diff --git a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
index c58c1c4d44fbf0d4d84ce522b5550c32d3c7d9dd..0ecb75fb46c4132d713e56b315180cc2fe24680e 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
+++ b/NPAnalysis/10He_Riken/src/Analysis.cc
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
 #include "ObjectManager.hh"
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
 using namespace std;
 int main(int argc,char** argv)
-	if(argc!=4) 
-		{
-			cout << 
-			"you need to specify both a Reaction file and a Detector file such as : Analysis 	myReaction.reaction myDetector.detector runToRead.run" 
-			<< endl;
-			return 0;
-		} 
+//	if(argc!=4) 
+//		{
+//			cout << 
+//			"you need to specify both a Reaction file and a Detector file such as : Analysis 	myReaction.reaction myDetector.detector runToRead.run" 
+//			<< endl;
+//			return 0;
+//		} 
+//	string detectorfileName 		= argv[1]	;
+//	string calibrationfileName 	= argv[2]	;
+//	string runToReadfileName 		= argv[3]	;
-	string detectorfileName 		= argv[1]	;
-	string calibrationfileName 	= argv[2]	;
-	string runToReadfileName 		= argv[3]	;
+	NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
+	string detectorfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetDetectorFilePath()	  ;
+	string calibrationfileName 	= myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFilePath()	;
+	string runToReadfileName 		= myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFilePath()    ;
 	//	First of All instantiate RootInput and Output
 	//	Detector will be attached later
diff --git a/NPLib/Makefile b/NPLib/Makefile
index df066bf01732dd87d54b0a49fd61a26281030d2a..2a608be0d967c64f5f8f1381c6b69edd08a4facf 100644
--- a/NPLib/Makefile
+++ b/NPLib/Makefile
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ INCLUDE		= -I$(CLHEP_BASE_DIR)/include
 SHARELIB      =	CalibManager Vdetec InputOutputRoot InitCond	InterCoord \
 		Must2All	GaspardData	AnnularS1Data PlasticData DummyDetectorData SSSDData\
-		Reaction	EnergyLoss	TagManager ParisData	ShieldData
+		Reaction	EnergyLoss TagManager OptionManager ParisData	ShieldData
 all:         $(SHARELIB)
 	rm -f ./include/*Dict.h
@@ -418,6 +418,13 @@ TagManager:
 ifeq ($(ARCH),macosx)
 		cd lib; ln -sf libTagManager.so libTagManager.dylib
+		make libOptionManager.so -C ./Tools
+		cp ./Tools/*.so ./lib ; cp ./Tools/*.h ./include
+ifeq ($(ARCH),macosx)
+		cd lib; ln -sf libOptionManager.so libOptionManager.dylib
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/Makefile b/NPLib/Tools/Makefile
index fea81d80e6f279a9f9964b9a8d9b106a7ac94dc1..1f724348fe42dfa23975538b7eb14db2d1381ded 100644
--- a/NPLib/Tools/Makefile
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/Makefile
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ GLIBS         = $(ROOTGLIBS) $(SYSLIBS)
-SHARELIB      = libReaction.so libEnergyLoss.so libTagManager.so
+SHARELIB      = libReaction.so libEnergyLoss.so libTagManager.so libOptionManager.so
 all:            $(SHARELIB)
@@ -288,12 +288,17 @@ libTagManager.so: NPTagManager.o NPTagManagerDict.o
 NPTagManagerDict.cxx: NPTagManager.h
 			rootcint -f $@ -c $^
+## OptionManager ##
+libOptionManager.so: NPOptionManager.o
+		$(LD) $(SOFLAGS) $^ $(OutPutOpt) $@
 # dependances
 NPReaction.o:NPReaction.cxx NPReaction.h
 NPNucleus.o: NPNucleus.cxx NPNucleus.h
 NPEnergyLoss.o:NPEnergyLoss.cxx NPEnergyLoss.h
 NPTagManager.o:NPTagManager.cxx NPTagManager.h
+NPOptionManager.o:NPOptionManager.cxx NPOptionManager.h
 ############# Clean and More ##########
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18cf752ae7786dd1b899c2c03c314dee549c1fcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: A. MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : 21/07/09                                                 *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription: This class is a singleton class which deals with input        *
+ * arguments of the different NPTool programm (NPS and NPA)                  *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment: The singleton form allow users to call the object from anywhere  *
+ * in the code                                                               *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "NPOptionManager.h"
+NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::instance = 0 ;
+NPOptionManager* NPOptionManager::getInstance(int argc,char** argv)
+  {
+    if( instance == 0 ) instance = new NPOptionManager(argc,argv);
+    return instance ;
+  }
+NPOptionManager::NPOptionManager(int argc,char** argv)
+  {
+    // Default Setting
+    fReactionFileName    = "myReaction.reaction"  ;
+    fDetectorFileName    = "myDetector.detector"  ;
+    fOutputFileName      = "myResult.root"        ;
+    fRunToReadFileName   = "RunToRead.txt"        ;
+    fCalibrationFileName = "Calibration.txt"      ; 
+    for (int i = 0 ; i < argc ; i++)
+      {
+        string argument = argv[i];
+        if(argument == "-H" || argument == "-h" || argument == "-help") 
+          DisplayHelp(); 
+        else if(argument == "-R" && argc>=i+1 )    fReactionFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+        else if(argument == "-C" && argc>=i+1 )    fDetectorFileName    = argv[i+1] ;
+        else if(argument == "-O" && argc>=i+1 )    fOutputFileName      = argv[i+1] ;
+        else if(argument == "-run" && argc>=i+1 )  fRunToReadFileName   = argv[i+1] ;
+        else if(argument == "-cal" && argc>=i+1 )  fCalibrationFileName = argv[i+1] ;
+        else ;
+      }
+  }
+void NPOptionManager::DisplayHelp()
+  {
+    cout << "----NPOptionManager Help----" << endl ;
+    cout << "List of Option " << endl ;
+    cout << "\t -C <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the detector configuration file" << endl ;
+    cout << "\t -cal <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the calibration file list" << endl ;
+    cout << "\t -H -h -help\t \t \t \t \t Display this help message" << endl ;
+    cout << "\t -O <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the Output File Name (output tree)" << endl ;
+    cout << "\t -run <arg>\t \t \t \t \t Set arg as the run to read file list" << endl  ;
+    cout << endl << endl ;  
+  }
diff --git a/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c638a3e4b2842aac107470fc0164a8a8bd11c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NPLib/Tools/NPOptionManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
+ * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Original Author: A. MATTA  contact address: matta@ipno.in2p3.fr *
+ *                                                                           *
+ * Creation Date  : 21/07/09                                                 *
+ * Last update    :                                                          *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Decription: This class is a singleton class which deals with input        *
+ * arguments of the different NPTool programm (NPS and NPA)                  *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+ * Comment: The singleton form allow users to call the object from anywhere  *
+ * in the code                                                               *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// STL headers
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+class NPOptionManager
+  {
+    public:
+       // The analysis class is designed to be a singleton (i.e. only one instance
+       // can exist). A member function called Instance is defined, which allows
+       // the user to get a pointer to the existing instance or to create it if
+       // it does not yet exist:
+       // (see the constructor for an explanation of the arguments)
+       static NPOptionManager* getInstance(int argc=0,char** argv=NULL);
+       // The analysis class instance can be deleted by calling the Destroy
+       // method (NOTE: The class destructor is protected, and can thus not be
+       // called directly):
+       static void Destroy();
+    protected:
+       // Constructor (protected)
+       NPOptionManager(int argc,char** argv);
+       // Destructor (protected)
+       ~NPOptionManager() {};
+       // Prevent copying
+       NPOptionManager(const NPOptionManager& only);
+       const NPOptionManager& operator=(const NPOptionManager& only);
+    private:
+       // The static instance of the NPOptionManager class:
+       static NPOptionManager* instance;
+    private:
+      void DisplayHelp();
+    public:
+      string GetReactionFilePath()    { return fReactionFileName    ; } ;
+      string GetDetectorFilePath()    { return fDetectorFileName    ; } ;
+      string GetRunToReadFilePath()   { return fRunToReadFileName   ; } ;
+      string GetCalibrationFilePath() { return fCalibrationFileName ; } ;
+      string GetOutputFilePath()      { return fOutputFileName      ; } ;
+    private:
+      string fReactionFileName    ;
+      string fDetectorFileName    ;
+      string fRunToReadFileName   ;
+      string fCalibrationFileName ;
+      string fOutputFileName      ;
+  };
diff --git a/NPLib/liblist b/NPLib/liblist
index 166329173f1d2f8d0c4666c1a4504fa0168c639d..a15ada49ab7f45fa317fc0613356c531843c0185 100755
--- a/NPLib/liblist
+++ b/NPLib/liblist
@@ -1,10 +1,25 @@
-echo  -L$NPLIB/lib -lVDetector -lDetectorManager -lCalibrationManager -lIORoot -lReaction -lEnergyLoss -lTagManager\
-			-lMust2Data -lMust2Physics \
-			-lSSSDData -lSSSDPhysics \
-			-lPlasticData -lPlasticPhysics \
-			-lAnnularS1Data \
-			-lGaspardData -lGaspardPhysics \
-			-lDUMMYDetectorData \
-			-lParisData -lParisPhysics\
-			-lShieldData -lShieldPhysics\
-			-lInitialConditions -lInteractionCoordinates
+echo -L/home/Adrien/Desktop/NPTool.dev/NPLib/lib \
+	 	 -lAnnularS1Data \
+	 	 -lCalibrationManager \
+	 	 -lDetectorManager \
+	 	 -lDUMMYDetectorData \
+	 	 -lEnergyLoss \
+	 	 -lGaspardData \
+	 	 -lGaspardPhysics \
+	 	 -lInitialConditions \
+	 	 -lInteractionCoordinates \
+	 	 -lIORoot \
+	 	 -lMust2Data \
+	 	 -lMust2Physics \
+	 	 -lParisData \
+	 	 -lParisPhysics \
+	 	 -lPlasticData \
+	 	 -lPlasticPhysics \
+	 	 -lReaction \
+	 	 -lShieldData \
+	 	 -lShieldPhysics \
+	 	 -lSSSDData \
+	 	 -lSSSDPhysics \
+	 	 -lTagManager \
+	 	 -lOptionManager \
+	 	 -lVDetector \