//	cout << "Barycentre droit" << endl;
+			for(int i = -1 ; i < 3 ; i++)  
+			{
+				if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)   {                            // Charge initialized to -1
+					Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+					NumberOfPoint++;
+					ChargeTotal+=Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			//	cout << "Barycentre gauche" << endl;	
+			for(int i = -2 ; i < 2 ; i++)
+			{
+				if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	{                                 // Charge initialized to -1
+					Barycenter += (StripMaxX[ff]+i)*Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+					NumberOfPoint++;
+					ChargeTotal+=Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(ChargeTotal>0) {
+			Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
+		}
-    }
-    if(ChargeTotal>0) {
-      Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
-    }
-  }
-  else
+	else
-      Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
+		Barycenter = -1000 ;
+		//        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
-  return Barycenter ;
+	return Barycenter ;
 double TCATSPhysics:: Barycentric4MethodY() 
-  double Barycenter = 0 ;
-  if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff] < 27)     {
-    int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
-    double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
-    double ChargeTotal =0;
-    if(Chargey[StripMax_+1] > Chargey[StripMax_-1]) {
-      //	cout << "Barycentre droit" << endl;
-      for(int i = -1 ; i < 3 ; i++)  
-	{
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_+i]!=-1)   {                            // Charge initialized to -1
-	    Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Chargey[StripMax_+i] ;
-	    NumberOfPoint++;
-	    ChargeTotal+=Chargey[StripMax_+i];
-	  }
-	}
-    }
-    else {
-      //	cout << "Barycentre gauche" << endl;	
-      for(int i = -2 ; i < 2 ; i++)
-	{
-	  if(Chargey[StripMax_+i]!=-1)	{                                 // Charge initialized to -1
-	    Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Chargey[StripMax_+i] ;
-	    NumberOfPoint++;
-	    ChargeTotal+=Chargey[StripMax_+i];
-	  }
+	double Barycenter = 0 ;
+	if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff] < 27)     {
+		int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1 ; // Use because numerotation of array start at 0 ;
+		double NumberOfPoint = 0 ;
+		double ChargeTotal =0;
+		if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
+			//	cout << "Barycentre droit" << endl;
+			for(int i = -1 ; i < 3 ; i++)  
+			{
+				if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)   {                            // Charge initialized to -1
+					Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+					NumberOfPoint++;
+					ChargeTotal+=Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			//	cout << "Barycentre gauche" << endl;	
+			for(int i = -2 ; i < 2 ; i++)
+			{
+				if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff]!=-1)	{                                 // Charge initialized to -1
+					Barycenter += (StripMaxY[ff]+i)*Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff] ;
+					NumberOfPoint++;
+					ChargeTotal+=Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+i][ff];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(ChargeTotal>0) {
+			Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
+		}
+	else
+    {
+		Barycenter = -1000 ;
+		//        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
+	return Barycenter ;
-    if(ChargeTotal>0) {
-      Barycenter = Barycenter / ChargeTotal ;
+double TCATSPhysics:: HyperbolicSequentMethodX()
+	double sechs = -1000 ;
+	if(StripMaxX[ff] > 2 && StripMaxX[ff]<27)
+    {		
+		double vs1 = sqrt( Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1][ff]/Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1+1][ff] ) 	;
+		double vs2 = sqrt( Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1][ff]/Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1-1][ff] ) 	;
+		double vs3 = 0.5*( vs1 + vs2 ) 					;
+		double vs4 = log( vs3 + sqrt(vs3*vs3-1.0) ) 			;
+		double vs5 = (vs1 - vs2)/(2.0*sinh(vs4)) 				;	
+		if(vs5<0) vs5=-vs5 ;
+		double vs6 = 0.5*log( (1.0+vs5)/(1.0-vs5) ) ;
+		if ( Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1+1][ff]>Buffer_X_Q[StripMaxX[ff]-1-1][ff] )
+		{ sechs = StripMaxX[ff] + vs6/vs4 ;}
+		else
+		{ sechs = StripMaxX[ff] - vs6/vs4 ;}	
-  }
+	else { 
+		sechs = -1000; 
+	}
+	return sechs ;
-  else
+double TCATSPhysics:: HyperbolicSequentMethodY()
+	double sechs = -1000 ;
+	if(StripMaxY[ff] > 2 && StripMaxY[ff]<27)
-      Barycenter = -1000 ;
-      //        cout << "Strip max " << StripMax << endl;
-    }
-  return Barycenter ;
+		double vs1 = sqrt( Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1][ff]/Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1+1][ff] ) 	;
+		double vs2 = sqrt( Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1][ff]/Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1-1][ff] ) 	;
+		double vs3 = 0.5*( vs1 + vs2 ) 					;
+		double vs4 = log( vs3 + sqrt(vs3*vs3-1.0) ) 			;
+		double vs5 = (vs1 - vs2)/(2.0*sinh(vs4)) 				;	
+		if(vs5<0) vs5=-vs5 ;
+		double vs6 = 0.5*log( (1.0+vs5)/(1.0-vs5) ) ;
+		if ( Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1+1][ff]>Buffer_Y_Q[StripMaxY[ff]-1-1][ff] )
+		{ sechs = StripMaxY[ff] + vs6/vs4 ;}
+		else
+		{ sechs = StripMaxY[ff] - vs6/vs4 ;}	
+	}
+	else { 
+		sechs = -1000; 
+	}
+	return sechs ;
 double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionX3(double Position, double a) 
   double Corrected_Position = 0;
   int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1;
   double xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] ;
-  // cout << "xmax2 " << xmax << endl;
   Corrected_Position = (Position - xmax) / a + xmax;
   return Corrected_Position;
 double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionY3(double Position, double a) 
   double Corrected_Position = 0;
   int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1;
   double xmax = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_];
-  // cout << "xmax2 " << xmax << endl;
   Corrected_Position = (Position - xmax) / a + xmax;
   return Corrected_Position;
 double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionX4(double Position, double b) 
   double Corrected_Position = 0;
   double xmax = 0;
   int StripMax_ = StripMaxX[ff] -1;
-  if(Chargex[StripMax_+1] > Chargex[StripMax_-1]) {
+  if(Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_X_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
     if(ff ==0)     xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] - 1.27;
     else  xmax = StripPositionX[ff][StripMax_][0] + 1.27;
@@ -1608,13 +1568,14 @@ double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionX4(double Position, double b)
   return Corrected_Position;
 double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionY4(double Position, double b) 
   double Corrected_Position = 0;
   double xmax = 0;
   int StripMax_ = StripMaxY[ff] -1;
-  if(Chargey[StripMax_+1] > Chargey[StripMax_-1]) {
+  if(Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_+1][ff] > Buffer_Y_Q[StripMax_-1][ff]) {
     xmax = StripPositionY[ff][0][StripMax_] + 1.27 ;
@@ -1627,156 +1588,85 @@ double TCATSPhysics::CorrectedPositionY4(double Position, double b)
   return Corrected_Position;
-TVector3 TCATSPhysics::GetPositionOnTarget()
-  TVector3 Position = TVector3 (GetPositionOnTargetX() 	,
-				GetPositionOnTargetY() 	,
-				3);  
-  return(Position) ;	
-double TCATSPhysics::GetCATSChargeSumX(int i)
+TVector3 TCATSPhysics::GetBeamDirection()
-  double ChargeSum = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ChargeSumX.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberX.at(i) == 1) ChargeSum = ChargeSumX.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberX.at(i) == 2) ChargeSum = ChargeSumX.at(i);
-    }
-  return(ChargeSum);
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSMultOverThreshX(int i)    
-  int MultOverThresh = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MultOverThreshX.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberX.at(i) == 1)  MultOverThresh =  MultOverThreshX.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberX.at(i) == 2)  MultOverThresh =  MultOverThreshX.at(i);
-    }
-  return MultOverThresh;
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSStripMaxX(int i)
-  int StripMax = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < StripMaxX.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberX.at(i) == 1)  StripMax =  StripMaxX.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberX.at(i) == 2)  StripMax =  StripMaxX.at(i);
-    }
-  return StripMax;
+  TVector3 Position = TVector3 (PositionX[1]-PositionX[0] ,
+				    PositionY[1]-PositionY[0] ,
+				    PositionZ[1]-PositionZ[0] );
+  Position.Unit();
+  return(Position) ;	
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSDetNumberX_Position(int i)
+TVector3 TCATSPhysics::GetPositionOnTarget()
-  int DetNumber_Position = 0;
-  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < DetNumberX_Position.size(); j++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberX.at(j) == 1)  DetNumber_Position =  DetNumberX_Position.at(j);
-      else if(DetNumberX.at(j) == 2)  DetNumber_Position =  DetNumberX_Position.at(j);
-    }
-  return DetNumber_Position;
+	double Pi = 3.14159265;
+	TVector3 Position = TVector3 (GetPositionOnTargetX() 	,
+								  GetPositionOnTargetY() 	,
+								  GetPositionOnTargetX()*tan(m_TargetAngle*Pi/180)); 
+	Position.Unit();
+	return(Position) ;	
-double TCATSPhysics::GetCATSPositionX(int i)
+namespace LOCAL_CATS
-  double Position = 0;
-  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < PositionX.size(); j++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberX_Position.at(j) == i)  { Position =  PositionX.at(j);}
-    }
-  return Position;
+  //	transform an integer to a string
+	string itoa(int value)
+	{
+		std::ostringstream o;
+		if (!(o << value))
+			return ""	;
+		return o.str();
+	}
+	double fCATS_X_Q(const TCATSData* m_EventData , const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) ) + "_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) ) + "_Q",   
+																					m_EventData->GetCATSChargeX(i) + gRandom->Rndm() - fCATS_Ped_X(m_EventData, i) );
+		}
+	double fCATS_Y_Q(const TCATSData* m_EventData , const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyCalibration( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i) ) + "_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i) ) + "_Q",   
+																					m_EventData->GetCATSChargeY(i) + gRandom->Rndm() - fCATS_Ped_Y(m_EventData, i) );
+		}
-double TCATSPhysics::GetCATSChargeSumY(int i)
-  double ChargeSum = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ChargeSumY.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberY.at(i) == 1) ChargeSum = ChargeSumY.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberY.at(i) == 2) ChargeSum = ChargeSumY.at(i);
-    }
+	bool fCATS_Threshold_X(const TCATSData* m_EventData , const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyThreshold( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) ) + "_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) ),
+																									m_EventData->GetCATSChargeX(i));
+		}
-  return(ChargeSum);
+	bool fCATS_Threshold_Y(const TCATSData* m_EventData , const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->ApplyThreshold( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i) ) + "_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i) ),
+																									  m_EventData->GetCATSChargeY(i));
+		}
+	double fCATS_Ped_X(const TCATSData* m_EventData, const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->GetPedestal( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetX(i) ) + "_X" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripX(i) ) );
+		}
+	double fCATS_Ped_Y(const TCATSData* m_EventData, const int i)
+		{
+			return CalibrationManager::getInstance()->GetPedestal( "CATS/D" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSDetY(i) ) + "_Y" + itoa( m_EventData->GetCATSStripY(i) ) );
+		}
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSMultOverThreshY(int i)    
-  int MultOverThresh = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MultOverThreshY.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberY.at(i) == 1)  MultOverThresh =  MultOverThreshY.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberY.at(i) == 2)  MultOverThresh =  MultOverThreshY.at(i);
-    }
-  return MultOverThresh;
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSStripMaxY(int i)
-  int StripMax = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < StripMaxY.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberY.at(i) == 1)  StripMax =  StripMaxY.at(i);
-      else if(DetNumberY.at(i) == 2)  StripMax =  StripMaxY.at(i);
-    }
-  return StripMax;
-int TCATSPhysics::GetCATSDetNumberY_Position(int i)
-  int DetNumber_Position = 0;
-  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < DetNumberY_Position.size(); j++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberY.at(j) == 1)  DetNumber_Position =  DetNumberY_Position.at(j);
-      else if(DetNumberY.at(i) == 2)  DetNumber_Position =  DetNumberY_Position.at(j);
-    }
-  return DetNumber_Position;
-double TCATSPhysics::GetCATSPositionY(int i)
-  double Position = 0;
-  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < PositionY.size(); j++)
-    {
-      if     (DetNumberY_Position.at(j) == i)  { Position =  PositionY.at(j);}
-    }
-  return Position;
-namespace LOCAL_CATS
-  //	tranform an integer to a string
-  string itoa(int value)
-  {
-   char buffer [33];
-   sprintf(buffer,"%d",value);
-   return buffer;
-  }
diff --git a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
index 85ae1bc587d6688638d0b99f638946b6aa4f52aa..3093d666965de8aed3c341235e9076aa96a0914f 100644
--- a/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/CATS/TCATSPhysics.h
@@ -23,32 +23,24 @@
 //   STL
 #include <vector>
 //   ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
 #include "TVector3.h"
+#include <TRandom1.h>
+#include <TRandom2.h>
+#include <TRandom3.h>
 //   NPLib
 #include "TCATSData.h"
 #include "../include/VDetector.h"
 #include "../include/CalibrationManager.h"
+#include "../include/DetectorManager.h"
-using namespace std ;
-/* J'aime pas trop cette partie, je pense que deja ca pourrait etre mieux une variable interne te disant quel methode tu as utiliser
-et d'ailleur d'ecrire cette varaible dans l'arbre de sortie pour une question de tracabilite.
-Ensuite tu peux faire un Set et un Get de cette variable (je preconise un string avec un nom completement lisible... :p ).
-Ensuite dans ton build tu appelle une methode unique, qui elle appellera la methode correcte apres avoir fait les tests...
-Si apres tu veux vraiment ameliorer les performances le mieux est de definir un pointer de fonction que tu appelle a chaque event... 
-mais c'est un peu plus complique,
-voila un liens si jamais ca t'interresse: http://www.newty.de/fpt/intro.html
+#define NBDETECTOR	2
+#define	NBSTRIPS	28
-Ceci dit ce n'est que des points de detail.
+using namespace std ;
 enum reconstruction{NO,SECHS,GAUSS,BAR3,BAR4,BAR5};
-//enum correction{BAR3cor,BAR4cor,NOcor,GAUSScor};
 enum correction{NOcor,cor};
 class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
@@ -57,11 +49,15 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
  public:   //   Constructor and Destructor
- public:   // Output data of interest
-  //for a CATS
-  // marker of the cats used
+ private:   //   Root Input and Output tree classes
+         TCATSData*         m_EventData;//!
+         TCATSData*         m_PreTreatedData;//!
+         TCATSPhysics*      m_EventPhysics;//!
+ public :
+ // marker of the cats used
   int ff ;
   //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
@@ -70,8 +66,6 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
   vector<double>     ChargeX; 
   //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  vector<double>   ChargeSumX;
-  vector<int>      MultOverThreshX;  
   vector<int>      StripMaxX;
@@ -79,28 +73,26 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
   vector<int>        DetNumberY; 
   vector<int>        StripY;
   vector<double>     ChargeY;
-  //  vector<double>   ChargeY_test   ;
-  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  vector<double>    ChargeSumY;  
-  vector<int>       MultOverThreshY;
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS  
   vector<int>       StripMaxY;
-  //    vector<int>       StripMaxY_test;
-  //   Calculate
+  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
   vector<int>       DetNumberX_Position;
   vector<int>       DetNumberY_Position;
   vector<int>       DetNumberZ_Position;
   vector<double>    PositionX;
   vector<double>    PositionY;
   vector<double>    PositionZ;
+	vector<double>	QsumX;
+	vector<double>	QsumY;
   double            PositionOnTargetX;
   double            PositionOnTargetY;
   TVector3      BeamDirection      ;  //!
-  double                Chargex[28];  //!
-  double                Chargey[28];  //!
+  double Buffer_X_Q[NBSTRIPS][NBDETECTOR];//!
+  double Buffer_Y_Q[NBSTRIPS][NBDETECTOR];//!
   int HitX;    //!
   int HitY;    //!
@@ -108,156 +100,136 @@ class TCATSPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector
   vector<reconstruction>   ReconstructionMethodX;
   vector<reconstruction>   ReconstructionMethodY;
-  // vector<reconstruction>       FailedReconstructionX;
-  vector<reconstruction> FailedReconstructionY;
- private:   //   Root Input and Output tree classes
-  TCATSData*      EventData;//!
-  TCATSPhysics*   EventPhysics;//!
- public:      //   Innherited from VDetector Class
-   //   Read stream at ConfigFile to pick-up parameters of detector (Position,...) using Token
-   void ReadConfiguration(string);
-   //   Add Parameter to the CalibrationManger
-   void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();      
-   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
-   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
-   void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
-   //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
-   //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
-   void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
-   //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
-   void InitializeRootOutput() ;
-   //   This method is called at each event read from the Input Tree. Aim is to build treat Raw dat in order to extract physical parameter. 
-   void BuildPhysicalEvent();
-   //   Same as above, but only the simplest event and/or simple method are used (low multiplicity, faster algorythm but less efficient ...).
-   //   This method aimed to be used for analysis performed during experiment, when speed is requiered.
-   //   NB: This method can eventually be the same as BuildPhysicalEvent.
-   void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
+		 private :
+        vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionX;//!
+        vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionY;//!
+        vector<double>                       StripPositionZ;//!  
+        int m_NumberOfCATS;
+		double m_TargetAngle;
+		double m_TargetThickness;
+		double m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1X;//!
+		double m_CorrectionCoef_CATS1Y;//!
+		double m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2X;//!
+		double m_CorrectionCoef_CATS2Y;//!
+		string m_correction_CATS1X;//!
+		string m_correction_CATS1Y;//!
+		string m_correction_CATS2X;//!
+		string m_correction_CATS2Y;//!
+		string m_reconstruction_CATS1X;//!
+		string m_reconstruction_CATS1Y;//!
+		string m_reconstruction_CATS2X;//!
+		string m_reconstruction_CATS2Y;//!
+		reconstruction m_method_CATS1X;//!
+		reconstruction m_method_CATS1Y;//!
+		reconstruction m_method_CATS2X;//!
+		reconstruction m_method_CATS2Y;//!
+ private : 
+       //   Map of activated channel
+       map< int, vector<bool> > m_XChannelStatus;//!
+       map< int, vector<bool> > m_YChannelStatus;//! 
+       //   Map of inverted channel
+       map< int, vector<int> > m_CATSXInversion;//!
+       map< int, vector<int> > m_CATSYInversion;//! 
-   // Same as above but for online analysis
-   void BuildOnlinePhysicalEvent()  {BuildPhysicalEvent();};
-   //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
-   void ClearEventPhysics() {Clear();}      
-   void ClearEventData()    {EventData->Clear();}      
-   // Give and external TMustData object to TMust2Physics. Needed for online analysis for example.
-   void SetRawDataPointer(TCATSData* rawDataPointer) {EventData = rawDataPointer;}
- private :
+ public:   // Output data of interest
+      //   for a CATS
+	void SetTargetAngle(double m_TargetAngle) {m_TargetAngle = m_TargetAngle;}
+	void SetTargetThickness(double m_TargetThickness) {m_TargetThickness = m_TargetThickness;}
-  // redundant information : could be optimized in the future
-  vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionX;//!
-  vector< vector< vector<double> > >   StripPositionY;//!
-  vector<double>                       StripPositionZ;//!  
-  int NumberOfCATS;//!   
+      //   Remove bad channel, calibrate the data and apply threshold
+      void PreTreat();
-  vector< vector <double> >   Pedestal_X;//!
-  vector< vector <double> >   Pedestal_Y;//!
-  vector< vector <double> >   Threshold_X;//!     
-  vector< vector <double> >   Threshold_Y;//!
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorData address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (fDetector_parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInputRaw() ;
+      //   Activated associated Branches and link it to the private member DetectorPhysics address
+      //   In this method mother Branches (Detector) AND daughter leaf (parameter) have to be activated
+      void InitializeRootInputPhysics() ;
+      //   Create associated branches and associated private member DetectorPhysics address
+      void InitializeRootOutput() ;
+      //   Clear The PreTeated object
+      void ClearPreTreatedData()   {m_PreTreatedData->Clear();}
- public :   //   Specific to CATS
+      void BuildPhysicalEvent();
-  void   Clear();
-  void  Clear(const Option_t*) {};
-  void   Dump() const;
-  void AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y28, TVector3 C_X28_Y28);
+      void BuildSimplePhysicalEvent();
-  void ReadPedestal(string PedestalPath);
+      //   Those two method all to clear the Event Physics or Data
+      void ClearEventPhysics() {Clear();}      
+      void ClearEventData()    {m_EventData->Clear();}    
-  double AnalyseX(int ff,int NumberOfDetector);
+      void  Clear();
+      void  Clear(const Option_t*) {};  
+	  // Give and external TCATSData object to TCATSPhysics, needed for online analysis
+	  void SetRawDataPointer(TCATSData* rawDataPointer) {m_EventData = rawDataPointer;}
-  double AnalyseY(int ff,int NumberOfDetector);
+      //   Return false if the channel is disabled by user
+      bool IsValidChannel(const string DetectorType, const int Detector , const int channel);
-  double CalculatePositionX( double CalculatedStripX, correction method);
+      void InitializeStandardParameter();
-  double CalculatePositionY( double CalculatedStripY, correction method);
+      void AddParameterToCalibrationManager();
+      void ReadAnalysisConfig();
-  reconstruction ChooseReconstruction(TString type);
+      void ReadConfiguration(string);
-  //   Calculate Strip touch using an array of Charge on Strip and Strip with Maximum Charge
-  double HyperbolicSequentMethodX();
-  double GaussianMethodX();
-  double Barycentric5MethodX(); 
-  double Barycentric4MethodX(); 
-  double Barycentric3MethodX(); 
-  double HyperbolicSequentMethodY();
-  double GaussianMethodY();
-  double Barycentric5MethodY(); 
-  double Barycentric4MethodY(); 
-  double Barycentric3MethodY(); 
-  double CorrectedPositionX3(double Position, double a) ;
-  double CorrectedPositionY3(double Position, double a) ;
-  double CorrectedPositionX4(double Position, double b); 
-  double CorrectedPositionY4(double Position, double b); 
-  // X
+      void AddCATS(TVector3 C_X1_Y1, TVector3 C_X28_Y1, TVector3 C_X1_Y28, TVector3 C_X28_Y28);
-  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  int       GetCATSDetNumberX(int i)         {return DetNumberX.at(i);}
-  int       GetCATSStripX(int i)             {return StripX.at(i);}
-  double    GetCATSChargeX(int i)            {return ChargeX.at(i);}
-  int       GetCATSMultX()                {return DetNumberX.size();}
-  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  double    GetCATSChargeSumX(int i)          ;
-  int        GetCATSMultOverThreshX(int i)     ;
-  int       GetCATSStripMaxX(int i)           ;
-  // int       GetCATSDetNumberX_Position(int i) ;
-  double    GetCATSPositionX(int i)           ;
+      double AnalyseX(int ff);
-  double    GetPositionOnTargetX()           {return PositionOnTargetX;}
+      double AnalyseY(int ff);
-  // Y
+      double CalculatePositionX( double CalculatedStripX, correction method);
-  //   Vector of dim = multiplicity of event on all detector
-  int       GetCATSDetNumberY(int i)         {return DetNumberY.at(i);}
-  int       GetCATSStripY(int i)             {return StripY.at(i);}
-  double    GetCATSChargeY(int i)            {return ChargeY.at(i);}
+      double CalculatePositionY( double CalculatedStripY, correction method);
-  int       GetCATSMultY()                {return DetNumberY.size();}
-  //   Vector of dim = number of CATS
-  double    GetCATSChargeSumY(int i)         ;
-  int        GetCATSMultOverThreshY(int i)    ;
-  int       GetCATSStripMaxY(int i)          ;
-  //  int       GetCATSDetNumberY_Position(int i);
-  double    GetCATSPositionY(int i)          ;
-  double    GetPositionOnTargetY()           {return PositionOnTargetY;}
+      reconstruction ChooseReconstruction(int ff, TString type);
+	  reconstruction StringToEnum(string type);
-  int       GetCATSMult()                    {return PositionX.size();}
+      double CorrectedPositionX3(double Position, double a) ;
+      double CorrectedPositionY3(double Position, double a) ;
+      double CorrectedPositionX4(double Position, double b); 
+      double CorrectedPositionY4(double Position, double b); 
+	double Corrected3PointsX(double Position, double c);
+	double Corrected3PointsY(double Position, double c);
+	double Corrected4PointsX(double Position, double d);
+	double Corrected4PointsY(double Position, double d);
-  TVector3  GetPositionOnTarget();
-  TVector3  GetBeamDirection()               {return BeamDirection;}
-  ClassDef(TCATSPhysics,1)  // CATSPhysics structure
-    };
+      // Methode de reconstruction X
+      double HyperbolicSequentMethodX();
+      double GaussianMethodX();
+      double Barycentric5MethodX(); 
+      double Barycentric4MethodX(); 
+      double Barycentric3MethodX(); 
+      // Methode de Reconstruction Y
+      double HyperbolicSequentMethodY();
+      double GaussianMethodY();     
+      double Barycentric5MethodY(); 
+      double Barycentric4MethodY(); 
+      double Barycentric3MethodY(); 
+      TVector3 GetBeamDirection();
+      TVector3 GetPositionOnTarget();
+      double GetPositionOnTargetX()  {return PositionOnTargetX;}  
+      double GetPositionOnTargetY()  {return PositionOnTargetY;}
+       ClassDef(TCATSPhysics,1)  // CATSPhysics structure
 namespace LOCAL_CATS
@@ -265,6 +237,12 @@ namespace LOCAL_CATS
   //   tranform an integer to a string
   string itoa(int value);
+  double fCATS_X_Q(const TCATSData* Data, const int i);
+  double fCATS_Y_Q(const TCATSData* Data, const int i);
+  bool fCATS_Threshold_X(const TCATSData* Data, const int i);
+  bool fCATS_Threshold_Y(const TCATSData* Data, const int i);
+  double fCATS_Ped_X(const TCATSData* m_EventData, const int i);
+  double fCATS_Ped_Y(const TCATSData* m_EventData, const int i);
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
index 68e399c9c2d13363acc06badecda23b61e2eb7d9..ad30e018ad29fa9531e73e855e1ce6b652599d1f 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.cxx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : october 2009                                             *
- * Last update    :                                                          *
+ * Last update    : december 2012                                            *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  * This class manage the calibration coefficient of the detector in NPA      *
@@ -237,6 +237,73 @@ double CalibrationManager::ApplyCalibration(const string& ParameterPath , const
       return CalibratedValue ;
+bool CalibrationManager::ApplyThreshold(const string& ParameterPath, const double& RawValue)
+   map< string , vector<double> >::iterator it ;
+   //   Find the good parameter in the Map
+   // Using Find method of stl is the fastest way
+   it = fCalibrationCoeff.find(ParameterPath)  ;
+   // If the find methods return the end iterator it's mean the parameter was not found
+   if(it == fCalibrationCoeff.end() )
+   {
+      // cout << " ERROR: PARAMETER " << ParameterPath << " IS NOT FOUND IN THE CALIBRATION DATA BASE  " << endl ;
+      return false;
+   }
+   // Else we take the second part of the element (first is index, ie: parameter path)
+   // Second is the vector of Coeff
+   vector<double> Coeff = it->second  ;
+   // The vector size give the degree of calibration
+   // We just apply the coeff and returned the calibrated value
+   double ThresholdValue = 0 ;
+   if(Coeff.size()==2){ThresholdValue = Coeff[0] + 3*Coeff[1];}
+   if(RawValue > ThresholdValue)
+   {
+      return true;
+   }
+   else return false;
+double CalibrationManager::GetPedestal(const string& ParameterPath)
+   map< string , vector<double> >::iterator it ;
+   //   Find the good parameter in the Map
+   // Using Find method of stl is the fastest way
+   it = fCalibrationCoeff.find(ParameterPath)  ;
+   // If the find methods return the end iterator it's mean the parameter was not found
+   if(it == fCalibrationCoeff.end() )
+   {
+      cout << " ERROR: PARAMETER " << ParameterPath << " IS NOT FOUND IN THE CALIBRATION DATA BASE  " << endl ;
+   }
+   // Else we take the second part of the element (first is index, ie: parameter path)
+   // Second is the vector of Coeff
+   vector<double> Coeff = it->second  ;
+   // The vector size give the degree of calibration
+   // We just apply the coeff and returned the calibrated value
+   double PedestalValue = 0 ;
+   if(Coeff.size()==2){PedestalValue = Coeff[0];}
+   return PedestalValue;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
index 2de05b5fc77a25ad14cf998ed52570025ee86137..0c620e587049bc3c729709fc10d33d76985f7376 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/CalibrationManager.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : october 2009                                             *
- * Last update    :                                                          *
+ * Last update    : december 2012                                            *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  * This class manage the calibration coefficient of the detector in NPA      *
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ class CalibrationManager
          // call like : myCalibrationManager->ApplyCalibration( "MUST2/Telescope5_Si_X38_E" , RawEnergy )
          // return the Calibrated value
          double ApplyCalibration(const string& ParameterPath , const double& RawValue);
+         bool ApplyThreshold(const string& ParameterPath, const double& RawValue);
+         double GetPedestal(const string& ParameterPath);
       public:   //   To be called after initialisation
@@ -68,7 +73,7 @@ class CalibrationManager
       public: //Clear calibration if we have some calibration files to read 
          void ClearCalibration();
-      public: //Get calibration coefficient vector
+      public: //Get correction coefficient vector
          vector<double> GetCorrection(const string& ParameterPath);