diff --git a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/RunToTreat.txt b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/RunToTreat.txt
index ec41825c3dea33e511fcc1b8844bc28ba76e701f..a2fe1f5f1e53e148eb86d7ec0bc249352c38583f 100644
--- a/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/RunToTreat.txt
+++ b/NPAnalysis/Gaspard/RunToTreat.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-%	../../Outputs/Simulation/mySimul.root
-	../../Outputs/Simulation/132Sndp_3p3_10MeVA_T0_B1_E0_S05mm.root
+	../../Outputs/Simulation/mySimul.root
+%	../../Outputs/Simulation/132Sndp_3p3_10MeVA_T0_B1_E0_S05mm.root
 %	../../Outputs/Simulation/134Snpt_1h9_10MeVA_T1_B1_E0_S05mm.root
diff --git a/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex b/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
index e486f4bc743e576454702cc44f370f8a31e6e8ae..67d4b1ac1206f1123b1d37ec0f044cbe49abbec8 100755
--- a/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
+++ b/NPDocumentation/Gaspard.tex
@@ -240,10 +240,35 @@ directory. For the moment the main feature is the reconstruction of the excitati
 \subsubsection{Running the analysis}
-******* to be documented *********
+To run NPAnalysis the following command line should be executed:
+   ./Analysis xxx.reaction yyy.detector RunToTreat.txt
+where xxx.reaction is the input file describing the event generator used in 
+NPSimulation and yyy.detector is the input file describing the detector geometry
+used in NPSimulation. All these input files are based on keywords and can be found 
+in the \$NPTool/Inputs subdirectories. The RunToTreat.txt file contains the
+name of the files (either from NPSimulation or from real experiment) which should
+be analysed. The name of the tree should also be specified. An example 
+of such a file is given here:
+   TTreeName
+           SimulatedTree
+   RootFileName
+   %       ../../Outputs/Simulation/mySimul.root
+           ../../Outputs/Simulation/132Sndp_3p3_10MeVA_T0_B1_E0_S05mm.root
+   %       ../../Outputs/Simulation/134Snpt_1h9_10MeVA_T1_B1_E0_S05mm.root
+\subsubsection{Results of the analysis}
+The results of the anaysis are stored in a ROOT file in the \$NPTool/Output/Analysis
+directory. For the moment the main feature available is the reconstructionof the 
+excitation energy.
-\subsubsection{Results the analysis}
-******* to be documented *********
 \subsubsection{Structure of the analysis}
 ******* to be documented *********