diff --git a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
index 9e39063fe67f67b66cdf9882d2fdb7ae761af4a4..280f56a4f04ca961f55b02431f62cbead8e13941 100644
--- a/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
+++ b/Inputs/EventGenerator/10He.reaction
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Beam
-%%Beam energy given in MeV ; Excitation in MeV
 	Beam= 11Li
@@ -26,29 +26,34 @@ TwoBodyReaction
 	Heavy= 10He
 	ExcitationEnergyLight= 0.0
 	ExcitationEnergyHeavy= 10.0
-  CrossSectionPath= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt	
+  CrossSectionPath= 11Li(d,3He)10He.txt	CS10He
 	ShootLight= 1
 	ShootHeavy= 1
 ParticleDecay 10He
-    Daughter= 9He n
-    ExcitationEnergy= 0.5 0
-    DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
-    shoot= 1 1
+  Daughter= 9He n
+  ExcitationEnergy= 0.5 0
+  DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
+  shoot= 1 1
 GammaDecay 9He
-    Cascade
-        BranchingRatio= 30
-        Energies= 0.1
-        DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
-    Cascade
-        BranchingRatio= 70
-        Energies= 0.2 0.3
+  Cascade
+    BranchingRatio= 30
+    Energies= 0.1
+    DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
+  Cascade
+    BranchingRatio= 70
+    Energies= 0.2 0.3
 ParticleDecay 9He
-    Daughter= 8He n
-    DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
-    shoot= 1 1
+  Daughter= 8He n
+  DifferentialCrossSection= flat.txt
+  shoot= 1 1
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.cxx
index f0eb5953182a3ca87e4a61a1efd00d5857c903a7..85ae58a0dc03d84bdc2f8610ba36d178cec5e502 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.cxx
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 // NPL header
 #include "NPBeam.h"
 #include "NPFunction.h"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
 // Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ Beam::Beam()
   fEffectiveTargetThickness = 0 ;
   fTargetAngle = 0 ;
   fTargetZ = 0 ;
+  fVerboseLevel = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
   // case of user given distribution
   fEnergyHist  = new TH1F("EnergyHist","EnergyHist",1,0,1);
   fXThetaXHist = new TH2F("XThetaXHis","XThetaXHis",1,0,1,1,0,1);
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ void Beam::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
     getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
     if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 4, "Beam") == 0) {
-      cout << "Beam Found" << endl ;
+      if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Beam Found" << endl ;
       ReadingStatus = true ;
@@ -131,83 +132,84 @@ void Beam::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         delete fBeamNucleus;
         fBeamNucleus = new Nucleus(DataBuffer);
-        cout << "Beam Particle: " << fBeamNucleus->GetName() << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Beam Particle: " << fBeamNucleus->GetName() << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "Energy=") {
         check_Energy = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-        cout << "Beam Energy: " << fEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Beam Energy: " << fEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "SigmaEnergy=") {
         check_SigmaEnergy = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fSigmaEnergy= atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-        cout << "Beam Energy Sigma: " << fSigmaEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Beam Energy Sigma: " << fSigmaEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer=="MeanX=") {
         check_MeanX = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fMeanX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-        cout << "Mean X: " << fMeanX / mm << " mm" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Mean X: " << fMeanX / mm << " mm" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer=="MeanY=") {
         check_MeanY = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fMeanY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-        cout << "Mean Y: " << fMeanY / mm << " mm" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Mean Y: " << fMeanY / mm << " mm" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer=="SigmaX=") {
         check_SigmaX = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fSigmaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-        cout << "Sigma X: " << fSigmaX / mm << " mm" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Sigma X: " << fSigmaX / mm << " mm" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer=="SigmaY=") {
         check_SigmaY = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fSigmaY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * mm;
-        cout << "Sigma Y: " << fSigmaY / mm << " mm" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Sigma Y: " << fSigmaY / mm << " mm" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "MeanThetaX=" ) {
         check_MeanThetaX = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fMeanThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        cout << "Mean Theta X: " << fMeanThetaX / deg << " deg" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Mean Theta X: " << fMeanThetaX / deg << " deg" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "MeanPhiY=") {
         check_MeanPhiY = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fMeanPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        cout << "Mean Phi Y: " << fMeanPhiY / deg << " deg" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Mean Phi Y: " << fMeanPhiY / deg << " deg" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "SigmaThetaX=" ) {
         check_SigmaThetaX = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fSigmaThetaX = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        cout << "Sigma Theta X: " << fSigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Sigma Theta X: " << fSigmaThetaX / deg << " deg" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "SigmaPhiY=") {
         check_SigmaPhiY = true ;
         ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
         fSigmaPhiY = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        cout << "Sigma Phi Y: " << fSigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << endl;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Sigma Phi Y: " << fSigmaPhiY / deg << " deg" << endl;
       else if (DataBuffer == "EnergyProfilePath=") {
         check_EnergyProfilePath = true ;
         string FileName,HistName;
         ReactionFile >> FileName >> HistName;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Reading Energy profile file: " << FileName << endl;
         fEnergyHist = Read1DProfile(FileName, HistName );
@@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ void Beam::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
         check_XThetaXPath = true ;
         string FileName,HistName;
         ReactionFile >> FileName >> HistName;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Reading X-ThetaX profile file: " << FileName << endl;
         fXThetaXHist = Read2DProfile(FileName, HistName );
@@ -222,6 +225,7 @@ void Beam::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
         check_YPhiYPath = true ;
         string FileName,HistName;
         ReactionFile >> FileName >> HistName;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Reading Y-ThetaY profile file: " << FileName << endl;
         fYPhiYHist = Read2DProfile(FileName, HistName );
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.h b/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.h
index 622c4978343241d020c79768286455b96640046a..e3180879923152c79d1f205da0491d7a9807a457 100755
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.h
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPBeam.h
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ namespace NPL{
   public:  // Various Method
     void ReadConfigurationFile(string Path);
+  private:
+    int fVerboseLevel;
     Nucleus* fBeamNucleus;
     double fEnergy;
@@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ namespace NPL{
     void SetEnergyHist  (TH1F*  EnergyHist)     {delete fEnergyHist; fEnergyHist   = new TH1F(*EnergyHist);}
     void SetXThetaXHist (TH2F*  XThetaXHist)    {delete fXThetaXHist; fXThetaXHist = new TH2F(*XThetaXHist);}
     void SetYPhiYHist   (TH2F*  YPhiYHist)      {delete fYPhiYHist; fYPhiYHist     = new TH2F(*YPhiYHist);}
+    void SetVerboseLevel(int verbose)     {fVerboseLevel = verbose;}
     // Get
     Nucleus*  GetNucleus     () const {return fBeamNucleus;}
     double    GetEnergy      () const {return fEnergy;}
@@ -100,7 +104,8 @@ namespace NPL{
     TH1F*     GetEnergyHist  () const {return fEnergyHist;}
     TH2F*     GetXThetaXHist () const {return fXThetaXHist;}
     TH2F*     GetYPhiYHist   () const {return fYPhiYHist;}
+    int      GetVerboseLevel()  const {return fVerboseLevel;}
   private: // Event Generation private variable
     double fTargetSize;
     double fEffectiveTargetSize; // target size has seen from the beam axis
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPFunction.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPFunction.cxx
index 72ca6e7a12333d8245a6bcb5eba0db194a2275b8..9e3fc528aa87680c89590cbb2c50318faa578072 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPFunction.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPFunction.cxx
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ TH1F* Read1DProfile(string filename,string HistName){
   bool type = OpenASCIIorROOTFile(filename, ASCII , ROOT);
   // ASCII File case
     string LineBuffer;
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ TH1F* Read1DProfile(string filename,string HistName){
     // Look for the step size, min and max of the distribution
     double min = 0 ;
     double max = 0 ;
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ TH1F* Read1DProfile(string filename,string HistName){
       max = x[0] ;
       previous = x[0] ;
     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
       if(x[i] > max) max = x[i] ;
       if(x[i] < min) min = x[i] ;
@@ -79,12 +78,12 @@ TH1F* Read1DProfile(string filename,string HistName){
       previous = x[i] ;
     h = new TH1F(HistName.c_str(),HistName.c_str(),step,min,max);
     for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
   // ROOT File case
@@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ TH1F* Read1DProfile(string filename,string HistName){
   return h;
@@ -199,15 +199,21 @@ bool OpenASCIIorROOTFile(string filename, ifstream &ASCII , TFile &ROOT){
   // look for .root extension
   size_t pos = filename.find(".root");
+  string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
+  string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/CrossSection/" + filename;
   // extension not found, file is assume to be a ASCII file
   if(pos > filename.size()) {
-      cout << "Error, profile file " << filename << " not found " << endl ;
-      exit(1);
+      ASCII.open(StandardPath.c_str());
+      if(!ASCII.is_open()){
+        cout << "Error, file " << filename << " not found " << endl ;
+        exit(1);
+      }
     return true;
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
index e1308fdda082ebe1c32d13d8a49ca2a5f0d6fab7..b7336b51bfbefafdb4a804a8f83591b6d07953ea 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.cxx
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
  *  (2003 nuclear table of isotopes mass).                                   *
  *                                                                           *
  *  KineRelativistic: Used in NPSimulation                                   *
- *  A relativistic calculation is made to compute Light and Heavy nuclei     * 
+ *  A relativistic calculation is made to compute Light and Heavy nuclei     *
  *  angle given the Theta CM angle.                                          *
- *                                                                           * 
+ *                                                                           *
  *  ReconstructRelativistic: Used in NPAnalysis                              *
  *  A relativistic calculation is made to compute Excitation energy given the*
  *  light angle and energy in Lab frame.                                     *
@@ -32,17 +32,19 @@
  *     Based on previous work by N.de Sereville                              *
  *                                                                           *
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <sstream>
-//#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <vector>
 #include "NPReaction.h"
+#include "NPBeam.h"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+#include "NPFunction.h"
 // Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
@@ -52,125 +54,38 @@
 using namespace NPL;
-   //------------- Default Constructor -------------
-   fNuclei1              = new Nucleus();
-   fNuclei2              = new Nucleus();
-   fNuclei3              = new Nucleus();
-   fNuclei4              = new Nucleus();
-   fBeamEnergy           = 0;
-   fThetaCM              = 0;
-   fExcitation3          = 0;
-   fExcitation4          = 0;
-   fQValue               = 0;
-   fCrossSectionAngleMin = 0;
-   fCrossSectionAngleMax = 180;
-   initializePrecomputeVariable();
-   fCrossSectionHist = new TH1F("Reaction_CS","Reaction_CS",180,0,180);
-Reaction::Reaction(string name1, string name2, string name3, string name4, double BeamEnergy, double ExcitationEnergyLight, double ExcitationEnergyHeavy ,string Path, double CSThetaMin, double CSThetaMax)
-   SetEveryThing( name1, name2, name3, name4, BeamEnergy, ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path, CSThetaMin, CSThetaMax);
-void Reaction::SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string name4, double BeamEnergy, double ExcitationEnergyLight, double ExcitationEnergyHeavy, string Path, double CSThetaMin, double CSThetaMax)
-   //------------- Constructor with nuclei names and beam energy ------------
-   fNuclei1         = new Nucleus(name1);
-   fNuclei2         = new Nucleus(name2);
-   fNuclei3         = new Nucleus(name3);
-   fNuclei4         = new Nucleus(name4);
-   fBeamEnergy      = BeamEnergy;
-   fThetaCM         = 0;
-   fExcitation3 = ExcitationEnergyLight;
-   fExcitation4 = ExcitationEnergyHeavy;
-   fQValue          = (fNuclei1->GetMassExcess() + fNuclei2->GetMassExcess()
-                      - fNuclei3->GetMassExcess() - fNuclei4->GetMassExcess()) / 1000;
-   fCrossSectionHist = new TH1F("Reaction_CS","Reaction_CS",180,0,180);
-   int masse  = fNuclei1->GetA() + fNuclei2->GetA() - fNuclei3->GetA() - fNuclei4->GetA();
-   int charge = fNuclei1->GetZ() + fNuclei2->GetZ() - fNuclei3->GetZ() - fNuclei4->GetZ();
-   if (masse || charge) {
-      cout << endl;
-      cout << "**********************************       Error       **********************************" << endl;
-      cout << "* NPReaction: charge of mass not conserved.        Check you event generator file     *" << endl;
-      cout << "***************************************************************************************" << endl;
-      exit(1);
-   }
-   ///Read the differential cross section
-   string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-   string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/CrossSection/" + Path;
-   ifstream CSFile;
-   CSFile.open( StandardPath.c_str() );
-   if(CSFile.is_open()) cout << "Reading Cross Section File " << Path << endl;
-   // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
-   else 
-    {
-      CSFile.open( Path.c_str() );
-      if(CSFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Cross Section File " << Path << endl;}
-      else {cout << "Cross Section File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
-    }
-   double CSBuffer,AngleBuffer;
-   vector<double> CrossSectionBuffer;
-   double thetamin = 200;
-   double thetamax = -10;
-   while(!CSFile.eof()) {
-      CSFile >> AngleBuffer;
-      CSFile >> CSBuffer;   
-      // only treat angular range defined by user
-      if (AngleBuffer < CSThetaMin || AngleBuffer > CSThetaMax) continue; 
-      double CSFinal = CSBuffer*sin(AngleBuffer*deg);
-      CrossSectionBuffer.push_back(CSFinal);
-      fCrossSectionHist->Fill(AngleBuffer,CSFinal);
-     // determine theta min and max
-      if (AngleBuffer < thetamin) thetamin = AngleBuffer;
-      if (AngleBuffer > thetamax) thetamax = AngleBuffer;
-   }
-   // set theta min and max values
-   fCrossSectionAngleMin = thetamin;
-   fCrossSectionAngleMax = thetamax;
-   CSFile.close();
-   fCrossSectionSize = CrossSectionBuffer.size();
-   fCrossSection = new double[fCrossSectionSize] ;
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < fCrossSectionSize ; i++ ){
-      fCrossSection[i] = CrossSectionBuffer[i];
-    }
-   initializePrecomputeVariable();
+  //------------- Default Constructor -------------
+  fNuclei1              = new Nucleus();
+  fNuclei2              = new Nucleus();
+  fNuclei3              = new Nucleus();
+  fNuclei4              = new Nucleus();
+  fBeamEnergy           = 0;
+  fThetaCM              = 0;
+  fExcitation3          = 0;
+  fExcitation4          = 0;
+  fQValue               = 0;
+  fVerboseLevel         = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
+  initializePrecomputeVariable();
+  fCrossSectionHist = new TH1F("Reaction_CS","Reaction_CS",180,0,180);
+  fshoot3=true;
+  fshoot4=true;
-   //------------- Default Destructor ------------
-   delete fNuclei1;
-   delete fNuclei2;
-   delete fNuclei3;
-   delete fNuclei4;
+  //------------- Default Destructor ------------
+  delete fNuclei1;
+  delete fNuclei2;
+  delete fNuclei3;
+  delete fNuclei4;
-bool Reaction::CheckKinematic()
+bool Reaction::CheckKinematic(){
 	double theta = fThetaCM;
 	if (m1 > m2) theta = M_PI - fThetaCM;
@@ -186,7 +101,7 @@ bool Reaction::CheckKinematic()
 		cout << "Problem with energy conservation" << endl;
 		return false;
 		//cout << "Kinematic OK" << endl;
 		return true;
@@ -199,18 +114,17 @@ double Reaction::ShootRandomThetaCM(){
   SetThetaCM( theta=fCrossSectionHist->GetRandom()*deg );
   return theta;
 void Reaction::KineRelativistic(double &ThetaLab3, double &KineticEnergyLab3,
-                                double &ThetaLab4, double &KineticEnergyLab4) 
+                                double &ThetaLab4, double &KineticEnergyLab4){
 	// 2-body relativistic kinematics: direct + inverse
 	// EnergieLab3,4 : lab energy in MeV of the 2 ejectiles
 	// ThetaLab3,4   : angles in rad
 	// case of inverse kinematics
 	double theta = fThetaCM;
 	if (m1 > m2) theta = M_PI - fThetaCM;
 	fEnergyImpulsionCM_3	= TLorentzVector(pCM_3*sin(theta),0,pCM_3*cos(theta),ECM_3);
 	fEnergyImpulsionCM_4	= fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM - fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
@@ -222,7 +136,7 @@ void Reaction::KineRelativistic(double &ThetaLab3, double &KineticEnergyLab3,
 	// Angle in the lab frame
 	ThetaLab3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionLab_1.Vect());
 	if (ThetaLab3 < 0) ThetaLab3 += M_PI;
 	ThetaLab4 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionLab_1.Vect());
 	if (fabs(ThetaLab3) < 1e-6) ThetaLab3 = 0;
 	ThetaLab4 = fabs(ThetaLab4);
@@ -233,16 +147,15 @@ void Reaction::KineRelativistic(double &ThetaLab3, double &KineticEnergyLab3,
 	KineticEnergyLab4 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E() - m4;
 	// test for total energy conversion
-	if (fabs(fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.E() - (fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.E()+fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E())) > 1e-6) 
+	if (fabs(fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.E() - (fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.E()+fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E())) > 1e-6)
 		cout << "Problem for energy conservation" << endl;
-double Reaction::ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab) 
-   // EnergyLab in MeV
-   // ThetaLab in rad
+double Reaction::ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab){
+  // EnergyLab in MeV
+  // ThetaLab in rad
 	double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
 	double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3*E3 - m3*m3);
@@ -250,227 +163,242 @@ double Reaction::ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab)
 	fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab - fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
 	double Eex = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Mag() - fNuclei4->Mass();
 	return Eex;
-//Return ThetaCM                           
-double  Reaction::EnergyLabToThetaCM(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab)
-   {
-	   double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
-	   double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3*E3 - m3*m3);
-	   fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = TLorentzVector(p_Lab_3*sin(ThetaLab),0,p_Lab_3*cos(ThetaLab),E3);
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
-	   double ThetaCM = CLHEP::pi - fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Vect());
-	   return(ThetaCM);
-   }
-void Reaction::Print() const
-   {
-      // Print informations concerning the reaction
-      cout << "Reaction : " << fNuclei2->GetName() << "(" << fNuclei1->GetName() 
-          << "," << fNuclei3->GetName() << ")" << fNuclei4->GetName() << "  @  " 
-          << fBeamEnergy << " MeV" 
-      << endl   ;
+//Return ThetaCM
+double  Reaction::EnergyLabToThetaCM(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab){
+  double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
+  double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3*E3 - m3*m3);
+  fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = TLorentzVector(p_Lab_3*sin(ThetaLab),0,p_Lab_3*cos(ThetaLab),E3);
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
+  double ThetaCM = CLHEP::pi - fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Vect());
+  return(ThetaCM);
+void Reaction::Print() const{
+  // Print informations concerning the reaction
+  cout << "Reaction : " << fNuclei2->GetName() << "(" << fNuclei1->GetName()
+  << "," << fNuclei3->GetName() << ")" << fNuclei4->GetName() << "  @  "
+  << fBeamEnergy << " MeV"
+  << endl   ;
+  cout << "Exc Nuclei 3 = " << fExcitation3 << " MeV" << endl;
+  cout << "Exc Nuclei 4 = " << fExcitation4 << " MeV" << endl;
+  cout << "Qgg = " << fQValue << " MeV" << endl;
+void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path){
+  ////////General Reading needs////////
+  string LineBuffer;
+  string DataBuffer;
+  ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
+  string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
+  double ExcitationEnergy3 , ExcitationEnergy4 ;
+  double CSHalfOpenAngleMin = 0, CSHalfOpenAngleMax = 0;
+  bool ReadingStatus = false ;
+  bool check_Beam = false ;
+  bool check_Target = false ;
+  bool check_Light = false ;
+  bool check_Heavy = false ;
+  bool check_ExcitationEnergy3 = false ;
+  bool check_ExcitationEnergy4 = false ;
+  bool check_CrossSectionPath = false ;
+  bool check_shoot3 = false ;
+  bool check_shoot4 = false;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ifstream ReactionFile;
+  string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
+  string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
+  ReactionFile.open(StandardPath.c_str());
+  if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl ;}
+  // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
+  else{
+    ReactionFile.open( Path.c_str() );
+    if(ReactionFile.is_open()) { if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl;}
+    else {cout << "Reaction File " << Path << " not found" << endl;exit(1);}
+  }
+  while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
+    //Pick-up next line
+    getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
+    if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 15, "TwoBodyReaction") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
+    while(ReadingStatus){
+      ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+      //Search for comment Symbol %
+      if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/* Do Nothing */;}
+      else if (DataBuffer=="Beam=") {
+        check_Beam = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fNuclei1         = new Nucleus(DataBuffer);
+        Beam = DataBuffer;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Beam " << fNuclei1->GetName() << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer=="Target=") {
+        check_Target = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fNuclei2         = new Nucleus(DataBuffer);
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Target " << fNuclei2->GetName() << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer=="Light=" || DataBuffer=="Nuclei3=") {
+        check_Light = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fNuclei3 = new Nucleus(DataBuffer);
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Light " << fNuclei3->GetName() << endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer== "Heavy="|| DataBuffer=="Nuclei4=") {
+        check_Heavy = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fNuclei4 = new Nucleus(DataBuffer);
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Heavy " << fNuclei4->GetName() << endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy3=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyLight=") {
+        check_ExcitationEnergy3 = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fExcitation3 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 3: " << ExcitationEnergy3 / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy4=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") {
+        check_ExcitationEnergy4 = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        fExcitation4 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 4: " << ExcitationEnergy4 / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer== "CrossSectionPath=") {
+        check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
+        string FileName,HistName;
+        ReactionFile >> FileName >> HistName;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "Reading Cross Section file: " << FileName << endl;
+        fCrossSectionHist = Read1DProfile(FileName, HistName );
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMin=") == 0) {
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        CSHalfOpenAngleMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "HalfOpenAngleMin " << CSHalfOpenAngleMin / deg << " degree" << endl;
+      }
+      else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMax=") == 0) {
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        CSHalfOpenAngleMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1) cout << "HalfOpenAngleMax " << CSHalfOpenAngleMax / deg << " degree" << endl;
+      }
-      cout << "Exc Nuclei 3 = " << fExcitation3 << " MeV" << endl;
-      cout << "Exc Nuclei 4 = " << fExcitation4 << " MeV" << endl;
-      cout << "Qgg = " << fQValue << " MeV" << endl;
-   }
-void Reaction::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path)
-   {   
-      ////////General Reading needs////////
-         string LineBuffer;
-         string DataBuffer;
-      ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
-         string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
-         double BeamEnergy = 0 , ExcitationEnergy3 = 0, ExcitationEnergy4 = 0;         
-         double CSHalfOpenAngleMin = 0, CSHalfOpenAngleMax = 0;
-         bool ReadingStatus = false ;
-         bool check_Beam = false ;
-         bool check_Target = false ;
-         bool check_Light = false ;
-         bool check_Heavy = false ;
-         bool check_ExcitationEnergy3 = false ;
-         bool check_ExcitationEnergy4 = false ;
-         bool check_BeamEnergy = false ;
-         bool check_CrossSectionPath = false ;
-      //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-         ifstream ReactionFile;
-         string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
-          string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;
-         ReactionFile.open(StandardPath.c_str());
-         if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl ;}
-       // In case the file is not found in the standard path, the programm try to interpret the file name as an absolute or relative file path.
-       else 
-        {
-          ReactionFile.open( Path.c_str() );
-          if(ReactionFile.is_open()) { cout << "Reading Reaction File " << Path << endl;}
-          else {cout << "Reaction File " << Path << " not found" << endl;return;}
-        }
-         while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
-            //Pick-up next line
-            getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
-            if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 9, "Transfert") == 0) { ReadingStatus = true ;}
-      while(ReadingStatus){
-                 ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                 //Search for comment Symbol %
-                   if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {/* Do Nothing */;}
-                  else if (DataBuffer=="Beam=") {
-                     check_Beam = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     Beam = DataBuffer;
-                     cout << "Beam " << Beam << endl;
-                  }
-                  else if (DataBuffer=="Target=") {
-                     check_Target = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     Target = DataBuffer;
-                     cout << "Target " << Target << endl;
-                  }
-                  else if (DataBuffer=="Light=") {
-                     check_Light = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     Light = DataBuffer;
-                     cout << "Light " << Light << endl;
-                  }
-                 else if  (DataBuffer== "Heavy=") {
-                     check_Heavy = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     Heavy = DataBuffer;
-                     cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << endl;
-                  }
-                 else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy3=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyLight=") {
-                    check_ExcitationEnergy3 = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     ExcitationEnergy3 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-                     cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 3: " << ExcitationEnergy3 / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-                  }
-                 else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy4=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") {
-                    check_ExcitationEnergy4 = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     ExcitationEnergy4 = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-                     cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 4: " << ExcitationEnergy4 / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-                  }
-                 else if  (DataBuffer=="BeamEnergy=") {
-                    check_BeamEnergy = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     BeamEnergy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-                     cout << "Beam Energy " << BeamEnergy / MeV << " MeV" << endl;
-                  }
-                 else if  (DataBuffer== "CrossSectionPath=") {
-                     check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
-                     ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
-                     cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << endl ;
-                  }
-                  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMin=") == 0) {
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     CSHalfOpenAngleMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-                     cout << "HalfOpenAngleMin " << CSHalfOpenAngleMin / deg << " degree" << endl;
-                  }
-                  else if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 17, "HalfOpenAngleMax=") == 0) {
-                     ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-                     CSHalfOpenAngleMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-                     cout << "HalfOpenAngleMax " << CSHalfOpenAngleMax / deg << " degree" << endl;
-                  }
-                  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-               //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-                  else 
-                     {/*Ignore Token used by G4*/}
-                  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-               //   If all Token found toggle out
-                  if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergy3 
-                     && check_ExcitationEnergy4 && check_BeamEnergy && check_CrossSectionPath)
-                     ReadingStatus = false;
-            }
-         }
-         SetEveryThing(Beam, Target, Light, Heavy,BeamEnergy,ExcitationEnergy3, ExcitationEnergy4,CrossSectionPath, CSHalfOpenAngleMin, CSHalfOpenAngleMax);
-         ReactionFile.close();
-   }
-void Reaction::initializePrecomputeVariable()
-   { 
-       m1 = fNuclei1->Mass();
-       m2 = fNuclei2->Mass();
-       m3 = fNuclei3->Mass() + fExcitation3;
-       m4 = fNuclei4->Mass() + fExcitation4;
-	   s = m1*m1 + m2*m2 + 2*m2*(fBeamEnergy + m1);
-	   fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,0,sqrt(s));
-	   ECM_1 = (s + m1*m1 - m2*m2)/(2*sqrt(s));
-	   ECM_2 = (s + m2*m2 - m1*m1)/(2*sqrt(s));
-	   ECM_3 = (s + m3*m3 - m4*m4)/(2*sqrt(s));
-	   ECM_4 = (s + m4*m4 - m3*m3)/(2*sqrt(s));
-	   pCM_3 = sqrt(ECM_3*ECM_3 - m3*m3);
-	   pCM_4 = sqrt(ECM_4*ECM_4 - m4*m4);
-	   fImpulsionLab_1 = TVector3(0,0,sqrt(fBeamEnergy*fBeamEnergy + 2*fBeamEnergy*m1));
-	   fImpulsionLab_2 = TVector3(0,0,0);
-	   fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_1,m1+fBeamEnergy);
-	   fEnergyImpulsionLab_2 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_2,m2);
-	   fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 + fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
-	   BetaCM = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.Beta();
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_1 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1;
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_2 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
-	   fEnergyImpulsionCM_2.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
+      else if  (DataBuffer== "Shoot3=" || DataBuffer== "ShootLight=") {
+        check_shoot3 = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        if(atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 0 )
+          fshoot3 = true;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1 && fshoot3) cout << "Shoot 3 : Yes  " << endl;
+        else if (fVerboseLevel==1 ) cout << "Shoot 3 : No  " << endl;
+      }
+      else if  (DataBuffer== "Shoot4=" || DataBuffer== "ShootHeavy=") {
+        check_shoot4 = true ;
+        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
+        if(atoi(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 0 )
+          fshoot4 = true;
+        if(fVerboseLevel==1 && fshoot4) cout << "Shoot 4 : Yes  " << endl;
+        else if (fVerboseLevel==1 ) cout << "Shoot 4 : No  " << endl;
+      }
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
+      else
+          {/*Ignore Token used by G4*/}
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      //   If all Token found toggle out
+      if (check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergy3
+          && check_ExcitationEnergy4 && check_CrossSectionPath && check_shoot4 && check_shoot3)
+        ReadingStatus = false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Pick up the beam energy from the Beam event generator
+  NPL::Beam* localBeam= new NPL::Beam();
+  //  localBeam->SetVerboseLevel(0);
+  localBeam->ReadConfigurationFile(Path);
+  // Modifiy the CS to shoot only within ]HalfOpenAngleMin,HalfOpenAngleMax[ 
+  SetCSAngle(CSHalfOpenAngleMin,CSHalfOpenAngleMax);
+  delete localBeam;
+  ReactionFile.close();
+  initializePrecomputeVariable();
-void Reaction::SetNuclei3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab)
+void Reaction::initializePrecomputeVariable(){
+  m1 = fNuclei1->Mass();
+  m2 = fNuclei2->Mass();
+  m3 = fNuclei3->Mass() + fExcitation3;
+  m4 = fNuclei4->Mass() + fExcitation4;
+  s = m1*m1 + m2*m2 + 2*m2*(fBeamEnergy + m1);
+  fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,0,sqrt(s));
+  ECM_1 = (s + m1*m1 - m2*m2)/(2*sqrt(s));
+  ECM_2 = (s + m2*m2 - m1*m1)/(2*sqrt(s));
+  ECM_3 = (s + m3*m3 - m4*m4)/(2*sqrt(s));
+  ECM_4 = (s + m4*m4 - m3*m3)/(2*sqrt(s));
+  pCM_3 = sqrt(ECM_3*ECM_3 - m3*m3);
+  pCM_4 = sqrt(ECM_4*ECM_4 - m4*m4);
+  fImpulsionLab_1 = TVector3(0,0,sqrt(fBeamEnergy*fBeamEnergy + 2*fBeamEnergy*m1));
+  fImpulsionLab_2 = TVector3(0,0,0);
+  fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_1,m1+fBeamEnergy);
+  fEnergyImpulsionLab_2 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_2,m2);
+  fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 + fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
+  BetaCM = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.Beta();
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_1 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1;
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_2 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
+  fEnergyImpulsionCM_2.Boost(0,0,-BetaCM);
+void Reaction::SetNuclei3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab){
 	double p3 = sqrt(pow(EnergyLab,2) + 2*m3*EnergyLab);
 	fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = TLorentzVector(p3*sin(ThetaLab),0,p3*cos(ThetaLab),EnergyLab+m3);
@@ -486,23 +414,22 @@ void Reaction::SetNuclei3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab)
-TGraph* Reaction::GetKinematicLine3()
-	int size = 360; 
+TGraph* Reaction::GetKinematicLine3(){
+	int size = 360;
 	double x[size];
 	double y[size];
 	double theta3,E3,theta4,E4;
-	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-	{
-		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg); 
+	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
+		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg);
 		KineRelativistic(theta3, E3, theta4, E4);
-		x[i] = theta3/deg; 
-		y[i] = E3; 
-	}
+		x[i] = theta3/deg;
+		y[i] = E3;
+  }
 	TGraph* KineLine3 = new TGraph(size,x,y);
 	KineLine3->SetTitle("Kinematic Line of particule 3");
@@ -510,85 +437,80 @@ TGraph* Reaction::GetKinematicLine3()
-TGraph* Reaction::GetKinematicLine4()
-	int size = 360; 
+TGraph* Reaction::GetKinematicLine4(){
+	int size = 360;
 	double x[size];
 	double y[size];
 	double theta3,E3,theta4,E4;
 	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-	{
-		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg); 
+      {
+		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg);
 		KineRelativistic(theta3, E3, theta4, E4);
-		x[i] = theta4/deg; 
-		y[i] = E4; 
-	}
+		x[i] = theta4/deg;
+		y[i] = E4;
+      }
 	TGraph* KineLine4= new TGraph(size,x,y);
 	KineLine4->SetTitle("Kinematic Line of particule 4");
-TGraph* Reaction::GetBrhoLine3()
-	int size = 360; 
+TGraph* Reaction::GetBrhoLine3(){
+	int size = 360;
 	double x[size];
 	double y[size];
 	double theta3,E3,theta4,E4;
 	double Brho;
 	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-	{
-		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg); 
+      {
+		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg);
 		KineRelativistic(theta3, E3, theta4, E4);
 		Brho = fNuclei3->GetBrho();
-		x[i] = theta3/deg; 
-		y[i] = Brho; 
-	}
+		x[i] = theta3/deg;
+		y[i] = Brho;
+      }
 	TGraph* LineBrho3= new TGraph(size,x,y);
-TGraph* Reaction::GetThetaLabVersusThetaCM()
-	int size = 360; 
+TGraph* Reaction::GetThetaLabVersusThetaCM(){
+	int size = 360;
 	double x[size];
 	double y[size];
 	double theta3,E3,theta4,E4;
-	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-	{
-		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg); 
+	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
+		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg);
 		KineRelativistic(theta3, E3, theta4, E4);
-		x[i] = fThetaCM/deg; 
-		y[i] = theta3/deg; 
-	}
+		x[i] = fThetaCM/deg;
+		y[i] = theta3/deg;
+  }
 	TGraph* AngleLine= new TGraph(size,x,y);
-void Reaction::PrintKinematic()
-	int size = 360; 
+void Reaction::PrintKinematic(){
+	int size = 360;
 	double theta3,E3,theta4,E4,Brho3,Brho4;
 	cout << endl;
 	cout << "*********************** Print Kinematic ***********************" << endl;
 	cout << "ThetaCM" << "	" << "ThetaLab" << " " << "EnergyLab3" << "	" << "Brho3" << "	" << "EnergyLab4" << "	" << "Brho4" << endl;
-	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-	{
-		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg); 
+	for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i){
+		SetThetaCM(((double)i)/2*deg);
 		KineRelativistic(theta3, E3, theta4, E4);
@@ -598,11 +520,18 @@ void Reaction::PrintKinematic()
 		Brho4 = fNuclei4->GetBrho();
 		cout << (double)i/2 << "	" << theta3/deg << "	" << E3 << "	" << Brho3 << "		" << E4 << "	" << Brho4 << endl;
-	}
+  }
+void Reaction::SetCSAngle(double CSHalfOpenAngleMin,double CSHalfOpenAngleMax){
+  for (int i = 0 ; i< fCrossSectionHist->GetNbinsX(); i++)
+    if( fCrossSectionHist->GetBinCenter(i) > CSHalfOpenAngleMax && fCrossSectionHist->GetBinCenter(i) < CSHalfOpenAngleMin)
+      fCrossSectionHist->SetBinContent(i,0);
diff --git a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.h b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.h
index 576ef726bdfc905c73312aac6ed65482b616550d..7e0e2537f2602044ccfce65ec40c1cd7d6ad7e6a 100644
--- a/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.h
+++ b/NPLib/Physics/NPReaction.h
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@
  *                                                                           *
  *                                                                           *
-// C++ header
+  // C++ header
 #include <string>
 #include "NPNucleus.h"
-// ROOT header
+  // ROOT header
 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
 #include "TLorentzRotation.h"
 #include "TVector3.h"
@@ -54,13 +54,18 @@ namespace NPL{
   public:  // Constructors and Destructors
-    Reaction(string name1, string name2, string name3, string name4, double BeamEnergy , double ExcitationEnergyLight, double ExcitationEnergyHeavy, string Path, double CSThetaMin = 0, double CSThetaMax = 180);
   public:  // Various Method
-    void SetEveryThing(string name1, string name2, string name3, string name4, double BeamEnergy, double ExcitationEnergyLight, double ExcitationEnergyHeavy, string Path, double CSThetaMin, double CSThetaMax);
     void ReadConfigurationFile(string Path);
+  private:
+    int fVerboseLevel;
+  private: // use for Monte Carlo simulation
+    bool fshoot3;
+    bool fshoot4;
     Nucleus *fNuclei1;                 // Beam
     Nucleus *fNuclei2;                 // Target
@@ -72,17 +77,18 @@ namespace NPL{
     double   fExcitation3;             // Excitation energy in MeV
     double   fExcitation4;             // Excitation energy in MeV
     TH1F*    fCrossSectionHist;
-    double*  fCrossSection;             // Differential CrossSection
-    int      fCrossSectionSize;         // Size of array containing Differention CrossSection
-    double   fCrossSectionAngleMin;    // Minimum angle of the differential cross-section given by the user
-    double   fCrossSectionAngleMax;    // Maximum angle of the differential cross-section given by the user
-    // Getters and Setters
+      // Getters and Setters
     void     SetBeamEnergy(double eBeam)      {fBeamEnergy = eBeam;     initializePrecomputeVariable();}
     void     SetThetaCM(double angle)         {fThetaCM = angle;        initializePrecomputeVariable();}
     void     SetExcitation3(double exci)      {fExcitation3 = exci; initializePrecomputeVariable();}
     void     SetExcitation4(double exci)      {fExcitation4 = exci; initializePrecomputeVariable();}
+      // For retro compatibility
+    void     SetExcitationLight(double exci)  {fExcitation3 = exci; initializePrecomputeVariable();}
+    void     SetExcitationHeavy(double exci)  {fExcitation4 = exci; initializePrecomputeVariable();}
+    void     SetVerboseLevel(int verbose)     {fVerboseLevel = verbose;}
     double   GetBeamEnergy() const            {return fBeamEnergy;}
     double   GetThetaCM() const               {return fThetaCM;}
     double   GetExcitation3() const           {return fExcitation3;}
@@ -93,11 +99,13 @@ namespace NPL{
     Nucleus* GetNucleus3() const              {return fNuclei3;}
     Nucleus* GetNucleus4() const              {return fNuclei4;}
     TH1F*    GetCrossSectionHist() const      {return fCrossSectionHist;}
-    double*  GetCrossSection() const          {return fCrossSection;}
-    int      GetCrossSectionSize() const      {return fCrossSectionSize;}
-    double   GetCrossSectionAngleMin() const  {return fCrossSectionAngleMin;}
-    double   GetCrossSectionAngleMax() const  {return fCrossSectionAngleMax;}
+    int      GetVerboseLevel()         const  {return fVerboseLevel;}
+    bool     GetShoot3()         const        {return fshoot3;}
+    bool     GetShoot4()         const        {return fshoot4;}
+  public:
+      // Modify the CS histo to so cross section shoot is within ]HalfOpenAngleMin,HalfOpenAngleMax[
+    void SetCSAngle(double CSHalfOpenAngleMin,double CSHalfOpenAngleMax);
 	private: // intern precompute variable
     void initializePrecomputeVariable();
@@ -106,7 +114,7 @@ namespace NPL{
     double m3;
     double m4;
-    // Lorents Vector
+      // Lorents Vector
     TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_1;
     TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
     TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
@@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ namespace NPL{
     TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionCM_4;
     TLorentzVector fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM;
-    // Impulsion Vector3
+      // Impulsion Vector3
     TVector3 fImpulsionLab_1;
     TVector3 fImpulsionLab_2;
     TVector3 fImpulsionLab_3;
@@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ namespace NPL{
     TVector3 fImpulsionCM_3;
     TVector3 fImpulsionCM_4;
-    // CM Energy composante & CM impulsion norme
+      // CM Energy composante & CM impulsion norme
     Double_t ECM_1;
     Double_t ECM_2;
     Double_t ECM_3;
@@ -138,43 +146,41 @@ namespace NPL{
     Double_t pCM_3;
     Double_t pCM_4;
-    // Mandelstam variable
+      // Mandelstam variable
     Double_t s;
-    // Center of Mass Kinematic
+      // Center of Mass Kinematic
     Double_t BetaCM;
   public: // Kinematics
-    // Check that the reaction is alowed
+          // Check that the reaction is alowed
     bool CheckKinematic();
-    // Use fCrossSectionHist to shoot a Random ThetaCM and set fThetaCM to this value
+      // Use fCrossSectionHist to shoot a Random ThetaCM and set fThetaCM to this value
     double ShootRandomThetaCM();
-    // Compute ThetaLab and EnergyLab for product of reaction
+      // Compute ThetaLab and EnergyLab for product of reaction
     void KineRelativistic(double &ThetaLab3, double &KineticEnergyLab3,
                           double &ThetaLab4, double &KineticEnergyLab4);
-    // Return Excitation Energy
+      // Return Excitation Energy
     double ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab);
-    // Return ThetaCM
-    // EnergyLab: energy measured in the laboratory frame
-    // ExcitationEnergy: excitation energy previously calculated.
+      // Return ThetaCM
+      // EnergyLab: energy measured in the laboratory frame
+      // ExcitationEnergy: excitation energy previously calculated.
     double EnergyLabToThetaCM(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab);
     void SetNuclei3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab);
     TGraph* GetKinematicLine3();
     TGraph* GetKinematicLine4();
     TGraph* GetBrhoLine3();
     TGraph* GetThetaLabVersusThetaCM();
     void PrintKinematic();
-    // Print private paremeter
+      // Print private paremeter
     void Print() const;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
index 37d595360dd2b2d485ebd9be519933571f143f7c..b359dd5f969768c657e239f4825d9717fa90ba67 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv)
   fOutputFileName             = fDefaultOutputFileName;
   fRunToReadFileName          = fDefaultRunToReadFileName;
   fCalibrationFileName        = fDefaultCalibrationFileName;
+  fVerboseLevel               = 1;
   fDisableAllBranchOption = false;
   fInputPhysicalTreeOption = false;
@@ -61,29 +62,33 @@ NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc, char** argv)
     else if (argument == "--event-generator" && argc >= i + 1)    fReactionFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "-E" && argc >= i + 1)                  fReactionFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-E" && argc >= i + 1)                   fReactionFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "--detector" && argc >= i + 1)    fDetectorFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "--detector" && argc >= i + 1)           fDetectorFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "-D" && argc >= i + 1)    fDetectorFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-D" && argc >= i + 1)                   fDetectorFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "--output" && argc >= i + 1)             fOutputFileName      = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "--output" && argc >= i + 1)    fOutputFileName      = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-O" && argc >= i + 1)                   fOutputFileName      = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "-O" && argc >= i + 1)    fOutputFileName      = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "--run" && argc >= i + 1)                fRunToReadFileName   = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "--run" && argc >= i + 1)  fRunToReadFileName   = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-R" && argc >= i + 1)                   fRunToReadFileName   = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "-R" && argc >= i + 1)     fRunToReadFileName   = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "--cal" && argc >= i + 1)                fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "--cal" && argc >= i + 1)  fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-C" && argc >= i + 1)                   fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
-    else if (argument == "-C" && argc >= i + 1)     fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
+    else if (argument == "-V"  && argc >= i + 1)                  fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[i+1]) ;
-    else if (argument == "--disable-branch")    fDisableAllBranchOption = true ;
+    else if (argument == "--verbose" && argc >= i + 1)            fVerboseLevel = atoi(argv[i+1]) ;
-    else if (argument == "--input-physical")    fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
+    else if (argument == "--disable-branch")                      fDisableAllBranchOption = true ;
-    else if (argument == "-IP")    fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
+    else if (argument == "--input-physical")                      fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
+    else if (argument == "-IP")                                   fInputPhysicalTreeOption = true ;
     //else ;
@@ -231,6 +236,7 @@ void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp()
   cout << "\t --detector -D <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the detector configuration file" << endl ;
   cout << "\t --event-generator -E <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the event generator file" << endl ;
   cout << "\t --output -O <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the Output File Name (output tree)" << endl ;
+  cout << "\t --verbose -V <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set the verbose level of some of the object, 0 for nothing, 1 for normal printout. Error and warning are not affected" << endl ;
   cout << endl << "NPAnalysis only:"<<endl;
   cout << "\t --run -R <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the run to read file list" << endl  ;
   cout << "\t --cal -C <arg>\t \t \t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the calibration file list" << endl ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
index 410ffd87d85dcb89ea9efbcbf8aecb201f38e4dc..440d8530e12e54ae272d4517bd17657d567799eb 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
@@ -84,12 +84,14 @@ class NPOptionManager
       string GetOutputFile()               {return fOutputFileName;}
       bool   GetDisableAllBranchOption()   {return fDisableAllBranchOption;}
       bool   GetInputPhysicalTreeOption()  {return fInputPhysicalTreeOption;}
+      int    GetVerboseLevel()             {return fVerboseLevel;}
       // Setters
-      void SetReactionFile(string name)   {fReactionFileName = name;}
-      void SetDetectorFile(string name)   {fDetectorFileName = name;}
-      void SetRunToReadFile(string name)  {fRunToReadFileName = name;}
+      void SetReactionFile(string name)       {fReactionFileName = name;}
+      void SetDetectorFile(string name)       {fDetectorFileName = name;}
+      void SetRunToReadFile(string name)      {fRunToReadFileName = name;}
+      void GetVerboseLevel(int VerboseLevel)  {fVerboseLevel = VerboseLevel;}
       // default values
       string fDefaultReactionFileName;
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ class NPOptionManager
       string fOutputFileName;
       bool   fDisableAllBranchOption;
       bool   fInputPhysicalTreeOption;
+      int    fVerboseLevel; // 0 for not talk, 1 for talking
diff --git a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.hh b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.hh
index b7895e025f719576193371e71e5b009394a13160..b4143e2463abf0cbb9851a149e5148fcc6ebee14 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.hh
+++ b/NPSimulation/include/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.hh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : January 2009                                             *
- * Last update    : January 2011                                             *
+ * Last update    : January 2013                                             *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body two body reaction.    *
@@ -49,19 +49,6 @@ class EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction : public VEventGenerator
       // Default constructor used to allocate memory
-      // This is the constructor to be used
-      EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction(string name1                  ,           // Beam nuclei
-            string name2                  ,        // Target nuclei
-            string name3                  ,        // Product of reaction
-            string name4                  ,        // Product of reaction
-            double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-            double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-            bool   ShootLight             ,
-            bool   ShootHeavy             ,
-            string Path,
-            double CSThetaMin,
-            double CSThetaMax);                          // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
       // Default Destructor
       virtual ~EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction();
@@ -84,8 +71,6 @@ class EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction : public VEventGenerator
    private: // Reaction and CrossSection Shoot
       Reaction* m_Reaction;
-      G4double  m_HalfOpenAngleMin;  // Min Half open angle of the source
-      G4double  m_HalfOpenAngleMax;  // Max Half open angle of the source
    private: // Beam Parameters
@@ -94,18 +79,6 @@ class EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction : public VEventGenerator
       // Other methods
       void Print() const;
       void InitializeRootOutput();
-      void SetEverything(string name1                     ,         // Beam nuclei
-                         string name2                     ,        // Target nuclei
-                         string name3                     ,        // Product of reaction
-                         string name4                     ,        // Product of reaction
-                         double ExcitationEnergyLight     ,        // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-                         double ExcitationEnergyHeavy     ,        // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-                         bool   ShootLight                ,
-                         bool   ShootHeavy                ,
-                         string Path,
-                         double CSThetaMin,
-                         double CSThetaMax);                             // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.cc b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.cc
index 4d11ea980dcfecc3516769e10fc64a65a751673d..c71dd490707ebcd5aeb18a0ec1d7c36ac40394eb 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction.cc
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr       *
  *                                                                           *
  * Creation Date  : January 2009                                             *
- * Last update    : January 2011                                             *
+ * Last update    : January 2013                                             *
  * Decription:                                                               *
  *  This event Generator is used to simulated two body two body reaction.    *
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
  *    + 23/01/2013: Class change name (ild name EventGeneratorTransfert)     *
  *                  (A. MATTA)                                               *
  *                                                                           *
- *                                                                           *
 // C++ headers
 #include <iostream>
@@ -52,9 +51,7 @@ EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction()
 :  m_ShootLight(0),
-m_Reaction(new Reaction),
+m_Reaction(new Reaction)
   //------------- Default Constructor -------------
   m_ParticleStack= ParticleStack::getInstance();
@@ -75,32 +72,6 @@ EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::~EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction(){
   delete m_Reaction;
-EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction(  string name1                  ,  // Beam nuclei
-                                                             string name2                  ,  // Target nuclei
-                                                             string name3                  ,  // Product of reaction
-                                                             string name4                  ,  // Product of reaction
-                                                             double ExcitationEnergyLight  ,  // Excitation of Light Nuclei
-                                                             double ExcitationEnergyHeavy  ,  // Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-                                                             bool   ShootLight             ,
-                                                             bool   ShootHeavy             ,
-                                                             string Path                   ,
-                                                             double CSThetaMin             ,
-                                                             double CSThetaMax)  // Path of the differentiel Cross Section
-  SetEverything(   name1,
-                name2,
-                name3,
-                name4,
-                ExcitationEnergyLight,
-                ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
-                ShootLight,
-                ShootHeavy,
-                Path,
-                CSThetaMin,
-                CSThetaMax);
 void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::InitializeRootOutput(){
@@ -121,162 +92,11 @@ void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::Print() const{
 void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::ReadConfiguration(string Path, int dump){
   dump = 0 ;
-  ////////General Reading needs////////
-  string LineBuffer;
-  string DataBuffer;
-  ////////Reaction Setting needs///////
-  string Beam, Target, Heavy, Light, CrossSectionPath ;
-  G4double ExcitationEnergyLight = 0, ExcitationEnergyHeavy = 0;
-  G4double CSHalfOpenAngleMin = 0, CSHalfOpenAngleMax = 180;
-  bool  ShootLight = false ;
-  bool  ShootHeavy = false ;
-  bool ReadingStatus = false ;
-  bool check_Beam = false ;
-  bool check_Target = false ;
-  bool check_Light = false ;
-  bool check_Heavy = false ;
-  bool check_ExcitationEnergyLight = false ;
-  bool check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = false ;
-  bool check_CrossSectionPath = false ;
-  bool check_ShootLight = false ;
-  bool check_ShootHeavy = false ;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  ifstream ReactionFile;
-  ReactionFile.open(Path.c_str());
-  if (ReactionFile.is_open()) {} else {
-    return;
-  }
+  m_Reaction->ReadConfigurationFile(Path);
-  while (!ReactionFile.eof()) {
-    //Pick-up next line
-    getline(ReactionFile, LineBuffer);
-    if (LineBuffer.compare(0, 15, "TwoBodyReaction") == 0) {
-      ReadingStatus = true ;
-      G4cout << "////////// Two Body Reaction found ///////////" << G4endl;
-    }
-    while(ReadingStatus){
-      ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-      //Search for comment Symbol %
-      if (DataBuffer.compare(0, 1, "%") == 0) {   ReactionFile.ignore ( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );}
-      else if (DataBuffer=="Beam=") {
-        check_Beam = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        Beam = DataBuffer;
-        m_BeamName = m_ParticleStack->ChangeNameToG4Standard(m_BeamName);
-        G4cout << "Beam " << Beam << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if (DataBuffer=="Target=") {
-        check_Target = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        Target = DataBuffer;
-        G4cout << "Target " << Target << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if (DataBuffer=="Light=") {
-        check_Light = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        Light = DataBuffer;
-        G4cout << "Light " << Light << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="Heavy=") {
-        check_Heavy = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        Heavy = DataBuffer;
-        G4cout << "Heavy " << Heavy << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy3=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyLight=") {
-        check_ExcitationEnergyLight = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        ExcitationEnergyLight = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-        G4cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 3: " << ExcitationEnergyLight / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergy4=" || DataBuffer=="ExcitationEnergyHeavy=") {
-        check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        ExcitationEnergyHeavy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * MeV;
-        G4cout << "Excitation Energy Nuclei 4: " << ExcitationEnergyHeavy / MeV << " MeV" << G4endl;
-      }
+  m_ShootLight = m_Reaction->GetShoot3();
+  m_ShootHeavy = m_Reaction->GetShoot4();;
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="CrossSectionPath=") {
-        check_CrossSectionPath = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> CrossSectionPath;
-        G4cout << "Cross Section File: " << CrossSectionPath << G4endl ;
-      }
-      else if (DataBuffer=="HalfOpenAngleMin=") {
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        CSHalfOpenAngleMin = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMin " << CSHalfOpenAngleMin / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if (DataBuffer=="HalfOpenAngleMax=") {
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        CSHalfOpenAngleMax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) * deg;
-        G4cout << "HalfOpenAngleMax " << CSHalfOpenAngleMax / deg << " degree" << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="ShootLight=") {
-        check_ShootLight = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootLight = true ;
-        if (ShootLight)    G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-        else           G4cout << "Shoot Light particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-      }
-      else if  (DataBuffer=="ShootHeavy=") {
-        check_ShootHeavy = true ;
-        ReactionFile >> DataBuffer;
-        if (atof(DataBuffer.c_str()) == 1) ShootHeavy = true ;
-        if (ShootHeavy)    G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : yes" << G4endl;
-        else           G4cout << "Shoot Heavy particle      : no"  << G4endl;
-      }
-      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //   If no Transfert Token and no comment, toggle out
-      else
-          {ReadingStatus = false; G4cout << "WARNING : Wrong Token Sequence: Getting out " << G4endl ;}
-      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      //   If all Token found toggle out
-      if(check_Beam && check_Target && check_Light && check_Heavy && check_ExcitationEnergyLight && check_ExcitationEnergyHeavy
-        && check_CrossSectionPath && check_ShootLight && check_ShootHeavy){
-        ReadingStatus = false ;
-        G4cout << "////////////////////////////////" << G4endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  SetEverything( Beam,
-                Target,
-                Light,
-                Heavy,
-                ExcitationEnergyLight,
-                ExcitationEnergyHeavy,
-                ShootLight,
-                ShootHeavy,
-                CrossSectionPath,
-                CSHalfOpenAngleMin/deg,
-                CSHalfOpenAngleMax/deg);
-  ReactionFile.close();
@@ -289,7 +109,7 @@ void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent){
     G4int LightAx = m_Reaction->GetNucleus3()->GetA();
     if (m_Target != 0) {
-      //m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZx,LightAx, 0.) ,0, 1*GeV);
+      m_Target->WriteDEDXTable(G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIon(LightZx,LightAx, 0.) ,0, 2*m_Reaction->GetBeamEnergy());
@@ -407,25 +227,3 @@ void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::GenerateEvent(G4Event* anEvent){
   //Add the particle to the particle stack
-void EventGeneratorTwoBodyReaction::SetEverything(string name1,                // Beam nuclei
-                                                  string name2,                // Target nuclei
-                                                  string name3,                // Product of reaction
-                                                  string name4,                // Product of reaction
-                                                  double ExcitationEnergyLight,// Excitation of Light Nuclei
-                                                  double ExcitationEnergyHeavy,// Excitation of Heavy Nuclei
-                                                  bool   ShootLight,
-                                                  bool   ShootHeavy,
-                                                  string Path,
-                                                  double CSThetaMin,
-                                                  double CSThetaMax)
-  m_Reaction = new Reaction(name1, name2, name3, name4, 0,ExcitationEnergyLight, ExcitationEnergyHeavy, Path, CSThetaMin, CSThetaMax);
-  m_ShootLight       = ShootLight;
-  m_ShootHeavy       = ShootHeavy;
-  m_HalfOpenAngleMin = CSThetaMin;
-  m_HalfOpenAngleMax = CSThetaMax;