diff --git a/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.cxx b/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.cxx
index 12ee9b6fbf18f349f4fbd1855f5d80f2a0ff705f..c349e028825c042a874cdc407e2b3dc445b54578 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.cxx
+++ b/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.cxx
@@ -1,78 +1,545 @@
 #include "Analysis.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-   // command line parsing
-   NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
-   // Instantiate RootInput
-   string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
-   RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName);
-   // if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
-   if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
-      string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
-      myOptionManager->SetDetectorFile(name);
-   }
-   // get input files from NPOptionManager
-   string detectorfileName    = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
-   string calibrationfileName = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
-   string OutputfileName      = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
-   // Instantiate RootOutput
-   RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/"+OutputfileName, "AnalysedTree");
-   // Instantiate the detector using a file
-   NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager();
-   myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
-   double EGammaDC[4];
-   RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("EGammaDC",             &EGammaDC,             "EGammaDC[4]/D");
-   float beta=0.17;
-   // Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
-   TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
-   // Get number of events to treat
-   cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
-   int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
-   cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
-   clock_t begin = clock();
-   clock_t end = begin;
-   // main loop on entries
-   for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
-      if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
-         cout.precision(5);
-         end = clock();
-         double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-         double percent = (double)i/nentries;
-         double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
-         cout  << "                                                                                                "<< flush;
-         cout  << "\r Progression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" <<  TimeToWait <<"s"<< flush;
-      }
-      else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
-      // get data
-      Chain -> GetEntry(i);
-      myDetector->ClearEventPhysics();
-      myDetector->BuildPhysicalEvent();
-      /************************************************
-      Put your code here
-      ************************************************/
-      RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill();
-   }
-   cout << "A total of " << nentries << " event has been annalysed " << endl ;
-   RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
-   RootInput::getInstance()->Destroy();
-   NPOptionManager::getInstance()->Destroy();
-   return 0 ;
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+	// command line parsing
+	NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
+	// Instantiate RootInput
+	string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
+	RootInput:: getInstance("RunToTreat.txt");
+	// Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
+	TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain();
+	// if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
+	if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
+		string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
+		myOptionManager->SetDetectorFile(name);
+	}
+	// get input files from NPOptionManager
+	string detectorfileName    = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
+	string reactionfileName    =  myOptionManager->GetReactionFile();
+	// string calibrationfileName = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
+	string OutputfileName      = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
+	// Instantiate RootOutput
+	RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/"+OutputfileName, "AnalysedTree");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetFile()->SetCompressionLevel(0);
+	// Instantiate the detector using a file
+	NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager();
+	myDetector->ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName);
+	// Attach new branch
+	InitOutputBranch();
+	InitInputBranch();
+	// Instantiate the Reaction
+	NPL::Reaction* P30dpReaction = new Reaction ;
+	P30dpReaction -> ReadConfigurationFile(reactionfileName) ;
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Get pointer to the different detector
+	TTiaraHyballPhysics* TH  = (TTiaraHyballPhysics*) myDetector -> GetDetector("TiaraHyball");
+  TTiaraBarrelPhysics* TB  = (TTiaraBarrelPhysics*) myDetector -> GetDetector("TiaraBarrel");
+	// intermediate variable
+	//TRandom3 Rand = TRandom3();
+  TRandom *Rand = new TRandom3();
+	double ThetaNormalTarget = 0 ;
+	double ThetaTHSurface = 0;
+  double ThetaTBSurface = 0;
+	double Si_E_TH = 0 ;
+  double Si_E_TB = 0 ;
+	double Energy = 0;
+	double TargetThickness = myDetector->GetTargetThickness()*micrometer;
+  double XTarget = 0;
+	double YTarget =0;
+	TVector3 BeamDirection = TVector3(0,0,1);
+	// Get number of events to treat
+	cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
+	int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
+	cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
+	clock_t begin = clock();
+	clock_t end = begin;
+	cout.precision(5);
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// main loop on entries
+	for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
+		if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0)  {
+			cout.precision(5);
+			end = clock();
+			double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+			double percent = (double)i/nentries;
+			double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
+			cout  << "                                                      "<< flush;
+			cout  << "\r Progression:"
+				<< percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~"
+				<<  TimeToWait <<"s | Analysis Rate :"
+				<< (double) i/TimeElapsed << flush;
+		}
+		else if (i == nentries-1)  cout << "\r Progression:" << " 100% " <<endl;
+		// Get the raw data
+		Chain -> GetEntry(i);
+		// Clear previous event
+		myDetector->ClearEventPhysics();
+		// Build the current event
+		myDetector->BuildPhysicalEvent();
+		// Reinitiate calculated variable
+		ReInitValue();
+		// Beam energy is measured using F3 and F2 plastic TOF (time of flight)
+		double BeamEnergy = Rand->Gaus(Init->GetIncidentInitialKineticEnergy(),4.5);
+		BeamEnergy = P30_CD2.Slow(BeamEnergy,TargetThickness/2.,0);
+		P30dpReaction->SetBeamEnergy(BeamEnergy);
+		//////////////////////////// LOOP on TiaraHyball + SSSD Hit //////////////////
+		for(unsigned int countTiaraHyball = 0 ; countTiaraHyball < TH->Strip_E.size() ; countTiaraHyball++){
+			/************************************************/
+			//Part 0 : Get the useful Data
+			// TiaraHyball
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 1 : Impact Angle
+			ThetaTHSurface = 0;
+			ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
+			if(XTarget>-1000 && YTarget>-1000){
+				TVector3 BeamImpact(XTarget,YTarget,0);
+				TVector3 HitDirection = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball) - BeamImpact ;
+				ThetaLab = HitDirection.Angle( BeamDirection );
+				ThetaTHSurface = HitDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,-1) );
+				ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle( TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
+			}
+			else{
+				BeamDirection = TVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+				ThetaTHSurface    = -1000  ;
+				ThetaNormalTarget = -1000  ;
+			}
+			/************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 2 : Impact Energy
+			Energy = ELab = 0;
+			Si_E_TH = TH->Strip_E[countTiaraHyball];
+			Energy = Si_E_TH;
+			// Evaluate energy using the thickness 
+			ELab = proton_Al.EvaluateInitialEnergy( Energy ,0.4*micrometer , ThetaTHSurface); 
+			// Target Correction
+			ELab = proton_CD2.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab ,TargetThickness/2., ThetaNormalTarget); 
+			/************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 3 : Excitation Energy Calculation
+			Ex = P30dpReaction -> ReconstructRelativistic( ELab , ThetaLab );
+      int RingNumber = TH -> Strip_Ring[countTiaraHyball];
+      if(RingNumber==1){
+        Ring1Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==2){
+        Ring2Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==3){
+        Ring3Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==4){
+        Ring4Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==5){
+        Ring5Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==6){
+        Ring6Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==7){
+        Ring7Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==8){
+        Ring8Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==9){
+        Ring9Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==10){
+        Ring10Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==11){
+        Ring11Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==12){
+        Ring12Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==13){
+        Ring13Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==14){
+        Ring14Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==15){
+        Ring15Ex = Ex;
+        }
+      if(RingNumber==16){
+        Ring16Ex = Ex;
+        }
+		  /************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 4 : Theta CM Calculation
+			ThetaCM  = P30dpReaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab , ThetaLab)/deg;
+		  ThetaLab=ThetaLab/deg;
+     /************************************************/
+      /************************************************/
+      // Part 5a : Implementing impact matrix for the entire Hyball (all 6 wedges)
+      TVector3 ImpactPosition = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+      int DetectorNumber = TH -> DetectorNumber[countTiaraHyball];
+      ImpactMatrixCoordX = ImpactPosition.X();
+      ImpactMatrixCoordY = ImpactPosition.Y();
+      // Part 5b : Implementing impact matrix for each wedge in the Hyball individually
+      if(DetectorNumber==1){
+        TVector3 DetectorOnePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector1CoordX = DetectorOnePOI.X();
+        Detector1CoordY = DetectorOnePOI.Y();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==2){
+        TVector3 DetectorTwoPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector2CoordX = DetectorTwoPOI.X();
+        Detector2CoordY = DetectorTwoPOI.Y();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==3){
+        TVector3 DetectorThreePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector3CoordX = DetectorThreePOI.X();
+        Detector3CoordY = DetectorThreePOI.Y();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==4){
+        TVector3 DetectorFourPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector4CoordX = DetectorFourPOI.X();
+        Detector4CoordY = DetectorFourPOI.Y();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==5){
+        TVector3 DetectorFivePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector5CoordX = DetectorFivePOI.X();
+        Detector5CoordY = DetectorFivePOI.Y();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==6){
+        TVector3 DetectorSixPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball);
+        Detector6CoordX = DetectorSixPOI.X();
+        Detector6CoordY = DetectorSixPOI.Y();
+        }
+      /************************************************/
+      /************************************************/
+      // Part 6a : Implementing randomised position impact matrix for the entire Hyball (all 6 wedges)
+      TVector3 ImpactPositionR = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball); // gets the event's x, y and z coordinates and puts them into a vector entitled ImpactPositionR (for randomised)
+      ImpactPositionR.SetZ(0.0);
+      DetectorNumber = TH -> DetectorNumber[countTiaraHyball];
+      double R = ImpactPositionR.Mag();
+      double Theta = ImpactPositionR.Theta(); // defines Theta, the inclination coordinate in a spherical coordinate system
+      double Phi = ImpactPositionR.Phi(); // defines Phi, the azimuthal coordinate in a spherical coordinate system
+      double RandomNumber1 = Rand->Rndm();
+      double DeltaR = ((RandomNumber1 * 6.4)-3.2);
+      R = R + DeltaR; // randomises R within a given detector ring
+      double RandomNumber2 = Rand->Rndm();
+      double DeltaAngle = ((RandomNumber2 * 0.118682389)-0.0593411946);
+      Phi = Phi + DeltaAngle; // randomises Phi within a given detector sector
+      ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX = R*(sin(Theta))*(cos(Phi)); // defines the final randomised X coordinate by transforming the randomised spherical coordinates
+      ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY = R*(sin(Phi))*(sin(Theta)); // defines the final randomised Y coordinate by transforming the randomised spherical coordinates
+      // Part 6b : Implementing randomised position impact matrix for each wedge in the Hyball individually
+      if(DetectorNumber==1){
+        Detector1RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector1RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==2){
+        Detector2RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector2RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==3){
+        Detector3RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector3RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        } 
+      if(DetectorNumber==4){
+        Detector4RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector4RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==5){
+        Detector5RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector5RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==6){
+        Detector6RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector6RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      /************************************************/
+		} // end loop TiaraHyball*/
+		//////////////////////////// LOOP on TiaraBarrel //////////////////
+		for(unsigned int countTiaraBarrel = 0 ; countTiaraBarrel < TB->Strip_E.size() ; countTiaraBarrel++){
+			/************************************************/
+			//Part 0 : Get the useful Data
+      //TiaraBarrel
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 1 : Impact Angle
+			ThetaTBSurface = 0;
+			ThetaNormalTarget = 0;
+			if(XTarget>-1000 && YTarget>-1000){
+				TVector3 BeamImpact(XTarget,YTarget,0);
+				TVector3 HitDirection = TB -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel) - BeamImpact ;
+				ThetaLab = HitDirection.Angle( BeamDirection );
+				ThetaTBSurface = HitDirection.Angle(TVector3(0,0,-1) );
+				ThetaNormalTarget = HitDirection.Angle( TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
+			}
+			else{
+				BeamDirection = TVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
+				ThetaTBSurface    = -1000  ;
+				ThetaNormalTarget = -1000  ;
+			}
+			/************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 2 : Impact Energy
+			Energy = ELab = 0;
+			Si_E_TB = TB->Strip_E[countTiaraBarrel];
+			Energy = Si_E_TB;
+			// Evaluate energy using the thickness 
+			ELab = proton_Al.EvaluateInitialEnergy( Energy ,0.4*micrometer , ThetaTBSurface); 
+			// Target Correction
+			ELab = proton_CD2.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab ,TargetThickness/2., ThetaNormalTarget); // -> have I written these lines correctly? (they look different to the syntax used in Example1) Also, should this be the beam particle or the heavy projectile particle?
+			/************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 3 : Excitation Energy Calculation
+			Ex = P30dpReaction -> ReconstructRelativistic( ELab , ThetaLab );
+		  /************************************************/
+			/************************************************/
+			// Part 4 : Theta CM Calculation
+			ThetaCM  = P30dpReaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab , ThetaLab)/deg;
+		  ThetaLab=ThetaLab/deg;
+     /************************************************/      
+      /************************************************/
+      // Part 5a : Implementing impact matrix for the Tiara Barrel (all 8 detecting strips)
+      TVector3 ImpactPositionB = TB -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+//      int xcheck = ImpactPositionB.X();
+//      cout << "event x value is " << xcheck << endl;
+//      int StripNumberB = TB -> Strip_N[countTiaraBarrel];
+//      cout << "Barrel resistive strip number is " << StripNumberB << endl;
+      int DetectorNumberB = TB -> DetectorNumber[countTiaraBarrel];
+//      cout << "Barrel detector number is " << DetectorNumberB << endl;
+//      cout << "" << endl;
+      ImpactMatrixBCoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+      ImpactMatrixBCoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+      // Part 5b : Implementing impact matrix for each wedge in the Hyball individually
+      if(DetectorNumberB==1){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripOnePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip1CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip1CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==2){
+//       TVector3 BarrelStripTwoPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip2CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip2CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==3){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripThreePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip3CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip3CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==4){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripFourPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip4CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip4CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==5){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripFivePOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip5CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip5CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==6){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripSixPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip6CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip6CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==7){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripSevenPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip7CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip7CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumberB==8){
+//        TVector3 BarrelStripEightPOI = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraBarrel);
+        BarrelStrip8CoordX = ImpactPositionB.X();
+        BarrelStrip8CoordZ = ImpactPositionB.Z();
+        }
+      /************************************************/
+      /************************************************/
+      // Part 6a : Implementing randomised position impact matrix for the entire Hyball (all 6 wedges)
+      /*TVector3 ImpactPositionR = TH -> GetPositionOfInteraction(countTiaraHyball); // gets the event's x, y and z coordinates and puts them into a vector entitled ImpactPositionR (for randomised)
+      ImpactPositionR.SetZ(0.0);
+      DetectorNumber = TH -> DetectorNumber[countTiaraHyball];
+      double R = ImpactPositionR.Mag();
+      double Theta = ImpactPositionR.Theta(); // defines Theta, the inclination coordinate in a spherical coordinate system
+      double Phi = ImpactPositionR.Phi(); // defines Phi, the azimuthal coordinate in a spherical coordinate system
+      double RandomNumber1 = Rand->Rndm();
+      double DeltaR = ((RandomNumber1 * 6.4)-3.2);
+      R = R + DeltaR; // randomises R within a given detector ring
+      double RandomNumber2 = Rand->Rndm();
+      double DeltaAngle = ((RandomNumber2 * 0.118682389)-0.0593411946);
+      Phi = Phi + DeltaAngle; // randomises Phi within a given detector sector
+      ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX = R*(sin(Theta))*(cos(Phi)); // defines the final randomised X coordinate by transforming the randomised spherical coordinates
+      ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY = R*(sin(Phi))*(sin(Theta)); // defines the final randomised Y coordinate by transforming the randomised spherical coordinates
+      // Part 6b : Implementing randomised position impact matrix for each wedge in the Hyball individually
+      if(DetectorNumber==1){
+        Detector1RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector1RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==2){
+        Detector2RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector2RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==3){
+        Detector3RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector3RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        } 
+      if(DetectorNumber==4){
+        Detector4RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector4RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==5){
+        Detector5RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector5RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      if(DetectorNumber==6){
+        Detector6RandomCoordX = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+        Detector6RandomCoordY = ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+        }
+      */
+      /************************************************/
+		} // end loop TiaraBarrel
+		if(ELab>0)
+			RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill();
+	} // loop over events
+	cout << "A total of " << nentries << " event has been analysed " <<endl ;
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->Destroy();
+	RootInput::getInstance()->Destroy();
+	NPOptionManager::getInstance()->Destroy();
+	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	return 0 ;
+void InitOutputBranch() {
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ex",&Ex,"Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring1Ex",&Ring1Ex,"Ring1Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring2Ex",&Ring2Ex,"Ring2Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring3Ex",&Ring3Ex,"Ring3Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring4Ex",&Ring4Ex,"Ring4Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring5Ex",&Ring5Ex,"Ring5Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring6Ex",&Ring6Ex,"Ring6Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring7Ex",&Ring7Ex,"Ring7Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring8Ex",&Ring8Ex,"Ring8Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring9Ex",&Ring9Ex,"Ring9Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring10Ex",&Ring10Ex,"Ring10Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring11Ex",&Ring11Ex,"Ring11Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring12Ex",&Ring12Ex,"Ring12Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring13Ex",&Ring13Ex,"Ring13Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring14Ex",&Ring14Ex,"Ring14Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring15Ex",&Ring15Ex,"Ring15Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Ring16Ex",&Ring16Ex,"Ring16Ex/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ELab",&ELab,"ELab/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaLab",&ThetaLab,"ThetaLab/D");
+	RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaCM",&ThetaCM,"ThetaCM/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixCoordX",&ImpactMatrixCoordX,"ImpactMatrixCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixCoordY",&ImpactMatrixCoordY,"ImpactMatrixCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector1CoordX",&Detector1CoordX,"Detector1CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector1CoordY",&Detector1CoordY,"Detector1CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector2CoordX",&Detector2CoordX,"Detector2CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector2CoordY",&Detector2CoordY,"Detector2CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector3CoordX",&Detector3CoordX,"Detector3CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector3CoordY",&Detector3CoordY,"Detector3CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector4CoordX",&Detector4CoordX,"Detector4CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector4CoordY",&Detector4CoordY,"Detector4CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector5CoordX",&Detector5CoordX,"Detector5CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector5CoordY",&Detector5CoordY,"Detector5CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector6CoordX",&Detector6CoordX,"Detector6CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector6CoordY",&Detector6CoordY,"Detector6CoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX",&ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX,"ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY",&ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY,"ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector1RandomCoordX",&Detector1RandomCoordX,"Detector1RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector1RandomCoordY",&Detector1RandomCoordY,"Detector1RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector2RandomCoordX",&Detector2RandomCoordX,"Detector2RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector2RandomCoordY",&Detector2RandomCoordY,"Detector2RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector3RandomCoordX",&Detector3RandomCoordX,"Detector3RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector3RandomCoordY",&Detector3RandomCoordY,"Detector3RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector4RandomCoordX",&Detector4RandomCoordX,"Detector4RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector4RandomCoordY",&Detector4RandomCoordY,"Detector4RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector5RandomCoordX",&Detector5RandomCoordX,"Detector5RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector5RandomCoordY",&Detector5RandomCoordY,"Detector5RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector6RandomCoordX",&Detector6RandomCoordX,"Detector6RandomCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Detector6RandomCoordY",&Detector6RandomCoordY,"Detector6RandomCoordY/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixBCoordX",&ImpactMatrixBCoordX,"ImpactMatrixBCoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ImpactMatrixBCoordZ",&ImpactMatrixBCoordZ,"ImpactMatrixBCoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip1CoordX",&BarrelStrip1CoordX,"BarrelStrip1CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip1CoordZ",&BarrelStrip1CoordZ,"BarrelStrip1CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip2CoordX",&BarrelStrip2CoordX,"BarrelStrip2CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip2CoordZ",&BarrelStrip2CoordZ,"BarrelStrip2CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip3CoordX",&BarrelStrip3CoordX,"BarrelStrip3CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip3CoordZ",&BarrelStrip3CoordZ,"BarrelStrip3CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip4CoordX",&BarrelStrip4CoordX,"BarrelStrip4CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip4CoordZ",&BarrelStrip4CoordZ,"BarrelStrip4CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip5CoordX",&BarrelStrip5CoordX,"BarrelStrip5CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip5CoordZ",&BarrelStrip5CoordZ,"BarrelStrip5CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip6CoordX",&BarrelStrip6CoordX,"BarrelStrip6CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip6CoordZ",&BarrelStrip6CoordZ,"BarrelStrip6CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip7CoordX",&BarrelStrip7CoordX,"BarrelStrip7CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip7CoordZ",&BarrelStrip7CoordZ,"BarrelStrip7CoordZ/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip8CoordX",&BarrelStrip8CoordX,"BarrelStrip8CoordX/D");
+  RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("BarrelStrip8CoordZ",&BarrelStrip8CoordZ,"BarrelStrip8CoordZ/D");
+void InitInputBranch(){
+	RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchAddress("InitialConditions",&Init );
+	RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("InitialConditions",true );
+	RootInput:: getInstance()->GetChain()->SetBranchStatus("fIC_*",true );
+void ReInitValue(){
+	Ex = -1000 ;
+	ELab = -1000;
+	ThetaLab = -1000;
+	ThetaCM = -1000;
diff --git a/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.h b/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.h
index d5ca8c305a8f3b7d788651234860e30edb569327..8ab72955d7329753094dc6552968f8a59ca014aa 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.h
+++ b/NPAnalysis/TAMU/Analysis.h
@@ -5,10 +5,17 @@
 // -------------------------------------- VARIOUS INCLUDE ---------------------------------------
-// NPA
+// NPL
 #include "DetectorManager.h"
 #include "NPOptionManager.h"
+#include "NPReaction.h"
+#include "RootInput.h"
+#include "RootOutput.h"
+#include "TTiaraHyballPhysics.h"
+#include "TTiaraBarrelPhysics.h"
+#include "TInitialConditions.h"
+#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
+using namespace NPL ;
 // STL C++
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
@@ -16,107 +23,124 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <cstdlib>
+using namespace std;
 // ROOT
 #include <TROOT.h>
 #include <TChain.h>
 #include <TFile.h>
-#include <TLeaf.h>
 #include <TVector3.h>
-#include <TRandom.h>
-// NPL
-#include "RootInput.h"
-#include "RootOutput.h"
-#include "NPReaction.h"
-#include "TInitialConditions.h"
-#include "TPlasticData.h"
-#include "TMust2Data.h"
-#include "TMust2Physics.h"
-#include "TExogamPhysics.h"
-#include "TSSSDPhysics.h"
-#include "TPlasticPhysics.h"
-#include "GaspardTracker.h"
-// Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
-#include "NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
-#include "NPPhysicalConstants.h"
+#include <TRandom3.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include <TObject.h>
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B) ;
+void InitOutputBranch() ;
+void InitInputBranch() ;
+void ReInitValue() ;
 // ----------------------------------- DOUBLE, INT, BOOL AND MORE -------------------------------
-namespace VARIABLE
-	{
-		//	Declare your Variable here:
-			double X1,Y1,Z1				;
-			int N1,N2 = 0				;
-			bool check= false			;
-		//	A Usefull Simple Random Generator
-			TRandom Rand;
-	}
+namespace VARIABLE{
+  double Ex;
+  double Ring1Ex;
+  double Ring2Ex;
+  double Ring3Ex;
+  double Ring4Ex;
+  double Ring5Ex;
+  double Ring6Ex;
+  double Ring7Ex;
+  double Ring8Ex;
+  double Ring9Ex;
+  double Ring10Ex;
+  double Ring11Ex;
+  double Ring12Ex;
+  double Ring13Ex;
+  double Ring14Ex;
+  double Ring15Ex;
+  double Ring16Ex;
+  double ELab;
+  double ThetaLab;
+  double ThetaCM;
+  double ImpactMatrixCoordX;
+  double ImpactMatrixCoordY;
+  double Detector1CoordX;
+  double Detector1CoordY;
+  double Detector2CoordX;
+  double Detector2CoordY;
+  double Detector3CoordX;
+  double Detector3CoordY;
+  double Detector4CoordX;
+  double Detector4CoordY;
+  double Detector5CoordX;
+  double Detector5CoordY;
+  double Detector6CoordX;
+  double Detector6CoordY;
+  TVector3 DetectorOnePOI;
+  TVector3 DetectorTwoPOI;
+  TVector3 DetectorThreePOI;
+  TVector3 DetectorFourPOI;
+  TVector3 DetectorFivePOI;
+  TVector3 DetectorSixPOI;
+  double BarrelStrip1CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip1CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip2CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip2CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip3CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip3CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip4CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip4CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip5CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip5CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip6CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip6CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip7CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip7CoordZ;
+  double BarrelStrip8CoordX;
+  double BarrelStrip8CoordZ;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripOnePOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripTwoPOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripThreePOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripFourPOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripFivePOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripSixPOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripSevenPOI;
+  TVector3 BarrelStripEightPOI;
+  double ImpactMatrixCoordRandomX;
+  double ImpactMatrixCoordRandomY;
+  double Detector1RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector1RandomCoordY;
+  double Detector2RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector2RandomCoordY;
+  double Detector3RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector3RandomCoordY;
+  double Detector4RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector4RandomCoordY;
+  double Detector5RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector5RandomCoordY;
+  double Detector6RandomCoordX;
+  double Detector6RandomCoordY;
+  TVector3 DetectorOnePOIR;
+  TVector3 DetectorTwoPOIR;
+  TVector3 DetectorThreePOIR;
+  TVector3 DetectorFourPOIR;
+  TVector3 DetectorFivePOIR;
+  TVector3 DetectorSixPOIR;
+  double ImpactMatrixBCoordX;
+  double ImpactMatrixBCoordZ;  
+  TInitialConditions* Init = new TInitialConditions();
 using namespace VARIABLE ;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------GRAPH------------------------------------------------------
-#include <TObject.h>
-#include <TH1.h>
-#include <TH1F.h>
-#include <TH2.h>
-#include <TH2F.h>
-#include <TGraph2D.h>
-namespace GRAPH
-	{
-		//	Declare your Spectra here:
-			TH1F *myHist1D = new TH1F("Hist1D","Histogramm 1D ; x ; count", 1000 , -5 , 5 )					;
-			TH2F *myHist2D = new TH2F("Hist2D","Histogramm 2D ; x ; y ", 128 , 1 , 128 , 128 , 1 , 128 )	;
-	}
-using namespace GRAPH ;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------CUT------------------------------------------------------
-#include <TCutG.h>
-namespace CUT
-	{
-		//	Declare your Cut here:
-	}
-using namespace CUT ;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -----------------------------------ENERGY LOSS----------------------------------------------
-#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
-using namespace NPL ;
-namespace ENERGYLOSS
-	{
-		//	Declare your Energy loss here	:
-	/*		EnergyLoss ProtonTarget = EnergyLoss 	(	"CD2.txt" 	,
-														100 		,
-														1,
-														1			);
-	*/
-	}
+namespace ENERGYLOSS{
+  //	Energy loss table: the G4Table are generated by the simulation
+  EnergyLoss proton_CD2 = EnergyLoss("proton_CD2.G4table","G4Table",100 );
+  EnergyLoss proton_Al = EnergyLoss("proton_Al.G4table","G4Table",10);
+  EnergyLoss proton_Si = EnergyLoss("proton_Si.G4table","G4Table",10);
+  EnergyLoss P30_CD2 = EnergyLoss("P30[0.0]_CD2.G4table","G4Table",100);
 using namespace ENERGYLOSS ;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.cxx
index 453e8c9a1487a567ab9174ab2930ea2cb7683909..4c5bd042caf786a6a12e0918c26894a0640f2908 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.cxx
@@ -589,8 +589,8 @@ void TTiaraHyballPhysics::AddWedgeDetector( double R,double Phi,double Z){
   double Wedge_R_Min = 32.6+R;
   double Wedge_R_Max = 135.1+R;
-  double Wedge_Phi_Min = -27.2*deg/rad  ;
-  double Wedge_Phi_Max = 27.2*deg/rad ;
+  double Wedge_Phi_Min = -27.2*deg/rad;
+  double Wedge_Phi_Max = 27.2*deg/rad;
   Phi= Phi*deg/rad;
   int Wedge_Ring_NumberOfStrip = 16 ;
@@ -643,10 +643,17 @@ TVector3 TTiaraHyballPhysics::GetDetectorNormal( const int i) const{
+//double TTiaraHyballPhysics::GetNumberOfDetector(const int i) const{
+//  double DetectorNumber = double ( GetDetectorNumber() );
+//  return(DetectorNumber) ;
 TVector3 TTiaraHyballPhysics::GetPositionOfInteraction(const int i) const{
   TVector3 Position = TVector3 ( GetStripPositionX(DetectorNumber[i],Strip_Ring[i],Strip_Sector[i] )    ,
       GetStripPositionY( DetectorNumber[i],Strip_Ring[i],Strip_Sector[i] )    ,
-      GetStripPositionZ( DetectorNumber[i],Strip_Ring[i],Strip_Sector[i] )    ) ;
+      GetStripPositionZ( DetectorNumber[i],Strip_Ring[i],Strip_Sector[i] ) ) ;
   return(Position) ;
diff --git a/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.h b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.h
index d8b0b9c2fcb529b63e8a750915f7d629a27dda59..9aa797e81f002f3db66d2bde8781fd30ffc8a0ad 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.h
+++ b/NPLib/Tiara/TTiaraHyballPhysics.h
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class TTiaraHyballPhysics : public TObject, public NPA::VDetector{
     double GetStripPositionY( const int N , const int Ring , const int Sector )   const{ return m_StripPositionY[N-1][Ring-1][Sector-1] ; }  ;
     double GetStripPositionZ( const int N , const int Ring , const int Sector )   const{ return m_StripPositionZ[N-1][Ring-1][Sector-1] ; }  ;
-    double GetNumberOfDetector() const { return m_NumberOfDetector; };
+//    double GetNumberOfDetector() const { return m_NumberOfDetector; };
     // To be called after a build Physical Event 
     int GetEventMultiplicity() const { return EventMultiplicity; };
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.cc b/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.cc
index 7970be9f452b25d68cbe060d4b63468d15eda8a1..8e6c4136309bd91031c4577abe185673eee8e1bf 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/Tiara/Tiara.cc
@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ void Tiara::ReadConfiguration(string Path){
       // Inner Barrel case
-      else if (DataBuffer=="TiaraOuterBarrel="){
+      else if (DataBuffer=="TiaraInnerBarrel="){
         if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "Inner Barrel found " << G4endl   ;
         ConfigFile >> m_boolInner;
       // Outter Barrel case
-      else if (DataBuffer=="TiaraInnerBarrel="){
+      else if (DataBuffer=="TiaraOuterBarrel="){
         if(VerboseLevel==1) G4cout << "Outer Barrel found " << G4endl   ;
         ConfigFile >> m_boolOuter;
@@ -269,6 +269,9 @@ void Tiara::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* event){
     // Front Energy
     double EF = RandGauss::shoot(Info[0],ResoEnergy);
+      int RingNumber=Info[8];
+      RingNumber=abs(RingNumber-17);                                                                                 //
+      Info[8]=RingNumber; 
diff --git a/NPSimulation/src/SiliconScorers.cc b/NPSimulation/src/SiliconScorers.cc
index d23e61dbda7cbef1a2fda63f8a7610767f63e906..f0f3604f1a2964890c86b280b11f4de954cf3621 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/src/SiliconScorers.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/src/SiliconScorers.cc
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@ G4bool PS_Silicon_Resistive::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*){
   m_Position = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(m_Position);
-  m_StripWidthNumber = (int)((m_Position.y() + m_StripPlaneWidth / 2.) / m_StripPitchWidth ) + 1  ;
-  m_StripWidthNumber = m_NumberOfStripWidth - m_StripWidthNumber + 1 ;
+  m_StripWidthNumber = (int)((m_Position.x() + m_StripPlaneWidth / 2.) / m_StripPitchWidth ) + 1  ;
+ // m_StripWidthNumber = m_NumberOfStripWidth - m_StripWidthNumber + 1 ;
   // The energy is divided in two depending on the position
   // position along the resistive strip
-  double P = (m_Position.x())/(0.5*m_StripPlaneLength);
+  double P = (m_Position.z())/(0.5*m_StripPlaneLength);
   // Upstream Energy
   EnergyAndTime[0] = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()*(1+P)*0.5;