diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
index fb8561b3801bc692ef9a65e2d7a87cc1e5df16cc..1f4997855e22dfbaab5be5384053418ff181aa6d 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicData.h
@@ -29,30 +29,41 @@ using namespace std;
 // ROOT
 #include "TObject.h"
+class ElectronsStep{
+  private:
+    int num_electrons;
+    double t_creation;
+  public:
+    ElectronsStep(int n, double t) : num_electrons(n), t_creation(t){ }
+  ClassDef(ElectronsStep, 1)  // ROOT macro for dictionary
 class TEpicData : public TObject {
     // per TrackID
     struct EpicAnodeData {
-        int         TrackID;
-	      string      ParticleName;
-        UShort_t    AnodeNbr;
-        Double_t    Q1;
-        Double_t    Time;
-        // vector of {DEstep, DTstep} : 
-        // attention steps are modified to have a fix width along the z axis
-        std::vector<Double_t> DE;
-        std::vector<Double_t> DT; // DT=Ti-T0, with T0=Tfission or Tfirst_alpha
-        // Getters
-        int      GetTrackID() const { return TrackID; }
-        string   GetParticleName() const { return ParticleName; }
-        UShort_t GetAnodeNbr() const { return AnodeNbr; }
-        Double_t GetQ1() const { return Q1; }
-        Double_t GetTime() const { return Time; }
-        const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE() const { return DE; }
-        const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDT() const { return DT; }
+      int         TrackID;
+	    string      ParticleName;
+      UShort_t    AnodeNbr;
+      Double_t    Q1;
+      Double_t    Time;
+      vector<int>     n_electrons_step;
+      vector<double>  t_creation_step;
+      // Getters
+      int      GetTrackID() const { return TrackID; }
+      string   GetParticleName() const { return ParticleName; }
+      UShort_t GetAnodeNbr() const { return AnodeNbr; }
+      Double_t GetQ1() const { return Q1; }
+      Double_t GetTime() const { return Time; }
+      const vector<int>&    GetNumElectronsPerStep() const { return n_electrons_step; }
+      const vector<double>& GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep() const { return t_creation_step; }
@@ -84,8 +95,8 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
     //////////////////////    SETTERS    ////////////////////////
     void Set(const int& tid, const string& name, const UShort_t& n, const Double_t& q1,  const Double_t& t,
-             const std::vector<double>& de, const std::vector<double>& dt) {
-        fEpic_Data.push_back({tid, name, n, q1, t, de, dt});
+             const vector<int> num, const vector<double> t_creation) {
+        fEpic_Data.push_back({tid, name, n, q1, t, num, t_creation});
     const EpicAnodeData& operator[](const unsigned int& i) const {return fEpic_Data[i];}
@@ -96,10 +107,9 @@ class TEpicData : public TObject {
     UShort_t GetAnodeNbr(const unsigned short& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].AnodeNbr; }
     Double_t GetQ1(const unsigned int& i) const         { return fEpic_Data[i].Q1; }
     Double_t GetTime(const unsigned int& i) const       { return fEpic_Data[i].Time; }
-    const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDE(const unsigned int& i)  const { return fEpic_Data[i].DE; }
-    const std::vector<Double_t>& GetDT(const unsigned int& i)  const { return fEpic_Data[i].DT; }
-    int GetStepNumbers(const unsigned int& i) const { return fEpic_Data[i].DT.size();}
-   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    const vector<int>&    GetNumElectronsPerStep(const unsigned int& i)const { return fEpic_Data[i].n_electrons_step; }
+    const vector<double>& GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep(const unsigned int& i)const { return fEpic_Data[i].t_creation_step; }
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   // Required for ROOT dictionnary
   ClassDef(TEpicData,1)  // EpicData structure
diff --git a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
index 58bfd2de37c38ccea14049c89054dc77a6130643..db0806165c3cb239ab891d772f3347ba4ed52828 100644
--- a/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
+++ b/NPLib/Detectors/Epic/TEpicPhysics.cxx
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ void TEpicPhysics::PreTreat() {
                             AnodeNumber, Q1, Time,
-                            m_EventData->GetDE(i),
-                            m_EventData->GetDT(i));
+                            m_EventData->GetNumElectronsPerStep(i),
+                            m_EventData->GetTimeCreationElectronsPerStep(i));
diff --git a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
index 75896713dd4f85ab291eb7414b10cacfcc311e8a..3a8460312b88482b407fb1af354aad3eb99570b9 100644
--- a/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
+++ b/NPSimulation/Detectors/Epic/Epic.cc
@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
     	    vector<double> rebinned_de(num_bins, 0.0);
     	    vector<double> rebinned_dt(num_bins, 0.0); 
           vector<double> rebinned_mult(num_bins, 0.0);
+          vector<int>    mult_electrons_per_step(num_bins, 0.0);
           double bin_Limits[num_bins+1];
           for(int bin=0; bin<=num_bins; bin++) bin_Limits[bin] = m_Distance_AK*mm - bin * (25.*um);
@@ -604,7 +605,7 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
                 double weight = (dzmax-bin_Limits[bin+1])/(dzmax-dzmin);
                 rebinned_de[bin] += weight * de[step];   rebinned_de[bin+1] += (1.-weight) * de[step]; 
                 rebinned_dt[bin] += weight * dt[step];   rebinned_dt[bin+1] += (1.-weight) * dt[step];
-                rebinned_mult[bin] += weight ;              rebinned_mult[bin+1] += 1. - weight ;      
+                rebinned_mult[bin] += weight ;           rebinned_mult[bin+1] += 1. - weight ;      
@@ -614,6 +615,8 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
           rebinned_mult[num_bins-1] += 1.;
           for(int i=0; i<num_bins-1; i++){ 
             if(rebinned_mult[i]>0) rebinned_dt[i] = rebinned_dt[i] / rebinned_mult[i] ;
+            //// FIXME : replace 45. by the ionisation energy read in the configuration file
+            mult_electrons_per_step[i] = ceil(rebinned_de[i]/45.);
@@ -621,9 +624,12 @@ void Epic::ReadSensitive(const G4Event* ){
 		                   m_mapping_A[Anode],    // set anode number
                        influence_pertrackID,  // set Q1 FF or alpha only 
                        time_pertrackID,       // set Time
-                       rebinned_de, rebinned_dt);
+                       mult_electrons_per_step, 
+                       rebinned_dt);
+          rebinned_mult.clear();
+          mult_electrons_per_step.clear();
 	      trackID = step_trackID.at(j);
         name_pertrackID = step_name.at(j);